Conbextra BB80: Constructive Solutions

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ID- OCT. 2016

Conbextra BB80 constructive solutions

Non-shrink cementitious bridge bearing grout


Conbextra BB80 is an exceptionally high strength grout Test method Typical result
designed for grouting beneath bridge bearings, parapet Compressive strength 40 N/mm @ 1 day
posts and flanged lighting columns. ASTM C109 or 942, typically
with tolerance 10%: 50 N/mm @ 3 days
65 N/mm @ 7 days
Advantages 80 N/mm
@ 28 days
 Non-shrink. ASTM C-940: Up to 2%

 High early and ultimate compressive strengths.

Specification clauses

 Good flow, particularly at low temperatures. Supplier specification

 Low permeability ensures durability.

All grouting of bridge bearings and parapet post base
 Can be poured or pumped.
plates must be carried out using Conbextra BB80 non-
shrink cementitious grout manufactured by Fosroc.
Description Storage, mixing, placing and curing shall be in
accordance with the suppliers current technical data
Conbextra BB80 is a ready to use dry powder supplied in
25 kg moisture resistant bags. Conbextra BB80 has been
formulated specifically for grouting of bridge bearings and Performance specification
parapet post base plates.
All high strength grouting (specify details and areas of
application) must be carried out with a pre-packaged
The additional of a controlled amount of clean water cement based product.
produces a free-flowing grout with high early and ultimate
strengths as well as long term durability, suitable for use
in section thicknesses 10 mm to 100 mm. Thicker Concrete surfaces
sections can be achieved by incorporating clean, dry 10
The substrate surface must be free from oil, grease or any
mm aggregate.
loosely adherent material. If the concrete surfaces is
defective or has laitance, it must be cut back to a sound
Technical support
base. Bolt holes or fixing pockets must be blown clean of
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high quality, any dirt or debris.
high performance construction products. In addition,
Fosroc offers a world-wide technical support and on-site Pre-soaking
service to specifiers, end-users and contractors. For several hours prior to grouting, the area of cleaned
substrate should be flooded with fresh water. Immediately
Properties before grouting takes place, any free water should be
The following results were obtained at a water: powder removed. Particular care should be taken to blow out all
ratio of 0.15. bolt holes and pockets.

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ID- OCT. 2016

Conbextra BB80 constructive solutions

Bearing plate / Parapet post base plate Placing

It is essential that this area is clean and free from oil, Place the grout within 15 minutes of mixing to gain the full
grease or scale. benefit of the expansion process. Conbextra BB80 can be
placed in thicknesses up to 100 mm in a single pour.
Levelling shims
For thicker sections it will be necessary to fill out
If these are to be removed after the grout has hardened, Conbextra BB80 with well graded slit free aggregate to
they should be treated with a thin layer of grease. minimise exotherm. Typically a 10 mm aggregates is
suitable, contact Fosroc for details of pre-bagged supply.

Any bolt pockets must be grouted prior to grouting
between the substrate and the base plate. Continuous
The formwork should be constructed to be leakproof as grout flow during the grouting operation is essential.
Conbextra BB80 is a free flowing grout. This can be
achieved by using foam rubber strip or mastic sealant
Sufficient grout must be available prior to starting and the
beneath the constructed formwork and between joints.
time taken to pour a batch must be regulated to the
time taken to prepare the next one.
In some cases it is practical to use a sacrificial semi-dry
sand and cement formwork. The formwork should include
The mixed grout should be poured only from one side of
outlets for the pre-soaking water.
the void to eliminate the entrapment of air or surplus pre-
soaking water. This is best achieved by pouring the grout
The unrestrained surface area of the grout must be kept across the shortest distance of travel. The grout head
to a minimum. Generally the gap width between the must be maintained at all times so that a continuous grout
perimeter formwork and the plate edge should not exceed front is achieved.
150 mm on the pouring side and 50 mm on the opposite
side. There should be no gap at the flank sides.
Where large volumes have to be placed Conbextra BB80
may be pumped. a heavy duty diaphragm pump is
Mixing recommended for this purpose. Screw feed and piston
pump may also be suitable.
For best results a mechanically powered grout mixer
should be used. For quantities up to 50 kg a slow speed Curing
drill fitted with a high shear paddle is suitable. Larger
quantities will require a high shear vane mixer. On completion of the grouting operation, exposed areas
should be thoroughly cured. This should be done by the
It is essential that machine mixing capacity and labour use of Concure 90* curing membrane, or continuous
availability is adequate to enable the grouting operation to application of water and/or wet hessian.
be carried out continuously. This may require the use of a
holding tank with provision for gentle agitation to maintain

The water should be accurately measured into the mixer. Conbextra BB80 should be removed from tools and
Slowly add the total contents of the Conbextra BB80 bag, equipment with clean water immediately after use. Cured
mix continuously for 5 minutes, ensuring a smooth, even material can be removed mechanically, or with Fosroc
consistency is obtained: Please note for the first two to Acid Etch.
three minutes of mixing the mixture will be of a stiff
consistency. Limitations

Water addition Do not mix Conbextra BB80 at ambient temperatures

below 5 C.
Add 3.7 litres of water to each 25 kg bag of Conbextra
BB80 to produce a fluid grout.

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ID- OCT. 2016

Conbextra BB80 constructive solutions

High temperature working Fire

Conbextra BB80 is non-flammable.
At ambient temperature above 35 C the mixed grout
should be stored in the shade. Cool water (below 20 C) Additional information
should be used for mixing the grout.
In addition to grouts Fosroc manufactures a wide range of
complementary products which includes waterproofing
membranes, joint sealants, concrete admixtures, anchors
and specialised flooring materials.

Conbextra BB80 is supplied in 25 kg moisture resistant Additionally, a wide range of products specifically
bags. designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged
reinforced concrete is available. This includes hand-
Yield placed and spray grade repair mortars, fluid micro-
concretes, chemical resistant epoxy mortars and a
comprehensive package of protective coatings.
Allowance should be made for wastage when estimating
quantities required. The approximate yield per 25 kg bag
For further information please contact your local Fosroc
is 12.50 litres.


Conbextra BB80 has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a

dry store in sealed bags. If stored in high temperature and 
high humidity locations, the shelf life may be reduced.


Health and safety

Conbextra BB80 contains cement powders which, when

mixed or become damp, release alkalis which can be
harmful to the skin. During use, avoid inhalation of dust
and contact with skin and eyes.

Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, eye protection

and respiratory protective equipment. The use of barrier
creams provide additional skin protection.

In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean

water, then cleanse with soap and water. In case of
contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of clean
water and seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek
medical attention immediately - Do not induce vomiting.

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the

PT.FOSROC Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control

Indonesia over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or
not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

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Lippo Cikarang
Bekasi 17550
+62 21 897 2103-06 P+62
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