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National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Office of Commercial Programs
Technology Utilization Division
by James J. Haggerty
August 1988

For sale by the

Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
i Foreword
7hetheyear 1988, the 30th anniversary of
National Aeronautics and Space
We have a renewed mandate from the
President, whose National Space Policy, is-
! Administration, marks the start of a sued in 1988, reaflirmed the basic goal of
new era of space development and explora- United States leadership in space. What
tion. In the flight hiatus since the Challenger NASA and the Nation need now is a new
accident, the Nation has undeniably lost national commitment of will and resources to
ground in global space competition. How- attain that goal. That commitment must be
ever, we have never lost sight of the goal of based on the realization that our economic
space leadership, nor have we lost the ca- growth and prosperity, our industrial innova-
pability to attain that goal. tion and productivity, our national security,
NASA's employees and contractors retain and our prestige and national pride are all
the imagination that opens up new horizons, closely linked to our future in space.
the management expertise to organize and Given the full support of the American
I guide challenging programs, and the tech- people and resources we need to complete
nical skills to translate vision into reality. the task, I am confident that the U.S. can
Thirty years of working to advance technol- and will lead spacefaring nations into a new
ogy have given us a great bank of know-how era of progress and prosperity in the 2 1st
to draw upon. NASA also has the tools, fa- century.
chties and human assets required to seek
and demonstrate excellence in space.
We have established a broad and progres-
sive space program that will expand space
infrastructure and thus enable pursuit of a
wider range of opportunities. Our program
also will improve our space transportation James C. Fletcher
system, bring about far-reaching advance- Administrator
ments in space science, pursue the many National Aeronautics and Space Administration
practical benefits space offers, and build a
technological foundation for the new NASA
goal of extending the human presence be-
i yond Earth orbit.

U.S. competitiveness is a subject

that is getting a great deal
of attention from our na-
tional leadership. America's ability to com-
pete effectively in the international market-
The Congress has charged NASA with the
task of stimulating the widest possible use of
this valuable resource in the national interest.
NASA seeks to meet that responsibility
through its Technology Utilization Program,
place is central to our current and future whose aim is to broaden and accelerate the
national economy. The key to competitive- technology transfer process and to gain
ness is technology, which-by one dehi- thereby a substantial dividend on the na-
tion-is "that body of knowledge and a- tional investment in aerospace research in the
pability required to bring a product to the form of new products, new businesses and
marketplace." new jobs. The p r o m is designed to serve
The U.S. long dominated world technol- as a channel linking NASA technology
ogy but in recent years we have been strongly with those who might be able to apply it
challenged by foreign nations, who have in- productively.
vested in years of intense research and devel- This publication is intended to heighten
opment to upgrade their own technological awareness among potential users of the
capabilities. Our response, if we are to main- technology available for transfer and the
tain competitiveness, must be to continue economic and social benefit that might be
development and application of advanced realized by secondary applications.
technology to create superior products and Spinoff 1988 is organized in three sections:
services for the world market. Section 1 outlines NASA's mainline effort,
NASA research programs, therefore, are the major programs that generate new tech-
doubly important. nology and therefore replenish and expand
First, they represent a leading source of the bank of knowledge available for transfer.
new technology, because aerospace programs Section 2, the main feature of this vol-
are, by their challenging nature, extraordi- ume, contains a representative sampling of
narily demanding of technological input and spinoff products that resulted from secondary
the innovations they generate are exception- application of technology originally devel-
ally diverse. Because it is readily transferable, oped to meet mainline goals.
the technology being developed today pro- Section 3 describes the various mecha-
vides a wellspring of know-how for new nisms NASA employs to stimulate technol-
applications tomorrow. ogy transfer and lists, in an appendix, contact
Secondly, NASA programs of the past sources for further information about the
three decades have created a vast storehouse Technology Utilization Program.
of already-developed technology that is avail-
able now for use by industry in aeating
new products and processes. It is a natural
resource that can be put to work to enhance
national productivity and competitiveness.
Its importance is underlined by the fact that
more than 30,000 secondary applications +

/,am= T. Rose
of this technology-spinoffs-have emerged
to the benefit of the nation's lifestyle and Assistant Administrator for Cmmrcial Programs
economy. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Aerospace Aims

