A Brief Overview On Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensors Based On Electroceramics
A Brief Overview On Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensors Based On Electroceramics
A Brief Overview On Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensors Based On Electroceramics
Nowadays, ceramic exhaust gas sensors are installed in quantities of millions in automotive exhaust gas systems. Almost any
automobile being powered by a gasoline combustion engine is equipped with at least one zirconia exhaust gas oxygen sensor (l
probe) for detection of the air-to-fuel ratio l. The first part of this short overview focuses on potentiometric as well as on
amperometric zirconia exhaust gas oxygen sensors. It is remarkable that in the past years a leap in manufacturing technology has
occurred from classical ceramic technology to tape and thick-film technology. The advent of novel combustion concepts like lean-
burn operating gasoline direct injection required novel exhaust gas aftertreatment concepts. It pushed the development of the
NOx sensor, which is manufactured in the same technology. It is also shown how development of exhaust gas sensors has always to
be considered in interaction with exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. This elucidates why novel sensors have gained in importance
just recently when stricter emission regulations were announced, meaning that the time is ripe for novel exhaust gas aftertreatment
concepts. Appropriate sensors—ammonia sensors, hydrocarbon sensors, and particulate matter sensors—are still in the R&D
stage. Several possible sensor principles are discussed. The materials that are used for sensors in the automotive exhaust are
electroceramics. Besides ion-conducting zirconia and zirconia cermets, electrically insulating alumina is used for substrate pur-
poses. Novel functional materials in the R&D state are strontium–iron titanate for temperature-independent resistive oxygen
sensing and zeolites for selective detection of specific gases like hydrocarbons or ammonia.
conversion / %
lambda- lambda-
sensor sensor
raw emission
0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04
normalized air-to-fuel ratio
Fig. 1. Conversion of a three-way catalyst versus air-to-fuel ratio l. Inset: arrangement for l 5 1 control and onboard diagnosis.
VS / V
0.8 0.0
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
increasing temperature
Fig. 2. Normalized air-to-fuel ratio l versus pO2. Note the pronounced pO2 variation around the stoichiometric point (l 5 1). Inset: sensor
voltage VS versus l. After Riegel et al.8
via oxygen vacancies. Below 10001C, the effects of elec- (diagnostic sensor) is installed downstream catalyst (Fig.
tronic conductivity can be neglected. 1, inset). Since the oxygen storage capacity of the cat-
If a YSZ membrane with porous electrodes sepa- alyst is correlated with the conversion efficiency, the
rates two gas chambers (pOA2 and pOB2 ), an electromo- amplitudes of the l oscillations downstream catalyst in-
tive force, VS, can be measured. crease with ongoing catalyst deterioration. The ampli-
! tude ratio of both l probes is a measure for the catalyst
kB T pOA
2 efficiency.8 Utilizing the signal of the second sensor, an
VS ¼ ln ð2Þ
4e pOB2 advanced trim control allows to adjust l 5 1 even more
If the sensor operation temperature is 7351C and air is Conventional and well-known l probes are made
used as a reference (pOB2 0.2 bar), a voltage difference of a thimble-type zirconia ceramic element. Because this
of 50 mV per decade pO2 difference occurs. According contribution focuses on novel concepts, the reader is
to Fig. 2 (inset), the sensor voltage varies by a few hun- referred to Wiedenmann et al.,9 where a detailed de-
dred mV around l 5 1, leading to a very steep, l scription of the conventional thimble-type l probe and
switch-like characteristic. its development is outlined.
Such l probes are installed upstream of TWC. In a Newer developments use planar zirconia multilayer
simplified consideration, they can be seen as a binary technology. They are characterized by reduced warmup
sensing element in the l control circuit. In operation, time, smaller size, lower weight, and, most importantly
after the cold start phase has finished, l oscillates by cost-effective production. Figure 3 schematically de-
around l 5 1 with a frequency in the order of 1 Hz, picts a planar l probe (Fig. 3a, exploded view; Fig. 3b,
depending on engine operation conditions.8,9 As the sectional view of the sensor tip). The manufacturing
catalyst stores oxygen, the l oscillations are buffered, process resembles microelectronic hybrid production.
leading to catalyst efficiencies of almost 100%. Ceramic YSZ tapes are cast and cut to the right size.
