VPN Remote Access 2ndedition
VPN Remote Access 2ndedition
VPN Remote Access 2ndedition
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Administrator's Guide
to VPN and Remote Access,
Second Edition
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ISBN 1-931490-43-0
ncreasingly, leaders throughout the enterprise are recognizing the business benefits of providing
authorized users remote access to electronic data. However, as an IT professional, you know
that the risks associated with transferring data across the Internet far outweigh the benefits of,
say, being able to check e-mail from anywhere in the world. How do you reconcile the need to pro-
vide remote access to sensitive corporate data with the greater need to safeguard it?
The solution for many IT organizations is to create a secure tunnel for data transfer via a virtual
private network (VPN). As you know, VPN technology lets users take advantage of high-speed
Internet access while minimizing the Internet’s attendant security risks. To more thoroughly under-
stand the ins and outs of VPN implementation in today’s enterprise computing environments, look
no further than TechRepublic’s Administrator’s Guide to VPN and Remote Access, Second Edition.
In this updated version of one of our most popular titles, you’ll find expert information and
advice to help you:
X Determine how to provide remote access without compromising data security.
X Set up and administer VPNs within Windows, NetWare, and Linux networks.
X Configure VPN connections with firewalls.
X Optimize VPN and remote access connections.
X Troubleshoot TCP/IP and other data transfer protocol issues.
X Identify and evaluate a wide range of remote access solutions.
As an added bonus, the searchable CD-ROM includes a special chapter of case studies by in-the-
trenches IT professionals, including two pieces on TechRepublic’s own VPN implementation.
If you have suggestions or comments regarding this product, please e-mail us at
Quick Reference
Introduction to VPN and Remote Access ........................................................1
Security ....................................................................................................159
Solutions ....................................................................................................207
Case Studies ......................................................................................CD-ROM
Administrator's Guide
to VPN and Remote Access, Second Edition
Managing remote access to your network ..................................................................................................23
Understanding and troubleshooting virtual private networking ..............................................................26
Controlling the dial-up bandwidth on your VPN ......................................................................................34
Making the connection with Windows 2000 Professional Dial-Up Networking ................................35
Understanding demand dial connections in Windows 2000 ....................................................................43
Configuring Windows 2000 for demand dial connections ......................................................................46
How to configure Win2K client VPN connections ..................................................................................50
Setting up a VPN with Windows 2000 ........................................................................................................53
Issues surrounding a Windows 2000 VPN implementation ....................................................................58
Setting up a Windows 2000 virtual private network..................................................................................60
Introducing Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access ........................................................................63
Configuring Routing and Remote Access on your Windows 2000 server ............................................68
Configuring Windows 2000 as a remote access server ............................................................................75
Increasing Windows 2000 RRAS security ..................................................................................................78
Routing and remote access on Windows 2000 Advanced Server ..........................................................82
Optimize inbound client connections for your Windows 2000 VPN servers ......................................85
VPN networking services built for speed....................................................................................................91
Optimal VPN server configuration and management ..............................................................................95
Troubleshoot Windows RAS and VPN connections with these tips ....................................................99
Learn why NAT can cause VPN connection problems ........................................................................102
Create a gateway-to-gateway VPN with ISA Server 2000 ......................................................................104
Troubleshoot ISA Server VPN connections ............................................................................................108
Configure Windows XP Professional to be a VPN server ....................................................................113
How to configure Windows XP client VPN connections......................................................................118
Configure Windows NT to support VPN connections..........................................................................119
Monitoring and troubleshooting VPN connections in WinNT ............................................................124
The Win9x VPN client connection guide ................................................................................................127
Understanding Exchange 2000 Server’s Outlook Web Access..............................................................132
Enabling Web access of Exchange accounts using Outlook Web Access ..........................................137
Enhance Exchange 2000 OWA using front-end servers ........................................................................141
Implementing site-to-site VPN with BorderManager 3.x ......................................................................143
Setting up client-to-site VPN in BorderManager 3.x ..............................................................................148
Serving up NetWare’s Web Manager..........................................................................................................153
Believe it or not: A Linux VPN without kernel recompilation ............................................................155
Configuring VPN connections with firewalls ..........................................................................................159
Securing the Edge: Windows 2000 Firewall/VPN and beyond: The firewall ....................................162
Securing the Edge: Windows 2000 Firewall/VPN and beyond: Tuning the security........................164
Secure Shell: Protecting data in transit ......................................................................................................165
Making the most of OpenSSH ..................................................................................................................170
Protect your VPN by keeping a tight rein on passwords ......................................................................173
TechRepublic’s TCP/IP primer ..................................................................................................................177
Troubleshoot your network errors with TechRepublic’s TCP/IP checklist ........................................180
Troubleshoot Novell TCP/IP network errors with TechRepublic’s checklist ....................................183
Putting the “private” in virtual private networking..................................................................................186
Configuring certificates for an L2TP/IPSec VPN ..................................................................................191
Customize the security of L2TP/IPSec connections ............................................................................196
Troubleshooting L2TP/IPSec VPN connections in Win2K ................................................................199
The Windows NT 4.0 PPTP VPN client connection guide ..................................................................202
VPN services on a Cisco PIX firewall ......................................................................................................207
Eight commonly overlooked troubleshooting tips for the Cisco PIX VPN ......................................210
SonicWALL PRO-VX provides fast, simple firewall and VPN solution ............................................213
The D-Link DI-704 cable/DSL gateway ..................................................................................................215
Who said you can’t afford your own router? ............................................................................................220
Sharing Internet access with just one IP address ....................................................................................222
Share small office broadband pipes using a Linksys router and Win2K Pro......................................224
Check Point offers integrated firewall and VPN on Linux ....................................................................228
High marks for Mangosoft’s VPN alternative..........................................................................................230
More options for secure collaboration ..........................................................................................CD-ROM
Case Studies
Dealing with the growing pains of a site-to-site VPN ................................................................CD-ROM
International VPN can have its challenges ....................................................................................CD-ROM
How to resolve two common VPN problems..............................................................................CD-ROM
A TechRepublic member shares his VPN success story ............................................................CD-ROM
Free VPN solution had a major impact on this company ..........................................................CD-ROM
A VPN case study: A creative solution for a VPN-based WAN ..............................................CD-ROM
Admin finds low-cost VPN solution using Linux........................................................................CD-ROM
Introduction to VPN
and Remote Access
Introduction to VPN and Remote Access
This opening chapter provides an overview of the benefits of virtual private networking, the
technology that makes it possible, and some of the issues that must be considered when planning
a VPN implementation.
virtual private network (VPN) by defi- alike have only begun to scratch the surface of
nition is quite simply secure access to the potential of virtual private networking, its
data and/or resources via a private services, and its capabilities.
network. This private network connects
through public data lines and uses a tunneling VPN from the clouds
protocol and encryption by individuals or It is only appropriate to touch on the benefits
machines for whom the data and/or resource of deploying a VPN prior to delving into its
is intended. technologies. These benefits are not all that
Over the past few years, VPN has become exist, nor do they apply to every organization
one of the most-used acronyms in the history and circumstance. Your actual results and ben-
of the networking industry. Every company efits may vary.
that can possibly justify instituting a VPN solu- Cost seems to drive and control many proj-
tion is chomping at the bit to do so. ects in the networking industry. Technologies
In this article, I’ll discuss the benefits of are available to provide almost any desired or
deploying a VPN and examine the design and required result, assuming that a company’s
technology behind it. pockets are deep enough. Realistically, every
member of every technology team faces some,
The path of least resistance if not many, budgetary constraints. (If you’re a
They (you know—all of those “experts” out hiring manager and your company’s projects
there who know everything) say that VPNs don’t have any monetary or budgetary con-
and related services will have a market of straints, please e-mail me and I will forward
greater than $10 billion by 2001. CEOs, CIOs, you a résumé.) Members of information tech-
networking executives, and even the managers nology departments and their managers are
below them have become very well read in the paid to find and implement better ways to
area of VPNs. Something about the promise reach an end. Better can mean faster or more
of having secure access to a corporate network reliable, secure, or available. Generally, a better
from darn near anywhere in the world is way to reach a similar end equals—whether
tremendously appealing—not to mention the directly or indirectly—less expensive. And
convenience and relatively low expense associ- VPNs may be the answer for many companies.
ated with setting up and maintaining a highly One of the most-known benefits of VPNs
available global network. It seems that in a is access to resources from any point on the
world of nonstandard standards and rapidly Internet. This access could potentially provide
changing technologies, a VPN (which is largely companies that currently manage multiple net-
standards-based) is the path of least resistance work points of entry with the ability to main-
to a highly available, reliable, and secure net- tain a single point of entry. A fast connection
work to which you could potentially connect to the Internet via an Internet service provider
(with the right tools) from a thatched hut in (ISP) could take the place of many, if not all,
the Himalayas. other data lines and remote-access mediums.
On the surface, the high-level benefit of a A single high-speed line could replace the
VPN seems great. One small fact to keep in function of multiple point-to-point connec-
mind: Understanding the benefits and the tech- tions, Frame Relay, ISDN, and analog modems.
nologies of a VPN and how it works is very Each of these connectivity options requires
different than knowing you need one. The only some piece of unique hardware, which in turn
way to truly reap the benefit is to dig into the requires unique management and expense. The
technology and its foundation. Many of the single link could transport all required traffic
above-mentioned professionals and others to and from remote users and remote sites.
o you have traveling users on your sists of two computers that must communicate
network who wish they could con- and a medium. However, unlike with tradi-
nect to your corporate network from tional networks, this medium isn’t dedicated to
home, a hotel room, or even an airport? the network in question. Often the medium is
Unfortunately, many companies don’t have a the Internet. Because both computers are con-
remote access server (RAS) in place to make nected to the Internet, it’s possible to establish
this possible. Even if your company does have a route through the Internet between the two
a RAS, what are the chances that the line will computers. In the case of a VPN, this route is
be busy when you call? The reasons I’ve just called a tunnel.
listed have all made doing business on the
road difficult. However, by setting up a virtual Introducing the Point-to-Point
private network (VPN), you can access your Tunneling Protocol
corporate network from anywhere that you As you’re probably aware, a network connec-
have access to an Internet connection. In this tion requires the computers on the network to
article, I’ll explain how VPNs work with Win- share a common protocol. A protocol is the
dows 98. language computers use to communicate over
the connection medium.
What is a VPN? For a standard Internet connection, com-
A traditional network consists of two comput- puters use the TCP/IP protocol over a PPP
ers that must communicate with each other. (Point-to-Point Protocol) connection. In the
The two computers are connected by a physi- case of a VPN, this concept is taken a step fur-
cal medium, such as an Ethernet connection. ther. The Windows 98 implementation of vir-
A VPN works on the same principle. It con- tual private networking relies on a protocol
PN is one of those acronyms that tions to your local area network (LAN) for
describes a revolutionary technology commuters and remote office users. How does
few people appear to be using. The it work? VPN essentially takes two systems, or
confusion and misinformation that swirls networks, connected to the Internet and cre-
around VPN (virtual private network) may be ates a secure connection using encapsulation
the reason for this perception. In this article, and encryption. VPN also uses authentication
we’ll focus on VPN, including the basics and routing to further increase security and
about how it works and the definitions of functionality.
some of the buzzwords that surround this When using a client-to-server VPN (see the
new technology. sidebar article), a remote client requests a
VPN is a new way to connect your users to resource from its corporate LAN. The com-
your network. The technology has drawn a puter then dials up an ISP to connect to the
good deal of speculation and criticism about its Internet and creates a logical connection to the
security and reliability. On the flip side, VPN corporate VPN server. This VPN server
has also received its fair share of exaggeration authenticates the client and manages encapsu-
about its merits, including claims that it is des- lation and encryption on the communications
tined to replace all dedicated T1s, frame-relay between the client and the resources on the
circuits, and other proven connections. corporate LAN.
and other concepts. How do they fit into the PPP, such as CHAP, PAP, and SPAP. For
VPN picture? Let’s start with the most confus- encryption purposes, however, it is best to use
ing concept—tunneling. MS-CHAP, which in turn allows for link
A VPN tunnel is a logical concept for illus- encryption via MPPE.
trating the transfer of private data packets on Around the same time that Microsoft cre-
the Internet, which is mostly full of packets ated PPTP, Cisco created its own L2F protocol
anyone can open and read quite easily. A tun- for VPN. Microsoft and Cisco collaborated to
nel is not a private, dedicated path of electrons produce a single VPN tunneling protocol, and
directly crossing the Internet from one spot to the result was L2TP. Like PPTP, L2TP pro-
another. Hackers can still intercept the packets vides user authentication and data encryption.
in your tunnel. But, without your encryption It also provides mutual computer authentica-
key, the packets are simply a jumbled mess of tion, data authentication, and data integrity.
characters. The tunnel is simply the route While PPTP provides link encryption via
taken by encapsulated packets between the two MPPE, L2TP provides more secure end-to-
networks. Remember that tunneling encapsula- end encryption with IPSec. By using IPSec
tion occurs at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of
the OSI reference model. Figure A
In a Windows environment, VPN tunneling
is made possible by one of two protocols— VPN tunnel (logical connection)
PPTP or L2TP. In a UNIX or Linux environ-
ment SSH can be used for VPN. Cisco has a Remote
client Internet VPN Corporate
VPN protocol called L2F, and there are others. LAN
But we will focus on PPTP and L2TP for Win-
dows networks, with an emphasis on Windows
2000, the most comprehensive Windows plat- Figure B
form for VPN.
PPTP provides user authentication and data
encryption following a protocol that has been VPN tunnel (logical connection)
used in Windows NT networks for several
years. It accesses TCP port 1723 for communi- VPN Internet VPN
server server
cation and encapsulates PPP frames for tun-
neling using GRE. For authentication, PPTP Remote Corporate
office LAN
can use the same authentication protocols as
PPTP—Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol MPPE—Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption
y firm had a client that had been the Internet, the company could reduce its
paying about $20,000 a month in long distance data cost to $20 or $30 per port
long distance data line costs and felt each month. With approximately 120 ports,
that a strategy change could reduce this price this comes to around $3,600 a month versus
tag considerably as well as upgrade the data the $20,000 the client had been paying. This
throughput capability. may sound like a no-brainer, but there were
The client’s strategy in the past was to give other issues to be addressed.
remote branch offices access to a mainframe
system that would give users online access and Applying the VPN concept
transaction process capability. The user would Microsoft changed the way it handles VPNs
have an ADDS dumb terminal located at each with the advent of NT 4.0 when it added rout-
branch. Thus, the client installed remote and ing and remote access service (RRAS). This
local modems and a T1 fractionated into 64k change was designed to enhance the VPN
segments for each branch. connectivity and reliability, but the jury is still
We felt like a change in strategy for the out on the success of the change. In our
company would address a need to upgrade the effort to install the VPN, we worked closely
remote office dumb terminals with Pentium with Microsoft’s technical support staff. We
personal computers and take advantage of the received good response, but the content seems
Internet with the use of a virtual private net- to be a little short.
work (VPN). What follows is a case study in We also did quite a bit of research and dis-
favor of VPN technology. covery. We found that client dial-up connec-
tions worked with little or no problem.
Choosing VPN over frame relay However, network connections do not work
The new strategy for this client was to nearly as well. There are ample products on the
upgrade the remote access user to today’s market that make VPN connections a breeze,
desktop solutions and interface this desktop but they are somewhat costly, especially since
via the Internet to the home office mainframe the technology is supposed to be resident in
via one of two means: RRAS. Since one of our main strategy objec-
X Frame relay tives was to maximize our cost, we continued
down the RRAS path.
X Virtual private network
Eventually, we found that the dial-up con-
The frame relay was ideal; however, the nection into an ISDN pipe via the Internet
one-time cost for the remote and local hard- was fine for clients but not for remote net-
ware was prohibitive. The company did not work connections. The encryption code and
think they could justify the one-time cost, RRAS code take up most of the data line on a
especially if there was a lower cost alternative. 64k ISDN connection, and thus allow no
Thus, the VPN alternative was adopted. room for data transmission.
The strategy consisted of bundling as much Microsoft recommended that a dual-channel
technology into the upgrade so that the com- ISDN line would make a better connection;
pany would be able to maximize the financial however, we went ahead and stepped up to a
leverage of the VPN strategy over three to burstable T1. This would provide a little grow-
five years. ing room for the client and remote network
The cost of the installation and PC pur- connections. RRAS comes with routing built in
chases would be recouped through the long the software and therefore eliminates the need
distance savings on the data lines. By utilizing for a router. An interface card must be installed
A virtual private network (VPN) is a private data network that makes use of the public
telecommunication infrastructure, maintaining privacy through the use of a tunneling proto-
col and security procedures. A VPN can be contrasted with a system of owned or leased
lines that can be used by only one company. The idea of the VPN is to give the company the
same capabilities at much lower cost by using the shared public infrastructure rather than a
private one. Phone companies have provided secure shared resources for voice messages.
A VPN makes it possible to have the same secure sharing of public resources for data.
Companies today are looking at using a private virtual network for both extranet and wide-
area intranet.
Courtesy of whatis.com
irtual private networks, or VPNs, have able tool for many organizations. Users simply
become a major networking technol- dial in to a local Internet service provider (ISP)
ogy within just the past few years. and then establish a secure tunnel (with the
Does VPN technology live up to its own hype? VPN) to the office network. Users are then
How can a VPN improve your company? This able to authenticate into their company’s net-
article takes a look at what a VPN is, how it work and browse as if they were in the office.
works, and how it can benefit your company. Imagine finding the perfect hire for a posi-
tion, but that individual can’t relocate. VPN
What exactly is a VPN? enables this employee to have access to the
A VPN is essentially a private data network company network and the vital resources he
that uses existing telecommunications infra- or she needs from a remote location.
structures (regular phone lines, T1 lines, DSL,
cable lines, and so on). Privacy is achieved VPN for road warriors
through the use of a tunneling protocol and One of the greatest benefits a VPN offers is to
security procedures. VPN technology enables individuals who travel extensively. These indi-
company offices or individuals in different viduals need frequent access to the company
locations to securely access a central network network for file sharing, checking e-mail, or
without having to dial directly in to the com- other tasks that depend on connectivity. With
pany network, as shown in Figure A.
Figure A
VPN vs. traditional dial-in access
Connecting remote users via the traditional Connecting to office network dial-in access
dial-in method can be costly. In order for
employees to dial in to the network, the com-
pany needs a leased telephone line for multiple
users to dial in on, as well as call-trafficking
equipment (e.g., modems) to handle the
incoming calls. A company must also consider remote PC
dial-in server
the cost of these toll calls and the time their
users stay connected. While the implementa-
tion of toll-free 800 numbers can alleviate
direct dial-in line corporate network
some of this cost, there is still a significant fee
for having an 800 number. Connecting to office network with VPN
By using a VPN, however, remote users can
connect to an ISP with a local phone number Internet
and from there, tunnel securely to the office
network. With this configuration, the only
ISP server
equipment needed is a VPN server, eliminating
the need for leased lines and call-trafficking
equipment. Toll calls and 800 numbers are also
no longer an issue, as most national or global
ISPs usually have local numbers for almost remote PC VPN server
anywhere in the world.
n “How can using a VPN benefit your X How many users will be connecting
company?” (page 13), I discussed the at the same time?
basics of virtual private networks (VPNs) Will 10 or 100 users be connecting simulta-
and how they could be used in traditional com- neously? Knowing your user base is essen-
pany networks. I also discussed the differences tial for selecting the appropriate hardware.
between general and remote access virtual pri- You wouldn’t want to purchase VPN hard-
vate networks. In this article, I’ll focus on ware that supports a maximum of only 20
some questions to ask before choosing a VPN simultaneous users when you need one that
hardware solution. supports 50.
Questions to ask before investing X Will remote offices connect to your
in VPN hardware Connecting entire remote offices and con-
As with any network solution, VPN hardware
necting individual remote users are two
should be chosen based on the needs of your
entirely different challenges. Maintaining
organization. Ask yourself the following ques-
access for remote offices can be the differ-
tions before buying any piece of hardware:
ence between life and death for your com-
X How many remote access users will pany. How can your employees at your
be connecting? organization’s remote offices work properly
Do you have the infrastructure to support if they can’t access the home network?
multiple remote access accounts? If your
organization has a lot of users who travel X What kind of uptime does your
and/or work from home, the hardware that organization desire?
you purchase needs to be able to connect Not all VPN hardware is created equal.
multiple remote users at one time. While some hardware may be cheaper than
others, it may pay for your organization to
n increasing number of organizations VPNs can be used to securely carry informa-
are using VPNs to connect branch tion at a fraction of the cost.
offices, telecommuting workers, busi- These cost savings are the catalyst driving
ness partners, and other users to the corporate IT managers and administrators to develop
network. A superior alternative to long-distance end-to-end secure VPN solutions for their
dial-in, leased-line, or Frame Relay connections, organizations. Specifically, these professionals
ow many times have you been at the trators. After all, the primary remote access
office and wished that you could get a method that most administrators have been
file from your home PC? Unfortu- trained for involves using a Windows NT
nately, driving home usually isn’t an option for Server running the Remote Access Service. A
network administrators. Unless you live only a copy of Windows NT Server can be on the
few minutes from the office, the commute pricey side. Fortunately, there are alternatives.
time just cuts too deeply into your hectic One alternative is to set up a copy of a
workday. Fortunately, there’s a solution. In this remote access software package, such as
article, I’ll show you some techniques that you Symantec’s pcAnywhere, at home so that you
can use to remotely access your home PC from can dial in to your PC and control it from the
the office. office. Doing so may be the easiest method
of remote access, but simply running
The options pcAnywhere has its downside. First, you have
In the past, setting up remote access to a home to buy a copy of pcAnywhere, which can still
PC has been too expensive for most adminis-
Making the connection with Windows 2000 Professional Dial-Up Networking ............................35
Understanding demand dial connections in Windows 2000 ..............................................................43
Configuring Windows 2000 for demand dial connections ..................................................................46
How to configure Win2K client VPN connections ............................................................................50
Setting up a VPN with Windows 2000 ..................................................................................................53
Issues surrounding a Windows 2000 VPN implementation ..............................................................58
Setting up a Windows 2000 virtual private network ............................................................................60
Introducing Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access ..................................................................63
Configuring Routing and Remote Access on your Windows 2000 server........................................68
Configuring Windows 2000 as a remote access server ........................................................................75
Increasing Windows 2000 RRAS security ..............................................................................................78
Routing and remote access on Windows 2000 Advanced Server ......................................................82
Optimize inbound client connections for your Windows 2000 VPN servers ................................85
VPN networking services built for speed ..............................................................................................91
Optimal VPN server configuration and management ........................................................................95
Troubleshoot Windows RAS and VPN connections with these tips ................................................99
Learn why NAT can cause VPN connection problems ....................................................................102
Create a gateway-to-gateway VPN with ISA Server 2000 ................................................................104
Troubleshoot ISA Server VPN connections ......................................................................................108
Configure Windows XP Professional to be a VPN server ..............................................................113
How to configure Windows XP client VPN connections ................................................................118
Configure Windows NT to support VPN connections ....................................................................119
Monitoring and troubleshooting VPN connections in WinNT ......................................................124
The Win9x VPN client connection guide ............................................................................................127
Understanding Exchange 2000 Server’s Outlook Web Access ........................................................132
Enabling Web access of Exchange accounts using Outlook Web Access ....................................137
Enhance Exchange 2000 OWA using front-end servers ..................................................................141
Implementing site-to-site VPN with BorderManager 3.x..................................................................143
Setting up client-to-site VPN in BorderManager 3.x ........................................................................148
Serving up NetWare’s Web Manager ....................................................................................................153
Believe it or not: A Linux VPN without kernel recompilation ........................................................155
Managing remote access to your network
May 26, 2000
By Ron Nutter, MCSE, CNE, ASE
re you getting more and more as economical. With both DSL and cable
requests for remote access to your modem, you’re dealing with a connection that’s
network? As I’m sure you’re aware, always on and ready to go. This means that
granting these requests means a greater risk your users will spend less time dialing up and
that unwelcome visitors will access your net- dealing with modem-related problems. The
work. In this article, I’ll discuss a host of ideas disadvantage to both options is that the serv-
that should serve as a starting point for imple- ices are good only to a fixed location (for
menting remote access. example, your house) and can’t be moved easily.
There’s no single solution for protecting Another option is to use a PCS phone,
your network and the valuable data it contains. although that may not be a good long-term
You’ll need to look at all the options I present solution. You have to add a small cable that
here and decide where they’ll fit into your connects to the base of the phone and then to
overall scheme. The only bad decision you can the serial port on your computer. You then add
make is to not make any decision at all. some software, and you can use an already
encrypted digital connection to get a link to
Choosing the right type of your network from just about anywhere that
remote access the PCS provider’s network is available. The
With recent changes in technology, you have current speed runs between 14.4 and 19.2,
several options to choose from. In addition to depending on how close you are to a tower.
using a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) Satellite connectivity was once thought to
line to connect to your network, you have such be very expensive and difficult to set up. With
options as xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line), services such as DirecPC and others (DISH
cable modem, PCS (Personal Communications Network has announced that it will offer two-
Service), and even satellite. way satellite Internet service this fall), you can
Depending on the phone company in your now consider using satellite when options such
area, you may hear terms like SDSL, HDSL, or as DSL and cable modem aren’t available. For
ADSL. Don’t be confused—this is a way of example, the way DirecPC works is that you
identifying the specific type of DSL service dial up a conventional ISP (Internet service
and how far away you can be from the CO provider), and then, using software provided
(central office) that provides the service. The with the DirecPC dish, you send the command
main requirements for DSL are: you want to execute (for instance, connecting
X You must be less than 18,000 feet away to a particular Web site). The results can be 10
from the CO. to 20 times faster than you’d experience using
X The CO and your location must obtain the only a dial-up connection. The only thing that
service via copper wire. can disrupt the satellite service is a snowstorm
or heavy rain. Unless you live in an area with
The closer you are to a CO, the higher the
heavy or frequent storms, satellite connectivity
speed of service. If you’re receiving your serv-
is an option worth considering.
ice via a fiber-optic connection, you won’t be
able to get DSL. Don’t publish the number
Cable modem Internet service isn’t as If you’re using a dial-in connection, the num-
prevalent in certain parts of the country ber you use for remote access should be kept
because of the infrastructure requirements a fairly close secret. You should give this num-
placed on cable companies to provide the ber only to those who have to dial in to the
service. The advantage to this option is that it network directly—and then probably only
can be faster than its DSL counterpart and just with a manager’s approval. Depending on the
Administration 23
frequency of staff turnover, you may need to Most large ISPs have modem pools in more
change this number occasionally to help dis- than one city and, in many cases, on a national
courage ex-employees from causing problems or even international level. This means that
on your network. you are no longer tied to one or more banks of
Depending on the type of PBX you have, modems. Therefore, you can concentrate on
you may want to consider using DID (Direct having enough T1 or T3 capacity to handle the
Inward Dial) numbers for controlling remote number of remote users needing to access the
access. This way, you can easily busy out a network.
phone number when a remote user doesn’t
need it any longer. In addition, you can track Using RADIUS
usage for department billing purposes. With The only problem with using an ISP as a
DID, you don’t have to worry about a bunch modem pool is that you now have an addi-
of individual phone lines for all your remote tional layer of management—a user account
users. Instead, have the incoming DID trunk for each user who will be remotely connecting
terminate directly into a digital modem pool. to your network. By using RADIUS (Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service), you
Using a dial-back remove that layer of management and allow
connection system remote access to your network to be controlled
Years ago, IBM implemented a system called from one point (your network) instead of both
Guardian that was designed for users needing your and your ISP’s networks. When connect-
remote access to corporate information. With ing to the ISP’s modem pool for authentica-
Guardian, the user dials in to a predetermined tion, users can enter something as simple as
number. After properly authenticating to the their e-mail addresses.
system that answered the phone, the user
hangs up and waits for a return call. When the
Consider VPN for secure
call comes, the software answers the call from communications
Guardian, provides an additional layer of There are varying levels of encryption. With
authentication, and then allows the session to each step up the encryption ladder, you gain
continue. more security while delaying access to infor-
The problem with dial-back systems is that mation. Keep in mind that regardless of any
they require the user to be at a predetermined VPN (virtual private network) solution you
number unless the system is configured to choose to implement, the communications can
allow the user to specify the number. That in be unencrypted, given enough time and
itself somewhat defeats the purpose of a dial- resources. You must determine what type of
back system by allowing the call to be redi- barrier can prevent hackers from gaining
rected. With call forwarding fairly common, access to your corporate data.
users may not be where you think they are. You can divide the VPN solutions into two
The advantage of a dial-back system is that camps—hardware- and software-based. Hard-
you can avoid extra long-distance charges ware solutions such as Cisco’s Secure PIX fire-
when calling from a hotel or using an inbound wall can carry a huge amount of VPN-based
800 number. communications. However, a software-based
solution won’t be able to carry as much
Letting the ISP be the because you’re multitasking an existing net-
modem pool work operating system (NetWare, in this case).
The biggest hassle of offering remote access An advantage of software-based solutions,
to your network is managing what could such as Novell’s BorderManager, is that it inte-
become a fairly substantial modem pool. This grates with your existing network infrastruc-
could be an especially expensive proposition if ture and minimizes multiple points of
you implement a digital modem pool that administration. If you need additional levels of
channelizes a T1 into multiple logical modems. authentication (sometimes known as strong
Administration 25
users, you may want to consider using either additional investment in cable modem, DSL,
Citrix WinFrame or Microsoft’s Windows or ISDN access.
Terminal Server. You can think of these The disadvantage is that you potentially will
products as the equivalent of a computer have a single box with two or more processors
running PCAnywhere on steroids. With this with more than 256 MB of RAM in your com-
type of solution, however, you’re getting puter room to support the incoming user ses-
access to a session on the computer running sions. Consider having a second box that users
either WinFrame or Terminal Server and not can access to get to your network. (Citrix
controlling the whole system. An added offers a server farm option that allows multiple
advantage is that if a user has a problem log- servers to be disguised as a single logical
ging on or running a particular application, server. Users never know they’re using a differ-
you can “shadow” the session in question and ent server each time they authenticate to the
walk the user through the problem. network.)
Depending on your configuration, you may
be able to use a fairly inexpensive computer Conclusion
(even an XT, in some cases) to access your net- You’ll need to continually evaluate your net-
work remotely without having to beef up the work to ensure that you have the level of pro-
hardware in the field. That way, neither the tection you need. Don’t ever be content that
application nor the data that’s being accessed you have done everything that can be done to
actually leaves your network—only screens and protect your network and the access to it. Just
keystrokes are passing back and forth. You take things one step at a time, and don’t try to
may also be able to get away with using a regu- implement the whole solution at once.
lar dial-up connection without making the
t’s easy to understand why virtual private clients’ sites. This can be accomplished in three
networking (VPN) is steadily increasing in basic ways:
popularity—VPNs are flexible and secure. X A direct dedicated connection
In this article, I’ll explain how VPNs work and
X A dial-up remote access connection
how to troubleshoot common client-side con-
figuration and connection problems. X A VPN connection
The last is an attractive alternative for several
Three ways to connect from reasons, including flexibility, cost-effectiveness,
the road security, and ease of implementation.
Over the past few years, it has become more All modern Microsoft operating systems—
and more important for workers to be able to Windows 95 (with the Dial-up Networking 1.3
connect to their company networks even upgrade), 98, Me, NT 4.0, and 2000—include
when at home, on the road, or on location at built-in support for virtual private networking,
Administration 27
2000 supports the Extensible Authentication point out differences (where they exist) in
Protocol (EAP). other Microsoft operating systems. As with
any troubleshooting situation, you should first
Troubleshooting common consider the most basic (and easiest to cor-
VPN problems rect) possibilities.
A VPN connection requires that both the
client and the VPN server be connected to Invalid credentials (logon failure)
the Internet. The client connection can be You must have a valid username and password
either via a direct dedicated connection or a that will allow you to connect to the VPN
dial-up connection to the client user’s ISP. server. Otherwise, you will receive this message:
The dial-up connection presents the first Your credentials have failed remote network
point of failure, so it is important to ensure authentication
that the client is properly connected to the You will be prompted to re-enter your user-
ISP. Do this by checking the status of the name and password (and logon domain, if
dial-up connection. Attempt to ping an Inter- applicable). Ensure that you are entering the
net host. If you are able to do so, you have a proper account name and password.
connection to the ISP. If not, you will need to Your user account must be set on the server
troubleshoot your modem configuration to allow remote access (although this is a
and/or Dial-up Networking. server configuration problem, it is one to be
The most common VPN connection prob- aware of if your credentials are rejected by the
lems fall generally into one of the following VPN server). If you’re sure the credentials you
categories: entered are correct, contact the network
X Problems related to the Internet administrator or check the settings on the
connectivity on one or both sides Dial-in tab of the user account properties
X Problems related to VPN server sheet on the server.
configuration Tunneling protocol configuration
X Problems related to VPN client problems
configuration If the VPN server does not support the tun-
This article focuses on the last category, but neling protocol with which the client is
if you are unable to detect a reason for the attempting to connect, the connection will fail.
problem on the client side, the problem may Windows 9x/Me/NT clients support only
lie in one of the other categories. Most VPN PPTP as the tunneling protocol. However,
users will be running the Windows 9x/Me, when you configure a Windows 2000 client,
NT 4.0 Workstation, or Windows 2000 Pro- you have three options: PPTP, L2TP, or Auto-
fessional operating system on the client com- matic. The last is the default (in which case the
puter. Basic considerations are the same, client will try to establish an L2TP connection
although there are some differences in config- first, then try PPTP).
uration dialog boxes. First, I’ll look at configu- If your VPN client is configured to use a
ration of Windows 2000 clients and then different tunneling protocol from that sup-
ported by the VPN server, you will see an
Error 678 message (No answer), as shown in
Figure A Figure A.
This error occurs because there are no ports
on the server configured to answer for the
specified tunneling protocol. You may also get
this message if all the PPTP or L2TP ports on
the VPN server are already in use.
When you use the Network And Dial-Up
You may get an Error 678 message if the VPN server does not
Connections Wizard to create a Win2K VPN
Figure C Figure D
Administration 29
the VPN server supports, you will see an Error Encryption type mismatch
919 message, shown in Figure D. Another reason your VPN connection may fail
In Windows 2000, check the authentication is a mismatch between data encryption
protocols allowed by the client in Advanced requirements on the client and server. In the
Security Settings (Figure E), accessed via the Windows 2000 client’s Advanced Security Set-
Security tab of the VPN connection properties tings, you can choose one of the following:
sheet. X No Encryption Allowed (Server Will Dis-
Note that the Windows 2000 client can connect If It Requires Encryption)
be configured to use EAP or to allow any or
all of the standard authentication methods X Optional Encryption (Connect Even If No
supported by other Microsoft operating sys- Encryption)
tems. If you have chosen to use EAP, you X Require Encryption (Disconnect If Server
can choose either Smart Card Or Other Declines)
Certificate-Based Authentication or MD-5 A mismatch will result in an Error 742 mes-
Challenge. sage, shown in Figure F.
Remote access policies on the VPN server As with authentication protocols, Windows
can also be responsible for this error message. 2000 encryption settings are changed via the
Advanced Security Settings property sheet, as
shown in Figure G.
Figure E Because the default setting is to Require
Encryption, if you get this error message, you
should always check out the possibility that the
VPN server is set not to allow encryption.
“Unreachable Destination” problems
In all of the problems discussed above, the
client is able to contact the VPN server but is
Figure G
Figure F
Figure J
Connection status is shown in the Status column of the Network And Dial-Up Connections window.
Administration 31
Problems after connecting X The VPN server must be configured to
If it appears that the VPN has connected suc- allow access to the entire LAN, not just to
cessfully, but you are unable to access the VPN server computer. This is a server
resources on the server or LAN, you can check configuration that cannot be corrected from
the status of the connection in several ways. the client side.
A Windows 9x/Me/2000 client will have X If you receive an Error 53 message, (Net-
an icon in the system tray for each remote work path was not found) this may be
access connection. Right-click the icon and because the client cannot resolve NetBIOS
click Status. You will see a status box similar names. Ensure that the client has a WINS
to that in Figure I. In the Activity section, note server assigned. This can be done manually
changes in the number of bytes sent and in the client’s TCP/IP properties or via
received to confirm that traffic is going across DHCP.
the VPN connection.
X Your account may not have the proper per-
The same properties box can be accessed
missions to access the resources on the
via Start | Settings | Network And Dial-Up
Connections. Again, right-click the VPN con-
nection and select Status. In addition, the sta- If you are unable to browse, attempt to
tus for the VPN connection should show as connect to the network shares on computers
Connected in the Network And Dial-Up Con- inside the LAN using the UNC path
nections window, as shown in Figure J. (\\servername\sharename).
At the command prompt, run netstat. This If you are using Windows 9x clients to log
will show a list of active connections, as shown on to a domain, ensure that the workgroup
in Figure K. In the Foreign Address column, name in the Network Identification properties
you can recognize VPN connections by the is the same as the domain name.
appearance of the type of tunneling protocol Undesired disconnections
(PPTP or L2TP) following the foreign address. If you are able to establish the VPN connec-
Note the two active VPN connections in Fig- tion, access resources, and browse the net-
ure K—one to a VPN server named Mail.star- work, but the link is prematurely disconnected,
blazer.tzo.com and one to Exeter.tacteam.net. check the following possibilities:
If your connection is established and you X You may have the VPN connection config-
can access the VPN server, but you cannot ured on the client to hang up after a speci-
browse the LAN or access resources on other fied number of minutes of idle time. As
computers, there can be several reasons for the shown in Figure L, you can set this value
problem: from one minute to 24 hours, or to never
hang up (the default). Check this setting
Figure K first if you are getting disconnected at a reg-
ular interval of time.
X Your ISP may have idle time limitation rules
or connect time limitation rules that auto-
matically disconnect you after a specified
period of idle time or a specified period of
time online, even if active.
For more information about Microsoft’s ISA
Server, see www.ISAserver.org.
Administration 33
Controlling the dial-up bandwidth
on your VPN
Jan 26, 2001
By Ed Engelking II, A+
anaging available bandwidth via dial- X Bandwidth management
up connectivity was once a relatively By using bandwidth management, a VPN
easy task for network administra- administrator can police the incoming and
tors. Previously, most users connected to a vir- outgoing data from a network and allow
tual private network, or VPN, via the Internet certain amounts of bandwidth to be avail-
using connections that consumed only a small able for differing packet classifications.
amount of bandwidth. With the onset of
broadband communications such as cable and Other forms of bandwidth control
DSL within SOHO environments, however, Depending on the needs of the network
administrators now face the challenge of con- administrator, there are additional ways of
trolling available bandwidth on VPNs. controlling the amount of available bandwidth:
If your telecommuters are burning band- X Traffic shaping
width by using broadband connectivity, how Traffic shaping comes into play when a
can you address this problem? Here are some service provider detects Internet traffic con-
solutions available to network administrators gestion. The amount of incoming and out-
that can help limit and control the amount of going data streams is then lowered via
bandwidth used, both inside and outside of queuing. This causes the bandwidth in use
the network. to fall below the allowed allocation.
Quality of Service for all X Fair bandwidth
Improved firewalls and routers, incorporating Fair bandwidth allows all users on a net-
Quality of Service (QoS), enable the limitation work to obtain equal access to Internet
of bandwidth for incoming and outgoing data, bandwidth. With fair bandwidth enabled,
which in turn increases acceptable perform- applications using large amounts of a data
ance for each employee outside of the office, stream, such as MP3s, will have their band-
no matter the connection speed. width decreased in order to provide fair
access to other employees.
In networking, Quality of Service (QoS) is Guaranteed delivery reserves a section of
a term that indicates a guaranteed band- bandwidth for specific services within a net-
width level. work, such as video teleconferencing,
voiceover IP, and money transactions. It
With QoS integrated within a VPN, an determines which services are high priority
administrator gains full control over the data and allocates bandwidth accordingly.
flowing through the network. Two ways to
maintain this control are packet classification Controlling bandwidth will
and bandwidth management: continue to challenge
X Packet classification administrators
Packet classification groups data by impor- Network administrators must control virtual
tance. The more important the data, the private networking and the resources that
higher its classification, and the better han- are required for it to operate successfully
dling it receives at the expense of other, less in an organization. Because telecommuters
important data on the same network. and remote offices are here to stay, VPN
id you know Windows NT 4.0 Work- box, and there are no complex protocol and
station had built-in RAS client and interface configurations to make.
