Terms and Conditions For Allotment of Multi-Storey Flats/Four-Storey Flats IN Greater Noida
Terms and Conditions For Allotment of Multi-Storey Flats/Four-Storey Flats IN Greater Noida
Terms and Conditions For Allotment of Multi-Storey Flats/Four-Storey Flats IN Greater Noida
Data Sheet ................................................................................................................ 3
A. Section I: Instructions to the Applicants...................................................... 6
1. Definitions: ............................................................................................................................ 6
2. Eligiblity: ................................................................................................................................ 6
3. How to apply ......................................................................................................................... 6
4. Language and currency ......................................................................................................... 7
5. Applicant’s responsibility ...................................................................................................... 7
6. Allotment process ................................................................................................................. 8
7. Extension of time limit for deposit of Allotment money ...................................................... 8
8. Payment options & schedule ................................................................................................ 8
9. Mode of Payment .................................................................................................................. 8
10. As is where basis ................................................................................................................... 9
11. Unsuccessful Applicants ........................................................................................................ 9
B. Section II: General terms and conditions................................................... 10
1. Execution of Lease Deed ..................................................................................................... 10
2. Documentation charges ...................................................................................................... 10
3. Period of lease: .................................................................................................................... 10
4. Lease Rent ........................................................................................................................... 10
5. Location charges.................................................................................................................. 10
6. Possession of the Flat .......................................................................................................... 10
7. Variation in actual area of allotted Flat............................................................................... 11
8. Surrender of Allotment ....................................................................................................... 11
9. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 11
10. Mortgage ............................................................................................................................. 12
11. Transfer of Flat .................................................................................................................... 12
12. Mutation of Flat................................................................................................................... 13
13. Misuse, Additions, Alterations, etc. .................................................................................... 14
14. Liability to Pay Taxes ........................................................................................................... 14
15. Overriding Power over Dormant Properties ....................................................................... 14
16. Cancellation of Allotment.................................................................................................... 14
17. Restoration of Allotment ..................................................................................................... 14
18. Other Clauses ...................................................................................................................... 15
Data Sheet
# Head Details
1 Date of issue of the As mentioned in the portal
Scheme Brochure
2 Date of closure of As mentioned in the portal
the scheme/last
date of submission
of Applicantion
3 Date of closure of Open Ended - the scheme shall remain open-ended till all vacant
the scheme/last multi-storey flats/four-storey flats are allotted
date of submission
of application form
4 Scheme Details As mentioned in the portal
5 Other Charges In case of multi-storey flats,
1. In exigency partial changes can be done in designs of the
flats and its lay-out.
2. Allottees of the flats of first floor to six floor will have to pay
additional Rs. 100.00 per Sqft. respectively of the same
amount as location charges.
3. It is proposed to maintain the complex for 1 year from the
date of possession of the first flat, post which the complex
will be maintained by forming the Resident Welfare Society.
It is mandatory for every allotee to become member of
Welfare Society.
4. For 1st year maintenance, the Allotee will have to deposit a
lump sum fixed amount in “corpus fund”. This amount is Rs.
1,00,000.00 for 1 BHK, Rs. 1,50,000.00 for 2 BHK Deluxe, Rs.
2,50,000.00 for 3 BHK. The corpus fund will be deposited to
GNIDA within 60 days from the due date of lease deed
5. From the date of handing over of possession to the first
Allottee, Rs.1.50 per square feet per month, super plinth
area will be charged from every flat-Allottee for regular
maintenance and general services such as lift, generator,
and campus light electric bill and sweeping etc. GNIDA will
have the right to increase or decrease this amount.
6. After 1st year from the date of handing over the possession
to the first person of the Scheme, general maintenance work
and balance amount of the above Corpus Fund will be
handed over to the Resident Welfare Society by the
Authority, after that the expenses to be incurred on general
maintenance will be borne by the Society
7. In future, if any tax VAT, service Tax, GST., TDS etc. are levied
by the State Government or by the Government of India that
will be borne by the Allottee themselves.
