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Experimental Modal Analysis of Violins

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Experimental Modal Analysis of Violins Made from

Composites †
Tim Duerinck 1,2,3,*, Mathias Kersemans 1, Ewa Skrodzka 4, Marc Leman 2, Geerten Verberkmoes 3
and Wim Van Paepegem 1
1 Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering (MaTCh), Ghent University, 9000 Gent,
Belgium; mathias.kersemans@ugent.be (M.K.); wim.vanpaepegem@ugent.be (W.V.P.)
2 Department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences, Ghent University, 9000 Gent, Belgium;

3 Department of Design, Hogent, 9000 Gent, Belgium; geerten.verberkmoes@hogent.be

4 Faculty of String Instruments, Harp, Guitar and Violin–Making, I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music,

61-808 Poznań, Poland; afa@amu.edu.pl

* Correspondence: tim.duerinck@ugent.be; Tel.: +32-492-56-60-49
† Presented at 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM18), Brussels, Belgium,
1–5 July 2018.

Published: 19 July 2018

Abstract: Six prototype violins made from composite materials are made and investigated using
experimental modal analysis with the roving hammer method. The average FRF’s obtained show
an influence of the materials on the vibrational response up to 2200 Hz. The A0 breathing mode and
B1- mode are identified and are found to be significantly lower than in classical wooden violins.
Additional measurements with a Laser Doppler Vibrometer and shaker found the same modes with
a small difference in frequency (3–8 Hz).

Keywords: violin; modal analysis; composite

1. Introduction
The vibrational modes of wooden music instruments like the guitar and violin are well
documented in literature, and provide insight in the dynamics of the instrument [1,2]. Although there
is discussion about the link between the vibrational modes and the actual sound radiation [3], an
experimental modal analysis can explain differences in the radiated sound parameters. For example,
a different placement of the bassbar and lack of arching in a trapezoidal violin can result in more
symmetric vibrational modes (Figure 1), which on their turn result in a lack of brilliance in the sound
[4]. As such, experimental modal analysis is a valuable tool to examine the performance of
experimental music instruments.
Recently, instruments made from fiber reinforced polymers (or composites) have successfully
entered the market. Companies such as mezzo-forte Streichinstrumente, Luis and Clark and Elixir
Violins are producing carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) violins, whilst BlackbirdGuitar makes
guitars and ukuleles from both carbon and flax fiber reinforced polymers. Composite materials seem
a compatible alternative to tonewood in sound production and especially durability, yet the research
on composite music instruments is a very new field and mostly limited to the making and comparing
of one prototype to a classic wooden instrument [5]. However, none of these publications compare
instruments made from different composites and asses which changes in vibrational behavior are
due to the effect of geometrical design and which are the effect of the used material.

Proceedings 2018, 2, 535; doi:10.3390/ICEM18-05457 www.mdpi.com/journal/proceedings

Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 2 of 7

Figure 1. (a) Trapezoidal violin with accelerometer, (b) FRF function of 4 points on the trapezoidal
violin, (c) the vibration mode on 937 Hz.

2. The Prototype Violins

To objectively assess the influences of different composites on the vibrational behavior and
sound of violins, six prototype violins where constructed in the laboratory. The model is based on
that of a classic violin (Stradivari 1716), but adapted to make mold fabrication possible. The violins
have the same geometry (apart from inevitable manufacturing variability). The ribs, back plate and
neck of all the violins is made from woven carbon composite. The soundboards (or top plates) are
made from different materials. All composite parts were made using vacuum assisted resin transfer
method (VARTM). Figure 2 shows the moulds used for construction of the prototypes (a) and the top
plate under vacuum before infusion.

Figure 2. (a) Mould for body (left) and top plate (right), (b) top plate production through VARTM.