RAS server capabilities? It you didn’t, The RAS server feature is also improved. A
then you’re a member of a very large club. Set- Windows 2000 Professional machine can sup-
ting up Windows NT 4.0 Workstation to be a port a single dial-in session from a remote user
RAS client or server was not an easy thing to per interface. However, the operating system
accomplish. As was typical in Windows NT also supports analog, ISDN, VPN, parallel,
4.0, there were multiple interfaces you had to serial, and infrared interfaces. Thus, the
slog through to access the configuration dia- machine can actually handle multiple inbound
log boxes and get things set up correctly. sessions.
When you eventually found your way to the In this article, we’ll look at the dial-up net-
correct interface, the configuration was far working features available in Windows 2000
from intuitive. Professional. These features can be broken
Windows 2000 Professional includes all the down into two major categories:
features of the Windows NT 4.0 Workstation X Outbound access
RAS client and server, and a lot more. The
X Inbound access
configuration interface is wizard-driven; it’s
almost impossible to make a mistake. The Once you understand the features and func-
Windows 2000 Professional Dial-Up Network- tionality of outbound and inbound RAS access
ing client now allows you to call a VPN server on a Windows 2000 Professional computer,
on the intranet or Internet. Unlike in Windows you’ll never want to get near a Windows NT
NT 4.0, this feature is available right out of the 4.0 workstation again!
Administration 35
Windows 2000 Professional Creating a corporate RAS
outbound remote access Dial-Up client
Windows 2000 Professional supports several When a remote user establishes a dial-up con-
types of outbound remote access. These nection to the corporate network, his or her
include: computer is a participant on the network in
X Corporate dial-up RAS client calls exactly the same way as a machine attached via
the local Ethernet. The VPN client can access
X ISP dial-up calls the same resources and print to the same print-
X VPN client calls ers as the locally attached machines. If the user
A wizard guides you through creating each dials in using the option in the logon dialog
type of connection. When you create a con- box for remote access, he or she will not even
nection to a particular location, the object the need to enter credentials to access network
wizard creates is called a connectoid. There are shares and other network resources.
several connectoids seen in Figure A. To create a connectoid to connect to the cor-
porate RAS server, perform the following steps:
Figure A 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click
on the Network And Dial-up Connec-
tions icon.
2. In the Network And Dial-up Connections
window, double-click the Make New Con-
nection icon. This opens the Welcome To
The Network Connection Wizard page.
Click Next to continue.
3. The Network Connection Type page
appears (Figure B). Select the Dial-up To
Private Network option and click Next.
4. The Phone Number To Dial (Figure C) page
allows you to enter the phone number for
The connectoid is an icon located in the Network And Dial-up Connections the corporate RAS server. You can enter the
window; it is used to invoke a particular type of connection.
entire phone number in the Phone Number
Figure B text box, or you can enable the Use Dialing
Rules check box and select the area code
from the Area Code drop-down list box.
After entering the phone number, click Next.
5. The Connection Availability page allows
you to make the connectoid available for
all users or only for yourself. For security
reasons, the connectoid should be available
only to the user who creates it. Many users
decide to save their dial-up password in the
connectoid. Therefore, you do not want it
to be available to other users who might
access the machine. Click Next.
6. The Completing The Network Connec-
tion Wizard dialog box appears and asks
you to name the connectoid. Click Finish
(Figure D).
Choose the Dial-up To Private Network option on the Network Connection
Type page.
Figure D Figure E
Put a check mark in the check box for Add A Shortcut To My Desktop to make
access to the connectoid much easier. Make the connection in this dialog box.
Administration 37
X The I Want To Sign Up For A New an ISP account, he can do better by
Internet Account... option allows the researching local or national ISPs.
user to create a new dial-up account X The I Want To Transfer My Existing
with an ISP. Microsoft provides a list of Internet Account To This Computer...
ISPs. Since your company will have pro- option gives you the opportunity to sign
vided its users with an account, there is up for a new account, even though you
no reason for a user to select this already have an existing one. Avoid this
option. Even if the user does not have option unless you want to transfer to a
Figure F new ISP.
X The I Want To Set Up My Internet
Connection Manually... option is the
preferred option if you already have an
ISP account. This option provides you
the most flexibility when setting up the
Select the third option and click Next to
5. The Setting Up Your Internet Connection
page (Figure G) allows you to connect to the
Internet using a phone line and modem or
via a local area network (LAN) connection.
If you choose the I Connect Through A
Phone Line And A Modem option, subse-
quent pages will ask you for a username
and password, the phone number of the
ISP, the name of the connection, and
whether you want to create a mail account.
Select the third option from the Internet Connection Wizard. All these steps, except for the mail account
step, are the same as when you created a
Figure G
direct dial-up connection to the corporate
RAS server. The I Connect Through A
Local Area Network (LAN) option allows
a machine on a network with a centrally
routed or proxied connection to the Inter-
net to connect to Internet resources. A
large proportion of remote employees have
small home networks. In this example, we’ll
select this option. Click Next to continue.
6. The Local Area Network Internet Config-
uration page appears next (Figure H). The
Automatic Discovery Of Proxy Server
(Recommended) option allows the client
to use a wpad entry contained on either a
DNS or DHCP server. If such an entry is
not made on the internal network, this
option should be left blank. The Use
Automatic Configuration Script option
Connect to the Internet through the LAN.
allows the client to take advantage of
Administration 39
Connection icon. This opens the Welcome The connectoid for the VPN link will
To The Network Connection Wizard page. appear in the Network And Dial-up Connec-
Click Next to continue. tions window. When you double-click the con-
3. The Network Connection Type page will nectoid, a dialog box will appear asking if you
appear. Select the Connect To A Private would like to establish a link with the ISP
Network Through The Internet option before connecting to the VPN server. After
and click Next. the Internet connection is established, a sec-
ond dialog box will appear asking for creden-
4. On the Public Network page (Figure I), tials to establish the VPN connection to the
you choose whether to connect to the VPN server.
VPN server via a LAN connection or
through a dial-up connection. To create Windows 2000 Professional
the initial ISP link, click the down arrow inbound remote access
under the Automatically Dial This Initial
Connection option and select your ISP
Windows 2000 Professional can also accept
connection. After making the selection,
inbound calls. Unlike Windows 2000 Server
click Next.
machines, a Windows 2000 Professional
5. On the Destination Address page (Figure J), machine can accept only a single inbound con-
type in the Fully Qualified Domain Name nection per RAS interface. Inbound calls can
(FQDN) or IP address of the VPN server. be accepted via serial, parallel, infrared, and
Click Next to continue. VPN interfaces.
6. On the Connection Availability page, To configure the Windows 2000 Profes-
choose to make the connection available sional computer to accept inbound calls, per-
for all users or only for yourself. For secu- form the following steps:
rity reasons, your best option is to make 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click
the connection available only for the user on the Network And Dial-up Connec-
who creates it. Click Next to continue. tions icon.
7. On the final page of the wizard, type in the 2. In the Network And Dial-up Connections
name of the connectoid and click Finish. windows, double-click the Make New
Connection icon. This opens the Welcome
To The Network Connection Wizard page.
Figure J Click Next to continue.
3. Select the Accept Incoming Connections
option and click Next.
4. On the Devices For Incoming Connec-
tions page (Figure K), select the device on
which you want to accept inbound connec-
tions. In this example, we can accept calls
on a modem and an LPT (parallel) port.
Note that we can select and receive calls
on all devices. We’ll select both interfaces,
and click Next.
5. On the Incoming Virtual Private Connec-
tion page (Figure L), you tell the wizard
whether you want to accept VPN connec-
tions on this interface. If you wish to make
VPN connections to the Windows 2000
If you type in a FQDN, the client must be able to resolve the address by using a
public DNS server. Professional computer, the machine
Select a device for inbound connections. We will allow inbound VPN connections.
Administration 41
The Allow Calling Computer To Specify already in use on the network, the connec-
Its Own IP Address option will allow the tion will fail. Click OK and click Next.
caller to configure his or her own IP 9. On the final page of the wizard (Figure P),
address in the VPN client connection you are informed that the connection will
interface. Be careful with this option. If be named Incoming Connections.
the client tries to use an IP address that is
You do not need to restart the computer.
After you complete the wizard, users can begin
Figure N to make inbound calls to the Windows 2000
Professional computer.
Windows 2000 Professional supports the roles
of RAS server and RAS client. As a RAS
client, it can make direct dial-up and VPN con-
nections. As a RAS server, it can receive a sin-
gle inbound call on each RAS-enabled
interface. The Windows 2000 Professional
computer supports inbound calls to just the
Windows 2000 Professional machine itself, or
to the entire network to which the Windows
2000 Professional machine is attached. RAS
connections are easy to set up because all
inbound and outbound connections are cre-
You can also configure the properties of the other components here.
ated using a wizard.
Figure O Figure P
hen you configure a Windows 2000 a small bundle in connectivity charges. After
router, you have two options for the data is transmitted and an appropriate idle
establishing connections with other time has passed, Windows 2000 drops the con-
routers or networks: dedicated or demand dial nection. Figure A illustrates a situation in which
connections. Dedicated connections typically demand dial routing would be useful.
use connections such as T1 and frame relay.
Except on rare occasions when a hardware fail- On-demand versus persistent
ure occurs, the connection remains persistent. There are two types of demand dial connec-
Demand dial routing (also called on- tions: on-demand and persistent. An on-
demand routing) forwards packets across a demand connection is nonpersistent and
nonpersistent Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) remains connected only when packets need to
connection. In general, you can think of be forwarded through the demand dial inter-
demand dial connections as those routing con- face. The previous example of the remote
nections that connect via dial-up means, office is a good example of a scenario where
whether those connections are persistent or an on-demand connection would be the best
not. For example, if you support a remote solution. Any time you have a metered connec-
office that needs to be fed data from your local tion, such as a long-distance POTS call or
servers only once or twice a day, and the con- metered ISDN service, on-demand routing is
nection is metered and incurs charges based on generally the best solution.
connection duration, a dedicated connection The alternative is a persistent connection.
might not make sense. In such a situation, a At first blush, persistent connections might
demand dial connection, which gets used only seem illogical in the context of demand dial
when data actually needs to be transmitted, routing, but you need to remember that
makes more sense and could save the company demand dial routing isn’t simply geared toward
Figure A
Demand Dial
Administration 43
forwarding packets across metered connec- of five would result in a total timeout of
tions, but rather forwarding packets across any 5+10+20+40, or 75 seconds.
PPP dial-up connection. There are, therefore, You can modify the TCP retransmission
scenarios where you’d want the demand dial timer properties to extend the length of time
interface to be persistent. For example, if the that TCP will attempt a connection before
connection uses a local POTS call or flat-rate timing out. For Windows 2000 and Win-
ISDN service where there is no per-minute dows NT 4.0 clients, the initial TCP retrans-
charge, there’s no reason why you should not mission timeout is set by the registry value
have the connection persist. If the connection HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\
is dropped, Windows 2000 automatically CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parame-
attempts to reestablish the connection. ters\InitialRtt. The InitialRtt value is a
Why not make all connections be on- REG_DWORD with a valid range from
demand, even if it doesn’t cost any more for a 0-65535 and it specifies the length of the
given connection to be persistent? Client timeout in milliseconds. A value of 5,000, for
access is the primary reason. The amount of example, specifies an initial timeout of five
time required to establish a demand dial con- seconds. The default value is 3,000.
nection varies depending on the connection The number of connection attempts
media. A POTS call could take 20 seconds or is defined by the registry setting
more to establish a link, while ISDN could HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\
take less than five seconds. CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parame-
This is an important consideration when ters\TcpMaxDataRetransmissions. The
setting up the demand dial connections—you TcpMaxDataRetransmissions value is also a
need to take into account how the client REG_DWORD with a valid range of 0-65535.
applications will handle the connection delay. The default value is five.
If the application supports a variable timeout For Windows 9x and Windows Me clients,
setting, modify the timeout setting to accom- the registry setting MaxConnectRetries speci-
modate the link establishment delay. If fies the number of times TCP will attempt a
increasing the timeout doesn’t address link connection. The default is three. As with Win-
delay in all situations, modify the number of dows 2000 and Windows NT, the default value
connection attempts the application makes. for the initial connection timer is also three
The application’s first attempt will initiate seconds.
the connection sequence, and a secondary
attempt will allow the application to connect One-way versus two-way demand
after the router has time to establish the dial connections
connection. When you’re setting up a demand dial connec-
For all Microsoft Windows platforms, TCP tion, you need to consider whether the con-
sets a retransmission timer when it attempts nection will be one-way initiated or two-way
the first data transmission for a connection. initiated. In a one-way connection, one router
The initial retransmission timeout value is 3 always functions as the calling router and the
seconds. TCP doubles the retransmission time- other always functions as the answering router.
out value for each subsequent connection In a two-way connection, either router can
attempt and by default attempts retransmission function as the calling or answering router.
two times. For example, the first attempt is For both types of connections, the answer-
made at 3 seconds, the second at 3+6 seconds, ing router must be configured with an account
and the third at 3+6+12 seconds, for a maxi- that the calling router can use to establish the
mum timeout of 21 seconds. Increasing the connection. In the case of a two-way connec-
initial retransmission timer to 5 seconds tion, you need to create an account on both
would result in a total maximum timeout of sides of the connection to be used by the
5+10+20, or 35 seconds. Setting the retrans- calling router to authenticate on the answer-
mission count to 4 with a retransmission timer ing router. Since either router can initiate a
Administration 45
Figure B Another consideration is when the demand
dial interface can or should be initiated. By
default, there are no dial-out hour restrictions
on a demand dial interface, so traffic that fits
the route or filter criteria can initiate the con-
nection at any time. In some cases, you might
want to restrict those hours. For example, you
might process data transfers only at night and
want the demand dial interface to be used only
during those hours, preventing routing during
the day as a means of controlling traffic or
reducing costs. In the next article, “Configur-
ing Windows 2000 for demand dial connec-
tions,” I’ll show you how you can configure
each demand dial interface with hour restric-
tions to do just that.
Configure demand dial filters to determine which traffic can initiate a demand dial
n the previous article, I introduced you to X Configuring demand dial initiation filters
demand dial connections in Windows X Setting up dial-out hours
2000. In this article, I’ll show you how you
actually make the connections. X Configuring autostatic updates
X Configuring persistence
Getting started
In general, the process involves several steps: X Enabling demand dial routing and
remote access (RRAS)
X Enabling demand dial routing
First, you must enable demand dial routing
X Setting up remote access on the called for each router that needs to support it. To do
router so, open the RRAS console and connect to
X Enabling demand dial connections on the that router. In the console, right-click the
dial-out hardware server and choose Properties. On the General
X Creating the connection page, verify that the Router option is selected
and then select the option LAN And Demand-
X Configuring accounts and authentication Dial Routing. On a called router, also select the
X Adding RIP and/or creating static routes option Remote Access Server and click OK.
Administration 47
configure additional multilink options through demand dial connection, and the settings are
the Options page. just like any other outgoing dial-up connection.
The Options page shown in Figure A lets you If you need to run a script to complete the
configure several connection options. In the demand dial connection, configure the script in
Connection Type group, you specify whether the Interactive Logon And Scripting group.
the connection will be on-demand (demand The final property page, Networking,
dial) or persistent. If choosing Demand Dial, enables you to configure the network services
use the drop-down list to specify the idle time that the demand dial connection will use,
for hanging up. Make sure you specify a length including network protocols, clients, and
of time that accommodates normal idle times server type. Again, these properties are the
during data transmission. Use the Dialing Pol- same as for any other outgoing remote access
icy group to specify the number of redial connection. Configure the settings according
attempts and interval between redial attempts. to the requirements for your data transfer. If
The Multiple Devices group lets you config- the clients use a given protocol, for example,
ure multilink for the demand dial connection. make sure that protocol is enabled for the dial-
From the drop-down list, select the method out connection.
you want Windows 2000 to use to establish
multilink connections. If you choose Dial Configuring filters and hour
Devices Only As Needed, click Configure restrictions
Bandwidth Utilization Parameters to control Next, you’ll need to configure demand dial fil-
dialing and hanging up. Finally, if you need to ters to determine which traffic can initiate the
use callback or X.25, click the appropriate demand dial connection and to restrict (if
button to configure those properties for the desired) the connection to specific hours. First,
connection. open the RRAS console and select the Routing
The Security page is the place to go to con- Interfaces branch. In the right pane, right-click
figure the authentication method(s) used by the the demand dial interface you want to config-
ure and choose Set IP Demand-Dial Filters.
Figure A Click Add and then specify the criteria based
on source network or destination network (or
both), as well as the protocol. Then, click OK.
Add filters as needed and then select one of
the following options:
X For All Traffic Except: Select this option
if you want all traffic except that falling
under your specified filter criteria to be able
to initiate the connection. All traffic that fits
the filter criteria will not initiate the demand
dial connection.
X Only For The Following Traffic: Select
this option if you want only traffic that
meets the filter criteria to be able to initiate
the demand dial connection.
Click OK when you’ve finished creating
the filters.
Next, configure dial-out restrictions if you
don’t want the demand dial connection to be
available all the time. Right-click the demand
dial interface and choose Dial-Out Hours. Use
Use the Options page to configure the connection as demand the resulting dialog box to select the hours that
dial or persistent.
Administration 49
to a text file called RemoteUp.scp. Then, run the For example, assume you have two routers
following command to execute the script: in two locations. At your Headquarters loca-
netsh -f RemoteUp.scp tion, you have a router with an interface name
of RemoteOffice. At your remote location,
Setting up a two-way demand you have a router with an interface name of
dial connection HomeOffice. Therefore, to make the connec-
Up to this point, I’ve primarily focused on set- tion work properly you should create a user
ting up a one-way demand dial connection. account at Headquarters with a user account
Setting up a two-way connection is essentially name of HomeOffice, as well as a user
the same, except you perform the configura- account at the remote site with a user account
tion tasks at both ends of the connection. name of RemoteOffice.
You’ll need to configure the hardware, set up
the connection, configure routes, and perform
Demand dial connections make it easier for
the other tasks explained above.
you to use routing to connect networks with-
One of the most potentially confusing
out having a permanent connection between
aspects of two-way demand dial connections is
them. Windows 2000 lets you create demand
the naming convention you use on both
dial connections with a little bit of work. In
routers. Remember that when you’re naming
this article, I’ve shown you how.
the connections each connection’s name
should be the same as the connection authenti-
cation account on the remote router.
ncreasingly, network administrators are X Exam 70-216—Implementing and Admin-
turning to virtual private networking istering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Net-
(VPN) connections to link remote workers work Infrastructure
to LANs. Windows 2000 includes VPN func-
tionality, and even if you’re not using VPNs at Why a VPN?
your organization, you’ll need to be familiar VPNs have caught on quickly primarily for the
with Win2K’s VPN feature if you’re planning following two reasons:
on sitting for any of the following exams: X VPNs permit employees to connect to
X Exam 70-210—Installing, Configuring, office resources from home or other loca-
and Administering Microsoft Windows tions using common hardware.
2000 Professional X VPNs provide secure connections.
X Exam 70-215—Installing, Configuring, By using tunneling protocols, such as PPTP
and Administering Microsoft Windows or LT2P, secure connections can be config-
2000 Server ured between a client’s laptop or home
Administration 51
Creating a tunneled connection click Next. Supply a name for the connection,
If you need to create a VPN connection using indicate whether you wish to add a shortcut to
a cable or DSL modem, a LAN, or a WAN the desktop, and click Finish.
connection, in the Network Troubleshooting To connect, double-click the shortcut—if
Wizard you’ll want to select Connect To A you chose to create one—or select the connec-
Private Network Through The Internet. The tion from Start | Settings | Network And
wizard will ask you whether an initial call Dial-Up Connections. Supply your user name
needs to be placed. If it does, select Automati- and password for the network you wish to
cally Dial This Initial Connection and supply access (see Figure D), and you’re ready to begin
the name of the connection you wish to have enjoying the benefits of secure, remote access.
dialed from the provided drop-down box. If If you want to edit the settings for the con-
no initial connection is required, select Do nection, you can do so easily. Just right-click
Not Dial The Initial Connection and click the the connection name and select Properties.
Next button. Here you can modify TCP/IP settings, the IP
Provide the host name or IP address of the or host name of the computer to which you
computer or network to which you want to wish to connect, and other configuration
connect. You can supply the host name in the information.
form somehostname.com, substituting the Several other options can be configured
appropriate name, of course. Or, you can enter using the tabs in your connection’s Properties
the IP address of the machine you wish to dialog, including:
contact, such as Click Next. X Whether you wish to have connection
Just as with a dial-up connection, you’ll be progress displayed.
asked whether the connection is to be used X Whether data encryption is automatically
only by yourself or by all of the system’s required.
accounts. Select the appropriate option and
Figure C Figure D
ave you heard about the magical ben- VPN has become with Windows 2000. At the
efits of the virtual private network? same time, Win2K offers dramatic improve-
Are you ready to test its merits in ments in functionality and security over the
your remote access infrastructure? If so, you’ll bare bones VPN of Windows NT.
be happy to hear that Windows 2000 provides In this article, we’ll examine what hardware
an excellent VPN platform, especially for con- and software you’ll need for your VPN, explain
necting small remote offices and supporting how to configure a VPN server on your cor-
telecommuters from their home offices. You’ll porate network, and show you how to config-
be amazed at how easy the basic setup of a ure telecommuters to make a VPN connection
Administration 53
to the corporate LAN. We’ll focus on the bers of users and remote offices that will be
basics of VPN setup, but we won’t touch on connecting to your VPN server. Also, VPN
advanced topics, such as setting up a server-to- works best if you have an always-on Internet
server VPN with a remote office network, set- connection at your corporate network. If you
ting up Remote Access Policies, or configuring have a dial-up Internet connection, the only
your VPN connection to pass through fire- VPN solution I would recommend would be a
walls and proxy servers. With this in mind, let’s server-to-server connection between your cor-
get started on configuring your Windows 2000 porate office and a remote office.
remote access VPN.
Configuring the VPN server
Preparing the infrastructure Once you’ve dealt with the hardware issues,
The first thing you need to consider is the you need to install Windows 2000 Server and
hardware requirements for your VPN server. the latest Service Pack on your machine. Make
Remember that Windows 2000 by itself sure you don’t install other unnecessary serv-
requires substantial hardware resources. In an ices, such as DNS, DHCP, and IIS. Also avoid
enterprise environment, you will want your loading any additional third-party software,
VPN server to be a dedicated server with except for things that are absolutely necessary
nothing but Windows 2000 Server or Win- such as backup agents.
dows 2000 Advanced Server running on the During installation, you should choose to
machine. For this configuration, I would rec- statically assign IP addresses. You’ll need to set
ommend at least a 450-MHz Pentium III with up one network card with a true Internet IP
at least 256 megabytes of RAM. For a small address and the default gateway of your Inter-
business or branch office with fewer than 100 net router. The other network card should have
users and fewer than 20 remote access connec- an IP address assigned to the local network,
tions, you can use a 300 MHz (or better) Pen- and it should not contain a default gateway.
tium II or Celeron machine with at least 128 You’ll also need to set the domain/work-
megabytes of RAM. group for your VPN server. This setting will
Your server will need to have two network depend on how you decide to do authentica-
cards. One card will connect to the Internet tion. There are three basic options: The VPN
and the other will connect to the local area net- server can authenticate users locally, you can
work. As you’ve probably realized, this means use Windows 2000 domain security, or you can
your VPN server is actually functioning as pass authentication to a RADIUS server. If
more of a VPN router than as a server. It you have the VPN server authenticate users
authenticates the users, creates the secure tun- locally, you’ll want to set up a workgroup just
nel, and then, like any router, allows users to for the VPN server—something like “Inter-
access resources on the subnet to which they net.” If you want to use Active Directory and
are connecting or to another subnet, based on have a Windows 2000 domain controller han-
routing tables. Keep in mind that this can dle authentication, have the VPN server join a
include non-Windows resources such as Net- Windows 2000 domain. If you’re going to
Ware and UNIX servers. have a cluster of VPN servers, you may want
The final major consideration is your Inter- to use a RADIUS server (such as Microsoft’s
net connection. Using a VPN server can mean Internet Authentication Service) to perform
that you’ll be able to get rid of many of your VPN authentication. In this example, we’ll
phone lines that are currently dedicated to have the VPN server authenticate users locally.
RAS. However, in one sense, this is robbing Once you have Windows 2000 Server
Peter to pay Paul because you’ll probably need installed, go to Start | Programs | Administra-
to consider increasing the Internet bandwidth tive Tools | Routing And Remote Access to
at your corporate office. This will depend on pull up the RRAS Microsoft Management
how much bandwidth you have to begin with, Console, shown in Figure A. Then, click on the
what your current utilization is, and the num- icon with the name of your server and click
Figure B Figure C
Administration 55
clients will receive. In most cases, I would rec- ports L2TP, so most clients will connect using
ommend using DHCP to assign IP informa- PPTP. While L2TP is destined to become the
tion to your VPN clients. This is especially new standard in VPN, this article will focus on
effective when using the same DHCP server making connections using the simpler and
that clients on your LAN use to receive their more universal PPTP protocol.
IP information. VPN users can also receive
static IPs, as you will see when we get to client Configuring remote clients
configuration. You have now completed all of the basic steps
After completing the VPN server proper- for preparing a VPN server on your corporate
ties, there are only a few more settings to con- network. Now, let’s take a look at how to con-
figure. If you did opt to use DHCP, you’ll need nect a remote client. In this example, I’ll focus
to right-click on DHCP Relay Agent (a con- on the best VPN client, Windows 2000 Profes-
tainer under IP Routing), select Properties, and sional. You can also make good VPN connec-
add the IP address of the DHCP server(s) for tions with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98,
your local area network. but they aren’t nearly as fast or as functional as
After that, right-click on Ports and select Win2K Pro. However, before any client can
Properties, and you should see the default con- connect to your VPN server, you need to pro-
figuration of 5 PPTP ports, 5 L2TP ports, and vide their user account with remote access
1 Parallel port, as shown in Figure D. permission.
You can leave the default Parallel port alone, If your VPN server is authenticating users
but you can double-click on the PPTP and locally, set up user remote access permissions
L2TP ports and configure the number of by going to Start | Programs | Administrative
ports you need for these protocols. You want Tools | Computer Management | Local Users
to make sure that there are enough ports for all And Groups | Users and double-clicking a
of your users and remote servers, but you user (or creating a username) that you want to
don’t want to enable more ports than you enable for remote access. Next, select the
need. Keep in mind that Windows 2000 Pro- Dial-In tab and then select the Allow Access
fessional is currently the only client that sup- option, as shown in Figure E. As you get more
advanced with VPN, you can select Control
Figure D Figure E
Figure F Figure G
Administration 57
Issues surrounding a Windows 2000
VPN implementation
Nov 28, 2000
By Talainia Posey
f your business has multiple locations, The most common example of a VPN is a
there’s a good chance that sooner or later situation in which two networks exchange data
someone will ask you to link the various through the Internet. For example, suppose a
locations’ computer systems together. When user in Las Vegas needed to access a file from
taking on such a task, you have a couple of a server in Miami. If the two networks were
options. One option is to use a leased line, linked through a VPN, the user could access
such as a T-1 line, to connect the facilities. the needed file just as though the Miami server
Leased lines typically cost big money, however. were sitting in the next room. The end user
If a leased line is out of your league, another would be totally oblivious to the fact that the
option is to create a virtual private network. In file was passing through the Internet to get to
this article, I’ll discuss some of the issues you’ll the Las Vegas office.
face when implementing a virtual private net-
work in a Windows 2000 environment. Issues to consider
At first, the idea of passing files across the
What’s a virtual private Internet may not seem like that big a deal.
network? After all, we all exchange files through e-mail
Virtual private networks (VPNs) are often everyday. However, VPNs work differently
misunderstood. It seems that these days, prac- than e-mail servers. In an e-mail environment,
tically everyone is selling a VPN solution, and it’s up to a user to send specific files to some-
they’re all different. For example, you can buy one else. In a VPN, however, any user with the
VPN solutions from router manufacturers and appropriate permissions may access any file on
firewall vendors. Likewise, there are pure the network without the need for someone to
hardware VPN solutions and VPNs that are send the files to them. To a user on a VPN, the
part of your network operating system, as in remote servers look and act as if they are on
Windows 2000. your LAN.
Each of these solutions works differently. If you stop and think about it, this means
Some of these solutions conform to the stan- that your servers are totally exposed to Internet
dards of a true VPN, and others don’t. users. That’s a very scary thought when you
Because of the variety of virtual private net- consider the insecure nature of the Internet.
working solutions, I’ll begin by discussing vir- Because the Internet is full of people with
tual private networking from the standpoint of questionable intentions, it’s necessary to pro-
a generic VPN solution. Once I’ve covered the tect your servers. This is where the word “pri-
basics of how VPNs function, I’ll discuss vate” in virtual private networks comes in.
implementing a VPN in a Windows 2000 VPNs are designed so that only registered net-
environment. work users may access your network. In a Win-
To understand how a VPN works, let’s dows 2000 environment, this is accomplished
assume you’ve been asked to link two corpo- by using a combination of different protocols
rate networks together, but a dedicated leased and encryption methods. I’ll discuss the
line is too expensive. Instead, you’ve thought specifics of Windows 2000 VPN security a
about using a VPN. In its purest form, a VPN little later.
is nothing more than a method for joining two When it comes to virtual private network-
private networks together by passing data ing, performance and reliability are just as
packets between the two networks through important as security. After all, what good is
one or more third-party networks. security if you can’t even access your own
Administration 59
to better encrypt things like usernames, pass- minimal requirements for the network media
words, and data. since it requires only packet-based point-to-
Not only does IPSec offer the encryption point connectivity.
services necessary for VPNs, it also prevents PPTP, on the other hand, is a proprietary
hackers from launching a replay attack against protocol designed by Microsoft to run on
either network by being “replay proof.” A Windows and Linux platforms. It uses a pro-
replay attack is the process by which hackers prietary encryption algorithm designed by
capture packets and then replay them in order Microsoft and doesn’t support header com-
to gain access to a network. IPSec guards pression. PPTP also requires that the transit
against replay attacks by associating a network support the IP protocol.
sequence number with each packet. If the So which protocol is right for you? It
recipient receives a packet with a sequence depends on your network. If you’re adding an
number that’s already been received, the extra site to an existing Windows-based VPN,
packet is assumed to be fraudulent and is then it may be wise to stick with PPTP. If
therefore discarded. you’re building a brand-new VPN that’s purely
Windows 2000 or that uses non-Microsoft/
Comparing PPTP and IPSec Linux VPN servers, however, IPSec is the pro-
Now you know a little bit about how both tocol of choice.
VPN protocols work. Before you can truly
make an informed decision about which pro- Conclusion
tocol is right for your network, however, it’s In this article, I discussed some of the issues
necessary to understand the differences in the involved in creating a VPN in a Windows 2000
two protocols. environment. As I did, I addressed typical con-
In a nutshell, IPSec is a standards-based cerns, such as cost, security, and reliability. In
protocol that runs on a variety of operating the next article, I’ll discuss the actual process
systems, such as Windows, Macintosh, and of setting up a VPN.
Linux. IPSec uses DES/3DES encryption
and supports header compression. IPSec has
I Installing a VPN
n “Issues surrounding a Windows 2000
VPN implementation” (page 58), I dis- Before we begin creating a VPN, let’s review the
cussed some of the primary issues you basic requirements. On one end of the VPN,
should consider when building a virtual private you have a client. This client may be a remote
network (VPN). These issues include such fac- network or a remote user. On the other end of
tors as security, reliability, and cost. In this arti- the VPN, you have the host. The host is a Win-
cle, I’ll describe the process of installing a dows 2000 server that functions as a router
VPN. I’ll also cover some additional issues between the Internet and the private network.
you’ll face during the installation process.
Administration 61
VPN router. As you probably know, the host anyone who knows your host name or IP
name is the remote machine’s registered DNS address to build a VPN that allows access to
name. Therefore, in the space provided you your network.
can enter an IP address, such as On this screen, the wizard will be set to, or a host name, such as techre- automatically create a user account that uses
public.com. Click Next to continue. the same name as the interface you’re creating.
After you’ve entered the host name or IP For example, if you named your interface
address of the remote router, you’ll see a VPN Interface, then the user account will also
screen similar to the one shown in Figure B. be called VPN Interface. Although this screen
This screen asks what type of packets you plan won’t allow you to change the user name, you
on routing across the VPN link. Again, the can enter a password for the user account.
selections you make will greatly depend on Once you’ve entered and confirmed the
your individual network. As you can see in the account’s password, click Next to proceed.
figure, I’ve chosen to allow IP packets but to The resulting screen gives you a chance to
disallow IPX packets. I’ve also chosen to create enter the credentials for connecting to the
a remote access user account and password so remote network. Remember that when you
that it’s possible for the remote router (or join two networks through a VPN, both net-
remote users for that matter) to access the net- works must be protected. This means you’ll
work through the VPN. When you’ve made have a separate VPN user name and password
your selections, click Next. for each network. Each VPN router must be
Now, assuming you’ve allowed dial-in set up to know the authentication information
access, the wizard will display a screen that for the remote VPN router it will connect to.
asks for some dial-in credentials. At first, this Simply fill in the domain name, user name,
screen may be a bit deceptive. It’s easy to acci- password, and password confirmation for the
dentally assume this screen is designed to give remote router. When you’ve entered this
access to dial-in users. However, its purpose is information, click Next.
to establish a user name and password that can You’ve now finished configuring your VPN
be used to validate the remote router when it router. Click Finish to complete the process.
tries to connect. After all, you don’t want just Remember that you must configure both
routers before your VPN will work.
Figure B Cleaning house
Now that you’ve created a VPN, there are a few
things you need to do to ensure that your net-
work is secure and that your VPN is functional.
Remember that each VPN router is connected
to the Internet. There are countless Internet
users with malicious intent who would just love
to get their hands on your network.
Although the VPN link you’ve just created
is secure, there are other ways to get into your
network from across the Internet. Typically,
hackers exploit unused TCP/IP ports. There-
fore, I strongly recommend implementing IP
packet filtering in a way that will block all
inbound Internet traffic except for VPN traffic
(and any other types of traffic you might
IP filtering is a science in and of itself.
Select the types of data you’ll allow to flow across your VPN link.
Therefore, it’s impossible to thoroughly discuss
icrosoft introduced Remote Access starting with an overview of what the service
Services (RAS) early in the Windows can do.
NT product cycle, adding routing
capability through an add-on service for Win- Overview of Windows 2000
dows NT. Windows 2000 integrates these RRAS
services in a single Routing and Remote Remote Access Services (RAS) enables a Win-
Access Service (RRAS) that provides excellent dows 2000 computer to dial and access remote
utility for routing, remote access, and integra- networks, the Internet, and even individual
tion with other Windows 2000 services, as servers or client workstations. RAS is the
well as third-party platforms. In this article, I’ll mechanism you use, for example, to dial out
take a look at RRAS in Windows 2000 Server, from a Windows 2000 computer to access an
Administration 63
Internet service provider or a remote LAN. enabling you to delegate remote access admin-
Windows 2000 RAS supports several connec- istrative authority over specific services or
tion options including modem, ISDN, infrared organizational units (OUs).
connections, parallel and serial port direct con- Windows 2000 RRAS offers several
nections, X.25, and asynchronous transfer authentication options. By supporting
mode (ATM). Windows 2000’s support for tun- Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
neling protocols, such as PPTP and L2TP, (RADIUS)—either through a non-Windows
enables clients to establish a secure connection 2000 RADIUS server or through the Windows
to a remote network through a public network 2000 Internet Authentication Services (IAS)—
such as the Internet. Windows 2000 RRAS enables you to rely on
The RAS component in Windows 2000 Windows 2000 for routing services while
also enables a computer running Windows offloading authentication and accounting to a
2000 Server to function as a dial-up server, RADIUS server. Windows 2000 also supports
allowing clients to dial into the server to a broad range of authentication protocols
access local server resources, such as files and including Microsoft Challenge Handshake
printers. Depending on the configuration of Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP), Extensi-
the server, clients can also gain access to the ble Authentication Protocol (EAP), CHAP,
network on which the server resides, accessing SPAP, and PAP. You’ll find good network
LAN resources just as if the client were con- protocol support in RRAS with TCP/IP,
nected locally to the LAN. Windows 2000 IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, and AppleTalk enabling
Server supports an unlimited number of con- Macintosh, NetWare, and UNIX clients to
current connections, subject to hardware con- connect to a Windows 2000 RRAS server in
siderations such as server capacity, number of addition to Microsoft clients.
physical connections (available modems, for
example), and so on. Windows 2000 Profes- New features in Windows 2000
sional computers can also serve as RAS Windows 2000’s RRAS integrates all the fea-
servers but only for one connection at a time. tures in Windows NT RAS and the Routing
A Windows 2000 remote access server sup- and Remote Access Service and adds several
ports the same connection options for incom- more features to improve performance, inte-
ing connections as the outgoing connection gration, and security. One of the most impor-
options mentioned previously. You can also tant additions is the integration of RRAS into
use Windows 2000 RRAS to support incom- Active Directory (AD). You gain the advantage
ing Terminal Services client connections. of AD’s replication, enabling replication of
Windows 2000 RRAS also enables a Win- client account properties throughout the direc-
dows 2000 server to function as a router. Win- tory. Administration is easier too, thanks to
dows 2000 RRAS supports both unicast and the ability to browse multiple RRAS servers
multicast protocols, as well as packet filtering, through AD and manage those servers
connection sharing, demand-dial routing, and through the RRAS console, an MMC snap-in
encrypted authentication for secure router-to- (Figure A).
router connections. A key advantage to using The Windows 2000 RRAS service adds
Windows 2000 RRAS for routing services is its support for both Bandwidth Allocation Proto-
integration with other Windows 2000 services, col (BAP) and Bandwidth Allocation Control
such as Active Directory (AD) and Kerberos Protocol (BACP), which work in concert to
authentication, DHCP, and so on. Integration support multilink connections. Multilink
with AD enables user accounts and remote enables Windows 2000 to bundle multiple
access policies and settings such as callback, connections to provide an aggregate band-
access permissions, and so on to be replicated width equaling the sum of the individual con-
across the domain for redundancy. AD inte- nections. Aggregate two 56-Kbps dial-up
gration also can simplify management by pro- connections, for example, and you get a theo-
viding a single point of administration and retical connection of 112 Kbps (although the
Administration 65
You can apply remote access settings such as provides a wizard to help you configure the
callback, connect time restrictions, allowed ses- server according to its primary function,
sion limits, authentication methods, and other whether Internet connection server, VPN
properties at the user account level, as shown server, remote access server, or router. You can
in Figure B. A better method, however, is to use configure the server manually and fine-tune the
remote access policies to apply remote access configuration to accommodate changes or set-
settings on a group or OU basis. Windows 2000 tings not available through the wizard. You also
RRAS also supports account lockout, which use the RRAS console to configure remote
helps prevent dictionary attacks by locking the access policies.
account after an administrator-defined number
of bad logon attempts. You can also specify the Exploring RAS protocols and
length of time the account is locked out before connection types
it is re-enabled. Windows 2000 RRAS provides support for
One final improvement in Windows 2000 several protocols and connection types, giving
RRAS is the addition of support for Apple- you quite a bit of flexibility in designing your
Talk over PPP, enabling Macintosh clients to remote access structure to accommodate secu-
connect to a Windows 2000 RRAS server rity needs, network topology, or remote server
using native Macintosh protocols. capability. Windows 2000 supports Serial Line
Interface Protocol (SLIP) for dial-out connec-
Managing RRAS through tion to remote servers that support SLIP (such
the MMC as older UNIX-based servers), but it doesn’t
As with other Windows 2000 services, you support SLIP for incoming connections.
manage RRAS through an MMC console snap- Probably the most common connection
in. The RRAS console enables you to fully man- protocol in use today, and one you’ll likely use,
age local and remote RRAS servers (subject to is Point-to-Point Protocol, or PPP. This suc-
access and security restrictions). The console cessor to SLIP offers better reliability and per-
formance and provides good cross-platform
Figure B support. Windows 2000 supports PPP for
both incoming and outgoing connections,
enabling clients to use TCP/IP, IPX, or Net-
BEUI as the network protocol. Macintosh
clients can connect to a Windows 2000 RRAS
server using TCP/IP or AppleTalk. PPP sup-
ports a good selection of authentication proto-
cols, offering options that can accommodate
both client capability and security needs.
