Chemical Geology: Hua-Yong Chen, Yan-Jing Chen, Mike Baker
Chemical Geology: Hua-Yong Chen, Yan-Jing Chen, Mike Baker
Chemical Geology: Hua-Yong Chen, Yan-Jing Chen, Mike Baker
Chemical Geology
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Article history: The Sawayaerdun gold deposit is hosted by Carbonaceous metasediments and is considered to be the largest
Received 15 March 2011 Muruntau-type gold deposit in the Chinese Tianshan metallogenic belt. Gold mineralization at Sawayaerdun
Received in revised form 3 March 2012 occurs in quartz veins associated with three major hydrothermal events: an early, barren quartz vein stage,
Accepted 26 March 2012
middle stage mineralized quartz veins with pyrite and late carbonate (-quartz) veins.
Available online 4 April 2012
The isotopic compositions of quartz and sulfides from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit show some variation but
Editor: L. Reisberg are generally comparable to those of other orogenic-type gold deposits. Fluids trapped in early-stage quartz
have a δ18O range of 13.6‰ to 15.4‰, δD of − 48‰ to − 75‰, δ13C of 0.5‰ to 4.2‰ and δ30Si of − 0.2‰ to 0‰.
Keywords: In contrast, isotopic compositions of fluids trapped in middle-stage quartz have δ18O values of 6.7‰ to 14.7‰,
Orogenic gold deposit δD of − 56‰ to − 110‰, δ13C of 0.4‰ to 10.1‰ and δ30Si of − 0.3‰ to 0‰. Diagenetic and hydrothermal
Tianshan pyrite have similar sulfur (− 1.8‰ to 0.9‰) and Pb isotopic values that are associated with host rock
Isotope geochemistry compositions. The early-stage, 18O and 13C-rich fluids are probably derived from metamorphic decarbonation
Fluid source of the sedimentary host rock at depth, leading to the precipitation of early barren quartz veins. In the middle
Fluid evolution
stage, a decrease in the regional pressure and temperature regime could have resulted in the incorporation of
external fluids into the ore-forming system. These external fluids with isotopic signatures similar to that of
the host rock and generally rich in 34S and radiogenic Pb mixed with original ore-forming fluids to generate
extensive metal precipitation. Late-stage fluids trapped by calcite veins show isotopic compositions similar to
meteoric water, indicating the cessation of hydrothermal fluid circulation at Sawayaerdun occurred at this
time. The metallogenetic model illustrated by stable and Pb isotopes is also consistent with fluid inclusion
studies in Sawayaerdun.
The development of mineralization at Sawayaerdun is strongly linked to fluid mixing, as witnessed by the
isotopic signatures of fluids from identified ore-bearing zones. The isotopic compositions of other anomalous
zones at Sawayaerdun are similar to those of the mineralized zones, suggesting a high potential for further
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction early 1980s (Fig. 1, Rui et al., 2002; Yakubchuk et al., 2002). These
new discoveries, especially that of the Kumtor deposit (Kyrgyzstan),
Since the discovery of the Muruntau gold deposit (175 Moz; which is only 40 km from the China–Kyrgyzstan border, have
Goldfarb et al., 2001) in Central Kyzylkum, Uzbekistan, Muruntau- stimulated more recent exploration activity in the Chinese Tianshan
type orogenic-Au deposits, commonly characterized by structural and directly resulted in the discovery of the Sawayaerdun gold
control, metasediment hosts and multiple hydrothermal stages, have deposit in Xinjiang, northwest China in the early 1990s (Ye et al.,
become a major target for both mineral exploration and research in 1998).
the Central Asian Tianshan belt (Graupner et al., 2001; Wilde et al., The Sawayaerdun deposit contains >3 Moz Au with an inferred
2001; Morelli et al., 2007; Bierlein and Wilde, 2010). Many large-size resource of at least 10 Moz (Rui et al., 2002). It is considered to be the
gold deposits, including Kumtor (18 Moz), Daugyztau (5 Moz) and largest Muruntau-like gold deposit discovered in China (Liu et al.,
Jilau (>3 Moz), have been discovered in the Southern Tianshan belt 2007). Previous studies have shown that the Sawayaerdun gold
across Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan since the deposit shares many similarities with the Muruntau deposit and
other orogenic-type Au deposits, including geological setting, alter-
ation assemblages, paragenetic relationships and ore-forming fluids
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86 10 62757390.
E-mail addresses: (H.Y. Chen),
(Liu et al., 2007; Yang et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2012). Recent
(Y.J. Chen), (M. Baker). investigation indicates that hydrothermal fluids forming the
Tel.: + 61 3 62261735. Sawayaerdun deposit are CO2-rich and probably evolved through
0009-2541/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11
Fig. 1. Simplified regional geologic map of the Central Asia showing the location of major Au deposits.
