Chapter I

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This chapter gives an overview of the background of study, the research questions
of study, the objectives of study, the significance of study, the scope and
limitation of the study and the definitions of key term

A. Background of Study
Textbook is one of many materials which are most frequently used
in teaching learning process. It is one of knowledge sources which is the
easiest to obtain and becomes one of many aids to assist the students in
acquiring clear concepts of subject matter. (Pusporini, 2009)
Textbooks are designed to construct a bridge between teaching and
learning process. McGrath (2002) states that a textbook is important
because it sets the direction, content, and to a certain extent how the lesson
is to be taught. Similarly, he indicates that it is significant to consider the
images that instructors have; as this reflects their attitudes and beliefs
towards textbooks which will have impact on how they use books.
According to Tomlinson (2008), textbooks can serve as a reference point
for teachers managing their teaching progress, and also help provide a
focus for teaching. The quality of a textbook might have fundamental roles
that it can determine the success or failure in teaching and learning course.
Textbook analysis is the process to evaluate all material in a
textbook in order to describe if the textbook has a good quality or not and
is it suitable to use as the material in teaching and learning process. A
good textbook should fulfill all of the criteria of good textbook. By doing
textbook analysis the reader was able to choose the best one to use
according to their needs.
Cunningsworth (1995:5) said that selecting textbook or textbook
involves matching the material against the context in which it is going to
be used. There is no perfect textbook that beenreleased, there is also the
strength and weakness from every textbook but the readers should find the
best possible that fit the potential to achieved the real knowledge.
According to Cunningsworth (1995: 5), he classified how to analyzing
textbook into two kinds; impressionistic analysis and in-depth analysis.
In Indonesian’s educational system, textbooks are considered as
the main components of the curriculum. National Education Department
develops the content, the methods, and the procedures for teaching and
learning in the classroom. They also provide a systematic syllabus for
teachers to follow in teaching a certain subject. In Indonesia, the textbook
designs by the authorized publishers based on the latest curriculum. Once
a newly invented curriculum was launched by National Education
Department of Indonesia, a number of competitive publishers involve
professional instructional material writers to design or develop new
textbooks which are in line with the curriculum.
The existence of a nation is more likely determined by its
characters. The stronger its characters, the more civilized the nation will
be. As the consequence, becoming a nation with strong and good
characters is all people’s expectation. Since the conditions of national
character seem to be decreasing, the scholars urge the character education
to be taught and integrated formally in the teaching and learning process at
schools (Asmani, 2012). They believed that through character education a
nation will find the best way to solve the problems. The best and systemic
way to bring it into reality is through education (Kemdiknas, 2010)
In the context of teaching English as a foreign language, there are
several studies that discuss the implementation of character education in
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Tsui (2008) stated that
the purpose of incorporating character education into the EFL classroom is
to provide a content-based environment for students to learn the language
as well as the ethics. As a lingua franca, English is learned by people as
second or foreign language in the most parts of the world. Unfortunately,
the EFL learners are not able to access authentic language input as their
learning resources because they only get it when dealing the classroom
activities. The EFL teachers play the important role in providing the
learners with convenient learning situation to overall language
development. To provide a content-based environment is not an easy
responsibility for the EFL teachers. They should set the activities in
teaching and learning in line with the communicative approach.
Being teachers, whose job are various, among others as a
motivator, curriculum planners, supervisors as well as a facilitator is not
an easy task. Especially as curriculum planners, teachers are expected to
design their own materials as effectively and creatively as possible. But if
teachers are not able to create their own material, they should be able to
choose and determine the material in accordance to a standardized
criterion. The meaning of material in this research itself is textbook.
The characteristics of textbooks that meet the criteria, generally
following: it should suit the needs, interest and abilities of the students,
suit the teacher, and meet the need of official public teaching syllabus or
According to UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 about the National Education
system stated that “Kurikulum rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan,
isi, dan bahanpelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman
penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapaitujuan
Pendidikan tertentu.” Based on the explanation above it can be conclude
that curriculum is the guidance and reference in plan of educational system
include the goal, learning material and how to implement the teaching and
learning activity.
Moreover Alberty (1968:45) said that curriculum is all of the
activities that are provided for the students by the school. So, curriculum is
not only limiting on the activity in the class, but also it includes the
activities of the students in outside class. Basically, curriculum has
function as guidance or reference. In doing teaching and learning process,
teacher uses curriculum as guidance to deliver the material in order that
goal of teaching process can be achieved. It also occurs to the headmaster
and supervisor, they need curriculum in doing supervise. Not only
education area, curriculum also has a function for the parents as a guidance
to control their children to study at home and for the students itself,
curriculum has function as a learning guidance.
Cunningsworth (1995: 5) states that a sound way to approach the
selection of textbook is firstly to identify the aims and objectives of
teaching programmer and secondly to analyze the learning/teaching
situation in which the material will be used. This will give a profile of the
context for which teacher are selecting the teaching materials and some of
the requirements that the material will have to meet.
According to Cunningsworth (1995: 31) language content can then
be compared with what the students need to learn and expect to learn, in
order to evaluate the suitability of the material so far as its language
content is concerned.
English textbook published by Gontor designed for students
studying in Islamic boarding schools, to make it easier to learn English.
Because the English textbook includes learning that is easily understood
by students. Like English textbook lesson 1, it includes a lot of vocabulary
for beginners or students in first grade Junior High School. So it is easy for
students to understand and learn English well.
In this study the writer tries to analyze the textbook of English
published by Gontor press that is used in Modern Pesantren who adopt the
curriculum Gontor in the process of formal learning using Gontor printing
books. In analyzing textbooks the researcher also observes about coverage
aspect in language component that consist in textbook whether from
vocabulary in order to know the readability and usefulness using this
textbook for student in Junior High School especially in Modern Islamic
Boarding School.

B. Research Question
The problem statement raised by the writer in this study is to what
extent do the materials in the English textbook “Lesson 1” published by
Gontor meet the criteria of a good English textbook.

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of this study is to
analyze to what extend materials in the English textbook “Lesson 1”
Published by Gontor meet the criteria of a good English textbook.

D. Significance of the Study

The researcher choose to have a content analysis of textbook
because not all of teachers know a good criteria of textbook that will be
used in teaching. Teachers need to analyze the book used to make sure that
whether the book is suitable for teaching or not. Teacher also can make
some preparations before teaching their students by analyzing the book
that will be used because teacher has known the content of the book very
well. So, teacher can make some changes for materials if there are some
mistakes or unsuitability on the textbook.
According to the research study, the writer could provide the
information on the content of the textbook and the criteria of a good
English textbook. Further, the researcher analyzes an English textbook to
know the quality of the English textbook. This study will be beneficial for
teacher who does not know how to know whether textbook that they use in
teaching is good or not. Also, this study will provide a simple and an easy
analysis in analyze a textbook, so every teacher can easily make a textbook
analysis without any difficulties and mistakes.

E. Definition of Key Term

1. Content analysis
The term ‘content analysis’ can be simply defines the process of
summarizing and reporting written data – the main contents of data and
their messages. Besides, it also can be define as an analysis of the
written or visual contents of a document. In this research, content
analysis is a method and data collection technique used to summarize
and analyze on vocabulary in the English textbook lesson 1 published
by Gontor.
2. Textbook
A textbook is one of the many kinds of instructional materials used in
learning. The textbook is usually succinctly written, tightly organized,
and greatly condensed. In this research, English textbook is defined as
an instructional material in English textbook Lesson 1 published by

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