Intelligent Control Systems. I. Quantum Computing and Selforganization Algorithm
Intelligent Control Systems. I. Quantum Computing and Selforganization Algorithm
Intelligent Control Systems. I. Quantum Computing and Selforganization Algorithm
Abstract—The role and methodology of application of quantum computing in problems of design of robust
intelligent control systems under the conditions of contingency control situations are discussed. The quan
tum selforganization control algorithm, which contains the selforganization control algorithm for robust
knowledge bases as the particular case, is developed. The satisfaction of the introduced thermodynamic cri
terion (in the form of the minimum of the generalized entropy in the established relation between such qual
itative control characteristics as stability, controllability, and robustness) is the goal of application of the quan
tum selforganization control algorithm for knowledge bases used in the control loop. The essentially non
linear and globally unstable control object is used as the example for application of the quantum self
organization control algorithm to the solution of the vector optimization problem based on the decomposi
tion of knowledge bases.
DOI: 10.1134/S1064230709060112
completeness and correctness of the designed data this paper. Figure 1b shows the structural diagram of
base [2]. the information technology and design stages of the
Here, the term data base is used in the meaning objective knowledge base for robust intelligent control
standard for the theory of fuzzy controllers [2, 4] as the systems based on new types of intelligent computing.
finite set of production rules (lookup table) of a cer Note that the output signal of the fuzzy controller
tain model of fuzzy inference with particular types and in Fig. 1a determines the vector K = {kP, kD, kI,} of
parameters of membership function forming the con
gains of the PID controller and {kP, kD, kI,} means the
trol laws for the control object. The parameters and
type of the membership function are stored in the data proportional, differential, and integral gains, respec
base of the fuzzy controller. The structure of the fuzzy tively.
selforganized PID controller with a certain level of The crossed block “Expert system” means that the
intelligence [2] was introduced in [8]; it is used in this developed technology of robust knowledge base design
paper. does not use expert subjective estimates of the produc
R e m a r k 2. For complete representation the fol tion rules in the knowledge base which occur in the
lowing example is given in Section 4: the design of the case of interpretation of the results of measurements
knowledge base in the form of production rules “If A and observation of the output signal X of the control
then B”, where А and B are the linguistic variables object (Fig. 1a).
with particular membership functions formed using R e m a r k 3. Objectively the measured signal X is
the knowledge base optimizer on soft computing for the initial information for the expert, and the evalua
the dynamic control object cartpole. This example is tion of this information by the expert upon construc
also used to illustrate the quantum fuzzy inference for tion of the knowledge base in the general case (for
formation of robust control signals for gains of the example, in the case of large dimensionality) has the
fuzzy PID controller due to selforganization of subjective character. The technology of intelligent
knowledge bases designed earlier (using the knowl measurements can be directly applied to results of
edge base optimizer). measurements and extract the knowledge from them
B. Problems of development of intelligent control sys without subjective interpretation due to the fitness
tems. One of the difficulties of development of intelli functions in the genetic algorithm. We underline that
gent control systems for contingency control situa in this paper the standard notation of the structural
tions is the solution of the problem of corresponding diagrams of intelligent control systems is used [1, 2, 7].
robust knowledge base design [1] using objective Therefore, the task of the design technology
knowledge on the dynamic behavior of the control (denoted in Fig. 1a and structurally presented in
object and fuzzy PID controllers. The solution of this Fig. 1b) is the formation of objective robust knowledge
problem considerably depends on the possibility of base in the intelligent control system for contingency
development of algorithmically solvable, physi control situations.
cally/mathematically correct model [9] and the tools R e m a r k 4. In Fig. 1 (and Fig. 2 below) and in the
for practical implementation of the process of extrac text below the following notation is introduced: r.s. is
tion, development, and formation of objective knowl the reference signal (disturbances of the control
edge without the participation of an expert [4, 7]. The object) reproduced by the forming filters [7]; U * is the
introduction of physical and information constraints control force with the imposed noise; X is the output
into the formalized description of the model of the
control object [1, 9] considerably influences the qual signal of the control object; ε is the control error; K (t )
ity of the formed knowledge base in the intelligent are the gains of the PID controller; GA is the genetic
control system, and the elimination of these con algorithm; FC is the fuzzy controller, QFI is the quan
straints from the description of the models of control tum fuzzy inference, KBO is the knowledge base opti
objects results in the incorrectness and loss of robust mizer; GIF is the global intelligent feedback; QA is the
ness of the designed control laws, respectively [10]. quantum algorithm; and CO is the control object.
Therefore, one of the complex key problems of the Dashed frame of the block “Control law” does not
development of the basis of information technology of include the PID controller, although the control signal u
intelligent control systems design for such a wide class is formed by this device (Fig. 1a).
of control objects is the creation of the process of The laws of formation of the control force u (t ) fol
designing robust knowledge bases for contingency low from the structure of the PID controller and are
control situations for the actuating level of the hierar well known. This fact is the advantage of PID control
chical control structure taking into account real phys lers. The solutions for time formation of optimal con
ical and information constraints in the production trol laws by the gains of PID controllers are less
rules of the knowledge base [8]. known, in spite of a rather large number of publica
C. Design technology and structure of intelligent con tions (more than 85 patents on formation of control
trol systems. Figure 1a shows the typical structure of laws for gains of PID controller are known).
the intelligent control system and describes the prob Therefore, methodologically in this paper, due to
lem of objective knowledge base design considered in the extensive application, the PID controller is chosen
Problem solution
Expert Subjective
FK system knowledge
Control K
r.s. + PID + U* Control X
controller object
− u +
Measurement system
robustness Result III
Testing and choice
of design
V Robust
Correction of scaling
coefficients IV
Process of Unpredictable
designing quan
tum fuzzy controller Autonomous regime
Fig. 1. Design of robust knowledge bases in contingency control situations: (a) knowledge base design problem; (b) structure of
technology and design stages.
as the initial one and this block is selected with the yields the necessary technical effect [10, 11]: non
term “Control law” applied to it. Note that many con destruction of the actuating level with the guaranteed
trollers with sliding regimes, automatic control sys control efficiency and reliability due to the increased
tems with variable structure, fractional or noninteger level of its intelligence.
order controllers, etc. were studied by us and it was Let us briefly describe the main stages of informa
demonstrated [11] that they are also efficiently tion technology of robust knowledge base design pre
designed using the developed technology presented in sented in Fig. 1b.
Fig. 1. The simplicity of physical implementation of At stage I of design using the technology of soft
the designed control laws for the actuating level computing (the block of knowledge base optimizer)
together with the increased “level of intelligence” the finite set of knowledge bases for particular control
situations marked in Fig. 1b by the note “Learning control laws for the gains of the PID controller includ
control situations” is formed. At this stage, as shown in ing the mentioned specific features.
[7, 8], the problem of formation of the partial robust
ness of the intelligent control system is solved; in this The technologies of soft and quantum computing
case, the intelligent control system executes the con [4, 12–15] are used as the tools for simulation of pro
trol problems for the given class of control situations. duction rules of knowledge bases.
The question of formation of the property of global D. Goal of the study. In this paper consisting of two
robustness of the intelligent control system (denoted
in Fig. 1b by the note of the question mark) is the interconnected parts the solutions of two problems are
problem solved by this information design technology. considered. Part I presents the quantum algorithm of
Successive transition (from partial to global robust knowledge selforganization control and the role of
ness) results in the process of designing the quantum analogues of physical (quantum and thermodynamic)
fuzzy controller using quantum strategies in the logical effects in the implementation of the process of guaran
fuzzy inference (in the form of the quantum fuzzy teed achievement of the control quality. In this case
inference denoted by corresponding note in Fig. 1b). the main attention is paid to the description of the
This transition is implemented at stages II, III, and IV, qualitative specific features of the biologically repro
respectively. After obtaining the results of operation of ducible evolution of selforganization whose basic
the quantum fuzzy inference the block of genetic algo components are described by quantum operators and
rithm forms the scaling factors for the generalized comprise the content of the developed model of the
gains of the PID controller. The results (ii) ∈ are
quantum algorithm of selforganization control. The
related to stage II, and (iii) ∈ to stage III. The other
substages of the design process are shown by corre problem of robust control in contingency situations
sponding notes in Fig. 1b; their interpretation is given based on quantum strategies of making decisions in
below. The process of designing selforganization of the form of quantum fuzzy inference as the particular
robust knowledge bases in contingency control situa case of the developed generalized quantum algorithm
tions is implemented via the total action of the above of selforganization control is considered. Part II pre
design stages. sents the results of application of the technology of
The structures of robust intelligent control systems robust knowledge base design in the structure of the
based on the developed design technology (see Fig. 1b) intelligent control systems (see Figs. 1b and 2b).
are shown in Fig. 2.