Modified from Chiaradia et al. (2006).
multiple stages (Chen et al., 2012), consistent with most orogenic- show strike-slip shearing features (Liu et al., 1996). They usually have
type deposits (Chen et al., 2007). This paper aims to present the a northeast strike similar to the host strata and have evolved from
isotopic geochemical constraints on the sources of fluids and metals, ductile through to brittle deformation (Ye et al., 1999). As illustrated
as well as the geochemical nature of fluids from the major in Fig. 2, fault F1 and subsidiary fractures control the location of ore
hydrothermal stages, in order to determine the mechanism of metal formation, with orebodies occurring in the hanging wall of F1.
deposition at Sawayaerdun. Only minor andesite and tuff flows have been identified at the top
Detailed studies of the geology, alteration, mineralization and ore- stratigraphic horizons of the host rocks and no associated large
forming fluids have been performed on the major Muruntau-type Au intrusions have been identified in the area. A few alkaline diabase and
deposits of the Southern Tianshan belt, such as Muruntau (Wilde et diorite dykes were identified in the deposit and in Permian-aged
al., 2001; Bierlein and Wilde, 2010), Kumtor (Ivanove, 2000; Mao et strata outside the ore zone. All dykes strike NNE or close to N–S (Liu
al., 2004) and Jilau (Cole et al., 2000). The discriminating features of et al., 2007) and commonly intrude turbidities, causing pervasive
Au mineralization in the wider Tianshan belt have also been sericite, chlorite, epidote and carbonate alteration. K–Ar ages of the
investigated (Yakubchuk et al., 2002, 2005; Chiaradia et al., 2006). diabase dykes range from 270.5 Ma to 127.9 Ma and probably record
Despite this work, systemic isotope studies of the major Au deposits at least two different phases of magmatic activity in the district (Liu et
of the Southern Tianshan belt are still rare. The Sawayaerdun gold al., 2007).
deposit provides an excellent opportunity to study in detail the
sources of fluids and metals and the fluid evolution of an orogenic- 3. Alteration and mineralization
type hydrothermal system using isotopic geochemistry. This study
aims to improve our understanding of this major mineralization style Twenty-four ore-bearing zones have been identified at the
and in turn enhance exploration success in the Southern Tianshan Sawayaerdun deposit (Fig. 2), with four ore zones (I, II, IV and XI) of
belt. economic grade. The NW-dipping ore zone IV is the largest with
~4200 m length and 15–48 m width and Au reserves exceeding 2.5
2. Regional and local geology
Table 1 from I, II, IV and XI ore-bearing zones and F1 fault (Table 3). Mineral
Characteristics of the main mineralization zones at the Sawayaerdun gold deposit. separates for stable and lead isotope studies include early barren and
Modified from Ye et al. (1999).
middle mineralized quartz grains, late-stage calcite grains, early
Mineralization Length Width Depth Shape of ore Grade range/ diagenetic and mineralized pyrite grains, and one hydrothermal
zone (m) (m) (m) bodies average (g/t) pyrrhotite (Tables 3 and 4).
I 2700 80–130 ? Irregular (4) 1.00–3.25/1.48 Mineral separates were extracted from crushed and washed rock
II 3000 50–80 ? Lentoid (5) 1.00–1.71/1.35 samples. Quartz, calcite and sulfides were selected by handpicking
IV > 4000 20–100 300 Bedding (5) 1.22–3.57/2.66
under a microscope. Mineral separates were outgassed at 150 °C
XI 1800 20–50 ? Veins (2) 1.01–2.07/1.17
before analysis. Quartz separates were reacted with BrF5, followed by
Only ore zone IV has been controlled by drilling. Numbers in brackets are identified ore total conversion to CO2 for oxygen isotope analysis (Clayton and
Mayeda, 1963). δD values were measured on water in fluid inclusions
decrepitated from quartz and carbonate separates by heating at
600 °C for 1 h. The released gases were passed through a CuO bucket
Moz (Table 1; Yang et al., 2007). All ore-bearing zones experienced at 600 °C and frozen down with liquid nitrogen to obtain waters from
multi-stage hydrothermal alteration, with pyrite, arsenopyrite, quartz, which hydrogen gas was released by reduction with zinc (Kyser and
sericite, chlorite and carbonate as the most common alteration O'Neil, 1984). For δ 13C analysis of fluid inclusions in quartz grains, the
minerals. Gold mineralization was closely associated with intense gases were obtained by the same method applied in δD analysis, but
silicification and pyritization (Liu et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2012). Five were frozen down directly to separate CO2. δ 18O and δ 13C values for
alteration mineral assemblages that formed during the main stages of carbonate were measured on CO2 released from 5–10 mg powdered
mineralization are recognized, including native gold–arsenopyrite– carbonate samples reacted with 100% phosphoric acid at 25 °C for 4 h
pyrite–quartz, native gold–pyrite–jamesonite (stibnite)–quartz, native (McCrea, 1950). Silicon was extracted from quartz separates using
gold–jamesonite (stibnite), native gold–quartz–siderite and native the fluorination technique and the isotopic ratios were determined by
gold–pyrite–pyrrhotite–quartz (Yang et al., 2007). Based on mineral the procedures described by Taylor and Epstein (1962) and Jiang et al.
