Advantage of Blended Learning

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From a pedagogical perspective, blended learning aims to incorporate the best

aspects of face-to-face classroom learning experiences with the best of mobile and online
learning experiences. Internet enables human to do a lot of activities without limitation of
time and spaces. People are able to do their job even if they are not present at their work
place. Internet also can be applied in many ways in education process. One of them is
called blended learning. Blended learning is not taking your lesson plans and throwing
them into a blender, as much as some frustrated teachers might like to do at times. Rather,
blended learning is a way of combining a variety of learning environments into one
classroom—and even taking those teaching applications beyond the classroom. 

Firstly, the advantages of the blended learning is improve the efficiency of study.
Blended learning allows teachers to use a combination of digital instruction and one-on-
one face time to improve efficiency in the classroom. Teacher will have more flexibility
in delivering learning materials.  If a class would normally meet twice per week, for 80
minutes per class, a blended learning approach might make use of not just in-class
lecture, but an array of digital teaching tools, including videos, quizzes, and more. In this
way, an instructor may find that in-class instruction is only needed once per week.
When students use adaptive learning technologies to work on their comprehension of new
concepts, teachers can use the additional class time to give struggling students the
individualized attention that they need. Teacher may conduct online task submission,
quizzes, or even final test in the end of the semester. Teacher will have much more time
to evaluate and grade students’ performance, and the students are able to finish their tasks
from wherever they are without coming to the classroom.indeed, an increase in student-
teacher and student-student interaction through the use of communication tools like
discussion forums, blogs and shared web content on the electronic whiteboard.

Secondly, the other advantages of the blended learning is save money.Education can
be extremely expensive. From continually reordering textbooks so they're up to date to
having school supplies on hand, the costs add up. In a presentation by Fiona Hollands,
PhD from the Center for Benefit-Cost studies of Education, Center for Technology and
School Change found that significant cost savings are possible when learning is used to
replace face-to-face instruction because of increasing student/teacher rations, the
elimination of non-instructional services and faster completion of content. - Blended
learning can help school districts save money by allowing students to bring their own
technology devices to class to take full advantage of the adaptive learning software. The
use of e-textbooks, which can also be accessed on computers, tablets and e-readers, may
also help drive down costs. Thus, broadening access in ways that dramatically reduce the
cost of providing access to quality educational resources and experiences, particularly for
students in remote locations or other situations where challenges such as low student
enrollments make the traditional school model impractical. Reducing school-based
facilities costs by leveraging home and community spaces in addition to traditional
school buildings. Then, it is able to reduce salary costs by transferring some educational
activities to computers, by increasing teacher-student ratios or by otherwise redesigning
processes that allow for more effective use of teacher time.

Thirdly, the benefit of blended learning is personalizes learning that will give student a
more comfortable study environment. Blended learning is able to personalize education
in a way that a more traditional classroom setup simply cannot. When teachers stand in
front of a sea of desks and educate students about a new concept, kids of varying
academic skill levels are not able to take extra time or work ahead as they may need.
Blended learning allows students to work at their own pace, making sure they fully
understand new concepts before moving on. Students usually receive more feedback, and
more frequent feedback, from their instructors. Therefore, there is an opportunity for
students to practice technology skills in navigating online course materials and creating
their own digital content for assessment. They can actually acquire useful skills from
using the Internet and computer technology. Students can often develop or enhance skills
in time management, critical thinking, and problem solving.
4. Better student data
Software used with blended learning programs is able to collect student data that
measures academic progress. In this way, teachers can clearly see the areas in which each
individual student is excelling, and where he or she may need a little more guidance, and
act accordingly.

5. Common Core State Standards

Digital fluency is a goal of the Common Core State Standards, and states working to
implement the new academic guidelines will need to make sure that technology is
integrated into a variety of subject areas. Blended learning can easily accomplish this

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