Note some specific features of the notation in Fig. 2. E. Applied aspects. The developed software tools of
The twosided arrow “Entropy production” in new intelligent computing (unconventional computa
Fig. 2b denotes the process of calculation of the tional intelligence [15]) includes the principle of self
entropy production by signals Х and u, which is equiv organization of the knowledge base based on the quan
alent to the presence of the calculation block tum approach and implements the thermodynamic cri
“Entropy production” in both connections. This pro terion of optimal ratio of the control features, such as the
cess was described in detail in [2, 7, 8]. The entropy stability, controllability, and robustness.
production is considered in the genetic algorithm as
one of the components of the fitness function (the cri The quantum algorithm introduced in this paper is
terion of the minimum of generalized entropy, see the new quantum search algorithm. The solution of
Fig. 6a) and is the thermodynamic quantity. There the problem of designing the robust control of the con
fore, the correct operation with physically homoge trol object (locally or globally unstable and essentially
neous variables (according to the laws of thermody nonlinear) with the vector criterion of control quality
namics of open systems) is executed in the integrator is considered in this paper as the example (bench
in Fig. 2. The example of application of this operation mark) of efficient use of the developed information
is considered in Section 4.
design technology.
In the model of quantum fuzzy inference in Fig. 2b
the quantum knowledge hidden in classical states In Section 4 the possibility of efficient application
obtained at the output of the block “Formation of of the technology of quantum computing is illustrated,
objective knowledge based on soft computing” is in particular, for solution of such algorithmically
extracted. In contingency control situations the quan unsolvable by classical methods problems as designing
tum fuzzy inference based on the reaction of produc the global robustness of intelligent control systems in
tion rules of the robust knowledge base designed by the
fuzzy controller (see Figs. 13 and 18 below) forms and the conditions of contingency control situations
implements in real time the control laws with account [10, 16]. Classical methods mean methods of recur
of nonlinear physical and information constraints on rent stochastic optimization, etc., included, for exam
the conditions of operation of the control object. As a ple, in the industrial software for support of the system
result, the quantum fuzzy inference is used to design of engineering calculations of the type of MathLab
the robustness of the intelligent control system in the and SimuLink.
Intelligent computing
New tool in
Objective MatLab
knowledge KBO GА
Formation of
control laws Control laws
for gains К GIF
+ ε u U*
r. s. PID + Control X
controller object
− +
Measurement system
Formation of objective
Extraction of quantum knowledge based
knowledge hidden on soft computing
in classical states
Finite set of individual Fitness
Online knowledge base knowledge bases
New control quality based
on quantum knowledge −
Calculation +
K of entropy production
r. s. + ε u U* X
PID + Control
controller object
− +
Measurement system
Fig. 2. Structures of intelligent control systems with knowledge base optimizers with intelligent computing: (a) structure of intel
ligent control system with knowledge base optimizer with soft computing; (b) structure of intelligent control system with knowl
edge base optimizer with quantum computing; GIF is global intelligent feedback.
1. ROLE AND PRINCIPLES the numerical algorithm. The logical evaluation of the
OF TECHNOLOGIES OF INTELLIGENT property in the general case can be made only at the
COMPUTING IN DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT end of quantitative calculations, and for algorithmi
CONTROL SYSTEMS cally unsolvable numerical problems (algorithm com
In conventional calculus the qualitative property of plexity according to Kolmogorov [9]) often the sought
the studied object is judged by the quantitative result of estimate is unachievable.
The basis of intelligent computing is not only 1.1. Technology of Soft Computing
numerical scales (as in conventional calculations) but
also qualitative characteristics of the studied object. The generalization of the idea of the number due to
The goal and the possibility of intelligent computing is the introduction of the subjective qualitative scale (and
the direct determination of the qualitative characteris the reflection of its quantitative characteristic in this
tics of the object by algorithmic operation of these scale in the form of the linguistic approximation)
characteristics similar to numerical scales. Quantita resulted in the 30year long discussion with represen
tive estimates of the object can be obtained from the tatives of the scientific school of the probability theory.
qualitative estimates by inverse representation of The difficulties include, for example, the correct
scales. Soft and quantum computing are the examples determination of the notions of the membership func
of such calculus. In this case, many classical problems tion, logical correlations “fuzzy/random quantity”,
can be solved with exponential acceleration and algo and so on.
rithmically unsolvable classical problems can be The basis of the technology of soft computing is
solved [11–15] using quantum computing. fuzzy logic in which the law of excluded middle is not
Thus, for example, for calculation of the qualitative used. This results in the nonstandard inference on the
characteristic of the function (constant or balancing possibility of simultaneous consideration of, for exam
for four values of the argument) in conventional ple, number 10 on the scale [0, 100] as the linguistic
approach four steps of numerical operations are variable “large” or “small” with different values of the
required, while Deutsch’s quantum algorithm deter membership function on the given qualitative linguis
mines this quality of the studied function in one step. tic scale. Only practical application of fuzzy automatic
Schor’s algorithm solves the factorization problem for control systems for classical control objects explained
the given number with exponential rate with respect to and removed the divergences and difficulties of deter
the best known algorithm and if the length of the num mination of individual and mass events, operations of
ber increases this algorithm solves the algorithmically averaging and extraction of information, and so on.
unsolvable problem with the polynomial complexity.
As a result, fuzzy models of logical inference in the
Grover’s algorithm seeks the solution in unstruc phase space of linguistic variables provided the devel
tured data with quadratic speedup. The complete opment of fuzzy intelligent control systems which effi
description of these quantum algorithms is given in ciently solve control problems in the conditions of
[11–14]. essential uncertainty of initial information, weak for
Fuzzy sets, introduced in 1965 by L. Zadeh, extend malization of description of the control object, and
the determination of the number (used during many uncertain control targets [1].
centuries) and introduce the set of new scales of qual
itative characteristics which cannot be determined One of the main problems of practical and efficient
using classical calculus. This calculus opens new pos application of the technology of soft computing in
sibilities for the theory and design of intelligent control control problems was the solution of the following
systems. tasks: (a) objective determination of the form of the
Nonstandard logics used as the basis of intelligent membership function and its parameters in produc
computing and inferences obtained using them in tion rules of the knowledge base; (b) determination of
decision making and control problems often result in the optimal structure of fuzzy neural networks in
the imaginary “paradoxes” and contradiction with learning problems (approximation of the learning sig
intuitive ideas of the research engineer concerning the nal with the required error and the minimal number of
expected result. The term “nonstandard” logic already production rules in the knowledge base); (c) applica
includes this situation, and its introduction is justified tion of genetic algorithm in multicriteria control prob
by the desire of solving problems which cannot be lems and the presence of constraints on the parameters
solved by existing calculation technologies. These of the control object, etc.
technologies of intelligent computing include soft and These problems were solved and tested based on the
quantum computing used in this paper for robust developed knowledge base optimizer using the tech
knowledge base design in the conditions of contin nology of soft computing. The developed intelligent
gency control situations. The application of new tech tools provided the design of robust knowledge bases
nologies in engineering practice of the control theory upon the solution of one of the algorithmically unsolv
and systems often encounters the problems of over able (or hardly solvable) problems of the theory of arti
coming the inertia of the “pragmatic” intuition and ficial intelligence, the extraction, processing, and for
engineering philosophy. This took place in the mid mation of objective knowledge without the use of
1970se, as the ideas of soft computing based on the the expert estimates. This problem was considered in
ory of fuzzy sets in the form of fuzzy control systems were detail in [7]; in this paper the structure of the knowl
introduced into the engineering practice [1]. edge base optimizer, the solved optimization prob
Let us consider briefly the methodological specific lems, and this problem formulation were described in
features of application of the technologies of soft and detail. According to Fig. 1b, the output data of the
quantum computing. knowledge base optimizer at stage I are the input data
Part Part
“if” “then”
sig ning
Fig. 3. Example of optimization of the number of production rules upon approximation of the learning signal with given approx
imation error.
for stage II using the quantum fuzzy inference for the The second genetic algorithm optimizes the bases of
robust knowledge base design. production rules and chooses the optimal parameters
Note some specific features of the knowledge base of the righthand sides of production rules of the type
optimizer at stage I. “…then В”. The third genetic algorithm adjusts the
In this optimizer three genetic algorithms are used. knowledge base. As a consequence, the application of
Physically the first genetic algorithm optimizes lin these genetic algorithms provides the optimal struc
guistic variables in the lefthand side of the production
rule of the type “If А…” (see Fig. 3), eliminates the ture design of the fuzzy neural network (form of mem
excessive information in the learning signal, and real bership functions and their parameters, number of
izes the choice of the optimal power of term sets of lin internal layers, etc.) approximating the learning signal
guistic variables of components in the learning signal. with the required error [7].