8. Transformers of adequate capacity for each tower of the
multi-storey flats shall be installed and power back-up for
general facilities such as lift, water supply, campus lights
shall be provided
9. In the scheme, provisions for boundary wall, guardroom,
community centre, shop are made
10. In the flats, fire safety and in the complex provisions for
rainwater harvesting is made
11. Number of multi-storey flats may increase or decrease
In case of four-storey flats, addtional location charges are applicable
as per the prevailing policy of the Authority.
6 Contact person, Manager (Property)
designation and Plot No.1, Knowledge Park-04
contact details Greater Noida City, Noida
(address and phone Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar
nos.) in the Phone No. 0120-2336025 (Extn-210)
Authority office
7 Allotment method 1. Direct Allotment (First-cum-first-serve), in case of a single
for the scheme Applicant for particular multi-storey flat/ four-storey flat.
Letter and balance amount i.e. 70% of the total premium of the Flat
in 4 years in 8 half yearly installments. The 70% amount shall carry
interest @State Bank of India MCLR+1% (which shall be rounded of
to uperside up to 0.5%) applicable on 1st July and 1st Janaury of
each year. In case of default on instalments/lease rent 3% extra on
(MCLR+1%) shall be applicable.
A. Section I: Instructions to the Applicants
1. Definitions:
The key definitions for the purpose of this scheme document are as follows:
1. “Authority” means the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
2. “Allotment letter” is the letter issued by the Authority to the Allottee confirming the
allotment under a particular scheme for which application was submitted
3. “Allotment money” is the amount as prescribed in the scheme brochure and is expected
to be deposited by the Allottee within the given time period
4. “Allottee” is the person whose application for allotment has been approved by the
competent officer
5. “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties and all the attached documents
which includes General Conditions (GC), the Special Conditions (SC), and the Appendices
6. “Day” means calendar day
7. “ Government” means the Government of Uttar Pradesh
8. “Lease Rent” is the amount paid by the Lessee to the Lessor as rental against the property
allocated to the Lessee
9. “Lease Deed” is a contractual agreement by which Lessor conveys a property to Lessee,
for a limited period, subject to various conditions, in exchange for Lease Rent, but still
retains ownership.
10. “Lessee” is the person/entity who holds the lease of a property.
11. “Lessor” refers to a person/entity who leases or rents a property to another; the owner
which in this case is GNIDA.
12. “Transfer Deed’ is a contractual agreement by which a property (herein land) is
transferred from its legal Lessee to another party.
13. “Mutation letter” is the letter issued by competent Authority for change of name on a
2. Eligiblity:
1. The Applicant should be an Indian citizen and competent to contract and have attained
the age of majority.
2. He/ She should not have earlier been allotted any residential plot or flat or house, in full
or in part, on lease hold or free hold basis or under HPTA (Hire Purchase Tenancy
Agreement), License Agreement by GNIDA either in his name or his/her spouse name or
in the name of his/her minor or dependent children. If in case He / She has applied to
multiple schemes, and is allotted residential plot or flat or house in one scheme and the
offer is accepted from Him/Her. Then He/She shall not be eligible for allotment in other
schemes and His/ Her application/allotment may be rejected.
3. How to apply
1. The Applicant shall ensure availability of the following documents/information:
a. A scanned passport size photograph on web resolution. Maximum allowed size is
100x100 pixels.
b. Scanned copy of affidavit in the format depicted in the portal.
c. Legitimate documentary proof expressing address, age, identity, and nationality of
the Applicant.
2. Eligible Applicant can apply in only one category / type of mult-storey flats/ four-storey
flats in BHS-17/LOF-02 scheme.
