Drakon Covenant Novitiate Guide Mine 1

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A Guide for Novitiates

Drakon Covenant

[Drakon Covenant Internal Text]

The following texts are an extrapolation of the path from Novitiate to Adept within the
vampyric tradition as detailed by the Drakon Covenant.

The path is based consistently upon the Sinister Sevenfold way of Hebdomadry, which
forms a skeletal system upon which new insights and developments within the vampyric
tradition can be developed.

From here, the novitiate will hopefully gain skill and understanding in the praxis and
theory of acausal vampyrism. And from there, true occult power.

This Guide is intended as a companion to Codex Aristarchus. Any information not found
in this MS will be found either in the aforementioned or in ONA MSS themselves.

The novitiate should spend at least 5-6 months of serious study of every ONA MSS
they can acquire. Chief among these are Naos, Hostia, Fenrir, Eira and Exeat.

Following the rite of initiation (Codex Aristarchus), the novitiate should being a certain
number of tasks to begin following the path of Drakon. These tasks, which have been
carefully selected and refined so as to bring about an alchemical transformation (referred
to as vampyric metamorphosis) in the shortest time possible, will be listed and expanded
upon. It is up to the novitiate to decide which order these are pursued, though the
recommended and technically ‘correct’ order is outlined according to the order they are
dealt with below.

As written in the DC MS, Scorched Path Policy:

“The vampyric initiate has several tasks to accomplish before adetpship can be said to
have been achieved.

These include-

 Performing the Vampyric rite of Initiation

 Mastering the basics of meditative practices designed to conserve and raise

personal energy levels (breath work, Lich Breath, the Unwavering Eye and
Mediation in Dead Stillness, as well as opening the Blood Centres).

 Practising and achieving success in Feeding via touch and via the Wamphyric

 Achieving at least one successful astral projection and maintaining this

experience long enough to feed whilst disembodied
 Dedicating a ritual area according to DC tradition and performing rites for
personal desires (as outlined in the MS Sìtheil)

 Performing pathworkings with all the dark pathways of the Tree of Wyrd and
receiving insight from doing so

 Practising and successfully discerning messages and visions via scrying with
black mirror

 Selecting an individual you feel is fit for culling and performing a vampyric
leeching curse upon them (or the traditional Death Rite)

 Studying and being able to answer certain questions related to the Sinister
tradition (such as planetary incense blends, locales pertinent to the tradition and
so on)

 Undertaking an insight role and seeing it through for at least 6 months

 Learning and practising at least 3 chants of the Dark Gods/Spheres

 Successfully training for and achieving a demanding physical goal

 Undertaking the secret tasks associated with the stage of initiate (as given by
ONA and the secret rite given by DC- this can be obtained upon request once the
novitiate has proven their worth)
Sinister Witchcraft of the Drakon Covenant

As aforementioned, the praxeology of the Drakon Covenant is founded upon the

Sevenfold Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles and the Camlad Rouning. Coupled
with this is a decidedly vampyric context, which sheds light on many aspects of the
Sinister tradition which the witches of the coven have advanced over recent years.
In addition to this (and as a by-product of the vampyric practises), there is also the
chthonic rites and traditions, as revealed by the Ascended Masters of Scithain. There is
thus a natural connection to the ancient practises of these Isles (Albion and the
Haemodae), as well as a very real intimation with the spirit of the land.

The Sevenfold Way proposes a system of 7 fundamental energies, forces, archetypes and
powers- present both within the cosmos and the individual's psyche (the psyche being
the latent aspects of the conscious mind, which magical initiation seeks to bring forth-
making the unconscious conscious, in Jungian terms).
These 7 fundamental forces and their interaction with the world and each other are
described in the Tree of Wyrd, a map of the cosmos' fundamental energies according to
the Tradition.