Windows 2000 RRAS supports the Micro-
soft RAS protocol, a proprietary Microsoft
protocol for DOS, Windows for Workgroups,
Windows NT 3.1, and LAN Manager remote
access. Microsoft RAS protocol requires that
the client use NetBEUI as the network proto-
col, with the RAS server functioning as a Net-
BIOS gateway supporting NetBEUI, NetBIOS
over TCP/IP, and NetBIOS over IPX. Since
NetBEUI will likely go away in the next OS
release, you should rely on one of the other
You can apply remote access settings at the user protocols instead of Microsoft RAS.
account level, but remote access policies provide better
administrative control, enabling you to define settings at As mentioned previously, Windows 2000
the group or OU level. RRAS also supports Point-to-Point Multilink
Administration 67
The first step in getting the RRAS server up servers or configure the server manually. You
and running is to ensure the connections are in have full control over settings after installation
place. For incoming connections, this could and can modify settings as needed if you
mean installing additional network interfaces, choose to let the wizard configure the server
modems, multiport cards, standalone modem for you. You can also configure the server
pools, and so on, depending on the types of manually, and then run the wizard at a later
clients you need to support. The same is true time if you want to change the server’s role,
for outgoing RAS connections, but this typi- although you’ll lose most of your manually
cally involves adding only a network interface configured settings when you do so and you’ll
or installing a modem, ISDN adapter, DLS have to reapply them through the wizard. If
equipment, and so on. Configuring connec- you configure the server using the wizard and
tions for routers typically means adding a net- then decide you want to start over from
work interface where appropriate and scratch, you can disable and then re-enable the
configuring its protocol settings. service to start with a clean slate. To do so, in
Once the interfaces or remote access hard- the RRAS console, right-click the server and
ware is in place and tested, your next step is to choose Disable Routing And Remote Access,
enable and begin configuring the RRAS server. and after the service stops, run the wizard
You’ll find the Routing and Remote Access again to configure the service.
console in the Administrative Tools folder. In
the left pane, right-click the server and choose What’s next
Configure And Enable Routing And Remote At this point you have a basic background in
Access to start the Routing And Remote the Windows 2000 Routing and Remote
Access Server Setup Wizard. The wizard lets Access service with a look at many of its
you choose between four different types of requirements and capabilities.
I Configuring a network
n “Introducing Windows 2000 Routing
and Remote Access” (page 63), I discussed
the Windows 2000 Routing and Remote
address translation server
Access Service (RRAS), which provides sup- (Internet gateway)
port for dial-out connections, dial-in connec- The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup
tions, and routing. I also explained the Wizard, which runs when you enable the
connection and network protocols supported RRAS service, gives you five options for set-
by Windows 2000 RRAS, along with security ting up a Windows 2000 RRAS server. The
and integration features. Now, it’s time to start first wizard option, Internet Connection
configuring your RRAS servers, starting with a Server, lets you configure a Windows 2000
network address translation (NAT) proxy. RRAS server to share its Internet connection
Private Network
The second method provides essentially the NAT Server
same function but much more flexibility for Workstation
configuration. Before diving into NAT setup,
though, let’s take a minute to get a background
understanding of NAT.
Understanding network address
translation (NAT) Workstation
To configure a NAT server, you need to
understand the different functions that the
NAT enables computers on a private, nonroutable subnet to access the Internet.
NAT server performs. NAT handles three
main responsibilities, each performed by a dif-
ferent RRAS component. Address translation X with subnet mask
is the first function the NAT server performs
by translating IP address and TCP/UDP ports X192.168.0.0 with subnet mask
for packets traveling between the public inter- The third function the NAT server per-
face (the Internet) and the private local net- forms is DNS resolution. Clients submit DNS
work. This is the function that enables clients requests to the NAT server. The NAT server
to reside on a private, nonroutable subnet but then forwards the requests to the DNS servers
still gain access to the Internet. The server configured in the NAT server’s TCP/IP set-
handles the translation, replacing its own IP tings. The NAT server redirects replies to the
address for the client’s address, enabling the requesting client.
packets to be routed back. The server replaces The NAT server performs address transla-
the IP address for incoming packets in the tion through the use of a NAT table. Here’s
same fashion, applying the local address of the how it works: A client on the private network
target client. generates packets for a public node, and the
The second function the NAT server per- server intercepts that traffic (since it functions
forms is address allocation. As in the case of as the default gateway for the client). The
ICS, the NAT server can allocate IP addresses server replaces the client’s IP address with its
to clients that are configured to obtain their own public address and replaces the source
address leases via DHCP. This function isn’t a port with a different, unique port number.
necessity if you want to use a different subnet For example, assume that the server resides
from the default of 192.168.0.n or if you on the public interface and uses a
already have a DHCP server on the network to private interface of A client on
handle address allocation. The following are the private network at requests a
the network IDs reserved for private networks: Web site on a standard TCP port 80. The
X with subnet mask server replaces with
and replaces the port with, say, port 5000. The
Administration 69
server stores the replacement data in the NAT ICMP, PPTP, and NetBIOS over TCP/IP. The
table and sends the packet. When a packet NAT editor analyzes the packet and performs
comes back, it checks the NAT table, reverses the necessary additional translation to send the
the translation according to the data in the packet on its way, doing the same for incoming
packet and in the NAT table, and forwards the packets before passing them to the destination
packet to the correct client. client on the private network. Figure B illus-
NAT works just fine as long as the IP trates the concept.
address and port data are contained in the IP
header of the packet. When the address or
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
The first of the two methods that Windows
port data is contained in the body of the packet
2000 offers for NAT services is Internet Con-
(also referred to as the payload), translation
nection Sharing (ICS). ICS is included with
could fail. For example, PPTP doesn’t use a
Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Profes-
TCP or UDP header but instead uses a
sional, and Windows 98SE. In an ICS connec-
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) header
tion, the server shares its Internet connection
with a tunnel ID stored in the GRE header
and acts as a proxy for the clients to enable
identifying the data stream. Certain FTP oper-
them to use the connection as well. That con-
ations, as well as other IP operations, can also
nection could be something as simple as an
have problems with NAT because of the way
analog dial-up connection or a dedicated, high-
the packets are built.
speed connection, such as a T1.
To get around this problem, the NAT
The practicality of the connection depends
server needs a means of determining the
on the type of connection, number of clients,
appropriate address and port information for
and ways in which the clients use the connec-
routing the packets. NAT servers, including
tion. Several clients sharing a 56K dial-up con-
Windows 2000 RRAS, employ NAT editors to
nection to access e-mail is a practical
perform this additional processing. Windows
application of ICS, but sharing a dial-up line
2000 RRAS includes NAT editors for FTP,
such as this to enable Web browsing or con-
current FTP sessions isn’t very practical. Even
Figure B so, ICS presents an easy way to share a single
connection and can provide a layer of security
between the clients and the Internet because
the local clients reside on a nonroutable sub-
NAT Editors net. Here’s why: Enabling ICS on a Windows
(if req.)
2000 Server computer automatically assigns
the IP address to the server’s local
Private network interface, using a Class B subnet mask
Internet Network of The server then allocates IP
addresses to clients when they start up, assign-
ing addresses in the range through
Translation, much like a DHCP server.
You can also configure clients to use static
addresses in that range, if preferred. The ICS
server provides DNS proxy name resolution
NAT Service for the clients and performs the network
address translation necessary for the clients to
use the connection. This network address
Outgoing Traffic
translation and the fact that the local network
Incoming Traffic
resides on a nonroutable private subnet can
provide a layer of protection for the clients,
NAT editors provide additional processing for both incoming and outgoing traffic where helping isolate them from the Internet.
Administration 71
Domain Name (FQDN) of the remote through the wizard.) Open the RRAS console
VPN server. and expand the server in the left pane. Right-
X Protocols and security—The wizard click General, and select New Routing Proto-
prompts for the protocols that should be col. Select Network Address Translation, and
routed through this connection, which click OK. RRAS adds a Network Address
include IP and IPX. You also specify a user Translation node under the IP Routing branch.
account to use for authentication and set The next step is to add the interfaces for NAT.
other security and connection options, such Adding a NAT interface
as password handling and connection After adding the NAT protocol, you need to
scripting. specify the interfaces on which the RRAS
server should perform translation. If you con-
Completing the NAT server figure the server through the wizard, the wizard
configuration prompts you for the two minimum inter-
After you run the wizard and configure the faces—the public Internet connection and the
server for NAT, you’ll probably need to fine- private network interface. However, Windows
tune the configuration. Or, you might have 2000 RRAS can provide NAT services on more
already configured the server for another pur- than one interface. If you have multiple net-
pose, and you can’t use the wizard to configure work subnets, for example, you could configure
the server for NAT (since you’ll lose your cur- the server with a network interface for each
rent configuration). In that case, you can con- and have the server provide NAT for all the
figure the server manually. This section subnets.
explains how to do that, as well as modify the To add NAT interfaces, open the RRAS
configuration for both situations. console and expand the server. Open the IP
Enabling NAT manually Routing branch, right-click Network Address
If you’ve already configured the server Translation, and choose New Interface. Select
through the wizard for a function other than the interface for which you want to add NAT
NAT (such as dial-up remote access) or simply services, as shown in Figure C, and click OK.
prefer not to use the wizard, you can manually Windows 2000 then prompts you to spec-
configure the server for NAT. (You don’t need ify whether the interface is public or private.
to perform this step if you’ve configured NAT Select the option Private Interface Connected
To Private Network to identify the interface
as residing on the private side of the server.
Figure C Select Public Interface Connected To The
Internet if the interface resides on the public
side of the server.
Selecting the latter option enables the
Translate TCP/UPD Headers option. Select
this option to have the server translate TCP
and UDP ports in addition to the IP address
for translated packets. In most cases you’ll
need to select this option to enable NAT to
function properly for the private networks.
The property sheet displays two additional
pages if you select the public interface option:
Address Pool and Special Ports. You can reach
these pages later, if needed, by double-clicking
the public interface. You use the Address Pool
page to configure the range of IP addresses
Add the public and private interfaces to the NAT protocol
through the RRAS console. assigned by your ISP for your network’s use.
Administration 73
text box, type the port number to which incom- Add additional port assignments as required
ing traffic is directed. Specify the private IP by the applications you use. A given applica-
address to which the traffic needs to be routed tion could require more than one entry.
and the control destination port on the private
computer in the Outgoing Port box. In the pre-
Configuring address assignment
The clients on the private network must reside
vious example of the Web server, you’d put 80
on the same subnet as the NAT server’s pri-
in the Incoming Port box and 8080 in the Out-
vate network interface. You can configure the
going Port box.
clients for static IP addressing or rely on
Configuring general NAT properties DHCP for address assignment. While you
After you configure each interface as I’ve could install a DHCP server to provide
explained, you need to turn your attention to addresses to the clients, the NAT server can
general NAT service properties. In the RRAS also handle that function, eliminating the need
console, expand the server, right-click Net- for a separate DHCP server.
work Address Translation under IP Routing in To configure address assignment, open the
the left pane, and choose Properties. The Gen- RRAS console and expand the server in the
eral page of the NAT properties lets you con- left pane. Open the properties for NAT under
figure the level of logging by NAT in the IP Routing, then click the Address Assignment
System log. The options are self-explanatory. tab. Select the option Automatically Assign IP
The Translation page lets you specify how Addresses By Using DHCP; then specify the
long the NAT server maintains port mappings address range by entering the starting IP
in the NAT table. There are separate settings address in the range and the subnet mask.
for TCP and UDP. Click Exclude if you need to exclude one or
more addresses from DHCP assignment, mak-
Configuring applications ing those available for other servers or fixed-
The Translation page of the NAT server’s
address nodes on the private network.
properties also lets you configure applications
for NAT. For example, you might run an appli- Configuring name resolution
cation that uses nonstandard ports to commu- The private clients need a server to provide
nicate with a server on the Internet, which is proxy DNS lookup, and the NAT server can
common with Internet games such as Sub- optionally fill that role if no other DNS proxy
space or Diablo. So, you can configure the is available. To configure DNS lookup on the
NAT server to provide the appropriate port NAT server, first configure the NAT server’s
translation, either for UDP or TCP, as needed. TCP/IP properties on the public interface to
To configure applications, open the proper- add the DNS servers the NAT server will use
ties for NAT, click the Translation tab, and for lookup. Then, open the RRAS console, and
then click Applications. Click Add to display open the properties for NAT under IP Routing.
the Internet Connection Sharing Application Click the Name Resolution tab, and select the
dialog. Provide the following information: option Clients Using Domain Name System
X Name—This name serves to identify the (DNS). If you’re using a demand dial interface
application in the RRAS console’s list. to connect to the Internet, select the option
Connect To The Public Network; then select the
X Remote server port number—Specify the
demand dial interface from the drop-down list.
port on the remote server that needs to be
remapped on the private network. What’s next?
X TCP or UDP—Select the port type for the This time around, we looked at network address
remote server port. translation and configured a Windows 2000
X Incoming response ports—Specify the RRAS server to function as a gateway between a
port translations for the ports on the private private network and the Internet. In the next arti-
network. You can specify TCP and UDP cle, I’ll take a look at configuring a remote access
ports separately. server to support incoming connections.
n “Configuring Routing and Remote Remote access is not the same thing as
Access on your Windows 2000 server” remote control. With a remote control applica-
(page 68), I showed you how to configure tion such as Symantec’s pcAnywhere, the client
a Windows 2000 RRAS server to function as a uses the remote control application to log onto
Network Address Translation (NAT) server. and run applications on a remote computer.
In this article, I’ll take a look at configuring a The applications run on the remote computer
Windows 2000 RRAS server to function as a rather than on the client’s local computer. In
remote access server (RAS), handling incom- effect, the remote control application gives the
ing connections for remote clients. client a long-distance keyboard, mouse, and
display for the remote computer.
What is a remote access server? Remote access makes the client’s local com-
The term “remote access server” can refer to puter a part of the remote network. Applica-
a server that performs a range of remote tions run on the client’s local computer, not on
access services, instead of just providing the the remote computer (except when the client
ability for clients to dial into the company executes a network-enabled application).
LAN. Both Windows 2000 Professional and Remote control applications can’t exist without
Windows 2000 Server can act as remote remote access—the client either dials in to the
access servers, albeit with different restrictions remote computer directly or dials in to the
on each platform. LAN. So, if you need to use a remote control
On the Windows 2000 Professional side, application to manage a remote server, for
you can configure a workstation to allow example, you’ll need a remote access connec-
incoming connections through dial-up (one at tion to the server or to the server’s LAN
a time), giving the remote caller the ability to before the remote control application can do
use resources stored on the local computer or anything. Depending on the remote control
on the LAN, depending on how RRAS is con- application, that connection might take the
figured. Under Windows 2000 Server, RRAS form of a public Internet connection, using
can support multiple concurrent remote access the remote server’s and client’s existing con-
clients for those same purposes, essentially nections to the Internet as the means of com-
limited only by the number of available incom- munication.
ing connections. For example, if you have a
modem pool of 48 modems, Windows 2000 Setting up the hardware
Server will support all those connections con- Whether you’re configuring a Windows 2000
currently. Professional computer to enable single con-
A RAS connection that connects the client nections or a Server computer to handle a
to the dial-up server is called a point-to-point modem pool, your first step in setting up a
remote access connection. A RAS connection remote access server is to configure the hard-
that connects the client to the LAN is called a ware for the incoming connections. These
point-to-LAN remote access connection. connections might come in through one or
Regardless of the type of connection, the more modems connected to the computer’s
remote clients can access resources on the communications ports, through a multiport
server or LAN as if their computers were con- communications card handling multiple
nected locally to the server or LAN. For exam- modems, a modem pool/communications
ple, clients can open and save files and use server connected to the LAN, or even a net-
printers, just as they can locally. work interface.
Administration 75
While you can certainly grow the server’s three 64-Kbps channels. ISDN functions in
capabilities later on, you need to determine some ways like a PSTN dial-up connection
your clients’ current needs and plan for that except that the connection is digital rather than
growth. Choosing the right communications analog and provides better throughput.
hardware is a big part of that process. If the Other connection options include X.25 and
bandwidth needs aren’t critical, modems and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) over
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line).
lines (standard voice lines, or Plain Old Tele- Windows 2000 supports only X.25 smart
phone Service—POTS) are an easy and rela- cards—X.25 adapters that connect computers
tively inexpensive solution. If you’re installing directly to an X.25 public network. ATM is a
multiple lines, choose one number as the pri- standard communications protocol for high-
mary dial-up number and have your communi- speed data links. ADSL is a relatively new
cations provider configure the lines in a hunt communications mechanism that employs
group. If one line is busy in the hunt group, standard copper phone lines to achieve very
the incoming call rolls to the next available high data transfer rates.
line. There are several options for hunt groups In deciding which type of connection is
that can address such problems as a ring-no- right for you, check with your local communi-
answer due to a hung modem. Check with cations provider to determine what services
your provider for details to decide what best they offer. Some services, such as ADSL, may
fits your needs. not be available in your area. If you can’t get
PSTN is certainly not the only option, nor is ISDN or ADSL, for example, you’ll probably
it the best option in terms of performance. have to choose between PSTN and digital 56
PSTN will give you a maximum of 33.6 Kbps Kbps. The speed at which your users need to
for connections. Even though 56-Kbps connect will be the primary deciding factor in
modems are standard nowadays, you can’t sim- your decision, but cost will no doubt be a
ply install individual 56-Kbps dial-up modems major consideration as well.
to PSTN lines and have them connect at the If you choose an external communications
full rate. To support 56-Kbps dial-up connec- device, such as a modem pool, you generally
tions, you’ll need a channelized T1 (24 channels will not use the RRAS service to provide dial-
or dial-up lines per T1) and the appropriate up services for clients. Instead, the device’s
remote access hardware to accommodate the firmware, once configured, handles the task
incoming calls. of assigning IP addresses and performing
If you choose to get a channelized T1, other tasks to service the RAS clients. In this
things can get a bit complicated. Your commu- situation, the server will typically perform
nications provider assigns a phone number to two functions: hosting the configuration-
each channel, and as with the PSTN option, management software for the device or pro-
you’ll want to set up a hunt group for the num- viding authentication services, or both.
bers with a single primary dial-up number. The Depending on the communications device,
communications hardware for this type of the system might use either RADIUS or Win-
connection setup typically takes the form of a dows 2000 integrated authentication. If it uses
network device that contains one or more the former, you can use IAS as the authentica-
communications cards with onboard modems. tion service, which enables the server to
The T1 connects to the device and the device process RADIUS authentication requests from
connects to the network. Depending on the the communications equipment, authenticating
firmware provided with the device, you can users against local or domain accounts. If the
use either Windows 2000 authentication or device relies on Windows 2000 integrated
RADIUS (the IAS service in Windows 2000). authentication, the device’s software will likely
ISDN is a third connection option. Basic Rate include a service that enables the device to
Interface (BRI) provides two 64-Kbps channels, interface with the Windows 2000 authentica-
and Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) provides twenty- tion mechanisms.
Configuring ports
Use the Configure Device dialog box to configure port
In the RRAS console under the server you’ll properties.
find a Ports branch. Clicking the branch dis-
Administration 77
might use this setting to limit the number of specify individual numbers for each port. The
L2TP connections that can be active at one phone number property is also used for the
time. Windows 2000 doesn’t change the Called Station ID property in the remote access
number of ports shown in the RRAS con- profile. If the specified number doesn’t match
sole until you stop and restart the service. the value for Called Station ID in the remote
The phone number property isn’t needed access profile, RRAS rejects the connection.
unless you’re supporting multi-link connections
or restricting users through remote access poli-
The Windows 2000 RRAS service provides
cies to a specific dial-up number. With multi-
many different things for your network. One
link, the phone number is used for
of the most common purposes it serves is as a
BAP-enabled connections, and the server sends
remote access server. In this article, I’ve shown
the phone number of the connection to the
you how to configure Windows 2000 to func-
remote client when the client’s system requests
tion as a remote access server.
another connection. If you’re using a hunt
group for your phone number pool, you needn’t
n the last few articles, I’ve shown you how You configure remote access policies
to configure Windows 2000 for Network through the RRAS console. Open the console
Address Translation and as a remote and click the Remote Access Policies branch.
access server. But now that you’ve set up your By default, remote access permission is denied
remote access server, how do you secure it? In through the Remote Access Policy, Allow
this article, I’ll show you how to set up remote Access If Dial-In Permission Is Enabled.
access policies for your remote access server. Double-click the policy and note that Deny
I’ll also show you how you can create secure Remote Access Permission is selected. This is
connections across the Internet using VPN because there are no other parameters yet
protocols. specified for the policy. If you enabled this
permission, it would allow all users to gain
Configuring remote remote access by default. So, you’ll need to
access policies either modify this policy or create a new one.
In my last article about Windows 2000 RRAS, In this case, I’ll assume you want to modify the
I showed you how to configure the hardware existing policy to allow permission only to
and port settings for your server. In addition to users who belong in a specific user group. For
configuring the hardware and port settings, my example, I’ll create a group called RAS
you need to configure remote access policies. users and grant them permission.
These policies enable you to control allowed First, open the Local Users And Groups
access times, restrict users to specific dial-up console (stand-alone or member server) or
numbers, and configure other Remote Access the Active Directory Users And Computers
Policy settings. console (domain controller). Create a new
group named RAS Users and place in it all
Administration 79
essentially the same information as for a Properties. On the General page, select
Remote Access Server, including protocols, Remote Access Server.
network interfaces, IP address assignment X Configure IP addressing and routing—
mode, and RADIUS authentication status. On the properties sheet for the server, click
One difference is when you use the wizard to the IP tab and select Enable IP Routing. If
configure the server for VPN, it creates 128 you didn’t already do so through the wizard,
ports each for PPTP and L2TP. Configuring configure IP address assignment through the
the server for remote access creates only five same property page, configuring the server
ports each. to rely on DHCP, or use a static address pool
Even if you use the wizard to set up a VPN to assign IP addresses to clients.
server, you still have some tasks to perform to
complete the operation. Plus, you might X Configure ports for remote access—You
already have the server configured for another need to ensure that the necessary ports are
RAS purpose and need to configure the server created and configured for remote access.
manually for VPN. If you choose the manual Expand the server in the RRAS console and
method, first perform these tasks: open the Ports branch. Right-click Ports
and choose Properties. Select either PPTP
X Set up the Internet connection—This is
or L2TP and click Configure. Select Remote
the public connection through which
Access Connections (Inbound Only) to
remote clients will gain access to the
enable remote access for the port type. Use
intranet. Verify that the connection is fully
the Maximum Ports spin control to increase
configured and functioning.
or decrease the number of ports. The num-
X Set up the intranet connection—If your ber won’t increase in the ports list, however,
server is multihomed (has a public interface until you stop and restart the service. If you
to the Internet and a private interface to the wish to support both VPN port types,
intranet), configure the intranet connection repeat the process for each.
and verify connectivity with clients on the
intranet. Note that you don’t need a second Configuring the server for
interface to set up a VPN server. A single, PPTP VPN connections
public interface will suffice. Remote clients Although you can begin using the server to
will receive an IP address assignment from service VPN clients at this point, you’ll proba-
the same subnet as the computer’s Internet bly want to ensure a higher level of security
interface. than what you’ll have by default. In particular,
X Set up routing (multihomed systems)— you might want to configure filters to restrict
If the server is multihomed, you’ll need traffic to and from the VPN server, as well as
to configure static routes or use routing define the authentication mechanism(s) to be
protocols to enable routing between the supported.
public and private interface(s). In most In the RRAS console, right-click the server,
situations the wizard will handle these choose Properties, and then click the Security
tasks, but you might have to fine-tune the tab. You can choose between Windows
configuration, particularly if you are using Authentication and RADIUS both for authen-
static routes. If the server has only one tication and accounting. Click Authentication
network interface, you don’t need to con- Methods to specify the authentication meth-
figure any routing properties, since no ods you want to support. You need to use
routing is necessary. either MS-CHAP or EAP-TLS if you need to
X Enable remote access—If you are config- support encrypted authentication.
uring VPN support manually, you’ll need to If your server is functioning only as a VPN
enable RAS on the server. Open the RRAS server, consider applying IP filters to allow
console, right-click the server, and choose only PPTP traffic coming to and from the
server, excluding all other traffic. This will help
Administration 81
source and destination ports specified as 500. tion for Tunnel-Type set to PPTP, L2TP, or
Add a second output port with similar settings both, depending on which protocols you’re
but with source and destination ports of 1701. supporting on the server. If you haven’t modi-
Configure the filters to exclude all packets fied the default remote access policy, move it
except those that fit the filter criteria. after the VPN policy. You need to make this
change because the default policy denies access
Configuring RAS policy for to all users.
PPTP/L2TP Finally, configure encryption. Double-click
After you configure the ports and other set- the newly created policy to open its properties,
tings for PPTP and/or L2TP, turn your atten- and then click the Encryption tab. Select the
tion to configuring remote access policies to appropriate options on the Encryption tab,
allow VPN connections (and potentially restrict depending on the levels of encryption you
access only to VPN access). First, create a want to allow for VPN connections according
group (or use an existing group) to give you a to your clients’ configurations.
means of restricting VPN connections to spe-
cific users. Then, open the RRAS console, fol- Conclusion
lowed by the Remote Access Policies branch. In this article, I’ve shown you how to
Create a new remote access policy, giving it an increase security for your remote access
appropriate name such as VPN Access. Config- servers. You can do so using remote access
ure the conditions for the policy to include policies and VPN. On VPNs, you have sev-
group membership so that it restricts access eral different types of protocols to choose
only to users who belong in your VPN users from, including PPTP and L2TP. I explained
group. Then, add a condition for NAS-Port- these protocols and how to configure RRAS
Type set to Virtual (VPN). Add a third condi- to support them.
sing new products from Sybergen and
Linksys to share Internet access is BEFORE WE BEGIN
great for the consumer, but these In order to configure the R&R module cor-
products aren’t practical or efficient for a cor- rectly, you must have your DNS server and
porate network. To address this concern, this DHCP server information handy. You
article examines the routing and remote should also have already installed a second
access options available with Windows 2000 network adapter card in the machine. (I’ll
Advanced Server. Windows 2000 Advanced discuss the reason for this later.)
Server allows IT professionals to share Inter-
net access, flatten their networks, and not
compromise connectivity.
Figure B Figure C
Click Configure And Enable Routing And Remote Access. For this demonstration, choose Internet Connection Server.
Administration 83
including the popular RAS and VPN connec-
A FEW WORDS ABOUT NAT tions. For this demonstration, choose the first
There are a couple of things to keep in option—Internet Connection Server.
mind when setting up NAT through Routing Using two NICs
and Remote Access. First, you must set up We want the ability to share our Internet con-
a DHCP server before beginning the setup. nection with the rest of the network comput-
Second, you must decide what IP scheme ers, so we will need an additional NIC placed
to assign the inside card. The R&R module in the PC. The R&R module gives you a choice
will use NAT to masquerade your internal to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or
network, and the only visible IP will be the Network Address Translation (NAT). For the
one assigned to you by your ISP. purpose of our demonstration, we will choose
NAT. Assign the outside Internet connection
NIC an IP address assigned to you by your
ISP, and then give an internal IP scheme to the
Figure D second NIC. The R&R module does the rest.
When installing your NICs, be sure to use
unique names for your cards. The naming con-
vention is entirely up to you, but I recommend
using names that will allow you to quickly rec-
ognize which NIC is serving what purpose.
This is especially handy when you happen to
be using the same brand of network cards.
In my case, I have two 3Com 905B cards
installed, so I used Wizard.Home for my exter-
nal card because this is the card that is actually
connected to the outside Internet. I then used
RacerX.Lan to represent my internal LAN.
After you have chosen Internet Connection
Select the Network Address Translation (NAT) routing protocol. Server and clicked Next, you are ready to make
the choice between ICS and NAT. I chose
NAT, as shown in Figure D, and I suggest you
Figure E do the same.
Choose your connection type
The next screen that appears is the Internet
Connection page. Here we have a couple of
choices to make. First, do we want to create a
demand-dial Internet connection? Since we
have a cable modem and a 24/7 connection to
the Internet, our answer is “No.” However, if
you are using a dial-up modem or a modem
pool, then you might want to create a demand-
dial connection. Our second choice is to
decide which NIC to designate as the outside
Internet connection. This is where our naming
convention pays off. Simply choose the card
that is directly connected to the Internet, as
Specify your Internet connection NIC. shown in Figure E, and click Next.
Wrapping up
I realize that using Windows 2000 Advanced
Server might have a high price tag attached for
a home network user’s solution. However, I
think that not only is this a good large network
solution, but it is also a good SOHO business
solution as well. For the general home user, I
would probably stick to the Sybergen or
Linksys products unless you are planning to do
other things like host a Web or FTP server, in
which case Windows 2000 Advanced Server Click Finish to complete the Routing and Remote Access configuration.
might be the choice for you.
he Windows 2000 Routing And effective and efficient inbound VPN server
Remote Access Service (RRAS) allows traffic possible for your network. The VPN
you to configure a Windows 2000 Wizard does most of the legwork for you, but
Server family computer as a VPN server. The you’ll do more after you run the wizards.
Windows 2000 VPN server represents a In this article, I’ll explain what you can
tremendous improvement over the VPN focus on to optimize your inbound VPN con-
server functions available in the Steelhead nections. After reading this, you’ll be ready to
release of the Windows NT 4.0 version of the tune your VPN server environment for the
RRAS VPN server. Windows NT 4.0 VPN quickest and most secure inbound connections
server configuration was tedious and difficult, you can get out of your setup.
and the only tunneling protocol supported was
PPTP. You configure the Windows 2000 VPN Client side
server using easy-to-use wizards, and it sup- Most Windows 2000 VPN servers allow
ports both PPTP and L2TP/IPSec as tunnel- inbound VPN connections from external net-
ing protocols. work VPN clients directly connected to the
While the Windows 2000 VPN server is Internet. Implementing a VPN server allows
easy to set up and configure, you should do you to dispose of your modem banks and
several things to make sure you have the most replace them with a single fast connection to
Administration 85
the Internet. Your remote users don’t need to X L2TP/IPSec client connections
make expensive long-distance or 800-number X Simplifying client connection setups using
calls to reach the corporate network. All they the Connection Manager Administration Kit
need to do is establish a connection to a local
ISP and then create the virtual link to the PPTP client connections
internal network via a VPN client connection. The VPN Wizard creates a number of PPTP
On the client side, you can focus on three ports on the external interface of the VPN
areas to optimize client connections: server that accept incoming calls from PPTP
X PPTP client connections VPN clients. PPTP was introduced with the
Steelhead release of the Routing And
Figure A Remote Access Server for Windows NT 4.0
The first version of PPTP got some bad press
because of some well-described security holes.
Although Microsoft patched those holes,
PPTP has suffered from a bad reputation as
an unsecure VPN protocol. However, nothing
could be farther from the truth.
The version included with Windows 2000 is
PPTP 2.0. It closes the holes seen with the ini-
tial version of PPTP and includes a number
of performance enhancements. PPTP is the
fastest of the VPN protocols included with
the Windows 2000 VPN server and the easiest
Windows 2000 VPN protocol to set up and
configure. If you’re a beginner at setting up
Accessing the RRAS’s Properties dialog box Windows 2000 VPN servers, you should use
PPTP as your VPN protocol.
Figure B PPTP is a secure VPN protocol, but the
level of security is dependent on the complex-
ity of the passwords used by VPN clients. If
your VPN clients choose simple passwords,
hackers and other Internet intruders will be
able to break into the VPN server almost as
easily as they could have with the previous ver-
sion of PPTP. Make sure your clients use com-
plex passwords of at least eight characters. The
passwords should contain letters, numbers, and
symbols. Your network policy should be set so
that passwords are changed periodically. Be
careful not to force password changes too
often, though, as users will balk if they have to
change and remember new, complex pass-
words frequently.
The default PPP authentication protocols
are MS-CHAP and MS-CHAP version 2. MS-
CHAP allows downlevel operating systems to
authenticate with the VPN server. To secure
Configuring PPP Authentication Methods your PPP logon credentials, you should disable
Figure D Figure E
Administration 87
2. In the Ports Properties dialog box, click on L2TP/IPSec client connections
the WAN Miniport (PPTP) entry and then If you want the best security Windows 2000
click the Configure button (see Figure D). VPN servers have to offer, you’ll want to use
3. In the Configure Device - WAN Miniport L2TP/IPSec for your VPN client connections.
(PPTP) dialog box, type the number of L2TP/IPSec doesn’t depend on just the user-
desired ports in the Maximum Ports text name and password information to secure a
box (see Figure E). Click OK after making connection. L2TP/IPSec clients require com-
the change. puter certificates to authenticate to the VPN
server. Computer certificates cannot be
4. If you want to change the number of
“guessed” and provide a high level of security
L2TP listening ports, repeat the procedure
for VPN client connections.
by clicking on the WAN Miniport (L2TP)
I know many administrators who balk at the
entry. After you have completed configur-
idea of implementing L2TP/IPSec VPNs. It’s
ing the port numbers, click Apply and
not that they don’t want to use L2TP/IPSec,
then click OK in the Ports Properties dia-
it’s just that they’re unfamiliar with setting up a
log box.
Certificate Server and configuring Group Pol-
PPTP is the best protocol for small to icy to automatically assign client certificates via
medium-size businesses that don’t want to auto-enrollment. Once the VPN client com-
implement a Public Key Infrastructure to sup- puters have computer certificates, creating
port L2TP/IPSec VPN calls. Even if you do L2TP/IPSec connections is a no-brainer.
plan to roll out an L2TP/IPSec VPN solution, You can configure a Certificate Server on
it may actually be easier to allow PPTP and your internal network using Microsoft Cer-
L2TP/IPSec VPN connections to live side by tificate Services. After the Certificate Server
side for a while so that you can implement is installed and configured, Group Policy is
client-side computer certificates and support configured to automatically enroll domain
downlevel operating systems that are in the members and assign machine certificates.
process of being upgraded. Perform the following steps to enable auto-
Figure F
Administration 89
When VPN clients connect to the Windows 4. On the Networking tab, click the down
2000 VPN server, the default client configura- arrow in the Type Of VPN Server I Am
tion is to negotiate the type of VPN tunnel. Calling drop-down list box, click the
The VPN client will try L2TP/IPSec first and, Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) option
if not successful, try PPTP. You can configure (see Figure I), and click OK. Note that if
the client to use only L2TP/IPSec by configur- you want the client to use only PPTP, you
ing the client connection properties, like so: can select Point To Point Tunneling Proto-
1. Right-click the My Network Places object col (PPTP) and prevent negotiation for an
on the desktop and click Properties. L2TP connection.
2. In the Network And Dial-Up Connections You may get complaints from your users
dialog box, right-click the VPN connection regarding their ability to access the Internet
object and click Properties. after they establish the VPN link to the corpo-
rate network because a new default route is
3. In the VPN connection object’s Properties
added to the VPN client’s routing table. All
dialog box, click the Networking tab.
Internet-bound requests will be routed
through the VPN link and will cause attempts
to browse the Internet or access Internet
Figure I e-mail servers to fail.
This inability to access the Internet while
the VPN link is active is the preferred configu-
ration. You don’t want your clients to access
the Internet at the same time that they access
the internal network; this represents a very
poor security configuration. It would be like
allowing internal network users to add a
modem to their machines so that they can
access the Internet independently of any client
access controls you’ve set on your firewall.
As you work to set up and configure your
VPN, don’t forget that both the clients and the
servers can use some good old-fashioned
tweaking. Although the improvements from
previous versions are significant, the need for
further optimization, as with most Microsoft
Forcing the type of VPN connection to create with the
products, is necessary in order to make the
VPN server best of your VPN server connections.
As VPNs have quickly become the de facto
standard for remote access, it’s critical for sys-
I DON’T SUGGEST THIS, BUT IF YOU HAVE TO… tems administrators to get up to speed on their
If you must allow VPN clients to access the Internet at the same optimization. As VPN technology grows and
time they’re connected to the VPN server, you can configure the stabilizes, so should your knowledge of VPN
VPN client connection object to allow this. The key entry is Use optimization. Getting rid of MS-CHAP ver-
Default Gateway On Remote Network. You’ll find this entry in vari- sion 1, changing the number of L2TP ports,
ous places, depending on the version of VPN client connection enabling auto-enrollment, and configuring
object you’re using. Once you disable the Use Default Gateway On clients to use only L2TP/IPSec are sound ways
Remote Network option, the user will be able to access the Inter- to get your incoming VPN connections zip-
net and the internal network simultaneously.
ping along with speed and security.
ust setting up a VPN with RRAS is not outside of the broadcast range of the VPN
enough when working in an enterprise-level interface on the VPN server. To solve the
environment. For ultimate speed and secu- broadcast problem, you must install and con-
rity, you need to optimize both the client-side figure a WINS server on the internal network.
and network-side services. For a review of Also, all servers on the network need to be
methods that you can employ on the client configured as WINS clients, especially servers
side, check out my article, “Optimize inbound that can act as master browsers on their local
client connections for your Windows 2000 subnet. This also includes the PDC or PDC
VPN servers” (page 85). emulator for the network, because they collate
From the server side, there are several serv- and redistribute the browser list.
ices, such as WINS, DNS, and DHCP, you The VPN client obtains the WINS server
should configure on the internal network with address from the VPN server. This address is
your VPN clients in mind. Once you have typically obtained from the internal interface
these services set up correctly, your VPN client of the VPN server. However, if you have mul-
connections will work as if they were directly tiple internal interfaces, you might need to
connected to the internal network via an Eth- manually select the interface that assigns name
ernet cable. Ultimately, that means you’ll get a server addresses. Another option is to have a
lot fewer support calls from your VPN users. DHCP server assign name server addresses to
Here, I will explain how you can optimize the VPN client.
WINS, DNS, DHCP, and the routing table and While the most common method of assign-
addressing infrastructure to improve your ing IP address and name server information to
VPN clients’ speed and security. VPN clients is via automatic assignment by the
VPN server, you aren’t limited to this option.
WINS The VPN client software can be configured
The Windows Internet (network) Naming with static IP and name server addresses. VPN
Server (WINS) resolves NetBIOS names to IP clients can also be assigned IP addresses on a
addresses. I’ve heard people say that if you run per-user account basis. Note that you cannot
a Windows 2000-only network, you don’t need assign name servers based on user account.
a WINS server. This is only partially true. The The WINS server is even more useful for
fact is, you don’t need WINS if you run a Win- allowing clients to connect via a UNC path.
dows 2000 network that doesn’t require any Net- The VPN client will query the internal network
BIOS services. Unfortunately, many popular
network services are dependent on the Net-
The most prominent NetBIOS-dependent WITH A DHCP SERVER
service is the browser service. The browser Keep in mind that VPN clients are RAS clients, so they never
service is responsible for populating the directly communicate with a DHCP server—not even when you
browser list, which appears as a list of network have configured the VPN server to obtain IP addresses from a
resources (computers) in the Network Neigh-
DHCP server. However, your VPN clients can obtain DHCP
borhood or the My Network Places applica-
options by configuring a DHCP relay agent on the VPN server
tion. Because the browser service is a
NetBIOS-dependent service, it depends on itself. DHCP options such as WINS and DNS server addresses
local subnet broadcasts to communicate with can be assigned this way. One thing you cannot assign to RAS
other browser service participants. clients via DHCP options is a default gateway. The VPN clients will
This creates a problem when your VPN always be assigned a default fault and host route to the IP address
clients need to browse to resources on subnets of the tunnel server’s virtual IP address.