In order to in situ monitor the conversion efficiency Vias ( 5 contact holes) are punched. Heater, electrodes,
of TWCs (onboard diagnosis, OBD), a second l probe conductor tracks, contact pads, porous protection layers,
404 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Moos Vol. 2, No. 5, 2005
exhaust electrode
sensor sheet
reference electrode
alumina insulation
platinum Heater
alumina insulation
heater sheet
contact pads
Fig. 3. (a, left) Exploded view of a commercial planar l probe (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany; after Robert Bosch GmbH51). (b, right)
Sectional view of the sensor tip as indicated by the dashed line.
and insulation layers are screen printed on these tapes. A concept that further reduces size, light-off time,
The entire sensor element consists of a heater sheet, air production costs, and that excludes errors due to an in-
duct sheet, and sensor sheet. The heater sheet is covered stable air reference uses a pumped reference (Fig. 4, after
with an alumina insulation film, serving as a base for the Makino et al.10). Due to a voltage V0, a small current IcP
platinum heater meander, which is also insulated by an (in the order of some mA) flows through the cell. The
alumina layer. Porous platinum electrodes are printed current IcP is determined by the series resistance RP.
on both sides of the sensor sheet. A porous layer protects Oxygen ions are forced through the cell and form
the exhaust electrode. In operation, the punched air an oxygen pseudoreference inside the sensor (pOB2 ).
duct sheet serves as an air reference. The tapes are The internal reference can also be implemented as a
stacked, laminated, individualized, and co-fired. The small porous chamber. This concept has been serialized
resulting monolithic ceramic sensor element can be recently.
heated to operation temperature within less than 10 s
consuming only 7 W heating power.8 For even faster
sensors, an optimized heater design leads to a further Wide Band l Sensors
reduced light-off time.10
It is also possible to utilize alumina as a material for The planar manufacturing technology also serves as
heater sheet and air duct sheet. Its advantages are its a basis for a combined potentiometric/amperometric
good thermal conductivity, its very high resistivity, and sensor that can determine l in a wide range between
its cost-effeciveness compared with YSZ. Problems orig- approx. 0.7 and 10. The sensor consists of four zirconia
inate from joining alumina and YSZ in the green state sheets (Fig. 5). The heater sheet and the air duct sheet
and can be addressed to delamination caused by differ- are mainly identical to the planar l probe (Fig. 3b).
ent sinter shrinkage behavior and by differences in the Here, the sensor sheet forms a Nernst concentration cell
coefficient of thermal expansion.11 that determines pO2 behind a diffusion barrier toward
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O 2–
Fig. 4. Sketch of a potentiometric l sensor with pumped reference (after Makino et al.10).
the reference channel (air duct). The diffusion barrier oxygen reference. As a result, one YSZ layer can be
between the sensor sheet and the membrane sheet is saved, leading to further reduced size and light-off time
made of a porous oxide ceramic. The voltage of the and also to decreased thermo-mechanical stress.13,14
reference electrode is controlled electronically to
Vref 450 mV. According to Fig. 2 (inset), this is
equivalent to l 5 1. Hence, pO2 at the inner pumping NOx Sensors
electrode is always adjusted to l 5 1. If the exhaust is
lean, oxygen diffuses from the exhaust through the dif- Novel gasoline direct injection engines need a dif-
fusion barrier to the inner pumping electrode. IP is the ferent nitrogen oxide abatement concept using NOx
electronic current that is necessary to mainatin l 5 1 at storage catalysts (NSC). During a lean phase of about
the inner pumping electrode. Since IP is diffusion lim- 2 min, the catalyst adsorbs NOx. Right before the stor-
ited, it is almost proportional to the exhaust oxygen age capacity is exhausted and the catalyst begins to allow
concentration.12 If the exhaust is rich, water is electro- NOx to pass, the engine is operated richly for a few
chemically decomposed at the exhaust electrode and the seconds. During this ‘‘regeneration phase,’’ stored NOx
oxygen ions formed are pumped into the sensor, i.e., IP is released and reacts with the reducing components that
is negative. The IP(l) plot (Fig. 6) clearly shows the are in the rich exhaust. After regeneration, the engine is
wide band characteristic of such a sensor. operated leanly again. This complex process works best
Very recent developments are combined ampero- with an exhaust gas sensor that is mounted downstream
metric–potentiometric sensors that do not need an air NSC, providing threefold functionality: First, an NOx
reference. A pumped reference chamber serves as an output to determine increasing nitrogen oxides emis-
diffusion barrier
membrane sheet O 2–
sensor sheet
heater sheet
Fig. 5. Sensor tip of a commercial amperometric/potentiometric wide-band l sensor (type LSU, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany; after Robert
Bosch GmbH51).
