Design Document
Design Document
Design Document
Design Document
Brittany Alexander
Dr. Purcell
Fall 2019
Identification of Learning Problem
The learning problem I will be addressing is fifth grade students understanding and
computation of Number and Operations based off students’2019-2020 iReady Fall Diagnostic
Test. Numbers and Operations on iReady includes understanding and computation of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and fractions. Students show misconceptions with
Numbers and Operations because they do not fully understand place value. Also, the data is
showing students will have a hard time succeeding in fifth grade with understanding and the
computation of decimals and fractions because they are below level. The 2019-2020 iReady Fall
Diagnostic Test states that 89% of fifth graders are below the grade level when understanding
and computation of Number and Operations. By Winter, students will increase their score by
25% on their iReady Winter Diagnostic Test for Numbers and Operations. The instructional
goal is students will be given different methods and strategies to understand and be able to
successfully utilize computation for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and
Learner Analysis
The target learners are primarily African American and Hispanic students in the fifth
grade. Students are between the ages of ten to eleven years old. There is about 48% of boys and
49% of girls in this grade. Majority of the fifth grade students scored a Beginning Learner (Level
1) or Developing Learner (Level 2) on the Math GMAS for the 2018-2019 school year. Students
have entered fifth grade with little understanding and computation with Numbers and
Operations. All students are self-contained and learns all subjects by one teacher. Majority of
the fifth grade students received either a D or F on their 4.5 Progress Report for Math. Some fifth
grade students show no motivation due to misconceptions for Numbers and Operations. Students
show signs of being nervous when answering math questions and it plays a role in their
achievement levels. Also, students show no motivational ability to complete their work. Students
would rather sleep or disrupt the learning environment for others. In the fifth grade, there are
only three students who are labeled as Gifted, nine students labeled as DES (Department of
Exceptional Students), twelve students labeled as ESOL (English as a Second Language) and
sixty students receiving EIP (Early Intervention Program) services for Math for the 2019-2020
school year.
Task Analysis
The task analysis that I will be using will be procedural analysis. Students will have to be
able to go step by step to understand how to do computation of Numbers and Operations which
includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and fractions. Students are not
on grade level with Numbers and Operations, so it would be easy to go down some grade levels
1. Place Value
a. Create a Place Value Chart from ones to millions using paper. Create seven
b. With a pencil, write down the different place value names and the values in
each square starting with ones and go left ending with millions.
c. Next draw seven squares under the place value chart created.
d. Write down the different values and how they increase by ten going from left
to right.
10x10x10x10x10x 10x10x10x10x10 10x10x10x10= 10x10x10= 10x10= 10x1 1
e. Grab some base ten blocks to model different numbers on the place value
f. Practice saying numbers and writing them in expanded form, standard form
Standard form=1,235
2. Addition
1 bear+1bear
b. Count to see how many there are all together in front of you.
c. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
12 circles + 3 circles
f. Count to see how many there are all together in front of you.
g. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
j. Write the number 36 and underneath write 45, then draw a line. Place an
l. Once you solve, write 1 under the line and carry the other 1and write it above
3. Subtraction
1 bear-1bear
b. Place one bear out
e. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
12 circles - 3 circles
h. Place 12 circles
k. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
n. Write the number 45 and underneath write 29, then draw a line. Place a
o. Solve the ones place value. 5-9. You cannot subtraction, go to the tens and
borrow a group of tens to take to the ones from 4 which is really 40. Your 4
p. Once you solve, write 4 under the line in the ones place value. Subtract 3-2 in
4. Multiplication
d. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
52 x3
h. On top break up the 52 into expanded form, 50+ 2 and on the left side write 3
i. In the first square multiply 50 x3. You may not be able to solve so multiply 5x
j. In the second square multiply 2x3 to get 6. Place it in the second square
k. Add the two answers together inside the squares to get 156.
33x 23
n. On top break up the 33 into expanded form, 30+ 3 and on the left side write
o. In the first square multiply 30 x20. You may not be able to solve, so multiply
p. Below the first square, you will multiply 30 x 3. You may not be able to solve,
so multiply 3 x 3=9 add one zero to get 90. Place it in the square.
q. Go to the second square on top, you will multiply 3 x 20. You may not be able
to solve, so multiply 3x 2=6 add one zero to 60. Place it in the square.
r. Go to the last empty square on the bottom, you will multiply 3 x 3=9. Place it
in the square.
