Interviewing Techniques: Behavioral Interviews-Sample Questions Adaptability
Interviewing Techniques: Behavioral Interviews-Sample Questions Adaptability
Interviewing Techniques: Behavioral Interviews-Sample Questions Adaptability
• How have you handled a new boss who changed your job description?
• Describe a time when you embraced a change being made, when you didn’t agree with the change.
• Tell me about the most difficult change you’ve had to implement in your career.
• What have you done when you’ve been given a project beneath your level of responsibility
or experience?
• How have you handled a new employee who knew less than you, but was now your boss?
Customer Service
• Describe a time when you resolved a problem for an angry customer.
• Tell me about a time when you had to deliver bad news to a customer.
• Describe a time when you went out of your way to satisfy a customer, and the outcome.
• Tell me how you prioritize customer requests when they’re all demanding to be treated as
your top priority.
• How have you handled a customer who was blatantly lying about their experience?
• Recall a time when a customer complained about you, and describe the outcome.
Communication Skills
• Describe a time when you resolved a conflict.
• Describe a time when you were able to verbally calm a situation down.
• Tell me about a time when you had to get someone else to see things your way.
• How have you convinced someone to do something they didn’t want to do?
• Give an example of a goal you surpassed and how you achieved it.
• Have you ever been a situation where you didn’t have enough work?
• Describe a time when you were given additional responsibilities based on your performance.
• Tell me about a time when you showed initiative at your last job.
• How have you taken on additional work without stepping on a colleague’s toes?
• Did you ever make a risky decision? Why, and what happened?
• Tell me about the last project you lead, and what the results were.
• Describe how you motivate others to get the results you want to achieve.
• Tell me how the people you lead would describe your leadership style.
• Give an example where you used logic to solve a problem.
• Give an example of a goal you didn’t meet and how you handled it.
• What is the biggest mistake you’ve made at work, and how did you handle it?
• Tell me about a time when you completed a project with very limited resources.
• Describe a process you created or improved, and the impact it had on your company.
• Describe an unpopular decision you made, and how you got it implemented.
• How do you deal with company policies you don’t agree with?
• Describe a time when a coworker was not doing their share of the work,
and how you handled it.