Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
Morning Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Evening Worship Service 5:30 P.M
Prelude Prelude
Welcome & Announcements ...........................................Pastor Steve Igo Gathering Songs ...................................................... Elder Ted Himebook
Congregational Greeting ................................... The Passing of the Peace Welcome & Announcements .......................................... Pastor Steve Igo
The Living God Calls Us to Worship .................... Apostolic Salutation The Living God Summons Us ................................ Call to Worship
By Word* .................................................................... Call to Worship
We Enter Into God’s Presence
We Enter Into God’s Presence In Song* ........................................... We are God’s People, Hymn 355
In Song* ................................... We Come, O Christ, to You, Hymn 181
In Prayer ................................................................ Prayer of Approach
In Prayer* .............................................................. Prayer of Approach
Come, Spirit, come, our hearts control, Hear Our Prayer, O Lord. Hear our prayer, O Lord. Incline thine ear
Our spirits long to be made whole. to us, and grant us thy peace. Amen.
Let inward love guide every deed;
By this we worship and are freed.
The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010 The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010
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Welcome! This morning, Pastor Steve begins his new sermon series called Zion Christian Open House - Zion would like to invite interested
Learning to Love from the Song of Songs. This evening, we will conclude families to an open house on Thursday, March 10, from 7:00 - 8:30
our PM series on Praying with Paul. pm. Whether you are interested in Preschool, High School, or in
between, please consider joining us at 7:00 pm for a brief school
11:00 AM – Sunday School & Small Groups for All Ages overview after which you can tour the school and have questions
5:30 PM – Evening Service answered. All prospective families will be given a coupon for a free
7:00 PM – Youth Group pizza! Questions - contact Zion at 616-878-9472.
THIS WEEK The annual Barnabas Ministry Girl's Lock-In is Friday, March 18,
for high-risk teen girls who will be learning how to BECOME all that
Tuesday – Ladies’ Bible Study @ 9:30 AM – The Igo’s Home
God has created them to be. Volunteer opportunities for women 18+
Wednesday – Midweek Ministries @ 7 PM – HCS (nursery
are available. Financial and in-kind donations are also needed.
Contact CJ at or 616.748.8435 for more
Thursday – LOVE Inc Bible Study @ 7 PM – Hillcrest CRC
Please Give Blood - The blood supply is at critical levels
New Members – Cedar session is pleased to announce that we will because of winter storms. Please give blood on Friday, March 4, at
receive Jonathan and Beka Mulder & family on the evening of March the Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church, located at 3617 Hillcrest
6th by letter of transfer from Fellowship Reformed. Welcome! Road in Hudsonville. Hours are from 11:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Good
OPC Missions Conference - Our terrific annual Missions' hydration and food within four hours before giving blood is
Conference will be March 25 & 26 at Harvest OPC. We are very recommended. A donor card or driver's license is required.
happy to welcome Ben Westerveld from Quebec as our main speaker. Michigan permits 16-year-olds with a signedparental consent form to
For details and to register online go to under the donate. You may download and print a form
ministries/missions tab OR sign up on the Cedar Connection Card OR at All donors must weigh at
call the Harvest Church office at 261-0327. The registration least 110 pounds and be in good health. Walk in or make an
deadline is March 20. There are still opportunities to help with the appointment by calling 1-800-448-3543.
conference as well. 2011 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology will be held
Counselor Training - Lakeshore Pregnancy Center will be offering at Byron Center 1st CRC on March 18-20, 2011. This year’s topic is
the next session of counselor training beginning March 15. If you “Children of God: Adopted into the Family of God.” The Institute
feel called to serve women facing unplanned pregnancy and to be a for Reformed Biblical Counseling will be hosting a Conference on
part of this ministry, please contact Kari Wiersema at 616.895.1893 Depression on March 4-5 at Cornerstone United Reformed Church in
or for more information. Hudsonville. The featured speaker will be Dr. David Murray. For
more information, visit All
Waterford Place Senior Community is currently looking for a women are cordially invited to attend the annual Cornerstone United
volunteer to lead their Ladies’ Bible Study for one hour, one day a Reformed Church’s Women’s Conference on March 18-19. Mary
week. Please contact Amy at or 667-1725. Beth McGreevy will speak on the theme, “Encouragement to Refresh
Hearts.” Registration forms are available in the foyer.
