Sona College of Technology: Laboratory Manual
Sona College of Technology: Laboratory Manual
Sona College of Technology: Laboratory Manual
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Revision No : 01
Issue No : 01
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
The Students should get their observations signed from the Lab-in-charge in the
first 15 minutes.
The Students should COMPLETE the given exercise within the Lab session. The
RECORD WORK of the exercise should be submitted in the next week.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Dual Processor Capable Model
Quad-core Intel Xeon Processor E5504 Processor
(4M Cache,2.00 GHz, 4.80 GT/s Intel QPI)
4GB PC3-10600E-9 RAM
Software SATA RAID
6th Gen. Intel Core i5(6M, 3.3 Ghz)
2*4 GB DDR 3 RAM
18.5" TFT Monitor
USB Keyboard & Optical Mouse
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Build tables, construct relationships among them and retrieve data with simple and
complex queries
2. Build various constraints, triggers and indexes on the tables
3. Design and implement a database and to integrate into a simple application
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
A Database management is a system
Involving data,
The hardware that physically stores that data,
The software that utilizes the hardware’s file system
In order to
1. Store the data and
2. provide a standardized method for retrieving or changing the data,
The users who turn the data into information
The tools required to access the Oracle database are
SQL * Plus
SQL * Plus
SQL * Plus is a Structured Query Language supported by Oracle. Through SQL *Plus we
can store, retrieve, edit , enter and run SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks. Using SQL * Plus
we can perform calculations, list column definitions for any table and can also format query
results in the form of a report.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
DDL is used to define the schema of the database (a collection of database objects, e.g.
tables, views, indexes, sequences).
o Create, Drop or Alter a table
o Define Integrity constraints
o Define access privileges to users
o Define access privileges on objects
create table tablename (column1 data type , column2 data type, ………);
1. alter table tablename modify(column1 data type , column2 data type, ………);
2. alter table tablename add (column1 data type , column2 data type, ………);
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
1.alter table emp modify(eno number(5));
Character data type.
Can contain letters, numbers and punctuation.
The syntax: VARCHAR2(size) where size is the maximum number of alphanumeric
characters the column can hold.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
In Oracle8, the maximum size of a VARCHAR2 column is 4,000 bytes.
Numeric data type.
Can contain integer or floating point numbers only.
The syntax : NUMBER(precision, scale) where precision is the total size of the number
including decimal point and scale is the number of places to the right of the decimal.
For example, NUMBER(6,2) can hold a number between -999.99 and 999.99.
Date and Time data type.
Can contain a date and time portion in the format: DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS.
No additional information needed when specifying the DATE data type.
the time of 00:00:00 is used as a default.
The output format of the date and time can be modified
Free form binary data.
Can contain binary data up to 255 characters.
Data type LONG RAW can contain up to 2 gigabytes of binary data.
RAW and LONG RAW data cannot be indexed and cannot be displayed or queried in
Only one RAW column is allowed per table.
Large Object data types.
These include BLOB (Binary Large Object) and CLOB (Character Large Object).
More than one LOB column can appear in a table.
These data types are the preferred method for storing large objects such as text
documents (CLOB), images, or video (BLOB).
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
The Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to retrieve, insert and modify database
information. These commands will be used by all database users during the routine operation of
the database
insert into tablename values(list of table values);
insert into emp values (501, ‘sona’);
1. select * from tablename;
2. select column 1,column 2,….,column n from tablename;
1. select * from emp;
2. select eno, eid from emp;
update tablename set column name = value where condition ;
update emp set eno = 2 where eid = 345;
delete from tablename where conditions;
delete from emp where eno=2;
A view is an imaginary table and it contains no data and the tables upon which a
view is based are called base tables.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
An integrity constraint is a mechanism used by Oracle to prevent invalid data entry into
the table.