Administration 91
WINS server that was assigned to the VPN providing IP addressing information to your
interface on the client, and the WINS server internal network clients. That same DHCP
will return the IP address of the server on the server or servers can be used to assign IP
internal network. addresses to your VPN clients. You can create
custom scopes for your VPN clients to make it
DNS easier to control the IP address assignment to
If you construct your network well, you’ll have these machines.
relatively little use for NetBIOS-dependent
applications. The majority of applications used A NOTE ABOUT SCOPES
on current networks aren’t tied to the Net-
A scope is a collection of IP addresses that
BIOS interface; they are native TCP/IP-based
belong to a particular network ID. When a
applications. These applications and services
use DNS for host name resolution. Although DHCP server is configured with a scope, it
DNS doesn’t populate the browser list, it per- can service requests for IP addresses from
forms a host of other valuable functions for clients on that network ID.
your VPN clients.
For VPN clients to access Web, FTP, e-mail, The DHCP server can be on the same net-
and news services on your internal network work as the internal interface of the VPN
using FQDNs, you want to ensure that DNS is server or on a remote network. If you need to
configured on the internal network. If you are use a DHCP server on a remote network, you
running a Windows 2000 Active Directory net- must configure a DHCP Relay Agent, which
work, you already have a DNS infrastructure in acts as a router for DHCP messages. The
place. If you aren’t running Active Directory VPN server will be able to obtain addresses
or DNS on your internal network, you’ll find for the DHCP clients by taking advantage of
that name resolution will proceed much faster the DHCP message routing capabilities of the
and more reliably after installing DNS and DHCP Relay Agent, which is why the DHCP
configuring the VPN client to use the internal Relay Agent is considered a routing protocol.
network DNS server. Installing and configuring the DHCP Relay
Agent on the VPN server is easy. In the RRAS
console, expand your server name and then
expand the IP Routing node. Right-click the
DNS FUNCTIONALITY General node and select New Routing Proto-
When setting up your VPN clients to use col. In the New Routing Protocol dialog box,
the internal network DNS infrastructure, click on the DHCP Relay Agent entry and
you should test the configuration before click OK.
allowing your users to connect to the VPN. The DHCP Relay Agent will appear in the
You can quickly test the VPN client DNS left pane. Right-click the DHCP Relay Agent
functionality using the Nslookup tool. Cre- node and select New Interface. Click on Inter-
ate a dial-up connection to the VPN server nal and OK. In the DHCP Relay Properties
and then open a command prompt. Type dialog box, leave the defaults—unless you
nslookup and the fully qualified domain want the DHCP packets to hop more than
name of an internal network host, such as four routers—and click OK. Right-click the
DHCP Relay Agent node and open its proper-
server1.internal.net. Nslookup should
ties sheet. In the DHCP Relay Agent Proper-
return the proper internal network address
ties dialog box, type in the IP address of the
for server1.internal.net.
DHCP server and then click Add and OK.
The DHCP Relay Agent will now forward
DHCP DHCP messages to the DHCP server you
If you work on a network of any appreciable entered in the Properties dialog box.
size, you probably already have a DHCP server Note that if you place the DHCP server on
a remote network, the server should have a
Administration 93
This should be considered a good thing. It X Click Add | Remove Windows
isn’t very wise to allow VPN clients to bridge Components.
their Internet and VPN connections because X Click Networking Services.
the client can act as a gateway for Internet
intruders to access the corporate network. X Select the Rip Listener check box.
This is akin to allowing your corporate net- X Click OK.
work users to attach modems to their desktops After the RIP listener is enabled, the
and connect to the Internet while still con- machine will listen for RIP version 1 broad-
nected to the corporate network. You don’t let casts. So if you’re using only RIPv2, the RIP
your internal network desktop users do this, listener will not use routing table entries. The
and you shouldn’t allow it on your VPN Windows 2000 RRAS server can be configured
clients either. to issue RIP v1 and v2 broadcasts to support
However, a workaround for this problem machines configured as RIP listeners.
would be to manually create static routing table
entries on the laptop computers after the VPN VPN CLIENTS CANNOT BE
link is established. The reason for this is that if
you use DHCP to assign an IP address to the
Machines connected to the internal net-
VPN clients, you never know what the gateway
work can be configured as RIP listeners,
address will be for the client’s VPN connec-
tion. To get around the dynamic address because the RIP listener software listens
assignment issues, you can assign a static IP on the physical interface. The RIP listener
address to a user’s account on the Dial-in tab doesn’t listen on the virtual interface. Even
of the user account properties. A far superior if the RIP routing protocol is installed on
solution is to configure the VPN client the VPN server, it will not be able to share
machines to use the corporate Proxy/Firewall routing table information with VPN clients.
servers to access the Internet. Then, you force The RIP listener isn’t an answer to the
the VPN clients to conform to the corporate routing table problems that dial-up modem
Internet security policy. clients have when connecting to the VPN
When a machine connected to the routed server over the Internet.
corporate network needs to create a VPN link
to a VPN server on an external network—or
even on the intranet if you are using VPNs to Conclusion
segregate your security zones—you may have The Windows 2000 Routing and Remote
another issue. The default gateway will change Access Service may make it easier to create a
to the VPN interface and the machine will no VPN server; however, getting the internal net-
longer be able to access remote subnets on the work tuned up to support your VPN clients
corporate network. The solution is to enter takes a bit more effort. The tips in this article
routing table entries for all the subnets on the should help you appreciate the importance of
machine connected to both the VPN and the having WINS, DNS, and DHCP servers on
corporate network. You can create static rout- the internal network to support the VPN
ing table entries; however, on a large network, clients, and how VPN clients handle routed
this is unfeasible. A better solution is to enable internal networks. With this information, you’ll
a RIP listener on the machine. be ready to begin that VPN rollout that your
To enable a RIP listener on a client boss has been bugging you to get started.
machine, do the following:
X Open Control Panel and click Add |
Remove Programs.
hough it isn’t difficult to set up a Win- centralizing the management of VPN client
dows 2000 VPN server for use, a gen- connections. To make the most of RRAS poli-
eral setup doesn’t allow for optimal use cies, run your Windows 2000 domains in
of the server’s resources. However, there are a native mode. This allows you to configure the
number of configurations that you can imple- policies on a granular basis by configuring the
ment to help that server reach its full potential. properties of user accounts. Figure A shows the
On the client side, you can enable MS-CHAP available options when a Windows 2000
version 2, change the number of L2TP ports, domain is run in native mode.
enable auto-enrollment, and configure clients Note that Deb Shinder’s user account is
to use only L2TP/IPSec. allowed dial-in access based on the Remote
On the server side, a couple of simple but Access Policy. The extant Remote Access Pol-
powerful actions allow you to optimize con- icy can be specific to a particular VPN server,
nections: using Routing and Remote Access or if you decide to use RADIUS for authenti-
Service (RRAS) policies and configuring IP cation and accounting, you can have a single
address and name server assignments. Doing Remote Access Policy apply to all VPN
both of these things allows you to increase servers.
your VPN server’s efficiency and blow the To configure an RRAS policy to optimize
socks off your users. your VPN environment:
Using RRAS policies 1. In the Routing And Remote Access con-
RRAS policies allow you to simplify and opti- sole, expand your server name and click on
mize all of your RRAS server connections by the Remote Access Policies node in the left
Figure A Figure B
Administration 95
pane. You can create a new RRAS policy condition, a Windows group membership
or edit the existing RRAS policy. To edit condition, and a Network Access Server
the existing RRAS policy, double-click on port type condition. In this example, con-
the Allow Access If Dial-In Permission Is nections are accepted at any time on any
Enabled policy in the right pane of the day of the week, users must be members
RRAS console. of the TACTEAM\Domain Admins
2. In Figure B, you can see that several condi- group, and the connection type must be a
tions must be met to allow a connection to VPN connection. Only after all these con-
the RRAS VPN server: a day and time ditions are met will the Grant Remote
Access Permission option be activated.
Figure C (This option is seen in the If A User
Matches The Conditions frame.) To add a
condition, click the Add button.
3. The Select Attribute dialog box appears
next (Figure C). To allow only L2TP/IPSec
VPN tunnels for the Domain Admins
group covered in this policy, for example,
select the Tunnel-Type attribute and click
the Add button.
4. In the Available Types column in the Tunnel-
Type dialog box, select the Layer Two Tun-
neling Protocol (L2TP) entry and click the
Add button. The entry will then move to
the Selected Types column (Figure D).
5. The condition now appears in the pol-
icy’s properties dialog box (Figure E). Click
Figure D Figure E
Edit to change the profile settings for In the above example, I set some stringent set-
this policy. tings on connections made by domain admins.
6. In the Edit Dial-In Profile dialog box, click You might want to create other policies for dif-
the Authentication tab (Figure F). The ferent groups of users, which require different
default settings allow both MS-CHAP VPN tunnel types, time of day requirements,
and MS-CHAP version 2. Deselect the and levels of encryption.
Microsoft Encrypted Authentication Configuring IP address and name
(MS-CHAP) check box. server assignments
7. Select the Encryption tab. Since domain There are two ways VPN servers can assign
administrators will carry out the most addresses to clients: via a DHCP server or via
security-sensitive operations, you might a static address pool.
want to force 128-bit encryption for all To assign addresses via DHCP, it is impor-
their sessions. Deselect the Basic and tant to note that your RAS VPN client never
Strong check boxes, leaving only the directly communicates with the DHCP server.
Strongest encryption option selected The VPN server obtains the IP addresses used
(Figure G). This will force 128-bit encryp- for VPN client assignments during VPN
tion on all connections matching the con- server boot-up. If the VPN server uses all the
ditions of this Remote Access Policy. Click available addresses it obtained during boot-up,
Apply and OK to accept the changes you it will obtain extra blocks of IP addresses from
have made to the policy’s profile. the DHCP server ad libitum. The RRAS server
8. Then, click Apply and OK to accept the doesn’t assign any DHCP options. However,
changes you made to the RRAS policy. you can install a DHCP Relay Agent on the
RRAS server to assign a limited set of DHCP
You can create multiple RRAS policies to
options to VPN clients.
meet the specific needs of your organization.
Administration 97
A static address pool can be configured on To configure address assignment:
the VPN server, and IP addresses can be 1. Right-click the server name in the Routing
assigned to VPN clients from this pool. If you And Remote Access console and click
choose the static address pool option, make Properties.
sure internal network clients are not using the
2. Click on the IP tab (Figure H). The default
addresses in the pool. You’ll also make life
setting is to use DHCP for IP address
simpler if you choose a range of addresses
assignment. If you need to use a static
that are on subnet—on the same network ID
address pool, select the Static Address
as the internal interface of the VPN server.
Pool option and click Add to add a range
You don’t need to use DHCP options to
of IP addresses. The Enable IP Routing
assign name servers to VPN clients, because
check box should be selected if you want
the RRAS server will automatically assign
the VPN clients to access servers on the
WINS and DNS server addresses to VPN
internal network. If it’s not selected, VPN
clients based on the WINS and DNS server
clients will be able to access only resources
settings on the internal interface of the VPN
on the VPN server itself. The Allow IP-
server. This name server assignment takes
Based Remote Access And Demand-Dial
place during the Internet Protocol Connection
Connections option must be selected if
Protocol (IPCP) negotiation process. If you
you want the VPN server to assign
have multiple internal interfaces on the VPN
addresses to the VPN clients.
server, you can manually select which interface
will be used to assign name server addresses to 3. The RRAS server determines which inter-
VPN clients. face should be used to assign name server
settings; however, it sometimes gets things
Figure H wrong. If it does, click the down-arrow on
the Adapter drop-down list and manually
select the adapter that should be used for
WINS and DNS server assignments to
VPN clients. The VPN clients will be con-
figured with WINS and DNS server
addresses that are configured on the inter-
face you select. Click Apply and OK to
accept the changes.
Using RRAS and configuring IP addresses
and name server assignments allows you to
further tune the settings on your Windows
2000 VPN server and create a VPN environ-
ment that meets the requirements of your
organization. Doing so can make your job go
a little smoother and your end users happy
anaging remote access servers itself. But a quicker and more elegant solution
can be among the most high- is to run the RAS Server Monitor (Rassrv-
maintenance activities that any mon.exe) from the Windows 2000 Resource
administrator has to juggle. Simply put, tons of Kit (http://www.microsoft.com/win-
things can go wrong that prevent a user from dows2000/techinfo/reskit/default.asp),
connecting, stop a user from accessing network which, unfortunately, works only with Win-
resources, or slow down the user’s connection. dows 2000 RAS servers and not with NT4
However, many of these problems are RAS servers.
beyond the administrator’s immediate control, You can have the utility running perma-
such as client configuration difficulties, hard- nently on your workstation so that you can
ware problems at the remote user’s end, issues quickly check the server’s status with the util-
with the user’s ISP (if connecting over a VPN), ity’s GUI, or you can run it on another com-
and Internet bandwidth problems. puter and leave it to collect the monitored
In my experience, once a RAS server is up information to file. You can then check the
and running, subsequent reported problems information ad hoc. If you have multiple RAS
tend to be user-related issues rather than servers, you should have multiple instances of
server problems. Nevertheless, you can bet the RAS Server Monitor—one for each server.
users will contact you and complain about This utility produces three files, which all
problems with the RAS server(s). And when have the base name of the server (name or
they do, you usually have to confirm that address) that you provide when you load the
everything is working as expected on the utility, with the extensions .webstatus, .userlist,
server side before they will doubt their end of and .userdetails. The .webstatus file is designed
the connection. to be posted on a Web server, so you can pub-
I’ve had many frantic calls from remote lish the current status of your RAS server on
users complaining that the RAS server is down your company intranet. This includes informa-
and must be fixed immediately because it is tion such as the number of currently con-
imperative for them to do their work, and only nected users, total calls, total bytes transferred,
after I’ve proved that the problem is not with and the total and peak number of connections.
the RAS server have they looked a little closer The .userlist and .userdetails files provide more
to home and found the problem. details on each connection made and include
So what can you do to streamline the trou- information such as user name and worksta-
bleshooting process? I’ve put together some tion name, the IP address allocated and type of
tips that can help with this time-consuming port used, the number of bytes transferred,
exercise. the first and last connection, the connection
duration, and the line speed.
Gather timely information As a background task, you can also config-
When a user complains that the RAS server is ure the RAS Server Monitor to alert you if it
down, the most obvious thing to check is that detects problems, so that you will know about
the server is running and that the RAS service them before a user contacts you. The first
is started. Most admins check this by pinging alerting service monitors whether the RAS
the server and then connecting to the server to service is up by sending the MprAdmin-
verify that the RAS service is up. PortEnum API to the server you specify. A
Of course, you can do this from your work- failure to respond means the service or server
station rather than physically on the server is down. You configure the alert (for example,
Administration 99
send an e-mail message or log an error) by My first tip here would be to make sure that
running a program of your choice when the you know how the administration modes work
number of failed responses continues over a for Remote Access Policies, use the simplest
period of time. By default, this time period is policies you can, bear in mind the order of
10 minutes. processing, and document your choices (per-
The second alerting service monitors for haps with a flowchart to show their decision
inactive RAS connections over a specified time criteria for allowing connections).
period. Obviously, there may be legitimate rea- My second tip—particularly when using
sons for this inactivity (for example, overnight multiple RAS servers—is to centralize authen-
hours and quiet periods during popular vaca- tication with Windows 2000’s Internet Authen-
tion times), but on RAS servers that are usually tication Service (IAS), even if you have to load
busy during the day, it could indicate that it on the same machine as Win2K RRAS. This
there’s a problem with the line(s), which would is because IAS will record which Remote
not be detected by the service API monitor. Access Policy is being used with each connec-
tion in the Event Log, which makes it much
Does the user have dial-in easier to troubleshoot policy problems.
If you’re running RAS servers in a native- Is your firewall preventing VPN
mode Active Directory domain, you can use users from connecting?
the new permission Control Access Through If you have VPN connections using PPTP, you
Remote Access Policy on all user accounts so will need to allow TCP port 1723 and IP pro-
that dial-in permissions are always kept cen- tocol port 47 to pass through your firewall. If
trally on your RAS servers as part of your you are using L2TP/IPSec, you will need UDP
Remote Access Policies. However, if you are port 500 and IP protocol port 50 to pass
still using NT4 RAS servers or your Active through the firewall. If you are using AH as
Directory is not in native mode, you will need well as ESP in your IPSec policies, you will
to grant the dial-in permission on each user also need IP protocol port 51 to pass.
account. You can use the Windows 2000 Resource
It can be quite tedious and time-consuming Kit utility PPTP Ping to confirm that this pro-
to individually check this on multiple accounts. tocol is working between client and server.
One way to ease the burden a bit is to make it a Simply install pptpsrv.exe on the RAS server
regular administrative task to use the Resource and install pptpclnt.exe on the client. Issue the
Kit tool RASUsers to output a list of all users command pptpclnt <ip address of VPN server>
on a server or domain that have been granted on the client. If the protocol reaches the
this right. You can then import this informa- server, the server will display a successful mes-
tion into a database or spreadsheet, making it sage. If port 1723 is blocked or if port 1723 is
very quick to search and confirm whether a open but protocol 47 is blocked (the most
user account has been granted that right. common configuration mistake with firewalls),
this will be reported as an error since there will
Are Remote Access Policies be no connectivity taking place.
preventing users from In the early stages, when you are testing
connecting? your VPN server, the simplest way to check
Windows 2000 Remote Access Policies are the viability of the VPN server itself is to
great for granular control of user permissions eliminate the firewall by setting up a client
and connections. However, they can also be a VPN connection over Ethernet rather than
pain to support, and they can get so complex over the Internet. If this doesn’t work when
that it’s difficult to figure out which policy is there is no firewall between the server and the
being used, and thus, which condition is client, you can’t blame the firewall for the con-
responsible for a failed connection. nection problem.
Administration 101
Summing up tus, verifying dial-in permission and Remote
Running a trouble-free RAS service isn’t easy, Access Policies, firewall configuration, cer-
but I hope these tips and tools will help you tificate verification, performance improve-
streamline troubleshooting this important ments, preconfiguring connection details for
service. The tips have included gathering users, and having some contingency plans to
timely information on your RAS servers’ sta- call upon.
any a network administrator has col (L2TP), and IP Security (IPSec) are the
tried to set up a virtual private net- most popular protocols for securing VPN
work (VPN) client from a worksta- traffic.
tion with a nonroutable (private) IP address X NAT is based on RFC1631 (http://www.
only to find out—amid much frustration— rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1631.txt) and is typi-
that the network address translation (NAT) on cally used to connect a private network to a
the Internet router keeps the VPN client from public network, such as connecting your
making the connection. We’re going to look at company network to the Internet. For more
the reasons behind this common problem and information, refer to Cisco’s article “How
see what you can do about it. NAT Works” (http://www.cisco.com/
Important concepts warp/public/556/nat-cisco.shtml). Keep
in mind that to function, NAT doesn’t just
First, here are four basic concepts you need to
understand: swap IP source and destination addresses,
but it may also swap TCP source and desti-
X Encapsulation involves wrapping a header
nation ports, change the IP and TCP header
around a data unit, typically an IP packet.
checksums, change the TCP sequence and
Encapsulation can also be referred to as
acknowledgment numbers, and change IP
tunneling. For instance, IP packets get
addresses contained in the data payload.
encapsulated in a frame-relay header when
they traverse a frame-relay WAN. VPN protocols
X Encryption provides a way to secure sensi- Now we need to look at a few of the impor-
tive data by translating it into private code. tant differences between the two VPN tunnel-
It can then be decrypted only by using a ing methods:
secret key or a password. X IPSec and L2TP—These two open proto-
X A VPN encapsulates and encrypts packets cols are popular across multiple platforms.
to send a private network’s data over a pub- However, they usually encapsulate and
lic network (such as the Internet) to another encrypt the IP datagram, which contains the
private network. Point-to-Point Tunneling IP source and destination addresses. This
Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Proto- can make them troublesome for NAT.
Administration 103
that their products may have for dealing with X “Configuring Router-to-Router Dynamic-
NAT and VPN interoperability. to-Static IPSec with NAT”
Cisco provides the following sample net- (http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/
work configurations and scenarios that can 707/ios_804.html)
help to better understand and manage NAT- X “Configuring IPSec Router-to-Router,
VPN issues: Pre-shared, NAT Overload Between
X “Configuring Router to VPN Client, Private Networks”
Mode-config, Wild-card Pre-shared Key (http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/
with NAT” 707/overload_private.shtml)
X “Configuring IPSec Router-to-Router with
NAT Overload and CiscoSecure VPN Client”
X “Configuring an IPSec Tunnel through a (http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/
Firewall with NAT” 707/ios_D.html)
X “Configuring a Router IPSec Tunnel
Private-to-Private Network with NAT
and a Static IP Address”
irtual private networks (VPNs) allow VPN link, the computer becomes a member to
you to connect to private network the private network. The client then will be
resources over the Internet. The VPN able to access resources on the network, such
link mimics the connection you would have if as printers and shares, just as if it were directly
all devices were directly connected to your pri- connected.
vate LAN. The difference is that instead of A less common, but important, implemen-
connecting directly to the private network, tation of VPNs is to use them to connect
devices connect first to the Internet and then entire networks to one another. The VPN link
establish the virtual link that creates the con- acts like a routed connection that allows clients
nection to your private network. on both sides to access resources on the oppo-
The most common implementation of site side. Communications move through the
VPNs is allowing a client computer, such as a Internet but are protected by the encryption
Windows 2000 Professional notebook, to provided by the tunneled connection.
make a connection to the Internet and then You need a VPN server on each end of
establish the VPN link. After establishing the the link to create this type of VPN. The
Administration 105
In the Type A Short Name To Describe 5. Use L2TP Over IPSec.
The Local Network text box, type a short 6. Use PPTP.
(less than 10 characters is safe) name for
the local network. In this example, we’ll 7. Use L2TP Over IPSec, If Available.
call it local. In the Type A Short Name To Otherwise, Use PPTP
Describe The Remote Network text box, In this example, we will select Use L2TP
type in a short name for the remote net- Over IPSec, If Available. Otherwise, Use
work. In this example, we’ll call it remote PPTP (Figure B) because it gives us the most
(Figure A). Click Next. flexibility in establishing the connection. Gen-
erally, you will want to use IPSec for your gate-
4. The ISA Server Virtual Private Network
way-to-gateway tunnels, but it is helpful to
(VPN) Protocol page will appear. You
have PPTP available for initial testing. You can
have three choices:
remove the PPTP packet filters after you have
confirmed that your VPN is functioning and
Figure A that your IPSec configuration works properly.
Click Next.
1. The Two-Way Communication page will
appear next. If you wish to allow both ends
to initiate a call, put a check mark in the
Both The Local And Remote ISA VPN
Computers Can Initiate Communication
check box. If you do not, only the remote
VPN server will be able to initiate a call. In
the top text box, enter the IP address of
the FQDN of the remote ISA Server. In
the bottom text box, enter the NetBIOS
name of the computer or the NetBIOS
name of the domain (if the machine is a
domain controller). In this example, we will
allow bidirectional initiation of calls. We
Naming the VPN connection
will use gateway.tacteam.net as the FQDN
Figure B Figure C
Configuring access to the remote network IP addresses Configuring the local network IP addresses
Administration 107
1. Open the ISA Management console, Details button to see the changes that will
expand your server or array, and right-click be made to the server. You may also wish
on the Network Configuration node in to select the check boxes that will open the
the left pane. Click Set Up Remote ISA Help files on how to configure demand-
VPN Server. dial interface and IP packet filters. Click
2. On the Welcome to the Remote ISA Finish to complete the wizard.
Server VPN Configuration Wizard page, Once the Local and Remote VPN Wizards
click Next. have been run, users on either side of the
VPN will be able to initiate a demand-dial con-
3. The ISA VPN Computer Configuration nection to the remote network. You can con-
File page appears next. Type in or browse to
figure the demand-dial interface to drop the
the file name. After selecting the file, type
connection after a period of idleness or to be a
in the password (Figure G) and click Next.
permanent connection.
4. The Completing The ISA VPN Configura-
tion Wizard will appear (Figure H). Click the
Figure G Figure H
Running the Remote VPN Wizard Completing the Remote VPN Wizard
hen working with ISA Server con- server or VPN gateway, but they can’t help
figured to run a VPN, trouble- you resolve VPN problems. By learning about
shooting the VPN problems can the problems you might face and how to fix
be one of the most difficult tasks you’ll them, however, you’ll be better prepared to
encounter. The ISA Server’s VPN Wizards do face the challenge should problems arise. In
most of the work when creating the VPN this article, I’ll show you how to identify and
Administration 109
Adapter field at the bottom of the IP tab is set network and that they aren’t assigned to a
to Internal, as shown in Figure A. scope on any of your DHCP servers.
You can also use a DHCP server to assign
DHCP addresses to VPN clients. The RRAS server
Your other option is to use a DHCP server on
will obtain addresses from a DHCP server
the internal network. When your ISA Server is
when the RRAS server starts up. The server
configured to run as a VPN, make sure you
will obtain more addresses when needed, how-
install and configure the DHCP Relay Agent
ever, the RRAS server doesn’t retain any
on the VPN server computer. VPN clients
DHCP options. The only way to assign DHCP
never directly communicate with a DHCP
options, such as WINS address, DNS address,
server because the VPN server doesn’t pass
and domain name, to VPN clients is to install
broadcast messages from VPN clients to the
and configure the DHCP Relay Agent on the
internal network. The DHCP Relay Agent will
VPN server.
proxy for the VPN clients and allow them to
You can assign VPN clients on-subnet and
receive DHCP options.
off-subnet addresses. On-subnet addresses
One thing that definitely won’t work with-
are those that match the same network ID as
out a WINS server is the browser service. If
the internal interface of the ISA Server. On-
your users need access to a network server
subnet addresses are easiest to manage,
browser list, you must install a WINS server
because VPN clients have a valid IP address
and configure the VPN clients to obtain the
for the network ID that the VPN server is
WINS server address.
directly attached to.
IP addressing You can also use off-subnet network
VPN clients can get an IP address from a static addresses for the VPN clients. In this instance,
address pool or from a DHCP server on the the VPN clients are assigned IP addresses that
internal network. You can configure a static are not on the same network ID as the internal
address pool in the same dialog box seen in interface of the ISA Server. This can be a use-
Figure A. Make sure that the addresses in the ful security measure. If the network routing
static address pool aren’t already in use on the infrastructure isn’t set up to support the off-
subnet addresses that you assign the VPN
Figure A Figure B
Select the interface that you want to assign name server Select the VPN interface on which you want to use the Web
addresses. Proxy service.
Administration 111
The best way to do this is to assign the machine to never redial a connection. The
VPN clients off-subnet IP addresses. For gateway-to-gateway VPN router configuration
example, the internal interface of the VPN should have a passive side that receives calls
server is connected to network ID and an active side that makes calls. On the pas-
and the VPN clients are assigned IP addresses sive side, remove the dial-up credentials from
in the range. With this setup, the demand-dial interface configured by the
those VPN clients configured not to use the VPN Wizard.
VPN server as their default gateway will be Remember that your VPN gateway solution
able to access resources on the VPN server, creates a routed connection to the remote net-
but they won’t be able to access resources any- work. You should treat the connection between
where else on the internal network. the networks like you would any other routed
This is because when the client is config- connection. Configure your routing infrastruc-
ured not to use the default gateway on the ture to send packets for the appropriate net-
remote network, the actual default gateway on work IDs to the network on the other side of
the client points to the ISP (the Internet) or the VPN gateway. This will prevent one of
whatever default gateway the client already has the most common communication failures
set up. Any nonlocal requests—including between networks joined by the VPN gateway.
those for network ID—will be for- Design your network services infrastructure
warded to the existing default gateway, which to support the routed networks. Place WINS,
obviously won’t work in getting to subnets on DNS, DHCP, and directory services with this
the VPN network. Even though the VPN routed architecture in mind. I often see ques-
server contains the proper routing table entries tions from ISA Server administrators who
to forward requests to the network IDs on the wonder how to deal with NetBIOS and host
internal network, the off-subnet VPN client name resolution for hosts on the other side of
won’t be able to take advantage of them the network. You handle this problem as you
because they are not using the VPN server as would with any other routed network solution.
their default gateway. Since the link between VPN gateways is not
always reliable, you should install and config-
VPN gateways ure redundant services on each side of the link
ISA Server includes a couple of nice wizards and configure them to replicate with one
that allow you to create a local and remote VPN another, using mechanisms appropriate for
gateway. Gateways can join a remote office to a each network service.
local corporate network. The Local Wizard is
run on the machine receiving the call from the Authentication and encryption
remote office VPN server. The Remote Wizard Your ISA Server configured to run VPN sup-
is run at the VPN server at the branch office. ports both PPTP and L2TP/IPSec VPN con-
These wizards work fine, except for a small nections. ISA Server does not support pure
problem with allowing both sides to initiate a IPSec VPN tunnels. This can create a problem
connection. Only the remote office should when you want to configure a pure IPSec tun-
have the capability to call the central office. If nel between the ISA Server computer and a
you configure both sides with the ability to dial third-party hardware VPN device. The only
one another, you’ll end up with a potential race solution is to configure the third-party device
condition when the VPN connection is to use L2TP/IPSec. If you do decide to use
dropped. Each server will try to dial the other L2TP/IPSec, make sure that you configure
simultaneously, preventing either from accept- compatible IPSec policies. Windows 2000 cre-
ing an incoming connection. ates a default L2TP/IPSec policy.
You can prevent this problem by allowing You can disable the default IPSec policy and
only the central office to dial up the connec- use an alternate policy. This will help if you
tion. After configuring the VPN gateways, go want to use a preshared key between the VPN
to the local VPN server and configure the server and the black box, or you can configure
or the Small Office/Home Office usability features available to Windows Me users
(SOHO), Windows XP Professional and adding the powerful networking features
VPN features are a real boon. Traveling available in Windows 2000. The combination lets
users with laptops or handheld computers will you, the support professional/net admin, create
inevitably want files on the home network; you the ideal remote access solution for the SOHO.
just can’t bring everything with you. This is The Windows XP Professional remote
where the beauty of the Windows XP Profes- access server capabilities are very similar to
sional computer connected to an always-on those available in Windows 2000 Professional.
connection such as DSL or cable modem A Windows XP computer can accept a single
shines. That always-on link can be used to incoming connection on each interface that
accept incoming VPN connections and allow can accept a connection. For example, a Win-
your mobile users to access shared folders and dows XP machine can accept incoming con-
files on your private network. nections on each of the following interfaces:
In this article, I’ll explain how to configure a X Dial-up modem serial interface
Windows XP Professional computer to accept
X Infrared interface
incoming VPN connections and discuss some
tips on improving the remote access experi- X Parallel port interface
ence for the VPN client computer user. X VPN interface
While it’s unlikely, a Windows XP Profes-
Windows XP’s all-in-one sional machine with the above configuration
VPN solution could conceivably accept up to four simultane-
Windows XP Professional is designed as the ous RAS connections. However, the typical
one-stop solution for the SOHO, taking all the
Administration 113
configuration consists of a single RAS client interface cards; one is directly connected to the
connection, either through a dial-up modem Internet and the other is connected to the
interface or a VPN interface. internal LAN. In addition, the external inter-
face of the machine is configured for Internet
Create an incoming connection Connection Sharing (ICS). While ICS changes
with the New Connection Wizard the IP address of the LAN interface of the
Like Windows 2000 Professional, Windows ICS computer to through 16, it’s
XP Professional includes a New Connection easy to change the IP address to one that fits
Wizard. I’ll show you how to use the New the existing network environment. The IP
Connection Wizard to create the new VPN address of the LAN interface of the ICS com-
server interface. In this example, I’ll assume puter was changed to through 24 to
the Windows XP Professional machine is not a fix the preexisting network configuration.
member of a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows
2000 domain. The machine has two network RUNNING ICS AND INCOMING
I have been able to run ICS and incoming
VPN connections on the same interface.
However, to prevent problematic configu-
ration issues, you should configure the
VPN interface before you configure ICS on
the same computer.
Figure B Figure C
Figure D Figure E
Note that you are not presented with any of the network interfaces on the
Figure F Figure G
Any user that isn’t selected won’t be able to initiate an incoming Configuring TCP/IP properties
Administration 115
Callers To Access My Local Area Network tions. First, note that you can create PPTP
check box (Figure H). This will allow VPN or L2TP/IPSec VPN connections. Figure K
callers to connect to other computers on shows the connection status dialog box of a
the LAN. If this check box isn’t selected, Windows XP VPN client connected to a
VPN callers will be able to connect only Windows XP VPN server. Note that MPPE
to resources on the Windows XP VPN 128-bit encryption is automatically enabled
server itself. and that Microsoft CHAP v2 is used for
12. On the Completing The New Connection authentication.
Wizard page, click Finish to create the If you want the VPN client to access
connection. resources on the internal network, the IP
address assigned to the VPN client should be
After the Incoming Connection is com-
on the same network ID as the internal inter-
plete, right-click on the connection in the Net-
face of the Windows XP VPN server com-
work Connections window and click the
puter. In addition, all the machines on the
Properties command (Figure I).
internal network should have a default gateway
Note that on the General tab of the Incom-
set using the IP address of the internal inter-
ing Connections Properties page (Figure J), no
face of the Windows XP VPN server.
devices are listed. The comment No Hardware
In the unlikely event that the SOHO has
Capable Of Accepting Calls Is Installed isn’t true,
multiple network segments, the routing table
since you can now create VPN connections to
on the Windows XP VPN server needs to be
both network interface cards. In practice, there
configured with paths to the various internal
is no point in creating a VPN connection to
network IDs. You can use the ROUTE ADD
the internal interface card.
command to create these routing table entries.
VPN server optimization tips Small networks that use a Windows XP
The New Connection Wizard made it easy to Professional machine for a VPN server proba-
create the VPN server interface, but you can bly won’t have network services such as WINS
still do more to optimize your VPN connec- or DNS. If name resolution on the private
Figure H Figure I
When you save the LMHOSTS file to the
folder, make sure that the file doesn’t con-
tain a file extension. To prevent Notepad
from appending a file extension to the file-
name, when you save the file in Notepad,
put quotes around LMHOSTS.
Windows XP Professional provides simple
VPN server capabilities that let you connect
single VPN clients to your internal network,
one at a time. If the Windows XP Professional If both machines had machine certificates from the
same Certification Authority installed, an L2TP/
computer has a dedicated connection to the IPSec VPN link could have been negotiated.
Internet, you can connect to that computer
from virtually anywhere in the world using a
VPN link. The VPN server setup is simple and
can accept calls from any Windows PPTP or
L2TP/IPSec client.
Administration 117
How to configure Windows XP client
VPN connections
Apr 25, 2002
By TechRepublic Staff
PNs have caught on quickly with nection Wizard. In the wizard, you’ll find four
small and medium-size businesses, selections (instead of the five in Windows
primarily for three reasons: 2000 Professional). The connection type you’ll
1. VPNs permit employees to connect to select is Connect To The Network At My
office resources from home or other loca- Workplace. Then, the next window will ask
tions using common hardware. you to specify the type of connection you’re
creating. Select the Virtual Private Network
2. VPNs provide secure connections.
Connection option and click Next. The next
3. The cost to set up and maintain a VPN is two screens will ask for the company name
low compared to other networking con- and the IP address of the VPN server. Once
nection solutions. you’ve clicked through these screens, you’ll be
In this article, we’ll describe the process of greeted with the final screen, which will ask if
setting up a VPN client connection within the you’d like to add a shortcut to this connection
Windows XP operating system. to the desktop. If you want a VPN icon, click
If you’re configuring laptops for remote Yes; choose No if you don’t. Click Finish.
VPN connections via DSL modem, LAN, or
WAN connectivity, navigate through Start | DIAL-UP
Control Panel | Network And Internet Con- If you’re connecting via dial-up, there are
nections and click the Set Up Or Change Your only two differences. In the New Connec-
Internet Connection link. Once the Internet tion Wizard, under the Network Connection
Properties window opens (Figure A), click the screen, you’ll select Dial-up Connection
Setup button, which will open the New Con-
instead of Virtual Private Network connec-
tion, and you’ll enter a phone number
Figure A instead of an IP address.
n the good old networking days, life as a Even though you’re still running Windows NT,
network administrator was simple. The you can deploy a VPN for those users in need
only users you had to worry about con- by using NT’s RAS. In this article, I’ll show
necting to your network were the ones in your you how it’s done.
building. Users at other locations had their
own networks with another network adminis- AUTHOR’S NOTE
trator to take care of them. Users working You can configure NT to act as a VPN for
from home or on the road couldn’t access net- both dial-up and Internet connections. For
work resources, but had to transport floppies, the purposes of this article, I’ll show you
so you didn’t have to worry about them either. how to configure NT to act as a VPN for
Not any more. Nowadays, users are scat- users who are coming in over the Internet.
tered all across the globe, and they all want
access to your network with the same ease and
rights as if they were in the office next door to VPN on Windows NT
you. That’s where VPNs come in. Deploying a If you want to deploy a VPN on your network
VPN doesn’t mean that you have to upgrade to and you already run Windows NT, then you
Windows 2000 or wait for Windows .NET. don’t necessarily have to invest in a hardware
Administration 119
VPN or upgrade to Windows 2000. You can Configuring Windows NT for
deploy a VPN solution using NT’s RAS. Doing
so is almost as easy as deploying a VPN using
VPN support
Configuring Windows NT for VPN support is
Windows 2000.
a fairly easy task. By default Windows NT con-
However, because Windows NT is older
figures its RAS to allow connections via dial-
than Windows 2000, you don’t gain all of Win-
up. To set up a VPN that will allow access
dows 2000’s additional features in the Win-
from the Internet, you must add PPTP. First,
dows NT VPN. Some of the things missing
right-click Network Neighborhood and select
from Windows NT’s VPN include:
Properties. When the Network Properties win-
X Support for L2TP dow appears, click Protocols.
X Policy support for remote access Click Add on the Protocols screen. You’ll
X Support for an Internet Key Exchange then see the Select Network Protocol screen
appear. Select Point-to-Point Tunneling Proto-
X Support for IPSec
col and click OK. Your server will prompt you
X Active Directory integration to insert the Windows NT Server CD. Do so
That said, NT’s VPN solution is still very and wait while it copies the files to your server.
robust and secure. For security, NT’s VPN When the files finish copying, NT will begin
uses Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol configuring PPTP. You’ll then see the PPTP
(PPTP). NT uses either 40-bit or 128-bit Configuration screen, shown in Figure A.
encryption keys to encrypt traffic that travels The first thing you must do to configure
to and from the server, with the actual encryp- PPTP is set the maximum number of connec-
tion level depending on the software used by tions that you want to allow via VPN. You can
the VPN client. For authentication purposes, specify anywhere from 10 to 256 connections.
PPTP can use any of the following protocols: Oddly enough, you can’t directly type the num-
X Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) ber of connections in the Number drop-down
list box. Instead, you must select the number
X Shiva Password Authentication Protocol
of connections from the box. You can speed
up the process somewhat by pressing the first
X Challenge Handshake Authentication Pro- number of the connection you want. So, if you
tocol (CHAP) want to connect 50 users, you would press 5
X Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authenti- twice, which will cause the list box to scroll
cation Protocol (MS-CHAP) first to 5 and then to 50. You would press 5
You can support up to 256 simultaneous three times to scroll to 51, and four times to
logons to your Windows NT server over the scroll to 52, and so on. Click OK to close the
VPN. Once connected, users have the same window after you’ve set the number of con-
rights on the network as if they were con- nections you want.
nected via a LAN. Next, NT will prompt you to install the
RAS service. Click OK to close the Setup
Figure A Figure B
Administration 121
check box. This is used primarily by dial-up This increases security on your network and
clients to maximize throughput. Click OK to allows you to rest easy knowing that not just
close the Network Configuration window. anyone can get in through your VPN.
