RPH Notes Midterms

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RPH NOTES – MIDTERMS - Tells you about an even but is from a

Ms. Niña Betina Marie M. Igaña time after the event

- Usually talks about primary sources
INTRODUCTION - Examples: textbooks, magazines,
- Come from the Greek word “Historia” TASK OF A HISTORIAN:
- Which means “knowledge acquired - Look at the available historical sources
through inquiry or investigation” and select the most relevant
- Study of the past - Organize the past for historical
- Account of the past of a person or of a understanding for both the present and
group through written documents the future.
- History also focused on writing about
wars, revolution, and other important CHAPTER 1: A BRIEF SUMMARY OF
- Used to unite a nation
- Lessons from the past be used to make - Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian
sense of the present nobleman
- Learnings of past mistakes can help - One of the most important primary
people to not repeat them sources in the study of precolonial
- Being reminded of a great past can Philippines
inspire people to keep their good - Their fleet reached what he called the
practices to move forward Ladrones Islands or “Islands of the
HISTORICAL RESOURCES - Ladrones Islands is presently known as
- Primary Sources Marianas Islands
- Secondary Sources - After 10 days, they reached the isle of
Zamal, now Samar
PRIMARY SOURCE - After 2 days, nine men came to them and
- Tells you about an event and is from the welcomed them with food, drinks, and
time of that event. gifts. In turn, the natives gave them fish,
- Examples: Speeches, Photographs, palm wine (uraca), figs, and two cochos
Letters (coconut). The natives also gave them
rice (umai), cocos, and other food
- Practice of verifying the authenticity of - Their fleet went to Humunu Island
evidence by: (Homonhon) and Pigafetta referred this
o Examining its physical as the “Watering Place of Good Signs”
characteristics First signs of gold was found here.
o Consistency with the historical - They named the island with nearby
characteristic of time when it was islands as the archipelago of St. Lazarus
produced - Left the island and saw two ballanghai
o Materials used for evidence (balangay), a long boat full of people in
- Examples: Mazzava/Mazaua
o Quality of the paper - Magellan was introduced to the king’s
o The type of ink brother who was also a king of another
o The language and words used in island.
- This king was named Raia Calambu,
the material
king of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and
Caragua) and the first king was Raia
- Examination of the truthfulness and
- On an Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered
factuality of the evidence by looking at
the chaplain to preside a Mass by the
o Author of the source
- The King sent two dead pigs and
o Its context
attended the Mass.
o Agenda behind its creation - Magellan further explained that the cross
would be beneficial for their people
SECONDARY SOURCE because once other Spaniards saw this
cross, then they would know that they
had been in this land and would not - The chronicle of Pigafetta was one of the
cause them troubles. most cited documents by historians who
- Would go down in history as the first wished to study the precolonial
Mass in the Philippines Philippines
- After 7 days, Magellan decided to move - Pigafetta was seen as credible source for
and look for islands. They learned of the a period
islands of Ceylon (Leyte), Bohol, and - It was believed that Pigafetta’s writings
Zzubu (Cebu) and intended to go there account foe the “purest” precolonial
- Cebu was the largest and richest of the society
islands - In the case of Pigafetta, he was
- Magellan spoke before the people of chronicler commissioned by the King of
Cebu about peace and God Spain to accompany and document a
- March 31 – first mass voyage intended to expand the Spanish
- On 14th of April, Magellan spoke to the empire
king and encouraged him to be a good - He was of noble descent who came from
Christian by burning all the idols and a rich family in Italy
worship the cross instead. The king of - These attributes influenced his narrative,
Cebu was the baptized as a Christian his selection of details to be included in
- King’s new name: Don Charles (Carlos) the text, his characterization of the
- Prince’s new name: Don Fernand people and of the species that he
(Fernando) encountered, and his interpretation and
- King of Mazavva: Jehan retelling of the events
- Moor: Christopher - He was a scholar of cartography and
- When the queen came to the Mass one geography
day, Magellan gave her an image of - He was coming from a 16th century
Infant Jesus made by Pigafetta himself. European perspective
- Zula, a principal man from the island of - He regarded the indigenous belief
Matan (Mactan) went to see Magellan systems and way of life as inferior to that
and asked him for a boat full of men so of Christianity and of the Europeans
that he would be able to fight the chief - Would always remark on the nakedness
named Silapulapu (Lapulapu) of the natives or how he was fascinated
- Magellan: 49 people, Lapulapu: 1,500 by the exotic culture
- Magellan died in this battle, he was - Pigafetta’s perspective was too narrow to
pierced with a poisoned arrow in his right realize that such attire was only
leg appropriate to the tropical climate of the
- Magellan’s men elected Duarte Barbosa islands
ad the new captain - European economy was mercantilist
- Magellan’s slave and interpreter named - Spices were important to Europeans as it
Henry betrayed them and told the king of was very scarce in Europe and were