5. Division
12 ÷ 4
b. Split 12 into 4 equal groups.
d. Get some paper and a pencil to write down the equation or draw out the
g. Create a square on paper and draw two line, so you have three equal boxes.
h. On the side write down 3, in the first square write 300, second square write 20
i. Figure out how many times 3 can go into 300. Place your answer on top of the
square. It should be 100. Inside the square you have to place what 3x 100
j. Figure out how many times 3 can go into 20. Place your answer on top of the
square. It should give you 6. Inside the square you have to place what 3x 6
k. Take your 2 and add it to the 1 in the last square. Now you have 3. Now you
have to figure out how many times 3 can go into 3. Place your answer on top
of the square. It should give you 1. Inside the square you have to place what
a. Create a Place Value Chart from ones to hundredths using paper. Create four
b. With a pencil, write down the different place value names and the values in
each square starting with ones and go right ending with hundredths.
1 Point .1 .01
. 1 1
10 100
c. Grab some base ten blocks to model different numbers on the place value
d. Use graph paper to shade the difference in wholes, tenths, and hundredths
with different colored pencils. In model you will always have 100 squares to
get a whole.
e. Practice saying numbers and writing them in expanded form, standard form
Standard form=1.34
3 4
Expanded form = 1+ +
10 100
h. Look at four quarters. Write down the value 1 quarter =.25, 2 quarters= .50, 3
quarters=.75 and 4 quarters equal a dollar. Now look at how many quarters
you have which 4. That four represents how many parts it takes to make a
i. If you have 1 quarter out of 4, now you have
2 1
j. If you have 2 quarters out of 4, now you have or
4 2
k. If you have 3 quarters out of 4, now you have
l. If you have 4 quarters out of 4, now you have or one whole.
No Place Can place, say, and
Does not understand Value write digit in the correct
place value. place value.
Can use models, pictures
Cannot solve
and different strategies to
addition problems Addition
fluently solve addition
with models or
problems and regroup
No Yes
Cannot solve Can use models, pictures
Subtraction and different strategies to
subtraction problems
due to be not being fluently solve subtraction
able to regroup. problems and regroup
No Can use models, pictures
Cannot solve and different strategies to
multiplication problems fluently solve multiplication
due to not knowing problems.
multiplication facts. Multiplication
No Can use models, pictures
Cannot solve division Division
and different strategies to
problems due to not fluently solve subtraction
knowing multiplication Problems.
Can use models, pictures and
Cannot solve decimal
different strategies to place
problems due to not
digits in the correct place value
knowing the right side
on a place value chart and
of a number line and
number line. Can also read,
place value chart.
write, and say decimals
No Can use models, pictures and
Cannot solve fractions different strategies to solve and
problems due to not convert fraction problems
knowing the right side correctly.
of a number line and
place value chart.
Instructional Objectives
The assessments given below will go over standards MGSE5.NBT.1., MGSE5.NBT.7 and
MGSE5.NF.1. The assessments will assess if students are able to master each standard and if
students have a full understanding of each learning objectives taught. For MGSE5.NBT.1, the
assessment will be over understanding place value for whole numbers and decimals. Students
will have multiple choice questions and one question students will have to explain how to solve
the problem and show their understanding of place value. There is also a differentiate assessment
for students who are labeled as DES (Department of Exceptional Students) and ESOL (English
as a Second Language). Those students will five multiple choice questions. They will also have
additional time and be read the questions and answer choice. MGSE5.NBT.7 assessments will be
over addition, subtraction, multiplying, or dividing decimals to the hundredths. There will be ten
questions that the students will have to solve and explain how they got their answer. There is also
a differentiate assessment for students who are labeled as DES (Department of Exceptional
Students) and ESOL (English as a Second Language). Those students will ten multiple choice
questions. They will also have additional time and be read the questions and answer choice. The
last assessment is over MGSE5.NF.1 which covers adding and subtracting fractions and mixed
numbers with unlike denominators by finding the common denominator. There will be ten
questions that the students will have to solve and explain how they got their answer. There is also
a differentiate assessment for students who are labeled as DES (Department of Exceptional
Students) and ESOL (English as a Second Language). Those students will ten multiple choice
questions. They will also have additional time and be read the questions and answer choice.