After you return to the Remote Access To allow a user to use the VPN, you have two
Setup screen, you can click Continue to close choices: You can either change the user’s rights
the screen and finish the configuration. NT within User Manager For Domains or you can
will copy more files to your server and config- use the Remote Access Admin utility. Let’s
ure the RAS service based on the selections look first at the User Manager For Domains.
you made. When the configuration finishes, Start the User Manager For Domains by
NT will display an informational screen telling clicking Start | Programs | Administrative
you what utilities to use to administer RAS. Tools (Common) | User Manager For
Click OK to shut down the window. You’ll Domains. When the utility starts, select the
then have to restart your Windows NT Server. user to whom you want to grant VPN rights.
After the server restarts, reapply the last Select Properties from the User menu. When
Service Pack you applied to your server and the User Properties screen appears for the
restart it again. After this last restart, you’ll be user, click the Dialin button.
ready to start using RAS. You’ll then see the Dialin Information
screen appear. Select the Grant Dialin Permis-
Allowing users to access RAS sion To User check box. Make sure the No
Just because you install RAS and VPN support Call Back is set in the Call Back box. This box
on your server, doesn’t mean your users can is only useful for users that dial in to a modem,
use it. By default, Windows NT denies every- and it won’t work if users are connecting via
one the ability to access the server via VPN. VPN. Click OK to close the Dialin Informa-
tion screen and then OK again to close the
Figure E User Properties screen.
You can also use the Remote Access Admin
utility. To start the Remote Access Admin util-
ity, click Start | Programs | Administrative
Tools (Common) | Remote Access Admin.
You’ll then see the Remote Access Admin
Window appear. This window lists the avail-
able RAS Server and other information for the
RAS server, which I’ll discuss more below.
To grant a user the right to use the VPN,
select Permissions from the Users menu.
You’ll then see the Remote Access Permissions
screen, shown in Figure E.
To allow a user to use the VPN, scroll
You can control user rights using the Remote Access Admin through the Users list box until you find the
user you want. Click the Grant Dialin Permis-
sion To User check box to allow access to the
Figure F
VPN. Again, make sure that No Call Back is
also selected.
Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to select
multiple users at once. You must select each
user one at a time. Alternatively, you can click
the Grant All button to give VPN rights to
every user on your NT server and then scroll
through the User list box and remove the
You can control the Remote Access Service using Remote Access Admin.
check from the Grant check box. If you want
Administration 123
Monitoring and troubleshooting VPN
connections in WinNT
Jun 12, 2002
By Rick Vanover
W Rights issues
indows 2000 Server has been on
the market for more than two years, The rights needed to access an NT VPN
and its successor, Windows .NET, server are assigned by the Grant Dialin Per-
is just around the corner. But many enterprises mission To User option in each user account.
have consolidated around Windows NT Server This option simply states whether this NT
4 as a back-end infrastructure. That includes account can access the Remote Access Service
using NT as a first-generation, PPTP-based (RAS). This option is assigned in each user
VPN server, even though VPN was a very new account from within the User Manager For
technology back when NT was released in the Domains administrative tool, as shown in
mid-1990s. Figure A.
Of course, supporting an NT VPN server If a user does not have this option
requires the administrator to be diligent in enabled on the account, the connection will
monitoring and optimizing the VPN and to be not be established and the user will be told
able to troubleshoot issues that appear in the that dial-in permission does not exist for the
day-to-day administration of an NT VPN selected account. This will also generate an
server. Event 20082 of source Remote Access in the
Event Log of the Remote Access/VPN
Troubleshooting server.
In supporting VPN clients, I have found most
Microsoft provides a nice list of all RAS-
issues to be related to the client-side configura-
related error codes and a description for
tion, but some important server-side issues
each in Knowledge Base article Q117304
must be considered as well. In terms of VPN
troubleshooting, we’re going to take a look at
rights issues, connection types, networking
Windows NT, unfortunately, does not allow
setup, and client configurations.
the dial-in right to be assigned to a local or
Figure A Figure B
Use the Grant All button to enable RAS/VPN permissions for all users.
Administration 125
authenticate the client to be part of the Win- The downloaded page will then be sent back
dows domain or authenticate it on the VPN down the VPN tunnel to the client. Obviously,
server and simply give it a connection to the most of the time you’re not going to want this
internal network. This setting is configured on to happen.
the VPN client, and it varies slightly with dif- But if you do want to enable this setting—
ferent versions of Windows. Generally, you for example, for tracking all Internet traffic
can configure this setting by selecting (or not from a company laptop—on a Win2K client,
selecting) the Include Windows Logon go to the Properties of the VPN connection
Domain in the Properties dialog box for the and select the Networking tab. Then, select
VPN connection in the Network/Dial-up TCP/IP, click Properties, click Advanced, and
Connections applet. Figure D shows an example select the Use Default Gateway On Remote
of what this looks like using Windows XP as Network check box, as shown in Figure E.
the client operating system. (Windows 2000 Name resolution is also an important part
looks almost identical to this.) of supporting a VPN client. The easy option is
Another important aspect of the VPN to have RAS use DHCP assignments for VPN
client setup is the default gateway. If the client connections. This option will usually give the
VPN connection is set up to use the default clients the same network resolution services
gateway on the remote network, all Internet that DHCP connections on the internal net-
traffic will be routed through the VPN con- work are entitled to use and will greatly sim-
nection. For example, if someone makes a plify the work of an admin.
VPN connection from a home machine, any
time that person tries to access an Internet site,
Client configurations
Client VPN problems can be tough to diag-
the request will be sent over the VPN tunnel
nose. I have found client troubleshooting
to the company network and out the Internet.
Figure D Figure E
Select whether you want the connecting client to be part of the Windows
PN Servers go a long way toward sav- multiple dial-up RAS servers was compounded
ing money for companies with remote by the long distance charges or costs incurred
access clients. In the not-so-distant from 1-800 numbers. VPN servers remove this
past, companies that wanted to give road war- cost-rich hardware/telco layer and allow you to
riors access to corporate internal network support dozens and even hundreds of remote
resources needed to install modem banks and access calls with a single VPN server and high-
multiple phone lines. The cost of installing speed Internet connection.
Administration 127
Most of the articles I see on the Internet X A Y2K fix for the VPN DHCP client
focus on how to set up and configure the VPN component.
server. This makes sense, since most of the X Fixes that improve the stability of the PPTP
complicated work in setting up a VPN connection.
client/server solution is done at the VPN
server. However, configuring VPN clients is X Support for internal ISDN adapters.
not always a piece of cake. This is especially X Multilink support.
true when dealing with legacy VPN client oper- X Support for PPTP connections over a
ating systems, such as the Windows 9x line. “LAN” or dedicated connection (such as
We’ll look at how to configure your Win9x DSL or cable).
computers to be VPN clients that connect to
Check out Microsoft Knowledge Base arti-
Windows NT 4.0 VPN servers. You can use
cle Q297774 (http://support.microsoft.com/
the same procedures to configure the Win9x
clients to connect to Windows 2000 VPN
SD=MSKB&) for full details on DUN 1.4.
servers. The only major difference between
There are several versions of DUN 1.4, one
connecting to Windows NT 4.0 and Windows
each designed for Windows 95, Windows 98,
2000 VPN servers is that the Windows NT 4.0
and Windows 98SE. Information about the
VPN servers do not support the L2TP/IPSec
updates and files for download can be found in
VPN protocol. However, this doesn’t pose
Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q285189
much of a problem for our Win9x VPN
clients, because the only VPN protocol sup-
?scid=kb;en-us;Q285189). Be aware that
ported by Win9x operating systems is the
you will need to restart the computer at the
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).
end of the DUN 1.4 installation.
Windows 9x Dial-up Networking
Service 1.4 (DUN 1.4) Windows Me does not require the DUN 1.4
Before getting into the nuts and bolts of con-
Dial-up Networking update.
figuring the Win9x VPN client, you need to
familiarize yourself with the latest update to
the Win9x Dial-Up Networking Service, DUN Configuring the Windows 9x
1.4. There are several reasons why you’ll want VPN client
to download and install DUN 1.4, including: The procedure for configuring the Windows
X Support for 128-bit encryption. 9x VPN clients is very similar, with only very
minor differences between each version.
Prior to configuring the PPTP VPN client
Figure A connection on the Win9x client, make sure
you have an Internet connection to the Inter-
net VPN server. The Internet connection
device can be an analog dial-up modem,
ISDN terminal adapter, a DSL line, or a
cable connection.
Let’s use the Windows 95 client as an exam-
ple of how to configure all the Win9x clients.
Perform the following steps on your Windows
95 computer:
1. Click Start | Programs | Accessories.
Point to Communications, and then click
on Dial-up Networking.
Figure B Figure C
Figure D Figure E
Administration 129
protocols, the client will attempt to negotiate
NOTE each one selected.
You must create the dial-up connection When you click on the TCP/IP Settings
separate from the VPN connection. button at the bottom of the Server Types tab,
you’ll see what appears in Figure H. Most VPN
Further tweaking with VPN Properties servers will automatically assign IP addressing
You might want to do some further tweaking information to the VPN client. Therefore, you
of the VPN connection. Right-click the VPN should leave the default settings Server
connectoid and click Properties. On the Gen- Assigned IP Address and Server Assigned
eral tab (Figure F), you can change the name or Name Server Addresses as they are. The Use
IP address of the VPN server. This is conven- IP Header Compression option should be set
ient because, if the name or address of the if the VPN server supports this option.
VPN server changes, you don’t have to create a The most interesting option is the Use
new connectoid. Just change an existing one. Default Gateway On Remote Network. When
You can make many customizations on the this option is selected, the VPN client uses the
Server Types tab (Figure G). By default, the Log VPN interface as the gateway for all nonlocal
On To Network and Enable Software Com- network addresses. If the client dialed in to an
pression options are enabled. For connections ISP first, the ISP assigned the computer a
that support MS-CHAP, check the Require default gateway at the ISP to allow the client
Encrypted Password box. If you want to use access to the Internet. However, when the Use
MS-CHAP version 2, the client will negotiate Default Gateway On Remote Network option
MS-CHAP version 2 with the VPN server is enabled, the VPN client is assigned a new
first. If the server does not support MS- default gateway, which is the VPN server’s
CHAP version 2, the client will drop down to VPN interface. The end result is that the VPN
support MS-CHAP version 1. Also, make sure client cannot access the Internet once it con-
that data encryption is enabled. If you want to nects to the corporate VPN.
optimize connection speed, uncheck protocols If this option is disabled, the VPN client will
that you do not use. If you do not disable the be able to access both the internal corporate
network and the Internet at the same time. This
Figure F Figure G
Figure I Figure J
Administration 131
encryption. If the negotiation fails, it will fall PPTP NLB cluster, confirm that only the vir-
back to 40-bit encryption. tual IP address appears on the external inter-
face of each of the cluster members.
Some final thoughts on If a WINS server is manually assigned to a
troubleshooting NIC, the PPTP VPN client will not be able to
There are a handful of troubleshooting issues obtain a WINS server address on the PPTP
you should be aware of before finalizing your VPN interface. This is in spite of the fact that
VPN client/server solution. Many ISPs do not the WINS address is configured only on the
allow incoming GRE packets into their net- NIC. Note that manually setting a DNS server
works, or they require that the user pay extra address on the machine’s NIC will not prevent
for a “business account.” If the VPN client the PPTP VPN client from obtaining a DNS
cannot establish a VPN connection with the server address from the VPN server.
corporate VPN server, the user should contact You may run in to issues when users plug
his ISP to determine if GRE connections are directly into the corporate network with an
allowed for the user’s account. Ethernet card while at work, and then go
Windows 9x clients will not be able to con- home and try to connect to the same network
nect to VPN NLB server clusters if the NLB through the PPTP VPN interface. The user
interface still has the actual IP address config- may need to run the winipcfg utility from the
ured on the cluster servers. Only the virtual IP Run menu to renew the IP address. If that
address can be listed on the external interfaces does not work, the NIC may need to be
of the cluster members if you expect to con- removed before the VPN user can connect to
nect down-level clients to a PPTP VPN NLB the network remotely.
cluster. If the VPN client fails to connect to a
Administration 133
between the client and the Exchange server. and offers alternative means of accessing
The server uses the Messaging Application Exchange data.
Programming Interface (MAPI) to handle
messaging requests. The reliance on ASP
Authentication options
OWA provides three options for authentication:
essentially makes OWA a feature of Internet
Information Server (IIS) rather than Exchange X Basic: This option uses clear text and sim-
Server. ple challenge/response to authenticate
Under Exchange 5.x, OWA functions pri- access. Although it offers the broadest
marily as a Web site hosted under IIS that uses client support, it also offers the least secu-
ASP to process client requests and then uses rity because passwords are transmitted
HTTP to communicate with the Exchange unencrypted.
server (which uses MAPI to manipulate the X Integrated Windows: This option uses the
message store). The combination of ASP and native Windows authentication method
MAPI imposes a performance overhead that offered by the client. On Windows 2000
limits OWA’s capabilities in Exchange Server systems, for example, Internet Explorer
5.x and reduces the number of users a server uses Kerberos to authenticate on the server.
can support through OWA. Other Windows platforms use NTLM
Exchange 2000 Server uses a different rather than Kerberos. Security is better than
architecture that improves performance and Basic authentication because passwords are
thereby increases the number of users that a encrypted. The browser uses the client’s
server can support. OWA in Exchange 2000 Windows logon credentials to authenticate
Server no longer uses ASP but instead relies on the server, eliminating the need for the
on HTML and DHTML. The client browser client to enter the credentials again when
still uses HTTP to connect to the site, but connecting to OWA.
rather than having to process a client request, X Anonymous: You can use anonymous
IIS simply passes the request off to the access on public folders to simplify adminis-
Exchange server and transmits replies back to tration.
the client. OWA, rather than residing on IIS, is
In addition to these three authentication
now integrated within Exchange 2000 Server
mechanisms, OWA supports the use of Secure
as part of the Web Store.
Sockets Layer (SSL) to provide additional secu-
The Web Store provides a single store for
rity for remote connections.
multiple data elements, including e-mail mes-
sages, documents, Web pages, and other data. Topology considerations for
The Web Store supports several important fea- deploying OWA
tures, such as off-line access and remote client If you host only one Exchange 2000 Server
access, and supports multiple protocols, computer, there really aren’t many considera-
including HTTP, WebDAV, and XML. The tions for deploying the server. In a multiserver
Web Store isn’t specifically targeted at support- environment, however, you need to give some
ing access through OWA. Instead, the Web careful consideration to how you will structure
Store offers a richer set of features and capa- your Exchange environment. When you pro-
bilities for storing and accessing data through vide access to your Exchange servers through
means other than just Outlook. For example, HTTP (OWA), IMAP, or POP3 to users on
Microsoft originally included Web Store access the Internet, you should use a front-end
in Outlook XP (the next release of Outlook) server/back-end server scheme. The front-end
to enable Outlook clients to use HTTP to server sits on the Internet, either outside the
work with their message store, but dropped it firewall or inside a perimeter firewall. It
due to performance problems. Through its accepts requests from clients on the Internet,
support for multiple protocols and APIs, the uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Web Store opens up additional avenues for (LDAP) to query the Active Directory for the
developers to extend Exchange functionality location of the requested resource (mailbox,
Administration 135
And Computers consoles. You also can config- end server. Open the Exchange System Man-
ure certain aspects of OWA through the Inter- ager and locate the server in the Servers
net Services Manager console, although branch under the server’s administrative group.
changes you make through the Exchange Sys- Right-click the server and choose Properties to
tem Manager overwrite changes you make open its property sheet and then click the
through the IIS console. In general, you General tab. Select the option This Is A Front-
should use the Exchange Manager and Users End Server and click OK. You need to restart
And Computers consoles for most configura- the Exchange and IIS services or restart the
tion tasks, using the IIS console only for those server for the change to take effect. Because
tasks not available through the other consoles. the back-end servers handle requests from the
Typical configuration tasks you would perform front-end server like any other request, there is
include specifying which users can access their no configuration needed at the back-end
mailboxes through OWA, which authentication server to enable it as such.
methods to allow, and which public folders are Keep in mind when you designate an
exposed to clients. Exchange server as a front-end server as
explained above that you are directing the
Controlling user access server to forward all HTTP, POP3, and IMAP4
By default, all users are enabled for OWA
traffic to the back-end server(s). The front-end
when you install Exchange 2000 Server. In
server can still host an information store and
many situations, you might want to limit the
even user mailboxes, but these mailboxes are
users who can use OWA. You do so through
accessible only through MAPI. Because the
the Active Directory Users And Computers
server forwards all HTTP, POP3, and IMAP4
console. Open the console and choose View,
traffic, you can’t access the front-end server’s
Advanced Features.
store through any of these protocols.
Expand the Users branch and locate a user
for whom you want to deny access through Conclusion
OWA. Click the Exchange Advanced tab and Sometimes your users need to access e-mail on
then click Protocol Settings. Select HTTP, click the network but don’t have access to Outlook
Settings, and deselect the Enable For Mailbox or Outlook Express to do so. To solve this
option. Configure any other settings as needed problem, Microsoft created Outlook Web
for the user and close the user’s property sheet. Access in Exchange 5.0. As with most things,
Configuring a front-end server Microsoft improved the feature in Exchange
If you intend to use a front-end/back-end 2000. In this article, I’ve given you a quick look
topology, you need to tweak one setting on the at OWA in Exchange 2000.
front-end server to make it function as a front-
o you have traveling users who want It’s a good idea to test your server’s configu-
to access their Exchange e-mail from ration by starting small. Give only about 100
the road, but you don’t want to go users OWA and monitor your server to make
through the trouble of setting up VPN access sure it can support them. You may need to add
for them? You can solve this problem by using more resources to the server or add more
Microsoft’s Outlook Web Access (OWA) for servers to handle the full load.
Exchange server. In this article, I’ll explain Each client requires a compatible browser to
some of the limitations of OWA, as well as connect to the ASP on the OWA server. Inter-
how to install it. net Explorer 3.02, 4.0, or later (or any browser
that supports frames, such as Netscape Naviga-
What does OWA do? tor) will work, but it’s recommended that you
OWA provides secure access to e-mail on your use Internet Explorer 5.0. Otherwise, you may
Microsoft Exchange server using a Web experience problems accessing your folder list.
browser. This allows your organization to have
identical clients on all platforms, including OWA features
UNIX workstations. It also makes it inexpen- Outlook Web Access has many features,
sive to access mail since you can download including the following:
browsers for free from the Web. X Basic e-mail: You can use the Microsoft
Although the Web browser performs some Exchange Server global address book, send
processing on the client computer, the OWA and receive file attachments and hyperlinks,
server handles most of the processing that’s set message priority, request delivery, read
normally performed by the client. The server receipts, and create folders.
processes includes MAPI sessions, client logic,
X Calendar and group scheduling access:
state information, address resolution, render-
You can create one-time and recurring
ing, content conversion, and RPC communica-
appointments in a personal calendar, access
tions with the Exchange server. Because of
day and week views, see free and busy times
this, the server on which you install OWA must
for multiple users, and automatically send
meet the following server requirements:
and respond to meeting requests.
X Pentium 6/200 single or dual processor
X Public folder access: You have access to
X 256 MB of RAM, minimum custom views in table format, and you can
X High-speed network connection to the group and sort messages in a folder.
Microsoft Exchange server
X Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 operat-
OWA limitations
OWA will not allow you to use advanced
ing system with Service Pack 4 or later
e-mail features. It isn’t supposed to replace
X Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) the Outlook client. The following are features
(Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 supports not available when using OWA:
only IIS 3.0. Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 X Offline use: You must be connected to
supports IIS 3.0 and later.) Microsoft Exchange Server to view infor-
X Active Server Pages (ASP) mation.
X Active Server components or Outlook Web X E-mail: You do not have access to personal
Access components address books, spell checking, or digital
Administration 137
X Calendar and group scheduling: You are ASP sessions that are open on the IIS/
without the monthly view and other cus- Outlook Web Access Server.
tomized views of your calendar; you also X The Sessions Time Out counter for
cannot view details with Free/Busy, drag Active Server Pages: This shows the num-
and drop to move appointments, or track ber of ASP sessions that have timed out.
acceptance of meeting attendees.
X The Messages Rendered counter for the
X Public folder access: Outlook views are MSExchangeWEB component: This
not in table format. shows the number of messages opened by
X Collaboration applications: You cannot clients and helps classify the user profile.
use Outlook 97 forms, use Microsoft Another recommendation is that you
Exchange Server digital encryption and sig- should dedicate one or more servers, other
natures, or synchronize local offline folders than your Microsoft Exchange Server, to IIS
with server folders. and Outlook Web Access components. How-
ever, if Outlook Web Access and Microsoft
Capacity planning Exchange Server are not installed on the same
The number of ASP requests per second that computer, Windows NT Challenge/Response
the server can process determines the load (NTLM) authentication is not supported.
placed on IIS by Outlook Web Access. Before The Outlook Web Access server will actu-
installing Outlook Web Access throughout ally perform most of the work for connected
your organization, you should use Perfor- clients. Supporting one client connection is the
mance Monitor to measure the overall number same as running an instance of Outlook on
of ASPs processed per second. If the Perfor- the Outlook Web Access server. Because of
mance Monitor counters are consistently too this, the Outlook Web Access server will run
high and users frequently get “server too busy” many active MAPI sessions to Microsoft
messages, you should consider adding addi- Exchange Server. Even though a single con-
tional Outlook Web Access servers. Some nection will not consume many resources,
counters to keep track of in Performance many sessions will. If the number of clients
Monitor are listed below: increases, you can always add more Outlook
X The Requests Per Second counter for Web Access servers to load balance.
Active Server Pages: This should be
between 10 and 15. When this counter Installing OWA
exceeds 15 ASP requests per second, the The installation of OWA is straightforward.
server will respond more slowly to user You use the Exchange Server CD to start the
requests, it will start to queue incoming installation. Choose to set up Exchange and its
user requests, and CPU usage will reach components and then choose Add/Remove.
100 percent. On the next screen you will be presented with
the components to install or uninstall, as
X The Requests Executing counter for
shown in Figure A.
Active Server Pages: If requests are exe-
Be sure that everything you want to install
cuting but the IIS server is idle, you should
or have already installed has its check box
restart the IIS server.
selected. If you deselect any box, that compo-
X The Requests Queued counter for nent will be uninstalled. Click Continue and
Active Server Pages: This should be follow the directions that appear.
between one and 20.
X The Requests Total counter for Active
OWA security issues
If Outlook Web Access clients access Microsoft
Server Pages: This shows the total number
Exchange Server over an Internet connection,
of ASP requests started.
Microsoft recommends that you implement a
X The Active Sessions counter for Active firewall. There are two ways to implement a
Server Pages: This shows the number of firewall with the OWA architecture:
Administration 139
X Users can access all Microsoft Exchange X Not all browsers support NTLM
Server resources. authentication.
X Basic over SSL authentication is much Other security issues
more secure than Basic authentication For increased security, you should not use the
without SSL. Save Password feature in Internet Explorer—
The disadvantages include: especially if the computer is shared among
X Due to the encryption, performance can users. Also, it is a good idea to disable local
be reduced. caching on the browser. If caching is not dis-
X Users must enter a valid username and abled, the messages accessed during the previ-
password. ous OWA session may still remain on the local
disk, which makes it possible for someone to
X Users must be granted the Log On Locally
see another user’s messages.
right on IIS.
Users should be instructed to log off from
Windows NT Challenge/Response their OWA session instead of just closing their
(NTLM) Authentication browsers. If an OWA session is not properly
NT Challenge/Response requires users to shut down when the client is finished connect-
specify a Windows NT user account name and ing to the server, the abandoned sessions will
password before they can use OWA. The user- continue to consume server resources until
name and password are sent from the browser they are timed out. Even if users log off from
to the IIS server as encrypted information. their OWA sessions properly, the server may
The limitation of NTLM is that all resources still perform poorly because ASP memory
the user can access must reside on the same cleanup happens as a background process.
server as IIS and OWA. NTLM authentication
is not supported if IIS/OWA and Microsoft
In this article, I’ve shown how Outlook Web
Exchange Server are located on different Access gives you additional functionality for
computers. servicing your e-mail needs. It makes it easy
The advantages of this type of authentica- for users to check messages from anywhere in
tion include: the world using a browser—no additional
X NTLM authentication is relatively secure. client software is needed. Since it is simple to
X Users are not prompted for a username or install and maintain, it is well worth the time
password. and effort required to set it up.
The disadvantages include:
X Users can access resources only on the
IIS/OWA server.
icrosoft Outlook Web Access vides to users. Users don’t need to remember
(OWA) is a tightly integrated com- URLs specifying exactly which servers their
ponent of Exchange 2000. In fact, mailboxes are on. Additionally, with a single
as part of the default setup of Exchange 2000, namespace, mailboxes can be moved between
no customization is needed to run OWA. back-end servers and users can still use the
However, if your organization requires more same URL.
performance, reliability, and security than an The other benefit is seen when allowing
“out of the box” OWA solution provides, a OWA access via a secure firewall connection
front-end server may be just what you need. or DMZ. As Figure A illustrates, only the front-
I’m going to show you how to go beyond the end server is exposed on port 80 to the Inter-
basic setup of Exchange 2000 OWA to net. Since this server does not contact user
explore ways your organization can leverage mailboxes or data, it provides an additional
the key benefits of a front-end/back-end level of security.
(FE/BE) OWA architecture. Any server running Exchange 2000 Enter-
prise Edition can become a front-end server.
Using an FE/BE topology The only change needed is the selection of the
Are you already running multiple Exchange This Is A Front End Server check box in the
2000 servers in your organization? If so, server’s Properties dialog box, shown in Figure B.
Microsoft recommends using the FE/BE After making the change, you must restart
server architecture to deploy OWA. With this the Exchange and IIS services or restart the
topology, the front-end Exchange 2000 server computer. The change essentially tells the
sends HTTP requests to a back-end Exchange Exchange 2000 server to redirect all HTTP
2000 server running OWA. The front-end traffic to a back-end server that contains the
server first performs a lookup in AD to deter- user’s mailbox.
mine which back-end server should receive the As a general rule, one front-end server is
request and then relays the request to the recommended for every four back-end servers.
appropriate server. Of course this is just a rule of thumb. The
The obvious benefit here is the single, con- actual number of front-end servers needed
sistent namespace the front-end server pro- will depend on the number of users, the type
Figure A
Back-end servers
An FE/BE topology
Administration 141
of users (light vs. heavy), and the average decryption processing, which improves net-
length of sessions. Front-end servers do not work performance by removing SSL process-
need large or particularly fast disk storage but ing tasks from back-end servers. As an added
should have specs similar to a Web server, measure of security, you should make SSL
including fast CPUs and adequate memory. connections to the front-end server mandatory
by disabling access without it, as we’ve done in
Securing communication Figure C.
between servers You should also note that HTTP communi-
The front-end server handles authentication in cation between the front-end and back-end
one of two ways. Either the server is config- servers is not encrypted. Front-end servers do
ured to authenticate users, or it is set up to for- not support Windows Integrated Security
ward the request anonymously to the back-end (which includes both NTLM and Kerberos
Exchange 2000 server. The recommended authentication). They also do not support using
configuration is to have the front-end server SSL to communicate with back-end servers. All
authenticate users. of these factors lead to the conclusion that SSL
Exchange 2000 front-end servers support on the front-end is the best solution.
only HTTP 1.1 basic authentication between
client computers and front-end servers, as well
OWA logon for front-end servers
Typically, users must enter their username in
as between front-end and back-end servers.
the format domain\username when logging on to
Basic authentication allows for just a weak
a front-end server. However, you can config-
form of encoding when sending usernames
ure the front-end server to assume a default
and passwords across the network, so the use
domain so that users do not need to type their
of SSL is highly recommended.
domain name. Just modify the Exchange and
This is where another benefit of FE/BE
Public virtual directories and manually enter
architecture comes in. When using SSL, front-
the default domain name, as shown in Figure D.
end servers can handle all encryption and
Figure B Figure C
unning point-to-point data circuits than just a firewall or a method of controlling
(also known as private lines) between access to the Internet—you also have the abil-
your company’s locations can be very ity to establish a virtual private network
expensive, especially if one or more of those (VPN), which will use the Internet to connect
locations are overseas. BorderManager is more your locations. All you will need to do is install
Administration 143
a data circuit to a local ISP and a BorderMan- Master Server Configuration option. A mes-
ager server at each location. sage will appear indicating you can have only
In this article, we will walk through the one master VPN server in the network. High-
steps of setting up a site-to-site VPN. The first light Continue and press [Enter].
step involves setting up a master VPN server The first thing that you will need to do is tell
(each VPN configuration will have only one BorderManager what the TCP/IP addresses
master VPN server). Although we will be set- are for the public card and for the VPN net-
ting up just a two-site VPN in this article, each work. Highlight Configure TCP/IP Addresses
additional site you add to your VPN will be a and press [Enter]. You will need to enter the
slave server. We will be using NetWare 5.1 with TCP/IP address and subnet mask for both the
Support Pack 2a applied and BorderManager public and VPN tunnels. The public TCP/IP
3.5 with BorderManager Support Pack 2 address and mask are the same as the ones you
applied. defined on your BorderManager server.
The VPN address and subnet mask will
Before you start take a little thought before you proceed. This
One thing you will want to think about before address has to be unique on your network; the
beginning to implement a site-to-site VPN is address in this range can be used anywhere
whether to implement VPN services on your else on the network—anywhere, that is, except
existing BorderManager server or implement a on the other BorderManager server (which
server dedicated solely to the VPN links will use a different address out of the range
between locations. If you put the VPN serv- defined by the subnet mask that you enter for
ices on your existing BorderManager server, the VPN tunnel). Once you have entered the
you will need to be very careful about when required information, press [Esc], highlight
you reboot the server, as this will take your Yes, and press [Enter]. A series of messages
entire VPN down. If you implement a dedi- will shortly appear indicating the NDS schema
cated VPN server, you should be able to is being extended and the base VPN configu-
reduce the amount of downtime from reboots, ration is set up.
as you shouldn’t be working with this server In order for the VPN to work, you will need
significantly on a day-to-day basis. to have some type of encryption setup. High-
A fault tolerant network (one that can han- light the Generate Encryption option and
dle problems thrown at it and keep running press [Enter]. You will be prompted to enter a
basically undisturbed) might be accomplished random seed to be used to generate the key.
by implementing a dedicated VPN server at Enter a random string of letters and numbers
each location and then making the Border- and press [Enter]. Don’t worry about remem-
Manager server you already have a slave VPN bering this string. (This doesn’t have to be the
server. Before implementing this type of solu- same on each server.)
tion, I recommend setting up a proof of con- When the encryption generation process is
cept system to make sure that everything will complete, you will see a message on the server
work as expected. screen to that effect. You will be returned to
Establishing site-to-site VPN on the VPN master server screen. Highlight the
Authenticate Encryption Information option
the master server and press [Enter].
At this point, we will assume that you already You will see a screen on the server showing
have NetWare 5.1 and BorderManager installed a string of numbers and letters. This is known
on the server that will be your master VPN as the digest, the information used by the
server and that the appropriate Support Packs servers to set up the VPN between sites. You
have been installed. Type LOAD VPNCFG at will need to have this information ready for the
the server’s console prompt and press [Enter]. network administrator at the other end of the
When the VPNCFG main menu screen VPN connection (if you aren’t going to do the
appears, highlight and press [Enter] on the install yourself) so that the admin will know
Setting up the site-to-site VPN will appear asking you to verify the path to the
Minfo.vpn file.
on the slave server Let’s assume you are doing the slave VPN
Now that the master VPN server is set up, we
install yourself and have brought this file on a
can move on to the slave VPN server. Load
floppy. Insert the floppy into the slave server’s
the VPNCFG NLM on the slave server. High-
floppy drive and press [Enter]. After the
light the Slave VPN Server Configuration
Minfo.vpn file copies, you will see a digest
option and press [Enter]. Highlight the Con-
screen displayed. This information should
figure TCP/IP Address option and press
match exactly what you saw on the master
[Enter] just as you did on the master VPN
VPN server. If this matches, highlight Yes
server. When you do, you’ll see the screen
and press [Enter].
shown in Figure A.
You will next be asked to enter information
As with the master VPN server, you will
to help randomize the Diffie-Hellman public
need to enter the TCP/IP address and subnet
and private keys that will be generated on this
mask for the public card and the VPN tunnel.
server. This information will be used on the
In the case of the slave VPN tunnel, you will
master VPN server to actually build the VPN
need to do something a little different. For
connection between servers. Enter the requested
example, if you entered a TCP/IP tunnel
information and press [Enter]. A screen will
address on the master VPN server of
appear when the VPN information has been
with a subnet mask of, you will
created, and another screen follows when
need to use the same subnet mask on the slave
NDS has been extended to handle this task.
VPN but with a different TCP/IP address. In
The next step involves copying the VPN
our example, we would use something like
information from the slave server to a floppy for the TCP/IP address of the VPN
so that the master VPN server will know how
tunnel on the slave VPN server. Press [Esc],
to set up the VPN tunnel between servers.
highlight Yes, and press [Enter] to continue.
Highlight the Copy Encryption Information
Your next step will be to generate the
option and press [Enter]. You will be asked to
encryption information necessary for this
verify the drive and path to the Sinfo.vpn file
server to be able to participate in the VPN.
that will be created. Press [Enter] to continue.
Highlight the Generate Encryption Informa-
One thing to note at this point is that if you
tion option and press [Enter]. A pop-up box
will have multiple slave servers in your VPN
Administration 145
configuration, you will want to rename the sites will have to go through the master site
Sinfo.vpn file to another name descriptive of before they will be able to talk to other slave
the site it is for. This will make the process eas- sites. The disadvantage with this solution is
ier if you have to tear down and recreate the that it will produce additional traffic at your
VPN for some reason. Once the VPN file has master VPN site. With the Ring option, each
been copied to the floppy, you will see a mes- VPN site will have connections to two of its
sage on the server telling you about renaming neighbors. This solution is fine if most of the
the file. traffic will be between adjacent systems but
could cause delay because of additional hops
Completing the VPN setup in produced by this configuration when the most
NetWare Administrator distant systems need to talk to each other.
To complete the site-to-site setup, you will need Both the Star and Ring options could suffer
to go into NetWare Administrator. Double- communication problems if a critical part of
click on the NDS server object that is running the system were to go down. With the Full
BorderManager. Click on the BorderManager Mesh option, you should still be able to talk
Setup tab and then click on the VPN tab on the between systems even if one or two are down.
BorderManager Setup properties screen. High- If the master VPN server is down, you should
light the Master Site To Site option and click on still be able to talk, but you won’t be able to
the Details button. When the VPN Master add or remove slave VPN servers until the
properties screen appears, click Control master VPN server is back online.
Options. On the Control Options properties Once you have selected the options on the
screen, you will need to select what protocols Control Options screen and clicked OK, you will
you want to cross the VPN. be presented with a screen that will allow you to
You will also want to choose the topology add the slave VPN server to your VPN network.
you want for your VPN, as shown in Figure B. From the VPN Master Server properties screen,
You have a choice of three topologies: Full click Add and browse the floppy containing
Mesh, Star, and Ring. With Full Mesh, all the the Sinfo.vpn file. Double-click on Sinfo.vpn
VPN sites can reach all of the other sites (or the file name you have renamed it to).
directly without having to go to the master After NetWare Administrator reads the file,
VPN site first. With a Star topology, all slave you will see a digest info screen containing a
Figure B Figure C
Administration 147
Setting up client-to-site VPN in
BorderManager 3.x
Jan 12, 2000
By Ron Nutter, MCSE, CNE, ASE
rotecting the data on your corporate port won’t be able to help if you call in with
network is becoming more important a problem. You will want to assign an IP
each day. For Web site access, you can address from a different range than the one
use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on your Web that is being used currently on the private
server to provide a layer of protection. How- card(s) in your BorderManager server. For
ever, you still need to find a way to allow example, if you have and
access to files on the network and access to using a subnet mask of that’s
server-based services that don’t support SSL. bound to private cards in your BorderManager
(Yes, Virginia, there are a few server-based server, you should use something like
services that don’t support SSL.) In this article, with a subnet mask of It will
I’ll take you through the steps of setting up give the virtual private address that you are
the client-to-site VPN function in Border- assigning to the VPN tunnel part of the con-
Manager 3.x. figuration, which gives the client VPN traffic a
place to route. It also ensures that the traffic is
Setting up the server side of VPN handled properly for the encryption and
The process of setting up client-to-site VPN decryption that occurs as a part of the client-
in BorderManager begins with establishing an to-site VPN process. Once you have entered
Rconsole session to the server that’s running the IP addresses and subnet masks for the
BorderManager. At the console command public and private side of the VPN part of
prompt, type VPNCFG (or load VPNCFG if BorderManager, press [Esc], highlight Yes,
you’re using NetWare 4.x) and press [Enter]. A and press [Enter] to save the configuration.
message will appear indicating that there can If you haven’t progressed to the point with
be only one master server. Highlight Continue BorderManager that you’ve configured packet
and press [Enter]. When the Master Server filters, you’ll probably receive an error message
Configuration screen appears, highlight Con- saying that VPNCFG can’t configure packet
figure IP Address and press [Enter]. Highlight filters. This problem happens because the out-
Not Configured beside Public IP Address, going packet filters are disabled, but it’s a nor-
enter the IP address that is currently assigned mal occurrence when packet filters haven’t
to the public card in your BorderManager been configured or when packet filters have
server, and press [Enter]. You also will need to been created. To clear this error, you’ll need
enter the subnet mask that matches the IP to load the filter configuration NLM
address of the public card. Finally, enter the IP (FILTCFG.NLM) in order to check the exist-
address and subnet mask to be used for the ing filters, enable outgoing RIP filters, and
VPN tunnel of the configuration. select the menu option that will update the
I’d like to point out two things that aren’t changes you made. Press [Enter] to acknowl-
made clear in the BorderManager documenta- edge the error screen. A secondary message
tion. You must use both the IP address and will follow to indicate that VPNCFG can’t add
subnet mask that are currently bound to the the filters it needs in order to operate. Press
public card in the server that’s running Bor- the [Enter] key to continue.
derManager. Although it may be possible to Change to the console command prompt
bind a secondary IP address to the public and type filtcfg (or load FILTCFG if you’re
card, this approach isn’t recommended; it may using NetWare 4.x) and press [Enter]. High-
result in sporadic operation of the client VPN light Configure TCP/IP Filters and press
function of BorderManager, and Novell Sup- [Enter]. When the TCP/IP screen appears,
Administration 149
installation of the VPN client software. Now, give you an idea of what kind of changes to
click the NetWare Options tab. If you can click your container and/or personal login scripts
on only the Enable IPX check box and the may be necessary to allow users to get in and out
other options are not available, you have a of your network quickly.
client-level problem that will need to be Make sure that your users know that while
addressed. The best way to fix this problem is they are logged in, they won’t be able to
to uninstall the VPN client, uninstall the exist- browse the Internet or access resources that
ing NetWare client and network card driver, are off of your network. If you do, Border-
and reinstall the network card driver and Nov- Manager won’t have to field requests from the
ell client software first, followed by the VPN VPN users who are routed over the same con-
client software. After you reboot the software, nection on which they are coming into your
the problem should be resolved. If you still network.
have a problem, you’ll want to get a copy of When the users click OK to establish the
the Novell UNC32 executable, which will take VPN connection, they will see a progress box
the de-installation under the VPN
process one step fur- Status tab of the
ther by removing all You may find that you have more VPN client. As each
entries that were cre- demand for the VPN service than you step of the login/
ated in the Windows authentication
have resources to handle the need.
registry by the Nov- process is com-
ell client software. pleted, users will see
the following mes-
Establishing a connection with sages: Connecting For Authentication, Authenticating
the LAN VPN option NetWare User, Authenticated NetWare User,
The first time you invoke either of the VPN Enabled IP Encryption, Enabled IPX Encryption
options, you will have a few extra things to (which you’ll see only if you’re going to estab-
remember. You will need to enter your Net- lish an IPX connection to your network), and
Ware user name, password, context, and the Performing NetWare Login. Keep in mind that
public IP address of the BorderManager while you are using the LAN VPN client, you
server to which you will be connecting. In the won’t be able to access anything that is off
context field, don’t include a leading period your network. It’s actually a good thing, but
when you enter the specific NDS context of your users may become a little confused when
the user account that you are using to log in. they try to reach another Web site while they’re
While the software should be able to handle it, getting their e-mail from your Exchange or
I received error messages when I used a lead- Groupwise server.
ing period.