Space Operations: The Next Decade 8

Flight Plan for Tomorrow 20
Exploring the Cosmos 30
Commercial Use of Space 42

Technology Twice Used

spin off^ in:
Health and Medicine
Public Safety
Manufacturing Technology

Technology Utilization
Recycling Technology
Aerospace Aims

An illustrated summary of NASA's major

aeronautical and space programs, their
goals and directions, their contributions
to American scientific and technological
growth, and their potential for practical
benefits in new products and processes
Space Operations: The Next Decade
NASA's "new beginning"
agenda features 0 n February 11, 1988, President Rea-
gan announced a revised national pol-
icy to guide U.S. space activities into
the 2 1st century. Its three major components
Atlantis, and Columbia have undergone, or
are undergoing, some 30 modifications-for
example, changes in the Orbiter's main en-
gines, attitude control engines, landing gear,
brakes, ancillary power units and the critical
development of the Space
Establishing a long range goal to expand thermal protection system, plus the addition
Station Freedom in human presence and activity beyond Earth of a aew escape system. Shuttle flight rate
orbit; will build up gradually, from 7-8 missions in
international partnership Creating opportunities for U.S. commerce 1989, to 10 in 1990, to better than one a
in space; and month when the as yet unnamed fourth Or-
and steps toward expanding Continuing the national commitment to a biter joins the fleet in 1992.
permanently manned Space Station. The new directive to plan for human
human presence beyond As Space Shuttle operations resume and space activities beyond Earth orbit will in-
NASA commences its fourth decade of space volve earlier consideration of design factors
Earth orbital space research and technology development, these related to use of the Space Station as a stag-
aims-along with a vigorous space science ing base for exploration of the solar system.
effort-constitute the framework of NASA's It does not change the immediate focus of
space program for the remaining years of the the program: to establish a permanently
20th century. manned research complex in low Earth orbit,
The Space Shuttle begins life anew a a facility for scientific observation of Earth
much improved system whose role in space and the cosmos; for development of new
operations will undergo a change of empha- technologies; and for research in life sciences
sis. For its first 24 flights, the Shuttle was and materials processing under conditions of
largely a payload delivery system. It will near-zero gravity; and for realization of the
continue to deliver free-flying payloads and commercial potential of space.
the Spacelab orbiting workshop, but much A new and important activity beginning
of the commercial workload will be trans- in Fiscal Year 1989 is Project Pathfinder, es-
ferred to expendable launch vehicles. tablished by a Presidential directive that
Planned Shuttle operations will take accompanied the space policy declaration.
greater advantage of the system's versatility Amplified in later pages of this chapter,
in such missions as retrieval of orbiting Pathfinder is a research and technology
spaceaafi for repair, refurbishment and re- development effort intended to "provide a
use; on-orbit servicing of long duration satel- base for wise decisions on long term goals
lites and observatories such as the Hubble and missions," such as the widely discussed
Space Telescope; serving as an orbital plat- lunar outpost and manned expedition to
form for investigations where human direc- Mars.A
tion of the research is essential or benefi&,
and conducting tests and evaluations of
Space Station-related technologies. In the
mid-19901s,it will become a combined de-
livery vehicle and construction base for as-
sembly of the U.S./intemational Space Sta-
tion Freedom and the station's link with
Earth for resupply and aew rotation.
The Shuttle reenters service a changed
system. In addition to the redesigned Solid
Rocket Boosters, Shuttle Orbiters Dkcwety,

8 Space 0pcraton.c The New Decade

Symbol of a new begirlning: The
Orbiter Discovery being rolled to
the launch pad for Space Shuttle
flight STS-26.

The crew of STS-26: mission

commander Frederick H. (Rick)
Hauck (right front); pilot Richard
0. Covey (left front); standing,
left to right, mission specialists

I David C. Hilrners. Georae D.

(Pinky) Nelson and ~ o h nM.
(Mike) Lounge.

Space Operationc The New Decade 9

Space Suit

hen the Space Sta- possible. Its ZPS Mark 3

tion Freedom be- suit has both hard and soft
comes operational, elements.
extravehicular activity (EVA) The "ZPS" stands for
is expected to become almost "zero prebreathing suit."
routine and on each EVA as- Both suits are designed to
tronauts will work outside eliminate the existing re-
the station for long periods. quirement, for Shuttle-based
To provide astronaut protec- EVA, that astronauts
tion from radiation, prebreathe pure oxygen to
miaometeoroids and space eliminate nitrogen from
debris yet allow adequate body tissues before begin-
mobility and range of mo- ning EVA. Both suits, there-
tion for the wide variety of fore, are designed to operate
EVA tasks anticipated, at substantially higher pres-

, NASA is developing an ad-

vanced space suit intended
for EVA periods up to eight
sures than the Shuttle suit,
which necessitates use of
some hard parts. Both suits

are intended to provide
In January 1988, NASA greater mobility than the
began evaluating two experi- Shuttle suit offers with more
mental prototypes of EVA comfort, despite the design
suits being developed by constraints imposed by the
Ames Research Center and higher pressure. NASA will
Johnson Space Center, each select one suit or the other,
employing a different design or possibly a new hybrid de-
approach. sign that combines features
Shown undergoing test in of both, as the standard suit
a water tank is Ames' X-5, for Space Station or Space
I worn by space suit designer Shuttle EVA in the 1990s. A
Herbert C. "Vic" Vykukal
of the center's Aerospace
Human Factors Research Di-
vision. The AX-5 is an "all-
hard" suit, made of alumi-
num and stainless steel with
no "soft" (fabric) parts.
Miao Craft, Inc. is Ames'
principal contractor.
Johnson Space Center
USC) is taking a design ap-
proach based on the philoso-
phy that soft parts enhance
wearer comfort and should
be employed to the extent

