Lecture 11 - Finite Element Method
Lecture 11 - Finite Element Method
Lecture 11 - Finite Element Method
Lecture 11 1
SAD 2 Rev. 1
1. Basic principle
Consider a body (structure) or engineering component through which the distribution of
displacement or stress, is required.
Examples could be a component under external forces, selfweight (gravity load such in soil mass),
temperatures, etc.
The body, i.e. a one-, two- or three-dimensional solid, is modelled as being hypothetically
subdivided into an assembly of small parts called elements – ‘finite elements’. The word ‘finite’ is
used to describe the limited, and hence finite number of degrees of freedom used to model the
behaviour of each element.
The elements are assumed to be connected to one another, but only at interconnected joints,
known as nodes. It is important to note that the elements are notionally small regions.
The complete set, or assemblage of elements, is known as a mesh. The process of representing a
component as an assemblage of finite elements, known as discretization.
An example is illustrated in Figure 1. This is a plate-type component modelled for an 2-D analysis
with a number of mostly rectangular(ish) elements with a uniform thickness (into the page or screen)
that could be, say, 2 mm.
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The field variable, e.g. stress, is probably described throughout the body by a set of partial
differential equations that are impossible to solve mathematically. Instead, we assume that the
variable acts through or over each element in a predefined manner. This assumed variation
may be, for example, a constant, a linear, a quadratic or a higher order function distribution, but the
output results can be close to reality as far as we could (by increasing number of elements).
After model discretisation, the governing equations for each element are calculated
(elemental stiffness) and then assembled (global stiffness) to give system equations. Once the
general format of the equations of an element type (e.g. a linear distribution element) is derived, the
calculation of the equations for each occurrence of that element in the body is straightforward.
Nodal coordinates, material properties and loading conditions of the element are simply substituted
into the general format. The individual element equations are assembled into the system equations,
which describe the behaviour of the body as a whole.
For a static analysis, [k] is a square matrix, known as the global stiffness matrix, is the
vector of unknown nodal displacements and f is the vector of applied nodal forces. The
equation is directly a load–displacement relationship where a force f produces or results from a
deflection u in a member of stiffness k. To find the displacement caused by a given force, the
relationship is ‘inverted’, i.e. u = k−1f.
Before the equation can be solved, some form of boundary condition must be applied and
imposed upon the equation solving process. In stress problems, the body must be restrained from
rigid body motion. The solution to the equation is not trivial in practice because the number of
equations involved tends to be very large. It is not unreasonable to have many thousands of
equations, and consequently [k] cannot be simply inverted.
It is important to realise that [k] will probably be banded by matrix theory, i.e. terms are
grouped about the leading diagonal of the matrix, and more ‘distant’ terms will be zero. Techniques
have been developed to take advantage of these features to store and solve the equations
efficiently without going through an ‘inversion’ k−1 process.
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The nodal displacement values will be solved first and the strains and then the elemental
stresses, (via the appropriate Hooke’s law and strain/stress relationships).
The major stages in the creation of any finite element model are:
• application of loads
• solution optimisation.
• assess the sensitivity of the results to approximations of the various types of data
• compare the expected behaviour of the idealised structure with the expected behaviour of
the real structure.
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3. Overview of finite element analysis process – structural
Lecture 11 5
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4. Hints and tips on finite element analysis
Refine the mesh in areas of high stress, repeat two or three times, check the iteration effects.
Remember that your FEM is not more than modelling a real problem.
A finite element model coming to 95% accurate solution of the field equations is good enough,
which themselves are based on a theoretical model, which is idealised from reality, and which uses
assumed material properties.
The validity of the solution should be assured for solving the real problem.
Pre-processing stage
The component under investigation is ‘discretised’ into an assembly of finite elements in the
prerocessing stage, with particular reference to the following six aspects.
2. Points of application of forces (and restraints) must coincide with suitable nodes, and any
abrupt changes in distributed loading must occur at element boundaries. (Pressures are
applied to the centroids of element faces.)
3. Nodes should be at the points of interest for which output data are required, e.g.
displacements, reaction forces, etc.
4. The selection of element order (e.g. linear, parabolic, cubic) defines the interpolation or
shape function of displacements between nodal points, i.e. the order of a polynomial
in x, y and z directions, and hence the variation of stress/strain. Furthermore, the element
type (e.g. spring, rod, beam, triangular and quadrilateral planar or shell, tetrahedral or
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hexahedral (brick) element) needs to be chosen. Often, the expected behaviour and
physical shape of the component being analysed will guide the selection.
5. Boundary conditions (e.g. applied loads, fixed nodes and restraints) and material properties
must be entered. Loads and restraints are often the most difficult parameters to represent
accurately, and have a significant influence on the predictions.
6. Extensive model checks for cohesiveness, clashes, ‘cracks’, aspect ratios of elements, etc.,
must be carried out.
Solution stage
Within each element, a set of virtual displacements is applied and expressed in terms of the
unknown displacements of the nodes. An element stiffness matrix is formulated using a
numerical integration technique on the basis that actual displacements occurring will be those that
minimise the strain energy. (This minimising of a functional parameter as a convergence criteria is
an example of the calculus of variations.)
The individual element stiffness matrices are then combined to form a global stiffness matrix for
the whole body from which a vast field of linear algebraic equations relating nodal forces, element
stiffnesses and nodal displacements are formed. Boundary conditions are applied to the
relevant nodes and the displacements and are then solved using numerical techniques such as
Gaussian elimination, Gauss–Seidel iteration or Cholesky square root methods. For each
node connecting two or more elements, compatibility of displacements and equilibrium of forces
are maintained at that node (although derivatives of the displacement interpolations generally are
not continuous across interelement boundaries). The assembly of the global stiffness matrix
and the solution of the displacement equations occupies most of the processing time.
Once a solution for the nodal displacements has been obtained (or in the case of iterative
techniques, once satisfactory convergence is achieved for them all) for each element, the stresses
are computed based on the material data entered, the original element dimensions and newly
computed nodal displacements.
Post-processing stage
The results of the solution are given in the form of stress plots (e.g. maximum principal, minimum
principal, maximum shear, von Mises), deformed geometry (i.e. the distorted shape) and listings
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of nodal displacements (ux, uy, uz). Picture files can be created to obtain hard copies, or individual
programs written to read the results file and carry out further data processing, if required.
Tunnel Structure
Arch Dam
Lecture 11 8
SAD 2 Rev. 1
Retaining Wall Structure
Lecture 11 9
SAD 2 Rev. 1