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! Science - of - Manifestation

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This ebook comes with full master rights. In other words, you can either give it away for
free to your friends or resell it at whatever price you choose. My goal is to send this ebook
to as many people as possible...PERIOD!

This life changing information should be accessible by everyone, not just for those who
have the money to buy a CD, DVD or attend a seminar on The Law of Attraction.

I believe there is a lot of fraud out there regarding the LOA and too many people are
making money and selling a technique that doesn't work at all. It's time we put an end to
this "hope marketing" that leads nowhere. Wouldn't you agree?

Richard Aubin (aka Merlin)


Am I the only one here thinking that regarding the Law of Attraction (LOA), no matter
how many books or set of DVDs, CDs and video you watch on Youtube, there always seems
to be something missing and because of that we end up not attracting our goal(s)?

If you are thinking that too, you are not alone. During the last 2 decades, I have bought
many books, DVDs, CDs and cassette tapes and many programs on late night TV
(infomercials) on how to attract what I want but always ended up going nowhere (well
almost, I had some success stories). Yes I know that I should write my goal, yes I know that
I should visualize the end result, yes I know that I must feel emotions but time goes by and
my goals are still out there. Do you feel the same?

In the next chapters, I will tell you what I have found that abled me to go from almost $0 to
making $10,000 every month in less than 10 days, fixed health issues (toothache, back
pain, headaches, etc) in just 2-3 days using a simple LOA technique that you can do at
home for free and you will also learn the reason why many of us do "self sabotage" and the
cause behind it that stops us from attracting what we want and how we can finally get rid of

Hi, my name is Richard Aubin but many will recognize me by the nickname Merlin I use
on many internet forums including my own on my website www.MerlinWorld.com. I've
spent the last 20 years figuring out piece by piece this fascinating puzzle that is known as
the Law of Attraction or what I call The Science of Manifestation and I think I have found
all the puzzle pieces to make it work.

I call this ebook version 1.0 because throughout the years I learned that you can never say
that the research on the LOA is over because there is always a new ebook, article or video
coming out that shakes the foundation of that research and who knows, maybe in 6
months, 2 years or 10 years from now, I will come up with a 2.0 version to make
manifestation even faster.

So if you ever wanted to attract your favorite goals and always end up scratching your head
as to why they didn't manifest yet, follow me in this quest for knowledge, i'm sure you'll
love what you will discover.

Message from the author: 1

Foreword: 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 4
Chapter 2: Why We Fail at Attracting What We Want 6
Chapter 3: Introducing NAPs: The Solution For Disbelief 8
Chapter 4: Creating New and Overwriting Old Beliefs 12
Chapter 5: The 4 Pillars of Manifestation 14
Chapter 6: The Video That Confirmed Everything 17
Chapter 7: The Final Tests 19

Before I go into many details on how the Law of Attraction works and the power of the
subconscious mind, let me tell you how I got to know this very impressive power.

I was in high school when a hypnotist came to our school and played with people from the
audience including 2 of my friends, making them do all kinds of weird and funny things on

One of them was a girl named Christine. She was about 100lb/5ft tall so a pretty small girl.
The hypnotist put her to sleep and then said to her that she is now turning into a hard steel
rod. After a few more seconds, 2 people were able to lift her up and suspend her between 2
chairs. Then a 300 lb guy was invited to stand and jump slightly on her belly which he did
and she wasn't bending at all.

I was really impressed with this but didn't know what was going on until the hypnotist said
that this was just affirmations implanted into her subconscious mind using auto-
suggestion. It was the first time I heard the term subconscious mind (SM) and learned how
powerful this part of us can affect our body and entire life. I forgot about the SM for 5-6

Then, in 1991, I was introduced to the casino roulette. It was love at first sight until I
started losing money of course but I loved the game so much that I decided to buy a small
roulette and play at home instead of keep going to the casino and lose everything this way.

For those who don't know roulette, you have a

wheel with 18 red numbers, 18 black numbers and 1
or 2 green numbers (0 and 00) depending on the
roulette. You can bet on 1 specific number or like
most people, you place your bets on either Red or
Black which either makes you double your money
or lose it. It's basically a 50/50 game just like
Heads or Tails.