The thickness of the soundboard of a classic violin is made so it is rigid enough to withstand the
pressure of the strings without collapsing over time, as well as being flexible enough to vibrate easily
[6]. For this purpose the required thickness of the soundboards for each material was calculated using
laminate theory. In this way all top plates have a similar bending stiffness as classic violin along the
Figure 3 shows the six manufactured violins: 1. Woven carbon composite (hereafter named
CTA), 2. Unidirectional carbon composite (CUD), 3. Classical tonewood (SPRUCE), 4. Unidirectional
flax composite (FLAX), 5. Carbon-Nomex Sandwich (HC) and 6. again woven carbon composite
(CTB). Instrument nr. 6 was included to assess the reproducibility of manufacturing and experiment
results. In this way, we can study the effects of the material type on the vibrational performance of
the soundboards.
Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 3 of 7

Figure 3. Six prototype violins with soundboards made from different materials.

3. Modal Experiment
Experimental modal analysis describes the dynamics of any vibrating system in terms of modal
parameters. For analyses of music instruments, the natural frequencies and damping, as well as
deformation patterns (mode shapes) associated with them are thought to have a large effect on the
sound produced [3,7]. Experimental modal analysis can be performed in many ways. For our first
analysis of the composite violins we chose the method of a roving impact hammer and a fixed
response measurement point, as this method has been found to work well for music instruments and
is already well described in previous papers [8–10]. On each violin, 348 predetermined points were
marked as shown in Figure 4a, the distance between the points on the grid is 10 mm.

Figure 4. (a) Grid on top of one of the violins for marking the points, (b) mounted accelerometer on
point 84 and impact hammer.

The violins where fixed in a mold which clamped the instrument on its edges, as shown in Figure 4a.
An ONOSOKKI NP-2910 accelerometer, with a mass of 2 g and sensitivity of 0.3 pC/m/s2 was
mounted with bee-wax on point nr. 84. The instrument was excited on all points by an impact
hammer (PCB Impact Hammer 086C05; sensitivity 2.25 mV/N). With 4096 FFT lines and a
measurement range of 0–3200 Hz a spectral resolution of 2 Hz was reached. The quality of the
measurement was controlled by means of the coherence and five averages. If the coherence was not
consistently close to 1 the measurement was repeated. From all FRF’s measured, the SMS STAR-
Modal R software package calculated possible modes. Based on the stability of the frequency and
damping, as well as the estimated damping, stable modes where selected for further examination.
Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 4 of 7

From each violin, the same 10 measurements points where used to calculate average FRF’s from all
violins, as displayed in Figure 5. To make it easier to differentiate amplitude differences between the
different violins, averages where taken in 200 Hz bands.

Amplitude [20*log (FRF)]


400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5. Average FRF of all prototype violins.

4. Results and Discussion

As we can see in Figure 6, the average amplitudes in 200 Hz bands of CTA and CTB, which are
made to be identical, show only small differences up to 2200 Hz. The top plates made from other
materials, show larger amplitude differences. These results seem to indicate that material properties
have a distinct and repeatable influence on the amplitude of violins up to 2200 Hz.

Amplitude [20*log(FRF)]

19 CUD
17 CTA

Frequency [Hz]
Figure 6. Average FRF of all prototype violins in 200 Hz bands.

Spruce, the material used normally for soundboards, has a rather low amplitude up to 1000 Hz,
after which the average amplitude remains quite stable. HC starts off with the lowest amplitude up
to 1400 Hz, with the only exception between 600–800 Hz. The material then shows a peak between
1600 and 2200 Hz, after which the amplitude drops again rapidly. Flax starts off with the highest
average amplitude in 200–400 Hz. It then shows only small differences with spruce up to 2000 Hz.
CTA and CTB both show a peak between 1400–1600 Hz, after which they both drop until they
Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 5 of 7

separate around 2200 Hz. CUD shows a higher amplitude in the lower frequencies, especially
between 600–1000 Hz, after which the differences with spruce become less distinct.
The mode shapes of a violin in the lower frequencies are well described in literature [3] and are
by some believed to have a large influence on the produced sound of the instrument [7,10]. Two clear
modes could be recognized, the A0 breathing mode and a B1 mode, most likely B1- (see the results
in Table 1). A0 is marked by a movement of the entire plate around the bass bar. B1- has a strong
motion in the lower bouts, separating it from the upper bouts by a nodal line. The frequency on which
these modes are found is lower than usual for violins. A0 is normally found at 275 ± 9 Hz and B1- at
476 ± 16 Hz. As the spruce soundboard shows a similar drop in mode frequencies as the other
materials, this is most likely caused by other differences between these prototypes and a classical
violin like the design or material of the back plates, ribs or neck.