Before clicking OK to start the login process, Establishing a connection with
click the NetWare Options tab. Your options are the dial-up VPN option
Enable IPX, Login To NetWare, Clear Current Using the dial-up VPN is fairly simple. It can
Connection, Run Scripts, Display Results Win- use your existing setup to call your ISP and
dow, and Close Script Results Automatically. build an encrypted connection to your Border-
Before turning remote access over to your users, Manager server. You begin the process by
you may want to try logging in over a regular double-clicking the Dial-up VPN Client icon,
dial-up and a DSL-type connection. Testing which appears on the desktop next to the
them will help you determine how long it will VPN installation program. Click the NetWare
take your users to log in to the network and Login tab and fill in the NetWare user name,
allow you to anticipate the kinds of questions/ password, NDS contact, and server IP address.
calls that you will probably get when they start When entering the NDS context for this user,
using this access. One option that I would rec- don’t include a leading period before the con-
ommend you start with is Run Scripts. It will tainer name, or you may have a problem
Administration 151
set up a special NDS context through which that you are looking at the most current infor-
the remote users will log in—thus minimizing mation about the connection. Watch the up
lengthy login times. It will give you a way to and down arrows on this screen as connec-
administer ZEN application objects, too. (You tions are being made. Different colors are used
really don’t want your users to load the applica- to indicate problems, progress in establishing
tions that they’ll use over a slower dial-up con- the connection, or activity levels on the
nection while they’re on your network, do selected connections. Click the Help button to
you?) This approach can help you restrict learn what the colors mean and how to inter-
access into the network via BorderManager pret the information that they are giving you.
VPN by modifying the rule that you set up ear- As you turn the VPN function into produc-
lier, which limited use only to those who are in tion use, you may find that you have more
the container that is eligible for VPN access. demand for the VPN service than you have
resources to handle the need. By default, the
Monitoring client VPN idle time that a connection is allowed to have
connections before the connection is broken is 15 minutes.
Now, double-click the NDS in NWADMIN You can change this amount of time by click-
upon which BorderManager is running. When ing the Timeout button and decreasing or
the BorderManager screen appears, click the increasing the timeout value. Once the connec-
BorderManager Setup button. Select the VPN tion is dropped, users will have to restart the
tab and click the Details button. A list of VPN client function and log in again to the
servers currently configured for VPN will network in order to continue their work. If
appear, with each server listed by name and you want to see a step-by-step log of what
public IP address. occurs as a connection is established, authenti-
To see what is happening with the VPN cated, or broken, begin by clicking OK and
function on a particular server, highlight the closing out the VPN Member Activity screen.
name of the server in the list and click the Sta- When you return to the previous screen, click
tus button. A synchronization status screen the Audit Log button.
will appear, and you’ll see the server you just When the Audit Log screen appears, the
selected listed again with a status that should end time will be the current time for the work-
show as up to date. To see the current VPN station upon which NWADMIN is running,
connection status, click the Activity button on and the start time will be approximately nine
the Synchronization Status page. You’ll see hours before that time. Your only option in
several boxes of information on this screen this version of the BorderManager snap-in is
that cover everything from global parameters to use the up and down arrow on the time box
relating to the overall VPN connection to to adjust the date and time. Once you’ve
those items that are protocol specific. When selected the desired date and time ranges, click
this screen comes up, it will show only server- the Acquire button, and the information will
to-server-based connections by default. You’ll be extracted from the BorderManager logs.
need to click the Clients button to change the You’ll see a step-by-step record of what
view to the Client to Site VPN view. In the occurred while the connection was being
upper left-hand corner of the VPN Member established or broken. Using the check boxes,
Activity screen, you’ll see a listing of the cur- you can filter what is presented, and you won’t
rently active connections. Each connection will have to suffer from information overload.
show the user’s NDS login name with an up or Several messages will appear on the server
down arrow for both IP and IPX protocols. console screen as connections are made and
This screen is good to watch while users are broken. On incoming connections, you’ll see an
trying to establish a VPN connection and are incoming WAN connection first as the request
complaining that they can’t get through. Since comes through and then a message when the
this screen is somewhat static in nature, you’ll connection is authenticated. The final message
need to use the Update button to make sure will appear when the authenticated connection
ow about a server management tool manually load the Web Manager, type LOAD
that requires no installation, allows NSWEB at the server console. Figure A shows
you to perform administrative tasks the Web Manager screen that’s displayed on
from any Web browser, and costs you the server. As you can see, very little can be
absolutely nothing? You say it sounds too accomplished here. Your only options are to
good to be true? Well, in this instance, it really restart or shut down the Web Manager.
is true. The NetWare Web Manager is installed
automatically during NetWare 5.1 installation, Accessing Web Manager
requires no initial configuration, allows you to To access the NetWare Web Manager, launch
use a Web browser to perform management your Internet browser of choice and type a
tasks, and is a standard piece of NetWare 5.1. URL that uses the following syntax:
In this article, you will learn about some of the https://servername:2200
outstanding features of this great new utility. An example of this would be https://
The NetWare Web Manager consists of a server1.novell.com:2200. The default IP port
set of NLMs that run on the server. During is 2200, but you can change this. You can ver-
NetWare 5.1 installation, the command to load ify the IP port from the Web Manager screen
the NLM is added to AUTOEXEC.NCF. To on the file server, which is shown in Figure A.
Administration 153
Once you enter the URL, you must log in as 2. The Global Settings section allows you to
a user with Admin rights. After being authenti- select where you obtain directory service.
cated, the Web Manager General Administra- Your choices are Local database, LDAP
tion screen will be displayed in the browser directory server, and NDS.
and will look similar to Figure B. 3. The Users and Groups section provides
Using Web Manager you with rudimentary NDS management
You are given the following four choices under capabilities. NetWare Administrator still
the General Administration heading: has much more functionality, but this util-
ity works well for making basic changes.
1. Admin Preferences will provide you with
Web Manager administration functions. 4. Cluster Management provides you with
You can turn on/off SSL, shut down Web basic cluster administration capabilities.
Manager, change the IP port, set logging
options, and view access and error logs. Navigation
You can return to the Web Manager General
Figure A Administration screen by clicking the Server
Administration link in the upper-right corner
of any of these screens. From the Web Man-
ager’s main page, you have access to each of
the Web servers installed on the network, as
well as the NetWare Management Portal and
NDS management. If a server is running, the
On button will be lit, and if the server is
stopped, the Off button will be lit. Clicking
these buttons will either stop or start the
You can access the Web server configura-
tion screens by clicking the button located next
to the On and Off buttons. The file server
The Web Manager screen enables you to restart and shut down the Web Manager.
name that is displayed on the button indicates
where the Web server is installed. The Web
server configuration pages are easy to navigate
Figure B
and provide you with excellent functionality.
The most exciting feature of the NetWare
Web Manager is the ability to access it from
virtually any workstation on the network,
regardless of the client software that’s running
on the computer. Thus, if you are working in a
remote area that has an NT domain, you can
still manage your NetWare server. A traveling
administrator will love the easy access and
powerful capabilities of the NetWare Web
The Web Manager General Administration screen enables you to perform administrative
ou read correctly. Until today, I would would like the executable binary file to be
never have believed it myself. Having placed, and whether you’d like the VPN serv-
dealt with the likes of FreeS/WAN ice to start at boot time. It’s that simple.
and PoPToP, I know how difficult it can be to Once you’ve installed the application, start
have to recompile a kernel, attempt to load in the VPN service with this command:
the proper modules, and then (and only then) /etc/rc.d/init.d/vpnclient_init start
hope the application will work with both your
client and your VPN server. Configuration
Just when you thought it was unsafe to Configuring Cisco’s vpnclient can be tricky if
tread the VPN waters, along comes Cisco to you’re not sure where to put the configuration.
save the day for Linux client users. The new When you install the application, you’ll notice
Cisco vpnclient is not only amazingly simple to a sample.pcf file in the vpnclient directory. (All
use, but it’s also secure and reliable. In this arti- user profiles must have the .pcf format.) This
cle, I’ll install, configure, and run an instance file is what you’ll base your configuration on
of Cisco’s new vpnclient for Linux. and is also mirrored in the /etc/CiscoSystemsVP-
NClient/Profiles/ directory. The latter file is the
How to obtain and install one that the application actually uses. The file
vpnclient is laid out in the MS Windows .ini format,
This VPN client package is included in the which is similar to other Linux configuration
VPN Solutions package and supports the Intel formats, such as smb.conf. It looks like this:
version of Red Hat Linux 6.2 (or glibc >= [main]
2.1.1-6 libraries) using kernel >= 2.2.12. Description=sample user profile
Unfortunately, you can’t get this package with- Host=
out buying the VPN Solutions package, but it’s AuthType=1
well worth the purchase if you want both a GroupName=monkeys
rock-solid VPN server and a killer client EnableISPConnect=0
The first step of the installation is to
unpack the package. The release I tested was Username=chimchim
vpnclient-linux-3.0.8-k9.tar .gz. To unpack this SaveUserPassword=0
file, run the command: EnableBackup=0
tar xvzf vpnclient-linux-3.0.8 BackupServer=
-k9.tar.gz EnableNat=0
which will create a new directory called, simply CertStore=0
enough, vpnclient. CertName=
The next step is to cd into the newly created CertPath=
directory with the command:
cd vpnclient
Now you’re ready to run the install. The instal- DHGroup=2
lation of this package is quite simple. As root, ForceKeepAlives=0
run the command: The minimum configurations you’ll need in
vpnclient_init your .pcf file are [main], Host, AuthType, Group-
You’ll be asked a few questions regarding the Name, and Username. The [main] configuration
location of your kernel source, where you simply demarcates the main section of the
Administration 155
configuration file. The Host option sets the IP Client statistics
address (or URL) of the VPN server. The The vpnclient application comes with a statis-
AuthType configuration is set to either 1 (pre- tics command that allows you to view infor-
shared keys) or 3 (digital certificate that uses an mation about your connection. The
RSA signature). The GroupName is the name of command syntax is:
the IPSec group used on the VPN server. The vpnclient stat [reset] [traffic]
Username is the string that identifies the indi- [tunnel] [route] [repeat]
vidual user.
The arguments offer the following information:
Other configuration options that can be
added are: X reset: Restarts all connection counts from
X UserPassword: This is the password used
for authentication. X traffic: Displays a summary of bytes
X SaveUserPassword: A 0 means the pass- X tunnel: Displays IPSec information
word is displayed in clear text in the profile, X route: Displays configured routes
and a 1 means the password is encrypted X repeat: Keeps a visible, continuously
within the profile. refreshing display of various statistics,
X EnableNAT: A 0 disables NAT, and a 1 including reset, traffic, tunnel, route, and
enables NAT. repeat
Once you’ve changed these configurations,
save the file and you’ll be ready to start up the Hurdles
application. What would a network administrator’s job be
without hurdles? Actually, Cisco’s vpnclient
Establishing a connection tool has only one small hurdle to get over.
Establishing a connection with Cisco’s vpnclient When running any sort of security protocol,
is very simple. Let’s say you’re using the profile such as ipchains or iptables, the vpnclient can
named Mooch.pcf. To bring up a connection with cause the Linux kernel to lock up tight. A
this profile, you’d run the command (as root): couple of situations cause this problem. The
vpnclient connect Mooch first is when you have CONFIG_NETFIL-
Depending on your profile configuration, you TER enabled in your kernel. If you have
may be asked for the following: this enabled, you’ll have to recompile your
X Group Password kernel and disable CONFIG_NETFILTER.
If you’re not sure whether CONFIG_NET-
X User Name FILTER is set, you can run the following
X User Password commands:
X Domain cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.2/arch/i386
grep CONFIG_NETFILTER defconfig
Eventually, your client will establish a con-
nection with the server, and your command If you see this line:
prompt will not come back to you.You can kill # CONFIG_NETFILTER is not set
this running connection in two ways. The first then you are good to go.
method is to open another console, su to root, The second situation arises when you’re
and run this command: running any sort of firewall on the client
vpnclient disconnect machine. For stability’s sake, you’ll want to
The second method is to press [Ctrl]C. This shut down your firewall, flush both the input
assumes the console window running the and the output chains, change your input policy
command has focus. If that particular win- to ACCEPT if it’s set to DENY, and then
dow does not have focus, put your cursor in start your connection.
the window and click the left mouse button. To make this task quicker, I whipped up a
The client will disconnect from the server shell script that, when run as root, drops the
with either of these methods. firewall, changes the input policy, and starts the
Administration 157
Configuring VPN connections with firewalls
Nov 8, 2000
By Jason Hiner, MCSE, CCNA
he process of setting up connections familiar with the ports needed by the VPN
or a virtual private network (VPN) has server. However, the other two options have
been greatly enhanced and simplified benefits as well.
by software solutions for Windows NT/2000, Placing a VPN server in front of the fire-
NetWare, and Linux/UNIX, as well as by wall can lead to greater security in some cases.
hardware solutions offered by vendors such as Remember that a VPN allows users who are
Cisco and CheckPoint. external to the network to feel like they are sit-
However, configuring VPN connections to ting on a machine inside the network. A hacker
pass through firewalls, proxy servers, and who hijacks a connection to a VPN server that
routers continues to bring many network is inside the firewall will be able to do some
administrators to their knees in exasperation serious damage. However, if you have a dedi-
and submission to the gods of the network cated VPN box that sits outside the firewall
cloud. Thus, we are going to review how to and that is only capable of sending VPN traf-
configure VPN servers to make connections in fic through the firewall, you can limit the dam-
concert with your stoic network defenders. age a hacker can do by hacking the VPN box.
This option also allows you to limit the
VPN server geography resources authenticated VPN users can access
One of the first decisions a network engineer on the local network by filtering their traffic at
has to make when configuring a VPN server is the firewall. However, one vulnerability with
where to place it in relation to the network’s this scenario is that the traffic between the fire-
firewall. As Figure A shows, there are essentially wall and the VPN server is not encrypted.
three options for placing a VPN server. The third option is to co-locate your VPN
The most common approach is to place the server on the same box as your firewall. In this
VPN server behind the firewall, either on the
corporate LAN or as part of the network’s
Figure A
“demilitarized zone” (DMZ) of servers con-
nected to the Internet.
Geography is extremely important when VPN Server in Front of the Firewall
configuring and troubleshooting VPN connec-
tions that pass through firewalls. It lets you
know which interfaces on the firewall will need
filters assigned to them to allow VPN traffic. VPN
Corporate VPN server client
We’ll talk about filters at length in the next sec- LAN Firewall
tion. The thing to understand about geography
VPN Server Co-Located with the Firewall
and firewalls is that filtering occurs on the fire-
wall’s external interface—the interface that
connects to the Internet.
As I mentioned above, the most common VPN
Corporate VPN server client
place for a VPN server is behind the firewall, LAN and firewall
often in a DMZ with mail servers, Web
VPN Server Behind the Firewall
servers, database servers, and so on. The
advantage of this placement is that it fits
cleanly into the network’s current security
infrastructure. Also, the administrator is VPN
already familiar with how to route traffic Corporate VPN server client
through the firewall and only has to become LAN Firewall
Security 159
case, the VPN server is still logically behind the A packet filtering firewall is usually placed
firewall, but depending on its capability and uti- on a router and is managed through basic
lization, it can complement a firewall very well, access control lists, which can be challenging
since both are essentially performing routing to configure and manage. Here’s a common
functions. This works nicely, since in most VPN problem to watch out for: Many admin-
businesses, firewall/proxy services use more istrators set up their VPN servers, configure
resources during the daytime hours, and VPN their firewalls, and discover that they still can’t
services use more resources during the connect. They eventually realize that the ACL
evenings. However, keep in mind that having on their Internet router is filtering the VPN
multiple services functioning on one box traffic and dropping the packets.
always involves management and troubleshoot-
ing challenges.
Application filtering
An application gateway firewall involves what
Understanding firewall and is commonly known as proxy services and
filter functionality functions at the higher layers of the OSI refer-
ence model. This type of firewall offers more
There are two types of filters and three types
of firewalls to be aware of when configuring extensive, customizable features, such as user-
VPN connections. Filters come in two basic level access control, time-of-day access con-
flavors: trol, and advanced auditing and logging.
It typically readdresses traffic so that it
X Packet filtering
looks like it’s coming from the firewall rather
X Application filtering than from the internal machine. In this man-
A firewall can engage in packet filtering, ner, these firewalls act as a “proxy” on behalf
application filtering, or both. Filtering involves of the internal network instead of providing a
accepting or denying TCP/IP traffic based on direct connection between internal and exter-
source and destination addresses of packets, nal networks, as you have with simple packet
TCP/UPD port utilization and other TCP/IP filtering firewalls. It also focuses on managing
headers information, and specific user and and controlling access to TCP/IP applications
computer details in advanced firewalls. such as FTP, HTTP, rlogin, and so on.
Packet filtering Packet filtering and application
A packet filtering firewall merely examines filtering
traffic at the network layer (Layer 3 of the OSI Stateful inspection firewalls combine packet
reference model) and accepts or rejects it filtering and application filtering. They also
based mainly on source and destination employ a more secure firewall technique called
addresses. Although a packet filtering firewall dynamic packet filtering. With regular packet
can do some blocking based on TCP and UDP and application filtering, a port such as port
port numbers, in most cases, it isn’t the best 80 for HTTP is opened by the firewall and
solution. However, packet filtering does pro- remains open for incoming and outgoing traf-
vide speed, simplicity, and transparency. fic. This presents a network vulnerability that
Another important VPN troubleshooting tip hackers can exploit.
deals with network address translation. If the However, stateful inspection firewalls open
Internet router or any router between the fire- and close ports as they are needed for traffic,
wall and the VPN server is providing NAT, it drastically decreasing vulnerability to external
will probably break the VPN tunnel and cause attacks. Most popular firewalls, such as
your connection to fail. The VPN server should Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, Network Ice’s
have an Internet IP address on the external ICEpac, and the leading UNIX solutions, use
interface and not an internal IP address assigned dynamic packet filtering.
by a DHCP server or hiding behind NAT. Most
of the time you will get this Internet IP address Allowing VPN traffic
from a subnet assigned to you by your ISP. Now that you can see how various firewalls
function, hopefully you can identify several
Security 161
Securing the Edge: Windows 2000
Firewall/VPN and beyond: The firewall
Jul 25, 2001
By Robert McIntire
hile companies continue to spend Since Internet connectivity had to be main-
money on higher speed Internet tained throughout the process, we decided to
connections, it’s only reasonable install a new server, rather than performing the
that they should expect more for their budget MS upgrade process on the previous Proxy
dollars. In an effort to stretch those dollars, server. The LAN clients needing Internet
many companies are implementing VPNs for access would not be deterred during our
remote access by employees. Also, they are upgrade, as the old system would stay online
escalating the security on these connections until the new system was installed and tested.
to ensure that only those who should have At that point, the LAN clients’ browsers would
access can actually gain access to their private simply need to be changed to point to the new
networks. Proxy server. Fortunately, the client already
Although it may seem overly ambitious, had a service network set up at the Internet
we’ll be tackling several different yet related router with enough free public address space
issues in this article. The overall topic envelops to accommodate both gateways simultane-
a case study of a recent networking project in ously. We installed two NICs in the new server,
which I was involved. The general idea was to one for the Internet connection and the other
upgrade the client’s Internet security and pro- for the internal LAN. Both NICs were stati-
vide for VPN remote access. Additionally, the cally addressed with appropriate addresses for
remote clients would then be connecting to a the respective networks.
terminal server inside the firewall on the LAN. When configuring the internal NIC, the
As if this weren’t enough, we also had to WINS and DNS info were provided, but the
address secure authentication schemes in a default gateway was left blank. This is standard
rather custom fashion. We were fortunate to operating procedure when configuring most
find that Microsoft provided many of the fea- firewalls. Microsoft required that Service Pack
tures and options that we required to complete 1 be installed prior to the ISA software. We
this project. You’ll see that, with a little ingenu- decided to apply Win2K Service Pack 2, as it
ity and a bit of customization, you, too, can was the most current at the time. Then we
secure your network. installed ISA. (You have the option of
installing just the firewall, just the caching
Firewall upgrade process server, or integrated mode, which includes
In this first part, we’ll address the primary both functions.) We chose to install it on a
piece in this puzzle: the firewall upgrade. For- member server so that we could utilize some
tunately, the client had decided to upgrade of the domain-based features to control con-
from MS Proxy Server 2.0 to MS Internet tent access. During the install, you’ll be asked
Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000. several questions. We went with the default
This fairly new product is actually a firewall/ values, as most of them seemed appropriate
cache server and is certified by ICSA. At the (and we could change them later, if necessary).
time of this writing, you can download a time- After completing the installation, we
limited evaluation copy from the Microsoft checked for product updates on the Microsoft
Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/ ISA site. There was a security alert with a
isaserver/evaluation/demonstration/). Now, patch, which we then applied. Although Win-
with the plugs out of the way, let’s turn our dows 2000 doesn’t seem to require a restart
attention to the installation considerations. after such operations, we recommend it after
Security 163
Securing the Edge: Windows 2000
Firewall/VPN and beyond: Tuning the security
Jul 30, 2001
By Robert McIntire
n the article “Securing the Edge: Windows we began to move in the right direction. We
2000 Firewall/VPN and beyond: The fire- assisted the client in writing a security policy
wall” (page 162), we took an initial firewall that addressed the issue, but we all agreed that
installation a step further and implemented a the best manner in which to implement it was
client access VPN. We implemented authenti- at the system level. The bottom line was that
cation but, due to client requirements, we then we had to authenticate the physical computers
had to go above and beyond. The client’s con- gaining access to the VPN. After this initial
cerns about strong authentication led us computer authentication process, the remote
toward several potential solutions. PC would be connected to only the actual
VPN system. From here, they would need to
Extra strength authentication connect to the terminal server inside the
One of the additional parameters designated VPN/Firewall perimeter system. To do so, the
for securing the VPN was an extra level of remote user would run the terminal client and
authentication. The client company wanted enter the IP address of the internal terminal
not only the usual domain logon but also a server. When connecting to this server, they
remote form of logon. We could have chosen would then be confronted with the actual
to use RADIUS (IAS, in Microsoft speak) to domain logon. At this point, we had satisfied
authenticate users. In so doing, we could actu- the security constraints set by the client, at
ally create the remote users in a local database least on paper. Now, how did we implement
on the IAS server, rather than having the IAS this model?
server refer to the domain database for user
verification. That would provide for the Verifying the computer
remote logon, and then users would actually The overriding concern when considering
log on to the domain during the second part of how to verify the computer identity was
the connection process—the terminal server whether or not we wanted to deal with the
session. complexity of implementing MS Certificate
Another option that was considered was to Services. This service is now provided with
perform the remote logon by having users log Windows 2000. With it, you can generate your
on locally to the actual VPN server using a own computer-based certificates for verifying
specific remote access account. In so doing, user and computer identity. To do so, we
they would not be exposing the domain logon would have to create our own root certificate
process to prying eyes. At worst, exposure authority (CA) and then a subordinate CA.
would be limited to the VPN system. We Then the issue would arise about which
experimented with these and several other servers to install it on.
combinations until we realized that we were Since it’s a good idea to secure the root CA,
looking at things from the wrong angle. We we decided to install it on a domain controller
shelved these as secondary options because well inside the network. Some experts recom-
they didn’t really give the client what they were mend taking the root CA offline so that there
looking for. is no chance of compromise, but we didn’t
It turns out that the reasoning behind the have the luxury of an extra server. The subor-
extra level of authentication stemmed from an dinate CA was installed on the Terminal
underlying issue. The client was concerned server. When deciding to use Certificate Ser-
about users sharing passwords for remote vices, we had to determine how to use it in a
access. Now that the cat was out of the bag, productive manner, yet provide only the features
f you’re a network or systems administra- a network environment as a simple firewall or
tor, one of your top considerations for any as a server providing such services as HTTP,
computer should be security—whether it’s FTP, and Telnet.
local security or network security. Since Linux
is a networked operating system by design, Why Secure Shell?
chances are that the computer is being used in Often, it’s convenient to administer remotely,
and Linux supports remote administration.
Security 165
With such programs as Telnet and rlogin, an tem could become compromised. As regular
administrator staying at home can work on and users, they may not get very far, but once they
configure a remote Linux machine at the office have access to your system, there are a number
across the Internet. With more and more com- of holes they may exploit, like programs that
panies choosing Linux as a server, as a compo- have the suid or sgid bits set for other users (like
nent of their Internet sites, or even as their root). They may even make attempts to learn
gateway to the Internet, remote administration the root password of the system. Once an
happens all the time. unwanted guest has access to your system, you
Linux is very secure. With a little bit of should view your entire system as compro-
work and through the use of firewalls, IP mas- mised. What if they installed a packet sniffer or
querading, and TCP Wrappers (which prevent keyboard monitor on your system? The root
unwanted guests from launching services), you password could then be obtained quite easily.
can make a computer that runs Linux virtually But by then, it’s too late. You can plug the
invulnerable to any attacks across the Internet. hole and change the user’s password, but the
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about exposure has already occurred. Your system is
the Internet itself. compromised. The best way to deal with this
Most protocols transmit data in clear-text situation is to prevent it from happening in the
format, which means that there is no encryp- first place. Clear transmission is fundamentally
tion or “scrambling” of the network data. a bad idea, and it should be avoided like the
Anyone who’s curious can “listen” to your net- plague. Conscientious system or network
work traffic as it goes from point A (let’s say administrators should avoid it even on local
the system administrator at home) to point C networks. The Internet is not the only place
(the server at work). Because of the nature of that harbors curious individuals.
the Internet, without a direct dial-in connec-
tion to your server, your network traffic will Just what does Secure Shell do?
probably be routed through point B (a host To guard against vulnerability and to protect
out on the Internet) or even multiple point Bs. your day-to-day network data, I highly recom-
It’s possible that you’ll have a few, or even a mend installing and using Secure Shell (SSH).
few dozen, hops between your system and the SSH is a client/server suite of programs that
one you’re trying to reach. To find out how encrypts data prior to sending it and that unen-
many hops exist between you and any given crypts data once it is received. Every packet in
destination, give the program traceroute a try transit, whether across a local LAN or from
(which is usually located in /usr/sbin). It will point A to point C in the above illustration, is
tell you how many hops and how long of a encrypted and safe from packet sniffers and
delay between hosts it will take to reach your other network monitors that may pose a secu-
final destination. rity risk to similar programs. SSH is a suitable
Keep in mind that, if there are a dozen hops alternative for programs like Telnet, rlogin, rsh,
to the machine you’re trying to reach, there are rcp, and rdist. SSH was designed to provide
also a dozen points of interception. Anyone strong authentication and secure communica-
with a packet sniffer or other network-monitor- tion over insecure networks (as noted in the
ing tool can see and intercept your network Secure Shell RFC).
data. If this is the case, not only can they view Secure Shell supports a number of encryp-
your network data, but they can maintain a tion algorithms, such as:
local copy of it, view it later, and possibly glean X BlowFish: A 64-bit encryption scheme
passwords from it. If you think that you are developed by Bruce Schneier
protected just because you require a password X Triple DES: The Data Encryption Stan-
for access, think again. Once this type of inter- dard, which was developed in 1974 by IBM
ception occurs and someone has obtained a and is used by the U.S. government for
user password to your system, your entire sys- encrypting nonclassified data
Security 167
which enables SSH to allow and disallow con- it has to generate the key immediately before it
nections based on the hosts defined in can authenticate a session. Consequently, the
/etc/hosts.allow (specified authorized hosts) session initiation will take a few seconds longer
and /etc/hosts.deny (specified unauthorized than necessary. Normally, sshd keeps a gener-
hosts). TCP Wrappers is an excellent security ated RSA key in memory so that it can
tool that works similarly to a firewall. The two respond to client requests immediately. The
configuration files are used to select services RSA key is usually re-generated hourly (which
and to authorize or “unauthorize” specific can be changed in the configuration), and it is
hosts or domains from using those services. never written to the disk—so as to preserve
SSH can use this tool, or it can use its own the key’s integrity. Because of this added
form of allow/deny authorization (when com- security, running the daemon stand-alone is
piled without TCP Wrappers support). recommended.
There are a number of other options that
What are the specifics? can be used by the SSH daemon on the com-
Once you’ve decided which method you’re mand line. These options include the number
going to use (source or binary) and you have of bits to use in the server key (by default, it’s
installed SSH, the suite of programs will 768 bits), how often sshd regenerates the server
become available to you. To any systems key (by default, it’s once an hour), alternate
administrator, I recommend disabling all run- ports to listen to (by default, it’s TCP Port 22),
ning Telnet servers completely. This disabling and more. The configuration file for the dae-
can be done by commenting out the Telnet mon, /etc/sshd_config, permits more options
field in /etc/inetd.conf so that the Inetd to control how the daemon operates.
super-daemon will never open a Telnet session The SSH client program, ssh, also has a
when an incoming request on TCP Port 23 is number of command-line options, as well as
received. By the same token, you should also its own configuration file, /etc/ssh_config.
disable the rlogin and rsh suite of programs Some of the options on the command line
(rshd, rlogind, rexecd, and rexd). The system will allow you to select which cipher (encryption
not be secure until all of these programs are method) to use, which user to log in as (if not
disabled or, preferably, removed completely. the current user), and so forth. It will connect
You can then decide whether sshd will be a to the remote SSH server and initiate an inter-
persistent service (started on its own and con- active Telnet-like session. In fact, it is so trans-
tinually running) or whether Inetd will start it parent that, beyond the login, you will think
upon request. If you want Inetd to start the that you’re sitting in front of the server itself.
SSH daemon when required, add the following The Secure Copy program should be used
to your /etc/inetd.conf (if you have TCP whenever you need to transfer one file to
Wrapper support enabled): another. It is not an interactive copying pro-
ssh stream tcp nowait root gram, like FTP, but it’s very similar to the cp
/usr/sbin/tcpd sshd -i program that’s used locally. It allows you to
or if you have TCP Wrapper support disabled: select which cipher you want to use on the
ssh stream tcp nowait root command line, but it uses a unique syntax to
/usr/bin/sshd sshd -i copy files. The syntax is:
There is little real benefit to running sshd scp user@host1:[/path/filename]
from Inetd. The SSH daemon does not take user@host2:[/path/filename]
much memory or CPU when idle, so there is or it can be abbreviated to
no need to worry about wasted resources if it scp [/path/filename]
is not used very often. The side effect to using user@host2:[/path/filename]
Inetd, however, is that SSH must generate a SSH can also be used as a tunneling pro-
server key prior to responding to the client, gram to create rough Virtual Private Networks
and this action can take a few seconds because or to allow remote users to access a remote
Security 169
Making the most of OpenSSH
Mar 7, 2001
By Vincent Danen
f you run Linux in a networked environ- The first step is to create your private and
ment and don’t yet know what OpenSSH public keys. To do this, simply run the command:
is, you have no idea what you’re missing. If ssh-keygen
you use telnet and still don’t know what This will work for any OpenSSH or SSH 1.x
OpenSSH is, then you are in dire need of a lit- server. If the remote server uses SSH 2.x, you
tle education. OpenSSH is an open source and will want to run this command instead:
free implementation of the SSH (Secure Shell) ssh-keygen -d
protocol. With it, you can connect to comput-
Because SSH 2.x uses a different algorithm,
ers across a network or the Internet in a com-
it will create a DSA key instead. If you connect
pletely secure fashion, with everything from
to various servers, some using OpenSSH and
passwords to the text you type encrypted. If
others using SSH 2.x, you can run both com-
you’ve been using telnet and have never given
mands. Since both keys are saved in different
OpenSSH a try, you need to stop right now
files, they can peacefully coexist. SSH 1.x and
and try it.
2.x are both commercial implementations of
This article, however, is not about how to
SSH and are not free, unlike OpenSSH itself.
install OpenSSH, or even about the basic uses
Once you have completed this command,
of OpenSSH. While in its most basic form
you will have a file called /home/user/.ssh/
OpenSSH can be used for secure remote logins
identity and another called /home/user/.ssh/
and secure copying of files to and from remote
identity.pub. The first is your private key, and the
computers, there is far more that OpenSSH can
second is your public key. If you use the -d
do. In this article, we will explore some of the
option, these files will be /home/user/.ssh/
more advanced features of OpenSSH and dis-
id_dsa and /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
cover how to make using it simpler and more
Now that you have your keypair generated,
you need to secure your private key. (If your
Key-based authentication private key ever becomes compromised, you
Typically, when you connect to a remote site, will have to recreate your private key, so take
you need to supply a password. This is true for pains to ensure it does not become so.) The
remote logins and for copying files securely. easiest way is to change the permissions of the
The password is required to authenticate you file so they are readable and writable only by
so that the remote system knows that you are you and no one else. Run the following com-
who you say you are, and that you have appro- mand to change the permissions:
priate access to the system. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/identity
OpenSSH also uses a key-based method of This will make sure that only the user who
authentication, which means that you can created the keypair has access to the file. The
make use of password-less connections to the next step is to distribute your public key to the
remote machine. If you connect to a remote servers you will be connecting to via SSH. This
system often, this may be the best method for is easily done since you should already have
you to make use of, because it offers the bene- access to the remote system. Simply copy your
fit of fewer keystrokes and is just as secure as new ~/.ssh/identity.pub to the remote system and
using password authentication, especially if place it into the ~/.ssh directory on the remote
you use strange and convoluted passwords system. For instance, if your user name is joe,
(which you should). Using this method, you but on the remote system it is joedoe, you will
have to enter your password only once, at the have to copy /home/joe/.ssh/identity.pub on the
beginning of your session. local system to /home/joedoe/.ssh/authorized_keys
Security 171
located at mail.somehost.com. To establish the will run fetchmail every five minutes to
tunnel, use the following command: download mail:
ssh -f -c joe@mail.somehost.com -L #!/bin/sh
1110:mail.somehost.com:110 sleep 10 ssh-add
This command will start the port forward com- while true; do fetchmail —syslog
mand with compression enabled. Our login on —invisible; sleep 5m; done
the remote machine, mail.somehost.com, is Then you can run the following command
joe, so we provide that as the username and when you log in to your system:
the fully qualified domain name for the remote ssh-agent ~/bin/getmail
host name on the command line. We then cre- if you saved the above script as the executable
ate a tunnel from port 1110 on the localhost to file ~/bin/getmail.
port 110 (the POP3 port) on the remote host. Now let’s take a look at another use for SSH
We then run the command sleep 10 to keep the tunneling. Suppose you wanted to run X appli-
connection alive long enough for the mail cations from a remote server and have them
client to connect to the remote server. You can displayed on your local computer. This is easily
basically put anything here that produces some done with OpenSSH as well and provides a
activity, such as using tail on a log file, so that secure way to use remote applications. The
some data keeps the connection alive. first step is to log in to the remote machine
Once you execute the command, you will be and create a file called ~/.ssh/environment,
prompted for your password on the remote which contains the following line:
system. Once you’ve done this, you can then XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority
point your mail client to port 1110 on the The /home/user directory is, of course, the
localhost to retrieve your e-mail. To take the home directory of the remote user. Once you
example further, let’s take a quick look at the have done this, close the session and then start
fetchmail program and see how you would another session using:
have to configure fetchmail to make use of ssh -f -x -l [user] [remote host]
this SSH tunnel. xterm
If you use fetchmail, you will be aware of
This will open up an xterm from the
the ~/.fetchmailrc configuration file that it uses.
remote machine onto your local computer.
Expanding upon the example above, let’s look
You can do this with any application you like,
at a sample ~/.fetchmailrc file:
such as Netscape, xchat, or an administrative
poll localhost with protocol pop3 and
program. As long as you have permission to
port 1110:
execute the program, you will be able to run it
preconnect "ssh -f -c
joe@mail.somehost.com -L
in this manner.
1110:mail.somehost.com:110 sleep 10"
password private;
Further configuration options
You can also configure OpenSSH to make it
And that’s it! What this does is tell fetchmail easier and more convenient for you to use.
to connect to port 1110 on the local system. There are three ways that you can pass options
The preconnect command tells fetchmail to exe- to OpenSSH, and they are, in order of priority:
cute the command in quotes prior to making command line, user configuration, and system-
the POP3 connection to download mail. The wide configuration. By default, you will not
last line provides the password for the POP3 have a user configuration file, so you may want
account. to copy /etc/ssh/ssh_config to ~/.ssh/ssh_config.
To take this one step further, combine To change system-wide configuration options,
this with the ssh-agent and ssh-add commands simply edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.
we looked at previously, and you will need The configuration file is read from top to
to enter your password only once. Or you bottom. It uses matching, so the first configu-
can use a BASH script similar to this, which ration option that matches the situation is the
Security 173
Communications, Inc., an Internet serv- anybody’s ISP on basically anyone’s network,”
ice provider (ISP) in Bethesda, MD said Edwards. “So if an employee leaves, he
(http://www.elinkcommunications.com/). could very well go home and either still get
Edwards also saw how an employee who dis- sensitive information off the network or still
liked another fired employee accessed a VPN send out e-mails basically using your com-
using the terminated employee’s password and pany’s service for his own good,” he said.
sent hateful e-mails to supervisors in the organ- In the wrong hands, a single VPN password
ization under the fired employee’s name. can open up an entire network to a malicious
These examples demonstrate why IT man- user or hacker. “VPN passwords are the keys to
agers must control VPN password use in their the kingdom,” said Marty Roesch, the president
organization and delete passwords when they and founder of Sourcefire, Inc., a provider of
are no longer needed. network monitoring infrastructure solutions in
Columbia, MD (http://www.sourcefire.com/).
VPN use and risk increase Staying on top of password use is the easi-
Passwords are necessary for secure access to a est way managers can protect VPNs. “You use
VPN. They’re also one of the only ways an a VPN to secure your point-to-point commu-
organization can protect its VPN. “Passwords nications, so if it’s secured via passwords and
really are the only line of defense today you don’t have good password control mecha-
between an intruder and your data,” said Tom nisms, then you run the risk of a password get-
Rose, the vice president of marketing for ting out,” said Roesch.
Courion, a provider of self-service identity
management solutions, in Framingham, MA How to manage IT passwords
(http://www.courion.com/). “For example, the problem scenarios I men-
The need for secure passwords is increasing tioned could have been avoided if the organi-
simply because VPN use is rising. John Doyle, zation’s human resources department had told
the director of product marketing for Corpo- the IT team when an employee was to be
rate Edge Services for Nortel Networks fired,” said Edwards. “A bad thing to do is to
(http://www.nortelnetworks.com/), said that fire someone in the evening and not let us
Nortel Networks sells VPN services to all types know,” he said.
of companies, government entities, and carrier IT managers should establish a system to
partners that offer managed VPN services. track passwords to know when certain pass-
This overall growth means that VPNs are words are no longer needed. For example,
more important to an organization’s productiv- when an employee leaves the organization, you
ity. “There are two principle applications for should uninstall those passwords immediately.
VPNs,” said Doyle. “One is remote access. Here are other password management tips:
That would be the stuff that you’re doing X “Refresh passwords at least every 60 days,”
when you dial in from home. And then there’s said Rose. “Obviously the more frequently
the branch-to-branch stuff. That would you refresh your passwords, the more diffi-
describe most companies,” he said. He added cult it becomes for a hacker to compromise
that users in an organization’s branch offices a password or obtain one,” he said.
need network access from anywhere, at any
X Explain to users why they must be careful
time, and that VPNs meet this need.
with VPNs. Tell them that it is impossible
Keep your organization safe to deploy security software to users outside
Protecting your network is one reason each user of an organization’s network and that they
in your organization needs a VPN password cannot trust external computing platforms.
and also the reason IT managers need to focus X Encourage users to use other forms of pro-
on managing passwords to prevent abuse. tection at home. For example, establish a
If the idea of turning over one password to policy that states that users must use fire-
each user makes you shake in your boots, it walls and other protection solutions that are
should. “With a VPN, you can access through approved by the organization.
