Estrategias VM en Sdra y Epoc
Estrategias VM en Sdra y Epoc
Estrategias VM en Sdra y Epoc
C h ro n i c O b s t r u c t i v e
P u l m o n a r y D i s e a s e an d A c u t e
R e s p i r a t o r y D i s t re s s S y n d ro m e
Nathan T. Mowery, MD
Respiratory failure Hypoxia ARDS COPD APRV
Airway pressure release ventilation ALI PEEP
Identification of high-risk patients for pulmonary complications is an important part of
determining outcomes.
Low tidal volume ventilation is the only ventilator strategy that has been shown in prospec-
tive randomized trials to improve mortality in ARDS and COPD.
Once COPD patients are intubated the minute ventilation should be titrated to Ph and not
to the PaCO2.
A restrictive fluid schedule that maintains perfusion but aims at keeping patients fluid
neutral has been associated with shorter ICU and ventilator days in ARDS.
In ARDS several studies show APRV to have physiologic benefits and to improve some
measures of clinical outcome, such as oxygenation, use of sedation, hemodynamics,
and respiratory mechanics. None have shown a survival benefit when compared with con-
ventional lung protective ventilation.
Worldwide 52 million people have been diagnosed with COPD. The incidence and the
complications that it has caused are increasing.1 In 1990 it was the 6th most common
cause of death worldwide but is expected to be the third most common by the year
2020.2 Patients with COPD often require respiratory support for a variety of reasons
including exacerbations of the disease, complications related to other medical conditions
and elective and emergent surgical interventions. In these surgical situations if the clinical
situations allows the best time to optimize the patient to prevent complication is pre-oper-
atively. When mechanical ventilation becomes necessary in this challenging population
morbidity can be minimized with the application of evidence-based approaches.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is defined by the acute onset of hypox-
emia and bilateral infiltrates after a trigger. The definition has changed over time to its
current status. Although it only effects about 5% of mechanically ventilated patients,
75% of those present with a moderate or severe form.3 Unlike COPD, the incidence of
ARDS is decreasing secondary to the decrease in the numbers of triggers secondary
to the institution of such interventions, such as limited resuscitations, early source
control, restrictive transfusion strategies, ventilator care bundles, and lung-
protective ventilation.4
This article discusses the basic concepts of mechanical ventilation in patients with
COPD and ARDS, reviews predisposing factors to the development of complications,
and discusses current strategies for the recognition and prevention of these adverse
effects in the application of mechanical ventilation in this population.
Ventilator strategies can play a pivotal role in the deciding the outcome of patient once
pulmonary complications have developed. The issue is that by far the best means to
improve pulmonary-related morbidity is to prevent it from happening. A large part of
that preventive piece is to recognize high-risk groups so that at the very least prepa-
rations can be made. Virtually all of the interventions described herein have been
shown to be at least partially protective if instituted before pulmonary complications
have developed. For example, low tidal volume ventilation is a proven ventilator strat-
egy for the treatment of both COPD and ARDS, and has also been shown to minimize
the risk of the development of ARDS. In high-risk patient populations, it would only
stand to reason that strict adherence to low tidal volume protocols be observed.
The risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) increases nearly up to 3-
fold for patients with a moderate or severe systemic disease (American Society of
Anesthesiology class III) and up to 5-fold in moribund patients (American Society of
Anesthesiology class IV).5 The individual risk does not only relate to a patient’s comor-
bidities, but is also influenced by the type and/or duration of surgery, and it may also
be modified by the corresponding type of anesthesia.6 Therefore, an American Society
of Anesthesiology class IV patient undergoing a short, low-risk procedure under
regional anesthesia might have a lower risk of PPCs than a patient without comorbid-
ities planned to undergo a long-lasting, high-risk surgical procedure under general
anesthesia. Tailoring the type of anesthesia to the patient is an important step in avoid-
ing PCC.
Active smokers have an increase in tracheobronchial secretions and a decrease in
mucociliary clearance. They depend on coughing for the removal of secretions, and
they may need longer weaning from mechanical ventilation on the intensive care
unit (ICU).7 Smoking is also associated with pulmonary and cardiac diseases.