The Tree of Wyrd

The Tree of Wyrd is a convenient description of the cosmos, the psyche and the
pathways which link these to the acausal realms. The Tree contains 7 spheres and 21
pathways. Each sphere relates to a planet or fundamental cosmic energy, and each
pathway relates to a Dark God (with the exception of 3 ‘hidden’ pathways).
The Tree of Wyrd serves as a map of the unilluminated aspects of the mind and0 the
Self; initiation being the awakening of these latent aspects within the mind. This
awakening allows a greater apprehension of the psyche and the acausal, thus presencing
within the initiate a higher degree of acausal energy. In essence, the mind moves more
into the acausal realms.
The Acausal Realm

Alongside this is the unique apprehension of magickal energy, known as the Acausal.
The Acausal is a realm, parallel to the ordinary world (the causal). It is from this Acausal
realm that all life originates, and Acausal energy presencing within the causal gives rise
to what we refer to as a living organism. Magickal adeptship is the increase of this
Acausal energy within the causal confines of a living being, the 'Acausal charge' being
thus increased over a period of causal time. The adept thus has a larger degree of acausal
energy to draw upon, and is able to comprehend a greater knowledge of the cosmos as a
whole. To put it more elegantly, magical adeptship is the consciousness of the adept
moving more into the Acausal. Acausal time itself is the natural growth of Life
according to it's own unique nature, which causal abstractions cannot govern nor
presently understand.

There is therefore no banishing, cleansing or shielding rites; the correspondences are

aligned not according to our relative and skewed view of the universe from our singular
point on earth- rather, the correspondences and combinations of magickal energies are
derived and understood according to a cosmic view. There is no placing upon certain
collocations of stars the behaviours of animals or forms which we deem them to look
like. They are intuited as they are, the energies made manifest and understood via direct
experience of the initiate.

There is a genuine understanding of Nature, beyond urban appreciation of the novelty of

the wild. The wilderness is understood as a challenger, a mentor, something to become
one with. Nature does not comply with transient moral ethics which humankind imposes
upon it according to societal trends. She is the eternal mistress of change and evolution.
Satan, as the archetypal master of the wilderness and conflict sits, reposed, deep in the
dark forests and moors, awaiting His children who are worthy of the mysteries of the

Most rituals and rites of the Vampyric tradition, as exemplified by the Drakon Covenant,
follow 3 forms-
● Magickal rituals, designed to yield effects or knowledge which would not
normally occur without magickal interference (scrying, hexing, weather spells,
divination and so forth)

● Offerings at certain places and times as part of a bond the witch has with a
specific entity or Dark God

● Seasonal rites, designed to strengthen tradition and pay homage to the ancestors
and the cosmos
Not included are the trials and grade rituals which mark the progression of the witch
through the degrees of the Septenary tradition.
Ritual is divided into two modes: Hermetic (solitary), and Ceremonial (with a
congregation of 3 or more).

Most rites within the Septenary tradition involve the witch entering a trance state and
manipulating the energies of the Acausal directly, via his/her use and knowledge of the
energies of the Tree of Wyrd.

The entering into a state of trance is a necessary requisite for attaining success in your
magickal rites (as well as unique practises, such as vampyric flight). Trance states are
those states which differ from ordinary waking consciousness. They represent a shift in
brain wave function (usually from Delta to Alpha wave activity) and as such, allow the
consciousness to tune into differing modes of existence.

Trance states were historically obtained via various methods, such as: drugs, working
the self up into a frenzy, dance and song, self mortification, or sleep deprivation and
fasting. That most modern magickal traditions ignore this necessary aspect and
prerequisite (and that it is still a staple ingredient of primitive societies shamanic
workings) shows how far the civilized urban pretender has come from the reality of
Nature's greatest mysteries.

A simple example of a ritual within the Sinister tradition would involve the witch having
fasted and reduced sleep to some degree prior. Then, either the imbibing of a mild drug
(such as cannabis or other naturally occurring substance, such as nutmeg) or a circular
repetitive dance accompanied by a chant (usually of the Dark God which presides over
the theme of the ritual- such as destruction or hidden knowledge). The trance state is
entered and a fixation upon the energies of the aspect of the Acausal or Dark God is
made via the use of a sigil and chant- combined with the ubiquitous use of a clear quartz
crystal, which acts as a gate to the Acausal energies, allowing them to come through to
the causal realm. The traditional, and most effective shape for this crystal is that of a
tetrahedron. The fundamental formula is this: crystal, image, chant.