5.NBT.1 Assessment
4. Which of the following expressions could be used to find the value of the 3 in 49.123?
1 1
a. 1,000 x 3 b. 100 x 3 c. x3 d. x3
1000 100
5. Which of the following expressions could be used to find the value of the underlined 2 in
1 1
a. 100 x 2 b. 10 x 2 c. x2 d. x2
10 100
6. Which of the following is the correct expanded form equation for 932.74?
1 1
a. (9 x ) + (3 x ) + (2 x 1) + (7 x 10) + (4 x 100) = 932.74
10 100
1 1
b. (9 x 100) + (3 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (7 x 1 ) + (4 x ) = 932.74
10 100
1 1
c. (9 x 100) + (3 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (7 x ) + (4 x ) = 932.74
100 10
1 1
d. (9 x 1) + (3 x 10) + (2 x 100) + (7 x ) + (4 x ) = 932.74
10 100
7. Which number has a 2 that is 10 times more than the value of the 2 in 4,523?
a. 241 b. 612 c. 928 d. 2,175
8. Which number has a digit in the tens place that is the value of the digit in the hundreds
a. 14,122 b. 24,432 c. 45,633 d. 63,884
9. A map showed two possible routes from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. The first route was
238.14 miles. The second route was 291.57 miles. How many times greater is the value of the 1
in the second route than the value of the 1 in the first route?
a. times greater
b. one time greater
c. ten times greater
d. one hundred times greater
10. The weights of four dogs are listed in the table below.
Name Weight Name
(pounds) Weight
Bark 37.982
Ruff 42.807
Turn-Up 40.768
The Rocket 38.790
In which dog's weight does 7 have the greatest value? In words two-four sentences, explain how
you solved your answer.
1. c -- eight tenths
2. d -- six thousandths
3. b -- 84.2
4. c -- x3
5. c -- x2
6. b -- (9 x 100) + (3 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (7 x ) + (4 x 1 100 ) = 932.74
7. a -- 241
8. d -- 63,884
9. c -- ten times greater
10. BARK. The seven is in the ones place value. The other values are less than one or on the
right side of the decimal. If a number is on the right side of the decimal the answer is less than a
whole number.
4. Which number has a 2 that is 10 times more than the value of the 2 in 4,523?
a. 241 b. 612 c. 928 d. 2,175
5. Which number has a digit in the tens place that is the value of the digit in the hundreds
a. 14,122 b. 24,432 c. 45,633 d. 63,884
1. c -- .8
2. d -- .006
3. b -- 84.2
4. a -- 241
5. d -- 63,884
5.NBT.7 Assessment
4. Olivia weighed 7.32 pounds when she was born. She has gained 8.7 pounds since then.
How much does Olivia weigh now? Show your work with a strategy taught in class. In
two-four sentences, explain how you solved your work.
5. It took Grace 3 hours to run 26.4 miles. How far did Grace run each hour? Show your
work with a strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences, explain how you solved your
9. Chris is 1.3 meters tall. His mother is 1.5 times as tall has Chris. How tall is Chris’s
mother? Show your work with a strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences, explain
how you solved your work.
10. Stephanie has a 20-foot piece of ribbon. She cuts 3 equal pieces to wrap presents. Each
piece is 2.5 feet long. How much ribbon does Stephanie have left? Show your work with
a strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences, explain how you solved your work.
1. 15.82
2. 8.93
3. 8.6 miles
4. 16.02 miles
5. 8.8 miles
6. 0.15
7. 5
8. 2.75 pounds
9. 1.95 m
10. 12.5 ft.
3. Gretchen hiked 5.6 miles before lunch and then hiked another 3 miles after lunch. How
many miles did Gretchen hike in all?
a)5.8 miles b)5.9 miles c)8.6 miles d)9.6 miles
4. Olivia weighed 7.32 pounds when she was born. She has gained 8.7 pounds since then.
How much does Olivia weigh now?
a)16.02 pounds b)8.19 pounds c)6.45pounds d)1.38 pounds
5. It took Grace 3 hours to run 26.4 miles. How far did Grace run each hour?
a)88 miles b)8.8 miles c)0.88 miles d)0.088 miles
8. Anne bought 6 pounds of raspberries. She used 3.25 pounds to make a raspberry pie.
How many pounds of raspberries does Anne have left?
a)2.75 pounds b)3.19 pounds c)3.25 pounds d)9.25 pounds
9. Chris is 1.3 meters tall. His mother is 1.5 times as tall has Chris. How tall is Chris’s
a)1.8 m b)1.95 m c)2.8 m d)19.5 m
10. Stephanie has a 20-foot piece of ribbon. She cuts 3 equal pieces to wrap presents. Each
piece is 2.5 feet long. How much ribbon does Stephanie have left?
a)5.5 ft. b)7.5 ft. c)12.5 ft. d)13.5 ft.