Figure 4 shows the result of operation of the second 1980s): that it was necessary to apply quantum com
genetic algorithm in the knowledge base optimizer puting for the solution of quantum problems only.
upon designing the control laws for the gains of the
fuzzy PID controller used in the example of simula
tion of the system “moving cart—upturned pendu 1.2. Technology of Quantum Computing
lum” (see Section 4.1). In quantum logic of the technologies of intelligent
The combination of the methodologies of stochas quantum computing and quantum information theory
tic and fuzzy simulation of intelligent control systems the classical distributive law is not satisfied, which
as the tools of the knowledge base optimizer (devel reflects new (unusual) phenomena of the type of non
oped by us) provided higher robustness of the designed commutative character of variables, uncertainty, and
knowledge bases and the solution of complex prob the impossibility of simultaneous precise measure
lems of formation of objective knowledge. ment of observables in quantum mechanics. As a
result, unusual phenomena for classical physics, such
However, in the case of considerable variation or as entangled states, teleportation, and superdense
contingency control situations the designed control coding result in “paradoxes” and difficulties of physi
laws do not always preserve the robustness property cal interpretation from the point of view of logic of
[7, 8]. This effect is formed by the functional structure classical physics. Thus, for example two subsystems
of genetic algorithms in which (by definition) the solu each of which is in the entangled chaotic state (with
tion search space is fixed and is determined by the nonzero information entropy) in the case of merging
expert and the choice of the fitness function consid into one system form the pure (with the zero von Neu
ered as the control optimality criterion. The expert’s mann entropy) entangled state which possesses higher
opinion in the general case is manifested in his experi order level (quantum selforganization effect). Quan
ence of correct determination of the search space of tum superposition consisting of two classical mutually
the genetic algorithm and the knowledge of the form exclusive logical states provides the formation of one
of the fitness function. whole state which contains simultaneously, for exam
Thus, the optimal solution found using the tech ple, the logically contradictory “yes” and “no”
nology of soft computing (based on the genetic algo (Schrödinger’s cat). Two classical singleorbit states
rithms) corresponds to the given control situation, can be used to additionally (depending on the type of
contains (implicitly) the subjective character of the quantum communication) extract more than one bit
initial information, and in the case of incorrect deter of additional information using quantum correlation
mination of the search space and fitness function it (which is above the classical one). Quantum decision
can be inadequate to the given control situation. making strategies provide the formation of the player–
Note that the solution of the problem of automatic winner (Parrondo’s effect) using the quantum
control systems design for extraordinary situations approach to the problem solution [10–14] from two
using additional control loops can be related to the classical players who do not possess winning strategies
mid1980s; it resulted in the occurrence of the exces in the particular game situation.
sive information in control loops [17]. As a conse Thus, the quantum–language description of for
quence, this results in the lower reliability of automatic mulations of many classical (weakly structured) engi
control systems. Note also that in practice modern neering problems (which are difficult to be solved in
PID controllers are more and more often realized in terms of classical logic) provides their efficient solu
the program way on a new modern elemental base tion. However, this approach has a number of specific
(spintronics); therefore, they possess increased reli features in the case of practical application in control
ability. This problem was studied in detail by many problems. In the theory of quantum information and
researchers. quantum computing, the notion of the number corre
The design of control in complicated situations sponds to the notions of observable and superposition
using the simple PID controller with increased level of of the state of observables of the quantum system, and
intelligence using the technology of intelligent com the irreversible measurement yields one of possible
puting is one of the possible solutions of such prob states [12–14].
lems. Therefore, for searching optimal solutions for Figure 5 shows the physical difference in the defi
such control situations it is necessary to apply new nition of the calculational basis of soft and quantum
technologies of intelligent computing, such as the computing.
technologies of quantum and soft computing [10]. It The definition of the notion of the calculational
should be noted that the technology of soft computing basis in the theory of quantum computing is given
is efficiently used in control problems for quantum briefly in Appendix.
control objects [11]. However, until now the applica It can be seen from Fig. 5a that the fuzzy state of the
tion of quantum computing for efficient solution of number has two values of the membership function on
classically algorithmically unsolvable problems of the the scale of linguistic description (the principle of
control theory and systems encountered the following excluded middle is not satisfied) and the quantum
statement made in [13, 14] (introduced in the early state consists of two classical states whose qualitative
of calling MatLab:
initialization and
estimation commands
Results of
evolution estimation
Kd Ki
Control signals
Fig. 4. Example of designing control laws for gains of the fuzzy PID controller with the given approximation error of the learning
characteristics are coded in quantum variables con The possibility of combined application of calcula
nected by the principle of quantum logical comple tional bases illustrated in Fig. 5 results in the new type
mentarity. In this case the quantum state can have both of intelligent computing, quantum soft computing
positive and negative values of the probability ampli [15, 16, 18–21].
tude (Fig. 5b), which considerably differs the quantum The positive results of application of classical tech
probability theory from the axiomatics of the classical nologies of intelligent computing (of the type of soft
Kolmogorov’s probability theory. Note that the possi computing), together with quantum computing
resulted in the new alternative approach, the applica
bility of existence of negative values of the classical
tion of the technology of quantum intelligent comput
probability in quantum entangled states was consid ing in the problems of optimization of the control pro
ered in many papers devoted to quantum mechanics. cesses for classical control objects (the physical ana
Therefore, conventionally in papers concerning the logue of application of the inverse method of
quantum probability theory the comparison and dif investigation “quantum control system—classical
ferences of Kolmogorov’s axiomatics from corre control object”) [16, 19, 20].
sponding definitions of the quantum theory [12] were This approach considerably extends the capabili
considered. ties of intelligent computing [11].
μ(x) (a)
1 Classical
Probability amplitude
Quantum superposition
0.7 2
of classical states
3 1
( |0〉 – 2 |1〉 )
Linguistic scale
0.6 te
3 s ta
fuzzy state
Classical Small
0.5 1
0.4 Membership 3
degree Numerical
value Classical
0.3 state
0.1 |0〉 |1〉 States
Small Large
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 coding
1 (b)
Quantum superposition
of classical states
Probability amplitude
1 state
Qu |1〉 States
|0〉 um
s ta
1 state
( |0〉 – 2 |1〉 )
Fig. 5. Physical difference between fuzzy and quantum states: (a) comparison of fuzzy state and quantum superposition; (b) quan
tum superposition states with negative probability amplitude.
2. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM (for given control situations) for fuzzy PID controllers
AND SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE METHOD in the case of control error and conditions of uncer
OF SOLUTION tainty of the new initial information and contingency
In this paper, the following problem is considered: control situations is used. The designed selforganiza
develop of the methodology and basis of information tion process is implemented in real time due to the
technology of selforganized intelligent control sys extraction of the additional quantum information and
tems design. The algorithmic basis of this technology the reduction of excessive information hidden in clas
is the quantum algorithm of selforganization control sical states of the control process.
for the knowledge base. Quantum fuzzy inference developed based on four
R e m a r k 5. The process of selforganization of facts of the quantum information theory in [10, 16,
robust knowledge bases means the process of design 18–20] is the particular case of the selforganization
ing the fuzzy controller forming at the output robust algorithm [15, 18]. The combination on the structural
signals of adaptive control of parameters (gains) of level of the finite number of knowledge bases designed
actuating devices which determine the control force of earlier and the model of the quantum fuzzy inference
the control object. In this case the reaction of produc in one block of quantum fuzzy controller provides the
tion rules of robust knowledge bases designed earlier possibility of formation in real time of the robust con
trol from the reactions of production rules of these dom search (based on the technology of soft comput
knowledge bases on contingency control situation. In ing, Stage I—the formation of the finite set of individ
this case, it is sufficient to use just minimal informa ual knowledge bases in particular learning control sit
tion on the change of the control situation contained uations). The application in the developed algorithm
in the new control error (see description of Figs. 13 of quantum control strategies of knowledge selforgani
and 18 below). zation makes the essence of Stage II at which based on
Thus, the control algorithm for selforganization of the quantum fuzzy inference the selforganization of
knowledge bases is used to extract hidden additional (realtime) active knowledge from the reactions of
quantum information from classical information con designed individual knowledge bases on the new con
tained in the reaction of classical states of control sig tingency control situation takes place.
nals for parameters (gains) of actuators designed ear Selforganization levels in the hierarchy of cogni
lier for the finite number of learning situations [18]. In tive evolution control processes were analyzed from
this case excessive information in classical states of the point of view of the intelligent system of engineer
control signals is reduced [17, 20]. ing systems as the new applied branch of the theory of
The result of operation of the control algorithm is artificial intelligence [16]. It was demonstrated
the selforganization of the knowledge base which is [19, 20] that for guaranteed achieving the control tar
used to choose the appropriate gains of the PID con get the control laws for the change of the gains (coef
troller. Thus, the robust control signal is formed in real ficient gain schedule) of the fuzzy PID controller
time for the parameters of the corresponding actuators should be designed based on additional extracted
which determine the control force for the control objects knowledge providing the recognition of physical spe
in the conditions of contingency control situations. cific features and information constraints for the con
trol object. Extracted knowledge is used for the self
R e m a r k 6. In order to avoid misunderstanding organization of this control object for achieving the
in interpreting the selforganization process it should control target in the particular control situation.
also be noted that physically by definition [11, 22–24] The formulated problem is solved based on the
“selfassembling” and “selforganization” are differ technology of soft and quantum computing. In the
ent notions. The “selfassembling” process differs developed information technology the new principle
from “selforganization” by the absence in the general
[16] of designing robust structures of intelligent con
case in the “selfassembling” of preliminary choice of trol systems is efficiently realized: the design of a fuzzy
the type of correlation between nonconnected ele controller with increased level of intelligence (wise con
ments (“building blocks”) and by the fact that the pro troller) with simple structure and practical implementa
cess is performed due to local interaction and external tion for efficient control of complex control objects.
(in the general case random) impacts [22]. The control
of the choice (of the type and form) of quantum corre
lation between the “building blocks” in the “self 3. QUANTUM ALGORITHM
assembling” process determines the form of the syner OF SELFORGANIZATION CONTROL
getic cooperation in the structure formed due to self
organization [24–26]. Therefore, the introduction of The generalized physical characteristic of self
the control of the choice of correlation provides the organized systems which is of special interest for intel
account in the formed structures of the synergy of pur ligent control systems design is the following charac
poseful cooperative effects from the limited number of teristic: they possess robust and/or flexible structures.