The reason that I left the casino behind for many

years and bought a roulette at home was because I was losing in a way that totally blew my
mind at the time. You see, I was betting on red and most of the time a black number would
show up making me lose my bet and then I would bet on black and a red number would
show up this time and so on.

At first I thought the game was fixed but 1 day, I went to the casino with my cousin and I
started betting and my cousin was there just to come with me and not play but after seeing
me lose like this, he decided to jump in and wait for me to place my bet and then bet the
opposite color. I lost $200 that day and he won $200 :-)

I soon realized that I was VERY unlucky at this type of game, I was pretty much always on
the losing side of the bet. What blew my mind was that i'm a left brainer (left brainers are
people who use their left side of the brain associated with logic, analysis, science, etc...)
and I knew that statistically speaking, the odds were 50/50 just like flipping a coin so how
come on a game that I should have won 50% of the time, I was losing 8-9 times out of 10.
Something was VERY wrong here.

At the same time, I was reading a book called "Think & Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill and
he said something that got my attention. He said that our subconscious mind will attract
BOTH the goals that we desire a lot AND the things we fear the most and I was wondering
if the fear that I had of losing everytime I placed my bet was the cause of me attracting
almost always the losing bet. Today I KNOW this is exactly what was going on but at the
time, it was just a hunch I had but it was strong enough to make me read more and more
books on the subconscious mind like "The Power of The Subconscious Mind" by Dr.
Joseph Murphy,"The Magic of Believing" by Claude Bristol, just to name a few.
The more I read about the subconscious mind, the more answers I got and it all became
clear for me. I very quickly realized what was going on with me and why I was failing at
winning at the casino and attracting money. In short, it's not what we THINK that makes
us attract what we want but rather what we BELIEVE.

Do you remember in 2006, it was the year of "The Secret" frenzy. At least 75% of people
around me had either watched the movie or bought the book, it was an astronomical
marketing success thanks to Oprah where it all started I think. In The Secret, there was a
guy named Mike Dooley.

Mike said in the movie that The Secret was about 3 little words "Thoughts Become
Things". Remember that one?

So everybody was happy and started "thinking" about what they wanted but somehow,
weeks became months and months became years and those "thoughts" were NOT
becoming things.

Hmmm...what happened here? How come almost everybody I know who watched the
movie or read the book haven't manifested ONE SINGLE DREAM that they wanted to

You see, when The Secret came out, I was very sad because I knew what was going to
happen. I knew that it was going to be a MAJOR car crash and that months and years later,
100s of people would go to the internet forums and trash this movie/book. I knew it
because that's what happened to me 15 years earlier with a similar LOA system from a book
called Think & Grow Rich. They both were missing a few pieces of the LOA puzzle.

Here's the first of those missing pieces... It's called BELIEFS. Let me quote Dr. Joseph
Murphy in his book "The Power of The Subconscious Mind".

"...Whatever The Conscious Mind of Man Believes, The Subconscious Mind

Will Accept and Act Upon"

So what does that mean exactly?

In short, it means that it's NOT what we "THINK" that will influence the subconscious
mind from attracting what we want but rather what we "BELIEVE". So now you may
wonder, ok, so what is the difference between a regular thought and a belief.

Belief: A belief is a thought that you believe as TRUE or POSSIBLE for you.

Do you see the HUGE difference here? Basically, it says that only beliefs will be
manifested, and very few of our crazy thoughts and dreams will because we hardly believe
that they are possible.

For example, take a single mother with 2 kids at home and working 3 jobs who barely
makes it to the end of the month. How realistic or "possible" do you think her dream of
travelling the world in her own sail boat is to her right now? On a scale of 1 to 10, I would
say 0.5.

Then again it all depends on the person but for the majority of people in that situation,
that sail boat dream becomes almost impossible to believe right now so of course that
thought will be rejected right away for lack of belief and that goes not just for single
mothers but to all of us who have crazy dreams that never seem to manifest. We don't
believe them because we think they are too good to be true and sure enough, they get
rejected by our "Doorman" (more on this in the next chapter) and never enter our
subconscious mind for manifestation.

So now the question is...How can we believe in a dream or goal that seems almost
impossible to achieve?