3. Steps for online application:
Step 1: The Applicant shall access the online Residential Scheme Portal at
or the Applicant may access online residential portal from Greater Noida
Industrial Development Authority’s official website at
Step 2: Among the active schemes displayed in the portal, Applicant shall select
“Applicant category and payment plan”. After selection of payment plan,
category system will redirect to multi-storey flat/four-storey flat preferences
Step 3: In preference option, Applicant may select desired multi-storey flat/ four-
storey flats preferences/selections and respective selection shall be freezed
on First cum First serve model.
Step 4: Applicant shall select preferred/selected flat/house size, sector & block.
Registration money will be calculated based on flat/houses size selected by
the Applicant.
Step 5: After selection of flat/house, the Applicant must fill basic details which shall
include – photograph, identification details, bank details etc.
Step 6: Before submitting the details, Applicant must agree with all the terms &
condition of Scheme Brochure (Scheme Code: BHS17/LOF-02).
Step 7: After submitting the details, Applicant will receive system generated
application reference number.
Step 8: Applicant shall upload requisite documents in the requested format (.pdf).
Step 9: After submission of documents Applicant shall pay the Processing Fee (Non-
refundable) & Registration Money (Adjustable) through online payment
4. It will be the sole responsibility of the Applicant to obtain a compatible computer terminal
with internet connection to enable him/her to participate in e-bidding process any
reasons thereof. Ensuring internet connectivity at the Applicant’s end shall be the sole
responsibility of the Applicant. Any request/complaint regarding the connectivity of
internet at the Applicant’s end will not be entertained in any form and shall not be basis
of cancellation of the Allotment process
5. Applicant must review the Scheme Brochure along with any supporting document (if any),
which depicts the details of multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat(s) on offer and general
terms and conditions, which shall be applicable for the sale of the selected multi-storey
flat(s)/four-storey flat(s).
6. In case of non-payment of application related fees, the application shall be rejected by
the Authority.
7. The Authority may without assigning any reason withdraw the Allotment process for any
or all the multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat(s) at any stage.
and careful examination of the following:
a. The eligibility criteria and other information/requirements, as set forth in the scheme
b. All other matters that may affect the Applicant’s performance under the terms of this
scheme brochure including all risks, costs, liabilities and contingencies.
2. GNIDA shall not be liable for any mistake or error or neglect by the Applicant.
6. Allotment process
1. The scheme brochure shall remain open-ended till all vacant multi-storey flats/four-
storey flats are allotted. However, allotment would be on First-cum-first-serve model
received upto the previous month within each payment plan.
2. Preference shall be given to applicants opting of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat on cash
down versus applicants opting for instalment plan.
3. Persons with disability shall be given preference for ground floor units opting any
payment plan.
7. Extension of time limit for deposit of Allotment money
1. No extension regarding time period will be allowed for the deposit of allotment money.
In case of default in Allotment Money, the allotment letter will be cancelled and the
registration money will be forfeited by the Authority.
2. However, under special circumstances, the CEO or Authorised Officer of GNIDA, can at
his/her discretion, grant an extra period of 30 days for payment of allotment money along
with the interest at the rate 11.50% p.a.
8. Payment options & schedule
1. Option 1: Applicant has option to make full and final payment of the total premium of
the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat within 90 days from the issue of Allotment letter. In
such case, 5% rebate will be given on the total premium of the multi-storey flat/four-
storey flat. The 90 days will include the date of issue of Allotment letter and deposit of
Allotment money.
2. Option 2: 50% within 60 days from the date of issues of Allotment Letter (after adjusting
of registration Money) and balance amount i.e. 50% of the total premium of the Flat in 2
years in 4 half yearly installments. The 50% amount shall carry interest @State Bank of
India MCLR+1% (which shall be rounded of to uperside up to 0.5%) applicable on 1 st July
and 1st Janaury of each year. In case of default on instalments/lease rent 3% extra on
(MCLR+1%) shall be applicable. In such case a 2% rebate will be given on the total
premium of the Flat adjusted in the last payable installment.