Domain integrity constraint
Entity integrity constraint
Referential integrity constraint
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Create table <table name> (columnname <type> constraint n4 primary key,………);
DCL statements are those which are used to control access permissions on the tables,
indexes, views and other elements of the DBMS.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
To write simple, compound, nested and correlated queries and manipulate the
base table using objects of oracle.
Sample Query
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Sample Output
Sname City
Banu B.E
1. DDL Commands
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
17. Display the worker names whose skill-type is plumbing.
18. Display the details of students whose percentage falls between 65 and 75.
19. Display only those rows from class whose degree begins with ‘B’;
20. Find out the name of your user area.
21. Display only distinct degree from the table ‘CLASS’ IN descending order.
22. Find the names of all students having ‘a’ as the second letter in their names.
23. Count the number of employees whose grade is ‘B’.
24. Calculate the average salary of all employees.
25. Calculate the minimum salary of the employees from the employee table.
26. Display ‘20th September 1996’ in the date format.
27. Display the last 3 characters of the name ‘Bombay’.
28. Display the hourly rate of the each worker without decimal places.
29. Write a SQL command to find all the users in your domain.
30. For the DOB given below find the age as on 1-6-2002.
DOB – 05/04/70
31. Display the date 60 days before the current date.
32. Given the date of joining, find the experience.
33. Write queries using the character, numeric, miscellaneous functions supported by Oracle.
(at least 2 queries for each category).
34. Display the system date in the format ‘14th of November 2000’.
35. Decode the department fields in the ‘student’ table as follows:
CSE – Computer Science
EEE – Electrical
ECE – Electronics
IT – InfoTech
MECH – Mechanical
36. Sort the student’s table in ascending order.
37. Calculate total marks for each student.
38. Display the names of the student whose name sounds as ‘sa’.
1. List the workers who receive higher wage than the average wage. (Consider Daily Wage
and 8hrs/day)
2. What is the weekly wage for each plumber? (Assume 8 hrs/day and 6 days/week)
3. What is the average mark scored by CSE students?
4. Find out the selling cost average for the package developed in Pascal.
5. Display the details of the software developed by ‘Reshma’ and ‘Rekha’
6. How many programmers studied at SSI?
7. What is the average age of female programmers
8. List the programmers who celebrate their birthdays during current month.
9. How many people draw salary from 2000 to 5000?
10. Display each institute name with number of students.
11. What are the languages known by the male programmers?
12. Print the names of the packages that are not developed in C or Pascal.
13. Display the name, DOB and software developed by each programmer.
14. Display the details of the SW developed by the programmers who joined before Jan ’90.
15. In which institute did the person who developed the costliest package studied?
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
16. Display the details of those who do not know COBOL or Pascal.
17. Display the number of packages sold by each programmer.
18. How old is the oldest male programmer?
19. Display the number of packages developed in each language except C and C++.
20. Write a Query that selects the first programmer in an alphabetical order, whose name
begins with ‘r’.
21. Write a Query on the ‘software ’ that will find the highest copies sold in each language.
Put the output in this format. “ For the language (language) the Maximum no. of copies
sold is :(max sold)”
22. Write a Query that selects the highest cost spent by each programmer for the developing
the package.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
1. Display the details of those who are drawing the same salary.
2. Using correlated query find the highest paid C programmer.
3. Who is the highest paid COBOL female programmer?
4. Which language listed in prof1 and prof2 has not been used to develop any package?
5. List the programmers who joined in the same day.
6. Who is the least experienced programmer?
7. Display the number of packages, number of copies sold and sales value of each
programmer Institute-wise.
8. Display the details of software developed in dbase by male programmers who belong to
the institute in which most number of programmers studied.
9. Display the details of the software that was developed in the language, which is neither
the first, nor the second proficiency of the programmer.
10. Which is the costliest package developed by a person with under 3 experiences?
11. Write a query to find all programmers who have done PGDCA but not used Basic to
develop their packages?
