Davis and Williams Affidavit

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1 I Filing # 121357183 E-Filed 02/14/2021 01:31:44 AM ° 4 safes me ts "PROBABLE CAbsE ATEDAVIC i | UVES REPRE Se = sl Sole Sianter fees a} f yen SA aay Ripa Tea onetta TITUSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 202100010857 an —— a thane mr 5 Beret pe see. se Grae W535 038 ar eof oaan ‘amma = “13 roeviLe rUSVILLE [SI => sl lacaall hae, oe china | |"zo34 Bia. ao pt aa S TR Odtsrz0a4 | 7 l eae as IS, AMANDA PAIGE. . eemeaeee Dae ties Brake Weak “Bye Coker] Has Cater ecaplenon Lo pie bose F | ossto90 | se 130 [Brown [Red lrair [Thin s, Tenoos, Unique Physical Features (Location, Type, Description) Se TiS ir a a Ta ce USVILLE, FL 2780 aren Mes ates rete be a Tea SP fs came Na a To NTT Sr oo 5 Se fare = GEORGIA OS chen aca ee SUES TS] Rt amea STI LIAMS, CHARNER —|wmi__[imar_—_ostorriss0" 30 | B2iitne Bib ice Cast Fant ME ase Dre of Beth ora oat BB eager = Si — Fhe ee SS = BSS = eS a en a gn | maa — | Va] OS Hoh LN) [= [Fa hemor $ ay Da vrai a Lia Nai — . re rca Tac CBW [ow Cw. POC Ctitics TOW he” CO Damenis Viol ay LV Oraerct amen | | emnias [aR as WaT | 7 TTF aN a FOTOS TORT OR Oars OT Ee EE] | a ER SS SS FR Ta ST TT : is” dyatebnay, tates Oe Cea Guay ies Los cocanchen re) 2 ‘See Next Page faa nea — cee TT | Rianiatoy | osteo es Na, NT Appearmare bee } TuCoure | ies Dey Yew tn OM : ap a ae SE RISE TTT meee ea nue of Deletes igus oe Favela] Tete ae) = a 7 BSE Cia Rgeaey eit 7 pases “Warning None: I a i cata | {oe camara nar Tas | ee baer - az] | BABNORE seen ane o lyf 8 [" eid : “ge | a pocbabceemchtgce temo: - i Cabrera ii Los — seen Eo ERROANTSO09 as i Fifng 121387183 vs 05-7 antago. | | AGENCY NAME: TITUSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT ' BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA Feeders ate ee 2021-00010857. First, Middle) DAVIS, AMANDA, PAIGE [ORTHO : ‘Geass TPE] Saas Vatanea Namba] Vaan cTEoSOEDY] Sa aE Saad CANT "CBW CRW CPW CPOE a ne] Wa a OT Saat ae VS RT Va ra OT] a GF Ta Far haoed a Ra PORWR COW i PUL Sion] Da net WA VC Gh Saturday, February 13, 2021 at approximately 1524 hours, officers responded to Knox McRae Drive, i|tusville] Brevard County, Florida, 32780, in reference to a report of a drowning. When officers arrived on ene, thd Titusville Fire Department paramedics were conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the nyo-year-old victim, A.B. (W/F, DOB 02/19/2019). Officers made contact with the home owner, 2 oom mate, i), 2s well as the mother of AB, Amanda Davis (W/F DOB: 6/1/1990) and Davis? boyfriend, Charmer Williams (W/M DOB: 5/7/1990). ticers spoke witha who advised that he walked outside to smoke a cigarette and observed what he bflieved to be a “doll” floating in the pool. He immediately realized it had to be A.B., rushed to the pool, and philled her out. GN attempted CPR on A.B. while being provided instructions for CPR by Emergency Dispatch ip observed that A.B. was already turning blue. advised that he heard @MMSIMP screaming from outside to call 911. UMW went outside and observed with A.B. outside of the pool. am called 911 immediately allgmmpinformed Officers and Detectives tifat he owned the residence, but allowed several people to temporarily stay with him.q@agga0%Q had been at the sidence since February 4, 2021, while everyone else staying there were temporary residents, having been there [etectives spoke with Amanda Davis (W/F DOB: 6/1/1990) who advised she and her boyfriend, Charer illiams' (W/M DOB 5/7/1990), had been awake all night until approximately 0400 to 0500 hours in the orning. The last Davis knew was that A.B, was asleep in their bedroom in a toddler bed. A.B. had recently Kdamed how to open the sliding door, but they had not taken any measures to secure the door. Davis did not jake up fom being asleep until after EMT’s had already arrived on scene, Both Davis and Williams were oken by Bruns at that point. avis admitted that she and Williams are recovering heroin addicts and they have been sober for sixty (60) dhys. Davis said there should be marijuana in the residence because she and Williams smoked it the previous ight. Davis also stated that Williams was prescribed “Subutex” for his addiction. sectivés also spoke with Williams who advised that he and Amanda fell asleep between 0400 to 0500 hours. ‘illiams said he woke up to answer a text message at 1313 hours and observed A.B still in her toddler bed ake and playing with her fingers. Williams believed he fell back asleep because the next thing Williams