Using ArchiMate To Represent ITIL Metamodel
Using ArchiMate To Represent ITIL Metamodel
Using ArchiMate To Represent ITIL Metamodel
Abstract—Enterprise Architecture (EA) and ITIL, two dis- and general EA principles, methods and models to the design
tinct governance approaches with different perspectives, have and realization of the remaining organizational structure.
become recently dominant between practitioners. However, In early work, we have already defined this architecture’s
parallel EA and ITIL projects can lead to wasted resources
and a duplication of costs and efforts. This paper proposes motivation model [7], and now we will focus on the architec-
an integration by approaching ITIL from an EA perspective ture representation, on modeling ITIL components according
and proposes a mapping of ITIL concepts to EA, and a set of to the EA approach and the ITIL principles, constraining
models representing the ITIL metamodel using the ArchiMate the organization’s freedom of design. The goal is to give
modeling language. Our goal is twofold: on one hand to give the the architect the elements and models to design specific
architect the elements, relationships and models that represent
best practices in IT service management, and, on the other, organizations according to best practices, which in this case
to formally model ITIL for knowledge sharing, stakeholder is ITIL and ITSM, but could as well be extended to other
communication and to contribute to ITIL discussion and domains, like, for instance, logistics or purchasing. This
validation. For evaluation we shall use interviews and the Wand approach may also be a tool to check for compliance and
and Weber ontological method. maturity levels in these particular organizations.
Keywords-ITIL, ArchiMate, Modeling, Enterprise Architec-
ture. IT Service Management II. R ELATED W ORK
There have been attempts to integrate EA and ITIL.
I. I NTRODUCTION Braun and Winter [8] proposed an EA expansion to ITIL v2
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a coherent whole of and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), having EA as a
principles, methods, and models used in the design and re- pivotal concept. EA provided an overview of the IT archi-
alization of an enterprise’s organizational structure, business tecture, while ITIL was assigned to management processes
processes, information systems, and infrastructure [1]. IT for services delivery [9]. Nabiollahi [10] provides a service
Service Management (ITSM) evolved naturally as services based framework for EA to meet the ITSM requirements
became underpinned in time by the developing technology of ITIL v3, suggesting an EA extension to involve service
[2]. ITIL [3] is the de facto standard for implementing architecture layer from ITIL Service Design [11].
ITSM [4]. It is a practical, no-nonsense approach to the Thorn [12] addresses the relation between ITIL and TO-
identification, planning, delivery and support of IT services GAF, regarding EA as a fundamental concept for organiza-
to the business [5]. It is a set of five books with the Service tional engineering, in which ITIL is included as a framework
Lifecycle processes that are described in the book in which to an operation model for IT delivered services. He argues
they find their key application [6]. that both frameworks can be used together by mapping them,
Unfortunately, having two different approaches to IT TOGAF covers the development of EA, and is involved in
governance can lead to several setbacks. In a time when the products conception lifecycle whereas ITIL ensures the
organizations strive to be efficient and effective, resources delivery and management of IT services to users [9], [12].
should not be wasted by having different organizational de- In the same note, Sante [13] argues that the recent versions
partments or teams handling both approaches independently. of ITIL and TOGAF keep converging to integration. In fact,
This paper is part of a wider effort to join both of these in ITIL v3 references are made to architectural concepts,
approaches by defining a specific EA for organizations that hitherto only found in publications on architecture. The
need to manage IT services. Enterprise architectures do not same, although to a much lesser extent, applies to TOGAF
focus on specific issues because their goal is to be able to 8: where references are made to IT management [13]. The
design and realize every organization. On the contrary, our author relates the five ITIL books to TOGAFs ADM cycle,
goal is to narrow it down, and restrict the architecture to showing there are indeed several similarities, but identifying
organizations that have the management of IT services as two main differences: a) developing business architecture is
an architectural driver. Therefore, the main motivation of our part of the TOGAF framework while the scope of ITIL is
work is to define an EA that uses ITIL principles, methods, limited to developing an effective and efficient IT depart-
processes and concepts to perform IT service management, ment, whilst developing business architecture is out of scope
between ITIL and EA in all these domains and not only on Table I
the business and information ones.