406 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Moos Vol. 2, No. 5, 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6
VS spacer sheet
second pumping cell sheet
air duct sheet
heater sheet
heater sheet
Fig. 7. Multifunctional zirconia NOx sensor. The sensor has three different functionalities: IP1 is a measure for pO2, IP2 is proportional to the
NOx concentration. VS is a l 5 1-sensor.
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determine the end of the regeneration phase in gasoline sensors is their cross sensitivity to oxygen, water, and/or
direct injection engines (GDI).17 NOx.
One main problem of these sensors are the small At the moment, several types of sensors are under
electronic currents that occur. A rough estimation leads development for automotive exhaust gas application.
to a sensitivity in the range of some nA/ppm NOx. Due They are considered to meet the requirements with re-
to this low signal level, leak currents in the ceramic spect to long-term stability and target cost. The most
could have an influence on the sensor signal. As can be straightforward approach uses the cross sensitivity to-
seen from Fig. 7, the setup is very complex and the ward ammonia of zirconia NOx sensors for SCR system
contrast between functionality and low system costs be- control.26
comes obvious. Research efforts were undertaken to In metal insulator SiC field effect transistors, the
avoid the complex setup with its many production steps gates are covered with a catalytically active metal like
by using a sensor design in a conventional thick-film porous platinum.27 With increasing ammonia concen-
screen printing technique.18–20 However, up to now, no tration, the drain current increases (at constant drain
sensor of this type has been commercially available. A voltage). The voltage shift of the I(V ) curve (where
very comprehensive overview (unfortunately as of 1999) I 5 const.) is the sensor signal.28 Sensors have been suc-
on ceramic NOx sensors is given in Ménil et al.21 cessfully tested in real exhaust gas. However, as men-
tioned in Wingbrant et al.,27 varying speed and load
Ammonia Sensors make the interpretation of the signals difficult. One
technological challenge is the integration of SiC with
Due to more stringent emission standards for ceramic heaters.
heavyduty vehicles in conjunction with increased pres- Recently, a resistive-type ammonia sensor was dis-
sure for fuel efficiency, the European automotive indus- closed. A ‘‘super strong acidic’’ material was suggested as
try has decided to adopt the ammonia selective catalytic an ammonia-sensitive material.29 Promising results with
reduction (SCR) exhaust gas aftertreatment process for respect to sensitivity and long-term stability (6001C,
automotive applications. In the U.S., this system is also 100 h, air) was reported for mixtures of WO3 and YSZ.
under consideration. Ammonia SCR technology was Mixed potential sensors were also investigated for
originally developed for coal power plants and allows to ammonia sensing. The sensor setup resembles the one
reduce NOx in lean atmospheres. Ammonia-forming shown in Fig. 3. Now, the exhaust electrode consists of
substances like urea–water solutions are added to the vanadia-based materials, which seem to form very se-
exhaust and serve as reducing agents. Unfortunately, lective electrodes. In Wang et al.30 a huge variety of
NOx conversion depends upon temperature, pO2, NO2 materials were tested. From Wang et al.30 it can be cal-
concentration, space velocity, and also on the amount of culated, however, that the sensor temperature is signif-
previously stored ammonia. Vehicles are operated under icantly lower than required for l sensing.