1. A. 15.82
2. D. 8.93
3. C. 8.6 miles
4. A. 16.02 miles
5. B. 8.8 miles
6. B. 0.15
7. D. 5
8. A. 2.75 pounds
9. B. 1.95 m
10. C. 12.5 ft.
5.NF.1 Assessment
5 1
1. Julie has two puppies. One weighs pound and the other weighs pound. Find the
8 4
difference in weight between Julie’s puppies. Show your work with a strategy taught in
class. In two-four sentences, explain how you solved your work.
2. Margaret hiked two trails while she was on vacation. The first trail was mile and the
second trail was mile. How far did Margaret hike in all? Show your work with a
strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences, explain how you solved your work.
8. The Matthews family owns two lots in Rochester, NY. The first lot is 7 acres and the
second lot is 12 acres. How many acres of land does the Matthews family own in
Rochester? Show your work with a strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences,
explain how you solved your work.
9. Sylvia is hiking from Mineral Creek to Blueberry Hill, a distance of 6 miles. After
hiking 2 miles, Sylvia stops for lunch. How much further does Sylvia have left to hike?
Show your work with a strategy taught in class. In two-four sentences, explain how you
solved your work.
2. 1
3. 7
5. 3
8. 20
9. 3
5 1
1. Julie has two puppies. One weighs pound and the other weighs pound. Find the
8 4
difference in weight between Julie’s puppies.
d. 1
2. Margaret hiked two trails while she was on vacation. The first trail was mile and the
second trail was mile. How far did Margaret hike in all?
c. 1
d. 1
8. The Matthews family owns two lots in Rochester, NY. The first lot is 7 acres and the
second lot is 12 acres. How many acres of land does the Matthews family own in
a. 19
b. 19
c. 20
d. 20
9. Sylvia is hiking from Mineral Creek to Blueberry Hill, a distance of 6 miles. After
hiking 2 miles, Sylvia stops for lunch. How much further does Sylvia have left to hike?
a. 4
b. 4
c. 3
d. 3
1. A.
2. D. 1
3. A. 7
4. A.
5. D. 3
6. D.
7. B.
8. D. 20
9. C. 3
10. B.
Number Diva, The. “Decimal Operations Quiz, 5.NBT.7 Assessment, Includes Two Versions.”
Teachers Pay Teachers, 2016,
Number Diva, The. “FREEBIE: Adding & Subtracting Fractions Quiz, 5.NF.1 Assessment, 2
Versions.” Teachers Pay Teachers, 2017,
Sequence 1: Describe and represent the different place values on the left of a
number line.
Content Performance
Recall Application
Fact Recall what values
are on the left side
of a number line
and recall what
whole numbers
look like.
Principles and rules Whole numbers are
the only numbers
on the left side of a
number line.
Procedure Create a place value
chart for number on
the left side of the
number line.
Having millions,
hundred thousands,
ten thousands,
hundreds, tens and
Sequence 2: Describe and represent the different place values on the right of a
number line.
Content Performance
Recall Application
Fact Recall what values
are on the right side
of a number line
and recall what
decimals and
fraction numbers
look like.
Principles and rules Decimals and
fractions are the
only numbers on
the right side of a
number line.
Procedure Create a place value
chart for number on
the right side of the
number line.
Having a decimal
point, tenths, and
Create models to
represent the
different decimals
using base ten
blocks. Add or
subtract the base ten
blocks and be able
explain if wholes,
tenths, or
hundredths were
created or removed.
Create models to
represent the
different decimals
using base ten
blocks. Group the
base ten blocks and
be able explain if
wholes, tenths, or
hundredths were
created or removed.
Sequence 6: Demonstrate how to add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike
Content Performance
Recall Application
Fact Recall what a mixed
number looks like.