When I heard Dr. Joseph Murphy say that only thoughts that we believe as true or possible
for us finally enters the subconscious mind and the others will be rejected, my first
question was who or what is rejecting those thoughts from entering the subconscious
mind. In other words, which part of us decides whether this or that thought is true or
possible for us so that it becomes a belief and enters our subconscious mind to be

This is where comes in what I call...THE DOORMAN.

In hypnosis, it's called "The Critical Factor". It's the part of the conscious mind that
analyses what you think and decides if it makes sense or not. For example, if you say the
sky is red, the little voice inside your head that says "what??? The sky is not red, it's
BLUE!", is the critical factor.

In 1991, I called it "The Line of Beliefs". This line would separate the thoughts we have in
our conscious mind from the beliefs that we store in our subconscious mind. The line in
the middle would act like a "thought filter" letting in our subconscious mind ONLY the
thoughts that we believe as true or possible for us therefore becoming "Manifestation
enemy #1" and the cause behind all the dreams that never get manifested. Today I call it
"The Doorman".

Since 1991, I've been scratching my head as to how can I bypass this Doorman?

I knew that there was no way for us to suddenly start to believe those crazy dreams/goals
we had because well, they were crazy dreams and goals that were almost impossible to
attract. Think of winning the lottery for example. You know very well that you have 1
chance out of MANY MILLIONS to win the jackpot so saying the sentence "I will win next
week's lottery draw" and believe it 100% without any doubts is pure science fiction.
Congrats if you can do this but I can't. I know too well the odds are against me.

So I knew that I couldn't just start to believe impossible goals but could there be a way to
bypass this thought filter, this Doorman so that I could implant my crazy goals DIRECTLY
into my subconscious mind?

For many years ahead, I only got this idea in mind, this puzzle to solve. How can I bypass
this Doorman that keeps on rejecting the thoughts/goals that we hardly believe we can
attract so that we can implant them in our subconscious mind once and for all?

Then about 13 years of research on the LOA and the brain later, in 2004, I had a flash! It
was about a system I call...NAPs.

NAPs stand for Night Audio Programs which is simply short lines of affirmations (10
words or so per line) recorded in audio format (Mp3) that we listen to at night when we
sleep, bypassing this way The Doorman because just like our conscious mind at night, The
Doorman is off duty and sleeping like a baby. :-)

In other words, instead of writing and saying out loud "I make $5,000/month with my
new business" and have The Doorman reject the thought, I would simply record that line
in audio format and listen to it while I sleep so that it can enter my subconscious mind.
Funny enough, a member on my forum in 2010, almost 20 years after the beginning of my
research in the LOA back in 1991 and 6 years after the flash I had of my NAPs System,
posted a quote from Napoleon Hill's last book talking about a similar system, a technique
to bypass the conscious mind's Doorman while we sleep.

Here's that quote from Napoleon Hill...

The time is nearing when one may treat physical ailment, master the inferiority complexes, and
condition the mind for any desired purpose while one is asleep. Moreover, it will be possible to master
any desired language, and acquire education on any subject while one sleeps. These seemingly
fantastic achievements will be attained through the aid of a specially built phonograph which will play
back, every fifteen minutes while one is asleep, recordings giving scientifically prepared treatments on
any subject, for any desired purpose. The machine has been perfected so it can be set with a time
clock which will start the record playing after one is asleep.

The reason for this treatment while one sleeps is this: While one is awake the conscious section of the
mind stands guard at the door through which the SM must be reached, and modifies or rejects outright
all influences and instructions which one may endeavor to give the SM. And the conscious mind is a
cynic of no small force. It seems to be more easily influenced by fear and suspicion and doubt than it is
by positive influences. For this reason any directives one desires to give to the SM can best be given
when the conscious mind is asleep and off duty.
Hill published this quote in his last book called "You Can Make Your Own Miracles"
published in 1971, 1 year after he died (hmmm, how interesting?) and this line was lost in
this book on page 50 inside this book that was so boring and negative, you just want to stop
reading it and throw it in the trash after 10 pages but for those who stick around found this
little pearl of quote that can easily change your life around...

The reason why I said that this quote could be life changing is that Hill was telling us, way
back in his 1971 book, the secret to BYPASS THE DOORMAN. By listening to audio
recording while we sleep at night, we can bypass our conscious mind and it's Doorman that
is standing guard at the subconscious mind's door and implant DIRECTLY in our
subconscious mind our goal(s) or affirmations recorded in this audio recording. It was
confirming that my NAPs idea was not so bad.