assemblages and crosscutting relationships, at least three paragenetic (1994). The δ 34S values of the sulfide minerals were determined
stages can be distinguished at Sawayaerdun (for details see Chen et al., following oxidation to sulfur dioxide by cupric oxide combustion
2012). The early stage is represented by the formation of thick barren (Fritz et al., 1974). For lead isotope ratios of pyrites and pyrrhotite,
quartz veins. The middle stage is composed of quartz–polymetallic approximately 10–50 mg of each sample were first leached in acetone
sulfides, veinlets and stockworks cutting the earlier quartz veins. Major to remove surface contamination and then washed with distilled
sulfides formed during the middle stage include anhedral pyrite, water and dried at 60 °C in an oven. Washed sulfides were dissolved
pyrrohotite, arsenopyrite and stibnite. The late stage is characterized in a dilute solution of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. Following ion-
by carbonate-(quartz) veins with comb texture. Gold was mainly exchange chemistry, the lead in the solution was loaded onto
introduced during the middle stage and mainly occurs as native gold rhenium filaments using a phosphoric acid–silica gel emitter (Zhang
and electrum, with arsenopyrite and pyrite as the most salient gold- et al., 2011).
bearing minerals (Ye et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2012). Oxygen, hydrogen, silicon and carbon isotope analyses were
As the major gangue mineral, quartz grains formed during the conducted using a Finnigan MAT 251EM mass spectrometer; δ 34S
early (barren) and middle (main mineralization) stages are strongly values were determined by a MAT 230C mass spectrometer and Pb
distinguished by their occurrence, mineral assemblage, associated isotopes by a MAT 261 mass spectrometer at the Isotope Geochem-
alteration and mineral characteristics (Table 2). Early-stage quartz istry Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. δ 18O and
veins commonly occur as thick lenses along strata, comprising δD are reported relative to the Vienna SMOW standard, δ 34S to the
deformed, coarse-grained (0.5–1.0 mm) pale-gray quartz, and locally Canyon Diablo triolite (CDT) standard, δ 13C to the Peedee Belemnite
include a small number of euhedral pyrite grains, which are similar to limestone (PDB) standard, δ 30Si to the NBS-28 quartz sandstone
those in the host metasediments and probably of diagenetic origin. In standard and all Pb ratios were corrected based on the values of NBS
contrast, quartz crystals formed during the middle stage are usually SRM 981. A mass fractionation factor of 0.1% per mass unit during Pb
small (0.05–0.20 mm) and have a dark-gray (“smoky”) color. Middle isotope analysis was determined by the reiterated analyses of SRM
stage quartz grains occur with sericite, fine-grained anhedral pyrite 981 in the lab and the total Pb blanks were about 1 ng. The δ 34S, δ 18O,
and other sulfides. Both the middle-stage quartz-sulfide stockwork δ 13C, δ 30Si and δD values are reproducible to ±0.3, ±0.1, ±0.1,
and quartz crystals in these veinlets record a period of strong ±0.06 and ±2‰, respectively. The 2σ variations (in-run precisions)
deformation that occurred during or after ore formation. are 0.1, 0.09, and 0.30% for the 206Pb/ 204Pb, 207Pb/ 204Pb, and 208Pb/
Pb ratios, respectively.
4. Sampling and analytical techniques
5. Results
Twenty-two representative samples were selected from the
collection for isotope studies. Of these, 16 are from middle stage 5.1. δ 18O, δD, δ 13C and δ 30Si of quartz and fluids
mineralized quartz veins containing gold–quartz–sulfides and four
are from early stage barren quartz veins. Two calcite samples were δ 18O values of mineralized quartz range from 19.3 to 21.9‰, with
selected to represent late stage fluids. All samples were collected an average of 20.2‰ (Table 3). δ 18O values of early-stage quartz have
Table 2
Geological characteristics of quartz veins at Sawayaerdun.
Early stage barren quartz veins Middle stage mineralized quartz veins
Occurrence and texture Commonly as lentoid bodies in sediments layers Veinlets in broken structure zones; breccia-like when enrich with sulfides
Mineral assemblages Quartz > 90%, locally with sulfides Quartz dominant but with enormous sulfides showing multiple generations
Features of quartz White and coarse-grained (0.5–1 mm), Fine-grained (0.05–0.2 mm) and usually “smoky”; deformed with sulfides
weak recrystalization and deformation common and show similar direction
Associated alteration Weak sericite and carbonate alteration Strong sericite, carbonate and sulfide alteration
4 H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11
Table 3
Oxygen, hydrogen, silicon and carbon isotopic compositions of quartz and calcites from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit (‰).
The temperatures are from Chen et al. (2012).
