Bitcoin - Tether
Bitcoin - Tether
Bitcoin - Tether
4 • AUGUST 2020
This paper investigates whether Tether, a digital currency pegged to the U.S. dollar,
influenced Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency prices during the 2017 boom. Using al-
gorithms to analyze blockchain data, we find that purchases with Tether are timed
following market downturns and result in sizable increases in Bitcoin prices. The flow
is attributable to one entity, clusters below round prices, induces asymmetric auto-
correlations in Bitcoin, and suggests insufficient Tether reserves before month-ends.
Rather than demand from cash investors, these patterns are most consistent with the
supply-based hypothesis of unbacked digital money inflating cryptocurrency prices.
∗ John M. Griffin is at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin. Amin
Shams is at the Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. Helpful comments were received
from Stefan Nagel (the editor); an associate editor; two anonymous referees; Cesare Fracassi; Sam
Kruger; Shaun MaGruder; Gregor Matvos; Nikolai Roussanov; Clemens Sialm; and seminar and
conference participants at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
Conference at the University of Chicago, FBI CPA Conference, Financial Intelligence and Inves-
tigations Conference, Fintech Conference at the Hong Kong University, Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Korea Advanced Insti-
tute of Science and Technology, Korean Financial Supervisory Service, Japan Financial Services
Agency, Santa Clara University, Texas Bitcoin Conference, Tsinghua University, U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, University of Texas-Austin, University of Zurich, and Wharton Liq-
uidity Conference at the University of Pennsylvania. Integra FEC purchased data and provided
research assistant support for the project. Griffin is an owner of Integra FEC, which engages in
financial consulting on a variety of issues related to financial fraud, including cryptocurrencies.
See disclosure statement. We especially thank Tin Dinh for excellent conceptual assistance and
Prateek Mahajan for research assistance.
Correspondence: Amin Shams, Department of Finance, Ohio State University, 2100 Neil Ave,
Columbus, OH 43210; e-mail:
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCom-
mercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12903
C 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Finance published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of
have been described in recent descriptive and theoretical work (Yermack (2017), Sockin and Xiong
(2018), Cong, He, and Li (2019), Cong, Li, and Wang (2019)).
3 Recent examples of apparently manipulated markets include LIBOR (Mollenkamp and White-
house (2008)), FX manipulation (Vaughan and Finch (2013)), gold (Denina and Harvey (2004)),
and the VIX index (Griffin and Shams (2018)). Kumar and Seppi (1992) and Spatt (2014) discuss
conditions that may facilitate manipulation.
4 By May 20, 2018, over 1,600 cryptocurrencies and digital tokens were trading on various digital
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1915
Figure 1. Aggregate flow of Tether between major addresses. This figure shows the aggre-
gate flow of Tether between major exchanges and market participants from Tether genesis block
to March 31, 2018. Tether transactions are captured on Omni Layer as transactions with the coin
ID 31. The data include confirmed transactions with the following action types: Grant Property
Tokens, Simple Send, and Send All. Exchange identities on the Tether blockchain are obtained
from the Tether rich list. The thickness of the edges is proportional to the magnitude of the flow
between two nodes, and the node size is proportional to aggregate inflow and outflow for each
node. Intranode flows are excluded. The direction of the flow is shown by the curvature of the
edges, with Tether moving clockwise from a sender to a recipient. (Color figure can be viewed at
be redeemed, and the major exchange where Tether can be exchanged for USD,
Kraken, accounts for only a small proportion of transactions. Tether also flows
out to other exchanges and entities and becomes more common as a medium of
exchange over time.
A similar analysis of the flow of coins on the much larger Bitcoin blockchain
shows that the three main Tether exchanges for most of 2017 (Bitfinex,
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1917
6 For the period between March 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018, we grouped over 640,000 wallet
addresses as Bitfinex, 720,000 addresses as Poloniex, and 1.22 million wallet addresses as Bittrex
using our clustering algorithm.
7 These findings are instructive but incomplete, and they may over- or understate the Tether
effect. Fully quantifying the effect of Tether on Bitcoin depends on knowing precise price impacts
and the various exchange, off-exchange, and cross-trading mechanisms on which these cryptocur-
rencies may trade.
1918 The Journal of FinanceR
extremely large price impact on Bitcoin that is not observed in the aggregate
flows from other smaller traders. Such trading by this one player is also large
enough to induce a statistically and economically strong reversal in Bitcoin
prices following negative returns.
Investors hoping to stabilize and drive up the price of an asset might concen-
trate on certain price thresholds as an anchor or price floor, the idea being that
if investors can demonstrate a price floor, then they can induce other traders
to purchase.8 Interestingly, Bitcoin purchases from Bitfinex strongly increase
just below multiples of 500. This pattern is present only in periods following
printing of Tether, is being driven by the single large account holder, and is not
observed by other exchanges. To address causality, we use the discontinuity
in Tether flow at the round threshold cutoffs as an instrument and find that
Tether flows are causing the positive Bitcoin return.
The patterns observed above are consistent with either one large player
purchasing Tether with cash at Bitfinex and then exchanging it for Bitcoin, or
Tether being printed without cash backup and pushed out through Bitfinex in
exchange for Bitcoin. If Tether is pushed out to other cryptoexchanges rather
than demanded by cash investors, then it may not be always fully backed. To
show the full reserve, Bitfinex might therefore have to liquidate their Bitcoin
reserve to support their end-of-month (EOM) bank statements. Interestingly,
we find a significant negative EOM abnormal return of 6% in the months with
strong Tether issuance and no abnormal returns in months when Tether is not
issued. Since these patterns are driven primarily by only a few EOMs with
large Tether issuance, we test further and find that the EOM effect is stronger
in a value-weighted index of the largest cryptocurrencies and is also present
around a publicized mid-month balance statement. Moreover, Bitfinex’s reserve
wallets on the blockchain data exhibit large significant balance decreases in
days prior to EOMs with large Tether printing. This pattern is not present in
reserve wallets on any other exchanges.
Our results are generally consistent with Tether being printed unbacked
and pushed out onto the market, which can have an inflationary effect on asset
prices. While other tests do not speak to capital backing, the EOM patterns are
inconsistent with the “pulled” hypothesis since they indicate a lack of dollar
reserves. Nevertheless, we further examine a direct implication of the “pulled”
hypothesis by testing whether the flows of Tether bear a relation to a proxy for
its demand from investors, namely the premium for Tether relative to the USD.
We find little evidence to support this demand-based hypothesis, but note that
the demand-based proxies likely contain noise. In sum, while we expect that
there are some sources of legitimate demand for Tether, they do not appear to
dominate the Tether flow patterns observed in the data.
