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 How much of who you are now is a product of society?

-> I become me because this is how society shaped me. I am being

responsible and practical thinker despite of my unripe age. I thought to be a

big one, open minded in different milieu. The society nurtured me to

become who I am. My family, being my shoulder to lean on thought me to

become a good daughter, sister, cousin and relatives. My family is the one

shaped me to become a person who is presentable and be respected. The

church, it shaped my faith, religion and beliefs, it thought me to become a

god fearing child and to do good to others and not pulling other down

instead be an angel that helps then when they are in need. The peers, they

are the one told me that being sociable is not just for the people you are

comfortable with but also mingling to others. The government, it shaped me

as a responsible citizen, it implement laws that needed to be follow for us to

be united. Last is the school, it shapes me to become a professional, as a

second home, the school stand as a place where I freely express and learn

and it teaches everyone to be an ideal person of a society.

The society shaped me by their different roles and it gives me

personality that makes me unique to everyone because being you, depends

on how your society shaped you to become you and now, this me, the

person with principle and has own perspective towards life and this how my

society nurtured me.

 Has your choice of school affected yourself now?

->Yes, it really affects me and my personality as a student. In my

former school, there’s a time that I procrastinate tasks and I walk as if I own

the hallway and I always lead the group in every activity because my

teacher sees me as a successful educator someday. Also, I always received

this kind of special attention from my friends, I attached with them as if they

will be the last friends I’ll be having in my entire life. I value and trust so

much to the point I always cry because missing them is a torture for me.

Now, choosing West Visayas State University, a school where everything

has changed on me, my friends are far, my teachers are not here to tell me

“everything’s will be okay”. This school nurtured me to be alone and not

procrastinate task that are assigned. This school molded me to become

more responsible. This school offered me another circle of friends who

accepts and loves me despite of our differences.

Choosing this school is worthy. My friends are teachers may far from me

but then there’s a lot of opportunities to be with them when time comes but

letting go the opportunity to be in this school is my loss. This school is me

now, choosing this school is also choosing the best self for me in the future.

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