Zone I
SW57 wmq 20.3 390 15.4 − 0.1 − 75 4.2
SW56 mq 19.6 330 13.0 − 89 6.5
SW63 mq 19.3 315 12.3 0.0 − 81 0.4
Zone II
SW65 wmq 20.3 340 14.1 − 0.2 − 72 3.2
SW17 mq 20.4 360 14.7 − 0.1 − 71 1.5
SW64 mq 20.6 220 9.5 − 78 3.1
Zone IV
SW27 wmq 21.2 300 13.6 0.0 − 48 0.5
SW8 mq 20.4 185 7.1 − 0.3 − 71 5.7
SW3 mq 20.1 210 8.4 2.6
SW26 mq 21.9 215 10.5 − 65 2.0
SW10 mq 21.5 230 8.2 − 0.3
SW51 mq 19.7 220 8.5 − 0.2 − 59 5.1
SW21 mq 19.4 220 8.2 − 61 8.6
SW48 mq 20.4 190 7.5 − 56 7.7
SW50 mq 20.6 265 11.7 − 0.1
SW49 mq 20.3 185 6.7
SW74 mq 19.7 220 8.5 − 72 10.1
Zone XI
SW79 mq 19.6 250 10.5 − 0.2 − 110 2.0
SW80 mq 20.1 260 8.2 − 70
F1 fault
SW32 wmq 21.4 295 13.7 0.0 − 72
SW33 cc 20.1 200 9.9 0.7 2.4
SW34 cc 17.5 200 7.3 − 77 0.2 1.9
wmq average 20.8 331 14.2 − 0.08 − 68 2.6
mq average 20.2 277 11 − 0.17 − 74 4.6
Zone I average (mq) 19.5 322 12.7 0 − 85 3.5
Zone II average (mq) 20.5 291 12.1 − 0.10 − 75 2.3
Zone IV average (mq) 20.4 215 8.5 − 0.23 − 64 6.0
Zone XI average (mq) 19.9 256 9.4 − 0.20 −90 2.0
Abbreviations: wmq, weakly mineralized quartz; mq, mineralized quartz; cc, calcite.
The δ18Owtaer values were calculated using equations for quartz–water and calcite–water provided by Zheng (1993) and O'Neil et al. (1969), respectively. The δ13C in CO2
equilibrated with calcite were calculated using equation of Deines et al. (1974).
a range of 20.3 to 21.4‰, with an average of 20.8‰. δ 18O values of 5.2. δ 18O, δD, and δ 13C of calcite and fluids
mineralized quartz from the zone IV show a similar range (19.4 to
21.9‰, average 20.4‰) to those of the other three ore zones (19.3– Two late-stage calcite samples give similar δ 18O values of 20.1‰
20.6‰; average 19.9‰; Table 3). Based on the detailed paragenesis and 17.5‰, and δ 13C values of 2.4‰ and 1.9‰, respectively (Table 3).
study and using the temperatures acquired from the fluid inclusion Fluid inclusions in one calcite yield a δD value of −77‰, similar to
study (Table 3; Chen et al., 2012), the calculated δ 18O values of fluid those of mineralized quartz (average of − 74‰, Table 3). Using the
hosted by early-stage quartz vary from 13.6 to 15.4‰ (average estimated temperature of 200 °C (Chen et al., 2012) and the equation
14.2‰; Table 3). The calculated δ 18Owater values of mineralized quartz of calcite–CO2 equilibrium (Deines et al., 1974), the calculated
are between 6.7 and 14.7‰ with an average of 11.0‰ (Table 3), lower δ 13CCO2 values are 0.7‰ and 0.2‰ (Table 3). Calculated δ 18Owater
than that of early quartz. Zone IV has a wide δ 18Owater range of 6.7 to values of the late-stage calcite grains are 9.9‰ and 7.3‰ respectively,
11.7‰ and an average value (8.5‰) similar to that of zone XI (9.4‰), using the equation of calcite–H2O equilibrium (O'Neil et al., 1969).
but lower than those of zones I and II (12.7‰ and 12.0‰). The
measured δD values of fluids hosted in mineralized quartz range 5.3. δ 34S and Pb isotope compositions of sulfides and fluids
between − 56 and −110‰ with an average of − 74‰. In contrast,
early-stage quartz has higher δD values varying from −48 to −75‰ The δ 34S values of pyrite and pyrrhotite samples from the
(average −68‰). The zone IV mineralized quartz has the highest δD Sawayaerdun gold deposit have a very narrow range (Table 4).
value of −64‰ of the four major mineralization zones (Table 3). Three diagenetic pyrite samples give δ 34S ratios ranging from −1.6‰
The δ 30Si values of quartz vary between − 0.3 and 0.0‰ (Table 3). to 0.3‰ with an average of −0.4‰, similar to that of hydrothermal
The average δ 30Si value of early-stage quartz (−0.08‰) is slightly pyrite and pyrrhotite (− 1.8‰ to 0.9‰, average − 0.3‰). Using the
higher than that of mineralized quartz (−0.17‰). Mineralized quartz pyrite − pyrrhotite fractionation equation (Kajiwara and Krouse,
from the zone IV yields the lowest average value of − 0.23‰ from the 1971), the pyrite–pyrrhotite equilibrium temperature in sample
four mineralized zones. The δ 13CCO2 values of fluid inclusions are SW8 is calculated to be 500 °C. This estimation is markedly higher
generally positive and variable (Table 3). The δ 13CCO2 values in early- than the temperature of 220–270 °C estimated from fluid inclusion
stage quartz vary from 0.5 to 4.2‰, with an average of 2.6‰; whereas studies (Chen et al., 2012), and also higher than those of other typical
mineralized quartz has higher δ 13CCO2 values between 0.4 and 10.1‰ lode gold deposits (Jia et al., 2000; Ridley and Diamond, 2000),
(average 4.6‰). Mineralized quartz from zone IV yields a wide suggesting that sulfur isotope systems between coexisting sulfides
δ 13CCO2 range of 2.0–10.1‰ and has the highest average value of 6.0‰ were not equilibrated. Given the fO2 and temperature during mineral
amongst the four major mineralized zones (Table 3). precipitation, total δ 34S values of the fluids can be estimated from the
H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11 5
Table 4 δ 34S values of sulfides (Ohmoto and Rye, 1979; Ohmoto and
Sulfur and lead isotopic ratios of sulfides from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit. Goldhaber, 1997). The main mineralization stage of the Sawayaerdun
Pb isotopes of host rock are from Ye et al. (1999).