Overall, our paper demonstrates the usefulness of combining methodolog-
ical approaches from computer science and finance, in particular, clustering
8 Shiller (2000) and Bhattacharya, Holden, and Jacobsen (2012) describe trading signals that
anchor around price thresholds. These thresholds can be used as coordination mechanisms as well.
For instance, Christie and Schultz (1994) find collusion only around even numbers in spreads.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1919
algorithms and capital flow analysis, to understand the role of central mon-
etary entities in a cryptocurrency world. Previous studies show that none of
the exposures to macroeconomic factors, stocks markets, currencies, or com-
modities can explain cryptocurrency prices (Liu and Tsyvinski (2018)). We find
that Tether flows can largely explain Bitcoin prices. Our findings are gen-
erally consistent with evidence that sophisticated investors may profit from
bubbles (Brunnermeier and Nagel (2004)), but more specifically provide empir-
ical evidence on the intersection of potentially nefarious activity and bubbles.
Although cryptocurrencies are relatively new, the trading mechanisms within
and across exchanges are quite complex (Partnoy (2009)) and may obfuscate
the influence of large players. This complexity also implies that there are limits
to what we can learn from blockchain data, and additional research is certainly
necessary to further understand the cryptocurrency market. Since our findings
indicate that Bitcoin prices are subject to gaming by a small number of ac-
tors, they suggest that Bitcoin does not make a solid basis for more complex
financial vehicles such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or derivatives. Mar-
ket surveillance within a proper regulatory framework across many venues
may be necessary for cryptocurrency markets to be a reliable medium for fair
financial transactions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section I provides an overview of
historical bubbles, cryptocurrencies, Tether, and the main pushed and pulled
hypotheses to be tested. Section II describes our main data sources and ex-
plains the methodologies that we use to analyze the blockchain data and flows.
Section III analyzes the potential influence of Tether on Bitcoin, and Section IV
further tests whether the flows are consistent with pushed or pulled explana-
tions. Section V concludes.
9 Most of these facts are available in multiple places, but an account of the first five years of
nounced that $72 million had been stolen from investor accounts, leading Bitcoin to plummet 20%
in value.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1921
11 See
12 “There is no contractual right or other right or legal claim against us to redeem or exchange
your Tethers for money. We do not guarantee any right of redemption or exchange of Tethers by us
for money” (Leising (2017)).
13 See Popper (2017).
14 The percentage deviation of hourly prices between Bitfinex and Poloniex and Bittrex are 19
and 42 basis points, while the deviation is 103, 56, and 111 basis points for Bitstamp, Gemini, and
Kraken, respectively.
15 See Leising (2017), Kaminska (2017), and Popper (2017).
1922 The Journal of FinanceR
Figure 2. Tether authorization and Bitcoin price over time, and trade volume in both
dollars and Tether. Panel A plots the cumulative authorization of Tether and the price of Bitcoin
over time. The red dashed line shows cumulative authorization in millions of Tether tokens. The
black dashed line shows Tether cumulative authorization denominated in contemporaneous Bitcoin
price. The blue line shows the Bitcoin price. Authorizations are defined as transactions with
transaction type “Grant Property Tokens” on Tether blockchain. Panel B shows the percentage of
trade volume of USD and Tether for major cryptocurrencies between March 1, 2017 and March 31,
2018 aggregated over all exchanges. The major currencies include the 15 largest cryptocurrencies
and tokens by aggregate trade volume across exchanges reported in CoinAPI data over the same
period. The blue bars show the percentage of volume traded against USD, the red bars show the
percentage against Tether, and the gray bars show the percentage against USD/Tether on the
Bitfinex exchange. (Color figure can be viewed at
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1923
D. Main Hypotheses
This section examines two main alternative “pulled” versus “pushed” hy-
potheses19 about Tether. Under the first hypothesis, Tether is “pulled” or driven
by legitimate demand from investors who use Tether as a medium of exchange
to enter their fiat capital into the cryptospace. In this case, the price impact of
Tether reflects natural market demand. Under the second hypothesis, Tether
is “pushed” through a supply-driven scheme whereby an unbacked digital dol-
lar is printed and used to purchase Bitcoin. In this case, additional supply of
Tether can create inflation in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
that is not due to a genuine capital flow.
Related to the “pulled” hypothesis, we first predict that Tether is driven by in-
vestor demand and is always fully backed by USD (as with a full-reserve bank).
16 Tether Limited has also released EOM snapshot bank statements showing reserves at the
EOM. Tether has not to our knowledge released a full audit, which is important since snapshot
reports showing cash in a bank balance on a certain date could reflect borrowed funds or funds from
related entities. Tether is closely related to Bitfinex, which has also not been audited, according to
public sources.
17 See Higgins (2018) and Leising (2017).
18 The website shows that after 91 hourly events of Tether being granted and moved to Bitfinex,
the Bitcoin return increases over the next two hours. They compound the return for those 182
hours (91 two-hour periods) and derive a compounded effect of 48.8%, then compare this effect to
6.5% average compounded returns for the same time period during normal times. The results are
incorrectly interpreted as “Tether could account for nearly half of Bitcoin’s price rise” or “a rough
estimate of 40% price growth attributed to Tether.” Indeed, Bitcoin prices increased by 1,422%
(from $893.19 to $13,592.93) over their period of study. Interestingly, we find that the hours
directly following Tether authorization are often not when the Bitcoin buying activity actually
19 There is a literature in international finance examining whether capital flows are pushed or
pulled across markets (Froot, O’connell, and Seasholes (2001), Griffin, Nardari, and Stulz (2007)).
1924 The Journal of FinanceR
A currency that can provide a stable store of value, support quick transactions,
and potentially allow cryptocurrency exchanges to skirt banking regulations
required for traditional deposits has an intuitive appeal. If an increase in de-
mand is driven by new investors who hold dollars and wish to convert their
dollars to Tether and then into cryptocurrencies, the increase in demand may
result in a higher market rate for Tether. A lower price for Tether would thus
be a consequence of weak demand for Tether, while a higher price (perhaps at
or above one dollar) would be a consequence of strong Tether demand.
H1B: The printing of Tether may also be driven by its usefulness as a fa-
cilitator of cross-exchange arbitrage to eliminate pricing discrepancies
across cryptocurrency exchanges. For example, Tether outflows from
Bitfinex to another exchange should correspond to periods when Bit-
coin sells at a premium on Bitfinex relative to that exchange.20
20 This hypothesis is also consistent with the supply-driven view as unbacked money printing of
Tether could cause Bitcoin to sell at a premium on Bitfinex relative to the other exchanges before
Tether moves to those exchanges.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1925
The key to the “pushed” hypothesis is that the Tether-USD price does not
collapse. This can be accomplished by creating a limited set of venues to redeem
Tether, sending signals to investors through periodic accounting reports, and
creating Tether price support.