Security 175
TechRepublic’s TCP/IP primer
Sep 1, 2000
By Jason Pachomski
Protocols 177
Transport layer asked. This obviously makes UDP a much
Once the Application layer is through with the faster protocol when it comes to data transmis-
data, it passes the data down the line to the sion. But UDP has rudimentary error checking
Transport layer. The two major components of and flow control, as well as reliability issues.
the Transport layer are the Transfer Control That is why TCP is the most widely used pro-
Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Proto- tocol in Internet communications.
col (UDP). Entire books are available on TCP, Internet layer
UDP, and the Transport layer, but simply put, Beneath the Transport layer is the Internet
the Transport layer is an interface that applica- layer. Three key protocols reside in the Inter-
tions use for network connectivity. The design- net layer: Internet Protocol (IP), Address Res-
ers of TCP/IP wanted to make sure that the olution Protocol (ARP), and Internet Control
data you send gets received by the right Message Protocol (ICMP). Each of these
machine, as well as the right application run- serves a specific purpose. There are also two
ning on that machine. The Transport layer less-used protocols, Reverse Address Resolu-
provides this functionality. In the Transport tion Protocol (RARP) and Internet Group
layer, there are mechanisms for error checking, Management Protocol (IGMP).
flow control, and verification ensuring the IP addressing and address resolution
integrity and completeness of the data it is occur within the Internet layer. IP addressing
working with. is a scheme that standardizes how machines
Although TCP and UDP are the main work- are identified and differentiated from one
horses of this layer, there is one very important another. This scheme allows any computer
difference between the two. TCP is considered running TCP/IP to communicate with other
a connection-oriented protocol, while UDP computers running TCP/IP anywhere in the
is considered a connectionless protocol. A world. No matter what type of machine,
connection-oriented protocol is one that estab- operating system, or network topology the
lishes a connection with another machine and PCs live on, as long as both machines are
maintains that connection for the entire dura- using TCP/IP, they’re speaking the same
tion of data transmission. A slew of functions language.
are built into TCP that check and recheck the ARP’s job is to resolve a logical IP address,
data while the two machines are connected. such as www.mywebsite.com, into its physical
This makes TCP a more reliable, albeit slower, equivalent address. ICMP is mostly used by
transmission. A connectionless protocol such routers to send information back to a source
as UDP, however, does not establish a connec- computer about a transmission that computer
tion with the target machine at all. UDP is told is trying to make. When you use the PING
by the Application layer which machine it is utility, the information you receive was gath-
supposed to transmit to, with no questions ered using ICMP.
Figure A
This diagram illustrates the layers of the OSI Model and how they map to different areas of Microsoft’s TCP/IP. It also shows
the four layers of the TCP/IP Reference Model and how they map to Microsoft’s TCP/IP.
Protocols 179
Troubleshoot your network errors with
TechRepublic’s TCP/IP checklist
Jan 21, 2000
By David Mays
hether your systems are powered by system, including the installation of service
Windows or Linux, network config- packs, new Internet software, Elf Bowling
uration problems inevitably arise. games, and so on.
Often the problem can be traced to an 4. Check the physical network. The physical
improperly configured TCP/IP setting, but topology of your network is most prone to
finding the culprit can be difficult. Use the fol- failure. In fact, most network problems are
lowing checklist to help identify and eliminate often due to Physical Layer failures.
network TCP/IP errors.
5. Is it plugged in? Check all network cable
TechRepublic’s TCP/IP checklist connections. Start at the NIC; is there a
1. What stopped working? The client or the green light? Check the wiring closet to see
server? Ask around before attacking if someone “borrowed” the patch cable.
coworkers’ PCs; learn if the outage is Check the hub to see if the system is get-
affecting others or just a single desktop. ting a link across the cable.
2. If the server stopped working, you 6. If you don’t have a cable tester, get one.
should notice many office mates banging Cabling is very susceptible to electricians,
their heads against their desks simultane- cleaning people, HVAC personnel, and
ously. If this is the case, focus on fixing so on.
the server. 7. Start PINGing. Both Windows and Linux
3. If a single client PC has stopped respond- have the PING command. In a typical net-
ing to the network, ask the user whether work you have this order (client->gateway-
new software was just loaded or whether >server) or (client->gateway->internet).
any recent changes have been made to the First, attempt to PING yourself from
the Windows command prompt or use the
Linux shell. Your local “loopback” address
Listing A for such testing is Windows
C:\WINDOWS>PING users should see the response shown in
Listing A, while Linux operators should see
PINGing with 32 bytes of data: the results shown in Listing B.
Note that in Linux you must add -c 4
to the command, which requests four
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32 PINGs. Otherwise, you must stop the test
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32 using [CTRL]C.
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32 8. If you do not receive a successful PING
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=32 from yourself, in Windows, try re-installing
the TCP/IP protocol from the Network
Control Panel. In Linux, see if your
PING statistics for Ethernet card is loading properly by using
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 ifconfig. It should provide the information
(0% loss), shown in Listing C.
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: When you issue the interface configura-
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 0ms tion (ifconfig) program, you’ll receive a list
Listing C
[root@gateway /root]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:11:22:33:44
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:219876 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:153838 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:77 txqueuelen:100
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x230
Protocols 181
Listing D
[root@gateway /root]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 lo UG 0 0 0 eth0
The -rn prints the routing table and puts router administrator add one. If it has one
everything in numeric format. In this but has stopped working, it could mean
example, the default gateway ( is you’re experiencing a router failure, and others will be affected as well. Conversely,
If you don’t have a gateway config- the router administrator may have loaded
ured, then one will not show up in an old config; check with the administrator
WINIPCFG or when using netstat. to make sure this isn’t the case.
This is a problem. 12. The final step is through the gateway.
In Windows, locate Start | Settings | PING something that is on the other side
Control Panel | Network | TCP/IP | of the gateway. In an intranet, PING a
Gateway and add your gateway. This is printer on a remote subnet. On the Inter-
your local interface on your router. In net, PING Yahoo! ( If you
Linux, use linuxconf or set up a temporary do so successfully, you should not have a
route using: problem. If you can’t get to a particular
route add default gw system in your network or on the Internet,
gateway_ip_address that resource may not be available. You
where gateway_ip_address is your gateway. may want to tell the administrators of those
PING this address; this will prove a systems about this checklist! Certainly, you
solid connection from your PC to the gate- can expect they’re working through the
way. If you have made it this far, the PC is same difficulties as you.
working, the cabling is working, and the Remember, TCP/IP was designed to be
router (gateway) interface is working. You indestructible, even in a global thermonuclear
can skip to the next section. war. After you get past an initial install, it
However, if you receive no response should run for quite some time without any
from the gateway, and you have one con- trouble. Always look for the most obvious
figured, it’s time to call in the big guns. problems first, and if in doubt, reboot your
Your router is improperly configured. It system.
must have a local interface (IP address) on
your subnet to listen to the traffic on your
network. If there is no interface, have the
ust as with Windows or Linux systems, been severed or crushed by a heavy piece of
TCP/IP network configuration issues can furniture.
prove quite frustrating to solve on Novell X Reboot the computer. As simple as it may
networks. Novell administrators can save time be, rebooting the workstation resolves many
by following a troubleshooting checklist. problems. NetWare 5 clients will automati-
Here’s a step-by-step guide that you can use cally reconnect if there’s a lapse in the net-
the next time your Novell network experiences work signal, but older clients don’t have
TCP/IP problems. this capability. Rebooting the workstation
What changed last? shouldn’t make the problem worse, and it
will provide you with a good starting point
We do not live in a perfect world. Equipment
breaks or software changes are made, and it’s for troubleshooting configuration issues.
up to us to resolve the ensuing problems. X Check the network signal. Verify that the
When we’re faced with network troubles, our network card has a green light. This does
first step should be to answer one simple ques- not always mean that the signal is good, but
tion: What changed? it is a sign of connectivity. Using a line
Many times, the answer to this question will tester, verify the physical cabling from the
provide the resolution to our problem. This communications closet to the wall jack.
guide offers some straightforward trou- X Verify the line speed. Using a line tester,
bleshooting steps to help diagnose and resolve verify the speed of the connection. Switch
problems on misbehaving Novell TCP/IP ports can be forced to slower speeds, and
networks. network cards can be configured incor-
rectly. Also verify that the switch port and
Determine the scope of the network card are not both configured
the problem to auto sense the line speed. If they are,
When troubleshooting any problem, take a neither one will be able to determine the
moment to absorb the big picture. Is one user correct speed.
or a single system affected, or does the prob-
lem have an impact on the entire department? X Check the wiring closet. If you aren’t
First, call the help desk to see if it is receiving receiving a signal at the client, head for the
similar complaints. Determining the scope and wiring closet. Reconnect both ends of the
nature of a problem will allow you to diagnose patch cable to ensure the connection is
and resolve any issue correctly and efficiently. good. Next, check for a link light on the
hub or switch port. If you don’t have a link
Single-client problem light, try another port. Finally, check for
If a single client is having connectivity prob- error lights on the network device and con-
lems, you can follow these steps to restore net- firm that the network feeds are securely
work service to your users and systems. connected.
X Check physical connections. Sometimes X Use PING to test connectivity. If every-
users move their computers and forget to thing in the communications closet is good,
plug in the network connection. Occasion- go back to the workstation and PING the
ally, the network connection is accidentally local loopback address of This
removed. Reconnect both ends of the net- will test the TCP/IP protocol stack and ver-
work cable and check to see if the cable has ify that it is working correctly. Next, try to
Protocols 183
PING various locations on the network. new card, not one that has been sitting on
Start by PINGing a workstation on the the shelf for the past six months, so that
same network segment as the non-working you don’t introduce new problems into the
client. Finally, PING the default gateway, already fuzzy equation.
followed by a device on the other side of
the gateway, such as a remote server or an Department or area
Internet address. A failure of any of these connectivity problem
devices should pinpoint the problem. When one or more segments of a TCP/IP
network lose connectivity, the problem usually
X Use TRACERT to test connectivity. If
lies with the network equipment. Here are
you are unsure of the IP addresses of
some troubleshooting tips that can help you
various network devices, use the handy
isolate the problem and restore connectivity to
command-line utility TRACERT. Select an
your users and systems.
Internet address, such as,
which is Novell’s home page, or X Reboot at least one workstation. If, which is TechRepublic’s site. the outage is brief, the workstations may
At a command prompt, type TRACERT regain connectivity after being rebooted.
and then the IP address. For instance, to NetWare 5 clients will be able to reconnect
check the route to TechRepublic, you would automatically, but older clients will be
type TRACERT The results unable to do so.
will show each hop that the ICMP packet X Check the wiring closet. Collect a few
takes to reach the destination address. A data jack numbers and head to the com-
failure of any of these devices should pin- munications closet. First, determine if all
point the problem. the devices in the closet are powered on.
X Use WINIPCFG to release/renew the A localized power outage is a common
IP address. Releasing and renewing the IP cause of network failures. Next, determine
address lease can eliminate problems with a if all the data jack numbers are connected
particular address. While the WINIPCFG to a single network device. If they are,
screen is displayed, take a moment to verify move a couple to a different device and
the other settings. see if the problem goes away. Finally, look
for error lights on the switch or hub and
X Try a different computer on the same confirm that the network feeds are
network connection. If you don’t know securely connected.
whether the issue is a computer problem or
network problem, try using a different com- X PING the network equipment from the
puter on the “bad” network connection. affected area. Try to PING the switch
Using a laptop is probably the easiest from a workstation located in the affected
method, but you can also borrow a nearby area. If that is successful, PING the default
computer that is not in use. If the other gateway, followed by a device on the other
computer works normally, then look to the side of the gateway. A failure on any of
nonfunctional computer to resolve the these devices should pinpoint the problem.
problem. X Use TRACERT to test connectivity.
X Reinstall the network drivers. Reinstalling As described in the previous section, use
the network card driver will allow you to TRACERT to quickly test the network
start from scratch with the network soft- devices from the affected area to the Inter-
ware. After doing this, you should have no net. If you use TRACERT from a working
doubts about the configuration of the net- area and then from the non-working area,
work card. are both routes the same? If they aren’t,
the differences may help you pinpoint
X Install a new NIC. Network cards, like any the problem.
other device, can go bad. Install a brand-
Protocols 185
X Use PING to test connectivity. Using the called TCPCON.NLM. You should be able
NetWare server’s PING utility, PING the to see the values in the middle of the screen
local loopback of the file server to verify changing as network traffic flows to and
that the TCP/IP stack is working correctly. from the server. Verify that IP routing is
If this test is successful, PING a device that enabled by selecting Protocol Information
is on the same segment as the server, fol- -> IP -> IP Packet Forwarding. The IP
lowed by the default gateway and a device Packet Forwarding field should be set to
on the other side of the gateway. A failure Router. TCPCON can also be used to verify
on any of these devices should pinpoint the the IP Routing Table.
problem. X Install a new network card. If you deter-
X Use IPTRACE to test connectivity. A mine that the network card is bad, install a
NetWare server’s IPTRACE utility is very new one. This will affect all your users and
similar to TRACERT. Choose an IP address systems, including ones that might be work-
from a distant router or the Internet and at ing and currently in use.
the server console type: IPTRACE <IP X Reboot the server. Because of the impact
address>. You’ll be taken to a new screen that this solution will have on your users
that shows the route that the ICMP packet and systems, rebooting the file server
took to reach the destination. should be used only as a last resort. On a
X Verify that the server is not discarding NetWare 5 server, you can issue the
TCP/IP packets. From the server’s system RESTART SERVER command.
console screen, enter: SET TCP IP DEBUG These troubleshooting steps may not solve
= 1. The console screen should immediately all your connectivity problems, but they
start scrolling TCP/IP information. To stop should provide you with a good starting point.
the log, enter: SET TCP IP DEBUG = 0, Hopefully, you will never need to use them.
and you shouldn’t see any packets being But as we noted earlier, we do not live in a
DISCARDed. perfect world.
X Use TCPCON to gather TCP/IP statis-
tics. NetWare 5.x includes a nifty utility
irtual private networks (VPNs) are distances. This is called an access VPN, and
growing in popularity, and the reason can work across analog or ISDN dial-up lines,
is obvious: The ability to connect to a DSL, or cable modems. Intranet and extranet
private LAN by “tunneling” through the pub- VPNs can be used to connect corporate
lic Internet provides both convenience and offices at different locations to one another
cost benefits. This is especially true if the con- using a dedicated connection, or to link to the
nections are of long duration or over very long sites of partners or customers.
Protocols 187
common authentication protocol and one
common encryption protocol. TIP
Hashing is a nonreversible method of
VPN authentication applying an algorithm (formula) to a string
There are different authentication levels asso-
of characters, such as a password, to dis-
ciated with VPNs. Two of them are user-level
guise the original data. It is called nonre-
authentication (PPP authentication) and
versible because you cannot reverse the
machine-level authentication, which uses the
Internet Security Association and Key Man- formula and recover the original data.
agement Protocol (ISAKMP).
Authentication can also be provided by
User-level authentication Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
When a VPN client attempts to make a con- (RADIUS), which is an industry-standard pro-
nection to a VPN server, the server will use a tocol that requires clients to send user and
PPP user-level authentication method to con- connection information to a RADIUS server,
firm the client’s identity based on the user’s which authenticates the client and authorizes
credentials (account name and password or the connection request.
smart card and PIN). In addition, the VPN PAP is the least secure authentication
server must verify that the client has the method because if an unauthorized person
proper permissions to establish the connec- uses a packet sniffer (for example, the Net-
tion (this is called authorization or access work Monitor software built into Windows
control). NT/2000) to capture the data as it travels
With mutual authentication, the process across the network, he or she will be able to
goes both ways; the client also authenticates view the contents of the packets and read the
the server to verify its identity and protect password. PAP is not recommended for VPN
against server masquerading. authentication.
Some user-level authentication protocols
include: Machine-level authentication
When the IPSec encryption protocol is used,
X Password Authentication Protocol
the authentication of the client and server
(PAP), which uses plain text passwords to
machines is done using machine certificates.
authenticate the client’s identity.
The ISAKMP protocol is used to create a
X Shiva PAP (SPAP), which is used to security association, and the Oakley key-
authenticate Shiva clients. generation protocol is used to generate and
X Challenge Handshake Authentication manage the authenticated keys that are used to
Protocol (CHAP), where the server “chal- secure the data.
lenges” the remote client to supply authen-
tication credentials. Message Digest 5 TIP
(MD5) is used to hash the message, allow- Digital certificates use cryptography to ver-
ing the hash value to be sent across the net- ify identity, while making it difficult for an
work instead of the actual password. unauthorized person to intercept, alter, or
X Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP), which is a spoof (forge) data. Certificates use public
version of CHAP developed by Microsoft and private keys (a key pair) to sign mes-
to authenticate Windows clients. MS-CHAP sages; the sender’s public key is included
v2 is a mutual authentication protocol by in the certificate. The sender signs the
which both the client and the server prove message using his or her private key.
their identities to one another. Using the public key that matches it, the
The first two are supported by Cisco’s L2F recipient can verify the sender’s identity.
implementation; the third is associated with
Microsoft’s PPTP.
IPSec was developed to add security to data Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation
that travels across a network (not only VPN
connections) and is capable of providing both When ESP is used between two gateways, data is encrypted only when
authentication and encryption. The compo- traveling over the Internet.
Protocols 189
implemented ESP. VPNs often utilize gateway- The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
to-gateway encryption, which protects the data has established a standardized way for this
while it is traveling on the public Internet. In process to take place, using two technologies:
this case, data is not encrypted while on the X ISAKMP
private network (see Figure B).
X Oakley
ESP and AH can operate in two modes:
transport mode or tunnel mode. In tunnel ISAKMP manages the security associations
mode, ESP creates a tunnel to provide privacy and negotiates the security policies. Oakley
for tunneled packets. The packets can be generates the authenticated keys that are used
encrypted using Data Encryption Standard to protect the data. ISAKMP/Oakley is known
(DES) or 3DES (also called Triple DES), as the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Cisco
although encryption is not required if only Systems prepared IETF drafts specifying stan-
authentication and integrity are desired and dards for IKE and made a version of IKE
confidentiality is not required. available at no charge via the Internet.
ESP in transport mode is used to provide The security association is established by a
the security for a tunnel created by L2TP. two-part process:
When used in transport mode, ESP does not X Key exchange
sign the entire packet. It protects the data, but X Data protection
not the IP header (see Figure C). During the key exchange step, the commu-
IPSec security associations nicating computers create the ISAKMP SA.
IPSec creates a security association (SA) to Oakley protects the identities during this step.
define the security services and keys that will Policy is negotiated, and the computers
be used to secure a communication between exchange information that allows the genera-
two hosts or gateways. The security associa- tion of a shared secret key, which is generated
tion is like a contract between the sending by the Diffie-Hellman protocol. The comput-
and receiving computers (source and destina- ers must then authenticate the key information
tion) that lays out the terms or rules for the exchange (note that the keys themselves are
transaction. not exchanged; only the information that is
used to generate the shared “master” key).
The second step, data protection, begins
Figure C with the negotiation of a pair of SAs that are
called the IPSec SAs (to differentiate them
Data and ESP trailer
are encrypted from the ISAKMP SA). Policies are negotiated
for the new SAs. There are two because one is
used for inbound communication and the
other for outbound. The ISAKMP SA protects
the negotiation. Multiple IPSec SAs can be
IP ESP ESP ESP protected by one ISAKMP SA.
Header Header Data Trailer Authenti-
cation The IPSec authentication and
encryption process
Once the SAs have been established, the send-
ing computer will use the outbound IPSec SA
to sign the packets (to provide integrity) and
encrypt the data (for confidentiality). The
packets will then be transmitted through the
tunnel to the destination computer.
ESP header, data, and The destination computer will use the
ESP trailer are signed
inbound SA and corresponding key to verify
In transport mode, ESP does not sign the entire packet.
uch has been written on the merits how to get Windows 2000 Professional to
of using a virtual private network make an L2TP/IPSec connection to a Win-
(VPN) connection for remote dows 2000 VPN server, as well as how to cus-
access and how Windows 2000’s Routing and tomize and maintain that connection. In this
Remote Access (RRAS) service has greatly installment, I’ll explain how to use the Win-
simplified the process. The main benefit of a dows 2000 Certification Authority service to
VPN is cost savings, since it allows corpora- achieve a connection. Then, my next two arti-
tions to use a persistent Internet connection cles will focus on customizing and trou-
rather than a bank of modems, and calls are bleshooting L2TP/IPSec connections.
cheaper for users because they incur only local
charges to their ISP rather than long-distance WIN2K VPN AND RRAS BASICS
costs. For the basics on using and configuring
Many of us have mastered the use of PPTP Windows RRAS with VPN connections,
connections for a VPN. However, Windows see “Setting up a VPN with Windows
2000 (and Windows XP) natively supports the 2000” (page 53).
more secure form of VPN, L2TP/IPSec.
Unfortunately, little has been written about
how to configure L2TP/IPSec beyond saying, It all starts with the certificates
“It’s more complicated.” So this three-part The most likely reason that L2TP/IPSec
series will provide a step-by-step tutorial on connections fail is because of problems with
Protocols 191
certificates. In its default configuration, a valid intermediary device (e.g., NAT server) may
computer certificate is required on both the be preventing your L2TP/IPSec connec-
client and the server. There are various ways of tions from working, my next article will
obtaining a computer certificate for a help. I’ll describe how to eliminate Internet
L2TP/IPSec connection, such as using a third- devices to confirm whether these are pre-
party Certification Authority like VeriSign venting the L2TP/IPSec connections from
(which should provide its own instructions on working.
this) or using Windows 2000 Active Directory
automatic certificate deployment. Configuring the Certification
However, this article will describe how to Authority service
use L2TP/IPSec connections by issuing your Deploying your own certificates with an in-
own certificates—without Active Directory— house Certification Authority requires careful
using the Windows 2000 Certification Author- planning. For example, you need to think
ity service in Stand-alone mode. This allows about the hierarchy you’ll be using (root CA,
anyone with a Windows 2000 Server to benefit subordinate and issuing servers), the certificate
from L2TP/IPSec connections regardless of lifetimes and key lengths, and how you will
whether they’re running Active Directory or secure this service. (Standard advice is to take
they have an NT 4.0 domain or even a simple the root CA offline and physically secure it
Windows Workgroup. until needed.) One of the best sources of
These instructions also hold good for using information on this is Microsoft’s white
just IPSec on your network, outside the VPN paper Windows 2000 Certificate Services
environment, although we won’t describe the (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/
IPSec policy configuration. treeview/default.asp?url=/TechNet/
Preliminary configuration steps 2000cert.asp).
Make the following checks before we begin: To streamline the process for the testing
X First, ensure that your Windows 2000 Pro- purposes of this tutorial, we will use only an
fessional can successfully connect to your online root CA as the issuing certificate server.
Windows 2000 RRAS server using PPTP Certificates will be requested and issued
with TCP/IP. This will verify that the basics through the Web browser, so IIS also needs to
of RRAS are working, that associated hard- be running on the certification server. How-
ware (modem, router, cable modem, etc.) is ever, these services will be on a different server
working, that the user is allowed remote from the one running RRAS, just as they
access, that remote access policies aren’t should be on a production network.
preventing a successful connection, and that On the Windows 2000 Server, you will be
IP address assignment is handled correctly. installing the Certification Authority service.
X Second, ensure that your client’s Internet First, double-check to make sure that the date
connection is not going through a network and time are correct on the server, because
address translation (NAT) server. certificates are based on timestamps. Then, go
Microsoft’s IPSec implementation has to the Add/Remove Windows Components
known problems with NAT. If all your and select Certificates Services. You’ll see a
clients’ Internet connections must go warning dialog box telling you that after
through NAT (as opposed to having static installing this service, the computer cannot be
IP addresses), Microsoft’s L2TP/IPSec renamed, join a domain, or be removed from
implementation is probably not for you. one. Click Yes to continue and then click Next.
X Third, if you have a firewall between the Now, you’ll be prompted to configure the
client and server, you may need to reconfig- Certification Authority service. The first win-
ure it to allow the L2TP/IPSec connection dow prompts for Certification Authority
through. Open UDP port 500 and IP port Type. Select Stand-alone Root CA (Figure A)
50. If you suspect your firewall or another and click Next.
Protocols 193
select the Trusted Root Certification Authori- the CA server. The workstation could com-
ties tab. plete this step when it’s on the corporate net-
You’ll need to complete the following steps work (if it’s a laptop) or after connecting
on both the Windows 2000 RRAS Server and through the VPN server using PPTP (if it’s a
the Win2K Pro client machine. Again, before remote workstation).
you begin, verify the correct date and time on Open Internet Explorer and go to
these machines, as we did for the CA server. http://<CA servername>/certsrv (where <CA
Note that in this tutorial, the client workstation servername> is the name or IP address of the
and the RRAS server will need to connect to CA server we just set up). In my example, this
would be http://w2kca/certsrv. You should see
Figure D the home page for Microsoft Certificate Ser-
vices with the name you gave the CA displayed
at the top, as shown in Figure D.
Instead of requesting a certificate immedi-
ately (the default option), select the top option,
Retrieve The CA Certificate Or Certificate
Revocation List, and click Next. The following
page allows you to install the CA path directly
from the server (possible because we are con-
necting to it over the network) or download the
CA certificate into a file (an approach you
should use when the CA server is not con-
nected to the network, as would be the case
with an offline CA). Click on the Install This
CA Certification Path link, as shown in Figure E.
This will result in a warning message asking
you to confirm that you want to add the cer-
tificate to your Root Store. You’ll then see
Connecting to the Microsoft Certificate Services Web site
some information about the certificate, includ-
Figure E ing the name you gave it, the fact that it was
self-issued (because it is a root CA, there is no
higher server to sign this certificate), and other
information, such as the time validity, serial
number, and unique thumbprint. Click Yes.
The next screen should inform you that the
CA certificate has been successfully installed.
Protocols 195
server, they should have your CA root certifi- Because Windows 2000 automatically gen-
cate installed and have computer certificates erates IPSec policies for L2TP/IPSec con-
from this CA that allow them to use IPSec. nections, you should have nothing further to
do but stop and restart your RRAS service
Figure H and try a VPN connection from the client
machine. The defaults supplied with Win-
dows 2000 mean that an L2TP/IPSec con-
nection will be tried before a PPTP
connection. If your RAS client connects,
check the Ports listed in the RRAS console.
If it lists a WAN Miniport (L2TP) VPN
device as Active, you have an L2TP/IPSec
connection up and running.
Final word
This tutorial has explained how to achieve an
L2TP/IPSec VPN connection between a Win-
dows 2000 RAS client and Windows 2000
RRAS server using the Windows 2000 Certifi-
cation Authority service.
hose who are familiar with a PPTP X How the default L2TP/IPSec policies work.
VPN in Windows 2000 will find that X How to monitor the IPSec connections.
an L2TP/IPSec VPN is quite similar
but contains some more complicated settings X How to override the default IPSec settings.
and management. Along with configuring
computer certificates, which I discussed in
How the default L2TP/IPSec
“Configuring certificates for an L2TP/IPSec policies work
VPN” (page 191), an L2TP/IPSec connection When you’re using Microsoft’s IP Security
involves some in-depth work with the VPN (IPSec) outside a VPN environment, you must
settings and other configuration options. This assign a preconfigured IPSec policy to the
article will introduce you to the more advanced computers. The Security Policy console (under
approaches that will enable you to customize Administrative Tools) allows you to view and
the security of your Win2K L2TP/IPSec con- edit these IPSec policies. However, by default,
nections. This will include: Microsoft uses a hidden, automatic IPSec pol-
icy for L2TP connections, which you won’t see
Protocols 197
the VPN server’s Internet NIC to any destina- level on your L2TP/IPSec connections, ensure
tion address and any source port from the that both the server and all clients support
VPN server to destination port UDP 1701. 128-bit encryption. The easiest way to do this
However, what is interesting is that (as with is to install SP2 or to install the High Encryp-
any IPSec connection) the remote access client tion Pack if you are running a pre-SP2
and VPN server can negotiate security options machine with 56-bit encryption. However, you
that will be used for the connection. The should realize that connections using 3DES
default L2TP Rule allows the VPN server to are slower and demand more processing on
offer 16 security preferences. (The equivalent the server.
options can be found under the Security Meth- You may be surprised when looking
ods tab when using the Security Policy con- through the full list of 16 “offers” in Netdiag
sole.) To see all offers, type netdiag /test:ipsec that there are more secure security methods
/debug on the server. on the list that will not be used by default
The first match between client and server because they are farther down the offer list.
will be used, so if your Windows 2000 client For example, you can use both Authenticated
and Windows 2000 VPN server offer the same Headers (AHs) and ESP to ensure that the
level of encryption (e.g., both support only 56- header information (addresses) is not changed
bit encryption), the resulting security methods in transit, and you can use SHA1, which is a
used will be data encryption (ESP) with DES stronger algorithm than MD5. However, both
and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), together of these come with the overheads of addi-
with MD5 as the chosen algorithm method. tional processing, and if you use AH as well as
This matches the ESP DES/CBC HMAC ESP, you will also need to open Protocol ID
MD5 in Figure B. If both server and client 51 on your firewall.
support strong encryption (i.e., they both have The least secure offer on the list has AHs
Win2K SP2 installed), the resulting policy will without encrypting the data at all. This is not
be ESP 3DES/CBC HMAC MD5. most people’s idea of a virtual private network,
If the encryption levels are not the same on but there may be times when this option is nec-
the server and the client, the lower one will be essary for political reasons—for example, when
used. So if you want the highest encryption the data is being transferred in a country where
encryption is banned. However, if you specifi-
cally want to ensure that all connecting remote
Figure B clients will encrypt their data, having this offer
automatically listed (albeit at the bottom of the
offer list) may worry you because you cannot
change this default offer list. Fortunately, you
can customize your IPSec settings to prevent
the possibility that this offer will be used.
etting up and managing an L2TP/IPSec Microsoft’s L2TP/IPSec connections usu-
VPN in Windows 2000 is quite different ally fail for two main reasons:
in many respects from working with a X Problems with certificates
standard PPTP VPN. So it’s not surprising that
X Internet device problems (e.g., routers,
troubleshooting these connections also
switches, firewalls, or NAT)
requires some unique tactics, as this article will
demonstrate. Other potential problems include:
Protocols 199
X Straining server resources L2TP/IPSec connections. It argues that it is
X Interoperability with other systems not a secure implementation because pass-
words are always vulnerable to guessing and/or
Problems with certificates cracking and will be stored in the registry or
My article “Configuring certificates for an Active Directory as part of the IPSec policy. So
L2TP/IPSec VPN” (page 191) worked remember that it is possible to use Microsoft’s
through an example of how to use your own L2TP/IPSec connections with password
in-house CA to issue computer certificates authentication instead of certificates, but you’re
required for L2TP/IPSec connections in Win- unlikely to get a sympathetic hearing from
dows 2000. If you suspect that certificates may Microsoft if you report problems with them.
be to blame for your L2TP/IPSec connections To use passwords instead of certificates for
failing to connect, try the steps in this article. your L2TP/IPSec connections, you’ll have to
Alternatively, you can use Microsoft’s testing disable the L2TP policy on both server and
site (http://sectestca1.rte.microsoft.com/) clients and then configure and assign your own
to install a computer certificate from IPSec policy as described in my article “Cus-
Microsoft’s online CA. tomize the security of L2TP/IPSec connec-
Here are a few other things to check: tions” (page 196). But specify password
X Verify that the date/time is correct on the authentication and type in the password you
client and the VPN server (and the issuing want to use. For production use, don’t forget all
CA, if using an in-house CA). the rules about choosing secure passwords (at
least eight characters, mixture of alphanumeric
X Open the Certificates console on the client and nonalphanumeric, mixture of cases, etc.).
and verify that the CA path is installed, if If you need help setting up this policy,
using an in-house CA. You can confirm that there are step-by-step instructions in the
it exists under Trusted Root Certificates Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q240262,
Authority | Certificates or by checking that “How to Configure a L2TP/IPSec Connec-
the computer certificate is listed and valid tion Using Pre-shared Key Authentication”
under Personal | Certificates. (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx
If you still suspect that certificates may be ?scid=kb;EN-US;q240262). This article will
the problem, an option to confirm this is elim- also help if you’re configuring your custom
inating them and using password authentica- L2TP/IPSec policy with certificates. For the
tion instead of certificates. This is possible Authentication Method, instead of selecting a
only if you disable the default L2TP/IPSec preshared key, select Use A Certificate From
policy and configure your own IPSec settings. This Certificate Authority (CA) and select the
One of the advantages of using your own CA by browsing.
IPSec policy is that you can change the authen-
tication method from certificates to passwords. Internet device problems
You may decide that this is a configuration Check any Internet device that might be block-
you actually want to use all the time rather than ing the connection or changing the packets.
just for troubleshooting because it allows you Typically, this will be a firewall or a NAT
to use L2TP/IPSec and bypass all the over- server but can also include a faulty switch that
heads of installing, managing, and maintaining is occasionally corrupting packets or a router
your own Certificate Authority. Perhaps you that isn’t forwarding Protocol ID 50.
cannot justify the expense of using a third- In the first article in this series, we said
party Certificate Authority, or you have a non- that Microsoft’s L2TP/IPSec is not compati-
Microsoft L2TP/IPSec client that is ble with NAT. However, some L2TP imple-
compatible but can use only passwords. mentations are NAT-friendly (e.g., Cisco’s
However, Microsoft does not endorse using version) because they use a different imple-
computer password authentication for mentation. See Microsoft’s VPN FAQs
Protocols 201
being blocked by network devices). Make a (http://support.microsoft.com/default.
note of the actual error logged and then aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q259335)
look it up on Microsoft’s Knowledge Base
(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx Summary
?scid=fh;en-us;kbinfo). You may also find I hope this article has provided some useful
these TechNet articles useful: tips to help troubleshoot your Microsoft
X “Basic IPSec Troubleshooting in Windows L2TP/IPSec connections and, combined with
2000” (Q257225) my previous articles, has given you a good
(http://support.microsoft.com/default. basic understanding of how Microsoft’s imple-
aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q257225) mentation of L2TP/IPSec works.
X “Basic L2TP/IPSec Troubleshooting in
Windows” (Q259335)
n the not so distant past, companies that 4.0 VPN clients, because the only VPN proto-
wanted to allow road warriors access to col supported by Windows NT 4.0 is the
resources on the corporate internal net- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).
work had to install modem banks and multiple
phone lines. The cost of installing multiple PREREQUISITES
dial-up RAS (Remote Access Service) servers Before configuring your Windows NT 4.0
was compounded by long-distance charges. If PPTP VPN client software, you should
the company wanted to avoid long-distance install the latest service packets and secu-
charges, it still had to shell out for a 1-800 rity hotfixes. If you haven’t updated the Win-
number. VPN servers remove this capital- dows NT 4.0 computer you plan to make a
intensive hardware/telco layer and allow you PPTP VPN client, visit the Microsoft Win-
to support dozens, sometimes hundreds, of dows Update for Windows NT Server Web
remote access calls with a single VPN server
site (http://www.microsoft.com/
and high-speed Internet connection.
I’ll look at how to make your Windows NT
4.0 computers VPN clients for Windows NT to get at least Windows NT 4.0 Service
4.0 VPN servers. You can use the same proce- Pack 6a. You’ll find all the security hotfixes
dures to connect Windows NT 4.0 clients to released since Service Pack 6a on this
Windows 2000 VPN servers. The only major page, too. I also recommend that you
difference between Windows NT 4.0 and install Internet Explorer 6.0; it includes a
Windows 2000 VPN servers is that the Win- number of features that improve the user
dows NT 4.0 VPN servers do not support experience and automatically adds 128-bit
L2TP/IPSec VPN links. This situation doesn’t encryption support.
pose much of a problem for our Windows NT
Figure C
Protocols 203
Click on the Network button in the Remote asked for location information. Enter at least
Access Setup dialog box (Figure D) to configure your area code. If you have a number you need
the LAN protocols you want to support on the to dial to access an outside line, enter that too.
VPN interface. Note that these are the LAN Click Close to dispatch the dialog box after
protocols used over the PPTP link, and not the entering the information.
WAN protocols used to contact the VPN A dialog box will appear informing you that
server. You’ll always use TCP/IP to connect to your phone book is empty. Click OK to create
the VPN interface on the VPN server (Figure F). a phone book entry for your ISP. This action
Click the Continue button in the Remote brings up the first page of the New Phone-
Access Setup dialog box. The Point-to-Point book Entry Wizard. Enter a name for the con-
Tunneling Protocol will be added to the list of nection (Figure G) and click Next.
protocols on the Protocols tab of the Network The Server page will appear. Always select
dialog box. Click Close. Restart the computer the I Am Calling The Internet option (Figure H).
to complete the installation of the protocol. Check with your ISP to see what type of pass-
word authentication it requires. You won’t
Creating the ISP dial-up entry need to use the third option in this dialog box
VPN clients typically call an ISP to establish an unless you’re using a SLIP connection, and it’s
Internet connection before they establish their not likely you’ll bother with SLIP connections
VPN link. Creating RAS connections in Win- these days. Click Next.
dows NT 4.0 isn’t as intuitive as it is in
Windows 2000/XP, so let’s take a look at Figure G
how you configure a PPP connection to
an ISP.
Click Start | Programs | Accessories.
Click on Dial-Up Networking. You’ll be
Figure F
Figure H Figure I
You can use alternate numbers when you use an ISDN terminal
adapter that uses different numbers for each line.
Enter your POP access number on the links, such as T1, DSL, and cable connections.
Phone Number page (Figure I). You can click In these cases, you don’t need to establish the
the Alternates button to add alternate numbers dial-up entry before firing up the VPN.
to try if the first one fails. These numbers are Click the New button in the Dial-Up Net-
useful when your ISP gives you multiple POP working dialog box (Figure J) to create the
access numbers. Click Next, and then click VPN connectoid. The same wizard you used to
Finish on the last page of the wizard. create the dial-up connection creates the VPN
The new Phonebook entry will appear and connection. The only difference is that you use
you can use it right away (Figure J). You don’t the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain
need to restart the computer. Name for the phone number and configure the
connection to use the VPN interface (Figure K).
Creating the PPTP VPN After you create the VPN connectoid, click
dial-up entry on the More button in the Dial-Up Network-
If you use a dial-up connection to connect to ing dialog box’s phonebook area and click the
the ISP, you’ll need to activate that before con- Edit Entry And Modem Properties entry to
necting the VPN link. In other words, the bring up the Edit Phonebook Entry dialog
PPTP connection rides on top of the ISP con- box. In the Dial Using drop-down list box,
nection. The Windows NT 4.0 PPTP VPN you’ll need to select the VPN device you cre-
client can also take advantage of dedicated ated earlier (Figure L).
Figure L Figure M
Protocols 205
Click on the Server tab and select the LAN If this option is disabled, the VPN client
protocols you want to support in the VPN in will be able to access both the internal corpo-
the Network Protocols frame. Select Enable rate network and the Internet at the same time.
Software Compression and Enable PPP LCP This creates the possibility that the VPN client
Extensions if your Windows NT 4.0 VPN will be able to route packets from the Internet
server supports them (Figure M). to the internal network. Click OK.
Click the TCP/IP Settings button and you’ll Click on the Security tab, and you’ll see the
see what appears in Figure N. The default setting screen shown in Figure O. The only option you
is to allow IP address assignment automatically need to select is Accept Only Microsoft
from the VPN server. This is the most common Encrypted Authentication. Selecting this
option, but if you need to specify a particular IP option ensures that the PPTP VPN client uses
address or DNS server, select the option to MS-CHAP version 2 to authenticate with the
specify and enter the appropriate IP address. Windows NT 4.0 Server. If the Windows NT
Use the Use IP Header Compression option if 4.0 Server does not support MS-CHAP ver-
your VPN server supports this option. sion 2 (because it has not been updated with
The Use Default Gateway On Remote Net- the latest service pack), the client will fall back
work option is an extremely important one for to MS-CHAP version 1.
you to understand. When you select this
option, the VPN client uses the VPN interface Use Windows NT 4.0 for secure
as its gateway for all non-local networks. Typi- VPN connections
cally, when the client first dials into the ISP, the Configuring the VPN client on a Windows NT
ISP assigns the computer a default gateway, 4.0 computer is more challenging than it is on
which is one of the ISP’s routers to the Inter- Win9x computers with DUN1.4 installed. It’s
net. When the Use Default Gateway On definitely not as easy to configure as the Win-
Remote Network option is enabled, the VPN dows 2000/XP client. But once you get the
server assigns the VPN client a new default Windows NT 4.0 PPTP VPN client installed,
gateway, which forwards all non-local packets you’ll have solid and secure connections that
to the VPN server. The result is that the VPN use MS-CHAP version 2 for authentication
client cannot access the Internet once it con- and 128-bit data encryption.
nects to the corporate VPN.