gold deposit is CH4-dominated and relatively reduced (Chen et al.,
Sample no. Mineral Pb/204Pb 207
Pb/204Pb 208
Pb/204Pb δ34S 2012), which is supported by the occurrence of pyrrhotite and is also
Zone I consistent with most orogenic gold deposits whose redox state is
SW59 hpy 18.164 15.620 38.476 − 0.9 generally below the SO2/H2S boundary (Phillips and Groves, 1983;
SW63 hpy 18.205 15.580 38.624 − 0.8 Mikucki and Ridley, 1993; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998; Jia et al., 2000;
Zone II
Kerrich et al., 2000). Given the low oxygen buffer and medium
SW17 hpy 18.083 15.616 38.378 − 0.9
SW64 hpy 18.086 15.614 38.400 0.4 temperature (220–270 °C), the sulfur isotopic fractionation between
SW65 dpy 18.131 15.623 38.480 0.2 sulfides and fluids is usually small (b2‰; Ohmoto and Goldhaber,
Zone IV 1997), which means the measured δ 34S values of sulfides are nearly
SW27 dpy 18.139 15.594 38.428 0.3 equal to those of the fluids.
SW8 hpy 18.504 15.643 39.314 − 0.4
Three diagenetic pyrites have 206Pb/ 204Pb values of 18.104 to
SW8 hpo 18.037 15.601 38.387 − 0.9
SW3 hpy 18.768 15.640 39.761 − 0.4 18.139 (average 18.125), 207Pb/ 204Pb values of 15.594 to 15.623
SW10 hpy 18.382 15.618 38.941 − 0.9 (average 15.607), and 208Pb/ 204Pb values of 38.316 to 38.480
SW16 hpy 18.131 15.635 38.467 − 0.1 (average 38.408; Table 4). Hydrothermal pyrites and pyrrhotite
SW51 hpy 18.758 15.647 39.654 0.5
have 206Pb/ 204Pb values of 18.076 to 18.893 (average 18.338),
SW21 hpy 18.416 15.637 39.248 − 1.8 207
SW48 hpy 18.138 15.622 38.425 0.9 Pb/ 204Pb values of 15.580 to 15.668 (average 15.626), and 208Pb/
SW50 hpy 18.893 15.668 40.404 − 1.4 Pb values of 38.303 to 40.404 (average 38.913). Compared to
SW74 hpy 18.076 15.595 38.303 0.8 diagenetic pyrite, hydrothermal pyrite displays a wider range of Pb
Zone XI isotopic values and more radiogenic compositions. Hydrothermal
SW79 hpy 18.133 15.623 38.381 0.8
pyrite from the zone IV yields the widest compositional range and the
F1 fault zone
SW32 dpy 18.104 15.603 38.316 − 1.6 highest average of the four major mineralization zones.
hpy average 18.338 15.626 38.913 − 0.3
dpy average 18.125 15.607 38.408 − 0.4 6. Discussion
Host rock average 18.184 15.612 38.331
Zone I average (hpy) 18.185 15.600 38.550 − 0.9
Zone II average (hpy) 18.085 15.615 38.389 − 0.3
6.1. Sources of ore-forming fluids and metals
Zone IV average (hpy) 18.452 15.634 39.168 − 0.4
Zone XI average (hpy) 18.133 15.632 38.381 0.8 6.1.1. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes
Abbreviations: hpy, hydrothermal pyrite; dpy, diagenetic pyrite; hpo, hydrothermal The δ 18O values of quartz from the Sawayaerdun deposit range
prrhotite. narrowly from 19.3 to 21.9‰ (Fig. 3A), and are generally higher than
those of most lode gold deposits (δ 18O = 10–18‰; Fig. 3A; Kyser et
al., 1986; Kerrich, 1987; Goldfarb et al., 1991, 1997; McCuaig and
Kerrich, 1998; Ivanove, 2000; Kerrich et al., 2000; Jia et al., 2001).
Fig. 3. Oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz (A) and ore-forming fluids (B) from zones I, II, IV and XI. References for the isotopic ranges of other deposits are given in the text.
6 H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11
Fig. 4. Hydrogen isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluids at Sawayaerdun. References for the isotopic ranges of other deposits and meteoric water are given in the text.