Smokers have been included in all studies on intraoperative lung-protective ventilation
strategies. Whether smokers benefit more than nonsmokers from any specific venti-
lator settings remains unclear.8,9
Advanced age, specifically an age of greater than 65 years, approximately doubles
the risk of PPC not only owing to “accumulating comorbid conditions,”10 but as an in-
dependent predictor of outcome based on age-related changes in the lungs, which
are summarized in Table 1.2,11,12
In an animal model of mechanical ventilation with high tidal volumes, older lungs
developed more severe pulmonary injury than younger ones.13 It seems that elderly
patients are more vulnerable to high tidal volumes, and that, in turn, they may benefit
more from lung-protective mechanical ventilation than younger ones.14
Ventilator Strategies for COPD and ARDS 1383
The development of PCC starts early in the patient’s hospital course and the intra-
operative ventilator settings have been shown to impact outcome in the elderly. Two
trials so far specifically addressed this patient population and found at low tidal vol-
ume strategies intraoperatively lead to higher intraoperative pulmonary compliance,
lower airway resistance, higher PaO2/FiO2 ratio, and higher PaCO2 levels in the interven-
tion group.8,15
Patients with COPD suffer from chronic inflammation of small airways and lung pa-
renchyma, resulting in obstructive bronchiolitis, parenchymal destruction, and
emphysema. Increased airway resistance and decreased elastic recoil lead to
limited airflow and an impaired ability of the airways to remain open at the end of
expiration. In turn, the collapse of airways at the end of expiration results in incom-
plete expiration, higher residual end-expiratory volume, hyperinflation, and auto–
positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP). Progression of chronic inflammation
and parenchymal destruction result in impaired gas exchange with hypoxemia
and hypercapnia. In case of the need for ventilatory support for acute exacerba-
tions, the use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation reduces mortality in patients
with COPD.9,10
Patients with COPD planning to undergo elective surgery should be in a stable dis-
ease condition, and they should receive optimal individual medical treatment. In case
of acute exacerbations, surgery should be postponed. However, even stable patients
with COPD have an up to a 4-fold increased risk of PPC,16,17 which is higher the worse
the disease is. Absolute cutoff levels as contraindications for surgery18 or predictors of
the perioperative risk of patients with COPD are missing. Nevertheless, patients with
an FEV1 of greater than 60% are typically considered to be at low risk of PPC, even if
they had planned to undergo lung resection.19
would facilitate renal excretion of bicarbonate, thereby returning the acid–base status
of the patient with COPD to normal. Unfortunately, when weaning is attempted, the
patient is likely to develop acute respiratory acidosis or respiratory failure. To prevent
this cycle, minute ventilation should be titrated to the pH and not to the PaCO2.
As we will see in the treatment of ARDS, the choice of low tidal volume ventilation is
beneficial in the prevention overventilation. Low tidal volumes limit peak alveolar
(plateau) pressure to less than 30 cm H2O for patients with COPD.23 With a lower tidal
volume, the inspiratory–expiratory ratio is decreased, allowing longer expiration so that
the hyperinflated COPD lung can empty. Consequently, this method is unlikely to induce
alkalemia, cause or aggravate DH and auto-PEEP, or overdistend the alveolar lung units
in the ventilated patient with COPD. Reducing respiratory rate and increasing inspiratory
flow also increases expiratory time and facilitates emptying of the lung.
Fig. 1. Generation of auto–positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). (From Ahmed SM, Athar
M. Mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bron-
chial asthma. Indian J Anaesth 2015;59(9):589–98; with permission.)
1386 Mowery
Fig. 2. Air trapping in a flow–volume loop. (From Ahmed SM, Athar M. Mechanical ventila-
tion in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma. Indian J
Anaesth 2015;59(9):589–98; with permission.)
the patient is not breathing spontaneously. The auto-PEEP is then calculated by sub-
tracting the external PEEP from the total PEEP.19 This method limits the procedure’s
application to the heavily sedated, paralyzed, or physically exhausted patient with
COPD. An esophageal balloon avoids this problem, but may not be readily available
in all hospital ICUs. If the patient has a central venous pressure (CVP) line, auto-
PEEP effects can be detected owing to the increased WOB reflected by greater
changes in pleural pressure (which are transmitted to intrathoracic blood vessels
and can be measured via CVP or pulmonary artery catheter). A large decrease in
CVP during a spontaneous or assisted breath suggests that a high inspiratory
threshold is needed to trigger the ventilator.
Diagnosis of Dynamic Hyperinflation
1. Slow filling of manual ventilator bag
2. Capnography trace not reaching plateau
3. Expiratory flow not reaching zero in flow-time–volume graph
4. Measure the intrinsic PEEP
Auto-PEEP can also be detected on ventilators equipped with graphic waveform
monitoring. Although not readily quantifiable, auto-PEEP is easily recognized on the
expiratory portion of the flow waveform. If expiratory flow does not return to zero
before the next inspiration, auto-PEEP is present. For patients who are making spon-
taneous efforts to breathe, observing their respiratory efforts and the ventilators
response is another useful technique, provided the ventilators sensitivity is set
correctly (at 1 cm H2O or on flow triggering). Because auto-PEEP increases the
pressure gradient required to inhale, the patient’s effort may not be able to trigger
the ventilator; the result is a missed breath or cycle. Clinical signs associated with
auto-PEEP (in patients making spontaneous efforts to breathe) include accessory
muscle use, retractions, and increased ventilatory drive.