To examine the “push” hypothesis, we test the following predictions:
H2A: If Tether issuers are trying to provide stability to the market during
downturns, outflows of Tether and purchases of Bitcoin by Bitfinex
may follow periods of negative Bitcoin returns.
H2B: If Tether supply is large enough to have a material price impact on
Bitcoin, Bitcoin prices should go up after Tether flows into the market,
especially after periods with large authorization of Tether.
H2C: Bitcoin returns may show a return reversal after negative returns,
especially during times when Tether flows into the market.
H2D: Since round-number thresholds can be price anchors to set a price floor
and are often used as buying signals by investors, flow of Tether might
increase if Bitcoin falls below these salient round-number thresholds.
This effect should be more pronounced in periods with large Tether
H2E: If Tether is not fully backed by dollars at the outset, but the issuers
want to signal otherwise to investors by releasing EOM (or other in-
terval) accounting statements, then Tether creators may liquidate Bit-
coins into USD to demonstrate sufficient reserves. This could create
negative returns in Bitcoin at the EOM, particularly in periods with
large Tether issuances.
While the above hypotheses need not all follow from the pulled hypothesis,
H2A through H2D shed light on whether the flow of Tether into the market
is consistent with creating price support and inflating Bitcoin prices, and H2E
sheds light on whether the potential price impact is due to unbacked printing
of Tether, which can have an inflationary effect on Bitcoin. In the next section,
we discuss the data and empirical methods used to test these hypotheses.
21 Daily prices are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time, and the close and open
prices are calculated based on a 24-hour daily cycle that ends at midnight UTC. Daily prices of
1926 The Journal of FinanceR
Bitcoin blockchain data are obtained from and cover the pe-
riod from Bitcoin initiation in January 2009 to March 2018. The blockchain
data contain the entire history of Bitcoin transactions between Bitcoin wallets
and include variables such as wallet IDs of senders and recipients as a string of
34 characters and numbers, amount of coins transferred, timestamp, transac-
tion ID, and previous transaction ID where the coin was received by the sender
of each new transaction. Over the October 2014 to March 2018 period, Tether
is issued via the Omni Layer Protocol based on the Bitcoin blockchain, and
Tether blockchain data are from
To assign identities of grouped wallets to Tether-related exchanges on the
Bitcoin blockchain, the addresses of a number of wallets belonging to Tether
exchanges are collected from public forums and individual investors who trans-
ferred Bitcoin to these exchanges.22 For the Tether blockchain, wallet identities
of major exchanges are manually collected from the Tether rich list on
at all snapshots available on Internet Archive.
Tether exchanges account for a large portion of cryptocurrencies’ trading
volume over our sample period. Table I, Panel A, shows the total trading volume
on major exchanges of major cryptocurrencies from March 1, 2017 to March
31, 2018. Tether-based exchanges are marked with a “*.” Some exchanges,
including Gemini and Coinbase, specialize in a limited number of major coins
such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Others, especially the Tether-related exchanges,
feature a large number of coins. Bitfinex has the largest volume, both for Bitcoin
and across all major cryptocurrencies. Other Tether exchanges also play an
important role among the top 10 exchanges in terms of aggregate volume.
As shown in Panel B of Figure 2, a large share of major cryptocurrencies’
transactions are denominated in Tether.
Panel B of Table I shows the cross-sectional correlation of cryptocurren-
cies’ daily returns. Not surprisingly, the daily returns are positively correlated
across all of the coins, but there is variation across different cryptocurrencies.
For example, Bitcoin’s correlation with Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin are
0.44, 0.20, and 0.45, respectively.
Panel C of Table I reports the autocorrelation of cryptocurrencies at vari-
ous frequencies. The autocorrelations are generally negative. For example, a
1% change in lagged one-hour Bitcoin prices is followed by a 6 basis point
reversal in the next hour. The reversal is 6 and 5 basis points at three- and
five-hour intervals.
various coins are obtained from, which calculates the price of each coin by
taking the volume-weighted average of prices reported at different exchanges. We also use the
intraday CoinDesk price index, which aggregates prices across major markets. Hourly and five-
minute returns are calculated from the last trade within each minute. Missing prices are carried
forward for nontrading periods of up to five minutes. Prices are assumed to be missing if stale for
more than five minutes.
22 The Internet Appendix Section II includes the list of representative addresses that can be
used to assign identities of major exchanges. The Internet Appendix is available in the online
version of this article on The Journal of Finance website.
Table I
Summary Statistics
This table summarizes the trading volume and pricing information of major cryptocurrencies on major exchanges. The major cryptocurrencies are the
15 coins and tokens with the highest aggregate volume in USD and Tether across exchanges reported in CoinAPI between March 1, 2017 and March
31, 2018, and the top exchanges are those with the highest aggregate volume for these major cryptocurrencies. Panel A shows the total volume for
each cryptocurrency on each exchange in billions of dollars from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 using data from CoinAPI. Tether-based exchanges
are indicated with a star. Panel B shows the daily return correlation between major cryptocurrencies. The daily pricing data are from CoinMarketCap.
Panel C reports the autocorrelations of the major cryptocurrencies at one-hour, three-hour, and five-hour intervals using price data from the most
liquid exchange for each altcoin between March 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. The three-hour and five-hour autocorrelations are calculated using
hourly returns rolled over three-hour and five-hour windows. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The intraday
pricing data are from CoinAPI.
Binance* Bitfinex* Bitstamp Bittrex* Coinbase Gemini Huobi* Kraken* OKEx* Poloniex*
ETH 10.19 35.40 5.44 2.50 32.46 7.77 3.11 14.54 3.08 4.91
IOTA – 2.51 – – – – – – 0.06 –
LTC 2.69 13.13 2.44 1.02 24.51 – 1.10 1.80 2.78 2.48
NEO 3.88 4.54 – 1.46 – – 0.24 – 0.18 –
OMG – 3.77 – 0.49 – – 0.21 – 0.01 –
XMR – 2.84 – 0.30 – – – 0.77 0.00 0.60
XRP – 17.11 7.41 1.86 – – 1.46 3.28 0.26 2.87
ZEC – 2.35 – 0.33 – – 0.32 0.39 0.01 0.70
Table I—Continued
Panel B: Correlations
BCH 0.17
BNB 0.31 0.21
BTC 0.47 0.24 0.46
DASH 0.28 0.42 0.20 0.39
EOS 0.19 0.34 0.28 0.35 0.30
ETC 0.25 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.36 0.38
ETH 0.30 0.40 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.61
IOTA 0.29 0.25 0.35 0.48 0.42 0.32 0.54 0.53
LTC 0.24 0.31 0.34 0.45 0.36 0.35 0.50 0.42 0.43
NEO 0.16 0.25 0.43 0.30 0.31 0.29 0.43 0.34 0.31 0.31
The Journal of FinanceR
OMG 0.26 0.17 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.60 0.47 0.41 0.60
XMR 0.26 0.35 0.26 0.49 0.55 0.34 0.43 0.52 0.54 0.42 0.24 0.40
XRP 0.15 0.24 0.17 0.20 0.10 0.29 0.17 0.19 0.30 0.26 0.12 0.32 0.23
ZEC 0.22 0.41 0.34 0.38 0.58 0.42 0.49 0.52 0.54 0.36 0.34 0.45 0.54 0.27
Table I—Continued
Panel C: Autocorrelations
23 Internet Appendix Table IA.I shows an example of a Bitcoin transaction on the blockchain
with 313 senders and 218 recipients. Addresses on the left column are senders of the Bitcoins and
addresses on the right are the recipients.