High δ 18O values of quartz may be caused by significant fractionation H2S (Richet et al., 1977; Hoefs, 1997). Fig. 5 illustrates that early-stage
due to the relatively low ore-forming temperatures (Table 3; O'Neil, barren quartz at Sawayaerdun contains fluids with higher δ 18O and
1986; Kyser, 1987) compared with other lode gold deposits δD values and is probably derived from a metamorphic-related
(commonly 300–350 °C; Ridley and Diamond, 2000). The calculated fluid. In contrast, ore-forming fluids hosted by mineralized quartz,
δ 18O values of Sawayaerdun ore-forming fluids vary from 6.7 to especially those of zone IV, are similar to those of other lode gold
14.7‰, generally consistent with, but spanning a wider range than deposits, and fluids in late-stage calcite have a composition close to
those of other orogenic gold deposits (Fig. 3B). The early barren meteoric water.
quartz from Sawayaerdun has high δ 18Owater values (Fig. 3B), which
probably indicate an association with the 18O-rich sediment host. 6.1.2. Silicon isotopes
The δD values of − 48 to − 110‰ from the ore-forming fluids at Silicon isotopes have been investigated over the last few decades
Sawayaerdun (Table 3) fall into the δD range of most lode gold (Clayton, 1986; Ding et al., 1988). Although there is a relatively
deposits (Fig. 4; Kerrich, 1987; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998; Ridley and narrow variation of δ 30Si values occurring in natural materials (−4 to
Diamond, 2000). They are consistent with those of the Juneau gold 4‰; Jiang et al., 1994), silicon isotopes have been applied in different
belts, Alaska (Goldfarb et al., 1991), but are distinct from the Bendigo ore deposit types to identify the sources of metals and ore-forming
gold deposit, Australia (Jia et al., 2001; Fig. 4). The δD values of fluids (Jiang et al., 1992, 1993; Zhou et al., 2007).
Sawayaerdun ore-forming fluids peak at −70 to −72‰, which is The δ 30Si values of quartz at Sawayaerdun have a range of −0.3 to
consistent with modern meteoric water in the Tianshan region 0‰ (Fig. 6), which is distinct from those of Precambrian Banded Iron
(−70‰; Zhang, 1985), indicating a possible meteoric water source Formations (−2.2 to −1.1‰), but similar to those of hydrothermal
for the ore-forming fluids. The low δD values (b−80‰) obtained in quartz from disseminated sediment-hosted gold deposits in south-
some carbonaceous turbidite-hosted lode gold deposits have been west China (−0.4 to 0.5‰; Jiang et al., 1994). Silicon isotopic
interpreted to result from the reaction between deep-sourced non- fractionation between quartz and fluid is generally between 0.4‰ and
meteoric fluids and δD-depleted organic matter in host rocks 1.0‰ (Douthitt, 1982; Li et al., 1994; Ding et al., 1996). Accordingly,
(Goldfarb et al., 1989; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998; Jia et al., 2001). the δ 30Si values of ore-forming fluids at Sawayaerdun have a range of
However, the δD values at Sawayaerdun are highly variable and only a 0.2–1.0‰ (Fig. 6), which is similar to that of sedimentary rocks: i.e.,
few samples yield low values (Fig. 4). The higher δD values in early- higher values in early-stage barren quartz (Table 3) are more
stage barren quartz compared with mineralized quartz at Sawayaerdun consistent with those of shallow sea radiolarian rocks or siliceous
are probably the result of the higher CH4 and H2S contents in fluids dolomite, whereas the lower values in the mineralized quartz are
trapped in mineralized quartz (Chen et al., 2012). Experiments have more consistent with shale and sandstones (Fig. 6). These results
documented that strong hydrogen fractionation occurs between indicate different silicon sources for the fluids in the two stages of
H2O\CH4 and H2O\H2S and that δD is usually depleted in CH4 and quartz veins; however, the narrow range of δ 30Si values may suggest
that such differences are very subtle.
Fig. 6. δ30Si values of quartz and fluids at Sawayaerdun. References for the ranges of other units and deposits are given in the text.
decarbonation of marine carbonate. They evolved into a fluid system Sawayaerdun probably indicates a source of host sediment rather
with higher δ 13C but lower δ 18O values which precipitated most of than a magmatic system.
the metals during mineralization, then into the late hydrothermal
fluids with low δ 13C and δ 18O values. 6.1.5. Lead isotopes
All Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite samples from Sawayaerdun
6.1.4. Sulfur isotopes show negative single-stage model ages (Faure, 1986), probably
Hydrothermal pyrite and pyrrhotite at Sawayaerdun have a indicating the presence of excess radiogenic Pb in the fluid system
narrow δ 34S range of 0.9‰ to − 1.8‰ (Table 4), similar to that of either through decay of U and Th or mixing which introduced
basaltic and granitic rocks, but also within the range of metamorphic radiogenic lead (Johansson, 1983; Horner et al., 1997). The Pb
and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 8). The δ 34S values of Sawayaerdun isotopes of all sulfides define a rough correlation in a diagram of
hydrothermal sulfides are comparable to those of most lode gold Pb/ 204Pb vs. 206Pb/ 204Pb (Fig. 9a), which would yield an age of
deposits, such as Juneau (Goldfarb et al., 1989), Kumtor (Ivanove, 1375 ± 725 Ma if interpreted chronologically (Ludwig, 1991). This
2000) and Bendigo (Jia et al., 2001) in which ore-forming fluids were age is much older than the Rb\Sr and Ar\Ar ages reported at
inferred to be metamorphic in origin. Diagenetic pyrite at Sawayaer- Sawayaerdun (~ 230 Ma; Ye et al., 1999; Liu et al., 2007), indicating
dun also has a narrow δ 34S range (− 1.6‰ to 0.3‰) similar to that of that the ore-forming fluids at Sawayaerdun may not have evolved in a
hydrothermal pyrite, probably indicating a similar source for the closed system after Pb trapping and external Pb may have been
fluids. These δ 34S values are comparable to those of diagenetic pyrite involved during their evolution.