12. Create a union of 2 queries that shows the Pname, Title, DOB, and DOJ of all
13. Form union of 3 queries. First: select the pname from PROGRAMMER; Second: the title
of the packages developed by the programmers; Third: the splace where the programmers
14. Create a view of programmers who developed the application using C. And also rename
the columns.
15. Create a view that shows all of the customers who have highest ratings.
16. Create a view that gives the total sales value of the software Institute wise.
17. Create a view that gives the names of the programmers who have not developed any
18. Create a view that shows all the female programmers studied in BDPS, who sold more
than 10 copies of their packages.
19. Create a synonym for the ‘employee’ table, which should be accessed by all the users in
the database.
20. Create a synonym for the ‘customer’ table.
21. Drop both the synonyms.
22. Create an index on the unindexed attribute splace of the studies relation.
23. Create an index on the unindexed attribute Pname of the software relation.
24. Create a sequence ‘seq’ with the following specifications minimum value 1, maximum
value 2,, increment by 2, start with 1, with cycle and cache also drop the created index.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
2. Grant the alter, update, insert privileges to your friend on the table route_detail
3. Revoke the above privileges.
4. Create a save point s1.
5. Insert into the above table the following row: 106, 02, N
6. Rollback to save point s1.
7. Commit the changes
8. Change the nonstop to “N” of the route_detail where the route_id is 102.
9. Create a save point s2.
10. Delete the row whose route_id is 102.
11. Rollback to save point s2.
12. Commit the changes.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Executable statements
Exceptions are designed for run time error handling, rather than compile time error handling.
When an error occurs, an exception is raised.
Types are
User-defined exceptions
Pre-defined exceptions
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
User defined exceptions is an error that is defined by the program. The error that it
signifies need not necessarily be an Oracle error. Pre-defined exceptions correspond to common
SQL errors.
3. Write a PL/SQL Block for handling the exceptions on ‘no data found’ as and
appropriately display the message.(Assume your own set of data).
4. Write a PL/SQL program to calculate the Bonus for the employees whose salary is less
than 10000. (EMPLOYEE table.)
6. Write a PL/SQL block to count the number of rows whose salary is greater than 5000.
7. Write a PL/SQL block to calculate the average marks of the student in marks1.
8. Write a PL/SQL block to compare 2 strings one declared as char and other declared as
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
To write stored procedures in order to avoid repetition and to reduce the cost of software
maintenance by calling the same procedure from different sources.
1. Write a function, to find the programmer who has sold the highest number of copies from
the Programmer table.
3. Write a procedure to get a pattern of string as input and find whether the pattern exists in
the main string.
6. Write a procedure to display the names of the students whose marks in all the 3 subjects
are greater than 70 and also print the number of rows. (STUDENT)
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
To retrieve multiple rows from the database using PL/SQL block. To enforce a
sophisticated security policy and to perform complex Validation of column values.
A database trigger is a group of PL/SQL statements that are executed when the
contents of the table are modified in some way either through an insert, update or delete
1. Display the name and salary of the first 3 employees, whose salary is less than 4000,
using cursors.
2. Write a Database trigger BEFORE DELETE FOR EACH ROW not allowing deletions
and give the appropriate message on the class table.
3. Write the PL/SQL block that will select all rows of the STUDENT table and the block
should return the number of rows.
4. Write a PL/SQL block using cursors to read the percentage from the CLASS table and
add the appropriate data to the remark field. The conditions are:
i. percentage >= 75, remark = ‘distinction’
ii. percentage >= 60 and <75, remark = ‘first class’
iii. percentage >= 45 and <60, remark = ‘second class’
iv. percentage < 45, remark = ‘fail’
5. Using Cursors update the EMPLOYEE table based on their grades.
i. if grade is ‘A’ then bonus = 15% of the salary
ii. if grade is ‘B’ then bonus = 20% of the salary
iii. if grade is ‘C’ then bonus = 25% of the salary
6. Write a Database Trigger BEFORE DELETE FOR EACH ROW not allowing deletions
on Wednesdays and give the appropriate message STUDENT table.