Vampyric applications to ritual method (as evidenced in the ancient Greek mystery rites
of which the Sinister Tradition draws connection to) include the whipping and cutting of
the flesh to shock the mind and body into the trance state. This method is often chosen
over the other methods by the followers of the Vampyric tradition as it also draws near
and pleases the vampyric spirits of the Sìdhe, who may choose to impart extra beneficial
knowledge to the practitioner (if the Rite was not solely aimed at drawing their attention
in the first place).
Most rituals within the vampyric tradition of the Drakon Covenant generally consist of a
specially trained witch, known as a Lamia Naturalis, who was selected for his/her
natural skill and affinity toward medium abilities (this was usually a girl of around 13-18
years, this demographic often noted as being particularly conducive toward Undead and
spiritual contact). The Lamia Naturalis would enter into a light trance using drugs, chant
or music, oftentimes sealing herself from sensory input via a head dress or black cowl
over her head). The other participants to the ritual would then beseech particular Undead
entities via the above mentioned methods. The entities, upon approaching, often make
their voices known to the most sensitive member present- in this instance the Lamia
Naturalis. She would write down what was relayed to her and provide correspondence
with the spirits in this manner.

The function and role of a Lamia Naturalis is an inherently dangerous one. It is

essentially an extreme form of mediumship which can bring about a certain degree of
psychosis if the witch is not prepared.

For more detail on the conduct of rituals, see Naos: A Practical Guide to Modern
Magick (Order of Nine Angles, 1974 EV)
Basic Preparation for Physical Trials

T he novitiate is expected to being researching into and practising a general fitness

regime, which they should use to attain a certain level of fitness. The best methods are
following the preparations usually employed by marathon runners, as these are aimed at
building endurance and stamina.

Alongside this should be pursued a general weightlifting regime, which will build
muscle and strength. The following system is recommended for novitiates.


Following on from this, the Terrormorph regime should be pursued, altering for personal


Physical fitness should be a lifelong discipline. Being underweight or overweight will

severely hold back the ascending black adept during the more demanding rites further
along the Sinister path.
Tendril Feeding

T he employment of the Wamphyric Tendril is a practise handed down to the Drakon

Covenant by successive vampyric temples, stretching back to an unknown amount of
time, though it has been in usage among the more serious and advanced sects for at least
a handful of decades. The utilization of this cherished practise is detailed in the Codex
Aristarchus. Here will be produced an essay upon the tendril from a temple of which the
Drakon Covenant is a spiritual successor to.

The Art of the Wamphyric Tendril (Temepl of Azagthoth)

Within the Tempel of Azagthoth, the art of drinking of the essence of life force from
living humans is termed the Art of the Wampyric Tendril, the Wampyric Tendril is the
prime symbol of our order and represents the art of draining life force, and causing harm
via astral contact to your intended prey.

This symbol is not overly complex in appearance, but its uses are varied according to the
warlock/witch who would use this sigil and practice the arts it contains. For those
familiar with the process of imbuing physical objects or symbols with astral energy, you
may consider its application when the Wampyric Tendril (the symbol) was created. It is
in fact the Oldest created sigil from the Tempel of Azagthoth and can be obtained upon

The second symbol of the Tempel of Azagthoth is the Coffin, not only does this
correspond with the Wampyric principle of the human, through vampiric metamorphosis
and training, it also has a very large symbolic significance regarding The Communion of
the Dracul, the summoning of the Undead Gods in which the arising wampyr sacrifices
his accumulated life-force from his predatory journeys until exhaustion sets in, then
which comes the re- giving of life-force from the undead which is symbolized by the
tendril near the top of the coffin which pours down blood upon 'the resting place of the
corpse' thus enabling new life, higher powers through constant practice of Wamphyrism,
metamorphosis, and finally Immortality amongst the Undead Gods.
This is not an easy path and it must be stressed that Wampyrism, unlike other forms of
the Occult, must be taken on as a constant practice. The Wampyr faces many tests, but
needless to say if you fail at your arisal to the Throne of the Beast, a fate worse than
death awaits thee.

The Art of the Wampyric Tendril involves astral life force draining in many different
ways. There is the practice of the 'evil eye' which with the skilled magus can implant
thoughts, drain energy, and instill certain factors which will affect the recipient of the
enchantment later on. By projecting thoughts through use of the unblinking stare, your
astral body touches the victim, and your thoughts are instilled into his mind and the
victim will always view them as his own thoughts and act.