3. Option 3: 30% within 45 days from the date of issue of Allotment Letter and balance
amount i.e. 70% of the total premium of the Flat in 4 years in 8 half yearly installments.
The 70% amount shall carry interest @State Bank of India MCLR+1% (which shall be
rounded of to uperside up to 0.5%) applicable on 1st July and 1st Janaury of each year. In
case of default on instalments/lease rent 3% extra on (MCLR+1%) shall be applicable.
Note - Applicant has to pay balance amount as per final payment schedule given in the
Allotment Letter. It shall be the responsibility of the Allottee to deposit the due installment
on time. If the last date of deposit is a bank holiday, then the Allottee shall deposit the
installment on the next working day and it shall be treated as last date of deposit.
9. Mode of Payment
1. All payments to GNIDA can be made only via online transfer through net
banking/payment gateway on Authority’s website @ www.greaternoidaauthority.in.
2. Normally, no extension regarding time period will be allowed for the deposit of
payments. If the amount payable to GNIDA is not paid within prescribed time limit,
extension of time for such default period under exceptional circumstances may be
allowed upto a maximum of 1 month by CEO (GNIDA) subject to the condition that
during the entire payment plan such extensions shall not be more than 3 times.
3. In the event of extensions for installment, interest at @14% per annum compounded
Half Yearly shall be payable on the default amount of the defaulted period.
4. The payment made by the Allottee/Lessee will first be adjusted towards the penal
interest & interest due, if any, and there after the balance will be adjusted towards the
premium due and Lease Rent payable.
5. In case of default in making payment of installment money, the Allottee/Lessee would
be required to pay additional penal interest at the rate 3% p.a. Henceforth, interest at
@14% per annum compounded Half Yearly shall be payable on the default amount of
the defaulted period.
10. As is where is basis
1. The multi-storey flat/four-storey flat will be accepted unconditionally by the Allottee on
“As is where is basis” on lease for a period of 90 years.
11. Unsuccessful Applicants
1. The Registration Money of unsuccessful Applicants shall be returned to them without
interest, if the period of deposit of such money with GNIDA is less than one year.
However, if the period of deposit is more than one year, simple interest @ 4% p.a. shall
be paid for the period of deposit exceeding 1 (one) year.
B. Section II: General terms and conditions
1. Execution of Lease Deed
1. The concerned manager shall be required to issue a Possession Offer Letter for the
execution of Lease Deed, to the Allottee within 15 days from the date of receiving the
lease plan from the concerned department.
2. The Allottee is required to execute the Lease Deed and take the physical possession within
60 days from the date of issue of Possession Offer Letter.
3. The Allottee shall also deposit due stamp duty (Stamp duty calculation should also be
verified from the concerned sub registrar, Gautam Budh Nagar by the Allottee
himself/themselves) for Lease Deed in treasury of district Gautam Budh Nagar and should
produce a certificate to the affect in relevant department at GNIDA within 60 days from
the issue of Possession Offer Letter.
4. In case of failure to execute the Lease Deed and taking over of possession within the
above-stipulated time period, the Allotment may be cancelled and the entire amount
deposited with GNIDA would be forfeited.
5. In the event of failure to do so, Allottee shall be liable to pay administrative charges at
the rate of 1% of the total premium of the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat for one month
from the due date given for the execution of legal documents for each month extension
1% of the total premium of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat admin charges will be levied.
6. If the Allottee fails, to execute the legal documents within the extended time, maximum
period of 1 year, action for cancellation of allotment and forfeiture of deposited money
shall be taken.
2. Documentation charges
1. The cost and expenses of preparation, stamping and registering the legal documents and
its copies and all other incidental expenses will be borne by the Allottee who will also pay
the stamp duty of transfer of immovable property levied or any other duty or charge that
may be levied by any Authority empowered in this behalf. The rate of stamp duty shall be
applicable as per the notification issued by the state government from time to time.