Thus, we propose that like EA, we can also look at ITIL ITIL concept ArchiMate concept
as a composition of other architectures, namely business, in- Role, Department, Business Role
formation, application and infrastructure. Hence, on business Business unit, Service Owner
we have actors, roles, ITIL processes and functions, events; Channel, Interface Business Interface
on application the information systems, like the Configura- Collaboration Business collaboration
tion Management System (CMS); on infrastructure we have Process Business process
databases like the Configuration Management Databases Service Business service
(CMDBs); and on the information we have business objects, Application service
data objects and database artifacts. All these linked by a Function Business function
service oriented approach, where functionality is available Information Business Object
to the next layer in the form of services. Thus, if one looks Data Object
at ITIL from this point of view, we begin to realize that Artifact
by representing and splitting it across EA domains, we can Meaning
actually integrate them by integrating each of its layers. Representation
Hence, we propose that if an organization is represented Service Level Agreement Contract
by an EA, with all its layers, components and relationships, Operational Level Agreement
and if it has implemented ITIL, then ITIL components and Underpinning Contracts
relationships will be a subset (in every layer) of the EA ones. Business Service Product
Therefore, if ITIL can be regarded as part of EA, sharing Value Value
the same domains, components and relationships, and in the Software system Application component
absence of a formal ITIL graphical language we can then Information system
model the ITIL meta-model with EA elements, using the Application assets relationship Application collaboration
language we had already chosen for EA: ArchiMate. Application interaction
Software function Application function
B. ITIL Meta-model Using ArchiMate Concepts
Databases (CMDB, KEDB,...) System software
Before starting to model we needed to map ITIL con- Database access Infrastructure service
cepts in the ArchiMate metamodel, which has five generic Infrastructure interface
concepts: passive and active structure, behavior, service and Database function Infrastructure function
interface. Those are then instantiated on several others on Console, server, mainframe Node, Device
each of the three layers (business, application and infras- Network Network
tructure). It is these latter concepts that we will bridge with Communication path
the ITIL ones to show how closely they relate (Table I). Key performance indicators Value
It should also be noted that these concepts describe the Critical success factors
architecture of systems that support the enterprise, not cov- Metrics
ering the elements which motivate its design and operation Requirements Requirements
[17]. These correspond to the “Why” column of Zachman’s Product
framework [18], while the core concepts correspond to the ITIL relationship ArchiMate relationship
“How, What, Who, Where and When”. ArchiMate also has Has, uses, creates, Association
a Motivation extension which adds concepts such as goal, writes, reads and updates information Accesses
principle, and requirement [17]. Likewise, there is also a Used by Used by
yet to be released Valuation extension with concepts such Makes possible Implements Realization
as value, risk, constraint and resource [19]. Implements
In fact, we have already modeled ITIL’s motivation [7] Process/function ownership Assignment
and in future work we will also do it for its valuation. Flow Flow
Therefore, we will only show here the ITIL main con- Triggering Triggering
cepts and relationships. The mapping is based on ITIL and Element grouping (eg CMS and SKMS) Grouping
ArchiMate’s own definitions, and while it is often quite Process decision Junction
straightforward as both share many concepts’ semantics, Tool specialization Specialization
there are some exceptions which we will address now.
First, ArchiMate distinguishes between a business object
as a business concept; a data object as its logical repre-
sees it all as information. Second, we mapped KPIs and
sentation and an artifact as a physical piece of data. ITIL
CSFs as value, following Iacobs [19] proposal. Finally, we
Figure 2. Detail of Service Operation model. Full model available in
Figure 1. Detail of ITIL overview model. Full model available in http:
tory, which provides an overview of the system of interest,
but other models could (and should!) be produced to repre-
sent other ArchiMate viewpoints. That way, different ITIL
viewpoints could be built to introduce and communicate
ITIL to the people that will play distinct roles.