“building blocks” and makes the basis of the selforga In this case, due to these properties the process of bio
nization process [23, 25, 26]. logically reproducible selforganization includes the
selflearning and selfadaptation processes.
The additional physical aspects of selforganiza The property of selforganization in natural and
tion, details, and technical features of selforganiza biologically reproducible systems is explained by a
tion control can be found in [15, Section “Design number of factors [22]. The first fact of tolerance is the
Technology and SelfOrganization of Robust Knowl excessiveness or the property of distribution of self
edge Bases”. organization between the separated “protected”
The solution of this task is directly connected with regions of evolution of the system structure in which
the following (difficult and fundamentally important the property of selforganization is satisfied. The sec
for the control theory and systems) problem: the deter ond factor of internal robustness is its manifestation
mination of the role and influence of analogues of quan due to randomization, fluctuations, or noise. The
tum effects on increasing the level of robustness of third factor is the manifestation of stabilizing effects of
designed intelligent control systems. flexible structures in feedback loops.
According to Fig. 1b, the central idea of the effec Let us consider the general characteristics of (bio
tive application of the technology of the processes of logically reproducible in the natural environment)
extraction, processing, and compressing valuable selforganization processes which make the basis of
information for formation of active knowledge in the design engineering (Fig. 1b), and are taken into
form of robust knowledge bases is the structured ran account in development of the structures of intelligent
control systems of the model of quantum algorithm of model and the physical interpretation of the quantum
selforganization control for robust knowledge bases selforganization algorithm (Fig. 6).
(Fig. 2b). E x a m p l e 1. Physical interpretation and mathe
matical model of operators of quantum selforganiza
3.1. Biologically Reproducible SelfOrganization tion algorithms. Let us consider the general properties
Algorithm and features of the qualitative description of quantum
effects in selforganization of evolution processes. The
Figure 6 illustrates the structure of the biologically evolution of selforganization of pedestrians in differ
reproducible selforganization algorithm developed in ent types of corridors [23, 30] will be considered.
[11, 15, 18] based on the analysis of macro and Figure 7a shows the dynamics of motion of pedes
micro models of selforganization. trians in the limited space with different geometry and
A. The following informationrepresentative mod different types of cooperative behavior of people in the
els of the multilevel hierarchical structure of selforga course of selforganization of the swarm of pedestrians.
nization processes [11] were chosen as examples for Figure 7b shows the phenomenology of occurrence
analysis: (1) the behavior of the swarm of people in a of different types of quantum correlation (temporal
tunnel [23]; (2) people, ant colonies, etc., in extreme and spatial) which influences the form of selforgani
conditions [23]; (3) auto traffic on highways [23]; zation in the case of information interaction of flows
(4) microlevel (ant colonies searching for food, intel of pedestrians. In particular, the selforganization of
ligent active agents with information exchange, self counter flows of pedestrians (for avoiding collisions)
organization engineering of bacteria colonies) [24–26]; in the case of application of superposition in the form
(5) quantum cooperation of insects [27], quantum of cooperation of pairs of people (block 1 in Fig. 7a) is
selforganization of nanostructures (quantum corals) shown. Similarly, the information exchange between
due to information transmission on the microlevel separate pairs of pedestrians with entangled states for
[28], and the change of the type of quantum correla the counter flows of pedestrians in spaces geometri
tion [29]. cally separated by partitions (block 2 in Fig. 7a) is
Note the common qualitative features of the mod shown on the microlevel. Figure 7b also shows the
els of selforganization processes. In the general form role of quantum interference (block 3 in Fig. 7a) and
the selforganization process includes four mecha the time correlation (block 4 in Fig. 7a).
nisms: (i) positive feedback; (ii) negative feedback; Figure 8 shows the evolution of quantum operators
(iii) balanced relation between the used and potential describing the dynamic behavior of pedestrians in the
resources of evolution of (information–thermody situations shown in Figs. 7a and 7b.
namic) behavior of the dynamic system; (iv) multiple
(physical and information) interaction between the Thus, for example, the physical quantum superpo
components. sition occurs in the case of motion of pedestrians in a
The natural (biologically reproducible) evolution tunnel (Fig. 8a). Figure 8b shows the evolution of
of achieving selforganization of the dynamic system quantum correlation (of entangled states) depending
is based on the following stages (Fig. 6): (i) formation on the number of conflict collisions of pedestrians in
(determination) of the set of nonconnected elements the limited space [31]. Figure 8c shows the phenome
“building blocks” (templating) of the initial structure; nology of occurrence of quantum interference in the
(ii) selfassembling of the new structure; (iii) self case of motion of pedestrians in counter flows in the
organization of the robust structure. In this case, as it case of complex geometry of flow separation (if pedes
was noted in Remark 6, the “selfassembling” in the trians begin to panic [30]).
general form differs from the “selforganization” by Thus, selforganization can be considered as the
the absence in the “selfassembling” process of the macroscopic process containing quantum (hidden)
preliminary choice of the type and form of correlation effects on the microlevel in the informationally inter
between nonconnected elements, and the fact that acting components [18, 32].
the process is performed due to the local interactions R e m a r k 7. There exists a “paradox” stating that
and external (in the general case random) impacts selforganization contradicts the second thermody
[22–24]. These stages are shown in Fig. 6a. namic law according to which the system evolution
Figure 6b demonstrates the presence of the real tends to chaos (entropy growth). This “paradox” was
quantum selforganization in the quantum dot struc resolved [32] in terms of multiple interactions of
ture [28] due to the space–time correlation contained macro and microlevels of evolution (open thermo
initially (coded) in the structure of “building blocks”. dynamic system) of selforganization and decreased
This experimental fact [29] is the physical basis for entropy production on the macrolevel (ordering
construction of the mathematical model of the quan growth) due to increased entropy production on the
tum algorithm of selforganization. microlevel (behavioral chaos growth).
Below this information is applied for the particular All physical examples of selforganization chosen
example to the development of the mathematical for analysis possess the above mechanisms [11].
I. Stages of biologically
reproducible evolution
2. Selfassembly
Molecular assembly;
Controllable conformation of elements
3. Selforganization
Collective behavior of interacting
(possibly selfassemblying) components
Technology of selforganizing
Quantum correlation
systems design
II. Selforganization
Quantum dot
based on
quantum control algorithm
Fig. 6. Structure of biologically reproducible selforganization algorithm: (a) block diagram of quantum selforganization algo
rithm; (b) example of spatial–temporal quantum correlation in selforganization of quantum dot structure.
4 3
Fig. 7. Dynamics of motion of pedestrians in a bounded space with different geometry and different types of cooperative behavior
of people: (a) examples of selforganization of a swarm of pedestrians; (b) phenomenology of appearance of different types of
quantum correlation.
p erpo
Final state
E v p os
ol itio
io n st
n o at
f e
Classical state Quantum entangled states Number of conflicts
10 X
Y 5
5 10
ние оя
m correl
ное сост
0.5 20
0 20 40 5
60 80
100 n
Fig. 8. Evolution of quantum operators describing the dynamic behavior of pedestrians: (a) quantum superposition; (b) evolution
of quantum correlation (entangled states); (c) phenomenology of occurrence of quantum interference; QAC is the quantum algo
rithmic cell.
e 0.1
en c
e r fer 0
I nt
ce −0.40
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
te r (a) t = 25 (b) t = 50
In 80
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80
(c) t = 70 (d) t = 100
100 120
50 60
0 0
−50 −60
−100 −120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 40 80 120 160
Fig. 8. (Contd.)
B. The analysis of the properties of the above mod 3.2. Structure of Generalized Quantum Algorithm
els of selforganization testifies that they possess com of SelfOrganization Control
mon biologically reproducible and experimentally Let us consider the necessary definitions and facts
detectable quantum effects in the selforganization of the theory of quantum computing, quantum infor
processes, and the models are based on the following mation theory, and quantum algorithms [12–14] used
information–thermodynamic concepts: (i) the interac in the structure of quantum algorithms of selforgani
tion between elements and micro and macrolevels zation control [11].
takes place with the information exchange. Thus, in A. Structure and specific features of quantum algo
the model of intelligent agents the microlevel is rep rithms. Structurally the quantum algorithm is based on
resented in the form of the information space in which the main quantum operators of the theory of quantum
the information exchange between agents takes place computing: the superposition of classical states; the
and results in the entropy reduction on the macro operator of formation of entangled states (or quantum
level due to entropy growth on the microlevel [32–34]; oracle); the interference and (classically irreversible)
(ii) the communication and information transmission measurements.
on the microlevel (the phenomenon “quantum Figure 9 shows the qualitative comparison of the
mirage” in quantum corals, see Fig. 6b) [28]; (iii) dif structures of quantum algorithms and the selforgani
ferent types of quantum spin correlation (or entangle zation algorithm which yields the pictorial representa
ment) used in design of different selforganized struc tion of the quantum nature of the selforganization
tures (for example, in quantum dots [29]); (iv) the algorithm (Fig. 6a).
