Ducted Water Cooled R410A Packaged Air Conditioner HWP 290 - 445 Installation & Maintenance
Ducted Water Cooled R410A Packaged Air Conditioner HWP 290 - 445 Installation & Maintenance
Ducted Water Cooled R410A Packaged Air Conditioner HWP 290 - 445 Installation & Maintenance
The unit must be mounted with sufficient Fig. 3 Spring Mounting Fig. 4 Solid Mounting
height for the condensate drain to be 'U'
trapped outside the unit (see figure 5). MOUNTING Tighten
Alternatively fit a condensate lift-pump. FOR
If a condensate lift-pump is fitted, the drain STRENGTH
exit can only be at the opposite end to the
The drain line must not be piped to a level MOUNTING
above the drain tray. SYSTEM
When finally positioned, tighten the lock
nuts on the mounting rods to give a firm
installation (see Fig. 3).
Condensate Drain
The drain line must be maintained at least
28 mm ID along its full length. A vent pipe is
recommended for drain pipes longer than Fig. 5 Condensate Drain
4 m (refer figure 4). Check drain by pouring
water into the drain tray and ensuring 100 mm VENT PIPE
that it clears. Failure to adhere to these APPROX. FOR LONG
instructions could cause flooding. DRAIN RUNS
50 mm
100 mm
Water Supply & Return APPROX.
20 mm PER m
The HWP unit's IN and OUT water (1 IN 50)
connections are male pipe threaded. OPEN
Maximum water pressure for the HWP unit
alone, excluding hoses, is 4480 kPa
(650 psi).
Unit Protection Room Thermostat
Poor quality water supply must be pre- Unit protection is incorporated in either: (Reverse Cycle Models)
filtered and it is essential that adequate a.) HWP Protection Board, or The thermostat should be set within the
water treatment is maintained, particularly b.) SAT-2 Controller, recommended operating range of between
where open cooling towers are used. depending on which HWP model is being 19°C and 30°C. The thermostat should
Note: It is required that the water supply installed. not be used as an on-off switch. Refer to
system be fitted with a water flow switch A pump verification relay ensures that water temperzone for a list of other approved
and water pump safety interlock. These is flowing before the compressor will start. thermostats.
items prevent the HWP units from going A high pressure lockout protects the unit
into fail safe lockout status due to a loss If your unit is supplied with temperzone's
from low water flow in cooling mode, or fan SAT-2 Thermostat, refer to page 3 for
of water flow. Failure to install the above failure in heating mode. Sensors protect
items would require the resetting of all HWP installation instructions.
against low air coil temperature and loss of
units in the system - either by breaking the refrigerant. Units include an anti rapid cycle
power supply to each unit or breaking the COMMISSIONING
device for compressor protection.
thermostat control circuit. 1. Check that the thermostat is
HWPSR units also have a low refrigerant correctly wired and set at the desired
HWPSR units require a minimum water temp. safety thermostat to protect against temperature.
supply temperature of 17°C. icing up of the water within the unit's tube-in- 2. Check that the air filter (if fitted) is clean.
tube heat exchanger. 3. Check that the fan runs freely without
Circuit Balancing Valve
It is recommended that a circuit balancing A non-specific fault LED/ output signal is vibration.
valve be fitted to maintain water flow at a also included for remote fault indication to 4. Check condensate drain and safety
constant rate. The minimum water flow rates building management systems (refer wiring). drain tray for free drainage.
in litres per second (l/s) are as follows: Note: Lockout protection can be reset by Demonstrate the SAT-2 Wall Control (if
HWP: 290 370 445 switching unit's power supply off and on. supplied) to the owner/user, after having
Lockout protection will also reset when the first thoroughly familiarised yourself with the
Minimium 1.5 2.0 2.25
thermostat switches, or is switched to the User's Operating Instructions. This page is
dead zone. to remain with the owner/user.
The air conditioner should be connected Units Supplied With SAT-2 Thermostat MAINTENANCE
to the appropriate power supply for each Any faults detected are displayed on the
model, as specified in the wiring diagram, SAT-2 Wall plaque (refer Table 1). A non-
1. Remove lint and dust accumulation from
with neutral and adequate earth. The supply specific fault output signal is also included on
heat exchange air coil. (Note: failure to
to have an accessible switch to allow SAT-2 Controllers for remote fault indication
do this may affect efficiency).
isolation of the unit. Wire the heating and to building management systems.
2. Check air filters and vacuum or wash
cooling room thermostat to the electrical
clean as necessary.
terminals adhering to the wiring diagram Units Supplied With Electric Heat
3. Check condensate drain for free
supplied with the unit. All wiring to the air HWPSCEKT models supplied with electric
conditioner must comply with the wiring heat include both auto (90°C) and manual
4. Check compressor compartment for oil
regulations of the local electrical authority. (120°C) high temp. safety thermostats. If the
stains indicating refrigerant leaks.
manual safety t/stat requires resetting, then
Air / Water Flow 5. Check quality of water supply.
the auto safety t/stat has failed and needs to
Refer to HWP 290–445 Data Sheet be replaced. Six Monthly
pamphlets for detailed information on air
Check tightness of electrical connections.
handling performance and water flow rates.
1. Remove lint and dust accumulation from
heat exchange air coil. (Note: failure to
do this may affect efficiency).
2. Replace air filter if damaged to maintain
adequate air flow and efficiency.
