Eagle: Ronald Koh - 1988 C
Eagle: Ronald Koh - 1988 C
Eagle: Ronald Koh - 1988 C
1. 2.
Use a thin sheet of paper or
tissue foil of at least 15 cm
Fold diagonally in half from left to right, Valley fold the lower diagonal edges to the
crease well, and unfold. Repeat by folding crease line in the centre and turn paper over.
in half from top to bottom, and unfold.
3. 4.
Repeat from Step 2 on the lower half of the Valley fold through the circled intersecting
paper, then turn the paper over. crease lines, crease firmly, and unfold.
9. 10.
Separate the two diagonal Fold and unfold, creasing ... then petal fold.
edges and squash fold firmly ...
Fold the triangular flap ... then fold the flap on the Grasp the circled point
down ... left to the right. Repeat and gradually pull the flap
from Step 15 on the next upwards as far as it can
21. flap on the left. go, opening out and
flattening the layers
beneath ...
... like this, before bringing The model should now look
down the flap again. like this. Turn the model over.
23. 24. 25.
Repeat Step 15 on the Mountain fold the triangular Fold the first flap on the
right, and then on the left. portion of the uppermost right to the left.
layer under and against
26. 27. 28.
Fold and unfold, creasing ... then reverse fold. Fold and unfold again,
firmly ... from the left corner to the
corner on the right.
Now mountain fold the ... then close up with a Fold the flap on the left
excess paper under as rabbit's ear fold. to the right and repeat
well ... from Step 26 on the
other side.
Bring the corners from Squash fold ... ... and then petal fold,
the sides to the apex. as you did in
Steps 16 to 18.
35. 36. 37.
Grasp the flaps at the ... then reverse fold to hide Turn model
circled area and pull the triangular tab over.
gently apart, ... beneath.
38. 39.
The pieces on each side, ... then valley fold the sides of
The model should now look which will form the wings, the top layer to narrow.
like this. Repeat Steps 38 to should be symetrical. Reverse
40 on the left side of the fold each of the tabs on the
model. sides ...
Valley fold the tail piece Mountain fold the first layer at ... and reverse fold to hide the
upwards, crease firmly, and the bottom corner of the wings lower portion of the tailpiece
unfold. Next crimp fold the within itself, then separate and within the opening ...
layer at the base of each wing draw the central vertical edges
as illustrated, then turn model of the tailpiece to the sides ...
47. 48.
... like this. Now valley fold the corners of the Crimp fold the front of the wings as
second layer of the wing within itself, and illustrated.
widen the tail by folding out the
overlapping tabs in the middle.
49. 50.
Bring down the uppermost flap with a ... crimp fold through all remaining
valley fold, ... layers at the top to form the
head ...
Pull down the lower beak just a little. Valley fold both sides of the head and neck
Reverse fold the tip of the left claw once area as illustrated.
more as illustrated, then repeat from Step
52 on the right claw.
57. 58.
Fold down the wing on this side ...