24 Transitory addresses may be tumblers or mixer wallets used to further mask Bitcoin transfer
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1931
Figure 3. Aggregate flow of Bitcoin between major addresses. This figure shows the ag-
gregate flow of Bitcoin between major exchanges and market participants from March 1, 2017 to
March 31, 2018. Groups of addresses are clustered by finding the connected component of the same
input relation on the Bitcoin blockchain, and each group is labeled with identities of members
obtained from publicly available information and individual investors. The thickness of the edges
is proportional to the magnitude of flow between two nodes, and the node size is proportional to
aggregate inflow and outflow of each node. Intranode flows are excluded. The direction of the flow
is shown by the curvature of the edges, with Bitcoin moving clockwise from a sender to a recipient.
(Color figure can be viewed at
labeled as 3MbY) to Tether treasuries (1NTM and 3BbD), all colored in red,
is referred to as “authorization,” and the transfer out of Tether treasuries,
primarily to Bitfinex, is referred to as “issuance.” Note that barely any flows
move back to the initial Tether printing node, consistent with individuals stat-
ing that it is not feasible to move Tether back to Tether Limited to redeem
for USD. Second, Poloniex and Bittrex, the largest Tether exchanges for most
of 2017, are closely tied to Bitfinex through a large flow of Tether using an
intermediary address. Third, Kraken, the small yellow node at the top of the
graph, was the only official marketplace for trading the USD-Tether pair for
the majority of 2017. Fourth, most of the Tether flows to and from Bitfinex are
through Bittrex and Poloniex. Throughout the paper, we focus on the timing
and amount of Tether flow from Bitfinex to these two major exchanges because
as we will show, this is the primary channel through which Tether is converted
to Bitcoin; however, we also examine flows to other exchanges. To calculate the
flows between exchanges, we consider the intermediary wallets that receive
Tether from Bitfinex and transfer them all to the same exchange as addresses
belonging to that exchange.
Note that since the figure is proportional to the size of the flows, the graph
puts substantial emphasis on the end of 2017 and early 2018, when Tether
issuance increased rapidly. For this reason, in Internet Appendix Figure IA.2,
we display four snapshots of the Tether flows over time. For the majority of
2017, Bitfinex, Poloniex, and Bittrex were by far the largest players in the
market. Binance, Huobi, OKEx, and Kraken gained substantial market share
in December 2017.
The flow of Tether from Bitfinex to the other exchanges increases on the day
of Tether authorization, but it takes as many as three to four days to move the
capital out of Bitfinex to the other exchanges.25 It is the net flow of Tether out
of Bitfinex to Poloniex and Bittrex and the net flow of Bitcoin back that we use
in our tests.
25 We show this formally in a VAR model in Internet Appendix Figure IA.3. Examples are shown
in Internet Appendix Figure IA.4.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1933
in each period:
t−1 t−1
+ BTCBTX→BF X − BT C BF X→BT X , (1)
t−1 t−1
26 Details on our verification method and the results are provided in the Internet Appendix
Section I.
1934 The Journal of FinanceR
Figure 4. Top accounts associated with the flow of Tether from and Bitcoin to Bitfinex.
Panel A shows the largest recipients of Tether from Bitfinex recorded on Tether blockchain between
March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. Exchange wallet identities are obtained from the Tether rich list.
Moreover, intermediary wallets that receive Tether from Bitfinex but send all Tether to wallets of
a particular exchange are labeled as that exchange. Exchanges are distinguished by colors, and
the partitions show unique wallets within each exchange. The two largest recipients of Tether
from Bitfinex on Bittrex and Poloniex are labeled by the first four characters of their wallet ID as
1AA6 and 1J1d. Panel B shows the top recipients of Bitcoin on the Bitfinex exchange from other
exchanges between March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. The largest recipient of Bitcoin on Bitfinex
is labeled by the first four characters of its wallet ID as 1LSg. (Color figure can be viewed at
1936 The Journal of FinanceR
27The standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using the Newey-
West procedure with up to three lags.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1937
Table II
The Effect of Flow of Bitcoin and Tether on Bitcoin Return
Panel A shows OLS estimates for which the dependent variable is the average three-hour Bitcoin
Rt+i = β0 + β1 Flowt−1 + Controls + t ,
where Rt is the hourly return of an equal-weighted price index that aggregates Bitcoin prices on
Tether exchanges Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bittrex, Binance, HitBTC, Huobi, and OKEx and Flowt is the
average net hourly flow of Tether from Bitfinex to Poloniex and Bittrex and of Bitcoin from Poloniex
and Bittrex to Bitfinex. The control variables include lagged returns, volatility calculated using
hourly returns over the previous 24 hours, and the interaction of lagged returns and volatility.
Column (1) shows the results for times when a Tether authorization occurred in the previous 72
hours and column (2) for other times. Columns (3) and (4) report results separately for observations
with lagged negative and positive returns. Column (5) reports results conditioning on both 72 hours
after Tether authorization and negative lagged returns. Panel B estimates the same regression
but decomposes flows into 1LSg flows and flows to other Poloniex and Bittrex accounts (described
in detail in Internet Appendix Section I). Panel B also controls for the net average flows of Tether
and Bitcoin to other Tether recipient exchanges (Binance, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken, and OKEx).
Standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. t-Statistics are reported
in parentheses. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.001.
1938 The Journal of FinanceR
Table II—Continued
To more precisely examine the source of the flow effect, we analyze three
different flow components: (i) the net Tether flows out from Bitfinex (and the
Bitcoin back) to the closely tied 1LSg addresses discussed above, (ii) the net
Tether flow out from Bitfinex (and the Bitcoin back) to the rest of Poloniex
and Bittrex accounts not involving the 1LSg addresses, and (iii) the rest of
the net Tether flows out from Bitfinex (and the Bitcoin back) to other Tether
exchanges including Binance, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken, and OKEx. Column
(1) of Table II, Panel B, shows that on days right after Tether printing, for
a 100 Bitcoin increase in 1LSg flow, the three-hour average future Bitcoin
return goes up by 4.24 basis points, controlling for lagged returns, volatility,
and their interaction. The results are significant at the 5% level. There is no
significant positive relationship for the rest of the Poloniex and Bittrex flows
(flow component 2). The same is true for flows into other Tether exchanges.