Units Supplied With Integrated Thermostat (SAT-2 Controller)
Components Water Valve Control Option Fault Detection
The following components are supplied in a Once the SAT-2 room thermosat reaches Any faults detected are displayed on the
box taped inside the supply air spigot: the desired room temperature, it is capable SAT-2 Wall plaque (refer Table 1). A non-
1. SAT-2 Wall Control plaque, including wall of switching off both the HWP unit's specific fault output signal is also included
mounting plate. compressor and an external water control on SAT-2 Controllers for remote fault
2. 10 m interface lead (electrical box-to- valve (if fitted); refer wiring diagram. This indication to building management systems.
plaque). provides economy of operation by reducing
3. User's Operating Instructions booklet. the load on the central water supply system.
4. Lithium CR2032 battery (3V). NOTE
Remote Air Temperature Sensor/s The manufacturer reserves the right to
Optional (option) make changes in specifications at any time
1. Remote return air sensor (in box). The air temperature sensor is by default without notice or obligation. Certified data is
2. Remote return air temperature sensor located in the Wall plaque. Optional remote available on request.
lead; 1.5, 6, 12 or 25 m. air temperature sensors are available
3. 20 m extended interface lead so that the measurement of the room This pamphlet replaces the previous
(electrical box-to-plaque). temperature can be taken away from the issue no. 3393a dated 11/13.
4. SAT-2 Zone Control PCB. wall plaque, eg. elsewhere in the room or in Wiring revisions H & F.
5. Zone Control 24V transformer. the return air duct.
6. Additional SAT-2 Wall Control plaque.
7. Infra red remote control. Remote sensor's can be plugged directly
into the Controller board (PCB). This
board accepts up to four sensors which
Installation are designated as 'zones' one to four. The
The SAT-2 Controller PCB is supplied pre- first return air sensor will automatically
installed in the HWP unit's electrical box. replace the Wall Control sensor and should
1. Isolate the HWP unit from power supply, be located in the same room as the Wall
then remove electrical box cover. Control. The Controller will always use the
2. Remove the SAT-2 box supplied taped average of the zones selected. Refer to the
inside the supply air spigot. separate installation instructions supplied
3. Remove the Wall Control's interface lead with the PCB for further details.
from this box and connect to the terminal Ensure all remote sensor wires are run
block (A1/B1/Vcc/GND) on the SAT-2 separately and away from main power
Controller board. Trace the remaining supply wires, including the interconnecting
length of the lead to the Wall Control's cable.
intended location. Note: Make sure the
coloured wires are connected as per the
wiring diagram.
4. Remove the Wall Control's backing plate
by using a small screw driver to remove Table 1 SAT-2 Controller - Troubleshooting
the single screw at the bottom edge of
the plaque.
If an fault is detected, an 'ERR' symbol will light up on the Wall plaque display.
5. Install the Lithium battery, supplied loose,
The following error codes may be displayed:
positive (+) side up in the Wall Control's
battery holder. Error Code Fault Remarks
6. Check the wall where the Wall Control 1 Room sensor #1 failure Main board AD3
plaque is to be located is flat before 2 Room sensor #2 failure Main board AD4
fastening the wall mounting plate.
3 Room sensor #3 failure Main board AD5
Alternatively, the mounting plate can
be screwed to a standard wall socket 4 Room sensor #4 failure Main board AD6
mounted horizontally. 5 #1 indoor coil sensor failure Main board AD1
Note: Use low profile (mush) headed 6 #1 LST sensor failure Main board AD2
screws to prevent contact with the PCB
7 #1 insufficient refrigerant
board. Fixing the plate to a distorted
surface may damage the control. 8 #1 compressor overload
7. Drill hole in wall to allow cable entry. 9 #1 low pressure failure
8. Connect the interface lead to the the 10 #1 high pressure failure
Wall Control board. Note: Make sure
11 Room sensor #5 failure At wallpad B
the coloured wires are consistently
connected at each end as per the wiring 12 Room sensor #6 failure At wallpad A
diagram. 13 All room sensor failure
9. Ensure the interface lead is run 14 Float switch failure
separately and away from main
15 #1 Low safety thermostat failure
power supply wires, including the
interconnecting cable. When installing 16 Communication failure
cabling, trim any excess length to suit 17 Hydronic pump switch failure
your location. 18 #2 insufficient refrigerant
10. Fill around the interface lead with foam
19 #2 compressor overload
or cover hole with PVC tape to prevent
draft from wall cavity affecting control 20 #2 Low safety thermostat failure
operation. Do not use aluminium duct tape. 21 Discharge sensor 1 failure
11. Secure the Wall Control body to the 22 Discharge sensor 2 failure
mounting plate by replacing the locking
23 Discharge temp 1 failure
screw removed earlier.
12.Replace the HWP electrical box cover. 24 Discharge temp 2 failure
Fig. 6 Application Considerations
Recommendations for Noise Isolation: CONNECTION FLEXIBLE CONNECTION
1. Avoid installing units, with non-ducted return air, directly
above spaces where noise is critical. RETURN
2. Use flexible connections between unit and rigid ducting. AIR DUCT
3. Use generously sized acoustically lined ducts. (PLAN VIEW)
4. If generous duct size is not possible, use turning vanes
on bends to reduce air turbulence (regenerated noise).
5. Use 90° bends in ducting to significantly assist in noise TURNING
reduction. VANES
Fig. 7 Nomenclature
e.g. HWP 2 9 0 CK T D
Series Size Type
HWP 290–445 CKTD & CEKTD
HWP 290–445 RKTD
HWP 290–445 CKTN & CEKTN
HWP 290–445 RKTN