SK Sawang Calero 1M Accomplishment Report
SK Sawang Calero 1M Accomplishment Report
SK Sawang Calero 1M Accomplishment Report
Areas of Participation
for the 1 Million Financial Assistance
Prepared by:
Education Assist Balik e-SK-wela (ABE) program is the mother project for all
of the SK Sawang Calero's education-related activities and
assistance. The main goal of the program is to aid the youth
constituents in the barangay for their modular, online, and
blending learning system in this time of pandemic.
70% of the 1 Million Financial Assistance provided by the Cebu
City Government was spent on Education in order to assist the
student constituents in the barangay. Assist sa Balik e-SK-wela
(ABE) is a program initiated by the Sangguniang Kabataan
Council of Sawang Calero for educational response measures
intended for modular and online learning caused by COVID-19.
The program offers different activities in order to accommodate
the students and teachers residing in the barangay who are into
the new normal of the learning system.
The 70% fund was mainly used for establishing the e-learning
hub since the Brgy Sawang Calero doesn't have any existing
learning hub. The remaining fund was used on the daily
operational needs of the students who're using the e-learning
Activities conducted within the program.
Thinking Space "Youth e-Learning Hub"
Thinking Space is an e-learning facility that
has complete Information, Communication
01 Technology (ICT) equipment, and school
supplies ready for usage. It is also a space
conducive for modular learning since it has
furniture for studying.
Supplies Surprise
Supplies Surprise is a school supplies distribution
drive that runs in cycle format where students
can get another set of supplies. The school
supplies being distributed are consumable
goods like bond papers, intermediate and yellow
pad. The program is divided into two
beneficiaries: regular students and ALS scholars.
TeachWell Teacher
TeachWell Teacher is an activity intended for
teachers who are living or serving in Sawang
03 Calero, giving them privilege in using all
resources available in the e-Learning Hub
without limitations for as long as it is intended
for their work requirements as a teacher.
Refillable Anti-Bacterial
Liquid & Bar Soap
Provision of the Liquid and Bar Soap during 02
the first wave of "ayuda" or relief packs. The
liquid handsoap is refillable.