Management of Auto–positive End-Expiratory Pressure
The basic goal in the situation of auto-PEEP is to allowing more time for exhalation.
This can be accomplished by reducing the respiratory rate or inspiratory–expiratory
ratio (typically to 1:3–1:5) to allow more time for exhalation and reduce breath stack-
ing. However, this pattern can result in low minute ventilation causing hypercapnia,
hypoxia, or acidosis. This leads to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and wors-
ened hemodynamic instability. If this is a concern, a higher inspiratory flow rate with
Ventilator Strategies for COPD and ARDS 1387
high peak pressures can be used, but this places the patient at increased risk of
Table 1
Factors affecting respiratory work of breathing
Respiratory Muscle
Obstructions to Inhalation Inhibitors Ventilator Circuit Factors
Resistive load Sedation causing depressed Narrow endotracheal tube
(bronchospasm) drive External PEEP
Parenchymal compliance Muscle weakness Decreased trigger
(pulmonary edema, (electrolyte threshold of the
pneumonia, atelectasis) abnormalities, chronic ventilator
Chest wall compliance atrophy)
(obesity, pleural effusion,
abdominal distention)
Predicting PPCs remains a challenge for most of the researchers. Although many
studies have attempted to predict PPCs, they were not specifically for patients with
COPD. Patients with COPD are at an increased risk for PPCs. A recent review esti-
mated the incidence of unadjusted PPCs as 18.2% in patients with COPD undergoing
surgery.5 Increasing severity of COPD confers greater risk, from 10% with mild to
moderate disease to 23% in patients with severe disease.26
Evidence shows that history and physical examination are poor predictors of
airway obstruction and its severity. However, the presence of history of a greater
than 55 pack-year smoking, wheezing on auscultation, and patient self-reported
wheezing can be considered predictive of airflow obstruction, defined as postbron-
chodilator forced expiratory volume 1 (FEV1) or forced vital capacity of less
than 0.70.2 Spirometry is useful to identify airflow obstruction in symptomatic
patients, but its usefulness in patients without respiratory symptoms is questionable.
Smokers with normal spirometry have only a 4% risk of PPC.27 Symptomatic pa-
tients with an FEV1 of less than 60% predicted will benefit from inhaled treatments,
but evidence does not support treating asymptomatic patients, regardless of the risk
factors and airflow obstruction.2 However, unlike in pulmonary resection, there is no
cutoff value of FEV1 or any other spirometric index to consider these patients unsuit-
able for surgery.
Arterial blood gas analyses are not indicated unless the patient’s history suggests
arterial hypoxemia or severe enough COPD that one suspects CO2 retention. Then,
the arterial blood gas should be used in essentially the same manner as one might
use preoperative pulmonary function tests, that is, to look for reversible disease or
to define the severity of the disease at its baseline. Defining baseline PaO2 and
PaCO2 is particularly important if one anticipates postoperatively ventilating a patient
who has severe COPD.
Heliox was introduced in 1934 for the treatment of airway obstruction.28 Because
airway turbulence depends on density, heliox (having a lower density) decreases
the airway resistance and, therefore, the WOB, particularly in situations associated
with upper airway obstruction. When used as a carrier, heliox has also been found
to improve the deposition of aerosolized bronchodilators in the lung.29 The percentage
of oxygen in heliox should be at least 20% to prevent hypoxia, and no more than 40%
for heliox to show a clinically significant effect.29 It has been shown to reduce DH by
15%, which will probably place the respiratory muscles at a better mechanical advan-
tage and decrease the WOB.30 Indeed, a significant decline in VCO2 was also noted,
supporting a reduced WOB leading to small but significant decrease in the PaCO2.31
However, owing to presence of conflicting literature, heliox therapy, which is costly
and cumbersome, is not warranted for stable patients with COPD at rest with moder-
ate to severe disease, but could be effective as an adjuvant therapy to enhance the
efficacy of medical treatment. Thus, further research to identify the patients with
COPD potentially able to benefit from this type of therapy is required.31
Short courses of systemic corticosteroids may provide important benefits in patients
with exacerbations of COPD a more rapid increase in FEV1, fewer withdrawals, and a
significantly shorter duration of hospital stay.32 This has to be balanced with the infec-
tious complications and wound healing issues in the postoperative patient.