7. Write a PL/SQL block that will select those values from the STUDENT table where
dept= ‘IT’ and calculate the total marks and print the same. If a value is not found then a
message should be displayed.
8. Write a PL/SQL block using cursors to calculate the incentive (for a week) for the
workers based on their skill types.
(Electrical, Plumbing – 50% of the average hourly rate, others 25%)
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
3. Find the query plan for each of the above queries by prefixing the query with the explain
4. Create an index on the unindexed attribute salary of the employee relation
5. Create an index on dept attribute of the employee relation.
6. Run the following queries
Find the query plan for each of the above queries by prefixing the query with the explain
keyword. Analyze the time taken and the execution plan
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
This tool is used for generating and executing Forms based applications. A Form
basically comprises blocks and fields, multiple tables can be accessed over a single Form, based
on the application with the help of transaction commands. Oracle Forms designer is the design
component of Oracle Forms. We can build, generate and run an Oracle Forms application from
the designer.
To design and implement the payroll processing system by using VB and forms.
Create a database for minimum of 15-20 employees. The system should contain the following
1. Login information
3. Calculate the salary based basic, DA, HRA and other allowances
4. Calculate the P.F for eligible employee (permanent employees only) etc.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Create a database for minimum of 15-20 users and to perform the ATM operations. The system
should contain the following information
1. Login information
2. Banking Service:
i. Debit
ii. Credit
iii. Balance inquiry
iv. Amount transaction
v. Mini statement…...etc
3. Other services
To design and implement the Library Management System by using VB and forms.
Create a database for 15-20 customers to perform the book search and other related
services. To design and implement the Library Information System by using your own templates.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Oracle10g Forms/Reports is an Oracle tool that helps you to create web-enabled forms and
reports based on the tables that you have created using Oracle10g Designer or SQL Plus
commands. Starting from Oracle10g, Oracle10g Forms/Reports has become one of Oracle10g
Developer Suite components. You can use Oracle10g Forms/Reports to:
Object Navigator: In this tool you can view all your objects, add new objects and
name/rename your objects.
Layout Editor: This tool helps you design your forms and reports and add various
objects to them like push buttons and list boxes.
PL/SQL Editor: This is the tool that is used to write all the codes for the triggers,
procedures or functions.
Menu Editor: This tool will help you create a customized menu that can be attached
to your form or report.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
3. Double click Data Blocks, Select 'Use the Datablock Wizard' and click OK--This is the
easiest method to design a new form.
4. You will now see the Welcome to the Datablock Wizard Window. Click Next to proceed.
5. You will now see the window for the Datablock Wizard. Select Table or View as in the
figure and click Next.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
6. You will now see the window that prompts you to select a table or a view--your form will
be created based on this selection. Since no table or view is being shown, click on browse
to look at the list of tables and views in your database.
7. Once you click browse, the connect window will appear. Type in your username,
password and database to connect to the database.
8. You will now see the tables window. Select current users and tables and click OK.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
9. You will now see the list of tables created in your database. Select Students and click
10. You will now see your selected table and its available columns on your screen. Click on
the single right arrow to select the first column to be shown in your form; in this case the
STUDID column. You will now see this column under the database items selected sub-
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
11. To move the rest of the columns, simply click on the double right arrow and this will
select all your columns in to the database items.
12. You will now see the Congratulations window. Make sure that "Create the data block,
then call the Layout Wizard" is selected and click on Finish.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
13. You will now see the Layout Wizard Welcome window, click next. You will see the
following screen, click next.
14. select the items that you would like to show in the form. Make sure that the data block
selected is Students and then click the double right arrow to move all the columns of the
Student block from the available items to the displayed items. Click on Next to continue.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
15. The window with the prompt for the height and width of the items will appear. Click
Next to accept the default values.
