Vlog Rubric
Vlog Rubric
Vlog Rubric
Link to Class Vlog/Picture Vlog/Picture Vlog/Picture
Content Log Log sometimes Log rarely
consistently demonstrates demonstrates
demonstrates clear and clear and
clear and insightful links insightful links
insightful links to class to class
to class content content
Use of Media The The The
vlog/picture vlog/picture vlog/picture
log displays a log displays a log displays an
mastery of the competency of inconsistent
media, visual the media, use of the
elements are visual media, visual
clear and elements are elements are
accurately often clear and vague and
represent their sometimes inaccurately
goal represent their represent their
goal accurately goal
Verbal/Writte Student Student Student
n Portion displays a displays a displays an
clear somewhat unclear
understanding clear understanding
of their understanding of their
working of their working
process and working process and
eloquently process and struggles to
explains generally explain
relevance to explains relevance to
classroom relevance to classroom
concepts classroom concepts
Depth of Reflection is Reflection is Reflection is
Reflection deep and sometimes generalized
personal. The deep and and
log displays a personal. The impersonal.
highly log displays a The log
reflective generally displays a lack
quality and reflective of reflective
demonstrates quality and qualities and
evidence for demonstrates demonstrates
personal some evidence little evidence
growth. for personal for personal
growth. growth.