Anyway, back to NAPs and how it works. You see our brain has 4 speeds. 2 when we are
awake (Alpha and Beta) and 2 when we are sleeping (Theta and Delta) as you can see in
this diagram. When we are awake, we are in Beta.

When we relax on our bed or when we do meditation, we drop in Alpha. When we go

deeper into sleep and become unconscious, we enter the Theta phase which is known as
the dream state and the phase to access the subconscious mind. Finally, we continue to
drop in speed and enter the Delta phase which is the dreamless state where we recover
from our hard day. In the morning, when we wake up, we do this in reverse by slowly
accelerating our brain and when we enter the Alpha phase, we open our eyes and later on
when fully awake, we enter the Beta phase.

I knew that hypnosis was done when the person in trance was reaching the Alpha/Theta
borderline and I knew that Theta was the brain phase to access the SM so we can implant
our goals DIRECTLY in it without having to worry about The Doorman filtering out our
"crazy goals". So now the question was "would it work?" would NAPs really implant in my
subconscious mind my crazy goals and would my SM attract those goals.

So I wrote a line of affirmation (You now make $500/week with your new business) and
recorded it in audio format (mp3) and made it to loop all night long so that when my brain
reaches the Theta phase, this goal/intent/desire would sink in my SM and hopefully attract
it someday.

And boy did it work!!!

It took me 3 days to manifest this $500. Stunned was not the word. However, i'm a left
brainer and it could still be possible that the business alone would be in cause here so what
I did was make a 2nd NAP this time attracting 10 times that amount (You now make $
5,000/month with your new business).

This NAP didn't attract me $5,000 per month but rather $10,000 in just 10 days or so!!!
Wow! Somebody pinch me please! :-)

Just to see that it would work on health issues, I had a tootache one day and just before
going to the dentist, I decided to try a NAP on it and sure enough, the pain totally went
away which is almost impossible to do since toothache pains are the worst ones and they
usually get worst not better. Nevertheless, it worked and it worked also for other basic pain
like back pain, migraines, etc... usually in less then 2-3 days for health problems.

For more details on how to create your own NAP for free you can visit my website and
forum at MerlinWorld.com but basically it's exactly the same thing as The Secret, Think &
Grow Rich and Lichtman's LOA system which is to write down your lines of affirmations
but instead of reading them out loud to yourself while your are awake and your Doorman is
filtering every thought and words you are saying, instead you record them in audio format
using your own computer and headphone with microphone with the help of an audio
software like Audacity that you can download for free on the web and let you save your
voice in a small Mp3 file that you play in loop all night long while you sleep.

For example in my new business NAP, the line was "You now make $5,000/month with
your new business" and this line was looping again and again all night in my headphones 1
foot above my pillow, not too loud so that you can sleep but enough to hear every words.
Those lines of affirmations would be implanted directly into my subconscious mind while
my conscious mind and Doorman are both asleep. That's pretty much as simple as that
concerning NAPs.

I thought I had cracked once and for all this LOA puzzle with my NAPs system but one day
something strange started to happen. 2 years down the road my $10,000/month business
started to crash to $9,000, 8, 7, 6, 5 etc...all the way to $0 and I wondered what was going

Then I had a flash of memory of Tony Robbins talking about limiting beliefs inside of us
causing us to do self sabotage and make our success story crash and burn. Listen to Tony's
story who also crashed & burned thanks to limiting beliefs.

I learned about how beliefs were stored in our subconscious mind thanks to another
member on my forum who talked about a book from a MIT professor, named Stuart
Lichtman. In his book Lichman says that to make a new memory/belief you need to have
all 4 parts of the brain to work together at once.

The right brain is fluent in patterns of arrangement, rhythm, and sound.

The left brain's language is made up of words and logic.
The midbrain communicates in emotions.
The brainstem’s language consists of physical stimulus and response.

Looking deeper into his work and the example of line of affirmations he was using to
attract goals, I shrunk it down to 2 parts: The left (logic) and right (emotions) brain. He
talks about the mid brain for emotions but all my research points me to the right brain for
feelings, emotions, colors, intuition, etc...