ard was one of his roommates screaming “What the fuck?!” multiple times. When he got out of bed, he was B. was out back and that Gardisky found . lliams initially provided consent apy SHERIFF'S RECORDS JA —sLAWENFORCEMENT «DEFENDANTS COPY catun vs 05-202 PARR ROK. AGENCY NAME: TITUSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT. BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA R pcm Pages of 4 SINCY REPORT NO. 2021-00010857 ‘OBTS NO. BE | Sante Vettes Nomber Folation of Section (ORL) saath Pea ae sana —forWac a ORR aE NS Va WE Wa TAT —tscrrasie fear Dare besaed TH Wait ACT Domestic Vik fay TT Onder of Arrest | tq search his and Davis’ bedroom to Detective. J. Williams (ID 182), Both Williams and Davis had been porarily staying at @™™BKnox McRae Drive for approximately two months. Later on, in his statement to tectives, Williams admitted that a small bag on his nightstand contained heroin. piectives and Officers began searching Williams and Davis’ bedroom pursuant to his consent. ‘They irpmediately located a glass pipe typically used to smoke marijuana. Near the glass pipe on the same night pnd, they located one tiny, Ziploc style bag containing a white, powdery substance packaged in a similar way it illegel narcotics are packaged. Shortly after finding these items, Williams reached out by telephone to Detective] Reedy and was hesitant in allowing law enforcement to search the bedroom further. All people inside le residence was removed from the residence and the crime scene was locked down pending a lawfully signed sh ‘warrant. 4 Residential Search Warrant was signed by the Honorable Judge Bookhardt on February 13, 2021. A search of @@B Knox McRae Drive was conducted. ‘The following items were recovered from the bedroom shared by and Williams: four (4) plastic bags containing a residue, located on the nightstand; a prescription bottle cntaining foil and six (6) bags with residue; a glass pipe with residue; one (1) plastic bag with reside; a glass Pipe and {plastic bag with residue; a bag containing miscellaneous paraphernalia; a prescription bottle with plastic bags containing residue; plastic bags; four (4) spoons with residue; miscellaneous prescription Ppperwork, and a glass pipe with plastic bags containing residue. It should be noted that most of this Phraphernalia was within A.B.'s reach and access. wis and Williams were taken into custody and placed under arrest on February 13, 2021 at 2034 hours. A spbsequent interview was conducted with Davis and Williams at the Titusville Police Department, in 2" al Post: ‘Miranda Interview with Davis, she admitted that she and Williams used heroin and marijuana dhring. the overnight hours and then went to sleep. Specifically, she stated they smoked heroin by mixing it Fth the marijuana. Davis explained she awoke around 0700 hours to utilize the restroom, and went back to p and observed A.B. asleep in the child’s bed. Davis then went back to sleep and did not wake up until after Dhramedics arrived on scene. Huring a Post-Miranda Interview with Williams, he admitted to also using heroin, cocaine, and marijuana troughott previous day, February 12, 2021 until he fell asleep around 0500 hours, Williams elaimed he woke p around 1313 hours to a text message. At that time, he observed A.B. awake in her bed. Williams then fell jombpek-gslecp. | He later woke up to his roommate screaming and nc he paramedics on scene, Williams 2 as Loe ‘db (4h | | ‘STATE ATTORNEY ‘SHERIFF'S RECORDS aA TAWENFORCEMENT DEFENDANTS COPY = ga Files ae vs 05-207 Fol AERA NOIR AGENCY NAME: TITUSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA NARRATIVE Continuation Page 4 of « [AGENCY REFORTNO.] j I 2021-00010857 ‘Cast Fit, Mia) DAVIS, AMANDA PAIGE ‘OBTSNO. :NDANT/JUVENILE: Fe ee] aT 7 aE Tea So 0 | De PE RE UC cat | Sa Ve Namie as aE OT | aE RE ar es FETT TRE RW RW COA ae OT Cs | Daea ——Y WaTVCTOT bhamed’ A roommate for leaving an exterior residence door unsecured. Williams took no responsibility for B.'s death, A background criminal history inquiry was conducted for Davis, which yielded no results. Al back: found eximinal history inquiry was conducted for Williams. Williams was previously convicted of pssession of a Controlled Substance without a Prescription and Driving While License Suspended Habitual ffender| on September 10, 2015. Reference Monroe County Clerk of Court Case Number 442015CF000493000AKW. i ES, STATE ATTORNEY SHRRFS RECORDS sat LAWENFORCRMENT —-DEFENDANTSCOPY oat ling pe vs oe SHO

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