from other lode gold deposits (Fig. 8). Although the near-zero δ 34S Pyrite is a Pb-poor mineral and the decay of U and Th to radiogenic
values indicate a possible magmatic source in many magmatic– lead in pyrites should be considered (Le Guen et al., 1992; Ho et al.,
hydrothermal deposits (Hoefs, 1997), the geological characteristics 1994; Zhou et al., 2001), especially for pyrite with a relatively old age.
and other isotope compositions preclude this at Sawayaerdun. Because analytical determinations of μ ( 238U/ 204Pb) and ω ( 232Th/
Sulfides in the host sediments are commonly 34S-depleted and 204
Pb) are not available, we here use the values from the proximal
generated low δ 34S values (b−5‰) of ore-forming fluids during the orogen (μ = 10.28 and ω = 42.88; Zartman and Haines, 1988) to
sulfur fractionation in the Bendigo and Juneau gold deposits estimate the additional radiogenic lead. If the pyrite at Sawayaerdun
(Goldfarb et al., 1991; Jia et al., 2001). Nevertheless, sulfides in was formed at ca. 230 Ma (Ye et al., 1999), the calculated additional
sedimentary rocks may have a wide δ 34S range (Fig. 8) due to values of 206Pb/ 204Pb, 207Pb/ 204Pb and 208Pb/ 204Pb are 0.375, 0.019
biological isotope fractionations and some sulfides in sediment- and 0.493, respectively. Similar Pb isotope values were obtained for
hosted deposits could be significantly enriched in 34S (e.g., ≥0‰ of the whole rocks, i.e., 206Pb/ 204Pb = 0.490, 207Pb/ 204Pb = 0.026 and
diagenetic pyrite at Sawayaerdun) compared to 34S-depleted sulfides 208
Pb/ 204Pb = 0.641, using the formation age of 300 Ma (Liu et al.,
(Sasaki and Krouse, 1969). Thus, the narrow δ 34S range at 1999, 2007).
Fig. 7. Calculated δ13C and δ18O values of fluids at Sawayaerdun. References for the fields of major carbon reservoirs and other deposits are given in the text.
8 H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11
Fig. 8. δ34S values of diagenetic and hydrothermal pyrites at Sawayaerdun. References for the ranges of major sulfur reservoirs and other deposits are given in the text.
Fig. 9 illustrates that the Pb isotopic compositions of Sawayaerdun the Pb isotope signatures of the gold deposits in Southern Tianshan
pyrite show similarities to the orogenic Pb (Zartman and Haines, (Fig. 9), including Kumtor (Chiaradia et al., 2006). The shifting Pb
1988). The similarity of Pb isotopic compositions between the host isotopic compositions of hydrothermal pyrite from Sawayaerdun,
rock and pyrite at Sawayaerdun (Ye et al., 1999; Zheng et al., 2000) especially those from Zone IV (Fig. 9), most likely indicate mixing
suggests a similar Pb source, which has been documented in many between less and more radiogenic lead sources. Such shifting in Fig. 9
lode gold deposits (Ho et al., 1995; McNaughton and Groves, 1996; cannot be explained by in situ growth of radiogenic Pb because these
Geraldes et al., 1997; Bierlein and McNaughton, 1998; Ridley and pyrites are from the same hydrothermal stage and should have
Diamond, 2000; Zhang et al., 2011) and is generally consistent with similar radiogenic Pb contents after trapping if they are from a single
system. Fluid mixing is also supported by both the other kinds of fluids indicate meteoric water was probably the dominant component
isotope tracers mentioned above and the fluid inclusion studies (Chen of the ore-forming fluid system following the cessation of minerali-
et al., 2012). Most hydrothermal pyrites share similar Pb isotopic zation at Sawayaerdun (Fig. 5).
compositions with their host rocks (Fig. 9), indicating host rock is
probably an important source of ore-forming fluids during fluid–rock 6.3. Comparison of the major ore zones at Sawayaerdun
reaction (Doe and Delevaux, 1972; Bjorlykke and Thorpe, 1982; Nie
and Bjorlykke, 1994; Horner et al., 1997). However, fluids with more Four major mineralization zones have been identified at
radiogenic Pb are probably from other sources. Sawayaerdun, of which the zone IV is the largest with Au reserves
exceeding 2.5 Moz (Table 1, Liu et al., 2007). Isotopic compositions of
6.2. Evolution of ore-forming fluids at Sawayaerdun mineralized quartz and sulfides from zone IV are generally distinct
from those of other zones (Figs. 5, 7 and 9). Mineralized quartz in
Hydrothermal fluids at Sawayaerdun evolved over at least three zone I generally show similar isotopic features to early-stage barren
stages. These include an early high-temperature (>300 °C) CO2-rich quartz. However, those from the II and XI zones have more
stage with barren quartz formation; a reduced medium-temperature similarities with zone IV (Figs. 5 and 7). These characteristics are
(250 °C) middle stage with pyrite precipitation and mineralization; consistent with our fluid inclusion studies and could be applied to
and a late low-temperature (b200 °C) non-mineralized calcite stage mineral exploration at Sawayaerdun. Isotopic compositions from
(Chen et al., 2012). zone IV also indicate that significant fluid mixing occurred during the
mineralization stage (Figs. 5, 7 and 9). However, this process is not as
6.2.1. Early barren quartz stage clear in the other ore zones and could account for their relatively
In the Late Paleozoic, the Southern Tianshan Ocean began to close weak mineralization compared to zone IV.