According to Lichtman, both sides of the brain must work together at the time to make a
new belief and this means that on the left side of the brain, you have a word or definition of
something (ex: money) and on the right brain, you have a feeling (good or bad) so the 2 get
burned into the subconscious mind as a new memory/belief. He didn't specify what type of
emotions to feel though (if he did I don't remember) but a few weeks after I found out
exactly which emotions to feel thanks to a video from Gregg Braden (I'll talk about it in the
next chapter).

So if you had a time where you were lacking money to pay for car problems or had rent/
house payments and you were about to lose them, then at this point you created a negative
belief about money (money=danger). If you were poor all of your life, then you have like
me A TON of limiting beliefs about money and your SM being as smart as a 8 year old kid,
didn't get that it was not money that caused these problems but the LACK of money.
Nevertheless, every time you were close to attract a lot of money, it either failed or in both
Tony's and my case, we both made it big and crashed soon after.

Now what does this mean? That we are doomed to poverty? That if we make it big we will
lose it all afterwords? The answer is yes...IF...you do just one NAP to attract money and
listen to it just 10 days or so like I did, because a NAP may enter ONE new positive belief
about money into your subconscious mind but it's like planting one rose in a garden filled
with weeds, you need to start planting A TON of roses and remove the weeds to have a
respectful rose garden.
In other words, if you have A TON a limiting negative beliefs about money (or health or
relationships, etc...) then you need to implant A TON of positive beliefs about money and
also to "watch out" to not sabotage your new financial success. There is no need to panic
here. Just relaunch the positive belief NAP once every 3-6 months or so and you should be
fine, the new positive beliefs will overwrite the bad negative beliefs you had in the past.

In my new business case back in 2004, when it started to go down from $10,000 to 9 and $
8,000/month, I should have restarted it to bring it back to the $10,000/month level. It's
that simple.

Ok, so now that we pretty much know that we must write down our affirmations, and
record it in audio format (NAP) to bypass our Doorman, let's put it all together so that we
can finally attract what we want.

When I heard about Lichtman's concept of creating lines of affirmations that will connect
both the left and the right brain, I decided to look back at a few of the LOA classics to see if
they were missing 1 or more of the 4 pillars of manifestation that I found to be at the core
of the Law of Attraction.

Those 4 pillars are:

PILLAR #1 (LEFT BRAIN): This pillar is about the GOAL you want and the words you use
in your affirmations/NAPs to attract it.

PILLAR #2 (RIGHT BRAIN): This pillar is about EMOTIONS/feelings that you either
have right now, are recalling from a past experience or coming from your imagination (in
the case of attracting something you never attracted before) to attract your goal.

PILLAR #3 (SUBCONSCIOUS MIND & HEART): This pillar is about BELIEFS and
making sure that BOTH the goal (Pillar #1) you want and the emotions (Pillar #2) you feel
regarding your goal bypasses the conscious mind's critical factor (aka The Doorman) using
a NAP and that everything gets implanted in your subconscious mind.

PILLAR #4 (YOU & UNIVERSE): This pillar is about the PLAN or logical vehicle that will
bring you to your goal.
So writing down lines of affirmations (Pillar #1), read it at night without feeling any
emotions will NOT work because it only touches the left brain part. Visualizing your goal
and feeling good (Pillar #2) will NOT work if you don't believe (Pillar #3) that you can
really attract this goal. Finally, you need a plan, a vehicle to get what you want. For
example, if you ask for $10,000, money will not appear on your kitchen table the next day,
you need a logical way of obtaining that money either from a business or a lottery ticket,
etc...anything that make sense. If you can't find a plan, then your subconscious mind (the
universe) will find one for you. Once you find a plan, you need to act on it.

For example, in the movie The Secret, Jack Canfield wanted to make $100,000 but it took
him 30 days just to get in his shower, the idea of selling a book, now that's 30 days
WASTED just to find his "PLAN" and then that's just the beginning, he had to write the
book, find a publisher, sell it AND THEN...the LOA could start to attract him money...you
see the logic here? If you don't have a plan, you need to be aware of that little flash of
intuition like the book idea in the shower because once again, money or any other goal just
doesn't pop out of thin air. That's why I keep telling everyone on my forum to think of a
plan to speed up the manifestation process. If you let the universe find one for you get
ready to wait.