10 Space Operations: The New Decade

Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle

T he artist's concept
shows a Shuttle de-
ployed Orbital Maneu-
vering Vehicle ( O W ) re-
trieving an orbiting payload
The reusable OMV is a
space tug intended to extend
the reach of the Shuttle Or-
biter by moving satellites
and other objects to and
Remotely-controlled by
ground-based astronauts em-
ploying television and other
sensors to guide its move-
ments, the OMV can handle
tem can be configured to
perform a wide variety of
space tasks.
No provision has been
made for basing an O W at
for return to the Shuttle Or- from altitudes beyond the routine on-orbit servicing, the initial baseline Space Sta-
biter. The next planned ad- Orbiter's normal operating maintenance or payload tion, but the OMV could
dition to the space Transpor- area of 150-300 miles above changeout, and can be useful evolve later into a station ad-
tation System, the OMV is Earth's surface. It can, for as a "Shuttle associate" in junct, performing such tasks
being developed by TRW example, propel a payload as construction of large space as deployment of station-
Inc.; Marshall Space Flight far as 1,200 miles after structures. By use of modifi- assembled satellites or po-
Center is project manager. deployment from the cation kits, the versatile sys- sitioning Shuttle-delivered
Orbiter--or it can retrieve a resupply modules. The sys-
payload, deliver it to the Or- tem is targeted for service in
biter for repair, then return 1993. r
it to its operational orbit.

Space Operations: The New Decade I I

Space Station

T he Space Station pro-

gram moved ahead in
the summer of 1988
as NASA completed negotia-
tions with its international
and three laboratory modules
to be provided by the U.S.,
ESA and Japan.
Linking the modules are
pressurized "resource nodes,"
have 3 1,000 cubic feet of
pressurized volume. The sta-
tion design also includes pro-
visions for mounting major
experiments externally on the
ety of instruments for Earth
biological, geological and
oceanographic observations,
atmosphere monitoring,
observation of the Sun
parmers-Canada, the Euro- which contain equipment to horizontal truss. and plasma physics
pean space Agency (=A) expand the available work- Additional experiments measurements.
and Japan-and cleared the ing/living space. With the will be accommodated by Designed to be serviced in
way for formal signing of modules and nodes, the unmanned platforms operat- orbit, it is being developed,
agreements in the fall. baseline Space Station will ing separately from the under Goddard Space Flight
Shown above is the base- manned base in polar orbit, Center management, by GE
line Space Station with its one to be built by the U.S.,
four solar power modules at the other by ESA. The U.S.
the ends of a 445-foot-long platform is shown at top
truss. In the center of the right; an important element
auss are the pressurized liv- of NASA's earth observation
ing and working areas, a program, it will carry a vari-
U.S.-built habitation module

12 Space Operatiom The New Decade

Under Work Package
One, managed by Marshall
Space Flight Center, k i n g
Aerospace Company will

k- %,
. . ..., '
,' .

, . . .
. . provide the U.S. laboratory
and habitation modules, lo-
gistics elements, resource
node structures, airlock sys-
tems, the environmental con-
trol and life support system,
audio and video systems,
and associated software.
Work Package Two,
managed by Johnson Space
Center, is being performed
by a team headed by Mc-
Domell Douglas Astronau-
tics Company. It embraces
the auss structure, the MSS
transporter, airlocks, outfit-
ting of the resource nodes,
hardware and software for
the data management sys-
tem, the communications
and tracking system, the
guidance, navigation and
control system, EVA sys-
tems, the propulsion system,
Astro-Space Division with loah and assist in servicing In addition to the GE/ the thermal control system
assistance h m team mem- .-s TRW contracts described, and amdated software.
ber TRW Inc. The GE/ Another major component which are part of Work Rocketdyne Division of
TRW team is also responsi- of the Space Station is the Package Three, NASA Rockwell International Cor-
ble for integration into the Mobile Servicing System awarded letter contracts in poration is handling Work
Space Station of the Fhght (MSS) being developed by December 1987 to three Package Four under the
Telerobotic Servicer, a multi- the Canadian government. other major contractors, each management of Lewis
armed robot that will help Shown above, the robotic of which is supported Research Center. The
astronauts assemble the MSS operates h m the hori- by a number of team Rocketdyne team will pro-
Space Station (above), later zontal truss,positioned by a subcontractors. vide the complete power sys-
help maintain attached pay- U.S.-provided mobile trans- tem and associated software,
porter, performing assembly, including power generation,
maintenance and servicing storage, management and
tasks. In the concept shown, distribution of electric
the MSS manipulator arm is power. Rocketdyne will also
addug an experiment mod- provide the electric power
ule to a auss-attached pay- system for the U.S. polar
load. orbiting platform.