In Table III, we examine whether the effect related to Tether printing spills
over into the six leading cryptocurrencies listed on Tether-related exchanges.
The effects are generally larger across all coins when conditioning on both days
after Tether authorization and following a negative return. For the equivalent
of a 100 Bitcoin increase in flow, the average future return goes up by 7.89 to
10.19 basis points for different coins.28
28 Internet Appendix Table IA.III reports similar results for the relationship between 1LSg flows
and other major cryptocurrency prices.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1939
Table III
The Effect of Flow of Bitcoin and Tether on Other Cryptocurrency
This table shows OLS estimates for which the dependent variable is the average three-hour return
for major cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin,
Rt+i = β0 + β1 Flowt−1 + Controls + t ,
where Rt is the hourly return using price data from the most liquid exchange for each cryptocur-
rency between March 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018 and Flowt is the average net hourly flow of
Tether from Bitfinex to Poloniex and Bittrex and of Bitcoin from Poloniex and Bittrex to Bitfinex.
The control variables include lagged returns, volatility calculated using hourly returns over the
previous 24 hours, and the interaction of lagged returns and volatility. Major cryptocurrencies are
selected based on the criteria in Table I, conditional on being listed on at least one of the major
Tether exchanges as of the beginning of March 2017. Panel A reports results for the 72 hours after
Tether authorization and Panel B reports results for other days. Panel C reports results when the
lagged return is negative and Panel D when the lagged return is positive. Panels E reports results
conditioning on both 72 hours after Tether authorization and negative lagged returns. Standard
errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation.
1940 The Journal of FinanceR
Table III—Continued
the next three hours after the flow. Panel B shows sharp positive returns in
the three-hour window after the flow events for all six of the other major
cryptocurrencies as well. We further examine the spillover in the cross-section
of cryptocurrencies by constructing an exchange-level value-weighted return
index of all coins other than Bitcoin using all other coin-BTC pairs for all
exchanges in the sample. The altcoins listed on Bitfinex, Poloniex, and Bittrex
have significantly larger Bitcoin-denominated returns than the coins listed on
other exchanges in the hours right after the flows (see Internet Appendix Table
IA.IV). Consistent with the effect being driven by Tether flows, the return is
not different before the high-flow periods.
We also examine the results for the largest player, 1LSg. In Internet Ap-
pendix Figure IA.10, we focus on the largest 1% of the 1LSg flows and finds
that returns are positive at 1.27% over the next three hours, while returns are
−1.50% over the three hours before. We test whether this behavior is linked
to a general increase in blockchain transactions by examining Bitcoin prices
around the times with high flows from Bitfinex to non-1LSg Poloniex and Bit-
trex wallets or to other Tether exchanges. We find no statistical or economic
effect around these times.
Note that the only conditioning variable for these hours is lagged flows, and
we do not condition on past returns, but the large negative returns preceding
the flows seem to be consistent with investors following a “buying-the-dips”
strategy. To see if a normally occurring reversal pattern rather than the im-
pact of flows is driving the returns, we find hours in the sample that are the
closest match to our 95 high-flow hours in terms of lagged returns in the pre-
vious three hours, but we do not condition on the high flow of Tether. Internet
Appendix Figure IA.11 shows that while the returns from times −3 to 0 are
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1941
the same by construction, the returns in the three hours after are −0.06% and
indistinguishable from zero, indicating that the higher returns after time 0 are
not due to a general price reversal or a “buying-the-dips” pattern in the market.
29 For example, for a three-period buy-and-hold return compounded as (1 + r1) (1 + r2) (1 + r3),
if period 1 is a high-flow hour, we replace the next-period returns, r2, with r2 , where r2 is a
random draw from all other nonhigh-flow hours in our sample. The benchmark buy-and-hold
return is calculated as (1 + r1) (1 + r2 ) (1 + r3). Note that this approach does not suffer from
look-ahead bias, as it depends only on past flows in replacing returns.
30 Ethereum, for example, experienced nearly a 2,400% return during this period, but if the
Tether-related hours were excluded it would have experienced around a 900% return.
1942 The Journal of FinanceR
Figure 5. Prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies around high-flow events. Panel
A shows Bitcoin prices three hours before and after the top 1% of high-flow hours to Poloniex and
Bittrex. Prices are scaled to one at time −3 before the event and at time 0 at the end of the event
window. Scaled prices are averaged across events. High-flow events are defined as the top 1% of
hours with high net average flows of Tether from Bitfinex to Poloniex and Bittrex and Bitcoin back
from Poloniex and Bittrex to Bitfinex in the prior hour, which means that high flows occur between
time −1 and time 0. Panel B depicts similar results for other major cryptocurrencies. (Color figure
can be viewed at
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1943
Figure 6. Predictive effect of high-flow hours on cryptocurrencies returns. The red bar
in Panel A shows the buy-and-hold return of Bitcoin from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. The
blue bars show the distribution of returns if the top 1% hours with high lagged flow of Tether
and Bitcoin are replaced with a random sample of returns in other hours, bootstrapped 10,000
times. High-flow hours are defined as in Figure 5. Panel B compares the actual buy-and-hold
return (red bars) with the return excluding the top 1% high-flow hours (blue bars) for other major
cryptocurrencies over the same time period. (Color figure can be viewed at
hour following the top 5% and 10% of 1LSg flows are also considerably to the
left of the actual returns and indicate that the observed patterns are not likely
due to chance.
To determine whether the high-flow return relationship is a general result of
extreme market events reflected in the blockchain data, in Internet Appendix
Figure IA.12 we also perform simulations where we remove the top 1%, 5%,
1944 The Journal of FinanceR
Figure 7. Predictive effect of 1LSg high-flow hours on Bitcoin returns. The red bars show
the buy-and-hold return of Bitcoin from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. The blue bars show the
distribution of returns if the top hours with high lagged 1LSg flow are replaced with a random
sample of returns in other hours, bootstrapped 10,000 times. The high 1LSg flow hours are the
top 1% of hours with high 1LSg flows as defined in the Internet Appendix Section I. The return
distribution in the top panel replaces the top 1% of high lagged 1LSg flow hours with a random
sample of returns in other hours, and the middle and bottom panels replace the top 5% and 10%,
respectively. (Color figure can be viewed at
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1945
and 10% of net flows from Bitfinex to other Poloniex and Bittrex addresses.
There seems to be weak evidence that the extreme non-1LSg flows have some
effects on prices for the top 1% of hours, but not the top 5% and 10%. For
the net Tether/Bitcoin flows associated with the other five main Tether-based
exchanges (Binance, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken, and OKEx), removing the top
1%, 5%, or 10% of the flows has no effect on simulated Bitcoin prices.