3. Period of lease:
1. 90 years from the date of execution of Lease Deed.
4. Lease Rent
1. The allotment of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat will be given to the Allottee on a lease
on 90 years and the lease rent shall be payable in lump sum at the rate of 10% of the
premium of the plot before execution of lease deed and possession. In case Allottee
wishes to pay annual lease rent, he can do so. In this case, he shall have to pay 1% of the
premium of the plot, in advance, every year calculated from the date of execution of lease
deed. After ten years from the date of execution of the Lease Deed, the Lease Rent shall
be automatically increased @50% and the rate will be applicable for the next ten years
and this process of enhancement will continue for future.
5. Location charges (only applicable for Independent House)
I. For corner houses: 5% of the premium
II. For houses facing park/green belt: 5% of the premium
III. For house facing 18/24 meter wide road: 5% of the premium
Note: For houses more than one locational benefit, location charges will be added, but in
no case it shall not be more than 15% of the premium of the house.
6. Possession of the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat
1. The Possession of Sector Omicron-01A (Multistoryed Flats) is likely to be offered to the
allottees with a period of One Year from the date of issue of allotment letter
2. Possession of allotted Flat will be handed over to the Lessee after execution and registration
of Lease Deed.
3. Execution and registration of Lease Deed can be done only after a minimum payment of 30%
of premium in advance.
4. For the purpose of payment of Lease Rent and other statutory or scheme compliance,
possession shall be deemed from the due date of execution of Lease Deed.
7. Variation in actual area of allotted Flat
1. The area of Flat allotted or handed over may vary from size of the Flat allotted/applied for.
The premium of the multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat(s) will proportionately vary due to
such variation. If such variation is less than or equal to 10% no change in location or
surrender shall be allowed. However, if such variation is more than 10%, the allotee shall
have the option of surrendering the allotmPloent and take back entire money deposited by
him/her with 4% simple interest.
8. Surrender of Allotment
The Allottee/Lessee can surrender the premises in favour of GNIDA subject to the following
1. In case of surrender before allotment, the entire registration money deposited shall be
refunded without interest.
2. In case of surrender after the allotment but within 30 days from the date of allotment,
10% of the Registration Money shall be forfeited and balance amount shall be refunded
without interest.
3. In case of surrender after 30 days of Allotment, and
I. within 90 days of allotment for option 1 (Payment Plan)
II. within 60 days of allotment for option 2 (Payment Plan)
III. within 45 days of allotment for option 3 (Payment Plan)
50% of the registration money shall be forfeited and balance amount shall be refunded
without any interest. No separate notice shall be given for the same.
4. In case of surrender before lease deed from the date of allotment, 25% of the total
premium (Cost of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat) of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat
shall be forfeited. Balance amount, if any, shall be refunded without any interest. In case
of surrender after lease deed from the date of allotment, entire deposited money shall
be forfeited. No separate notice shall be given for the same.
5. In case of surrender after execution of lease deed from the date of allotment, entire
deposited money shall be forfeited.
6. In case the Allottee, fails to deposit the due amount within the stipulated time, the
allotment will be liable for cancellation and in case of any such cancellation, the money
so deposited till the date of cancellation will be forfeited.
Note: The date of surrender in the above case shall be the date on which the application
for surrender is received online via email @ authority@gnida.in. No subsequent claim on
the basis of any postal certificate etc. will be entertained.
9. Maintenance
1. That the Lessee will keep the demised premises and buildings
a. At all times in a state of good condition and substantial repairs and in good sanitary
condition to the satisfaction of the lessor.
b. The available facilities as well as the surroundings neat and clean, good and healthy
and in safe condition at all times, according to the convenience of the inhabitants of
the place.
2. That the Lessee shall abide by all Regulations, Building Regulations and guidelines of GNIDA
framed/issued under section 8, 9 and 10 or under any other provisions of the U.P. Industrial
Area Development Act 1976 and the rules made therein.