coordinated control due to information extraction and First of all, let us note some specific features of the
exchange (for example, selforganization of the team quantum algorithm.
of robots [35] due to information–entropy exchange Figure 9a shows the generalized structure of the
between agents [32] and organization levels [33]). quantum algorithm in the theory of quantum comput
ing. According to the theory of quantum algorithms
Figures 6–8 show the above algorithmic specific [13, 14] at the first stage the sought qualitative proper
features of selforganization models. ties of the studied function are coded in the form of the
Basic applications of quantum computing
Quantum inference optimizer KBO
Quantitative properties
of the function Quantum oracle in the form of the black box
Solution decoding Algorithmic level
and answer
Final state
Decision making
Selforganized robust structure
Fig. 9. Structure and main operators of quantum algorithms: (a) structure and functional connections of the quantum algorithm;
(b) structure and functional connections of quantum algorithm of selforganization control.
wave function, and the oracle provides finding the computing [11, 14] consists of five stages: (1) the prep
sought properties. Therefore, Fig. 9a shows the quan aration of the initial (classical or quantum) state ψ in ;
tum operator which performs this search. The form of (2) the execution of the Hadamard transformation for
the oracle operator determines the type of the quan the initial state for preparation of the state of superpo
tum algorithm (search or decision making). sition; (3) the application of the entanglement opera
The design of the quantum algorithmic cell [21] tor or the quantum correlation operator (quantum
allows one to include the description and action of dif oracle) to the state of superposition; (4) the execution
ferent types of quantum computing on the classical of the interference operator; (5) the application of the
computer. In the general form the model of quantum measurement operator for extraction of the results of
quantum computing of ψ fin and ψ fin = H ψ in , tains the following stages and specific features
where H is the Hamiltonian of the system. The nota (Fig. 9b): (1) the preparation of the state of superposi
tion is given in Appendix. tion; (2) the choice of the type of quantum correla
Quantum algorithms make the physically tion; (3) the application of the quantum oracle opera
grounded basis for the technique of acceleration of tor (model of the “black box”); (4) the transmission of
calculations (due to the application of massively paral extracted information (dynamic evolution of the
lel computing) and for the search of solutions to com “intelligent” state of the control signal for the criterion
plex problems. of minimal information entropy); (5) the quantum
In this case such quantum laws as the superposition correlation is higher than the classical correlation and
for extending the space of possible solutions, quantum is considered as the additional resource of the quan
massive parallelism of calculations for acceleration of tum algorithm; (6) the application of the operator of
the search of solutions, and constructive quantum inter constructive interference for extracting the sought
ference for extracting the sought solution [12, 13] are (found) solution; (7) the effect of massively parallel
efficiently used. quantum computing; (8) the amplification of the
Additionally to these resources the quantum corre probability amplitude of the sought solution and the
lation is considered as the new physical calculational solution of the classically algorithmically unsolvable
resource which provides sharp increase in the success problem based on the application of efficient quantum
ful search of solutions to algorithmically unsolvable decision making strategies [11].
problems [9] which were not used in classical comput R e m a r k 8. For more pictorial perception of the
ing earlier. This formalism can be expressed in terms of results of comparison in Fig. 9b the operation of quan
quantum states or operator transformations; however, tum operators (similar to Fig. 9a) and designing of the
we are also interested in the possibility of adequate effect of selforganization by problemoriented opera
description of quantum states and effects in terms of tors are marked by notes. Quantum operators are
logical inference: application of the conventional for applied in the iterative regime depending on the type
malism, its power and expressiveness as the quantum of the quantum algorithm. These effects are achieved
system of logical fuzzy inference [10, 36]. using quantum operators whose basic properties are
The operation of quantum operators is denoted by given in Appendix.
corresponding notes in Fig. 9a; they work in the itera
tive regime depending on the type of the quantum R e m a r k 9. The choice and determination (of
algorithm. the type and form) of quantum correlation depends on
The description of the main quantum operators is the class of nonlinearity of the control object. The
given in Appendix. Now let us consider the specific problems of calculation of the “intelligent” state of the
features of quantum algorithms of selforganization control signal for the criterion of minimal Shannon
control shown in Fig. 9b. information entropy are considered in Appendix.
B. Generalized structure of quantum algorithm of C. Specific features of mathematical model of quan
selforganization control. From the point of view of the tum algorithms of knowledge selforganization control.
theory of quantum computing, the quantum algorithm The mathematical model of knowledge selforganiza
of selforganization control includes all necessary tion (Fig. 9b) is described in the following quantum
operators (operators act from left to right) and con algorithm:
In (3.1) the notation (⋅) means the application of the “building” blocks of knowledge selforganization
the corresponding tool or operation. based on the genetic algorithm in the form of control
At the first stage of algorithm (3.1) the knowledge laws for the gains of the fuzzy PID controller on the
base optimizer with soft computing is used to create basis of production rules of the knowledge base. The
50 50
y y
0 0
–50 –50
–25 –25
–50 –50
–75 –75
Fig. 11. Example of the influence of the type of quantum correlation between spins on the form of the nanostructure of the quan
tum “coral”.
The description of the physical basis of formation Thus, the existence and the influence of the type of
of the quantum correlation, its role in the mechanism quantum correlation on the formation of the self
of formation of selforganization, and the influence on organized structure are the experimentally established
the form of the structure, as well as the introduction of facts which are taken into account in the block “Cor
the physical interpretation of the mathematical model relation type” of quantum algorithm (3.1) based on
of the corresponding quantum algorithm in this con the model of information exchange vial quantum con
tingency control situation were not included in prob nection channels (Fig. 10). The interference operator
lem [10] and therefore, were not completely analyzed (in the form of the identity operator) together with the
on the meaningful physical level. classical measurement (observation) procedure are
used to extract the correlation state from the “intelli
Figure 11 shows the influence of the type of quan gent” state (see Fig. 12b) for the maximum of the
tum correlation between the spins on the form of the probability amplitude (minimum of Shannon infor
nanostructure of the quantum “coral” [29]. mation entropy).
The change of the type of quantum correlation Note some specific features of the physical inter
from (J S1S 2 ) to (J S1S 2 + J S1S 3 ) in the target Hamil pretation of the quantum algorithm of selforganiza
tonian H target by the interconnected spin chain results tion control shown in Figs. 6a and 9b.
in the considerable change of the type of the selforga D. Physical interpretation of quantum algorithm of
nized structure of the quantum coral. selforganization control. From the point of view of the
Closed Open
system system
Generalized measure of
Control object entropy production
dS dS
S Gen = ( S CO – S C ) ⎛ CO – C⎞
⎝dt d ⎠ Robustness criterion
min ∫ S Gen dt
Controller q, u
Intelligent state of
quantum algorithm: ⺙ (|Quantum state〉) = min(HSh − SνN)
Fig. 12. Robust control quality design: (a) thermodynamic quality criterion of robust control; (b) choice of “intelligent” quantum
process of biologically reproducible evolution of self levels with information exchange between active
organization (Figs. 6a, 9b) at the first stage of applica agents is formed.
tion of the quantum algorithm (3.1) the superposition R e m a r k 10. It should be mentioned that here,
operator implements the procedure of formation of following the ideas and definitions of the selforgani
the set of nonconnected elements of the structure in zation theory [22, 23] the active agents of the macro
the form of “building blocks” (templating) and codes level [32, 34] are the current values of the control pro
the sought solution (see the corresponding note cess obtained as a result of reaction of robust knowl
“Problem coding” in Fig. 9b). In this case, the proce edge bases of the fuzzy controller. Active agents of the
dure of interaction of elements of micro and macro microlevel here are the virtual values of the control
process obtained as a result of application of the quan time in the control loop [16, 19]; (2) the principle of
tum principle of complementarity to real values of the minimal generalized entropy of the “dynamic control
control state on the macrolevel. object + controller” system provides simultaneous
The choice of the type of quantum correlation real achieving the global robustness and implementing the
izes the selfassembling of the required structure using optimal intelligent control with minimal loss of the
the resource of interaction via communication and useful energy resource [8, 20].
information transmission on the microlevel [32–34]. F. Difference of the model of quantum control algo
In this case, the type of correlation determines the rithm of selforganization from biologically reproducible
level of robustness of the intelligent control system. In evolution of selforganization. The main differences
this application of the quantum oracle, the “intelli are: (1) the quantum algorithm of selforganization
gent” quantum state of the selforganization structure, control is described as the logical process of applica
which contains valuable information for application tion of valuable quantum information extracted from
and implementation of coordinated control, is calcu classical states using quantum decision making strate
lated. The interference is used for extracting the results gies and facts of quantum information theory; (2) it
of coordinated control and robust knowledge design. contains the choice of the type and form of quantum
The particular model of the quantum algorithm of correlation which influence the formation and form of
selforganization control based on the quantum fuzzy the structure of the designed system; (3) structurally
inference and its application in the technology of the quantum algorithm includes all necessary qualita
robust knowledge base design was considered in [18]. tive specific features and operators of natural (biologi
In particular, the following example was given: the cally reproducible) selforganization, which are
quantum selforganization algorithm (based on the described by quantum operators of the theory of quan
selforganization of the behavior of the swarm of peo tum computing; (4) it is a new search quantum algo
ple in the tunnel) for (realtime) formation of knowl rithm, which can be used to solve classically algorith
edge based on robust knowledge bases in fuzzy PID mically unsolvable control problems; (5) it is imple
controllers under the conditions of uncertainty of ini mented in real time using the reaction of classical
tial information and contingency control situations. fuzzy controllers on the new control error in the con
E. Goal of application of quantum algorithm of self tingency control situation for the robust intelligent
organization control. Figure 12a shows the main ther control design; and (6) it supports optimal thermody
modynamic relation of the quality of robust intelligent namic relation between the stability, controllability,
control and the optimization criterion used in the and robustness for realtime design of intelligent self
quantum selforganization algorithm [20]. organized control processes.