Space Operationc Tbt New Decade 13

Space Station (Continued)

The schedule for develop-

ment and assembly of the
Space Station Freedom is de-
pendent upon funding levels,
which had not been finally
determined at publication
time. A tentative schedule,
based on the Administra-
tion's budget plan, calls for
the first launch of the assem-
bly series in March 1995,
when the Space Shuttle will
deliver to an orbit 250 miles
high an initial group of
components for assembly in
Over the following three
years, there will be 19 addi-
tional flights, 12 of them for
delivery of manned base seg-
ments, six for logistics and
outfitting. The other flight,
planned for late 1995, will
deploy the U.S. polar orbit- ity for man-tended opera-
ing platform. tions. Permanent occupancy
There will also be two will begin with the 1lth
flights of the European flight late in 1996.
Ariane launch vehide, one in The manned base of the
1997 to deploy the ESA po- Space Station Freedom in-
lar platform, the other at the dudes the four pressurized
tail end of the assembly se- modules, three of them lab-
quence to deploy the ESA oratories. The U.S. labora-
Man Tended Free Flyer, a tory module is a cylinder 45
miaogravity experiment fa- feet long and 14 feet in di-
cility that will operate in an ameter. It will be pressur-
orbit compatible with that ized-as will the other hu-
of Freedom. man habitable modules-to
With delivery of the U.S. Earth sea level equivalent
laboratory module on the pressure.
fourth flight in late 1995, At top is a Boeing Hunts-
Freedom will have a capabil- ville concept of the U.S. lab
module. The astronaut in
left photo is working in a
commercial processing area
that can be dosed off to pro-

14 Space Operations: The New Decade

tea proprietary worlc. ihe periment facility for experi- which one astronaut (center the Space Station; a solar dy-
astronauts in the center are ments where unpressurized photo), held in place by re- namic power system to aug-
using a general work station, conditions are preferred or straining straps, sits at a ment the electricity gener-
and at far right an astronaut essential. work station while another ated by the solar power
is entering the module from The U.S.-built habitation prepares a meal in the mod- modules; and additional
a tunnel that connects with module, designed for a max- ule's galley (far left). truss booms to provide ex-
another module and with imum of eight astronauts, Intended to operate for tensive accommodation for
the visiting Shuttle Orbiter. has everything needed for several decades, the Space attached payloads. A
ESA's Columbus labora- long duration occupancy, in- Station can be expanded in
tory is of similar size, with cluding facilities for eating, both size and capability as
an airlock for temporary ex- sleeping, relaxation, medical NASA's o v e d space pro-
posure of experiments to the procedures and work activi- gram evolves. Among major
vacuum of space or for trans- ties. At lefi is a Johnson enhancements envisioned are
fer of equipment to support Space Center USC) full scale a servicing bay for mainte-
external activities. modcup used for habitability nance and repair of un-
Japan's JEM (Japanese studies. Above is a contractor manned satellites; another
Experiment Module) in- concept of the module in free-flying platform like the
cludes a short pressurized polar orbiters, this one op-
segment to which a dome- erating in the same orbit as
shaped experiment logistics
module can be attached, plus
an "outdoors" exposed ex-

Space Operatiow The New Decade 15

Project Pathfinder

he Presidential space Therefore, to lay a foun- ment and build upon the Project Pathfinder is orga-

I policy announced in
February 1988 di-
rected that NASA pursue a
dation for deciding advanced
goals, the President's direc-
tive created Project Path-
ongoing Civil Space Technol-
ogy Initiative (CSTI). Where
CSTI aims to develop tech-
nized around four major
thrusts: Exploration, Transfer
Vehicles, Humans in Space,
long range goal "to establish finder, a major new program nologies related to space op- and Operations. Each thrust
human presence and activity for research and development erations in low Earth orbit, focuses on a set of key tech-
beyond Earth orbit." The di- of "precursor" technologies Pathfinder will concentrate nology elements to support
rective recognized, however, that will enable a wide range on emerging, innovative critical mission capabilities.
that an immediate decision of manned and unmanned technologies that would Examples of the Explora-
on speufic goal, or set of missions beyond Earth orbit. make possible such lunar/in- tion thrust include develop-
goals, would be premature; Pathfinder will comple- terplanetary missions and ad- ment of the technologies
intelligent goal selection vanced robotic exploration of needed for automated or as-
among the alternatives being the solar system, a human-
considered demands a smffed outpost on the Moon,
broader science and technol- or a manned expedition to
ogy base. Mars.

16 Space Operatiom The New Decade

tronaut-driven roving vehi- for transfer between different "aerobraking," in which the
cles that could operate on Earth orbits, for example, atmospheres of Earth or
Mars or Earth's Moon; movement of people or cargo other solar system bodies are
readily assembled surface between low Earth orbit and employed to decelerate a
power systems to support geosynchronous orbit. spacecraft in order to a&
manned exploration of Mars Among examples of pro- the requisite velocity for or-
or the Moon (left); and gram elements are investiga- biting the body. Above is
technologies for acquiring, tion of both chemical and an artist's concept of an elec-
analyzing and preserving sur- electrical propulsion systems trically-propelled cargo vehi-
face and subsurface samples and the technique of cle for use in supporting a
from the moon. manned Mars mission or
The Transfer Vehicle robotic exploration of the
thrust will provide the tech- outer planets.
nologies for transportation to (Continued)
and from the Moon, Mars
and the other planets, and