continuously changing speed and load conditions. To
minimize the injected amount of urea and to avoid am- Zeolite Ammonia Sensor
monia slip, a closed-loop controlled system using an
ammonia exhaust gas sensor is desirable. Ammonia sen- Another promising approach is based on a zeolite
sors offer a convenient method for OBD of the ammo- thick film as a functional layer. As depicted in the sim-
nia dosing system. plified setup of a sensor element (Fig. 8), electrically
insulating alumina serves as a substrate. A passivated
Sensor Principles thick-film platinum structure on the bottom is used for
heating and temperature control. Interdigital electrodes
Many approaches for the detection of ammonia are on the top side form a thick-film capacitor. It is covered
proposed in the literature; examples are doped semi- by a zeolite film that selectively changes its complex
conducting metal oxides like tungsten oxide,22 molyb- impedance with the ammonia concentration. During
denum oxide,23 or indium oxide.24 Sensors based on the sensor development, the zeolite material was selected
Cr2Ti2xO72x are already commercially available for with respect to selectivity and long-term stability. The
ammonia detection in air for non-automotive applica- main parameters of the variation were the type of
tions.25 The main disadvantage of resistive metal oxide zeolite, its Na/H ratio, and its module. Impedance
408 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Moos Vol. 2, No. 5, 2005
alumina substrate
platinum heater
Fig. 8. Simplified cross-section of the zeolite NH3 sensor. After Moos et al.31
spectroscopy data of many different zeolites were taken ance (derived from the RC-equivalent circuit, sensor
between 2001C and 5001C in the 20 Hz to 1 MHz temperature 4201C) taken at 1 MHz follows the am-
range. When plotted in the complex resistance plane, monia content, reaches constant final values, and recov-
semicircles appear for almost all investigated samples at ers fast. The most important parameter for selectivity is
all temperatures.31 Therefore, the resulting spectra can the module. All H-ZSM5 zeolites are sensitive to am-
be interpreted by an resistance capacity (RC) parallel monia, but only low alumina zeolites ( 5 high module)
equivalent circuit. For an ammonia-sensitive zeolite show low cross sensitivities. The ammonia sensor does
film, at a fixed suitable working frequency, both R not have cross-sensitivity with respect to the presence of
and C depend on the ammonia concentration of the hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitro-
exhaust. Figure 9 shows a typical lab test run for an H- gen, i.e., it is not affected by these gases. In engine test
ZSM5 zeolite with a module of 140. The baseline gas benches the sensor showed very promising results.31
contained 10 vol% O2 and 5 vol% H2O. After stepwise The above-described behavior can be explained
changing the ammonia concentration, the sensor resist- qualitatively by considering the ammonia-supported
45 0 ppm 0 ppm
5 ppm
sensor resistance R / k
10 ppm
20 ppm
35 40 ppm
60 ppm
30 80 ppm
100 ppm
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
t / min
Fig. 9. Example of a zeolite NH3 sensor. Data: material H-ZSM5 sensor (module 140), R (at 1 MHz, 4201C). Background gas: 10 vol%
O2, 5 vol% H2O, N2 balance. After Moos et al.31
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Since these mixed potential sensors work well only that the sensor signal increases with increasing chain
in lean atmospheres, it was disclosed to combine them length of the hydrocarbons.
with an oxygen pumping cell.42 From a technological The integrated sensor was installed downstream the
point of view, integration of a high-temperature pump- catalyst in the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion
ing cell and a ‘‘low’’-temperature sensor in one device is engine. The output signal was recorded and plotted
difficult. Additionally, in exhausts of gasoline engines against the hydrocarbon concentration, which was ob-
usually higher temperatures occur. This leads to long- tained from a conventional flame ionization detector
term stability problems of the sensor signal. Further- (FID). Secondary air (a) was injected behind the catalyst
more, one has to ensure that hydrocarbons do not be- but in front of the sensor (b) to ensure a lean sensor
come oxidized on the hot catalytically active electrodes operation. Two catalysts were compared: a fresh one
of the pumping cell. and an aged one. Depending on the catalyst status as
Another concept uses two resistive oxygen sensors well as on the speed-load conditions, distinct hydrocar-
of the same material; a catalytically coated and a non- bon concentrations were measured. The comparison of
coated one.43 The resistance difference (or the resistance output signal and hydrocarbon concentration reflects a
ratio) is a measure for the difference between equilibri- good correlation, possibly allowing to detect the catalyst
um and non-equilibrium. A porous thick-film titanate conversion status.44
sensor is compared with a sensor that was activated by
impregnation with a hexachloroplatinate solution. The Zeolites for Hydrocarbon Sensing
difference in the lean range is a measure for the net
concentration of combustibles in the exhaust. A dem- A very selective zeolite-based hydrocarbon sensor
onstration of the capabilities of this system is given in has a setup similar to the ammonia sensor described in
Fleischer et al.44 Activated and non-activated sensors are Fig. 8.46 A platinum-doped Na–Y–zeolite thick
integrated on one alumina substrate. The ratio of both film (PtNaY) is deposited on a transducer with an
sensor resistances was calculated, transformed in an interdigital electrode structure. As can be seen from
analogous output signal. In Sahner et al.,45 it was shown Fig. 10, a strong increase of the normalized resistance
T = 350 °C
resistance change ∆R /R / %
1000 ppm C4 H10
1000 ppm CO
1000 ppm H2
0.1 1 10
f/ kHz
Fig. 10. Normalized resistance of a zeolite hydrocarbon sensor toward some reducing exhaust components (after Plog et al.46).