Overall we produced a full set of models, for all the ITIL
books. Together, our ITIL core representation are the models
for the whole ITIL 26 processes and 4 functions.
V. E VALUATION Figure 4. Form answers
In this section we will evaluate our work following two
distinct approaches. First, we will analyze the proposed
mapping using a grammar evaluation method, and afterwards Node, Device and Business object. On these cases it could be
we will use interviews to evaluate our proposed models. a problem if we ever wanted to do the opposite process: go
from an ArchiMate ITIL model back to ITIL again. Here,
A. Mapping Analysis one should have to rely on the correctness of the object
According to the Wand and Weber method for the on- attributes to properly do the reverse mapping.
tological evaluation of grammars [20], we can compare
two languages’ mapping by identifying four ontological B. Models Evaluation
deficiencies: To assert the models’ utility and correction we used inter-
Incompleteness if it is not defined in total: if there are el- views since it allows asking questions that are open-ended
ements of the first language without a mapping; redundancy and explore emotions, experiences or feelings that cannot
if the mapping is ambiguous: if a first language element is easily be observed or described via pre-defined questionnaire
mapped in more than one on the second; excess if in the responses [22]. However, we also wanted to have some
second language exist any element without a mapping from quantitative data analysis, so, at the end of the interviews,
the first one; overload if two distinct elements of the first we also asked our guests to fill out a small survey regarding
language map onto the same element on the second one. our models.
Therefore, we can not say our mapping is complete, Therefore, we interviewed 13 specialists, from different
because there is not in ArchiMate the ITIL Product concept areas but all with a strong ITIL background, with dis-
(a tangible item). Moreover, on one hand, we left for future tinct occupations, and from diverse nationalities, including
work the motivation model and on the other, sometimes Phd students, university teachers, researchers, enterprise
the completeness stems from the fact that in some cases architects, managers and process owners at different sized
(KPIs, CSFs, and metrics) ArchiMate core has elements organizations.
generic enough to accommodate these, so our mapping Along the interviews, the same vision of ITIL as just a
does not reflect exactly the actual element meaning, but process architecture was very much present amongst the
its generic meaning. Therefore, any extension to specialize majority of our interviewees. In fact, when introduced to
and accurately represent these concepts would be much the suggestion that the ITIL books also mentioned another
welcomed. In fact, there is already a recent proposal [21] three dimensions that could be represented and modeled,
to represent KPIs in ArchiMate. our subjects would frequently turn skeptical and doubt our
As for redundancy sometimes there is more than one claim. However, when we finally showed them the models,
ArchiMate element to represent a ITIL concept. This hap- their opinions promptly changed, as they all agreed that this
pens in information, application relationship and database overall architecture vision would benefit ITIL implementa-
access, because ITIL is not much specific on application tion.
and infrastructure layers’ descriptions. We also find excess, The remainder of the interviews served to present our
as ArchiMate has concepts that are not defined on ITIL as motivation, explain our models, our mapping method, the
meaning or representation. One could argue that implicitly reasoning process behind it and gather ideas and suggestions
they actually exist with their ArchiMate definitions, where for further work. At the end of the interviews we asked the
meaning is “the knowledge or expertise present in a busi- subjects to fill a six question survey about our work. The
ness object” and representation “a perceptible form of the questions were: 1 - How do you classify the models’ cor-
information carried by a business object”, but the concepts rection?, 2 - How do you classify its utility for stakeholder
themselves are not mentioned in ITIL. communication?, 3 - Comparing with other ITIL graphic
Finally, we also have overload, when there are several models you know, how do you rate this one?, 4 - How
ITIL concepts to only one from ArchiMate, like Business do you classify its utility for ITIL validation?, 5 - How do
Role, Business Interface, Contract, Application component, you classify its utility for someone who is leading the ITIL
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