Space Operationc The New Decade 17

Project Pathfinder (continued) r - w m

embraces several program el-

ements: among them auton-
omous rende&ous and dock-
ing for non-piloted space
systems; technologies for a
pilot plant capable of pro-
cessing resources on the
Moon or Mars, for example,
exaacting oxygen for life
support &om locally available
materials, cryogenic fluid de-
pot technologies to enable
development of efficient sys-
tems for servicing many
types of space vehicles in
rniaogravity; space nudear
power for selected Earth or-
biting s p a c e d , a lunar
outpost, or a piloted mission
to Mars;and technologies for
robotic assembly and con-
struction of large structures
in space (top).
The technologies to be
developed under Project
Pathfinder are intended to
support a wide variety of po-
tential new NASA missions.
Project Pathfinder's two areas of technology: nologies for dosed-loop life Some possible applications,
Humans in Space thrust has EVA suits (see page 10 ) and support systems, intended to each of which would use a
three major elements. One is portable life support concepts reduce the mass of consum- number of the technologies
directed toward providing a and components. ables required and thus desaibed, are illustrated: at
technology base that will al- Another part of the lower the cost of resupply for left, an advanced Earth-or-
low humans to operate for Humans in Space effort in- extended duration human biting space station; above, a
lengthy periods outside the volves development of tech- space activities. nudear powered lunar out-
protection of their pressur- nologies to help accommo- The fourth Pathfinder post with resource processing
ized habitats. It focuses on date human physiological thrust--Operations- capability; and at right, be-
requirements and adaptive ing readied for launch from
changes during long term an Earth-orbiting space sta-
confinement, exposure to un- tion, a planetary exploration
natural gravitational condi- vehicle that would employ
tions, and unaccustomed risk virtually all of the Pathfinder
and stress. A third aspect of technologies. A
the program deals with tech-

18 Space Operations: The New Decade

Space Operations: The New Decade 19
Flight Plan for Tomorrow
Progress on the National
Aero-Space Plane highlights
- he National Aero-Space Plane (NASP)
program is a joint NASA/Department
of Defense (DoD) effort to develop
and demonstrate the technologies for a revo-
which involves bringing to maturity certain
key technologies, developing a proof-of-con-
cept propulsion module and building the
components necessary for an experimental
selected examples of NASA lutionary class of "transatmospheric" vehicles flight research vehicle. The U.S. Air Force is
that would be capable of airplane-like hori- managing Phase 11; NASA, Air Force and
aeronautical research, which zontal takeoff and landing, flight within the Navy laboratories are supporting the pro-
atmosphere at 4,000-8,000 miles per hour, gram with key technical personnel and
is providing new technology or direct ascent to orbit. facilities.
Among a variety of applications envi- The major portion of the workload falls to
for coming generations of sioned for such craft are rapid response five contractors. In August 1987, contracts
Earth-to-orbit transports or rescue vehicles, for the propulsion module technology devel-
better performing, more long range air defense interceptors and opment portion of the program were
hypersonic passenger transports. awarded to Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell
efficient aircraft. Other benefits expected from the program International Corporation and Pratt & Whit-
are giant step technological advances in aero- ney division of United Technologies Cor-
dynamics, propulsion, materials and struc- poration. They will fabricate engine models
tures, technologies that will help the United and test them at speeds up to Mach 8, the
States maintain preeminence in aeronautics practical limit of wind tunnel testing for
in the face of intense and growing compe- propulsion systems.
tition from abroad. In October 1987, contracts for continuing
In addition, successful demonstration of a airframe technology development were
horizontal takeoff, single stage to orbit vehi- awarded to the Fort Worth (Texas) Division
cle would lead to significant reductions in of General Dynamics Corporation; McDon-
the cost of delivering payloads to orbit, one neu Douglas Corporation's McDomell Air-
of the major inhibitors to progress in space craft Company; and Rodcwell International's
development. Free of the requirement for an North American Aircraft Operations. These
elaborate vertical launch complex, a future contracts call for fabrication and test of se-
aerospace plane could boost payloads into lected airframe components, plus preliminary
space at a fraction of today's costs. design of a NASP experimental vehicle.
The NASP program began in 1984 as a The next major milestone comes in the
Phase 1 design study effort with broad in- latter part of 1990, when NASA and DoD
dustry participation. The concept defined will assess the results of Phase I1 and decide
included a conventional takeoff vehicle, whether to proceed with Phase 111--design,
powered by an airbreathing (rather than construction and test of an X-30 experimen-
rocket) propulsion system, capable of sus- tal vehicle to demonstrate the technologies
tained hypersonic flight and acceleration to throughout the hypersonic cruise/acceleration
Mach 25, the speed necessary to attain orbit. to orbit flight envelope. Flight tests would
Currently under way, Phase I1 of the pro- begin in the mid-1990s.
gram is the technology development phase, NASA's NASP-related work exemplifies
the main thrust of the agency's broad aero-
nautical research program: anticipating the
longer range needs of future flight and devel-
oping applicable technology. Part of this ef-
fort involves research of a general nature
aimed at advancing aerodynamics, propul-
sion, materials and structures, aviation elec-