For instance, if you wanted the person to pick up a book, through this practice you could
use the phrase "That book looks interesting, I must get it...” never say "I Want that
person to pick up the book...”. That is not the correct method, and it will not work.
Always implant a statement into the persons head that will make the person think that it
is his own idea, not for the sake of the person finding out that you are implanting ideas
in his head, that is quite ridiculous, the trouble with using indirect methods in this art is
that it tends to cause too much confusion in the brain of the recipient to reap results for
yourself. Human prey do not believe for the most part that they can be mentally
influenced without their knowledge. The Wampyric Undead as well as the Living
Wamphyri always promote the literature and teachings which continues to brainwash
human society and thus blind them to our hidden ways.

Astral life-force draining through sight involves the use of your eyes, and extension of
the astral body (the wampyric tendril) to touch your victim and remove the life energy
from them. Small completely undetectable motions with the fingers and hand, as well as
physical inhalation, can speed the process of the revival of energy from the victim. As
the Wampyr strengthens his art and power other means of life-force draining are

The art of astral life force draining from the human while you are completely detached
from your physical body and a part of the astral plane, is one of the primary practices of
wampyrism. The sleeping human provides the purest lifeforce which will violently
increase the wampyrs life-force. The more beautiful the victim, the purer the life
force. As the human sleeps, they have no control over their astral body as they are not
practitioners of our art and have certain weaknesses, while the Wampyr has many
uncanny advantages over the human prey. It is possible, when the wampyrs astral body
has approached the prey, to enter into the dream state of the human and implant certain
scenes in the human's subconscious. Through properly prepared potions and elixirs, it is
possible to cause sickness in victims, although this seems to be a common after effect of
Wampyric attack. Remember, the more life force which you obtain for yourself, the less
life force for the human. Thus the weaker and more fragile his whole being will become.
It is always the pleasure of the Wampyr to be able to drain the purest blood from the
veins of living humans, then muse as the humans world utterly crumbles into chaos and
disorder before you as your world increases in experience and you come to know the
way of the Vampire Dragon Tiamat and the way of the Black Wizard, AZAG-THOTH.
Meditative Methods

The Drakon Covenant possesses several methods for accumulating the vampyric
essence. Some of these are inherited from previous temples, whilst some are
developments upon traditional methods. The principle disciplines are:

 Meditation in Dead Stillness

 The Unwavering Eye
 Lich Breath
 The Blood Centres

Meditation in Dead Stillness

The meditation in dead stillness is a deceptively simple practise. It involves sitting and
remaining unmoved for a set period of time. Humans spend much of their time fidgeting,
tapping and engaging in other unnecessary movements which use energy which can be
better cultivated elsewhere. Vampyrism is concerned with the increase and cultivation of
energy, and therefore this meditation can serve as a preliminary example of stillness and
conservation on the lower physical level.

Simply sit comfortably, and do not try to control the breath or the thoughts which may
arise. This comes later. Simply enjoy the feeling of absolute stillness. Think of the
vampyr sat amidst the shadows unmoving, silent, ancient. This is what you strive to
become. If itches or discomfort arise, attend to them and return to your stillness. Do this
for as long as you wish. It will in time become the foundation for future exercises and

Power comes from a reduction of the superfluous- unnecessary talk and unnecessary
movements, when eliminated, create an aura of power for which the vampyric witch is
idolised. You will find in time your energy levels increase when superfluity is removed
from the mind and body. Let this serve as a mundane reflection of the power you will
cultivate in more sinister ways yet to come.

The Unwavering Eye

The Unwavering Eye is the next application to be added in the process of Metamorphic
praxis. It involves picking a spot in front of you (this could be anything though is
usually a sigil described on a piece of paper, or a candle flame). Simply stare ahead, not
straining the eyes or will. Combining this with Dead Stillness, you should feel calm and
balanced. There should be no physical or mental exertion (though a little mental effort
may be required to remain).

This practise of cultivating an ability to remain still for periods of time shall not only
allow one to understand how energy is expedited unnecessarily, but also be used as a
cornerstone for further practises which shall be detailed herein.