The learning instructional strategies used for this assignment were based off the
content of recalling facts and rules. Students will also use application for the content of
procedures. Students will have to use procedures to be able to place numbers in the
correct place value; add, subtract, multiply or divide decimals to the hundredths and add
and subtract fractions and mixed numbers using unlike denominators. For students
Language), students will get additional time to model place value, decimals and fractions.
Use additional manipulatives such as base ten blocks, fraction tiles, Cuisenaire rods and
etc. Students will also get additional support with additional resources such as videos,
lessons, and educational games due to the course is an online. Students will also be able
problems. Students will also have less problems than the general class. Students will be
able to use a multiplication chart to help with multiplying and dividing decimals. All
students will receive their instruction online with instructional videos, educational videos,
Attention Grabber and activate Students will receive a Kahoot It code, so they can do a
prior knowledge. small pre-assessment to see what they know about place
value to the left of the number line (whole numbers) and
the right of the number line (decimals and fractions).
There will be ten questions about the different place
value and the value of a certain digit. The Kahoot It was
also help with prior knowledge to recognize what
students know about place value.
Inform the objectives Students will receive their objectives and standards with
a Google Slide Presentation letting them what will be
taught in the lesson.
Delivering Content Due to the class being online, the students will receive
their instruction with instructional videos, Google
Classroom, educational websites and educational videos.
Sequence of Instruction 1. Students will first work on a ten question Kahoot
It to see what their prior knowledge is about Place
Value with whole numbers, decimals and
2. Students will then get introduced to the standard
and learning objective from a Google Slide
3. Students then watch an instructional video over
understanding place value with whole numbers
and understanding place value with decimals and
fractions. Students will be able to see the
difference in values.
4. Students will be told in the instructional video to
create a place value chart that will have up to
millions on the left side of the number line and
thousandths on the right side of the number line.
Students will have to label the chart and know the
5. Students will be able to also watch a YouTube
video over NBT.1 to get a better understanding of
the lesson, in case they did not understand the
instructional video. Students will also get the
opportunity to work on some problems from the
6. Students will then work on a small NBT.1 Task in
their Google Classroom. The task will cover the
standard and will have a real-world connection
word problem. Students will have to solve the
problem and explain how they came up with their
answer in a few sentences.
7. Students will also work on IXL website to
continue their understanding on the standard
NBT.1. Students will be able to work on lessons
named Converting between standard and
expanded form (5-A.1), Place Value (5-A.2),
Place Value in Decimal Number (5-G.4), and
Relationship between decimal place value (5-G).
With the website, if the student gets the answer
wrong it will give them an explanation on how to
solve the problem correctly.
8. Students will be given a ten question NBT.1
Assessment. The assessment will be placed on a
Google Form which can be placed in the Google
Classroom. The students will be able to get their
grade on the Google Form and the teacher will be
able to give feedback in the Google Classroom on
why the student scored their certain grade.
Provide Feedback Students will be able to get feedback for their
assignments on Google Classroom. Google Classroom
will allow students to turn in their assignments and they
will get the opportunity to get feedback on their work.
Students can also use Google Hangouts if they have
questions or need additional help on a topic.
Explain Differentiation For students labeled DES (Department of Exceptional
Students) and ESOL (English as a Second Language),
students will still work on the Kahoot It. Students will
also see the Google Slide Presentation for the standard
and objective and watch the instructional video in the
Google Classroom. They will get a vocabulary lesson of
key words they will need to know for NBT.1. Students
will also create a place value chart. Students will watch
the YouTube videos over Place Value.
Students will be given five problems over place value in
their Google Classroom. Students will also be able to
work on IXL website to continue their understanding on
the standard NBT.1. Students will be able to work on
lessons named Converting between standard and
expanded form (5-A.1), Place Value (5-A.2), Place Value
in decimal number (5-G.4), and Relationship between
decimal place value (5-G). With the website, if the
student gets the answer wrong it will give them an
explanation on how to solve the problem correctly. They
will complete a five question NBT.1 (DES and ESOL)
assessment. The assessment will be placed on a Google
Form which can be placed in the Google Classroom. The
students will be able to get their grade on the Google
Form and the teacher will be able to give feedback in the
Google Classroom on why the student scored their
certain grade.
Students who need remediation can use the
differentiation plans for NBT.1!
Attention Grabber and Students will receive a Kahoot It code, so they can do a
activate prior knowledge. small pre-assessment to see what they know about adding,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals to the
hundredths. There will be ten questions about the different
ways to solve decimals. The Kahoot It was also help with
prior knowledge to recognize what students know about
adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals.