20 Flight Plan fw T o m m
tronics and knowledge of the human factors jetliners and high performance military An artist's conception of a 21st
in flight operations. The other part embraces air&. century aerospace plane preparing
technology development for improving the Additionally, the aeronautical research to dock at a space station.
performance, efficiency and environmental program includes development of technology
acceptability of specific types of flight vehi- for solution of current and predictable avia-
cles, such as tomorrow's general aviation tion problems. Examples indude curbing air-
planes, rotary wing aircraft, advanced craft fuel consumption, curbing airplane and
helicopter noise, finding ways to alleviate
congestion and a variety of safety-related in-
vestigations, such as anti-icing research, re-
search on fire resistant materials and im-
proved aircraft structures for better passenger
protection. A

Plight Plan for T m m 21

Transportation Research

A t right is an experi-
mental concept in-
stalled in the cockpit
of NASA's Transport Sys-
tems Research Vehide
(TSRV). In this new all-elec
tronic flight deck concept,
virtually all of the traditional
display indicators have been
replaced by advanced indi-
cators such as those shown at
far right; the upper display
shows flight information, the
lower navigation informa-
tion. Electronically generated
displays promise to reduce
clutter, complexity and aew
workload while maintaining
reliability in the transport
cockpit of the funue.
The TSRV is a modified
Boeing 737 jetliner operated
by Langley Research Center 1990s.Color displays, on-
in a cooperative program- board computers and spe-
with the Federal Aviation d y developed software
Administration-that is ex- make it possible to provide
ploring technology for en- more dearly information
hanced air safety and reduc- The ?SRV is a flying lab- to explore innovations in dis- thar, in today's aircraft, is
tion of flight delays. Called oratory, extensively equipped play format and content, and presented only parually or
ATOPS-for Advanced with advanced experimental to evaluate pioneering con- in scattered locations.
Transport Operating Sys- avionics. It has two flight cepts for improved aircraft In addition to the video
tems-the program aims to decks: a conventional for- operations. flight and navigation dis-
provide a technology base for ward deck and a fully opera- On the research flight plays, center panel displays
development of airborne tional research flight deck, deck, information is pre- provide capabilities for mon-
automation aids that com- located in the main cabin aft sented to the crew by eight itoring engine and system
plement advancing ground- of the standird pilots' com- electronic displays represen- status and managing aircraft
based air traffic control con- parunent. From the win- tative of the technology that systems operation. The cen-
cepts for improved safety, dowless aft cockpit, research will be available for new ter panel displays permit re-
communications and trafKc aews fly the airplane by commercial transports of the search on how additional in-
flow. means of computer-driven formation can be displayed
systems and informational to improve air ttaffic control
displays, while pilots on the communications, flight man-
standard flight deck monitor agement options and d c
the flight. The aft flight awareness. A
deck provides the capability

?? Flight Plan fw TMMWU~

Propfan Progress

A t top right is the

Model 578-DX, a
10,000 horsepower
propfan system being jointly
developed by a team headed
different from the cornrner-
cidy developed engines; it is
a tractor-type system rather
than a "pusher," and it has
a single propeller as opposed
by General Motors' Allison to the counter-rotating pro-
Gas Twbine Division and pellers of the 578-DX and
Pratt & Whimey division of GE36. It is a 6,000 horse-
United Technologies. It will power unit developed by a
be evaluated in tests aboard NASA/industry team man-
a McDonnell Douglas aged by Lewis Research Cen-
MD8O twinjet. McDonnell ter. The prime contractor
Douglas, which plans to in- was Lockheed Aeronautical
troduce propfan-powered air- Systems Company-Georgia. interior wall. Between the tunnel testing of model
liners in the early 1990s, has Subcontractors included Alli- outside suucture and interior propfans. By 1980, research
similarly tested another son, which provided the tur- trim, the test section has was sufficiently advanced to
propfan, General Electric bine engine; Hamilton Stan- new acoustic m d e r s and release the technology to en-
Company's GE36 Unducted dard division of United low-frequency sound absorb- gine builders, who subse-
Fan, which was also flown in Technologies, which de- ing materials that provide quently started their own
a Boeing 727 test bed. signed and built the more isolation per pound propfan programs. In 1984,
The 578-DX is an off- propfan;/Rohr Industries, than current sound- Lewis began the PTA
shoot of an experimental engine nacelle. Gulfstream deadening technologies. project. In a cooperative
propfan system developed Aerospace modified the test NASA's propfan research NASA/General Electric pro-
for NASA's Propfan Test airplane and Lockheed Aero- began in 1975 as an effort to gram, the GE36 Unducted
Assessment program, which nautical Systems Company- curb aircraft fuel consump- Fan was extensively ground
involves ground and flight California was responsible for tion by combining the best tested in 1985-86, prior to
tests intended to demon- noise and vibration research. features of the turbofan en- initial flights in 1986. The
strate that new technology PTA flight tests began in gine and advanced propel- ALlison/Pratt & Whimey
"sweptback" propeller March 1987. In addition to lers. Lewis Research Center 578-DX, which employs a
blades, driven by an ad- testing the propulsion sys- and Hamilton Standard ini- Hamilton Standard propfan,
vanced engine, can provide tem, researchers investigated tidy conducted extensive was launched in 1986 and
transport propulsion at in flight a new noise control computer design and wind wind tunnel testing began in
jetliner speeds with fuel sav- concept developed by Lock- 1987. In May 1988, the
ings up to 30 percent. heed-California. Noise from NASA/industry propfan
Tested as the port engine large, uncovered propellers is development team was
of a modified Gulfstream I1 not muffled by a cowling, as awarded the prestigious
business jet (above), the in a conventional jet engine. Collier Trophy for a major
PTA engine is somewhat The challenge is to develop a advance in aeropropulsion
sound insulating cabin wall, technology. A
without paying a significant
weight penalty, so that noise
is no greater than in a
jetliner cabin. In the PTA
airplane, a 10-foot acoustic
treatment test section re-
placed the cabin's regular

