Teaching English Grammar: Mg. Evelyn Guillén Chávez

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Mg. Evelyn Guillén Chávez
There are two definitions of grammar according
to the Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical
• The systematic study and description of a
• A set of rules and examples dealing with the
syntax and word structures of a language,
usually intended as an aid to the learning of
that language.
• 1. Grammar is broad.
• 2. Grammar has no clear boundaries.
• 3. The KS3 Framework for English is based on grammar
• 4. Grammar is technical.
• 5. Grammar is only a part of 'knowledge about
• 6. Grammar provides tools for expressing meanings.
• 7. Every kind of English has a grammar.
• 9. English grammar is relevant to other languages.
• 10. Pupils should be taught the principles of sentence
grammar and whole-text cohesion and use this
knowledge in their writing.
 Grammar is broad
Grammar is not just syntax. It includes all of the
• Syntax, i.e. sentence structure, where we
distinguish subjects and objects, subordinate and
main clauses, and so on.
• Morphology, i.e. word structure, where we
recognise roots, suffixes, inflected words, and so
• Semantics, i.e. meaning - the things, people,
events and so on that we refer to when talking.
Grammar has no clear boundaries
It is meant to include any of the following:
• Vocabulary and 'word families'.
• Sound patterns in words and the phoneme-
grapheme correspondences of phonics.
• Intonation in speech and its effects on
 The KS3 Framework for English is
based on grammar
The KS3 Framework assumes a conceptual
structure based on grammar. It follows the
Primary Framework in dividing all the teaching
objectives into three 'levels':
• word level
• sentence level
• text level
Grammar is technical
• However we define grammar, it must include
the linguistic structures found in sentences
and inside words; so pupils must learn to
identify and talk about some of these
patterns. In short, they must learn about
grammatical analysis and the standard
terminology associated with it.
Grammar is only a part of
'knowledge about language'
• Language changes through time, varies from
place to place and is learned by our students.
• They should also be taught:
– that language changes;
– the sources and causes of linguistic change;
– how meanings are affected by choice of
vocabulary and structure;
– to apply their knowledge of language variety.
Grammar provides tools for
expressing meanings.
• English grammar consists of a vast collection
of patterns - ways of using and modifying
words - each of which is dedicated to
achieving some meaning or effect. For
"adjective + common noun" (e.g. tall man) -
the adjective modifies the meaning of the
common noun even when we say (an
interesting man).
Every kind of English has a
• Traditionally, grammar was associated with
standard English.
• In fact, every dialect has a grammar, in the
sense of a set of conventions which its
speakers follow, and which sometimes
distinguish insiders from outsiders.
 English grammar is relevant to
other languages
• English grammar shows many similarities to
other grammars; for example, the word
classes (noun, verb, and so on) of English are
very similar to the classes found in most other
languages - not surprisingly, perhaps, since we
inherited them from grammarians of Latin,
who in turn had inherited them from Greek.
 Pupils should be taught the principles of
sentence grammar and whole-text cohesion
and use this knowledge in their writing.

Pupils should be taught:

• the organising principles and structures of
• how they contribute to meaning and effect;
• how to use their knowledge of language
structures in their reading and writing.
• Descriptive grammar is the systematic study
and description of a language. Descriptive
grammar refers to the structure of a language
as it is actually used by speakers and writers.
• Prescriptive grammar is a set of rules and
examples dealing with the syntax and word
structures of a language, usually intended as
an aid to the learning of that language.
Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of
a language as certain people think it should be
• Descriptive grammar (definition #1) refers to
the structure of a language as it is actually
used by speakers and writers.
• Prescriptive grammar (definition #2) refers to
the structure of a language as certain people
think it should be used.
Why is grammar important?
• Grammar is important because :
• It is the language that makes it possible for us
to talk about language.
• Grammar names the types of words and word
groups that make up sentences not only in
English but in any language.
• Knowing about grammar also helps us
understand what makes sentences and
paragraphs clear and interesting and precise.

• Linguists are quick to remind us that there are

different varieties of grammar--that is,
different ways of describing and analyzing the
structures and functions of language.
• Comparative Grammar
The analysis and comparison of the
grammatical structures of related languages.
• Generative Grammar
The rules determining the structure and
interpretation of sentences that speakers
accept as belonging to the language.
• Mental Grammar
The generative grammar stored in the brain
that allows a speaker to produce language
that other speakers can understand.
• Pedagogical Grammar
Grammatical analysis and instruction designed
for second-language students.
• Performance Grammar
A description of the syntax of English as it is
actually used by speakers in dialogues.
• Reference Grammar
A description of the grammar of a language,
with explanations of the principles governing
the construction of words, phrases, clauses,
and sentences.
• Theoretical Grammar
The study of the essential components of any
human language.
• Traditional Grammar
The collection of prescriptive rules and
concepts about the structure of the language.
• Transformational Grammar
A theory of grammar that accounts for the
constructions of a language by linguistic
transformations and phrase structures.
• Universal Grammar
The system of categories, operations, and
principles shared by all human languages and
considered to be innate.