To confirm that my 4 pillars theory was making sense, what I did was look back on old
tapes, books, CD, DVDs and program sets I have bought on the LOA and see if they would
all have 1 or more of these pillars.

The first one was to look at the 13 principles of success that we find in Napoleon Hill's
classic book Think & Grow Rich.

In TGR, Napoleon Hill asks us to write down what we desire (Pillar #1), mention how we
plan to achieve our goal (Pillar #4) and to read that statement out loud with lots of
emotions (Pillar #2) each night before we go to bed and morning when we wake up. The
ONLY flaw is regarding pillar #3 (Beliefs). Hill talks about Beliefs and Faith but doesn't tell
us how to bypass our Doorman and without it, all those affirmations are being filtered and
none or few reaches the subconscious mind.

1. Desire (pillar #2)

2. Faith (pillar #3)
3. Auto-suggestion (pillar #3)
4. Specialized Knowledge (pillar #1 and 4)
5. Imagination (pillar #4)
6. Organized Planning (pillar #1 and 4)
7. Decision (pillar #1 and 4)
8. Persistence (pillar #1 and 4)
9. The Master Mind (pillar #1 and 4)
10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation ???
11. The Subconscious Mind (pillar #3)
12. The Brain (pillar #1, 2, 3 and 4)
13. The Sixth Sense (pillar #4)

The second one I looked at again was the movie The Secret.

The movie is based on both Think & Grow Rich(1937) and The Science of Getting Rich by
Wallace D. Wattles (1910). Just like in TGR, The Secret fails at the belief pillar.

I noticed that pretty much all those LOA programs fail at the Faith/Belief pillar. Even the
latest ebook I read from Stuart Lichtman where he tells us to write down our goals not just
once like in TGR but 100 times and then to read it 100 times!! It still failed at the belief

Do you remember the definition of a belief? That a thought MUST be TRUE or POSSIBLE
for the thought to enter the subconscious mind? So now let's say you write down 100 times
the affirmation "The Sky is RED". Let's see how long it will take for your Doorman to
finally believe it and let that crazy thought enter your subconscious mind. I Think you will
wait a looooooong time. You see, writing, reading or visualizing 100 or 10,000 times a line
or goal that YOU DON'T BELIEVE, is just a WASTE OF TIME...PERIOD!

That is why NAPs are the key to this disbelief problem. You write down your affirmation/
goal, you record it in audio format, you make it loop all night long for as long as it takes to
attract your goal and then, if you did it correctly with lost of emotions, it will show up or at
least, you will get flashes of intuition on how to attract it.

Remember the part where I told you that Stuart Lichtman told us in his book that to create
a new belief, you need both words to activate the left brain but emotions to activate the
right brain but I didn't know exactly what he meant by "have emotions". Which emotion
specifically? Happiness? Love? Joy? Hope?

Then one day I was watching a video from Gregg Braden where he shows in his seminar a
video made in China where 3 practitioners make an inoperable tumor (according to
western medicine) totally disappear in less then 3 minutes. You can watch this video here.
I have 4 different links for you in case 1 of the videos gets removed by Youtube.





What blew my mind in the video was not just the tumor going away in such a short time
but also that they use ALL 4 PILLARS OF MANIFESTATION in their therapy!!!
First, they got together in the goal (Pillar #1) to help this patient get rid of her cancer.
Second, Gregg said that the job of the 3 practitioners was to feel the emotions (Pillar #2)
as if the patient was already healed. Third, Gregg said very clearly that the patient really
believed (Pillar #3) in this healing procedure. Finally, their plan (Pillar #4) to activate this
healing technique was to say all together at once the words "already healed" and when they
did, the tumor melted away.

Another thing that I loved about this video is that Gregg said very clearly that the emotions
that were felt for this healing technique was not just any emotion (happiness, love, joy or
hope) but rather the feeling regarding achieving the end result.

This to me was the cherry on the top because it answered my question as to which emotion
should we feel while we record and listen to our NAPs and can also help us to find which
words to use when we first write down the lines of affirmation to attract our goal.

Not only I had a confirmation about my 4 pillars technique but I also had a video that
showed us what we can achieve when we manage to bring all those 4 pillars together. You
can LITERALLY make matter appear or disappear in minutes.

