Common Problems With Solar Panels

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7/20/2020 Nine Common Problems with Solar Panels

Nine Common Problems with Solar

Over the past few decades, solar panels have become an outstanding
investment for many people. They o er a raft of bene ts to both
commercial properties and residential homes. And since they rely on
the sun instead of the grid, they help preserve natural resources and
the environment.

Solar panels are pretty low-maintenance, so if you decide to go with a

solar power system, you should be able to reap the bene ts without
much upkeep. That said, however, nothing is foolproof. Problems can
develop, so if you ever notice anything amiss with the way your
system is functioning, you should act immediately before problems

Here are the most common problems a ecting solar panels:

Delamination and internal corrosion

If moisture nds its way into the panel it can cause internal corrosion 1/4
7/20/2020 Nine Common Problems with Solar Panels
If moisture nds its way into the panel, it can cause internal corrosion.
To avoid this issue, ensure that your panels are keeping out air and
water and that all the components of the solar panel are laminated
under vacuum pressure.

Electrical issues

Faulty wiring prevents your solar panels from performing well. Loose
connections, corrosion, and oxidation may interfere with electricity
production. Unless you know what you are doing, or perhaps you are
a quali ed electrician, don’t try to tamper with the wiring system on
your own. In fact, in some countries, if you are not a licensed
electrician, tampering with solar panel wiring is an o ense. Contact a
licensed electrician to have everything checked properly.


Micro-cracks are a common issue with solar panels and can

compromise the e ectiveness of your system. These are tiny cracks on
the panel and are hard to notice with your naked eyes. But with time
and signi cant weather changes, the cracks can grow. The cracks
mostly occur due to PV module production and thermal and seasonal
conditions. They can also result from careless handling during the
shipping process. That is why it is important that you hire a
trustworthy professional to handle the shipping and installation with
the utmost care.

Hot spots

Hot spots are among the most common issues with solar or PV
systems. They can degrade the function of your solar panels and even
render them irreparable. Hot spots occur when panels get too warm
and overload. They are caused by several things, including the
accumulation of dirt on the panels. They can also be caused by badly
soldered connections, which result in low resistance in the part of the 
panel that generates power. This problem can lower the performance
and lifespan of the solar panels. 2/4
7/20/2020 Nine Common Problems with Solar Panels

PID e ect

PID stands for Potential Induced Degradation. It can occur due to the
voltage di erence between the earthing and the solar panel. When
this happens, the primary power circuit ends up producing partial
voltage discharge. PID e ect may degrade the e ciency and
performance of the panels and lower their lifespan. Luckily, a solar
professional can help to reverse or prevent the problem.


Those lovely little birdies tweeting overhead can wreak havoc on solar
systems. They can nest beneath the panels and keep the system from
doing its job properly. Thus, if you notice birds gathering on your roof,
consider bird roo ng solutions like spikes, mesh wire, and more.

Snail trails

Another common solar panel problem is known as “snail trail”

contamination. The name here comes from the brown lines that show
up on your panels, giving the appearance that snails have traversed
the surface. Snail trails usually only manifest after a few years and are
caused by several factors, including defective silver paste (which is
used in the manufacture of the panels). This, in turn, causes moisture,
which results in oxidation between the encapsulation material and the
silver paste. Also, snail trail contamination may result from
microscopic cracks in the PV system. The problem reduces the
performance of the solar system and causes it to fail prematurely.

Roof issues

The solar system should not a ect the integrity of your roof.
Conversely, it can serve as a nice layer of protection for the roof
materials below. However, in some cases, the installation can hurt
your roof in some way. Make sure that you inspect your roof from 
time to time, and call your PV system installers if it seems to be
compromised in any way.

Inverter problems 3/4
7/20/2020 Nine Common Problems with Solar Panels
Inverter problems

Solar panels use an inverter to convert direct current from the sun to
alternative current that you now use in your home. An inverter is like a
box that is usually installed in the upper oor. Most solar panels can
last up to 20 years, but inverters aren’t quite that durable. Solar users
report having to change their inverters an average of every 10 to 15

All in all, PV systems can make amazing workhorses, but they’re not
perfect. Just like any other apparatuses, they are vulnerable to
manufacturing defects and wear and tear. The main thing is that you
are attuned to the function of your system and its output and that you
report any changes as soon as possible.

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