R e m a r k 11. In Fig. 12 the following notation is Therefore, the quantum algorithm of knowledge
used: V is the Lyapunov function; SОУ, S Р is the selforganization control (3.1) contains the physically
entropy production in the control object and the con grounded and experimentally established quantum
troller, respectively; operators and is related to the new class of search
quantum algorithms depending on the choice of the
type and form of the problem orientation of quantum
V = 1 qi2 + 1 S 2; S = SОУ − S Р; qi = ϕ(qi, u, t )
2 i =1 2
are the motion equations of the control object; S is
the von Neumann quantum entropy; ψ is the wave INTELLIGENT CONTROL SYSTEM
function; and pi is the event probability. The deriva AND DECOMPOSITION OF THE VECTOR
tion of relations in Fig. 12a can be found in [2, 8]. OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM
Figure 12b illustrates the details of the calculational
process of the choice of “intelligent” quantum state The structure of the selforganized intelligent con
(see Appendix, Example 6) for the principle of mini trol system based on models of knowledge base opti
mal Shannon information entropy (maximal proba mizer [7, 38–40] and quantum fuzzy controller [10,
bility amplitude). It was already noted in Section 3.1 16, 19, 20] is shown in Fig. 13.
that in the course of evolution of selforganization the In Fig. 13 notes show the main contingency control
balanced relation between the used and potential situations and the functional operations supporting
resources of evolution of the (information–thermody selforganization in real time.
namic) behavior of the dynamic system is achieved [11]. It was already noted in Remark 5 that the selforga
Note the following aspects of development of the nization of robust knowledge bases is the possibility of
selforganization model: (1) the goal of the developed formation of robust control signals for parameters
quantum algorithm of knowledge selforganization (gains) of actuators forming the control force of the
control is achieving the thermodynamic criterion (see control object based on the reaction of production
Fig. 12a) of the optimal relation between the stability, rules of robust knowledge bases of fuzzy PID control
controllability, and robustness which is used in real lers designed earlier on the control error under the
Autonomous time of
Robust knowledge
knowledge base design Knowledge base optimizer
base design
with soft computing
object parameters
Noise in control
FC 1
FC 2
Control Real time feedback
+ Control X
r.s. PID
controller object
− + +
control m(t) Real control object
situation or reference model
Fig. 13. Structure of intelligent control system with knowledge base optimizer with soft and quantum computing.
conditions of uncertainty of new initial information or the schematic diagram of automatic control system
contingency control situations. determine the particular position of blocks.
The combination of the finite number of knowl Note that in the information technology (Fig. 1b)
edge bases designed earlier and the model of the quan the finite set of knowledge bases for given control situ
tum fuzzy controller into one block “Quantum fuzzy ations is designed (the regime of learning without
controller” provides the possibility of forming in real quantum fuzzy controller) offline based on the
time the robust control at the output of the PID con knowledge base optimizer with soft computing
troller using the reactions of production rules of these (Fig. 2a). Then the model of quantum fuzzy controller
knowledge bases on the contingency control situation. is used online (Fig. 2b) and the process of selforga
In this case it is sufficient to use just minimal information nization of the knowledge base is implemented using
on the change of the control situation contained in the the reactions of fuzzy controller on the contingency
new control error [38], which is shown in Fig. 13. control situation (see Section 4.2, example of applica
This is an advantage of the applied principle of tion of the quantum algorithm of selforganization
compensation of the control error based on the global control for intelligent control system for the solution
negative feedforward and the introduced intelligent of the multicriteria optimization problem).
feedback. Therefore, the information on the reaction
of the control object on the contingency control situa
tion contained in the new control error is sufficient for 4.1. Specific Features of Design of Knowledge Base
realization of selforganization of the hybrid fuzzy Based on Knowledge Base Optimizer
PID controller. For more complete perception of the results of sim
R e m a r k 12. In Fig. 13 the control signal for the ulation and the fuzzy controller design we note some
gains of the PID controller is calculated in real time. specific features of software support of knowledge base
The signal of the control force is corrected via the fit optimizer (described preliminarily in Section 1.1) and
ness function in the knowledge base optimizer using the technical characteristics of knowledge bases for
the intelligent feedback. These operations are shown fuzzy controller designed based on it.
in Fig. 13 by “piercing” signals of corresponding func Figure 14 shows the general structure of simulation
tional blocks. This figure also shows the possible con of the main blocks of the fuzzy controller and the
tingency control situations and their combinations: structure of the main blocks of the software support of
noise can be delayed in the measurement channel; the knowledge base design.
block “Sensor noise” can be situated after the delay Figure 14 also shows the example of the block of
time, and so on. The particular control situation and fuzzy inference built in the knowledge base optimizer
Production rule
controller of order 0
Sugeno fuzzy
Production rule
Fig. 14. Structure of simulation of fuzzy controller and software support of knowledge base design.
using the Sugeno fuzzy controller (zero order) model The quality criterion of the control is determined in
and the form of the production rule. Structurally the the form of the minimal control error and is consid
knowledge base optimizer has the program interface ered as the fitness function of the genetic algorithm
compatible with MathLab and is software compatible with the space of search of amplification coefficient
with the block of quantum fuzzy controller via the (0, 5). For designing production rules of the knowl
builtin interface (see [7, 10] for detailed description). edge base in the given control situation (see Fig. 14)
the following is determined: (1) three input variables
Let us consider briefly designing the learning signal
for the optimal control (approximation of the learning { ∫ }
e , e, edt describing the dynamic behavior of the
signal with the given error) as the output signal of the control error and (2) three output variables {k p, kd, ki}
knowledge base in the fuzzy controller based on the representing the gains of the designed fuzzy PID con
structural diagram shown in Fig. 2a. We take the learn troller. In the knowledge base optimizer the process of
ing situation S1 for the random Gaussian noise knowledge base design yielded the following charac
(Fig. 15) as the learning situation. teristics: (1) the number of membership functions for
3 0.040
Gaussian noise
2 0.035
ζ(t), [N]
−3 0.005
S1: Gaussian noise
−4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 −5 0 5
T, s ζ(t), [N]
4 0.035
Rayleigh noise
3 0.030
ζ(t), [N]
−3 0.005
S2: Rayleigh noise
−4 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 −4 −2 0 2 4
T, s ζ(t), [N]
Fig. 15. Form of random noise used in learning situations (S1, S2).
each output logical variable (7, 9, 9) (optimal deter tions for each linguistic variable was five; the total
mined by genetic algorithm 1), respectively; (2) the number of production fuzzy rules was 125 and the
total number of production fuzzy rules 7 × 9 × 9 = 567; number of activated rules was also 125. In AFM the
(3) the optimal number of production rules chosen for number and form of the membership functions are
the knowledge base using the criterion of frequency of determined by the expert, while in the knowledge base
requesting the knowledge base was 25; and (4) the optimizer all design operations are automated in the
optimal number of production rules chosen by genetic optimal way based on the genetic algorithm.
algorithm 2 was 25.
Figure 16 shows an example of the optimal form of The analysis of the results demonstrated that the
the membership function for the third output variable structure of the knowledge base with the indicated
parameters designed based on the knowledge base
k I (the gain of the integral error) and the result of optimizer provides higher robustness of the fuzzy con
approximation (denoted by the dark line) according to troller, as compared with the fuzzy neural network
the scheme in Fig. 3 which eliminates excessive infor
(125 rules) and the standard PID controller with con
mation in the learning signal.
stant parameters (5, 5, 5) [7].
For comparison we present the results of operation
with fuzzy neural networks of AFM (Adaptive Fuzzy The structural diagram in Fig. 13 can efficiently be
Module, developed by ST Microelectronics) type. The used for solution of a complex problem, such as the
number of manually determined membership func decomposition of multicriteria optimal control prob
Membership function of
linguistic variable
Result of approximation
of the learning signal
Fig. 16. Example of the optimal form of membership function for the third output variable kI (amplification coefficient of integral
lem (with a vector cost function) under the conditions etc.) for the fixed control situation. These control
of uncertainty of control situations. quality criteria are identified with the fitness function
in the corresponding genetic algorithm in the knowl
edge base optimizer.
