Indian Hundred Years
Indian Hundred Years
Indian Hundred Years
strife, both Patel and Nehru told the nation that while their
It is a shame for us that the greatest man of the world has had
to pay with his life for the sins which we have committed.
We did not follow him when he was alive; let us at least follow
his steps now he is dead.’ Speaking at Allahabad after
immersing Gandhi’s ashes in the Ganga, Nehru observed that
‘we have had our lesson at a terrible cost.
Is there anyone amongst us now who will not pledge himself
after Gandhi’s death to fulfil his mission . . .?’ Indians, said
Nehru, had now ‘to hold together and fight that terrible poison
of communalism that has killed the greatest man of our age’
When the British departed the subcontinent they left
behind more than 500 distinct pieces of territory. Two of
these were the newly created nations of India and
Pakistan; the others comprised the chiefdoms and states
that made up of ‘princely India’.
The princely states were many and of different sizes.
At one end of the scale were the massive states of
Kashmir and Hyderabad, each the size of a large
European country; at the other end, tiny fiefdoms or jagirs
of a dozen or less villages
V. P. Menon and Vallabhbhai Patel worked on a draft
Instrument of Accession whereby the states would agree to
transfer control of defense, foreign affairs and
communications to the Congress government.
Mountbatten was being urged by the Congress trinity to bat
for them against the states.
This he did most effectively, notably in a speech to the
Chamber of Princes.
Mountbatten told the princes that the Indian Independence
Act had released ‘the States from all their obligations to the
Mountbatten advised the Princes to forge relations with the
new nation closest to them.
The Congress offer, said the viceroy, left the rulers ‘with great
internal authority’ while divesting them of matters they could
not deal with on their own.
Afterwards he continued to press them to sign the Instrument
of Accession.
If they did so before 15 August, said the viceroy, he might be
able to get them decent terms with the Congress.
In exchange for their land each ruler was offered a
‘privy purse’, its size determined by the revenue
earned by the state. The bigger, more strategically
placed states had to be given better deals, but
relevant too were such factors as the antiquity of the
ruling dynasty, the religious halo which might
surround it, and their martial traditions. Apart from an
annual purse, the rulers were allowed to retain their
palaces and other personal properties and, as
significantly, their titles.
But if they did not listen, then they might face an ‘explosive situation’ after
Independence, when the full might of nationalist wrath would turn against
them. By 15 August virtually all the states had signed the Instrument of
Accession. Vallabhbhai Patel and the Congress Party cleverly used the
threat of popular protest to make the princes fall in line. They had already
acceded; now they were being asked to integrate, that is to dissolve their
states as independent entities and merge with the Union of India. Through
the latter part of 1947 V. P. Menon toured India, cajoling the princes one by
one. the finishing touch was applied by Mountbatten, a final interview with
V P Singh -Dec 2, 1989 to Nov 10, 1990 - Janata Dal (National Front)
I K Gujral- April 21, 1997 to March 19, 1998- Janata Dal United Front
❑ Trim expenditure,
Raise resources through encouraging private investment to revive
A program of disinvestment of public assets to mobilise funds from
the sale of the government’s stake in non-government companies.
Raise FDI in defense production units
In Sept. : Cleared the sale of partial stakes of Govt. in ONGC, CIL
and NHPC _etc.
• The Gandhian philosophy of non-violence finds its inspiration from this
concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
o forestation for pulp, fuel and power;
o retail and wholesale trade; tourism,
o housing and construction;
o IT and IT-enabled services;
o transport and communications;
o education, health and financial services.
A wide range of strategies and policies are to
stimulate more rapid development.
From Early childhood , Elementary Education to Higher Education
An overarching theme of the 2020 New Education Policy is to reimagine
education as learning and broad mental development, getting away from
rote learning and test preparation.
The most important change is strengthening early childhood education,
giving the public sector a responsibility for preschool learning, but
emphasising creativity, imagination and play.
Restructuring the primary and secondary school progression to de-emphasise
examinations, and to allow greater variety and flexibility in what is taught, is also
of enormous importance.
Giving children opportunities to explore, to find their interests, and to develop
their minds in multiple dimensions is the essence of true education. Current system
has extreme inequalities in society and economic opportunity, combined with a
scarcity of well-paying jobs.
The 'New Education Policy' (NEP) 2020' is a harbinger of
directional change. The new policy brings new opportunities
for India's education sector in the 21st century. It provides a
significant impetus to the role of technology in all aspects of
education. Schools and universities will adopt online learning in view
of the pandemic. This unplanned and sudden shift, with no training,
insufficient bandwidth, and lack of facilities to attend online classes
felt by students highlighted the digital divide in the country. The new
policy addresses these issues. As we move towards a new normal of
online learning, NEP lays a special focus on developing digital
o India needs enough well-trained teachers, from preschool
to graduate school, to realise the changes that are needed.
o Lighter and streamlined regulation, which is in the NEP, will
help. But there are still incentive problems that hinder the
performance of teachers, even if they are trained.
o Perhaps a way to tackle this supply constraint; allow for
more private sector involvement, even of the for-profit kind.
o Certainly, allowing more foreign participation in multiple
ways, especially to attract high quality university faculty, will
also help to jumpstart the process of relaxing the most
binding supply constraint of all, that of quality, motivated
• Successful education policy forms the bedrock of all
fields of national development— political, economic,
technical, scientific, social and environmental. Education
is the foundation for
The Centre has passed 3 farm acts, the Farmers' Produce Trade And
Commerce (Promotion And Facilitation) Act, the Farmers (Empowerment
and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act and
the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act in Parliament to replace
ordinances promulgated earlier.
These acts seek to provide a barrier-free trade for farmers' produce outside
the notified farm mandis (wholesale markets) and empower farmers to enter
into farming agreements with private players prior to production for the sale
of their produce
o Mood of the Nation
o 25% think Modi govt. failed to curb Covid-19 pandemic.
With India becoming the third worst-hit country by the
coronavirus, Indians feel the Modi government's handling of
the pandemic is its single biggest failure.
o 25 per cent of Indians think the Modi government has failed
to curb Covid-19, found the India Today-Karvy Insights Ltd
Mood of the Nation (MOTN) poll.
o India reported its first coronavirus case on January 30 when
a Wuhan-returned student was found positive in Kerala's
Thrissur. Now, India has over 20 lakh cases of the viral
Other notable failures of the Modi government include the