Hydrostatics & Stability Report Trim0

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Design Hydrostatics Analysis

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Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

Condition Summary

Load Condition Parameters

Condition Weight / Sinkage LCG / Trim TCG / Heel VCG (m)
Design 0,000 m 0,000 deg 0,000 deg None available

Resulting Model Attitude and Hydrostatic Properties

Condition Sinkage (m) Trim(deg) Heel(deg) Ax(m^2)
Design 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,10

Condition Displacement LCB(m) TCB(m) VCB(m) Wet Area (m^2)

Weight (kgf)
Design 231,847 1,181 0,000 -0,064 2,635

Condition Awp(m^2) LCF(m) TCF(m) VCF(m)

Design 2,228 1,231 0,000 0,000

Condition BMt(m) BMl(m) GMt(m) GMl(m)

Design 0,599 5,608 None Available None Available

Condition Cb Cp Cwp Cx Cws Cvp

Design 0,416 0,739 0,777 0,563 3,174 0,535

1. Locations such as the center of buoyancy and center of flotation are measured from the origin in the
Rhinoceros world coordinate system.
2. The orientation of the model for an Orca3D hydrostatics solution is defined in terms of ³sinkage,´
³trim,´and ³heel.´The sinkage value represents the depth of the body origin (i.e. the Rhino world
origin) below the resultant flotation plane, and is sometimes referred to as "origin depth." Heel and trim
represent angular rotations about the Rhino longitudinal and transverse axes, respectively, and are
taken in that order. For a more detailed description of these terms see the Orca3D documentation.

3. Hull form coefficients are non-dimensionalized by the waterline length.

4. Calculation of Cp and Cx use Orca sections to determine Ax. If no Orca sections are defined, these
values will be reported as zero.

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

Object Type Name ID

polysurface Unnamed Rhino Object {3edc356b-7e0a-47f6-ac09-36bc4a6ff676}

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

Condition Name=Design,Model Sinkage=0,00,Model Trim=0,00,Model Heel=0,00

General Info

Analysis Type FixedFlotationPlane Up Direction = Positive_Z

Fwd Direction = Negative_X

Surface Meshing Parameters

Density 1 Minimum edge length 0,0001 m

Maximum angle 0 Maximum edge length 0 m
Maximum aspect ratio 0 Max distance, edge to surf. 0 m
Minimum initial grid quads 0 Jagged seams False
Refine mesh True Simple planes True

Load Condition Parameters

Model Sinkage 0,000 m

Model Trim 0,000 deg
Model Heel 0,000 deg
VCG None available m
Fluid Type Seawater
Fluid Density 1025,900 kg/m^3
Mirror Geometry False

Resultant Model Attitude

Heel Angle 0,000 deg Sinkage 0,000 m

Trim Angle 0,000 deg

Overall Dimensions

Length Overall, LOA 3,363 m Loa / Boa 3,373

Beam Overall, Boa 0,997 m Boa / D 1,496
Depth Overall, D 0,667 m

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Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

Waterline Dimensions

Waterline Length, Lwl 3,048 m Lwl / Bwl 3,242

Waterline Beam, Bwl 0,940 m Bwl / T 4,960
Navigational Draft, T 0,190 m D/T 3,517

Volumetric Values

Displacement Weight 231,847 kgf Displ-Length Ratio 228,159

Volume 0,226 m^3
LCB 1,181 m FB/Lwl 0,388 AB/Lwl 0,612
TCB 0,000 m TCB / Bwl 0,000
VCB -0,064 m
Wetted Surface Area 2,635 m^2
Moment To Trim 4,266 kgf-m/cm

Waterplane Values

Waterplane Area, Awp 2,228 m^2

LCF 1,231 m FF/Lwl 0,404 AF/Lwl 0,596
TCF 0,000 m TCF / Lwl 0,000
Weight To Immerse 22,854 kgf/cm

Sectional Parameters

Ax 0,100 m^2
Ax Location 0,220 m Ax Location / Lwl 0,072

Hull Form Coefficients

Cb 0,416 Cx 0,563
Cp 0,739 Cwp 0,777
Cvp 0,535 Cws 3,174

Static Stability Parameters

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

I(transverse) 0,135 m^4 I(longitudinal) 1,267 m^4

BMt 0,599 m BMl 5,608 m
GMt None Available m GMl None Available m
Mt 0,536 m Ml 5,544 m

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Default Project
Design Hydrostatics Analysis
Default Company
Report Time: quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021, 18:23:20
Model Name: C:\Users\rmate\Downloads\USCG MODELO ORCA.3dm

Location (m) Immersed Area (m^2) Immersed Girth (m)

0,000 0,100 1,222
0,306 0,100 1,033
0,611 0,100 1,033
0,917 0,100 1,031
1,223 0,100 1,035
1,529 0,089 0,995
1,834 0,075 0,866
2,140 0,062 0,741
2,446 0,044 0,599
2,751 0,020 0,387
3,057 0,000 0,000

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