Overall, the findings indicate that a large player moves Tether out of Bitfinex
in exchange for Bitcoin in such a way that she/he would either have to exhibit
extreme market timing or, much more likely and consistent with the price
impact literature, have a large price impact on Bitcoin price.
We note that this finding is subject to some caveats. The effect only considers
the hourly periods with extreme flows. Measuring such findings over other
intervals would be less precise and more difficult, but the flow could push
prices up at other times as well. However, the effect does not consider the effect
of selling price pressure if the Tether issuers later sell the Bitcoin and move
the proceedings into dollars, though it seems feasible that the issuers could sell
Bitcoin through channels with considerably less price impact. If the purchased
Bitcoin is not permanently liquidated for dollars, then the inflationary effect
due to increasing the money supply can be persistent. Overall, although it
is difficult to fully assess the exact price impact of Tether, these back-of-the-
envelope calculations demonstrate that the effect is plausibly large.
between flows and volatility, the flow effect remains significant for the full sample but becomes
statistically insignificant when the sample is split into positive and negative lagged returns.
32 Internet Appendix Table IA.VII shows that the results are driven entirely by top hours of
1LSg flows and that top hours of other flows are not related to the reversal. For example, each 1%
1946 The Journal of FinanceR
Table IV
Bitcoin Return Reversals and 1LSg Flow
This table shows OLS estimates for the autocorrelation of Bitcoin returns,
where Rt is the hourly return of an equal-weighted price index that aggregates Bitcoin prices on
Tether exchanges, Flowt is the average net hourly flow of Tether from Bitfinex to Poloniex and
Bittrex and of Bitcoin from Poloniex and Bittrex to Bitfinex, and the control variables include
lagged returns, volatility calculated using hourly returns over the previous 24 hours, and the
interaction of lagged returns and volatility. Panel A reports results for aggregate net flows to
Poloniex and Bittrex. Panel B decomposes flows into 1LSg flows and the rest of Poloniex and
Bittrex accounts and controls for flows into other Tether exchanges (Binance, HitBTC, Huobi,
Kraken, and OKEx). The flow variables are standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing by
the standard deviation. Panel C estimates a similar regression for dummy variables that take the
value of 1 for top 1%, 5%, and 10% of hours with high lagged flows and volatility. Standard errors
are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. t-Statistics are reported in parentheses.
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1947
Table IV—Continued
Panel C: Using the Top Percentile Flow and Volatility (Lagged Neg Returns)
the interaction between lagged returns and volatility shows that the results
cannot be explained by the possibility of larger return reversals during periods
of high volatility (Nagel (2012)).
In conclusion, the results in this section provide considerable evidence that
Tether is used to purchase Bitcoin following Tether authorization and a drop
in Bitcoin price, and that this phenomenon has a sizable relation with fu-
ture prices of Bitcoin and other coins. This relation is driven by one ac-
count holder and induces an asymmetric negative autocorrelation in Bitcoin
drop in Bitcoin prices is followed by a 52 basis point reversal in the next hour if accompanied by
the top 1% of 1LSg flows.
1948 The Journal of FinanceR
Hourly Average Flow (BTC)
20 40
−10 0
10 15
10 20 30
0 5
−20 0
−10 0
Kraken OKEx
Hourly Average Flow (BTC)
−5 0 5
Figure 8. Flows around round number thresholds. This figure shows the average net hourly
flows of Tether from Bitfinex to two major Tether exchanges, Poloniex and Bittrex, and of Bitcoin
from these exchanges to Bitfinex, around round-number thresholds of Bitcoin prices. The Bitcoin
prices are based on hourly prices reported by CoinDesk. The horizontal axis shows the distance
of the price from round thresholds in multiples of $500 at the end of the previous hour, and the
vertical axis shows the flow within the hour. The hollow blue circles show the average flow for $10-
wide price bins, and the black lines show the fitted values of the flow as a second-order polynomial
of the price distance to the round thresholds. The gray areas represent the 95% confidence interval
for the fitted values. Panel A, left, plots the results for times when a Tether authorization occurred
in the previous 72 hours, and Panel A, right, plots the results for other times. Panel B shows the
results after Tether authorization for the flows decomposed into 1LSg flows and other Poloniex and
Bittrex accounts, as well as flows to other Tether-based exchanges. The sample covers the period
from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. (Color figure can be viewed at
1950 The Journal of FinanceR
Table V
Flow of Coins around Round Thresholds of Bitcoin Price
Panel A reports OLS estimates for which the dependent variable is hourly average net flow of
Tether from Bitfinex to Poloniex and Bittrex and of Bitcoin from Poloniex and Bittrex to Bitfinex.
Below RoundCuto f ft is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the Bitcoin price, at the end of
the hour, falls into the $50 price bucket below a $500 price multiple and 0 if it is in the $50 bucket
above such a multiple,
Panel B estimates the same regression for the net average flows into 1LSg accounts, the rest of
Poloniex and Bittrex accounts, and the other Tether exchanges (Binance, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken,
and OKEx). Standard errors are adjusted for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. t-Statistics
are reported in parentheses. * p < 0.05.
1LSg Oth BTX Oth PLX Binance HitBTC Huobi Kraken OKEx
Below Round Cutoff 52.60*** 2.059 6.172 7.497 3.810 6.289 5.252 0.971
(3.71) (0.60) (1.62) (1.27) (1.92) (1.90) (0.83) (0.46)
Constant 34.75*** 4.885*** 5.915** 13.66*** 0.564 3.766** −1.071 3.841***
(4.63) (3.93) (3.08) (4.42) (0.64) (3.01) (−0.38) (3.52)
Observations 464 464 464 305 464 464 464 260
Adjusted R2 0.030 −0.001 0.004 0.002 0.007 0.008 −0.000 −0.003
1LSg Oth BTX Oth PLX Binance HitBTC Huobi Kraken OKEx
Below Round Cutoff 5.815 −2.825 −2.768 −1.085 −0.835 −0.476 0.207 2.043
(0.89) (−1.33) (−1.47) (−0.47) (−1.23) (−0.12) (0.17) (0.71)
Constant 19.93*** 4.982*** 7.015*** 3.442* 0.761* 4.123 −0.00519 −0.542
(4.99) (3.43) (5.43) (2.01) (2.29) (1.32) (−0.01) (−0.22)
Observations 1,139 1,139 1,139 731 1,139 1,139 1,139 483
Adjusted R2 −0.000 0.001 0.001 −0.001 0.001 −0.001 −0.001 −0.001
indicates that the flow below thresholds is driven by the 1LSg account, and
only after authorization, that is, this flow pattern is not typically observed in
the market.