Grammar in a Communicative
• Even when functional communication could
take place without it, it is appropriate control
of the grammar that makes the forms of the
communication socially acceptable.
• Grammar enables speakers to talk about
things that are not present in the actual
situation where communication takes place.
In other words: it enables communication to
be decontextualised and to serve our human
need to look beyond the here-and-now.
• Grammar enables speakers to convey
messages that are more subtle and abstract
than would otherwise be possible. It thus
enables language to reflect the complexity of
our human thought processes.
• Research suggest that the ways for
internalising grammar fall into two main
categories. They correspond to whether
language learning is conceived mainly as
learning a skill or mainly as a process of
natural development.
• It should be stressed that these two ways are
not mutually exclusive but may go on
1. Language learning = learning a
• This kind of learning is the most familiar in school
• Sets of language items or language for expressing
important meanings are presented to the learners so
that their form and meaning become clear.
• The learners then practise them so that they can use
them automatically, first in controlled practice
situations and later in free language use.
• Throughout this process, language choices are
associated with the meanings that they express, so that
they can later serve the needs of communication.
2. Language learning = a process of
natural development
• In naturalistic learning situations (first or second language) there is
no teacher or course-writer to isolate elements of the language or
organise systematic practice.
• Language develops in the context of natural language use. Provided
that learners are exposed to language they can understand and are
motivated to use it as a medium of communication, they follow
their own spontaneous course of development.
• In natural situations the learners are not normally conscious of
being engaged in a process of language learning. This is because
their focus is not on language itself but on the meanings that are
being communicated.
• Also, the system which learners internalise is not one which has
been pre-analysed and presented by a teacher or course-writer but
one which they themselves create by making their own sense of the
language around them.
• In the classroom we need to provide learners
with opportunities to:
(a) internalise the grammatical system of the
language and
(b) relate this grammatical system to the
meanings it conveys in communication.
As a first step towards organising our classroom
methods so that learners have these
opportunities, we should classify the various
activities for learning grammar into four main
• pre-communicative language practice
• communicative language practice
• structured communication
• authentic communication
 Pre-communicative language
• The most familiar way of doing this is to focus on some kind of
situation (e.g. a picture, a text, the classroom or an area of common
knowledge) and use this as a basis for question-and-answer practice or
How many children are there in the picture?
There are four.
How many books are there on the table?
There are six.(etc.)
• The questions may be asked initially by the teacher but it is important
that they are asked also by the learners, who need experience in
initiating exchanges as well as simply responding.
• This relationship between language and its meanings is often
reinforced by simulating a situation that could occur outside the
classroom, such as that of a stranger asking directions in the street.
Communicative language practice
• This kind of practice adds a further dimension to the kind just
described: the language now expresses meanings that
communicate new information to other people.
• The basic principle is that there is now an “information gap” and
the learners are given the task of sharing information in order to
overcome this gap.
• An example was given above of learners talking about a picture
(how many children, how many books, etc.). It was assumed that
all learners could see the same picture. By using two or more
pictures, which are similar but contain differences of detail, we can
give learners the opportunity to use the same language in simple
communication tasks:
• These activities, (a) involve the students in practising predictable
language, which may only recently have been taught to them, but
(b) students are using this language to communicate new meanings,
including (to a limited extent) meanings which are their own. These
two features are carried further in the next category of activity.
Structured communication
• In “communicative language practice”, the teacher exercises
control of the activity at the level of the specific language
elements to be used.
• In what is here called “structured communication”, control
moves up to a higher level of language use.
• Learners are able now to use whatever language they wish in
order to express the meanings which arise during
communication. However, the situation itself has been
carefully structured so that the meanings which arise are to a
large extent predictable and can be expressed with language
which the learners have (perhaps only recently) been taught.
• The learners can thus practise using the language system for
communication, but in contexts which shelter them from the
unexpected demands which arise in authentic language use.

Authentic communication (I)

1. It is in “authentic communication” that learners begin to
engage in using language to express the unpredictable range of
meanings that are likely to arise in situations outside the

2. It is obviously still the teacher who organises the learning

situation,but this organisation moves again to a higher level than
before. The teacher sets up the context and purpose for using
language but does not direct control over the meanings that
need to be conveyed .

Authentic communication (II)
In authentic communication, more than in previous activities, learners
may need to express or understand meanings for which they have not
learnt the most appropriate language. In such cases they will need to use
communication strategies, e.g. guessing the meaning of unknown words
from the context or using paraphrase to get an idea across.
• One inevitable result of this is that they will make more errors. This
should not be a cause for worry. Indeed, in authentic communication we
should encourage learners to take risks and use whatever language and
communication strategies they can find, so that the grammar can become
their own grammar in a real sense: a part of their mental make-up which
they can use freely for communication and which they will develop further
as they gain more experience.
• It is in authentic communication (and, to a lesser extent, in structured
communication) that learners are most able to exploit not only their skill-
learning capacities but also the same natural capacities for learning
language which (as we saw in the previous section) are evident in first
language learners and natural second language learners.
Selected Reading
• A book which gives a general survey of teaching techniques in a communicative approach:
• Harmer, J.: The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman, 1983.

• Five books which give a range of practical techniques similar to those described in this article :
• Byrne, D.: Teaching Oral English. Longman, 1986.
• Harmer, J.: Teaching and Learning Grammar. Longman, 1987.
• Littlewood, W.: Communicative Language Teaching : An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 1981.
• Rvolucri, M.: Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Drama Activities for EFL Students. Cambridge University
Press, 1984.
• Ur, P.: Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

• Two books which suggest activities for authentic communication in the language classroom :
• Klippel, F.: Keep Talking : Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press,
• Ur, P.: Discussions that Work. Cambridge University Press, 1981.

• A book which discusses the theory and practice of using project work as a context for authentic communication :
• Legutke, M. and H. Thomas.: Process and Experience in the Language Classroom. Lognman, 1991.

• A book which elaborates on the principles which underlie the framework described in this article:
• Littlewood, W.: Teaching Oral Communication: A Methodological Framework. Blackwell, 1992.

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