16. The Layout Wizard will now prompt you to select the layout or view style of your block.
Select Form and click Next.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
17. The Layout Wizard will now prompt you to select a title for the form that you are
creating. Type in Student Records. Click Next to continue.
18. Congratulations! You have now successfully created your first form. Click Finish to view
your form.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
19. You will now see the canvas view of the form that you have created. You can now add
various objects like push buttons, combo boxes and radio buttons to your form to make it
more graphical and user friendly. We will do this in the next lesson.
20. You can now format the form manually. Click on the frame to select it. Then drag the
frame to make it bigger.
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
21. You can now space out the data fields to make your form more visually appealing. You
can do this by simply selecting the data field and dragging it to your desired area.
22. After you have formatted all the data fields, your form should look like the following:
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Dept Project_name Budget
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Pname Title Dev_In Swcost Dcost No_Sold
Anand Parachutes Basic 399.95 6000 43
Anand Videopack Pascal 7500 16000 9
Juliana Invent.ctrl COBOL 3000 3500 0
Pname DOB DOJ Sex Prof1 Prof2 Sal
Anand 21-04-66 21-04-92 M Pascal Basic 4200
Juliana 31-01-68 21-04-90 F COBOL Dbase 3000
Mary 24-06-70 01-02-91 F C++ Oracle 5500
Nelson 11-09-65 11-10-89 M COBOL Dbase 6000
Rekha 19-04-70 20-04-93 F C Assembly 3600
Reshma 02-12-69 02-01-92 F Pascal Basic 3700
Vinaya 14-12-65 02-05-92 F Foxpro C 3500
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
Pname Splace Course Cost
1. What is data?
2. What is datum?
3. What is information?
4. What is processed data?
5. What is database And its type ?
6. What is database Management Systems And their types ?
7. What is RDBMS?
8. What is OORDBMS?
9. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
10. What is the difference between RDBMS and OORDBMS?
11. What is Single User Environment?
12. What is Multi User Environment?
13. What is an application of architecture?
14. What is two- tire architecture?
15. What is three-tire architecture?
16. What is Multi–tire architecture?
17. Mention the front tools of Oracle?
18. What is the Oracle’s Database Language?
19. Who developed SQL?
20. Give the classification of database models?
21. What is the difference between Object based logical models and Record based logical
22. What do you mean by an entity, entity type, and entity instances?
23. What do you mean by an attribute, attribute type, attribute instances?
24. Difference between SQL * Plus and PL/SQL?
25. What is DDL?
26. What is DML?
27. What is DCL?
28. What is the purpose of using privilege commands? What are they? And give syntax for
29. What do you meant by integrity constraints?
30. How can you overcome Redundancy?
31. What is Demoralization?
32. What is Primary key?
Sona College of Technology DBMS Lab Manual
33. What is foreign key?
34. What is unique key?
35. What is the difference between primary key and unique key?
36. Whether one null value is equal to another null value?
37. What is Referenced key?
38. A composite key can contain a maximum of how many columns?
39. What is the difference between varchar2 and char?
40. What is the difference between truncate and delete command?
41. What are constraints and their types?
42. Is it possible to alter a constraint after creating it?
43. What is query?
44. How can you combine two queries?
45. How can you combine tables?
46. Is it possible for a sub query to return a value?
47. What are correlated sub query and multiple sub queries?
48. What is the difference between Rollback and Commit?
49. Where will be the most recently used SQL * PLUS command stored?
50. What is transaction?
51. What is Concurrency?
52. What is Deadlock?
53. What is the use of Log File?
54. What is Cursor and give its types?
55. What is Triggers?
56. What are the parts of Triggers?
57. What is sub program?
58. What are the two types of sub programs?
59. What is package?
60. What is Forms and Mention the components of Forms?
61. What is Report?
62. What is Embedded SQL and its use?