Lich Breath

Begin your meditation as usual, clearing the mind and focussing upon the breath. The
mind and body should be stilled by the inward and outward tides of your breathing. Feel
yourself become the centre of the vortex, the still blackness that is the Vampiric
archetype. Be at one with your breath.

See about you a swirling mass of crimson energy. This is Blood Essence and it adorns
your aura as a vampyric predator. Your will draws it from the Acausal realms, marking
you as one of Them.

Begin to draw this in with every intake of breath, feeling it dispersed through the body-
from the core outward, into every limb, invigorating your very essence with the the
outward breath.

This meditation can be modified, as mentioned above, to infuse the Blood Centres
(indeed, this preliminary practise is utilized as a base method when seeking to attain
astral flight, with the Blood Essence being absorbed through the feet and upward toward
the Blood Centres).

In time reduce visualizing it and simply feel it, focusing on the inward breath and the
outward breath. Focus upon the breath entering the nostrils and exiting, if it is too
complicated to feel the full process. The Blood Essence fills your entire being,
invigorating you and subtle changing you, speeding up your evolutionary and
involutional path towards the Lich state. This ability to master the mind, body and it's
energies will serve as a precursor toward drawing energy from opfers as you begin to
feed upon the human mass.

The next step is the mastery of the night side of the mind- the dreaming world and the
Astral Travel

T he most challenging aspect for most novitiates is attaining astral flight. The inner
coven of the Drakon Covenant has spent many years refining and perfecting a technique
which will work, provided discipline, patience and optimism are maintained throughout
one’s attempts. The success rate following these methods is 99%, with the time scale
ranging from a few weeks to a year.

The method outlined in Codex Aristarchus is essentially a simplified version of a set of

exercises which must be practised consistently.

One of the inner practises is known as tactile imaging, a term borrowed from Robert

This involves visualising an object and imagining touching it. You should work to
imagine in as much detail as you can the feeling of this object. In time you will be abke
to ‘feel’ things with your mind. Those who have a natural ability for this will know what
is being said here.

Tactile imaging involves using this skill to brush along the entire body, starting with the
feet, legs and arms, and moving up the spine through the Blood Centres, thus activating
the entire astral body, No visualisation is needed for this, just feeling the body and the
Centres (this latter process being a potentially powerful experience).

This, along with regular Blood Centre meditation, will greatly speed up the progress
toward success at astral flight.

Astral Travel and the Dream Realms

The Ascended Masters make Their hallowed eyries among the fragments of mankind's
dreams and the astral regions these dreams border upon and mould via the creative
properties of acausal consciousness.
These dark corners of twisted non-spatial, non-temporal dimensions and illusory depth
are the prime hunting grounds, a base from which They propel Themselves into the
causal world of the dreaming masses.

The shadowed moors and iron forests of the Undead landscape are littered with the
scattered conclaves and garrisons of the Ascended clans and houses. Their worlds and
customs are alien to us, Their towering astral spires are prison to the countless opfers
They have stolen away to serve as eternal food in these blighted lands.

And when They encroach upon this world, They bring with Them all the hosts of Their
world, it's darkness and mire spilling out and polluting this realm, opening further the
jaws of the black gates which strain and groan without cessation.

To open a gate to these black moors requires a tremendous effort on the part of the
witch. For this reason, they historically bonded into covens, whose collective efforts
could, for a time, open a nexion into the limitless darkness and bring forth these ageless
ones, who would anoint them, and write their names in the books of black earth, so that
their deeds would no be forgotten and they would be remembered when they called

A principle method to do this was via 'the witch's flight'. This was a ritual involving the
ingestion of a particular hallucinogen, which facilitated astral flight. Often, the witches
would steal into the homes of sleeping humans, seizing upon them and feeding upon the
terror thus wrought. This gave rise to the phenomena of the 'night hag', the 'succubus'
and so forth. Whilst skeptics today have attempted to explain away the phenomena as a
REM cycle related glitch of the body, this does not account for people all over the world
experiencing the same symptoms- a fiendish feminine force attacking and paralyzing
without mercy the helpless sleeper.

The method of such astral travel can, however be stimulated upon demand, without the
use of intoxicants. It requires a certain degree of discipline and effort, but can be
mastered in a relatively short amount of time.