Flight Plan for Tomorrozu 23

High Performance Aircraft

A n airplane's angle of
attack is the angle be-
tween the wing and
the air through which it
moves. At high angles of at-
tack, airflow around the air-
craft becomes extremely
complex and accurate in-
formation about such
airflows is scant. Most air-
aafi handle poorly at high
angles of attack, and they
can fall off into dangerous
spins. loan from the Navy to inves- of airtlow at high alpha con- Another major project at
Better understanding of tigate high alpha airflows ditions in addition to instru- Ames-Dryden is flight test-
"high alpha" conditions, as and to test post-stall maneu- ments for collecting basic ing of the X-29 advanced
NASA refers to them, could verability by thrust vector- dam. Smoke generators technology demonstrator
enable prediction of the ing, or deflecting the en- delineate vortex flows, mini- (above right), built by
complex airflow interactions, gine's exhaust. Managed by tornados swirling around Grumman Aerospace Cor-
provide design aiteria to Ames-Dryden, the program parts of the air& that in- poration for a program spon-
prevent spins and related is a cooperative d o r t of aease lift and can potentially sored by the Defense Ad-
crashes, and greatly inaease Ames, Langley and Lewis be used for aircraft control at vanced Research Projects
the maneuverability of high Research Centers. high alpha. Other flow data Agency with NASA and Air
performance jet aircraft. The High Alpha program is gathered by injecting col- Force support.
Those are the aims of a is expected to aeate a data ored dye fluids onto the air The X-29 features a
NASA High Alpha Technol- base and develop methods surfaces. Thrust vector con- unique forward-swept wing,
ogy Program under way at that will permit more &- trol flights are scheduled to
Ames-Dryden Flight Re- cient design of aircraft and begin next year and the pro-
search Facility. The program thereby minimize costly gram is expected to extend
involves use of a specially post-production design fixes. to autumn 1992.
equipped and instrumented The F/A-18 research air-
F/A-18 Hornet (right) on craft is equipped with sys-
tems that allow visualization

24 Flight Plan fw Tomonmu

made of composite materials,
that offers weight reduction
of as much as 20 percent in
comparison with conven-
tional aft-swept wings.
cluded 104 flights at speeds
up to Mach 1.5. In the sec-
ond phase, now under way,
researchers are further inves-
tigating the flight charac-
Among other advanced tech- teristics of the fore-swept
nologies are a digital flight wing and the overall perfor-
control system; flaperons that mance of the wing and ca-
combine the functions of nards. Effects of the X-29's
flaps and ailerons in a single unique configuration as
airfoil; and forward "canard" b d e t , ground effects and
wings whose angles relative structural loads are also be-
to the airflow are adjusted ing studied, as are the air-
40 times a second as a craft's control system and enables the aircraft to fly In Phase I, the MAW sys-
means of improving flight handling qualities. A second with optimum wing curva- tem was operated only in the
efficiency and aircraft agility. X-29 will join the program ture at subsonic, uansonic manual mode, with pre-
The X-29 program is in- late in 1988 for high alpha and supersonic speeds, thus programmed wing curvature
tended to demonstrate that tests of this configuration. offering potential for greater selected by the pilot. For
this combination of technol- Also in second phase sta- tlight efficiency. Phase 11, the computers were
ogies makes it possible to tus, after successful condu- Built by Boeing Military modified to enable auto-
build smaller, lighter and sion of a 26-fight first Airplane Company, the matic adjustment of wing
more efficient aircraft with- phase, is the NASA/Air AFTI F- 111 MAW system curvature. Phase I1 involves
out sacrificing performance. Force Mission Adaptive changes its shape by means completion of manual mode
The X-29 completed the Wing (MAW) research air- of computer-controlled hy- tests and evaluation of auto-
first phase of its test pro- craft, also known as the Ad- draulic actuators that move a matic MAW operation.
gram in mid-1987; it in- vanced Fighter Technology series of smooth-surfaced Computer programs direct
Integration (AFTI) F- 111 flaps on the wing's leading the system to adjust for opti-
(right). The MAW project and trailing edges. This is mum wing performance
involves investigation of mil- more efficient aerodynami- based on pilot inputs and
itary potential for the vari- cally than the "broken" sur- other flight conditions. A
able camber wing, one face leading and trailing
whose camber-the fore to edge flaps of all modem mil-
aft curve of the airfoil-can itary and commercial aircraft.
be changed in flight. This

