Vision:: at The Completion of The Course, Students Should Be Able To

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Outcomes - Based Teaching and Learning Plan in Practical Research 1

VISION: KRISLIZZ INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY envisions producing responsible, well – educated and well – rounded individuals who are
potential contributors to socio – economic development of our nation. It is also in this light that we envision our graduates to be me of strong
characters, goodwill, and academically inclined so as far for them to ultimately contribute toward building a better future.

MISSION: Guided by our philosophy and vision Krislizz International Academy dedicates its integrity in fulfilling the following mission:
1. To develop the child in all aspects so that he become a self-propelling and contributing individual, able to make decisions which will
prepare him for the more complex demand of future life.
2. To assist the child as creative social factor in making his maximum contribution to society and building up our nation.
3. To assist the government in liberating access to education uplift the system of educating people thereby decreasing the illiteracy rate of
the community and the country as whole.

Course Title PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Course Code RIDL2

Credit Units Course Pre-/Co-requisites

The course aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills of Grade 12 students through the conduct quantitative research relative to their interests and
Course Description
senior high school track and strand.
At the end of this program, students will have the ability to:
Program Intended
Learning Outcomes (PILO) Complete the skill and knowledge acquisition and application from planning and design to building theories, choosing quantitative research methods and design,
gathering data and information and presenting the final research output.

At the completion of the course, students should be able to:

1. Conduct a quantitative research by undertaking a rigorous process that involves: a. Deciding on a suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest
and in the process, formulate clearly the statement of research problem; b. Selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature and use sources according to
ethical standards; c. Describing adequately quantitative research designs, sample, instrument used, intervention (if applicable), data collection, and data
Course Intended Learning
analysis procedures; d. Gathering and analyzing data with intellectual honesty, using suitable techniques; and e. Forming logical conclusions, make
Outcomes (CILO)
recommendations based on these conclusions, and write and present clear report.
2. Develop appreciation towards the conduct of research in across a wide spectrum of professional fields.
3. Gain an in-depth understanding of the need for intellectual honesty, academic rigor, and collaboration through the exercise of research.
PRELIMINARY Essential Learning Suggested
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment
Declarative Teaching/Learning
Week Content Standards Functional Knowledge (ILO) Tasks (ATs)
Knowledge Activities (TLAs)

Course Orientation
At the end of the session:
a. I can describe the
characteristics, Strengths,
INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Giving their insight about the subject
The learners and Weaknesses of Quizzes
1. Characteristics, Strengths,
demonstrate an quantitative data Oral recitation
Weaknesses, Kinds of
understanding of: b. I can explain the kinds of
Quantitative Research 1. Describe the characteristics,
The learner quantitative research Collaborative Long test
2. Importance of Strengths, and Weaknesses of
demonstrates designs learning
Quantitative Research quantitative data
understanding of: c. I can illustrate the Research Title
Across Fields 2. Explain the kinds of quantitative
1. the importance of quantitative Group Activities
3. Kinds of Variables and research designs
characteristics, research across fields Statement of
their Uses 3. Illustrate the importance of
strengths, d. I can differentiate kinds of Concept mapping the
quantitative research across fields
weaknesses, and variables and their uses Problem( incli
4. Differentiate kinds of variables and
kinds of their uses Group Discussion ne with the
quantitative title research)
research At the end of the session: Interactive lecture
THE INQUIRY AND STATING Giving their insight about the subject
2. The importance a. I can design a research Preliminary
of quantitative useful in daily life Panel discussion examination
1. Designing Research 1. Design a research useful in daily life
research across b. I can write a research title
Useful in Daily Life 2. Write a research title
fields c. I can describe background Participative learning
2. Writing a Research Title 3. Describe background of research
3. The nature of of research
3. Describing background of 4. State research question
1-3 variables. d. I can state research question
the Study 5. Indicate scope and delimitation of
4. The range of e. I can indicate scope and
4. Stating Research the study
research topics in delimitation of the study
Questions 6. Cite benefits and beneficiaries of the
the area of inquiry f. I can cite benefits and
5. Indicating Scope and study
5. The value of beneficiaries of the study
Delimitation 7. Present written statement of the
research in the area g. I can present written
6. Citing benefits and problem
of interest statement of the problem.
beneficiaries of the
6. the specificity
research study
and feasibility of
the problem posed
4-7 The learner
demonstrates CHAPTER 3. Giving their insight about the subject At the end of the session:
understanding of: UNDERSTANDING DATA a. I can select relevant
1. the criteria in AND WAYS TO 1. Select relevant materials for the materials for the literature Quizzes
selecting, citing, SYSTEMATICALLY literature review review
and synthesizing COLLECT DATA 2. Undertake meaningfully the b. I can undertake meaningfully Brainstorming
related literature 1. Selecting Relevant literature review process the literature review process (pairing) Chapter 3
2. The ethical Literature 3. Cite correctly resources used c. I can cite correctly resources ( research
standards in writing 2. Citing Related Literature 4. Synthesize information by used Methodology)
related literature Using Standard Styles developing scientific d. I can synthesize information
3. The formulation 3. Synthesizing Information organization and note taking by developing scientific Research
of conceptual from Relevant Literature skills organization and note taking Instruments
framework 4. Writing Coherent Review 5. Apply and integrate ethical skills Exercises (survey
4. The research of Literature standards in doing literature e. I can apply and integrate Questionnaire)
hypotheses (if 5. Following Ethical review ethical standards in doing
appropriate) Standards in Writing 6. Design an effective and literature review
5. The definition of Related Literature appropriate literature review for f. I can design an effective and Oral recitation Long test
terms as used in the 6. Illustrating and Explaining research appropriate literature review
study Conceptual Framework 7. Write the present a coherent for research
6. Quantitative 7. Defining Terms in the review of literature. g. I can write the present a Midterm
research designs Study coherent review of literature. examination
7. Description of 8. Listing Research Group
sample Hypotheses activities(constructin
8. Instrument Giving their insight about the subject At the end of the session: g research
development CHAPTER 4. questionnaire
9. Description of UNDERSTANDING DATA 1. Choose appropriate quantitative a. I can choose appropriate
intervention (if AND WAYS TO research designs quantitative research designs
applicable) SYSTEMATICALLY 2. Describe sampling procedures b. I can describe sampling
10. Data collection COLLECT DATA and derivation of the sample size procedures and derivation of
and analysis 1. Choosing Appropriate 3. Construct instruments for the sample size Collaborative/
procedures such as Quantitative Research gathering data c. I can construct instruments participative learning
survey, interview, Design 4. Establish validity and reliability for gathering data
and observation 2. Describing Sample Size of instruments for gathering data d. I can establish validity and
11. Guidelines in And Sampling Procedures 5. Plan data collection procedures reliability of instruments for
writing research 3. Designing the 6. Choose appropriate statistical gathering data
methodology Questionnaire and measures for data analysis e. I can plan data collection
12. The application Establishing Validity and 7. Analyze the use of hypothesis procedures
of art/ design Reliability testing f. I can choose appropriate
fundamentals for 4. Planning Data Collection statistical measures for data
execution Procedure analysis
5. Planning Data Analyses Analyze the use of
Using Statistics
6. Testing the Hypothesis