The witch must be prepared for the terrors which he/she will face upon mastering this
technique in this vampyric manner. You will be taking you place upon the Chain of
Devouring and confrontation with very ancient evil entities will occur.
The Scrying Mirror

O ne of the witch’s most useful tools is the scrying mirror. These are not ordinary
reflective mirrors; rather, they are composed of a slab of glass (the larger, the better).
Paint one side with black gloss paint until it appears like a mirror which does not reflect,
but stares into blackness. Set the mirror in front of you so that you stare through the
glass and into the blackness. The mirror should have its border marked with the blood of
the witch, and incense may also be burnt in front of it. It is important to keep this mirror
covered when it is not being used.

The mirror can be decorated with the sigils of the Covenant; however, minimal
distraction is preferred. This is not to be an altar, but a living gate to the inner darkness
where They inhabit.

Several coats of paint will need to be applied to the back of the mirror.
Use of the scrying mirror is essentially an extended meditation in which the witch comes
to develop the natural ability to gaze into the ethers and intuit events normally
unavailable to him/her. It can also be used to empathically connect with a person or
entity. It is an advanced divinatory aid.

Having preferably fasted, or awoken at night (sleep deprivation is especially useful for
rites such as this, which will involve staring into the mirror), sit before the mirror (or
have it placed before you on a stand if it is small) and chant the Communio. If other
disciplinary rites are employed, these should be undertaken prior to the chant being

Stare deep into the mirror, and passively observe as your vision begins to note subtle
changes and movements within it's darkness. Keep chanting the chant, staring deep. Do
not pull away your gaze, even if movement is seen elsewhere beyond the mirror’s

This will, in time come to yield images and sensations which the witch will use to
further his/her understanding of the gates beyond, and the Undead spirits which linger
there. Incense burnt before the mirror will travel through the ethers, admitting a suitable
gift to Those who wait beyond.

Practise scrying with your mirror each night, awaiting any signs or knowledge which
you may glean through this exercise. As you improve your skill in scrying, you should
select someone and focus upon their image in your mind. Allow the mirror to act as a
gate to their psyche, and implant thoughts and suggestions into their mind. The mirror
can, in time be used to observe individuals, should the witch be skilled in this area.
The mirror should be thus charged as a focal gateway via this method, and when
successfully ascending into astral flight, the witch should direct their movement toward
the mirror and actually pass through it. They will, if the rites have been performed
correctly and consistently, find themselves at the foot of the towering basalt steps which
lead to the shadowed halls of the Ascended Masters, upon the blasted moors of their
astral landscape.

Constructing a Gate to the Undead

The scrying mirror, having been consistently used over a period of time, will have
become charged via the vampyric magick wrought through it. It will now be fit to
establish it as a portal to the astral darkness.
For this ritual application to succeed, the witch should have mastered the art of astral
travel and successfully fed at least several times. The mirror will be prepared as a
doorway into the astral realms, where the witch will journey to find the hallowed ground
of Their abodes.

Sanctifying the mirror

The mirror should be laid on the ground in your ritual area, and a blend of frankincense
and petrichor burnt (this being lit during the Offering).
The usual preparations should have been observed, along with a ritual of Offering to the
Ascended Masters.

Take a dagger or ritual knife and wave it through the incense whilst chanting Agios.
Next, a bat must be sacrificed upon the mirror, stabbing it through the chest or removing
it's head. The blood must then be used to anoint the edges of the mirror.
Chant Agios O Noctulius as you mark the mirror with the blood.

Next, place the quartz crystal upon the mirror and chant Aperiatur Terra et germinet
Scithain 9 times. Do this whilst visualising a darkness growing within the crystal and
spilling out to cover the mirror and infuse it with acausal energy.
Cease your chant and wrap the mirror, taking care that it stays out of the light from this
point onward.

Leave the incense burning as an offering to the entities which will have drawn near
during this Rite.
The mirror should be set in the place where the witch will attain astral flight (usually
their bedroom- most have success in astral flight during the period of falling asleep or
waking up).