Inform the objectives Students will receive their objectives and standards with a
Google Slide Presentation letting them what will be taught
in the lesson.
Delivering Content Due to the class being online, the students will receive their
instruction with instructional videos, Google Classroom,
educational websites and educational videos.
Sequence of Instruction 1. Students will first work on a ten question Kahoot It
to see what their prior knowledge is about adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals to
the hundredths.
2. Students will then get introduced to the standard and
learning objective from a Google Slide Presentation.
3. Students then watch an instructional video over how
to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to the
hundredths. Each video will be separate, so it does
not overwhelm the students. The videos will give
different strategies to solve a certain problem.
4. Students will be told in the instructional video to
create mini- anchor charts to help solve adding,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals to
the hundredth problems.
5. Students will be able to also watch a YouTube video
over NBT.7 to get a better understanding of the
lesson, in case they did not understand the
instructional video. Students will also get the
opportunity to work on some problems from the
6. Students will then work on a small NBT.7 Task in
their Google Classroom. The task will cover the
standard and will have a real-world connection word
problem. Students will have to solve the problem
and explain how they came up with their answer in a
few sentences.
7. Students will also work on IXL website to continue
their understanding on the standard NBT.7. Students
will be able to work on lessons named Add decimal
numbers (5-H.1), Subtract decimal numbers (5-H.2),
Multiply decimals using grids (5-I), Divide by
decimals (5-J.6), Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
decimals (5-O.7) and Add, subtract, multiply, and
divide decimals: word problems (5-O.8). With the
website, if the student gets the answer wrong it will
give them an explanation on how to solve the
problem correctly.
8. Students will be given a ten question NBT.7
Assessment. The assessment will be placed on a
Google Form which can be placed in the Google
Classroom. The students will be able to get their
grade on the Google Form and the teacher will be
able to give feedback in the Google Classroom on
why the student scored their certain grade.
Provide Feedback Students will be able to get feedback for their assignments
on Google Classroom. Google Classroom will allow
students to turn in their assignments and they will get the
opportunity to get feedback on their work. Students can also
use Google Hangouts if they have questions or need
additional help on a topic.
Explain Differentiation For students labeled DES (Department of Exceptional
Students) and ESOL (English as a Second Language),
students will still work on the Kahoot It. Students will also
see the Google Slide Presentation for the standard and
objective and watch the instructional video in the Google
Classroom. They will get a vocabulary lesson of key words
they will need to know for NBT.7. Students will also create
mini-anchor charts and base ten blocks. Students will use
the created base ten blocks to add, subtract, multiply and
divide. Students will use the created base ten blocks to
solve different problems and have a visual model. Students
will watch the YouTube videos over adding, subtracting,
multiplying, and dividing decimals to the hundredths.
Students will be given five problems over place value in
their Google Classroom. Students will also be able to work
on IXL website to continue their understanding on the
standard NBT.7. Students will be able to work on lessons
named Add decimal numbers (5-H.1), Subtract decimal
numbers (5-H.2), Multiply decimals using grids (5-I),
Divide by decimals (5-J.6), Add, subtract, multiply, and
divide decimals (5-O.7) and Add, subtract, multiply, and
divide decimals: word problems (5-O.8). With the website,
if the student gets the answer wrong it will give them an
explanation on how to solve the problem correctly. Students
can also work on all the work under the IXL GA Standards
Math Fifth NBT.7 activities. They will complete a five
question NBT.7 (DES and ESOL) assessment. The
assessment will be placed on a Google Form which can be
placed in the Google Classroom. The students will be able
to get their grade on the Google Form and the teacher will
be able to give feedback in the Google Classroom on why
the student scored their certain grade.
Students who need remediation can use the
differentiation plans for NBT.7!
MGSE5.NF.1: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators
Attention Grabber and Students will receive a Kahoot It code, so they can do a
activate prior knowledge. small pre-assessment to see what they know about adding
and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like and
unlike denominators. There will be twelve questions. The
Kahoot It was also help with prior knowledge to recognize
what students know about adding and subtracting fractions
and mixed numbers.
Inform the objectives Students will receive their objectives and standards with a
Google Slide Presentation letting them what will be taught
in the lesson.