We next examine what effect, if any, the inflow of Tether below the threshold
might have on Bitcoin returns. In Panel A of Table VI, we report estimates of
a regression of average three-hour future returns on the lagged round-number
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1951
Table VI
Effect of Flow on Returns around Round Thresholds of Bitcoin Price
Panel A estimates a regression of average three-hour Bitcoin returns on the Below RoundCuto f f
dummy. Panel B reports results for the second-stage estimates of a two-stage least squares regres-
sion of Bitcoin returns on flows,
ˆ t−1 + t ,
Rt+i = β0 + β1 Flow
on Tether also stated its intention to be audited by a non-Chinese firm, but it eventually
canceled the audit due to “the excruciatingly detailed procedures.” In an interview about the lack
of an audit on Tether, Bitfinex’s chief technology officer noted that “[w]hat we want to do is not
[audit] the bank balances as of now, but we want to demonstrate to the community that we had
the money at the end of every single month, since a reasonable date like January 2017 and on.”
34 Cryptocurrencies officially trade on UTC timestamp and daily prices close at midnight UTC
time, when business hours have already ended in most countries and the next day has already
started in East Asia. The effect must therefore be observed in the second-to-last day of the month,
which we consider the EOM price.
1954 The Journal of FinanceR
Figure 9. End-of-month returns and quantiles of Tether issuance. This figure shows end-
of-month (EOM) daily Bitcoin returns for different quantiles of monthly Tether issuance. Four
quantiles of Tether issuance are defined based on total Bitcoin-denominated Tether issuance each
month. Issuance is calculated as the aggregate monthly Bitcoin-denominated flow of Tether from
the Tether treasury to Bitfinex. All months with zero issuance are included in one group, and the
other months are divided into three quantiles. The EOM return is defined as the daily return
on the second-to-last day of the month closing at midnight UTC time. Daily prices are obtained
from CoinMarketCap. The blue bars show the raw EOM return, and the red bars show the raw
return minus the average return from the prior four days through the subsequent four days.
The sample covers the period from March 2016 to March 2018. (Color figure can be viewed at
small sample size, we check the sensitivity of the results by excluding the
two months with the largest Tether issuances. In a simple regression of EOM
Bitcoin returns on monthly Tether issuances, we obtain a t-statistic of −2.85
with all observations, but an insignificant t-statistic of −1.26 when excluding
the two largest months.35
In Table VII, we examine this result further. In Panel A, column (1) shows
that the EOM return is 2.3% less than returns in the four days before and
after the EOM. Columns (2) and (3) indicate that there is no effect in months
without Tether issuance, but the EOM return is 3.8% lower in months with
Tether issuance (t-statistic of 3.65). Column (4) interacts the EOM dummy
with the magnitude of the monthly Tether issuance and shows that for a one-
standard-deviation higher Tether issuance, the EOM return is 2.2% more neg-
ative. Column (5) tests the plot in Figure 9 statistically and shows that relative
to months with zero issuance, months with low, medium, and high issuance
35 When using the value-weighted returns of top-five currencies, the same regression yields a t-
statistic of −4.85 and −2.97 with and without the top two months, respectively (Internet Appendix
Table IA.VIII).
Table VII
EOM Bitcoin Returns and the Effect of Tether Issuance
This table reports OLS estimates for which the dependent variable is daily Bitcoin returns and the independent variables are the EOM dummy and
monthly Tether issuance,
where EOMt takes the value of 1 on the second-to-last day of the month at midnight UTC time and Issuancet is the aggregate monthly Bitcoin-
denominated flow of Tether from the Tether treasury to Bitfinex scaled by its standard deviation. Column (5) interacts the EOM dummy with quantiles
of issuance as defined in Figure 9. The sample is from March 2016 to March 2018. Columns (6) to (8) report results after excluding the two months
with extreme issuance, December 2017 and January 2018. Panel B estimates the results using the returns on a value-weighted portfolio of top-five
cryptocurrencies. Each day in the sample, the top-five cryptocurrencies are selected based on average market cap in the previous week as reported on
CoinMarketCap. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity. t-Statistics are reported in parentheses. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
(1.07) (1.57)
Table VII—Continued
(−2.41) (−2.40)
Med × EOM −0.0196* −0.0196*
(−2.07) (−2.07)
High × EOM −0.0762*** −0.0474***
(−3.99) (−3.63)
Low 0.0119* 0.0119*
(2.34) (2.34)
Med 0.00990 0.00990
(1.35) (1.35)
High 0.0106 0.0100
(1.31) (1.39)
Constant 0.0101*** 0.00367 0.0145*** 0.00884** 0.00367 0.0143*** 0.00719** 0.00367
(4.08) (1.18) (4.06) (3.16) (1.18) (4.35) (2.69) (1.17)
Observations 225 90 135 225 225 117 207 207
Adjusted R2 0.033 −0.011 0.076 0.083 0.084 0.045 0.030 0.030
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1957
have a negative EOM return of 1.9%, 3.1%, and 6.1%, respectively, all sta-
tistically significant. Finally, as a sensitivity check, in columns (6) to (8), we
exclude the top two months of flow. As expected, the results are weaker but
still statistically and economically significant.
Panel B examines the findings using the value-weighted return index. The
findings are considerably more statistically significant. The index shows a re-
turn of −7.7% in the months with the highest issuance with a t-statistic of
−4.00. If we remove December 2018 and January 2018, the magnitude is still
4.8% with a t-statistic of −3.64.
As a one-period example not at EOM, we also noticed that Tether released
a limited audit of a snapshot of their cash balance as of September 15, 2017.
Tether later fired the auditor. Prices dropped 25% from September 12, 2017 to
September 15, 2017, the day of the audit (see Internet Appendix Figure IA.13).
Finally, we examine if there are any patterns in Bitfinex’s Bitcoin wallets
used to hold the exchange Bitcoin reserves.36 If the founders attempt to sell
Bitcoin and raise a cash reserve, the balance in the reserve wallets of Bitfinex
might go down before the EOM. To examine this possibility, we compute the
net flows of Bitcoins from Bitfinex’s reserve wallets, including its main cold
wallets. Internet Appendix Table IA.IX shows that in months with large Tether
issuances, the Bitfinex balances experience a large net outflow in the last
five days of the month, and the relationship is statistically significant with
a t-statistic of 3.14. As a placebo test, we perform the same analysis on the
reserve wallets of any of the top-20 largest exchanges for which we could obtain
reserve wallet addresses, and we find no EOM net outflow from these wallet
balances. This result suggests that a plausible channel for the decrease in
Bitcoin prices is EOM liquidation of Bitfinex reserves. In summary, the strong
negative effect on Bitcoin prices in months of Tether issuance is consistent
with Tether not maintaining full dollar reserves at all times. Without a dollar
backup, the Tether peg could be held when cryptocurrency prices increase and
the liquidation of Tether is limited. But if market participants lose confidence
in Tether and a run occurs, there can be a substantial risk of default without
full cash reserves. Like most runs, this could also lead to substantial collateral
damage to cryptocurrency investors.