When the witch next attains vampyric flight and leaves their physical body, he/she
should attempt to fly through the mirror, focusing on the darkness and making sure not
to cloud the mind with preconceptions. The witch should record their journeys via this
way and work toward the shadowy eyries where They wait.
Sìtheil - Consecrating a Ritual Area

T he following rite is designed to acclimatise one to the general energies and touch of
the Undead and the accompanying astral shades, as well as acting as a ceremony of
devotion for your ritual space. The rite involves spending at least one night (2 nights is
preferable) within a local cemetery. If a suitable cemetery is not available, a similarly
secluded natural area will suffice. This place will become your area of magickal
working, and the area for future novices who you may take as part of your coven. If a
coven exists, this will become their communal ritual space, the combined energies
leading to the creation of a veritable nexion.

A tent and other sleeping equipment may be brought- though the more fanatic may wish
to choose a warmer season and bring only a blanket to cover themselves with.
The rite begins one hour after sundown.

Sit cross legged and begin to chant the Communio. This chant is to be intoned for as
long as one is able to stay awake. Take breaks to flagellate/incise and burn incense. The
appropriate incense for this rite would be frankincense. Petrichor serves well, but it
somewhat more difficult to acquire (see A Guide to Petrichor).

It is preferable to have reduced food and sleep, even if only slightly, the day before this
rite. Similar measures apply during the extension of this rite. It is generally advised to
practise the rite for one night, then attempt it again for 2 (or even 3). If in an isolated
spot, a campfire may be lit. During the day, remain isolated in your locale and do not
return to normal activities. Stay and occupy yourself with reading or meditation, or any
other pursuits.

The next step is to acquire a decent sized piece of clear quartz (the ideal shape would be
a tetrahedron- but if this is impossible, a natural chunk, i.e. not polished, is just as

Take the crystal, and following the usual preparatory rites, mark it with your blood,
whilst chanting CHAOS. Visualise the crystal coming to life, and feeding upon the
Essence your blood carries. Follow this with the Diabolus 3 times, and wrap it in a black
Take this crystal to the site you have chosen, and remove it from the cloth. Bury it,
making sure to conceal the act (by placing twigs or grass back over the earth). This
crystal, properly consecrated, will serve as a beacon and a delayed time bomb of sorts,
suffusing the area with chaotic acausal energies. In time, unusual, paranormal and even
life threatening occurrences will take root, feeding the Undead which will congregate
there following your rites, and which will lead to the creation of a place regarded by the
mundanes as ‘haunted’. Your ritual space will be consecrated and serve you well.
Obeisance to the Hostile Spirits and the Undead

T he entities which populate the ontology and pantheon of the Drakon Covenant require
propitiation. The practitioner of vampyric praxis will encounter the dread Ascended
Undead in the form of the Sluagh and the Draugr, the latter exceeding in power of an
untold immensity.

The third kind denotated, the vampyric entities which inhabit the natural wilderness, are
known as the Dearg Dul, and it is to them that the witch shall leave offerings so as to
strengthen the bond between themselves and the primal darkness which will be drawn
upon in one’s rites.

A bowl should be kept at the ritual space you have prepared, into which will be poured
blood and other offerings. Incense should be burnt during the dark phase of the moon,
the word DEARG DUL (duh-rur-gur doo-uhl) being chanted whilst you do so. Images of
the Dearg should be placed by this bowl, preferably painted by the witch according to
visions they have received during such offering rites.

The witch may wish to detail in painting or other method the entities, beseeching further
visitations and even committing disciplinary procedures as outlined in Codex
Aristarchus before the image.

It must be warned however that the Draugr and other spirits of the astral darkness,
collectively referred to as the Undead) delight in causing pain and terror to humankind.
Once the fear has been pushed through and genuine desire and devotion takes it’s place,
the Undead will demand greater and greater rites of obeisance to presence Themselves.
More blood, more austerities.
The Dark Pathways and Spheres

T he Septenary Tradition utilises the Tree of Wyrd as a key to all magickal workings.
Correspondences, chants and planetary relationships are chosen using the Tree before
the witch begins the Rite.