due to Andean-type subduction. This was followed by the collision of
the Tarim and Kazakhstan plates, causing extensive compression, 7. Conclusions
crustal shortening, thickening and uplift in the Southern Tianshan
area. During this time, carbonaceous sediments and carbonate rocks Based on the isotopic study of minerals associated with ore-
(e.g., the subducting Devonian limestone to the east of the F1 fault; formation at the Sawayaerdun deposit, the following conclusions
Fig. 2) in the locality of the Sawayaerdun gold deposit experienced have been made:
strong deformation and metamorphism which generated enormous
amounts of metamorphic fluids (Chen and Fu, 1992; Kerrich, 1999; 1) The isotopic compositions of quartz and sulfides from the
Pirajno, 2009). Subsequently, these fluids, rich in δ 18O and δ 13C Sawayaerdun gold deposit show some difference to, but are
(Figs. 5 and 7), migrated along fractures and precipitated early-stage generally comparable with, those of other orogenic-type gold
quartz from a high-temperature (>300 °C), low-salinity and CO2-rich deposits. Stable isotopes (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and sulfur)
fluid (Chen et al., 2012). and Pb isotopes of ore-forming fluids at Swayaerdun have the
characteristics of metamorphic fluids formed during regional
6.2.2. Middle mineralization stage orogenesis and are distinctly different from fluids from mantle
With continuous crustal uplift and erosion the deeply-buried early and magmatic sources. The incorporation of fluids derived from
quartz veins and structural zones were raised, resulting in decom- the metasedimentary host rocks in the deposit can be identified
pression and a drop in temperature. This change in tectonic from stable and radiogenic isotopic compositions.
conditions led to the development of strike-slip fault systems and 2) Hydrothermal fluids present during the early, middle and late
also enhanced the available space for ore deposition. Fluid inclusion stages at Sawayaerdun can be traced using isotopic compositions.
populations indicate that extensive fluid immiscibility (boiling) and The early-stage fluids with high δ 18O and δ 13C values are probably
fluid mixing occurred at this stage (Chen et al., 2012). Boiling resulted derived from metamorphic devolatilization including decarbon-
in CO2 escape and was associated with the consumption of H + (H + + ation of the sedimentary host rocks at depth and precipitated early
HCO3− = H2O + CO2) causing decomposition of [Au(HS)2] − and barren quartz veins. During the middle stage, decompression
leading to the precipitation of native gold. Fluid mixing caused by introduced external fluids into the ore-forming system. These
the inflow of meteoric fluids can also effectively cause decomposition external fluids, with isotopic signatures distinct from those of the
of [Au(HS)2] − and precipitation of native gold and pyrite, due to the host rocks and generally rich in 34S and radiogenic Pb, mixed with
reaction of 2HCO3− + [Au(HS)2] − + Fe 3 + = Au + FeS2 + 2H2O + 2CO2 the existing ore-forming fluids and caused extensive metal
(Chen et al., 2007). Fluids from around the structural zones, precipitation. Late-stage fluids trapped by calcite veins show
dominantly a mixture of meteoric and connate water circulating in isotopic compositions similar to meteoric water, indicating the
metasediments with a lower δD but rich in 34S and radiogenic Pb end of hydrothermal activity at Sawayaerdun.
(Figs. 5, 8 and 9), were introduced into and mixed with the ore- 3) Ore-forming fluids from the larger IV mineralization zone have
forming fluid system. Fluid mixing has been documented in many isotopic compositions distinct from those of other ore zones. Fluid
orogenic-type gold deposits, including the Muruntau gold deposit mixing in zone IV is illustrated by stable and Pb isotope values. The
(Brown, 1998; Sui et al., 2000; Bierlein and Maher, 2001; Graupner et isotopic compositions of zones II and XI show strong similarities to
al., 2001). Gold mineralization in many orogenic gold deposits has zone IV and probably indicate a high potential for future
been documented during the compression–extension transition stage exploration.
that is also favorable for fluid boiling and mixing (Chen et al., 2000,
2004, 2006, 2012). Acknowledgment
6.2.3. Late carbonate stage This study is financially supported by the Geological Survey of
Following the main mineralization stage at Sawayerdun, the China (project 1212011140056), Ministry of Science and Technology
regional heat source and associated hydrothermal fluid circulation (Project 305) and NSFC (project U1139301). The first author thanks
quickly dissipated, as represented by local carbonate (-quartz) Professors Minghua Zheng, Jiajun Liu and Xunrong Long for their
veinlets without mineralization. These veinlets were generally formed logistical support during fieldwork. Professor Defang Wan is thanked
from fluids at a low-temperature (b200 °C) and were essentially for helping laboratory analysis. Comments and suggestions from two
barren (Chen et al., 2012). Isotopic compositions of the late-stage anonymous reviewers greatly improved the quality of the paper.
10 H.Y. Chen et al. / Chemical Geology 310-311 (2012) 1–11
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