Cebu they intended to leave as quickly seen as prestige goods
as possible - In that era, Spain and Portugal coveted
- The two conspired and betrayed what the coveted the control of Spice Islands
was left of Magellan’s men. Pigafetta because it would have led to a certain
was not able to join the 24 men who increase in wealth, influence, and power
attended the meeting with the King of
Spain because he was nursing his battle CHAPTER 3: THE KKK AND THE
- The natives had slain all of the men
except the interpreter and Juan Serrano - Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang
who was already wounded Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK)
- The fleet departed and abandoned - Most important organization formed in
Serrano, they left Cebu and continued the Philippine history
their journey around the world - Only this organization that envisioned
o A unified Filipino nation that would
revolt against the Spaniards
o The total independence of the
country from Spain
- Previous armed revolts had already
CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF occurred before the foundation of the
PIGAFETTA’S CHRONICLE Katipunan, but none of them envisioned
a unified Filipino nation revolting against
the colonizers
o Examples: itself reasonable.
o Diego Silang – Ilocano who led
one of the longest running revolts 4. Whether our skin be black or white, we
in the country, however, was are all born equal: superiority in
mainly concerned about his knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be
locality and referred to himself as understood, but not superiority by nature.
El Rey de Ilocos (The King of
Ilocos) 5. The honorable man prefers honor to
o Propaganda movement led by the personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to
ilustrados like Marcelo H. del Pilar, honor.
Graciano López Jaena, and José
Rizal did not envision a total 6. To the honorable man, his word is
separation of the Philippines from sacred.
Spain, but only demanded equal
rights, representation, and 7. Do not waste thy time: wealth can be
protection from the abuses of the recovered but not time lost.
- One of the most important documents 8. Defend the oppressed and fight the
was the Kartilya ng Katipunan oppressor before the law or in the field.
- Original title of the document was
“Manga Aral Nang Katipunan ng mga 9. The prudent man is sparing in words
A.N.B.” or “Lessons of the Organization and faithful in keeping secrets.
of the Sons of Country”
- Document was written by Emilio Jacinto 10. On the thorny path of life, man is the
in 1896 guide of woman and the children, and if
- Jacinto was only 18 years old when he the guide leads to the precipice, those
joined the movement, he was a law whom he guides will also go there.
student at the Universidad de Santo
Tomas 11. Thou must not look upon woman as
- Became the secretary of the organization a mere plaything, but as a faithful
and took charge of the short printing companion who will share with thee the
press of the Katipunan penalties of life; her (physical) weakness
- On April 15, 1897, Bonifacio appointed will increase thy interest in her and she
Jacinto, at 22 years old, as a commander will remind thee of the mother who bore
of the Katipunan in Northern Luzon thee and reared thee.
- Jacinto died of Malaria at 24
- The Kartilya can be treated as the 12. What thou dost not desire done unto
Katipunan’s code of conduct thy wife, children, brothers and sisters,
- 14 rules that instruct the way a that do not unto the wife, children,
Katipunero should behave and which brothers and sisters of thy neighbor.
specific values should he uphold.
- Rules can be classified into 2: 13. Man is not worth more because he is
o Contains the rules that will make a king, because his nose is aquiline, and
the member an upright individual his color white, not because he is a
o Rules that will guide the way he *priest, a servant of God, nor because of
treats his fellow men the high prerogative that he enjoys upon
earth, but he is worth most who is a man
of proven and real value, who does
good, keeps his words, is worthy and
honest; he who does not oppress nor
Rules: consent to being oppressed, he who
- 1. The life that is not consecrated to a loves and cherishes his fatherland,
lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree though he be born in the wilderness and
without a shade, if not a poisonous know no tongue but his own.
14. When these rules of conduct shall be
2. To do good for personal gain and not known to all, the longed-for sun of Liberty
for its own sake is not virtue. shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy
portion of the globe and its rays shall
3. It is rational to be charitable and love diffuse everlasting joy among the
one's fellow creature, and to adjust one's confederated brethren of the same rays,
conduct, acts and words to what is in the lives of those who have gone before,
the fatigues and the well-paid sufferings - Three stars represent Luzon, Visayas,
will remain. If he who desires to enter Panay (Visayas)
(the Katipunan) has informed himself of - Sun represents the gigantic strides that
all this and believes he will be able to have been made by the sons of this land
perform what will be his duties, he may on the road of progress and civilization
fill out the application for admission.   - Eight rays symbolizes eight provinces of
Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga,
CHAPTER 4: READING THE Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and
INDEPENDENCE - Colors blue, red, and white
commemorate those of the flag of the