www.ceramics.org/ACT Brief Overview on Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensors 411
below 100 Hz (assuming RC parallel equivalent circuit) a zeolite cover on top. Resistive SrTi1xFexO3d sensors
occurs when the sensor is exposed to butane. There is (STF) are known to be sensitive to hydrocarbons.
almost no cross-sensitivity towards CO and H2. Water If such sensors are covered with platinum-exchanged
vapor affects the sensor signal only very slightly above Na-ZSM5 zeolites they become very selective. Figure 11
2001C. Unfortunately, published data end at 4001C. It compares the response of an uncovered STF thick-film
is remarkable that such sensors show a good sensitivity sensor (x 5 0.2) with the same sample but subsequently
even in rich atmospheres.47 A reason for this might be covered with a zeolite film,48 both at 4251C in
that the butane-sensing effect of resistive zeolite sensors air. Different exhaust components were added succes-
is related to its catalytic properties: PtNaY zeolites have sively. Apparently, the zeolite-covered sensor is not sen-
a high catalytic activity for the conversion of hydrocar- sitive to H2, NO, CO, and C3H6, whereas the
bons to H2O and CO, and hence they show a strong sensitivity to C3H8 is even slightly increased. Addition-
response toward butane, whereas the undoped and lowly ally, it was observed that at this temperature STF sensors
catalytically active NaY form is almost insensitive. are only slightly sensitive to oxygen variations in the
A preliminary model46 considers that the mobile exhaust.49 Very similar results were observed with
sodium ions are hindered by the complex catalytic re- dispersed PtNaY zeolites in n-type semiconducting
action of butane, as all three steps of catalytic conversion TiO2 (anatase form).50 Since TiO2 (like almost all
(adsorption, reaction, desorption) on platinum clusters n-type semiconducting sensor materials) is cross-sensi-
within the zeolite pores take some time for the large tive to water, it is suggested that the response to propane
butane molecule at 3501C. Platinum is covered with a is due to water that forms when hydrocarbons become
number of molecules per time unit that reduce the mo- oxidized.
bility of the sodium ions. For H2 and CO, however, the
catalytic reaction is very fast, especially at 3501C. It is
assumed that both components are completely oxidized Status of the Hydrocarbon Exhaust Gas Sensor
by PtNaY. Therefore, the coverage of platinum with
molecules is small per time unit and almost no hin- The demand from automotive engineers for hydro-
drance of sodium ions occurs. Since the suggested main carbon sensors has existed for more than 10 years,
effect is decreased sodium ionic mobility, oxygen should especially for OBD purposes. However, up to now,
not cause pronounced signal changes. the legal requirements have been met with the above-
An excellent alternative with respect to selectivity mentioned dual l sensor concept and, therefore, no hy-
might be a combination of p-type semiconductors with drocarbon sensor has been serialized.
T = 425 °C
300 zeolite covered
air air air air air
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
t/ min
Fig. 11. Sensor response of an uncovered and a Pt-NaZSM5-covered thick-film STF sensor (x 5 0.2) that is successively exposed to several
components of automotive exhaust (after Sahner et al.48).
412 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Moos Vol. 2, No. 5, 2005
46. C. Plog, W. Maunz, P. Kurzweil, E. Obermeier, and C. Scheibe, ‘‘Combus- 49. K. Sahner, R. Moos, M. Matam, and M. Post, ‘‘Thick and Thin Film P-Type
tion Gas Sensitivity of Zeolite Layers on Thin-Film Capacitors,’’ Sensors and Conducting Hydrocarbon Sensors—a Comparative Study,’’ Proceedings of the
Actuat. B, 24–25 403–406 (1995). IEEE Sensors 2003, Toronto, Canada, 926–931, 2003.
47. C. Plog and W. Maunz, United States Patent Specification, US 5,965,451 50. J. Trimboli and P. K. Dutta, ‘‘Oxidation Chemistry and Electrical Activity of
(1996). Pt on Titania: Development of a Novel Zeolite-Filter Hydrocarbon Sensor,’’
48. K. Sahner, R. Moos, M. Matam, J. Tunney, and M. Post, ‘‘Hydrocarbon Sensors Actuat. B, 102 132–141 (2004).
Sensing with Thick and Thin Film P-Type Conducting Perovskite Materi- 51. Robert Bosch GmbH, Company Information, e.g., http://www.boschusa.com/
als,’’ Sensors and Actuat. B, 108 102–112 (2005). AutoOrigEquip/Sensors/DevExhSensors/.