Ventilator Strategies for COPD and ARDS 1389
Like all ventilator patients, an aggressive weaning policy is justified in patients with
COPD because prolonged intubation is associated with a variety of poor outcomes.
The first step is to address any offending agent that precipitated the COPD exacerba-
tion. Marginal respiratory mechanics and continued presence of auto-PEEP make
weaning difficult in patients with COPD. Hence, factors that increase resistance
such as size, secretions, kinking of the tube, and the presence of elbow-shaped parts
or a heat and moisture exchanger in the circuit have to be optimized to promote early
weaning. Weaning can be done with a pressure support mode, along with sponta-
neous breathing trials. Sequential weaning (early extubation followed by NPPV) is
found to be good alternative in patients showing failed spontaneous breathing trials.33
In contrast, role of tracheostomy is uncertain, but owing to marginal respiratory me-
chanics, it is also expected to help in weaning.
Ventilatory support is a lifesaving procedure in acute exacerbations of COPD. The
therapeutic goals are to improve gas exchange, rest fatigued respiratory muscles,
and relieve respiratory distress. NPPV is regarded as the first line of treatment,
whereas invasive ventilation is reserved for life-threatening respiratory failure. Howev-
er, it can cause a considerable increase in morbidity and mortality if not used properly.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a good understanding of pathophysiology,
mechanics, and pattern of flow obstruction and DH to provide the most suitable venti-
lation to these patients. The ventilatory graphics (flow, pressure, and volume) of the
most of the modern ventilators becomes a valuable tool in these situations and assist
in early diagnosis and management of the patient’s condition before it becomes clin-
ically overt.
ARDS is a serious clinical problem with more than 200,000 cases annually34 that is
resistant to treatment once the syndrome is fully clinically established. ARDS has a
mortality rate of 30% to 60% with significant costs of care and debilitating lifelong
sequelae for survivors.35 Despite decades of research only one therapeutic modality,
low tidal volume ventilation has been demonstrated to modestly improve ARDS-
related mortality (9%).36 People with ARDS are by definition severely hypoxemic,
and nearly all require invasive mechanical ventilation. Yet mechanical ventilation itself
can further injure damaged lungs (so-called ventilator-induced lung injury); minimizing
any additional damage while maintaining adequate gas exchange (“compatible with
life”) is the central goal of mechanical ventilation in ARDS and acute lung injury, its
less severe form.
Benefits of Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Low tidal volume ventilation reduces the damaging, excessive stretch of lung tissue
and alveoli (so-called volutrauma), and is the standard of care for people with ARDS
requiring mechanical ventilation. The ARDSnet36 is the largest clinical trial supporting
this paradigm. Although it has been noted to have some design flaws (the control arm
had a high 12 mL/kg volume given) and ethical concerns (informed consent issues), it
has been the foundation that using low tidal volumes improves survival for people with
ARDS. Taken together, the trials suggest that a strategy of low tidal volume ventilation
(6–8 mL/kg ideal body weight) reduces absolute mortality by about 7% to 9%, as
compared with using 12 mL/kg tidal volumes (approximately 42% mortality in control
1390 Mowery
groups vs approximately 34% in the low tidal volume ventilation groups). This trans-
lates to a “number needed to treat” of between 11 and 15 people with ARDS to prevent
1 death by using low tidal volume ventilation.
How to Use Low Tidal Volume Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
The protocol from the ARMA trial can serve as a guide to performing low tidal volume
ventilation for mechanically ventilated patients with ARDS:
Start in any ventilator mode with initial tidal volumes of 8 mL/kg predicted body
weight in kg, calculated by: [2.3 (height in inches - 60) 1 45.5 for women
or 1 50 for men].
Set the respiratory rate up to 35 breaths/min to deliver the expected minute venti-
lation requirement (generally, 7–9 L/min).
Set PEEP to at least 5 cm H2O, and FiO2 to maintain an arterial oxygen saturation
(SaO2) of 88% to 95% (PaO2 55–80 mm Hg). Titrate FiO2 to less than 70% when
Over a period of less than 4 hours, reduce tidal volumes to 7 mL/kg, and then to
6 mL/kg.
Ventilator adjustments are then made with the primary goal of keeping plateau pres-
sure (measured during an inspiratory hold of 0.5 seconds) less than 30 cm H2O, and
preferably as low as possible, while keeping blood gas parameters “compatible
with life.” High plateau pressures vastly elevate the risk for harmful alveolar distension
(ie, ventilator-associated lung injury, volutrauma). If plateau pressures remain elevated
after following the this protocol, further strategies should be tried:
Further reduce tidal volume, to as low as 4 mL/kg by 1 mL/kg stepwise
Sedate the patient to minimize ventilator–patient dyssynchrony.
