Mini Test Bank Environmental Economic and Natural Resources MCQ Questions
Mini Test Bank Environmental Economic and Natural Resources MCQ Questions
Mini Test Bank Environmental Economic and Natural Resources MCQ Questions
Environmental Economic
and Natural Resources
MCQ questions:-
1-Which of the following is a renewable resource?
a-Petroleum. b-biological species. c-mineral ore. d-soil fertility.
2-What is environmental economics?
a-The branch of economics that studies how environmental and natural
resources are developed and managed.
b – The branch of economics that show how to exploit natural
resources as quickly as possible.
c-The psychological study of relations hip between humans and
natural resources.
d-All above answers are correct.
3-Which of the following answers applies to renewable natural
a-Once the renewable natural resource is used , is gone forever.
b-Renewable resources can be replenished.
c-renewable resources are costly to extract.
d- renewable resources can be, harvested at any rate without
harming future supplies.
4- Which of the following answers is non-renewable natural resource?
a-Fish and cattle. b-Petroleum .
c-human resources. d-All answers are correct.
5-Why study environmental economics?
a-Studying environmental economics to bring harmony to the
economic system and the environment.
b- Studying environmental economics to bring harmony to the
economic system and political system.
c- Studying environmental economics to bring harmony to find
harmony with oneself.
d- Studying environmental economics to find harmony with other
6- When economists say a product has high cost for a good ,what does
this mean ?
a-Good is available in large quantities to the market.
b-A monopoly is supplying the good.
c- Demand is very high relative to supply.
d-All answers are correct.
7- Non-storable (or environmental resources) are characterized by all of that
c- sociology d- ecology
e- psychology
12- Natural capital includes all of the following except:
13- Using normally renewable resources faster than nature can renew them
is called
c- sustainability d- trade-offs
e-nonrenewable resource
15- Scientists estimate we could recycle and reuse what percentage of the
resources we now use?
d- 80-90% e- 90-100%
16- The annual market value of all goods and services produced by all
businesses, foreign and domestic, operating within a country is called
18- More developed countries, including the US, Japan, and most European
countries have ……… % of the world's population and use about ………%
d- 20.88 e- 33.68
21- The highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely
without reducing its available supply is called
e- degradation
d- salt e- sand
d- oil e- crops
e- alive
e- recycling
29- If everyone on earth consumed at the same current level as the average
citizens, we would need
e- all of these
36- The harmful effects of poverty are serious but those of affluence are
e- none of these
39- The idea that we should be responsible caring managers of the earth is
a- the planetary management worldview
a- They are internal in the sense that the firm or household must
explicitly take them into account.
b-They are costs borne by people other than those who commit
42- Refer to the figure below. It represents supply and demand for the Black
Ash Steel Company's output. The firm's plant belches large quantities of
smelly fumes and black ash into the air. Residents in the surrounding
area have higher medical bills as a result. If the firm is forced to pay the
full social cost of its production, what will occur?
Price per
Ton of Steel SA
d- Black Ash will increase its own output to cover the cost increase.
d- the level of output is too high, and the supply curve should shift to
the left to account for the externality.
45- Refer to the figure below. The marginal cost of pollution abatement is
a- (1). Marginal Benefits Costs
c- (3).
d- (4). (3)
reaching an agreement.
49- When there is a resource for which property rights are not well defined
and there is a difference between private costs and social costs, then all
but which of the following is a way to close the difference?
c- subsidization d- regulation
50- In a situation in which property rights are not well-defined and social
costs exceed private costs, government can use all of the following to
induce producers to bring private costs into alignment with social costs
53- Many ecologists argue that several species of whales are close to
extinction. If this is true, the reason is
57- In a very polluted river it costs $3 per kilogram to remove the first 80%
of the pollution. It costs $25 per kilogram to remove the last 20% of
pollutant. This phenomenon is correctly referred to as:
a- Some mature trees are left to provide shade for younger trees.
b- Only trees with commercial value are cut down.
c- A few mature trees are left to reseed the land after cutting.
d- All the commercially usable trees in an area are cut down.
e- Trees are planted between rows of other crops.
59- Repeated irrigation can cause which of the following?
f- Stalinization b- Waterlogging
c- Desertification d- Succession
a- Air b- Soil
62- Nations have over fished international water and have depleted many
commercially important fish species. This is a good example of which of
the following?
a- Public immunizations.
b- Increase of corporate taxes.
c- Issuing extra permits for pollution.
d- All answers above are correct.
76- One can view environmental regulations as a benefit for ….
77- Why did the pollution permits save an estimated $1 billion over
command and control regulation?
80- When government uses laws and regulations that dictate the standards
and technology used to reduce pollution, which approach is the
government using?