3. That the Lessee shall not display or exhibit any posters, statues, other articles which are
repugnant to the morals or are indecent or immoral.
4. The Lessee shall not display or exhibit any advertisement or placard in any part of the
exterior wall of the building, except which shall be constructed over the demised premises
or at a place specified for the purpose by the Lessor.
5. In case of non-compliance of these terms and conditions, and any directions of GNIDA,
GNIDA shall have the right to impose penalty as the CEO or the Authorised Officer of GNIDA
may consider just and/or expedient by explaining or recording the reasons.
6. For proper maintenance and security, Allottees of the block/sector shall have to constitute
RWA as per provisions of U.P. Apartment Act 2010 or any other law in force.
10. Mortgage
1. The Allottee/Lessee may, with the previous consent of the lessor, mortgage the four-storey
flat/multi-storey flat after execution of lease deed to any scheduled bank/financial institution
for raising loan subject to such terms and conditions as may be decided by the
authority/lessor at the time of granting the permission, provided that in the event of sale or
fore closure of the mortgaged or charged property the lessor shall be entitled to claim and
recover such percentage, as decided by the lessor of the unearned increase in the value of
the said land as first charge, having priority over the said mortgage charge. The decision of
the lessor in respect of the market value shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
The lessors right to the recovery of the unearned increase and the pre-emptive right to
purchase the property as mentioned herein before shall apply equally to involuntary sale or
transfer, be it by or through execution of decree of insolvency/court.
2. Permission for collateral security would only be granted in cases where the multi-storey
flat/four-storey flat has been Leased/Possession by the Authority. For the purpose of granting
collateral security, processing fee of Rs. 5000/- would be charged.
11. Transfer of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat
Subject to the following conditions a Allottee/Lessee will be allowed to sell/ transfer the
multi-storey flat / Four-storey flat allotted by the Authority to any other person who is
eligible to apply as mentioned in Data Sheet.
1. Transfer shall be permitted only after lease deed of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat.
2. The cases, where cancellation has been effected or are in process of cancellation, are
not eligible for transfer.
3. Application for transfer shall be received on the prescribed Transfer Application Form
available from the concerned authorized bank or department of GNIDA, along with the
transfer charges and Processing fees.
4. The Transfer application form should be duly filled online along with No dues from the
Accounts till date and last paid Water bill.
5. Photograph & signature of Transferor(s)/ Transferee(s) must be self attested on the
application form itself.
6. The multi-storey flat/four-storey flat would be transferred only for residential purpose.
7. Transfer of partial area of flat shall not be considered.
8. As per present policy transfer charges as given below :-
For multi-storey flat(s)
i) Upto 50 Sqm Rs.250/- Per Sqm
ii) 51-100 Sqm Rs. 500/- Per Sqm
iii) 101 Sqm and above Rs. 600/- Per Sqm
9. Transfer charges once deposited will not be refunded/ adjusted even in case of transfer
does not materialize due to dispute between the parties or withdrawal of transfer
application. Once the transfer application is submitted it can be withdrawn only with the
consent of the transferor and the transferee. In case of dispute, orders of the competent
court shall be required for withdrawal of the transfer application/ Transfer
10. Once transfer is approved and the Transfer Memorandum is issued and transfer deed is
executed, all the assets and/or liabilities against the Flat would pass on to the transferee.
11. In case of transfer of rights of a minor, even partial, orders of the District Judge are
required regarding the protection of interest of the minor.
12. Transfer of property by Allottee/Transferee directly or through registered GPA, to his/her
parents, grandfather, grandmother, grand children, children, wife & vice versa would be
allowed without transfer charges
13. The transfer of property is an act between transferee(s) and transferor(s) and as such any
liens, claims, damages, compensation, adverse court orders etc. arising thereof
subsequently would be the sole liability of transferee(s) and GNIDA would remain
indemnified against the same.