Consider other etiologies for the increased plateau pressure besides the stiff,
noncompliant lungs of ARDS.
Limitations in the Use of Plateau Pressure for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Patients with reduced chest wall compliance—most commonly owing to obesity—may
have higher plateau pressures at baseline37 and during ARDS than nonobese patients.
It is possible that, in some obese patients, titrating tidal volumes to plateau pressures
less than 30 cm H2O may be inadequate38 and result in worsened hypoventilation.
There are no recommendations to treat obese patients with acute lung injury or
ARDS differently than nonobese patients with regard to mechanical ventilation. Esoph-
ageal manometry is considered superior to plateau pressures through its measurement
of transpulmonary pressure, considered a more precise measure of potentially injurious
pressures in the lung. Because it is invasive and the probes are prone to migration,
esophageal manometry is not widely used.
situations, alternative, salvage or “rescue” ventilator strategies are often used. Their
common goal is to maintain high airway pressures to maximize alveolar recruitment
and oxygenation, while minimizing alveolar stretch or shear stress. The most
commonly used alternative ventilatory strategies are high-frequency oscillatory venti-
lation (HFOV) or airway pressure release ventilation (APRV or “bilevel”).
HFOV is not appropriate as a first-line treatment for ARDS.43,44 There have been 2
randomized trials on the topic and neither was able to the show an improvement in
outcomes. In contrast, the North American study showed 47% in the HFOV group
died in-hospital, versus 35% receiving conventional low-tidal volume ventilation (rela-
tive risk for death with HFOV of 1.33; 95% CI, 1.09-1.64; P 5 .005). The trial was
stopped for harm at this point, far short of its planned 1200 patient enrollment,
when statistical analyses showed a near impossibility of equivalence or benefit from
HFOV.43 Both studies showed that HFOV patients required more sedation and more
neuromuscular blockade to keep the patient on HFOV.
APRV maintains a sustained airway pressure over a large proportion of the respira-
tory cycle. Animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that, compared with con-
ventional ventilation, APRV has beneficial effects on lung recruitment, oxygenation,
end-organ blood flow, pulmonary vasoconstriction, and sedation requirements.45,46
APRV has shown promise in both preventing the development on ARDS in animal
models.47 Adequate studies to show a mortality benefit when compared with low tidal
volume ventilation have not yet been performed.
Volume Status
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema is an important part of the ARDS picture. Intrave-
nous fluid management is brought into question for the ability to worsen or improve the
patient’s gas exchange. Intravenous fluids are critical to maintain appropriate intra-
vascular volume to assure hemodynamic stability; however, excessive fluid adminis-
tration can worsen lung edema, further impairing gas exchange. Fluid management
practices are quite variable and are often guided by philosophic approaches ranging
from the very liberal or “wet” approach (prioritizes maximizing perfusion) to the very
conservative or “dry” approach (prioritizes reductions in lung edema). The FACTT trial
(Fluids and Catheters Treatment Trial) was performed by the ARDSnet group to try to
identify the optimal approach in the ARDS setting. The investigators randomized 1000
patients to wet or dry groups with an additional factor of fluid management being
guided by a CVP or a Swan Ganz catheter.58 The wet group was approximately 1 L
positive for the day, which coincided with other ARDSnet trials, suggesting that a lib-
eral fluid strategy was the “normal” approach. The restrictive group was kept fluid
neutral using diuretics. There was no difference in mortality among the groups. The
60-day mortality was 25.5% in the conservative group versus 28.4% in the liberal
group (P 5 .3005; 95% CI for the difference, 2.6 to 18.4). The restrictive group
had a significant improvement in ventilator parameters such as plateau pressure,
and required less PEEP leading to fewer ventilator and ICU days.59
In a 2012 retrospective analysis in JAMA60 including data from more than 4400 pa-
tients with ARDS enrolled in randomized trials, only the severity of hypoxemia (low
PaO2/FiO2 ratio) was predictive of mortality. Commonly used clinical parameters of
1394 Mowery
severity (static compliance, degree of PEEP, and extent of opacities on chest radiog-
raphy) were not predictive of outcome. A “high-risk” patient profile with a 52% mortal-
ity was identified post hoc, composed of severe ARDS (PaO2/FiO2 ratio <100) with
either a high corrected expired volume of 13 L/min or greater, or a low static
compliance of less than 20 mL/cm H2O. Reviews of ARDS outcomes61 suggest that
most people who survive ARDS recover pulmonary function, but may remain impaired
for months or years in other domains, both physically35 and psychologically.62
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