4.2. Decomposition of Multicriteria Optimal Control
Problems The schematic diagram in Fig. 13 is used to deter
mine the reaction of individual fuzzy controllers on
In this case the knowledge base of the individual the contingency control situation; the quantum fuzzy
fuzzy controller is designed using the knowledge base controller is used to aggregate the cost function and
optimizer with the separate criterion (for example, form the robust multicriteria optimal control signal for
minimal control error, minimal absolute control error, gains of the fuzzy PID controller. In this case the
time of transient process, time and amplitude of over “intelligent” state chosen using the criterion of mini
control, minimal generalized entropy production, mal entropy includes all characteristics of the multi
Fig. 17. Form of Knowledge bases 1 and 2 with corresponding activated production rules.
criteria control best for this situation; the priority the system “moving cart + overturned pendulum”
between the control criteria is established automati controlled by the fuzzy PID controller according to
cally, and the dominating component is established. the structural diagram in Fig. 13.
E x a m p l e 2. The solution of the vector optimiza The motion of the dynamic system “reversed pen
tion problem based on the decomposition of the dulum–moving cart” is described by the following
knowledge base. Let us consider the dynamic model of equations [41]:
Block of fuzzy
Knowledge base 1
controller 1
Number of rules 26
Number of rules 33
Fig. 18. Example of operation of the block of selforganization of the knowledge base based on quantum fuzzy inference.
where θ is the pendulum deviation angle (degrees); Figure 12a shows the law of summing these quanti
z is the movement of the cart (m); g is the acceleration ties (4.2) used in the structural diagram in Fig. 2.
of gravity (9.8 m/s2); mc is the pendulum mass (kg); l is The following parameter values are determined:
the pendulum halflength (m); ξ(t ) is the stochastic mc = 1; m = 0.1; l = 0.5; k = 0.4; a1 = 0.1; a2 = 5;
impact; and u is the control force acting on the cart (N). and the initial position [ θ0; θ 0; z 0; z0] = [10;0.1;0;0] (the
The equations for the entropy production rate in value of the pendulum deviation angle is given in
the control object and the PID controller have the fol degrees); the constraint on the control force is –0.5 <
lowing form, respectively [11]: u < 5.0.
kθ + ml θ sin 2θ
2 The specific feature of control problem for the
dS = mc + m given control object (4.1) is the application of one
θ ; fuzzy PID controller for controlling the movement of
dt ⎛ 4 m cos 2 θ⎞
l⎜ − ⎟ (4.2) the cart (with one degree of freedom), while the con
⎝ 3 mc + m ⎠ trol object has two degrees of freedom.
d S = a z 2; d S = k e2 The control goal is that the pendulum deviation
z 1 u d
dt dt angle (second generalized coordinate) reaches the
Angle, deg
X: angle
Falling of the pendulum
0 5 10 15
Contingency control situation S3
Angle, deg
X: angle
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Contingency control situation S4
Angle, deg
X: angle
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, s
Fig. 19. Dynamic behavior of the control object and control laws of selforganized quantum controller, fuzzy controllers 1 and 2:
(a) pendulum deviation angle in situations (S3, S4); (b) cart displacement in situations (S3, S4); (c) control laws of gains in sit
uations (S3, S4).
1.5 (b)
Cart position z
1.0 FC2
Cart position z
−1.0 QFI
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, s
Contingency control
situation S4
Constraint in the cart displacement
Cart position z
0.5 QFI
Cart position z
−0.5 1.0
−1.0 −0.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time, s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, s
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Control laws for gains in situation S3
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time, s
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Control laws for gains in situation S4
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Kp gain
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time, s
200 FC1
Contingency control situation S3
Integral x2
150 QFI
Accumulation of quadratic deviation angle 100
Integral x2
given value via the implicit control using the other The Gaussian noise was used as the random signal for
generalized coordinate and corresponding essentially designing knowledge base 1, and Rayleigh noise was
nonlinear crossconnections with the cart movement used for forming knowledge base 2 (see Fig. 15, learn
coordinate (effect of energy transmission [41] between ing situations (S1, S2), respectively). Physically the
the generalized coordinates). first criterion is equivalent to the total energy of the
In the case of the similar initial learning condi overturned pendulum and the second criterion char
tions, the knowledge base optimizer with soft comput acterizes the precision of the dynamic behavior of the
ing is used to design knowledge base 1 of fuzzy con control object.
troller 1 for the generalized criterion of minimal mean
square error Figure 17 shows knowledge base 1 and knowledge
base 2 with the corresponding activated numbers of rules
⎡tend t end
⎤ equal to 22 and 33 for a total number of rules of 729.
⎢ θ2dt + θ 2(t )dt ⎥ ,
⎢∫ ⎥ ∫ Two contingency control situations (S3, S4) were
⎣ t0 t0 ⎦
and knowledge base 2 for fuzzy controller 2 for the simulated; in one of them (S3) the new noise ξ(t ) was
generalized criterion of minimal absolute error of the introduced, the random signal with homogeneous
pendulum position onedimensional distribution, the control error signal
delay (0.03), and the noise signal in the position sensor
⎡tend t end
⎤ of the pendulum (noise amplification coefficient
d τ⎥ .
⎢ θ(τ) d τ + θ(τ)
⎥ ∫ 0.015). In situation S4 the new noise was introduced:
⎣ t0 t0 ⎦ the random signal with the onedimensional Gaussian
150 (b)
Contingency control situation S3
Integral x2
Integral x2
Contingency control situation S4
distribution, the delay of the control signal error R e m a r k 13. The following notation is used in
(0.005 s) and the noise signal in the position sensor of Fig. 19 and below: x = θ is the angle of pendulum
the pendulum (noise amplification coefficient 0.01). deviation from the given position; z is the cart posi
Figure 18 shows the example of operation of the tion; quantum fuzzy controller is the quantum fuzzy
quantum fuzzy controller for formation of the robust controller with the spatial correlation based on the
control signal using the proportional gain k P in con quantum fuzzy controller.
tingency control situation S3. For a number of contingency control situations (for
example, in the case of delay of the control signal error
In this case, the output signals of knowledge bases 1 (0.001 s) and the noise signal in the position sensor of
and 2 in the form of the response on the new control the pendulum (noise gain 0.01) in contingency control
error in situation S3 are received in the block of the situation S3) the control algorithms for the knowledge
quantum fuzzy controller. The output of the block of base optimizer with soft computing are quite good and
quantum fuzzy controller is the new signal for real preserve the pendulum in the given position [7]. Fig
time control of the factor k P . Thus, the blocks of ure 19 also shows a more complex contingency control
knowledge bases 1, 2, and quantum fuzzy controller in situation when other control laws do not act, but can
Fig. 18 form the block of selforganization of the be used to design the robust control law.
knowledge base in the contingency control situation. The results of simulation (Fig. 19) demonstrate
Figure 19 shows the dynamic behavior of the stud that the dynamic control object in contingency con
ied system “moving cart–reversed pendulum” and the trol situations (S3, S4) for the control of fuzzy con
control laws of the selforganized quantum controller troller 1 (fuzzy controller 2) loses stability, and for the
(quantum fuzzy inference), fuzzy controllers 1 and 2. control of quantum fuzzy controller the control sys
Integral x2
40 Contingency control situation S3
Integral x2
tem possesses the property of robustness and achieving form of separate responses of the corresponding indi
the control goal is guaranteed. vidual knowledge bases optimized with different fixed
Figure 20 shows the integral dynamic characteris cost functions and control situations. The aggregation
tics of the control object and the control precision. of the obtained partial solutions in the form of the new
According to the results of simulation (Fig. 20), the robust knowledge base is performed based on the
required amount of control for the given criteria in quantum fuzzy controller containing the mechanism
contingency control situations (S3, S4) for the control of formation of the quantum correlation between the
of fuzzy controller 1 and fuzzy controller 2 also is not obtained partial solutions. As a result, only responses
achieved, while in the case of control of the quantum of the finite number of individual knowledge bases
fuzzy controller the control system possesses the containing limiting admissible control laws in the
required amount of control. given contingency situations are used.
This yields that two nonrobust fuzzy controllers The control laws of variation of the gains of the
can be used to design in real time the robust fuzzy con fuzzy PID controller formed by the new robust
troller using quantum selforganization; the knowl knowledge base have a simpler physical realization,
edge base of this robust fuzzy controller satisfies both and as a result they possess better characteristics of
quality criteria. individual control cost function for the contingency
Therefore, the decomposition of the solution to the control situation.
above multicriteria optimization problem for the Thus, the output signal of the quantum fuzzy con
robust knowledge base in the contingency control sit troller represents the realtime optimal control signal
uation into partial solutions to optimization subprob for variation of the gains of the fuzzy PID controller
lems physically can be performed in real time in the which includes the necessary (best) qualitative charac
(7) A T is the transposed to A matrix. For example, if For understanding the operation of the main oper
ators of the quantum algorithm we present the follow
⎡ 1 6i ⎤ ⎡ 1 3i ⎤
A=⎢ ⎥ , then A T = ⎢ . ing examples.
⎣3 i 2 + 4 i ⎦ ⎣6i 2 + 4i ⎥⎦ E x a m p l e 3. Quantum bit as a quantum state. The
(8). A † is the Hermitian conjugate to A matrix. classical bit can be in one of the two states, 0 or 1.
( )
Thus, its physical state can be represented as
Note that A † = A T *. For example, if
b = a10 + a21; it has one of the forms: either a1 = 1 and
⎡ 1 6i ⎤ ⎡ 1 −3i ⎤ a2 = 0, then b = 0, or a1 = 0 and a2 = 1, then b = 1. The
A=⎢ ⎥ , then A † = ⎢ .