Figure N Figure O
Your Windows NT 4.0 VPN
Server will support this option,
but your Windows 2000 VPN
won’t if you haven’t upgraded
to at least SP4 on the VPN
VPN services on a Cisco PIX firewall
Jun 27, 2002
By Scott Lowe, MCSE
B How do remote-access
ecause of their flexibility, VPNs are
quickly becoming one of the most
popular methods for allowing remote
VPNs work?
Before setting up the VPN, it’s a good idea to
access to networks and for establishing secure
brush up on the basics of how VPNs work. A
connections to small remote-office locations.
little knowledge makes it easier to troubleshoot
VPNs go hand in hand with firewall devices.
in the event of a problem and easier to main-
Couple that with the Cisco PIX firewall’s
tain the service overall.
inherently strong security architecture, and you
The first order of business is to understand
can see why the PIX is an ideal platform for
the protocol at work: IPSec. In a remote-
establishing this kind of service. In this article,
access configuration, IPSec is generally config-
I’ll show you how to set up VPN services
ured to allow Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
using your existing PIX firewall.
(L2TP) connections from Windows 2000 or
My setup and some assumptions XP VPN clients. (These operating systems
For this article, I’ll use a Cisco PIX 515 firewall come bundled with IPSec-enabled L2TP
running version 5.1 of the Cisco PIX manage- clients. For Cisco PIX installations, Cisco pro-
ment software. My PIX firewall has 16 MB of vides a VPN client that will allow other operat-
RAM with an 8-MB flash and is licensed for ing systems, such as Windows 95, 98, and NT,
VPN connections, which raises an important to access the VPN services as well.)
point: In order to use these services on your IPSec operates in two steps. Using either
PIX, you’ll need to make sure your PIX soft- manually configured keys or Internet Key
ware license includes VPN capability. If it Exchange (IKE)—which I will discuss next—
doesn’t, contact your Cisco reseller to purchase step one handles the negotiation of security
the appropriate licenses. information between client and host. Once the
I’ll assume your PIX is either up and run- negotiation is complete, step two uses this nego-
ning in production or in a working state in a tiated security information to begin passing data.
lab where you can modify the configuration. The second step is the negotiation of param-
You should be able to pass traffic through the eters between client and host. You can negotiate
firewall before embarking upon this VPN the parameters manually or via IKE. IKE is an
journey. automated method that allows for additional
features such as dynamic authentication. Under
About Cisco PIX VPN services IKE, keys can change in midsession.
The Cisco PIX VPN services are based on IP IKE configuration uses five parameters to
Security (IPSec), which is a vendor-neutral define its policy:
standard that defines methods of setting up X The encryption algorithm IKE will use
virtual private networks. Clients that use the
VPN are able to see services on the host net- X The hash algorithm it will use
work transparently, as if they were directly X The method of authentication it will use to
connected to it. The Cisco PIX firewall sup- identify IPSec peers
ports both PIX-to-PIX and client-to-PIX X The group identifier, which IKE uses to
VPN configurations. derive a secret password without having to
In this article, I’ll focus on client-to-PIX transmit that secret password over the
VPN configurations, which will enable you to connection
provide remote network access to partners or
X The number of seconds for which the secu-
telecommuters. Cisco calls this a remote-
rity association will be valid (with a default
access VPN.
of 24 hours)
Solutions 207
Now that we’ve covered the basics, you’re unknown clients, which is essential if you
ready to set up client VPN services on your PIX. are to support remote users. One of the pri-
mary functions of this command is to spec-
Setting it up ify a dynamic map named Cisco, a sequence
For the purposes of this article, I’ll show you
number of 1, followed by the only required
the configuration from a PIX running version
parameter, set transform-set, which defines the
5.1(2) of the PIX firewall management soft-
transform set to be used with this mapping.
ware. I’ve also tested this configuration on a
new PIX 501 firewall running version 6.1(2) of X crypto map dyn-map 20 ipsec-isakmp
the software. dynamic cisco—This command specifies a
For this configuration, I’ll use the PIX map name of dyn-map, followed by a
command line. Note that I’m not including sequence number of 20. The ipsec-isakmp
my entire PIX configuration but only those parameter indicates that the PIX will use
commands required to get the VPN services IKE to establish IPSec security associations.
up and running. The only parameter I’ve The dynamic keyword tells the PIX to add
changed is keyname. Other than that, this is a the dynamic crypto map set to a static
complete configuration for a fully functional crypto map. Cisco is the name of this map.
Cisco PIX-based VPN, which allows remote X crypto map dyn-map interface outside—
clients to access services on the network This command tells the PIX which interface
behind the firewall. to use for the previous command.
X ip local pool vpnpool X isakmp enable outside—This command—This command creates a local tells the PIX which interface to use to enable
pool of addresses named vpnpool. These isakmp negotiation for IPSec. ISAKMP
addresses will be used for VPN clients. stands for Internet Security Association and
X sysopt connection permit-ipsec—This Key Management Protocol and is one of the
command changes the system options to security protocols IKE supports. (The other
allow IPSec connections. two are Oakley and Skeme.)
X sysopt ipsec pl-compatible—This com- X isakmp key keyname address
mand allows IPSec to bypass the firewall’s netmask—This command config-
NAT settings, and it also allows incoming ures the PIX to use a wildcard, shared key.
IPSec packets to terminate at the outside The keyname defines the authentication key
interface. to share between the PIX firewall and the
X crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp- VPN client. The for the IP address
des esp-md5-hmac—This command cre- and the netmask specify the wildcard nature
ates a transform set named myset. A of the command.
transform set specifies one or both of the X isakmp identity hostname—This com-
IPSec security protocols, as well as the algo- mand sets the isakmp identity for the firewall.
rithm to use for them. My configuration X isakmp client configuration address-
uses esp-des, which is a 56-bit encrypted pool local vpnpool outside—This com-
security protocol, and esp-md5-hmac, mand tells the PIX which previously
which uses the MD5 hashing scheme for configured pool of addresses to use and
encoding. These transform sets come into which interface will be using them. With the
play during client negotiation to determine ip local pool vpnpool statement, we previously
what protocol the PIX will use to protect configured the vpnpool address pool to range
the VPN traffic. from to
X crypto dynamic-map cisco 1 set trans- X isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-
form-set myset—This command allows share—This command assigns a priority
you to support secure connections with of 10 to the policy statements, using the
Solutions 209
Eight commonly overlooked troubleshooting
tips for the Cisco PIX VPN
Jun 14, 2002
By Scott Lowe, MCSE
he Cisco PIX stands on the market as a make use of network resources, but others
high-end appliance that offers a num- aren’t. Upon further investigation, you find
ber of solutions. One such solution is that the users who are able to connect are
that of remote access via VPN. Because of the being assigned routable addresses from their
scale of the PIX appliance, troubleshooting Internet service providers, but those who can’t
such a VPN can be very difficult. connect are being assigned RFC 1918
In this article, I will identify eight of the addresses. (RFC addresses are those in the
most commonly overlooked problems with 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x, and 192.168.x.x ranges.)
your PIX-based VPN and suggest some possi- Therein lies the problem. At present, the
ble solutions for each. Cisco PIX code, which is not IOS, doesn’t sup-
port NAT with IPSec, which is used by the
An edge router is in the way PIX VPN services. The newest Cisco VPN
Many organizations use routers with access client has support for this feature, so when
control lists on the Internet connection to pro- Cisco releases an update to the Cisco PIX
vide an added layer of security to the internal code, this problem should be fixed. Unfortu-
network. Unfortunately, that added level of nately, that’s the only answer at present.
security could also mean that your new PIX Until Cisco corrects this problem, you can
VPN doesn’t work as it is supposed to. To make make use of Point-to-Point Tunneling Proto-
it work effectively, you must make sure that cer- col (PPTP) connections to a server set up to
tain types of traffic can get past the edge router accept PPTP connections behind your firewall.
to their destination: your PIX firewall. You must One method of achieving a PPTP connection
allow the following traffic past the router: is to use the Windows 2000 Server Remote
X UDP port 500 is the port that IPSec Inter- Access Services. Bear in mind that PPTP is not
net Key Exchange (IKE) uses to negotiate a as secure at L2TP/IPSec.
connection. IKE allows you to decide
whether or not to use automatic key man- UDP client problem
agement via Internet Security Association Another problem that can occur at the client
and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) side is when the client is behind a firewall and
or manual configuration to set up a VPN. attempting to use Edge Services Processor (ESP)
over UDP for negotiation. The Cisco VPN client
X TCP and UDP port 50 passes Encapsulating
does have a check box to allow UDP for ESP,
Security Payload (ESP) traffic, which pro-
but the PIX ignores it because neither the PIX
vides encryption and optional authentication.
nor Cisco’s IOS support UDP pass-through,
X TCP and UDP port 51 passes Authentication which is a requirement for this scenario. This can
Header (AH) traffic, which provides authenti- even occur with firewalls that don’t use NAT. As
cation services for the VPN connection. with NAT at the client, one possible workaround
If you need to make these modifications on is to use PPTP instead of ESP over UDP,
your edge router, refer to your router documen- which will provide the required connectivity.
tation. Note that ESP and AH require both The UDP check box is present in the cur-
TCP and UDP ports for proper operation. rent version of the Cisco VPN client even
though the PIX doesn’t support this feature.
NAT at the client This is because the Cisco VPN Concentrator
Suppose you’ve completely configured your product does support ESP/UDP connections
PIX for VPN capability, and many of your and both products use the same client. So
users are able to connect to the services and some features for one won’t work in the other.
Listing A
access-list outbound permit icmp
Solutions 211
The debug command syntax varies depend- CI thread sleeps!
ing on what you’re debugging. Table A shows Crypto CA thread wakes up!
the available debugging commands related to CRYPTO_PKI: http connection opened
the VPN on the PIX. These are updated with
%Error in connection to Certificate
new releases of the Cisco PIX operating sys-
Authority: status = FAIL
tem. The PIX also provides the ability to view CRYPTO_PKI: status = 266: failed to
the information related to many of these areas. verify
I have listed both commands in Figure A. CRYPTO_PKI: transaction GetCACert
By reviewing these commands, you can see completed
that the PIX provides a number of ways to moni- Crypto CA thread sleeps!
tor VPN services. The commands from Figure A
are also critical in the troubleshooting of the PIX. If all else fails…
When you use a debug command, you’ll see Troubleshooting the PIX VPN services can be
the output on the console or on a syslog troublesome at times, but with some of these
server—a UNIX server set up to listen to tips and the use of the debug command, any
incoming syslog messages to UDP port 514— problem can be resolved. If you run across a
depending on how your PIX is configured. particularly perplexing problem, you may want
Below, you’ll see a sample output from a PIX to consider turning to the Cisco Technical
VPN server. This output indicates that there Assistance Center for more help, or to their
was an error at some point in the configuration discussion forums (http://forum.cisco.com/
related to the certificate authority. eforum/servlet/NetProf?page=main), which
I find particularly helpful.
Table A: Each debugging command may not have an equivalent show command.
Debugging command Show command Description
debug crypto ca show crypt ca cert Displays debug messages exchanged with the Certificate Authority.
debug crypto engine Displays debug messages about crypto engines, which are
responsible for performing encryption and decryption.
debug crypto ipsec show crypto ipsec sa Displays IPSec-related events. (The show command will show
the current settings used by security associations.)
debug crypto isakmp show crypto isakmp sa Displays messages about IKE-related events. (The show version
will show you the security associations related to IKE.)
debug ppp error Displays protocol errors and error statistics associated with PPP
connection negotiation and operation.
debug ppp io Displays the packet information for the PPTP PPP virtual
debug ppp uauth show uauth Displays the PPTP PPP virtual interface AAA user authentication
debugging messages. (The show uauth command displays current
user authentication information.)
debug vpdn error Displays errors that prevent a PPP tunnel from being established
or errors that cause an established tunnel to be closed.
debug vpdn event Displays messages about events that are part of normal PPP
tunnel establishment or shutdown.
debug vpdn packet Displays L2TP errors and events that are a part of normal tunnel
establishment or shutdown for virtual private dialup networks
show vpdn pppinterface Displays PPP interface status and statistics.
show vpdn session Displays active L2TP/L2F sessions.
show vpdn tunnel Displays information about current L2TP/L2F tunnels in VPDN.
recent network project that I worked configuration doesn’t equate with ease of com-
on combined several elements that promising. In fact, with the SonicWALL, ease
made it worthy of documenting. The of configuration is inversely related to its level
client already had in place a rather elegant of security.
VPN solution for LAN-to-LAN connectivity, The SonicWALL has several varied and
which was designed by their ISP. But this was sophisticated features to provide advanced
only a starting point. The next phase of the protection for networks. By default, it blocks
project was to implement a firewall/VPN solu- NetBIOS broadcasts, which is essential in a
tion for network security and remote user Windows-centric desktop world. Some of the
access. The device chosen by the client was the other features provide for distributed denial of
SonicWALL PRO-VX firewall VPN appliance. service (DDoS) protection, content filtering,
It provided for firewall protection and VPN antispoofing, and secure remote management.
connectivity, and among other things, had a Most features can be easily configured through
certain level of ease in the management cate- tabbed menus on the main configuration page.
gory through a Web-based configuration util-
ity. The SonicWALL solution is ICSA-certified, Network design options
meaning it would provide all the protection the In most networks, it is simple to set up the
company would need for its private network. SonicWALL. With Ethernet interfaces, you
In this article, I will tell you how we set up simply insert the firewall between your Inter-
the VPN and firewall quickly and easily. net router and internal switch, and change the
default gateway at the workstations to point to
Firewall features the LAN interface of the firewall.
The designers of the SonicWALL PRO-VX However, our design was a bit more com-
provided for flexibility in configuration of the plex because of the client’s existing VPN,
firewall and its connectivity options. With only which had been customized by the ISP. In this
three Ethernet interfaces—LAN, WAN, and network, the data stream coming down the T1
DMZ—and a GUI interface for software con- to the central office router was twofold. The
figuration, setting up the SonicWALL PRO- T1 serial interface was logically split at the
VX is quite simple. The SonicWALL even Cisco router into two subinterfaces, with one
includes default firewall rules that allow you to interface carrying Internet traffic and the other
get started immediately. interface carrying interoffice traffic from
SonicWALL has simplified the SonicWALL remote LANs.
PRO-VX so that: Of course, you would normally expect any
X All users on the internal LAN are allowed traffic entering the WAN interface of the fire-
access to the external network via the WAN wall to be external, rather than a mix of exter-
interface. nal and private LAN traffic. It was our good
fortune to work with a device that gave us the
X All users have access to the DMZ.
options necessary to successfully implement
X All users automatically have access to the such a design. This was possible in part,
VPN when their accounts are created. because you can configure the SonicWALL to
The designers have gone out of their way to perform NAT or not to perform it. If you use
make installing and managing this box as sim- NAT, the WAN interface of the SonicWALL is
ple as possible. It’s a good thing that ease of publicly addressed and can be hit directly from
Solutions 213
the Internet. If you don’t use NAT, the WAN poses, we applied an inbound Access Control
interface simply passes outbound traffic to the List (ACL) to the outside interface of the
Internet router, which then handles NAT. Keep router to allow only IPSec tunnel traffic to this
in mind that our network design is a little out of VPN-specific address. The NAT and ACL
the ordinary, since we have private LANs on statements are shown in Listing A.
both sides of the firewall. Some of the steps
we took aren’t usually recommended by Son- VPN configuration on the firewall
icWALL or most network administrators, but it The SonicWALL automatically inserted new
helps to know that they are available for use in access rules to allow IPSec traffic through.
demanding environments. This was a nice touch that really simplified the
configuration. Other static mappings were
Router configured for NAT inserted at the router to map mail and Web
In this design scenario, we left the Cisco router traffic from the router’s T1 interface to the
configured for NAT, as it had been previously. appropriate servers on the internal LAN. Once
We physically connected the firewall in-line we had the ISP insert MX and WWW records
between the WAN and LAN with the WAN for the domain, we were up and running. The
port connected to the routers’ inside Ethernet VPN clients could then access the Sonic-
port and the LAN port to the local switch. In WALL, because its address,, had
this case, we assigned the address been mapped to a legal IP ( on
from the LAN subnet to the SonicWALL the Cisco router. At this point, we had one
LAN port and the router Ethernet port. How- public IP address assigned to the external
ever, this poses a problem, because the WAN router interface for connectivity to the Internet
port doesn’t get a public IP address unless you and another public IP address dedicated solely
want the SonicWALL to handle the NAT to remote VPN client access via redirection.
With no public address on the WAN inter- A fast, simple solution
face, you might wonder how the VPN clients Suffice it to say that this was the quick and
connect to the SonicWALL. To make this hap- easy way to get the client up and running,
pen, we used a separate, private subnet address because it required the least amount of change
allocated by the ISP. This address was adver- to the existing network configuration. But
tised on the Internet using a static NAT map sometimes, quick and easy solutions are a con-
statement on our Internet router, which sultant’s best friend. I know that if I’m ever in
mapped all IP traffic from this address to the need of another fast VPN fix, I’ll be heading
LAN address of the firewall. For security pur- right back to the SonicWALL.
T The network
he Linux operating system has long
been used as a firewall system because Let me first describe the network into which I
it has the flexibility and capabilities to needed to insert this product. Because I run a
perform both excellent firewalling and routing. consulting business that provides domain-
With Linux, you can transform your old 486 hosting solutions, I had a few computers to
computer into a powerful gateway computer, protect. My network includes three server
protecting your internal network from outside machines that need to be accessible by the
intrusion and providing IP masquerading and outside world. All three act primarily as Web
routing capabilities that will put your entire servers and e-mail servers, and they provide a
LAN on the Internet with a single IP address. number of other services to the general public.
Linux does this efficiently and well with low- Two of those machines are DNS servers as
end hardware. All you really need is a small well. All three computers run Linux-Mandrake.
hard drive, two network cards, and a 486 On the inside, I have two desktop machines
machine with about 8 MB of RAM. You can and one laptop. One of the desktop machines
even get away with not having a hard drive and runs Windows 98, while the other two
using one of the many Linux-based floppy dis- machines run Linux-Mandrake. Finally, I have
tributions available, such as the Linux Router one internal print server that also runs Linux-
Project. The cost for all of this? Realistically, Mandrake. So in my scenario, I have three
you should spend under $100. And for that, computers that must be accessible by the pub-
you have an efficient firewall to protect your lic and four that should not be. It’s not a large
sensitive LAN. network, but it’s larger than that of the average
There has been a surge of firewall appliances home user and a little more complex.
aimed at home users and small businesses. Until now, I have relied on separate firewalls
While powerful routers such as those from for each machine, located on the server. The
Cisco have always been available, they are quite Windows 98 machine used a native firewall
expensive and not at all ideal for the home user. product, so each computer had a firewall
Recently, many companies, such as 3com, installed, but on the machine itself. This was
Linksys, and D-Link have released a number of not an ideal situation, but it has worked for me
firewall/gateway appliances for home users. so far. However, being ever security-conscious,
The rise of these appliances is due to the I decided to take steps to further protect my
greater availability of high-speed Internet access LAN. The three servers are quite secure
through ADSL and cable access, which is cheap despite the lack of a removed firewall. Because
enough for the home end user to afford. of this, I decided to set up the three servers in
Many people have wondered about these a DMZ, or Demilitarized Zone, and protect
products and where they might fit into their the rest of the LAN with the D-Link gateway.
network. You may already have a Linux
machine acting as a dedicated gateway for your The D-Link DI-704
firewall and might be wondering why an appli- The D-Link DI-704 is a switching gateway that
ance such as this would be of any interest, provides four 10/100 Ethernet ports. It can
much less of benefit, to you. handle cable and DSL modems via an RJ45
I recently purchased a D-Link DI-704 port at the back, or it can connect to a PSTN/
cable/DSL gateway, and I’ll explain the bene- ISDN network via the COM port, also at the
fits of such an item. I’ll also give you an back of the device. Here’s a brief rundown of
overview of the features and configuration of the features as described by D-Link:
the appliance, as well as the speed with which I X Protection of your computer from intruders
installed it.
X Shared cable/DSL modem
Solutions 215
X Firewall static IP address, and I assigned another static
X Easy-to-set-up Web-based configuration IP address to the router.
I chose to use the older 10-MB hub for the
X Broadband router DMZ instead of purchasing another 10/100
X Four-port Ethernet switch switch for a simple reason: The uplink port on
X External modem port the DI-704 is only 10 MB because you will
never find (yet) a residential cable or DSL
X Web-based management modem that will give you greater than a 10-MB
X Advanced security features Ethernet connection. Because of this, the
Quite a nice little feature list. The only value of a 10/100 switch is negligible, as only
annoying thing I found about this product was the three machines would be able to connect
that the four Ethernet ports were located at to each other at 100 MB. Since the three
the front of the box instead of at the back. servers do not talk to each other very often,
Because of this, I could not easily hide my net- having a 100-MB connection between them
work cables, but this is more of an aesthetic would provide no greater performance than a
problem than anything else. 10-MB connection. And since my local net-
The cost of the D-Link DI-704 was $230 work would be able to connect to those com-
Canadian, and the D-Link Web site sells it for puters with only a 10-MB connection anyway,
$149 U.S. It also sells a single-port edition, due to the limitation of the uplink port, I
called the D-Link DI-701, for $99 U.S. The decided to reuse some old hardware and save
two devices are relatively similar in the look myself some money.
and size of the appliance itself and the num- At this point, the network was connected
ber of Ethernet ports for the internal LAN. the way I wanted it. The three servers had an
open road to the Internet, so to speak, and
Hardware installation were quickly up and running. The time it took
Previously, I had my ADSL modem connected was the time I spent plugging everything into
to a D-Link DSS-8+ eight-port 10/100 switch. the various hubs, so the downtime on those
My computers were then plugged directly into servers was less than five minutes.
the switch and shared the Internet directly. My
ISP provides me with seven static IP Configuring the DI-704
addresses, so each machine had its own IP Next I had to reconfigure my TCP/IP settings
address and was reachable through the Inter- on the local network. The D-Link gateway
net. I don’t mind saying that this setup both- gives you two choices: You can assign each
ered me. Not so much for security reasons, machine a static IP address, or you can allow
although that was definitely a factor, but the gateway to act as a DHCP server as well.
because I needed those IP addresses for the Since I had only four computers behind the
other machines so that I could have more than firewall, and since I would be sharing printers
one SSL-enabled Web site available, since each and hard drives among them, I decided to
SSL-enabled Web site requires its own IP assign each computer a static IP address.
address. Using this router, I could free up three First, however, I needed to configure the
of those IP addresses for that purpose. gateway. I decided to use the Windows machine
This time, I connected my ADSL modem to do this, so I went into the TCP/IP properties
to a D-Link DE-809TC 10-MB hub, an older and deleted the existing settings, which included
hub I used when my network was only 10 MB. the static IP address, the subnet mask, the gate-
I connected the three servers and the DI-704 way address, and the DNS settings. I had to
router into the hub, where I had my DMZ. I reboot the computer in order for the settings to
connected my DSS-8+ 10/100 switch into the take effect, but once it was back up, I could fire
DI-704 router, and I connected the computers up Internet Explorer and point it to the default
belonging to my internal LAN into the switch. IP address of the router, which is It
Each of the three servers retained their old was slow to load, but once it did load, it greeted
Solutions 217 The IP address may differ in that on one machine I could not connect to the
your settings, but the subnet mask will remain Internet because my ipchains rules were depend-
the same. If you enabled the DHCP server on ent on the old IP address. If you find that you
the DI-704, tell Windows to obtain the IP cannot connect to any sites on the Internet—
address automatically. If you did not, go to the or even to your LAN or the gateway—try issu-
Gateway tab and enter the IP address of the ing ipchains –F to flush all of your ipchains rules,
gateway; in my case, it was Finally, and you should be up and running.
go to the DNS tab and enter the DNS servers
you wish to use. Again, if you have the gate- Advanced DI-704 configuration
way serving the IP addresses, you needn’t Now you may want to set up some of the
change anything here. advanced configuration options. Remember,
Finally, reboot Windows once again. When it the DI-704 is more than just a simple gateway
comes back up, you should be able to connect and firewall product. You’ll need to connect to
to the Internet without a problem. the local IP address of the gateway again (if
Linux is just as simple to reconfigure. On you changed it, you’ll need to connect to the
both machines, I used the linuxconf tool and new address). In my case, I now must connect
changed the previous static IP addresses to to Once you do this and
192.168.5.x and changed the subnet mask to enter your new administrator password, click These settings are available the Advanced link.
under Networking | Host Name And IP Net- The first items you’ll see are the Virtual
work Devices. Then go into Networking | Server settings. Here you can forward certain
Routing And Gateways and enter your new ports to various machines; you can specify up
gateway address: Our DNS infor- to 10 ports to forward. You can use the con-
mation hadn’t changed, so we left that alone. venient Well-Known Services button to inject
Again, if you have the DI-704 serving the IP certain ports into the configuration, such as
addresses, you’ll need to change the manual IP FTP, HTTP, or DNS. This allows your
address to a DHCP address and leave the IP machines behind the firewall to be reached via
address, subnet, gateway, and DNS informa- certain definable ports. In my case, I forwarded
tion blank. port 22 to my primary Linux workstation to
Once you exit linuxconf, it will ask you if you allow SSH access into the LAN. I also for-
wish to perform the actions based on your warded port 113 to the Linux machine for
changes. If you tell linuxconf to activate the AUTH connections, and I forwarded port 21
changes, when you return to the command for FTP to the same machine. Note that you
line, you should be able to ping an outside cannot have the same port forwarded to differ-
machine. You may also want to issue ent machines since you can specify only one IP
/sbin/ifconfig just to ensure that your settings address per port.
are correct. I’ve found that some versions of If you click the Special AP link, you’ll be
linuxconf do not properly reset the settings able to define special applications, allowing you
when you tell it to activate the changes. to use special programs such as video confer-
And that’s it! You should now be able to encing, Internet games, and so on that require
connect to the outside world through your DI- multiple ports. You can use the special Popular
704 gateway. The only steps left are to change Applications pull-down list to copy a series of
IP addresses anywhere you may have previ- ports to one of the five definable IDs, or you
ously defined them. For example, you might can specify your own port ranges. You can also
want to edit your /etc/smb.conf file if you use use it to open up a series of ports to a particu-
Samba, or your /etc/hosts file. If you run lar machine. Please note, however, that these
Apache and plan to use it for an intranet Web ports will be available and open to all machines
server, you’ll need to change your IP address behind the firewall even though only one com-
there as well. You may also want to rewrite or puter at a time can use the application. For
remove some of your ipchains rules. I found instance, you can have only one machine doing
Solutions 219
Who said you can’t afford your own router?
Nov 3, 2000
By Erik Eckel, Network+, MCP+I, MCSE
ere’s a cool tool you might not be The single-port and four-port versions retail
able to do without. Imagine your for $129.99 and $179.99, respectively, at a
own LAN feeding off a single device national brick-and-mortar chain. The new
providing router, firewall, gateway, and switch eight-port version retails for approximately
services. Then, imagine that device in use on $230. But I was able to purchase my four-
your home LAN, since it costs less than $200. porter online for less than $155, including
I know it sounds too good to be true, but overnight delivery. In fact, Outpost.com got it
I’ve tested it, and it works. Beautifully, too, I to my door in about 12 hours. Not too shabby.
might add.
If you’re preparing for certification exams The biggest benefit
or wanting to test network and server configu- If you believe the marketing, the chief benefit
rations from the comfort of your own home, of these EtherFast routers is that they let you
Linksys makes a line of routers you need to share a single IP address among multiple com-
check out. puters. That’s particularly handy if you’re using
a broadband connection at home. All that’s
The official scoop required is a cable or DSL modem and high-
Officially, the Linksys four-in-one devices speed access.
are marketed as Instant Broadband EtherFast If you ask me, the biggest benefit from the
Cable/DSL Routers. They are available in router is the fact that I gain a firewall for my
single-port, four-port, and eight-port versions. “always on” connection, a 100-Mbps switch,
and the freedom to use whatever domain or
Figure A workgroup naming convention I want behind
my firewall. Previously, I had to use the
@Home workgroup name and a unique com-
puter name supplied by the ISP. When these
values were changed, I was unable to connect
to the Internet. No more.
How’s it work?
The router is simple to configure. The Linksys
device features an easy-to-use yet powerful
browser interface, as shown in Figure A.
Assuming you have network adapters in
each of your machines, installation and config-
uration is a snap. It took me nine minutes to
get the Linksys up and running on my test
LAN. And that was five minutes too long.
In an effort to save processor cycles, I’d
turned off many Windows 2000 services. As I
hadn’t been using DHCP, it had been turned
off. However, the EtherFast Cable/DSL
Router uses DHCP to feed 192.168.x.x
addresses to the LAN setup behind it. I dis-
covered the stopped DHCP service about five
minutes into the install, corrected it, and voilà:
You can configure WAN and LAN settings using a browser interface. I was up and running.
Figure B
Desktop One
ISP-provided IP address Internet
EtherFast Cable/DSL Router
Desktop Two
This sample LAN configuration uses the Linksys EtherFast router.
Solutions 221
Sharing Internet access with just
one IP address
Aug 8, 2000
By Matthew Mercurio, MCP
aving a constant, lightning quick con- SyGate is fairly inexpensive. For about $30, you
nection to the Internet in our homes can have three computers connected to the
is an appealing idea for many of us. Internet. The maximum number of computers
After getting this type of rapid access to the you can connect using SyGate is 10, for around
Web either through a cable modem or a DSL $100. SyGate’s concept is simple in design, its
Internet connection, the next thing on your interface is straightforward, and it’s easily con-
wish list might be to have multiple computers figured. Just load SyGate on your point of
in your home all sharing this high-speed access Internet access computer, and it will do the rest.
through one IP address. Thanks to new prod-
ucts available from Linksys and Sybergen, it’s Let’s take a closer look
now possible to make this dream a reality. SyGate comes with a main console, shown in
Figure B, where the entire configuration takes
Linksys Cable/DSL Router place. From this screen, you can customize the
Linksys has made a device called the Linksys software to suit your needs. The left pane
Cable/DSL Router, shown in Figure A, that describes the Internet access computer com-
distributes Internet access with a single IP plete with computer name, status of SyGate
address. For about $189 retail, you can pur- server, network information, and log list. It’s
chase this hub to distribute your access set up using the familiar Windows collapsing/
throughout your home. This is great if you expanding folders tree design.
have that kind of budget, but what if you The log list is a particular favorite of mine.
need a simpler, cheaper solution? As illustrated in Figure C, the log list displays
all the computers on the network and, by
Introducing SyGate enabling me to look at the IP addresses, allows
Sybergen’s SyGate product does almost the me to see where the users of these computers
same thing as the Linksys Cable/DSL Router have been surfing on the Web.
but is completely software-driven and is consid-
erably cheaper. SyGate allows multiple comput- Configuring SyGate
ers to access the Internet using one IP address. The configuration process is fairly simple. As
Compared to the price of a Linksys hub, many of you know, planning how to handle
Figure A Figure B
Solutions 223
Share small office broadband pipes using
a Linksys router and Win2K Pro
Dec 18, 2000
By Erik Eckel, Network+, MCP+I, MCSE
he Linksys line of EtherFast X Firewall services, including port security and
Cable/DSL Routers can rescue you packet filtering
from small office networking jams. For X Switching services at 100 Mbps
less than $230, you can deploy one of Linksys’
multifunction network devices quickly and X Gateway services, including port forwarding
efficiently. X DHCP services, using an internal IP
Configuration is fairly straightforward. In address range (192.168.x.y)
this article, I’ll show you how to configure The units require only a small amount of
small office or branch office systems to work desk or shelf space. The device’s footprint
with such devices, but first, let’s quickly review measures 7.31 x 6.16 x 1.88 inches.
the device’s features. Other benefits include DMZ hosting (the
ability to place a machine outside the firewall),
Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL local or remote browser-based administration,
Router features SNMP-enabled internal user access filtering,
If you’re supporting a small office or branch support for WinSock 2.0 and Windows 2000
location where you wish to share (or must Smart Applications, and support for PPPoE
share) a single broadband Internet connection, (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet).
Linksys’ cable and DSL routers can do the The eight-port hub includes 10 RJ-45 ports.
trick. The device is available in three versions: One holds the RJ-45 EtherNet connection to
X A single-port version (model number the WAN link. This port supports speeds of up
BEFSR11) to 10 Mbps. Another port serves as an uplink
X A four-port version (model number connection to a hub. It is used to add more sys-
BEFSR41), shown in Figure A tems than the eight physical ports support.
The other eight ports support 10BaseT
X An eight-port version (model number
EtherNet or 100BaseTX Fast EtherNet ports
for LAN connections. It’s important to
Figure A remember that your LAN connections will be
only as fast as the cables and network interface
cards (NICs) that you use on your network. If
you’re using a 10-Mbps NIC in one machine
but 100BaseTX cabling and hubs, the data
transmission rate will be constrained to 10
Mbps by the NIC.
Before deploying a Linksys router, you’ll
The Linksys four-port EtherFast Cable/DSL Router
want to ensure you can make use of these fea-
device looks like this. tures. Several items must be in place.
All three of the devices can be used with a Your first step
hub. Further, all three versions support up to The first thing you’ll want to do is ensure you
253 machines using a single Internet IP have a data circuit boasting sufficient band-
address. width to share. At a minimum, you’d want a
In addition to providing routing services, DSL or cable connection supporting a couple
the Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL Routers hundred Kbps. You could go with less if you’re
provide the following advantages: supporting only a few machines. Ultimately, the
Solutions 225
Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL the setup process. Start by powering up one of
the systems you’ve connected to the router. In
Router hardware setup this case, we’ll use a system running Windows
The router’s setup is surprisingly easy. In case
2000 Professional.
you experience trouble, excellent documenta-
tion describing a quick installation is included. System configuration
You should start by powering down the sys- After your machine boots, right-click My Net-
tems you wish to support via the router. Next, work Places and select Properties. This action
plug all your systems’ category 5 cables into opens the Network And Dial-up Connections
the router’s RJ-45 ports. If you’re using more applet. From this applet, select the network
than eight (with the eight-port model), you’ll connection you wish the router to use. The
plug the additional systems into a hub you sup- connection in this example is named Linksys
ply and the hub into the uplink port. (Internet), as can be seen in Figure B.
After plugging your broadband modem into Right-click the connection you wish to use
the router, you’re ready to plug in the power and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol
supply for the Linksys unit. Make sure you (TCP/IP), as shown in Figure C, and click Prop-
start fresh by depressing the router’s reset but- erties. From the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
ton. You’ll need to keep it depressed for three Properties box, ensure the Obtain An IP
seconds. Address Automatically radio button is selected.
Your hardware setup is now complete. Click OK twice to close both boxes.
You’re ready to begin the software phase of
Figure D Figure E
If you can’t access the Web administration
tool, ensure you’ve turned other Internet
sharing proxy services off. A proxy server
could have already taken the
address, which will prevent the Linksys
device from responding. You’ll have to wres-
tle that IP address back for use by the router
(at least until you can access it to change the
Linksys device’s default internal IP address).
The administration software is Web-based.
Solutions 227
X Router name X WAN IP address Clicking the provided DHCP Clients Table
X LAN MAC address X WAN subnet mask button prompts a pop-up screen to appear. It
lists all the systems that have received an inter-
X LAN IP address X WAN DNS servers nal IP address from the router and displays the
X LAN subnet mask X Firmware version systems’ host names and MAC addresses. The
X LAN DHCP X PPPoE status table also lists the DHCP address each
server status machine is using.
X WAN MAC address Have at it
The Status tab also provides access to a Once you’ve specified the settings you wish
DHCP table, should you wish to review it. to use on the router and configured all your
clients, you’re good to go. Your systems, when
Figure F booted, will send a DHCP request to the
router. The router, in turn, will provide DHCP
addresses to the systems.
Then, knowing the address of the router,
the systems will be able to contact DNS
servers. These DNS servers will fulfill name
translation services, so the systems behind the
router will be able to access the Internet using
their internal IP addresses.
They won’t even know the router’s there.
Hackers will be able to see the router but not
the systems behind it. Isn’t that the way it’s all
supposed to work?
Use the Password tab to access the security account settings.
heck Point FireWall-1 is the 800-pound Check Point apart from both commercial
gorilla of the commercial firewall Linux firewall suites and open source security
industry. Check Point Software Tech- alternatives.
nologies has ported its popular, sophisticated,
and relatively easy-to-administer firewall to the Distributed security
Linux platform. FireWall-1 is further enhanced Check Point divides the implementation of its
with integrated VPN functionality that’s easy network security policy into three components:
to deploy and manage. Such integration sets a graphical interface for administration (see
Figure A); a management server that stores
Solutions 229
added advantage of protecting a workstation internal interfaces that are visible to the fire-
from attack so that remote users’ computers wall). Protected devices can include print
cannot become platforms for attacking a com- servers, virtual Web hosts, and routers (along
pany’s network. The SecuRemote add-on is with all of the machines on a company’s net-
free; SecureClient costs $100 per seat, with dis- work). And in case you’re wondering, it is not
counts for larger numbers of licenses. legal to hide IP addresses behind a proxy
server or network address translation (NAT)
Installation device to circumvent the licensing scheme. If
Once you understand Check Point’s security you exceed the license maximum, all traffic is
model, installation is a fairly simple process. still subject to the rules that are in place. You
You run a text-mode script that installs some cannot add new rules, however, and alerts are
RPM packages and runs cpconfig, Check sent to the administrator on a regular basis.
Point’s text-based configuration program.
During installation, you can choose to install Bottom line
a distributed configuration (with the enforce- In porting Check Point FireWall-1 and VPN-1
ment point and the management server sepa- to the Linux platform, this market-leading
rated), or you can install everything on a single security company lends significant credibility
server. You can also specify how many nodes to Linux as a viable security platform. How-
to protect. Then you identify the external inter- ever, it’s important to note that Check Point
face and specify the security policy that should FireWall-1 and VPN-1 are not for the faint of
be in place while the firewall is booting, and heart. Installing and configuring the products
which users at which client workstations should will involve some study and a fair bit of plan-
be allowed to administer the firewall. ning. But for organizations that believe they can
We were somewhat disappointed that Check benefit from a scalable management infrastruc-
Point’s GUI does not run on Linux; currently, ture and integrated VPN functionality, Check
it supports only Windows and commercial ver- Point is unmatched on the Linux platform.
sions of UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris). Pricing for FireWall-1/VPN-1 depends
However, this is more of an annoyance than a upon the number of licenses purchased. A 25-
serious hindrance, since any network large user license for FireWall-1 (standalone with
enough to warrant a Check Point firewall is built-in management console) costs roughly
likely to employ Windows-based workstations. $4,000, which includes software, support, and
a year’s worth of upgrades. VPN-1 costs about
Licensing $500 more. The Check Point Command Cen-
Check Point is one of the only firewall ven- ter Enterprise Management Bundle lists at
dors that licenses its software based on the approximately $25,000.
number of protected devices (IP addresses for
veryone knows that e-mailing data over The virtual private network (VPN) is rou-
the Internet—specifically, sensitive tinely cited as a great mechanism for secure
corporate documents—is a risky busi- file sharing via the Web, but it’s also often
ness if there are no safety measures in place to described as hard to deploy, cumbersome to
secure the transmission. manage, and a bit costly.
Solutions 231
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