1993 Bookmatter PolymerCompositesForCivilAndSt
1993 Bookmatter PolymerCompositesForCivilAndSt
1993 Bookmatter PolymerCompositesForCivilAndSt
The use and range of applications of fibre reinforced matrix materials have increased
considerably over recent years. Consequently, a new technology has been established,
involving a number of specialized processes and techniques. Since those working
in the area may have widely differing backgrounds, it is useful to define the
more important terms used in this book.
Addition polymers Polymers formed into long chain molecules by the chemical
reaction of one or more types of monomer units, each of which has a double
bond prior to polymerization.
Anisotropic material There are no planes of material property symmetry which
pass through a point. Therefore, the material constants at a point change as the
co-ordinate system is rotated at the point. An anisotropic material in a plane
stress state has six independent elastic constants. Isotropic and orthotropic materials
are specialized cases which have a higher degree of symmetry than anisotropic
Antiplane core (associated with sandwich beams) One in which U xx = U yy = U Xy = O.
Consequently, the shear stresses U zx and u yz are independent of z.
Bifurcation A term related to the load deflection relationship of a straight axially
loaded strut at critical load. It is a point at which divergent equilibrium states
become possible and results at a branch point in the plot of axial load against
lateral deflection from which two alternative load deflection plots are theoretically
Buckle The process of wrinkling or bulging of a member as a result of elastic
or inelastic strain.
Buckling load The load at which a compression member will collapse in service
or fail in a loading test.
CFRP Carbon fibre reinforced polymer.
Chopped strand mats These are chopped strands which are held together by
means of a size. The strands are completely randomly orientated and the mats
are of uniform thickness. They are produced in various sizes, the most usual
being 1 oz/ft2 and q. oz/ft2 (300 g/m2 to 400 g/m2).
Chopped strands These are made from continuous strands which are chopped
into short lengths, usually 50 mm.
Condensation polymers Polymers formed by the chemical reaction of at least two
monomer units, with, in most cases, production of a by-product of low molecular
Continuous fibre reinforcement Continuous fibres may be defined as fibres which
are continuous throughout the whole length of the laminate, resulting in the
load being applied directly to them; the stress throughout the length of the fibre
is constant.
Co-polymer An addition polymer of at least two monomers.
Critical length The critical length of a fibre is the length which is required for
the fibre stress to develop its maximum value when under a particular load condition.
Critical load The load at which bifurcation occurs. It is determined by theoretical
stability analysis.
Crystallite The most rudimentary form of an embryonic crystal that can be
identified as a certain species under the microscope.
Degree of polymerization An impression of the length of the average molecular
chain in a polymer, assessed by an estimate of the average molecular weight
and usually stated in terms of the number of repeating units in the chain.
Discontinuous fibre reinforced plastics Discontinuous fibre reinforced plastics refer
to plastics whose reinforcing fibres have length-to-diameter (lid) ratios (know as
aspect ratios) varying between 100 and 5000. Whisker reinforcements have lid
ratios between approximately 150 and 2500. Discontinuous glass fibre reinforced
polymers which consist of premix thermosetting resins, chopped strand mat-reinforced
resins and fibre-reinforced thermoplastics resins have fibres with lid ratios between
150 and 5000. The ultimate strength and modulus of short-fibre-reinforced composites
can approach the values for continuous fibre composites, providing that the short
filaments can be aligned unidirectionally and that their length is much greater
than the critical length (I) required for shear stress transfer.
Effective width This term refers to the reduced width of plate or angle which,
assuming uniform stress distribution, will give the same structural behaviour as
the actual section of the plate or angle and the actual non-uniform stress distribution.
Elastomer An elastomer is any member of a class of synthetic polymeric substances
possessing rubber-like qualities (especially the ability to regain shape after deformation)
and toughness, and which has a glass transition temperature well below ambient
Fibre Any material in an elongated form such that the ratio of its minimum
length to its maximum average transverse dimension is 10: 1, its maximum cross-
sectional area is 1.975 x 10 mm (corresponding to a circular cross-section of 0.25 mm
diameter) and its transverse dimension is not greater than 0.25 mm.
Fibre composite material A material consisting of two or more distinct physical
phases, one of which is a fibrous phase dispersed in a continuous matrix phase.
Filament A continuous fibre.
Flexural rigidity (associated with sandwich beams or struts) Neglecting the local
bending stiffness of the faces:
Flexural rigidity (associated with sandwich panels) With cylindrical bending and
neglecting the local bending stiffnesses of the face:
D2 = E f td 2 /2(1- v;l
Thin face (associated with sandwich beams) One in which the stiffness in bending
about its own axis is assumed to be zero, but the thickness of the faces is
assumed to have a finite value so that d is not equal to c.
Very thin face (associated with sandwich beams) One in which the stiffness in
bending about its own axis is taken as zero and is sufficiently thin to assume d equal to c.
Whisker Any material that fits the definition of a fibre and is a single crystal.
Wire A metallic filament.
Woven cloth This is a more refined product than woven rovings. It is usually a
bi-directional reinforcement.
Woven rovings These are continuous strands which may be unidirectionally or
bidirectionally orientated.
Yarn or tow A number of filaments in a bundle which can be handled as a
single unit. A tow is usually bigger than a yarn, having thousands of filaments
whereas a yarn usually has a few hundred filaments. A yarn may be spun and
twined from staple fibre but a tow is formed from constant filaments.
Yield point The maximum stress recorded in a tensile or compressive test of a
ductile specimen prior to entering the inelastic region of the material.
Yield stress A term denoting the yield strength or yield point of a material as
defined above.
Appendix: ASTM specifications
Chemical resistance
Mechanical properties
Various different test methods are in use, utilising different sizes of test specimens
and different test speeds.
Apparent tensile strength of ring or tubular
plastics and reinforced plastics (by the
split disc method NOL ring method ASTM D 2290-92(08.04,15.03)
Method for preparation and tension
testing of filament wound pressure vessels ASTM D 2585-68(1990)(15.03)
Test methods for tensile properties of fibre
resin composites ASTM D 3039-76(1989) (15.03)
Test method for flexural properties of
fibre-reinforced pultruded plastic rods ASTM D 4476-85(1990)(08.03)
Test method for in-plane shear strength of
pultruded glass-reinforced plastic rod ASTM D 3914-84(08.03)
Test method for apparent horizontal shear
strength of pultruded reinforced plastics
rods by short beam method ASTM D 4475-85(1990)(08.03)
Test method for tensile properties of
pultruded glass-fibre reinforced plastic
rod ASTM D 3916-84 (1988)(08.03)
Test method for tensile properties of
reinforced thermosetting plastics using
straight sided specimens ASTM D 5083-90(08.03)
Test methods for tensile properties of
plastics ASTM D 638-91 (08.01)
ASTM D 638M-91a
(for matrix [metric])
Test method for longitudinal tensile
properties of fibre glass reinforced
thermosetting plastic pipe and resin tube ASTM D 2105-90(08.04)
Definitions of terms relating to reinforced
pultruded products ASTM D 3918-80(08.03)
Specification for contact moulded glass-
fibre-reinforced thermoset resin hoods
fabricated by custom contact-pressure/
chemical resistant tanks ASTM D 4097-88(08.04)
Thermal properties
Coefficient of expansion