14. The Lessee/ transferee shall execute a Transfer deed, after paying the transfer charges,
within 90 days from the date of issue of the Transfer Memorandum by GNIDA. The
transfer memorandum will be valid for 90 days. A certified copy of the same shall be
submitted to GNIDA after the registration of the same with the sub Registrar, of GNIDA.
The Transfer Memorandum shall be part of the transfer deed executed between the
Transferor and the Transferee. In case Allottee fail to excuted transfer deed within 90
days from date of issuing transfer memorandam, then as per prevelling policy, Allottee
has to pay extension charge of time with prescribe penalty.
15. In case the Transfer Deed is not executed within validity of grace period, the Alottee has
to apply afresh and pay additional Transfer charges and Processing Fees as per previling
16. In case of transfer/ sale by financial institution under section-29 of State Financial
Corporation Act/ by bank under SARFAESI Act, the application has to be moved by the
financial institutions/bank along with all NOC’s required in the transfer application form.
In such case, transfer charges at the rate of 10% of the sale value will be levied.
12. Mutation of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat
1. Upon the death of the Allottee/Lessee transfer of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat to the
Allottee’s/Lessee legal heirs will be allowed with prior written permission of the Chief
Executive Officer or any officer authorized by the Chief Executive Officer in this regard,
subject to the fulfilment of prescribed conditions which are prevalent as on the date of grant
of permission. No transfer charges are payable in case of transfer by succession.
13. Misuse, Additions, Alterations, etc.
The Allottee/Lessee shall not use the Allotted multi-storey flat/four-storey flat for any
purpose other than residential. The lessee/Allottee shall not be entitled to divide the multi-
storey flat/four-storey flat or amalgamate it with any other multi-storey flat/four-storey flat
without the prior written permission of CEO or the Authorised Officer of GNIDA. In case of
violation of the above conditions, allotment shall be liable to be cancelled and possession of
the premises along with structure thereon, if any shall be resumed by the Authority.
1. The Allottee/Lessee shall not be allowed to change the specifications made in the Four-
storey flat/multi-storey flat
2. In case of any violation of any regulation/direction, the defect, if not compoundable could
not be got rectified by the Authority and the expenses incurred in carrying out such work
will be recovered from the Allottee/lessee.
14. Liability to Pay Taxes
1. The Allottee/Lessee will be liable to pay all rates, taxes, charges, user fee and assessment
of every description imposed by any authority empowered in this behalf, in respect of the
multi-storey flat/four-storey flat, whether such charges are imposed on the multi-storey
flat/four-storey flat or on the building constructed thereon, from time to time.
15. Overriding Power over Dormant Properties
1. The Lessor reserves the right to all mines, minerals, coals, washing gold, earth oils, quarries
in or under the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat and full right and power at any time to do
all acts and things which may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of searching for,
working and obtaining, removing and enjoying the same without providing or leaving any
vertical support for the surface of the multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat or for the
structure time being standing thereon, provided always, that the Lessor shall make
reasonable compensation to the Allottee /Lessee for all damages directly occasioned by
exercise of the rights hereby reserved. The decision of the CEO of GNIDA on the amount of
such compensation will be final and binding on the Allottee/Lessee.
16. Cancellation of Allotment
In addition to the other specific clauses relating to cancellation the Authority shall be free
to exercise its rights of cancellation of allotment in the case of:
1. Allotment being obtained through misrepresentations/ suppression of material facts.
2. Any violation of directions/ rules issued by the authority or any other statutory body.
3. Default on the part of the Applicant Allottee/lessee for breach/violation of terms and
conditions of registration allotment/lease and/ or non-deposit of allotment money/
consecutive 2 instalment money.
4. In case any Allottee, his/her spouse or his/her dependent children are allotted more than
one residential flat or house in GNIDA.