So there you have it folks, This Science of Manifestation ebook took me 20 years of
research to finally crack this Law of Attraction. You don't know how much I would have
given back in the early 1990s to have this ebook you are now reading. Finally a practical
guide to attract what we want and know also why we failed, WITHOUT the false hope
marketing surrounding it. If you TRULY apply those 4 pillars, YOU WILL attract what you


Right now you have learned all the 4 pillars and the science behind how manifestation is
achieved, it's time to put it all together and put it all to work so that you can get these goals
you are looking for.

Here are the 4 steps...

STEP 1- Write down 5-10 lines of affirmations regarding your goal. It must contain words
that will trigger emotions as if you have just attracted your goal (ex: I now have my new car
woo-hoo! It feels great, etc...). Your words must be very precise (Definiteness of Purpose).
If you want money don't say I now have money, say the specific amount you want. If you
have a plan in mind include it in your statement.

STEP 2- When you read your statement, feel the emotions as if you have just attracted your
goal while reading out loud the words.

STEP 3- Record using your computer and free audio software like Audacity, your
statement in a NAP (Mp3 format) while feeling those emotions. Save the audio file in your
PC, open it using a free Mp3 player software (ex: WinAmp), make it loop (click the repeat
button) and listen to that NAP all night long so that your affirmations sink into your
subconscious mind until your goal is manifested. You can learn more on my forum at

STEP 4- Find a plan to get what you want or if you don't have one, wait for an intuition
flash and then FOLLOW THROUGH and take actions toward the achievement of your
If you do all of these 4 steps, then you are well on your way to attract what you want. The
left and right brain will work together to create a new memory/belief, the written
statement converted in audio format (NAP) will make sure your subconscious mind will
get the message and all you need left is to let go during the day, listen to your NAP all night
long and wait for ideas to popup that will redirect you in the direction of your goal.

Some will want to add a 5th step which is about "LETTING GO" (aka Law of detachment)
but the beauty with NAPs is that it takes care of this for you. You just turn on your mp3
player before going to bed and listen to your audio file while you sleep and when you wake
up, you turn off your mp3 player and forget about your goal so that you don't need to think
of them during the day giving you all the detachment you need to have.


So now you have the theory in mind but that will not be enough, you still need to write
down those 5-10 lines that will trigger an emotional reaction in you. This is to me, where
the system can fail and will fail for many of us. Recording words that does not trigger any
emotions WILL NOT WORK because only 1 side of the brain is activated (left brain).
Remember what Stuart Lichtman said, to create a new belief/memory, you need to activate
the 2 sides of the brain and emotions will connect both the left and right brain.

If you do a NAP and listen to it for 30 days and you still don't have intuition flashes that
guides you toward your goal, start a new NAP with words that trigger bigger emotions.
What Napoleon Hill calls "A BURNING DESIRE". The success of your NAP will depend on
this step. This is why YOU must record your own NAP because no pre-recorded audio
message will work for everybody because no audio file will trigger the same emotions in
everyone. You need to taylor your NAP to your emotions, find the words that gets you fired

Always take a look at those 4 pillars of manifestation.

All 4 must work together AT ONCE for manifestation
to take place. If you have written 5-10 lines of words
about your goal, you have taken care of the 1st pillar
(Goal). If reading those lines doesn't trigger emotions
and gets you fired up, rewrite them until it does

If you don't know how to record your own statement

into an Mp3 audio file (NAP) then download the free
software Audacity and then go to Youtube and type
"Audacity tutorial" to learn how to record your voice.
You can buy cheap Mp3 players for $20 or less on
eBay and dump your NAP on your Mp3 player to listen
close to your bed at night. You can also visit my forum
for more Q & A. The NAP should take care of the Belief pillar.

If you got all these steps covered then you need to have a plan (Pillar #4). If you don't have
one, just wait, your Subconscious and the universe will find one for you but it will slow the
manifestation process and can take weeks if not months before you get what you want.


As I finish writing this ebook, we are May 3rd 2011. I have just finished putting all together
all the pieces of this LOA puzzle. I still have to find the right words that will trigger the
right emotions in me in my next NAP and record it. So all of you LOA fans out there, come
and chat with us so that we can all learn from each other's NAP in order to manifest what
we want faster and faster.

Can't wait to discuss results with you.


Richard Aubin (aka Merlin)


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