Social entity is two or more people; goal directed means the organization is
designed to achieve some outcome or goal such as make a profit.
Deliberately structured means tasks are divided and responsibility for their
performance is assigned to organization members.
The different types of management types under vertical differences are the
top managers, middle managers, project managers, and first-line managers.
Top managers are at the top of the organizational hierarchy and are
responsible for the entire organization. A middle manager is one who works
at the middle levels of the organization and is responsible for major
departments. A project manager is responsible for a temporary work
project that involves the participation of people from various functions and
levels of the organization, and perhaps from outside the company as well.
First-line managers are directly responsible for the production of goods and
services. Functional managers and general manager’s functions occur
horizontally across the organization. Functional managers are responsible
for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees
with similar training and skills. General Managers are responsible for
several departments that perform different functions.
How does a company where people work long, hard hours win an award for work-life
balance? It seems a paradox, but employees voted Microsoft UK the best company to
work for in the UK partly because of its attention to work-life balance issues. Microsoft
UK’s director of people and culture, says employees choose to work long and hard
because they love technology. However, they have the flexibility to work when and
where they need to. If employees want to work on Sunday and go golfing on Monday,
they’re empowered to do so. Microsoft’s attention to people and culture pays off. The
attrition rate of hard-to-find technical employees is at 2 percent. An astounding 93
percent of employees say they “feel proud to work for the company.