In the event of cancellation, under sub-clause above, the entire deposits till the date of
cancellation shall be forfeited and possession of the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat shall
be resumed by the authority/lessor with structure thereon, if any, and the Allottee/lessee
will have no right to claim compensation thereof.
17. Restoration of Allotment
GNIDA can exercise cancellation of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat for breach of Terms
and Conditions of Allotment letter /Lease Deed/Transfer Deed. However, CEO or
Authorised Officer of GNIDA can restore the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat. The
restoration will be subject to the following conditions:-
1. The application of restoration of multi-storey flat/four-storey flat shall be made within
30 days from the date of cancellation.
2. The decision about the restoration of the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat will be taken
by the CEO or Authorized Officer of GNIDA within a period of 6 months after the date of
3. The Allottee would pay restoration charges @10% of the total premium of the multi-
storey flat/four-storey flat at prevailing rate calculated at the time of restoration.
4. The Allottee will have to make up to date payment, dues, penalties & interest etc. as
5. The Allottee has to pay time extension charges as per terms of allotment / lease.
6. If there is any court case pending before any court, it has to be withdrawn by the
Allottee. All legal expenses would be borne by the Allottee.
In case allotment had been cancelled due to illegal/unauthorized activities the restoration
of the multi-storey flat/four-storey flat shall only be considered on submission of affidavit
undertaking for non-carrying out the commercial activities in future and on inspection of
the site about closing the commercial activities.
18. Other Clauses
1. The Chief Executive Officer or any officer authorised by the CEO in this regard reserves
the right to make such additions/alterations or modifications in the terms and conditions
of Allotment from time to time as he may consider just or/and expedient.
2. In case of any increase in the rate of land acquisition/land purchase cost/ex-gratia/No-
litigation incentive to the farmers by order of the Court, by the Authority or by the State
Government, the Allotte/Lessee will have to pay the additional amount proportionately
as the cost of the land and all the terms and conditions prevalent at the time of allotment
shall be applicable.
3. In case of any clarification or interpretation regarding these terms and conditions the
decision of Chief Executive Officer or any officer Authorized by the CEO in this regard shall
be final and binding on the Applicant/Allottee/lessee.
4. If due to unavoidable circumstances, the Authority could not allot the multi-storey
flat/four-storey flat, the registration money deposited by Applicant would be refunded;
however, no interest on the deposits will be paid to the Applicant.
5. If due to any “Force majeure” or such circumstances beyond GNIDA's control, GNIDA is
unable to make allotment or the possession of the allotted flat, entire registration money
or the deposit, depending on the stage of allotment will be refunded along with simple
interest at the rate of 4% per annum.
6. Any dispute between the Lessor and Lessee/sub-Lessee shall be subject to the territorial
jurisdiction of Civil Courts having jurisdiction over Greater Noida or the courts designated
by the Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad.
7. The right and liabilities of the Allottees and of the Authority shall be governed by the act
of Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA)
8. The allotment/lease will be governed by the provisions of the U.P. Industrial Area
Development Act, 1976 (U.P. Act No. 6 of 1976) and by the rules and/or regulations made
or directions issued under this Act.
9. The multi-storey flat/four-storey flat can also be owned jointly by husband/wife.
10. Mere deposit of registration amount would not constitute a right to allotment of a multi-
storey house.
11. All arrears due to Lessor are recoverable as arrears of land revenue.
12. For the purpose of serving any notice/correspondence or letter on Allottee the address
or mobile number or mail-id given in the allotment application shall be taken as final. The
service of notice/correspondence/letter sent on such address shall be taken as sufficient
service of notice for all the purpose.
13. On the basis of availability of land, the number of multi-storey flats/four-storey flats
available for allotment may be increased / reduced at the discretion of the Authority.
14. The price/cost of the multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat(s) /are tentative and may vary at
the time of handing over possession of the multi-storey flat(s)/four-storey flat(s). The
variation may be either due to enhancement in the construction and development cost
of the multi-storey flats/four-storey flats.