- Philippine Independence: June 12, 1898 United States of North America, in
in the province of Cavite manifestation of our profound gratitude
- Signaled the end of the 333 years of towards the Great Nation for the
Spanish colonization disinterested protection she is extending
- The declaration was a short 2,000-word to us and will continue to extend to us
document, which summarized the reason - Red and blue = courage and peace
behind the revolution against Spain, the
war for independence, and the future of CHAPTER 5: A GLANCE AT SELECTED
the new republic under Emilio Aguinaldo PHILIPPINE POLITICAL CARICATURE
- The document specifically mentioned IN ALFRED MCCOY’S PHILIPPINE
abuses and inequalities in the colony CARTOONS: POLITICAL CARICATURE
- There was abuse by the Civil Guards OF THE AMERICAN ERA
and the unlawful shooting of prisoners
- Condemns the unequal protection of the - Exaggerating human features and poking
law between the Filipino people and the fun at its subjects
“eminent passages” - Such art genre and technique became a
- Mentions the avarice and greed of the part of the print media as a form of social
clergy like the friars and the Archbishop and political commentary, which usually
himself targets persons of power and authority
- Unjust deportation and rendering of other - The unique way that caricature
decision without proper hearing, represents opinion and captures the
expected of any civilized nation audience’s imagination is reason enough
- Pact of Biak-na-Bato had collapsed, for historians to examine these political
document narrates the spread of the cartoons
movement “like an electric spark” - Alfred McCoy, together with Alfredo
through different towns like Bataan, Roces, compiled political cartoons
Pampanga, Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna, published in newspaper dailies and
and Morong periodicals in the aforementioned time
- The document also mentions Rizal’s period.
execution, calling it unjust. - 1ST CARICATURE:
- The execution was done to “please the o Published in The Independent on
greedy body of friars in their insatiable May 20, 1916
desire to seek revenge upon and o Shows politician from Tondo,
exterminate all those who are opposed to named Dr. Santos, passing his
their Machiavellan purposes, which crown to his brother-in-law, Dr.
tramples upon the penal code prescribed Barcelona.
for these islands” o A Filipino guy (wearing salakot
- Also narrates the Cavite Mutiny of and barong tagalog) was trying to
January 1872 that caused the infamous stop Santos, telling the latter to
execution of the martyred native priests stop giving Barcelona the crown
Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, and because it is not his to begin with
Jacinto Zamora - ND
- The proclamation of independence also o Published on June 16, 1917
invokes that the established republic o Drawn by Fernando Amorsolo
would be led under the dictatorship of o A Filipino child who stole a skinny
Emilio Aguinaldo
chicken because he had nothing
- Explanation of Philippine flag that was
to eat, a police officer was
first waved on the same wave
pursuing the said child
- White triangle represents the distinctive
o A man wearing a salakot, named
emblem of the famous Katipunan society
Juan de la Cruz, was grabbing the
officer, telling him to leave the
small-time pickpockets and o Marcos called for a Snap Election,
thieves and to turn to great where Cory was convinced to run
thieves instead. against Marcos
- 3 CARICATURE o Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal
o Commentary on unprecedented Sin and other civilian leaders
cases of colorum automobiles in gathered in EDSA
the city streets - On September 18, 1986, 7 months after
o Published when fatal accidents Cory became president, she went to the
involving colorum vehicles and United States and spoke before the joint
taxis occurred too often session of the U.S. Congress
o Depicts a cinema o Ninoy was detained in a cell and
o A blown-up police officer was t the for 43 days, Cory did not know
screen saying that couples are not what was happening
allowed to neck and make love in o Ninoy was charged of subversion,
the theater murder, and other crimes, and did
o Two youngsters look horrified a hunger strike and fasted for 40
while an older couple seemed days
amused o Ninoy’s death
- 5TH CARICATURE - Stated Ninoy sparked the revolution
o Published on November 27, 1915 - Philippine foreign debt of 26 billion
o Uncle Sam riding a chariot pulled dollars
by Filipinos wearing school
o Filipino boys were carrying AQUINO’S SPEECH
American objects like baseball
bats, whisky, and boxing gloves - The speech talks of her family,
o Was based on an event in 1907 background, especially her relationship
when William Howard Taft was with her late husband, Ninoy Aquino
brought to Manila pier riding a - Cory claimed that her main approach to
chariot pulled by students of Liceo this problem was through peace and not
de Manila through sword of war
o Published by Lipang Kalabaw on
August 24, 1907
o Uncle Sam rationing porridge to
the politicians and members of the
Progresista Party (or Federelista
Party) while members of the
Nationalista Party look on and
wait for their turn
o Depicts patronage of the United
States being coveted by
politicians from either of the party



- Corzaon “Cory” Cojuangco Aquino

functioned as the symbol of the
restoration of democracy and the
overthrow of the Marco Dictatorship in
o Was widely recognized around the
world for its peaceful character
o Ninoy Aquino was shot at Manila
International Airport on August 21,

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