Delivering Content Due to the class being online, the students will receive
their instruction with instructional videos, Google
Classroom, educational websites and educational videos.
Sequence of Instruction 1. Students will first work on a ten question Kahoot It
to see what their prior knowledge is about adding
and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with
like and unlike denominators.
2. Students will then get introduced to the standard
and learning objective from a Google Slide
3. Students then watch an instructional video over
how to adding and subtracting fractions and mixed
numbers with unlike denominators. Each video will
be separate, so it does not overwhelm the students.
The videos will give different strategies to solve a
certain problem.
4. Students will be told in the instructional video to
create mini- anchor charts to help solve adding and
subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like
and unlike denominators problems. Students will
also create fraction tiles.
5. Students will be able to also watch a YouTube
video over NF.1 to get a better understanding of the
lesson, in case they did not understand the
instructional video. Students will also get the
opportunity to work on some problems from the
6. Students will then work on a small NF.1 Task in
their Google Classroom. The task will cover the
standard and will have a real-world connection
word problem. Students will have to solve the
problem and explain how they came up with their
answer in a few sentences.
7. Students will also work on IXL website to continue
their understanding on the standard NF.1. Students
will be able to work on lessons named Add
fractions with unlike denominators (5-L.8),
Subtract fractions with unlike denominators (5-
L.10), Add mixed numbers with unlike
denominators (5-L.18), and Subtract mixed
numbers with unlike denominators (5-L.19). With
the website, if the student gets the answer wrong it
will give them an explanation on how to solve the
problem correctly.
8. Students will be given a ten question NF.1
Assessment. The assessment will be placed on a
Google Form which can be placed in the Google
Classroom. The students will be able to get their
grade on the Google Form and the teacher will be
able to give feedback in the Google Classroom on
why the student scored their certain grade.
Provide Feedback Students will be able to get feedback for their assignments
on Google Classroom. Google Classroom will allow
students to turn in their assignments and they will get the
opportunity to get feedback on their work. Students can
also use Google Hangouts if they have questions or need
additional help on a topic.
Explain Differentiation For students labeled DES (Department of Exceptional
Students) and ESOL (English as a Second Language),
students will still work on the Kahoot It. Students will also
see the Google Slide Presentation for the standard and
objective and watch the instructional video in the Google
Classroom. They will get a vocabulary lesson of key words
they will need to know for NF.1. Students will also create
mini-anchor charts and fraction tiles. Students will use the
created fraction tiles to solve different problems and have a
visual model. Students will watch the YouTube videos
over Adding and Subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.
Students will be given five problems over place value in
their Google Classroom. Students will also be able to work
on IXL website to continue their understanding on the
standard NF.1. Students will be able to work on lessons
named Add fractions with unlike denominators (5-L.8),
Subtract fractions with unlike denominators (5-L.10), Add
mixed numbers with unlike denominators (5-L.18), and
Subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators (5-
L.19). With the website, if the student gets the answer
wrong it will give them an explanation on how to solve the
problem correctly. Students can also work on all the work
under the IXL GA Standards Math Fifth NF.1 activities.
They will complete a five question NBT.7 (DES and
ESOL) assessment. The assessment will be placed on a
Google Form which can be placed in the Google
Classroom. The students will be able to get their grade on
the Google Form and the teacher will be able to give
feedback in the Google Classroom on why the student
scored their certain grade.
Students who need remediation can use the
differentiation plans for NF.1!
Formative Evaluation Plan
The Formative Evaluation that I have created will focus on the audience of fifth grade
students who worked on an online Place Value Course. The students will be given a link to take
their evaluation online. The link will open up to a Google Forms. The evaluation will inform me
on how the students felt about the helpfulness/ availability of the teacher, feedback of
performance from the teacher, encouragement to participate, instructional content, application &
skill of development and the instruction overall. Majority of the questions are linear scale with 1
ranging at strongly disagree and 5 ranging at strongly agree, so students will only have to pick a
number. There are also two short answer questions for instruction overall. In Google Forms, the
responses will be represented into three different group pages. The first group page will be a
summary, which will show bar graphs or pie chart for each question answered. The second group
page will be question, it will allow me to see each answer for each question and allow me to see
how many people chose a certain answer towards a question. The last group page is individual,
which will allow me to see how each individual answered each survey. With the data collected,
it will allow me to analyze each part of my survey and allow me make improves to the course