⎣3 i 2 + 4 i ⎦ ⎣− 6 i 2 − 4 i ⎥⎦ state of the quantum bit ψ is determined by the vec
tor in the twodimensional complex vector space.
(9) ψ is the norm of the vector ψ : Here, the vector has two components and its projec
ψ = ψ ψ ; it is used for normalization of ψ . tions onto the bases of the vector space are the com
plex numbers. The quantum bit ψ is represented (fol
(10) ϕ A ψ is the internal product of ϕ and A ψ
lowing Dirac, in the form of the cat vector) as
or the internal product of A * ϕ and ψ . ψ = α 0 + β 1 or using the vector notation as
(11) ϕ ψ is the external product of ϕ and ψ . ⎡α⎤
ψ = ⎢ ⎥ , ψ = [α β] (bra vector). If ψ = 0 , then
For example,
⎣β ⎦
⎡1⎤ ⎡1 × 0* 1 × 1* ⎤ ⎡0 1⎤ ⎡1⎤
0 1 = ⎢ ⎥ [0* 1 *] = ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥, 0 = ⎢ ⎥ . The amplitudes α and β are the complex
⎣0⎦ ⎢⎣0 × 0* 0 × 1*⎥⎦ ⎣0 0⎦ ⎣0⎦
numbers for which the following condition is satisfied:
and it is determined as the linear operator A which acts αα * + ββ * = 1, where “*” is the operator of complex
as follows: ( ϕ ψ )( w ) = ϕ ψ w = ψ w ϕ . Let us conjugation, { 0 , 1 } for the pair of orthonormal basis
assume that w = α 0 + β 1 . We have 1 1 w = vectors called the states of the calculational basis. If α
1 1 (α 0 + β 1 ) = β 1 . or β take zero values, then ψ determines the classical
pure state. In the opposite case, it is said that ψ is in
(12) The projector P in the subspace Vs = { 00 , the state of superposition of two classical basis states.
01 } of the vector space V = { 00 , 01 , 10 , 11 ,} is Geometrically the quantum bit is in the continuous
defined as state between 0 and 1 until its state is measured. The
P (α 00 00 + α 01 01 + α10 10 + α11 11 ) idea of the probability amplitude of the quantum state
is the combination of the concept of the state and
= α 00 00 + α 01 01 . phase. If the system consists of two quantum bits, then
The operator P projects the vector from V into the it is described as the tensor product. For example, in
subspace V s . The projector P is represented in the form Dirac’s notation the twoquantum bit system is deter
of the external product. In the given subspace con mined as
structed on the orthonormal vectors { u1 , u2 ,…, un }, ψ1 ⊗ ψ 2 = ψ1ψ 2
the projector is written in the form of the sum of exter = αγ 00 + αδ 01 + βγ 10 + βδ 11 .
nal products The number of possible states of the combined sys
n tem exponentially increases if the quantum bit is
P= ∑u i ui . added.
i =1 This results in the problem of estimation of quan
Each component u u is Hermitian, and the operator tum correlation which is present between the quantum
bits in the compound system.
P is also Hermitian, P † = P, P 2 = P, , and Q = I − P E x a m p l e 4. Formation of the state of superposi
is called the orthogonal supplement. If the projector tion using Hadamard (Walsh–Hadamard) operator.
M m = P is used for measurement, the probability of The existence of the state of superposition and the
the result of measurement m is determined as effect of measurement of the quantum state physically
pr ( m ) = ψ M m† M ψ = ψ M ψ . means that there exists the information hidden from the
observer, which is contained in the closed quantum
(13) The commutator and anticommutator which system (until the time instant of its excitation from the
establish the relation between the two operators A and external perturbation) in the form of observation of the
B are written, respectively, as quantum state.
[ A, B] = AB − BA and {A, B} = AB + BA . The system remains closed while it interacts with
the environment (i.e., while the system is observed). In
The operators A and B commute (anticommute) if this case, very important is the following question: how
[ A, B] = 0 ({A, B} = 0). can the information hidden in the superposition be effi
ciently used? In the conventional formalism of quan superposition serves as the first step of organization of
tum computing quantum operators are described in quantum parallelism.
the equivalent matrix form. The multiplication of the
operator matrix by the state vector means the action of E x a m p l e 5. Quantum massive parallelism and
the operation on the studied system. For example, the models of computing with quantum oracle. The term
action of the Hadamard matrix ( H ) on the system “quantum massive parallelism” is used for the descrip
tion of the potential power of quantum computing
ψ = 0 can be represented as based on the realization of parallel calculations,
⎡1 1 ⎤ ⎡1⎤ applying the architecture of one quantum computer.
H ψ =H 0 = 1 ⎢
2 ⎣1 −1⎥⎦ ⎢⎣0⎥⎦ On the intuitive level the realization of parallel calcu
lations seems possible using the network of parallel
⎡1⎤ ⎛⎡1⎤ ⎡0⎤⎞
= 1 ⎢ ⎥ = 1 ⎜ ⎢ ⎥ + ⎢ ⎥⎟ = 1 ( 0 + 1 ). computers. Moreover, in classical computing the
2 ⎣1⎦ 2 ⎝⎣0⎦ ⎣1⎦⎠ 2 higher computer efficiency (in the form of the rate of
Similarly, exponential calculation time) requires exponential
growth of the number of processors or the dimension
⎡1 1 ⎤ ⎡0⎤
H ψ =H1 = 1 ⎢ ality of the physical space. However, since qbit can
2 ⎣1 −1⎥⎦ ⎢⎣1⎥⎦ represent the superposition of two different states, in
⎡1⎤ ⎛⎡1⎤ ⎡ 0 ⎤⎞ quantum computing the linear growth of the dimen
= 1 ⎢ ⎥ = 1 ⎜ ⎢ ⎥ + ⎢ ⎥ ⎟ = 1 ( 0 − 1 ), sionality of the physical state results in the exponential
2 ⎣−1⎦ 2 ⎝⎣0⎦ ⎣−1⎦⎠ 2
effect of parallel calculations, and consequently, the
i.e., the Hadamard transformation generates the state
of the quantum bit in the form of the superposition exponential efficiency of the computing time. This
of two classical states. The formation of the super effect is known as the “quantum massive parallelism”.
position with equivalent probability amplitudes is In classical physics, twodimensional vector objects
the important step for many quantum algorithms. form the 2n dimensional vector space. The qbit is the
Applying H ⊗n for the corresponding basis states basis in quantum computing and is represented in the
x ∈ H n, x ∈ {0,1} , we obtain as a result the equivalent
n form of the twodimensional vector. Therefore, unlike
the principles of classical computing, due to the quan
form of the Hadamard transformation
tum parallelism n qbits form the 2 n dimensional vec
H x = 1 ∑
2 z =0,1
( −1) x⋅z z , tor space due to the application of the tensor product.
Such exponential extension of the possible physical
where x ⋅ z = x1z1 + … + x nz n for x = 0 and x = 1. state with respect to the classical computer results in
Thus, the state of superposition with equivalent the exponential growth of the rate of information pro
cesses of data processing in the quantum computer.
probability amplitudes 1 for each basis state is Let us illustrate the concept of application of quantum
2n massive parallelism to parallel calculations using the
obtained by applying the operator H ⊗n to the state 0 . example of twoqbit system. The set of initial qbits in
The value of the state of superposition for the theory of the superposition of the basis states contains all possi
computing processes becomes clearer if the resulting ble coded signals. Therefore, the single action of the
state of superposition is interpreted as the set of 2 n transformation T can be used for generation of the set
classical trajectories (paths) of calculations with of output qbits in the superposition of the basis states
equivalent weights for which the quantum computer which represent all possible output signals. Therefore,
executes parallel calculations. In this sense the state of we have
⎛δ0 ⎞ ⎛δ0 ⊗ T ⎞
⎜δ ⎟ ⎜δ ⊗ T ⎟
⎜ 1⎟ ⊗ T = ⎜ 1 ⎟ .
⎜δ2 ⎟ ⎜δ2 ⊗ T ⎟
⎜δ ⎟ ⎜δ ⊗ T ⎟
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠
All inputs ⊗ Single transformation = All outputs
Therefore, all output states can be calculated transformation, but only one output result from the
simultaneously, and the application of the measure superposition of possible results is extracted in the
ment probability in the quantum computer yields the course of measurement.
result of parallel calculation in the form of the single The particular extracted result has the probabilistic
signal similar to the calculation using the classical character. Thus, the quantum algorithm should use
computer. All outputs are obtained using just one the quantum massive parallelism in such a way that in
the course of measurement the designed result is i.e., the global minimum is observed for the maximal
extracted. This is a difficult task, which cannot be probability pi ). Since pi by definition is the squared
solved using classical programming. probability amplitude, the maximum principle of the
Two approaches to the solution of this problem are probability amplitude in the case of the correlated
known: (1) all mutual properties of output signals are state can be taken as the criterion of selection of the
measured; it is used in Schor’s factorization algorithm priority “intelligent” correlation (coherent) state in
for measurement of the period of output signals; (2) the superposition of possible candidates.
the technique of increasing amplitudes of basis states
for extracting the sought solutions with high probabil
ity; it is used in Grover’s quantum search algorithm. REFERENCES
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