82- What is it called when government uses laws and regulations to dictate
the standards and/or technology to reduce pollution?
b. Pigouvian Taxes.
c. Command-and-control regulations (CAC)
d. Subsidy. d- Lawsuits.
83 Pollution include
e- All of these.
e- All of these.
88- Managing the earth's resources to ensure their quality and abundance
for future generable is known as
89- Charging polluter a fee for each until of pollution released is an example
90- A polluting source that cannot be identified accurately and degrades the
environment in a diffuse, indirect way is a
97-The area where all the living organisms interact with each-other and
their environment is--------------:-
99-Salinization is :-
a b
market market
------------------ ---------------------
B --T/F
1- Many causes and consequences of environmental degradation and
natural resource management are economic. True
2- Trade-off or opportunity cost means that something must be given up
to obtain something valued. True
3- Environmental economics - as an analytical subject – describes only
the state of the environment and changes in it. False
4- All nonrenewable resources can be saved. False
5- Depletion of natural resources is a result of the negative impact of
human economic activity on natural resources. True
6- Soil degradation does not affect the quality of air or water. False
7- Potential natural resources include those resources which are
discovered and in use and also those have not yet been discovered,
sufficiently explored or whose use is not economically justified. True
8- All developed countries where are living – 20% of the world
population use only less than 50% of all fossil fuel resources. False
9- Poverty existence is more likely to have a limited effect on
environmental degradation. False
10- Point sources means that pollutants that come from different,
identifiable source. False
11- While heavily dependent on the environment, we are not dependent
for everything we need to stay alive and healthy. False
12- Environmental science is a branch of environmentalism and has the
aim of protecting the earth's life-support systems. True
13- The three overarching themes relating to the long-tem sustainability of
life on this planet are solar energy, biodiversity, and energy cycling.
14- Natural services are functions of nature, such as purification of air and
water, which support life and human economics. True
15- Take away solar energy and all natural capital would collapse. True
16- If everyone on earth consumed at the rate of an average U. S. citizen,
the earth could only support about 5 billion of the 6.9 billion now
17- A drainpipe of a factory that is releasing a pollutant is an example of
nonpoint source of pollution. False
18- The Tragedy of the Commons refers to a lack of agricultural resources
available for the common (poor) people in a country. False
19- The amount of biologically productive land and water required to
supply the people in country with renewable resources and recycling
wastes and pollution is the ecological footprint. True
20- An environmental problem that is not addressed can continue to grow
until it reaches an often irreversible tippling point. True
21- Pollutants are all human-made; they can not enter the environmental
naturally. False
22- Pollution cleanup is usually the best way of dealing with the release of
a pollutant. False
23- The harmful environmental effects of poverty are much worse than
these of affluence. False
24- A basic cause of environmental problems results from the fact that
companies using resources have to pay for the cost of the harmful
environmental costs of supplying their products. False
25- The old lesson that you should "protect your capital and live on the
income it provides" applies to the use of the earth's natural capital as
well as financial resources. True
26- Residuals are by-products, or pollution, left in the environment after a
technological or natural process as occurred. True
27- An airplane is a point source of pollution. True
28- Runoff from urban streets is an example of nonpoint source pollution.
29- Concern for managing natural resources to ensure their quality and
abundance for future generations is called sustainable development.
30- Proponents of an environmentally adjusted measure of national
income believe that environmental pollution linked to production
should be recorded as a loss in the system of national accounts (SNA).
31- The economic criteria concerned with minimizing resource use to
achieve an objective is known as allocative efficiency. True
32- Setting an air quality is an example of a command and control
approach to improving the environment. False
33- A tax imposed on emissions is an example of the market approach to
pollution control. False
34-Environment science is a branch of environmentalism and has the aim
of protecting the earth’s life support system. False
35-Negative externalities are those externalities which sellers impose
upon third parties through their production activity. False
36-Environmental economics –as an analytical subject- describes
only the state of environment and changes in it. False
37-Setting an air quality is an example of a command – and – control
approach to improving environment. False
38Natural services are functions of nature ,such as purification of air
and water , which support life and human economics. True
39-Market failure provides a justification for government
intervention/action. True
40-Generally marginal private costs and benefits are equal to social
marginal costs and benefits. False
41-Value means the price of a good in economics. True
42-It is generally impossible to price a unit of public good. True
43-continued extraction of nonrenewable can be sustainable overtime if
managed properly. False
44-A living resource can be nonrenewable if the rate of harvest exceeds the
growth rate of the resource’s stock. False
45-It is more difficult to develop and administer control policies for point
source pollutants than if it is for nonpoint source pollutants. False
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