The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010 The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010
Find our sermons & bulletin at Find our sermons & bulletin at
The Session met on January 25, 2011 and spent considerable time in prayer,
organizational and planning matters for the coming year.
Leadership - For 2011, the Session elected Pastor Igo as Moderator of
Session, and David Van Dyke as Clerk. Craig Baker graciously volunteered
and was appointed as Assistant to the Clerk. The Session approved a
motion to extend Dr. Duane Saxton’s two-year term as deacon by a year to a
full three-year term (in light of the resignation of Stephen Kloosterman,
whose membership has been transferred to Bethany URC at his request.)
Thus, Deacon Saxton’s first term as deacon will conclude at the end of
2011, and he will be eligible for a second term at next year’s congregational
meeting. We want to thank elder Ted Himebook for five years of active
service as an elder, since at the close of the meeting he begins a one-year
sabbatical. Please pray for the Session as we seek to effectively guide and
shepherd the congregation with a smaller number of elders this year.
The Session praises the Lord for a number of nominations of candidates for
training to the offices of elder and deacon. Those approved by Session will
be contacted and asked to consider participation in officer training modules
this spring and fall. Pastor Igo will lead each module, consisting of eight
weeks, meeting from 8-9:30 on Saturday mornings at the LOVE, INC
offices. Beginning Feb. 26, the winter module will focus on Leadership
Training using “Focused Living Leadership” materials. The fall module
will cover Biblical Study, the Westminster standards, the OPC Book of
Church Order, and self-examination. The training modules are not only for
officer nominees, but also for current office-bearers and interested laymen.
Worship - The Session again reviewed a proposed schedule of sermon
series through the spring, which includes two longer series through the
books of Songs of Solomon and Colossians, with two shorter series in
between on Isaiah 53 & the doctrine of Sin as we approach the Lenten and
Easter season.
Shepherding – Please keeping praying for your brothers and sisters in our
congregation. Right now there are some great needs among the
congregation due to grief, illness, lack of work, conflicts in relationships,
and spiritual struggles. The Session prayed for many of the pressing needs
among our congregation, but we also need your prayers for the Lord’s help,
comfort, and leading for the various trials that the members of our
congregation are facing.
The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010 The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010
Find our sermons & bulletin at Find our sermons & bulletin at
Cedar Church Welcomes You!
We’re glad you’re here. As a church family,
we are delighted you have joined us for
worship today. Below you will find some
information to help you during our Sunday services. If you need any
TODAY NEXT WEEK assistance, please ask one of our greeters for help.
Greeters Stanley Sprik/Haywood SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE – Cedar Church strives to enjoy God
Accompanist A.M. Bonnie Boeve Bonnie Boeve through Spirit-empowered and Christ-centered worship. The Bible is
Accompanist P.M. Linda Wolfe Linda Wolfe sincerely loved, and we hope that you will find it opened up to you in a fresh
Nursery A.M. Pam Himebook Hope Mason and faithful manner each Sunday. A NURSERY is available near the
Rachel Himebook Anna Mason entrance of the gymnasium, but children are always welcome in the worship
On- Call A.M. Lydia Igo Elise Mason service.
Nursery P.M. Christina Hartwell Rebecca Van Dyke
On- Call P.M. Cassidy Baker Cayte Baker COFFEE BREAK – After the morning worship, please join us in the foyer
Nursery Sun. Sch. Amy Petry Lynn Igo for coffee and refreshments. KID’S BREAK – After morning worship, all
Fellowship Snack Linda Wolfe kids (pre-school thru 6th grade) are invited to remain in the gymnasium for
Deb Grysen snacks and fun songs with Mr. & Mrs. Himebook.
Children’s Snack Amy Petry SUNDAY SCHOOL - From 11 AM-12 PM, Cedar Church offers classes
Church Set-Up Stanley Sprik/Haywood for all ages. Visitors are especially welcome to join us!
Please send all announcements by Wednesday @ 5 P.M. to: EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE – Please join us again for worship this evening at 5:30 P.M.
The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010 The Lord’s Day – February 27, 2010
Find our sermons & bulletin at Find our sermons & bulletin at