"The spheres of the Septenary may be said to be the Nexus between causal and acausal
(or ‘Being’ and ‘nonbeing’) and the paths linking the spheres may be regarded from a
magickal point of view as zones of energy. This energy is according to tradition
symbolized in an archetypal way since it is through such symbolism that control of the
energy is possible. " (Naos, A Practical Guide to Modern Magick)

Crystal; Image; Chant- these are the three necessary ingredients for magick according to
the Septenary tradition. To each sphere is attributed a particular area of governance and
the corresponding attributes and qualities:

Moon- Terror and sinister knowledge

Mercury- Indulgence and transformation(s)
Venus- Ecstasy and Love
Sun- Vision and understanding
Mars- Destruction and sacrifice
Jupiter- Wisdom and wealth
Saturn- Chaos

To increase the efficacy of the rite, the Table of Correspondences is consulted. Esoteric
Chant will also be employed. Esoteric chant may be divided into two parts: vibration of
names and magickal chant. The first type requires less skill and is the form most
often used in ritual – for example, to create or ‘draw down’ a particular force or
entity in a magickal working. The second type requires some musical ability or
training since mode and tempo are important.

Thus, for example, a ritual designed to bring a vision of a future event (this desire falling
under the dominion of the Sun sphere) would involve the usual preliminary measures,
followed by the entering into a trance state and utilising Esoteric Chant. The incense
used would be Oak, the initial chant would be Agios O Olenos, and so forth (see Naos
for further details of the technical aspects and modes of Esoteric Chant).

The Dark Pathways

A necessary step along the path of initiation within the Sevenfold Way involves coming
to know the energies and archetypes of the Tree of Wyrd (and the Cosmos as a whole)
via a walking of the Dark Pathways and an exploration of the Spheres. This is a
demanding set of rituals, which will take a considerable degree of time for the initiate (7
spheres and 21 pathways will result in 28 weeks).

As aforementioned, a certain degree of fasting and/or reducing of sleep is beneficial. The

witch may awake at night and spend an hour in devotional meditation to the Dark God
they are preparing to call forth. Burning incense appropriate to the specific entity will
facilitate a stronger link during this stage. The incense should be created according to the
correspondences and planetary relationships via the Tree of Wyrd (See Table of
Correspondences). You should also spend a few minutes each night before going to
sleep meditating on the sigil of the Dark God.

You should begin by starting with the Sphere of the Moon and its related pathways
(Noctulius, Shugara, Nythra). The recommended form is to walk the Pathways in their
entirety, then approach the Spheres. The order in which this is done can be discovered in

Walking the Dark Pathways

If you have performed the Rite of Sìtheil and have devoted an area where you will use
for your rites, it is important that the 21 Path workings are performed here, as well as the
Sphere workings.

It is best to perform during the night, as with all rituals within the Sinister tradition.
Sit and meditate for a few minutes on the sigil of the Dark God, then chant the name
nine times. Following a short pause, chant the name another four times. (For some Dark
Gods there is usually a key which the chant should be sung in- such as G minor for
Noctulius. This can be figured out quite easily and should preferably be adhered to for
maximum effect).
Chant should reverberate throughout your entire body, and be felt to activate the
energies surrounding you in your magickal area. If you have suitably reduced food and
sleep, you will notice this taking place.

Next, begin a slow circular dance, which gradually increases in speed and which
gradually spirals inwards. Make sure to continue the chant, using as much energy as is
possible for this. Continue this for some time until exhaustion impels you to stop. You
should then fall to the ground and chant the name a final time, forcing all your energy
into this act.

After this say: ‘Come ……… (here name the entity) to me! And bring me my desire!’
Briefly visualize your desire, and verbalize it using a short phrase (such as ‘N.N. shall

Begin your dance again in the opposite direction whilst saying: ‘I am the power, I am the
glory, I am a god!’ Sit once you have done this and clear your mind, allowing any
images and thoughts to enter you in this trance state.

If no desire is present during the working to call out, focus upon greater and deeper
knowledge of the nature of the Dark Gods Themselves. This is always a suitable and
necessary pursuit.

For the trance inducing part to the ritual, the dance can be substituted with a
combination of mild drugs (such as Cannabis, Salvia, liberty cap mushrooms or other
such substances tested and experimented with beforehand by the witch- any aversion to
this should be overcome, as there is little difference between this and the ancient
practitioners testing the potencies of various unknown herbs and plants). There is also
the rather grim and preferred method of ritual cutting/flagellation, which will yield
extremely potent results.

Agios O Drakon

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