36 These wallets can include cold wallets or other wallets that hold a large balance of Bitcoin
reserves for a specific exchange. The table header to Internet Appendix Table IA.IX describes how
we identify these wallets on the blockchain.
1958 The Journal of FinanceR
pair was less than 1% of the Bitcoin-Tether volume. The rate on Kraken often
stays close to one over our sample period from March 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
but has a standard deviation of 2%. If part of the demand for Tether spills over
to Kraken, one would expect changes in the Tether-USD rate to be related to
the flow of Tether.
In Panel A of Table VIII, we regress Tether flow on different lags of Tether-
USD returns as well as BTC-USD returns. We standardize the variables so
that the magnitudes of the coefficients are comparable. The results show that
Tether flow is highly sensitive to the BTC-USD pair (as shown previously) but
bears little relation to the Tether-USD pair. Similarly, in Panel B, we examine
Bitcoin flow and find that the corresponding flow of Bitcoin back is highly
sensitive to BTC-USD rates but bears no relationship with the Tether-USD
pair. We further examine this relationship by constructing different proxies for
the Tether price using value-weighted and equal-weighted Tether-USD rates
across all available exchanges as well as constructing a synthetic rate using
Bitcoin prices on Bitfinex versus dollar exchanges. The results using these
proxies instead of the Kraken Tether-USD rate are similar (Internet Appendix
Tables IA.X, IA.XI, and IA.XII). We also examine results for the 1LSg account
and other accounts on Tether exchanges and find similar results (Internet
Appendix Table IA.XIII).
Another possibility is that the overall price difference between Tether and
USD exchanges is driving the flow. To examine this possibility, we construct two
lagged return measures: the three-hour lagged Bitcoin return averaged across
all major exchanges, and the three-hour lagged difference in return between
Tether exchanges and USD exchanges. The average return captures the effect
of Bitcoin price changes and the difference captures the spread leading to the
arbitrage opportunity between Tether and USD exchanges. We then estimate
a regression of Tether and Bitcoin flows on the spread and average returns.
Panel C of Table VIII shows that the flows are not sensitive to the spread.
Moreover, Panel C of Internet Appendix Table IA.XIII shows that the flows
to 1LSg and other Poloniex and Bittrex accounts have no relationships with
the spread, whereas the flows to Binance and Huobi are positively related to
the spread. These findings suggest that when the BTC-Tether pair trades at
a higher discount relative to BTC-USD, capital flow to Binance and Huobi
increases to buy Bitcoin at a lower price. This result indicates that Tether is
used in arbitrage activities, but the 1LSg activities are not driven by these
arbitrage proxies.
Overall, we do not find evidence to support the demand-based hypothesis
(H1A), but we also note that noise and illiquidity in the Tether return series
add noise to these tests. We believe that the various ways we construct for the
actual and implied Tether return series substantially mitigate this concern.
Table VIII
The Relationship between Tether and Bitcoin Flows and Tether-USD
versus BTC-USD Rates
This table reports OLS estimates for which the dependent variables are the net flow of Tether from
Bitfinex (Panel A) and the net flow of Bitcoin to Bitfinex (Panel B), and the independent variables
are multiple lags of Tether-USD and BTC-USD returns,
T ether−U SD BT C−U SD
Flowt = α + βi Rt−i + γi Rt−i + t ,
i=1 i=1
where RtBT C−U SD is the hourly return of Bitcoin prices in USD and RtT ether−U SD is the hourly
return of the Tether-USD pair on the Kraken exchange. The sample period is from April 1, 2017
(when Kraken prices are first available) to March 1, 2018. Panel C estimates an OLS regression
of Tether and Bitcoin flows on the lagged arbitrage spread and average returns between USD and
Tether exchanges,
1 1
3 3
Flowt = β0 + β1 ArbitrageSpreadt−i + β2 Average Returnt−i + t ,
3 3
i=1 i=1
1960 The Journal of FinanceR
Table VIII—Continued
(1) (2)
Tether BTC
on Poloniex adjust with a delay. Traders can respond to the spread by sending
Tether to Poloniex and buying undervalued Bitcoins. This cross-exchange ar-
bitrage also necessitates a flow of Tether back to Bitfinex when Bitfinex prices
are lower than Poloniex prices. However, as Figure 1 shows, this reverse flow
pattern is not commonly observed. On the other hand, the flow of printed Tether
through Bitfinex might also cause prices to inflate first on Bitfinex before the
Tether moves to other exchanges.
Internet Appendix Table IA.XIV shows that for a one-standard-deviation
increase in the return spread measure, the net Tether and Bitcoin flow goes
Is Bitcoin Really Untethered? 1961
V. Conclusion
Periods of rapid price appreciation are historically associated with innova-
tion and growth but also with nefarious activities that lead to misallocation
of capital. The semitransparent nature of the blockchain provides a unique
opportunity to examine the mechanics behind the growth of an asset class
during a period of massive speculation and understand the role of central mon-
etary entities in a cryptocurrency world. In this paper, we examine whether
the growth of the largest pegged cryptocurrency, Tether, is primarily driven
by investor demand or is supplied to investors as part of a scheme to inflate
cryptocurrency prices.
By mapping the blockchains of Bitcoin and Tether, we are able to establish
that one large player on Bitfinex uses Tether to purchase large amounts of
Bitcoin when prices are falling and following the printing of Tether. Such price
supporting activities are successful as Bitcoin prices rise following the periods
of intervention. Indeed, even 1% of the times with extreme exchange of Tether
for Bitcoin have substantial aggregate price effects. The buying of Bitcoin with
Tether also occurs more aggressively right below salient round-number price
thresholds where the price support might be most effective. Negative EOM
price pressure on Bitcoin in months with large Tether issuance points to a
month-end need for dollar reserves for Tether, consistent with partial reserve
backing. Our results are most consistent with the supply-driven hypothesis.
Overall, our findings provide support for the view that price manipula-
tion can have substantial distortive effects in cryptocurrencies. Prices in this
market reflect much more than standard supply/demand and fundamental
news. These distortive effects, when unwound, could have a considerable nega-
tive impact on cryptocurrency prices. More broadly, these findings also suggest
that innovative technologies designed to bypass traditional banking systems
have not eliminated the need for external surveillance, monitoring, and a reg-
ulatory framework as many in the cryptocurrency space had believed. Our
findings support the historical view that dubious activities are associated with
bubbles and can contribute to further price distortions.
37 We find similar results when decomposing the flows into those to 1LSg, other Poloniex and
Bittrex, and other Tether-based exchange (Internet Appendix Table IA.XIV).
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Supporting Information
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