hypothesis testing


At the end of the session:

CHAPTER 5. FINDING Giving their insight about the subject Group Reporting
1. I can collect data sing
COLLECTION 1. Collect data sing appropriate
appropriate instruments
The learner instruments
2. I can present and interpret
demonstrates 1. Collecting Data using 2. Present and interpret data in textual, Group Discussion
data in textual, tabular, and
understanding of: Appropriate Instruments tabular, and graphical forms Quizzes
graphical forms
2. Presenting and 3. Use different statistical techniques in
3. I can use different
1. Data collection Interpreting Data in analyzing study of relationship such Chapter 4
statistical techniques in
procedures and Tabular and Graphical as correlation, linear regression and Interactive lecture (Research)
analyzing study of
skills using varied Forms Chi-square
relationship such as
8-13 instruments 3. Using Statistical 4. Use different statistical techniques in Long test
correlation, linear
2. Data processing, Techniques in Analyzing analyzing study of difference such
regression and Chi-square
organizing, and data as the t- test an d Analysis of Panel discussion
4. I can use different statistical
analysis Variance (ANNOVA) Pre Finals
techniques in analyzing
study of difference such as
the t- test an d Analysis of
Participative learning
Variance (ANNOVA)

14-18 The learner CHAPTER 6. REPORTING Giving their insight about the subject At the end of the session: Oral recitation Project
demonstrates AND SHARING FINDINGS 1. Demonstrate understanding in a. I can demonstrate (Final draft of
understanding of: making conclusions and understanding in making their research)
1. Guidelines in 1. Drawing Logical recommendations conclusions and Group reporting
making conclusions Conclusions from 2. Draw logical conclusions based on recommendations Quizzes
and Research Findings findings b. I can draw logical
conclusions based on
c. I can formulate
recommendations based on
3. Formulate recommendations based
on conclusions
2. Formulating d. I can demonstrate
recommendations 4. Demonstrate understanding in listing
Recommendations understanding in listing
2. The techniques in references using the rules Panel discussion
3. Using References references using the rules
listing references establishing by the publication
4. Presenting the Written establishing by the
3. The process of manual of the American Long test
Research Report publication manual of the
report writing Psychological Association (APA)
5. Presenting Quantitative American Psychological
4. The selection 5. Write and present a written research Final
Research Best Design Association (APA)
criteria and process report examinations
6. Presenting a Research e. I can write and present a
of best design 6. Execute the best design for a
Workbook written research report
research report
f. I can execute the best
7. Present a research workbook
design for a research report
g. I can present a research

Practical Research 2 copyright 2017 by Nelia G. Prieto, Ph.D., Victoria C. Naval, DEM, Teresita G. Carey, and LORIMAR

Extended Readings

Course Policies
Course Requirements
 Maximum Attendance
 quizzes
 Major Examinations
 research paper

Grading System for Prelim, Midterm, Pre- Finals and Finals

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Course Title A.Y. Term of Affectivity Pages
PRACTICAL Subject Teacher School Principal School President/ Director
A.Y. 2020-2021

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