Table 1. A0 and B1(−) modes found in the prototype violins.

CTB CUD CTA Flax HC Spruce

Hz % Hz % Hz % Hz % Hz % Hz %
A0 221 200 251 198 192 199
B1- 393 2.10 391 2.64 409 2.43 380 3.38 423 2.36 424 2.57

As the A0 mode is so low, no good estimations could be done on the damping of the specific
mode. For B1- however, the only trend that we can see is the higher damping of flax. As CTA and
CTB show a difference of 0.54%, this shows that other differences we might observe in the damping
of B1- will most likely be caused by other properties than the material. Some research suggests that a
lower B1 mode might contribute to a better sounding instrument in classic wooden violins [10]. If this
is the case for violins made from different materials as well must be verified through listening tests,
which are ongoing.

4.1. Other Measurement Methods for Modal Analysis of Violins

Although the previous method has been often used to investigate music instruments, the
influence of the accelerometer mounted on the lightweight plate cannot be excluded. Replacing the
measurement device (accelerometer) by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer allows for a contactless
measurement point. In this case a 3D Infrared Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (Polytec PSV 500
3D HV Xtra) is used, both the in-plane and the out-of-plane vibrational response can be studied. An
additional benefit of a scanning laser is that the excitation place can be fixed, which can allow for
both easier and more repeatable measurements.

4.1.1. Excitation through Speaker

If we wish to have an entirely contactless measurement, we can excite the instrument with a
speaker. Different signals where examined: burst chirp, periodic chirp, burst random, pseudo
random, sweep and white noise. Of these signals a sweep allowed for the best coherence in a short
measurement time (0.8 s per measurement). Although this should be sufficient to find the frequencies
on which the modes occur, the exact placement of the speaker to the instrument has a large influence
on the amplitude measured by the LDV, as shown in Figure 7.
Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 6 of 7

Speaker Top Perpendicular

Speaker Central Perpendicular
Speaker Bottom Perpendicular

Figure 7. Vibrational response in dB of different speaker placements for speaker excitation.

4.1.2. Excitation through Shaker

By attaching a shaker to a part of the instrument, the measurement is not contactless anymore.
However, the shaker can be mounted through a stinger on the bridge of the instrument, which allows
for an excitation with a higher ecological validity. Through the shaker, the excitation signal can also
be controlled better than through a not-automated modal hammer. CTA was examined again through
this method. The A0 breathing mode was now found 8 Hz lower at 243 Hz and B1- at 3 Hz lower at
406 Hz (409 Hz). It must be noted however that the gluing of the stinger to the bridge will limit its
ability to move freely. Figure 8 displays the measured A0 breathing and the B1- mode shape.

Figure 8. (a) A0 breathing mode at 243 Hz, (b) B1- mode at 406 Hz.

5. Conclusions
In our test, material properties seem to have a distinct influence on the amplitude of the
vibrations of the instrument up to 2200 Hz. A0 and B1- mode could be identified and were found to
be lower than in a conventional wooden violin. Although this must be verified by further testing,
large differences in amplitudes between different instruments in specific frequency bands could play
a role in the tonal color produced by the instrument.

Author Contributions: Due to the multidisciplinary field of this research, multiple researchers where needed in
various stages of the research. T.D., M.K., E.S., M.L., G.V. and W.V.P. cooperated in the design of the experiment
and analyses of the data; T.D. made the prototype violins with G.V. as supervisor. T.D. and E.S. set up the
experimental modal analysis; T.D. performed the measurements; T.D. wrote the paper.

Acknowledgments: This research is funded by FWO through a fellowship for fundamental research. This
includes a fixed bench fee that can be used to publish in open access.
Proceedings 2018, 2, 535 7 of 7

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.

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