Flight Plan fw Tornorrou, 25

Integrated Controls

P erformance advances
envisioned for fighter
aircraft of the 1990s
could require costly develop-
ment of new engines. But a
new NASA-developed en-
gine control system offers a
possible alternative: squeez-
ing unused power out of ex-
isting jet engines to gain ma-
jor thrust and fuel economy
Using new engine/flight
control integration technol-
ogy, researchers at NASA's
Ames-Dryden Flight Re-
search Facility are demon-
strating inaeased thrust of
10 percent and more in an
F- 15 research air& (right).
Flight tests have also shown HIDEC gets increased about 12 percent, for a sub- mands are then made to the
that fuel savings of five to performance by trading un- stantial gain in usable power. digital engine control system,
seven percent may be needed engine stall margin Flight condition information, which adjusts the engine
achieved in lieu of higher (the amount of engine op- such as attitudes, rates and nozzle to provide the correct
thrust. This inaeased perfor- erating pressure for addi- pilot commands, are pro- operating pressure.
mance has been attained tional thrust reduction re- vided to the HIDEC and The Ames-Dryden F-15
with only one of the F- 15's quired to avoid stall at any analyzed. In addition, has one standard F-100 en-
two engines fitted with the given instant). A typical jet HIDEC anticipates flight gine plus a Pratt & Whimey
new control system. engine stall margin is 25 conditions in advance to 1128 research engine with
The research effort is percent, because designers select the minimal margin the digital electronic controls.
known as the Highly Inte- have to allow for the worst required for that instant of In addition, the F- 15 has a
grated Digital Electronic combination of flight condi- flight. The appropriate com- digital electronic flight con-
Control (HIDEC) program, tions the airaafi may en- trol system. The flight test
a cooperative program in- counter. That 25 percent program has been under way
volving NASA, the Air margin can reduce the en- since June 1986. A
Force, F- 15 builder McDon- gine's usable power by about
n d Douglas Corporation 15 percent.
and engine builder Pratt & The HIDEC system, in
Whitney division of United which engine and flight con-
Technologies Corporation. trol systems communicate
with each other, allows the
engine to adjust itself to the
minimal stall margin for any
flight condition, down to

26 Fligbt Plan fw Tomwmw

Computer Design

I n aeronautics, researchers
create mathematical
models of flight vehicles
and "fly" them by computer
simulation, thus allowing
study of many Werent con-
figurations before settling on
a final design. Called com-
putational simulation, this
technique has expanded
enormously in recent years to
embrace calculation and vi-
sual imagery of many types
of forces acting upon flight
vehicles, including phenom-
ena that cannot be realisti-
cally simulated in a wind
The world's most ad-
vanced computational sys-
tem, now operational, is solution of many previously vanced pathfinder in near term goal for the early
NASA's Numerical Aerody- intractable problems and supercomputing for govern- 1990s is a NAS memory of
namic Simulation (NAS) make possible many of the ment, industry and universi- one billion words and com-
facility. Located at Ames calculations required to de- ties. Since 1986, when the puter power for four billion
Research Center, it is a velop advanced air& with facility went into limited op- calculations a second. The
supercomputer system being greater accuracy and reliabil- eration with a capability of long term goal of 10 billion
developed in building block ity. NAS will not only im- 250 million calculations a calculations a second is tar-
fashion toward an eventual prove the design process, second, the NAS computa- geted for the late 1990s.
capability of 10 billion cal- providing costs savings and tional capability has been Such computational capabil-
culations a second. aircraft performance gains, it boosted fourfold, to one bil- ity will not only provide
NAS is an evolutionary will also reduce the long and lion calculations a second. A enormous impetus to aero-
effort to permit realization of expensive wind tunnel and space research and develop-
a major goal of aeronautical flight testing essential to fi- ment, it will also permit ma-
science: the ability to simu- nal validation of a design. jor advances in other areas,
late routinely the complex The key to attainment of such as non-aerospace
three-dimensional airflow that goal is far greater com- structural design, materials
around a complete airplane puter capability than has research, chemistry and
and its propulsion system. been available. NASA is in- weather research. A
Such a capability will allow corporating the latest
supercomputing technology
as it becomes available, so
that NAS serves as an ad-

Flagbt Plan for T o m m 27

Icing Research

T oday's commercial air-

craft are adequately
protected against such
hazards of ice formation as
reduced lift, increased drag,
weight and power than con-
temporary systems. Another
is simply to learn more
about icing-how ice forms
under different environmen-
stall, engine power loss or tal conditions, how it
otha problems. But the changes the aerodynamics of
need for aircraft icing re- an aircraft, generally how it
search has not abated. In influences fhght.
fact, it has inaeased in re- Lewis conducts laboratory
cent years for a variety of and flight investigations of a
reasons. generic nature toward im-
For example, bleeding hot proved understanding of
air from a jetliner's engine icing physics that will enable
and routing it to airplane better prediction of ice acae-
surfaces is a highly effective tion. The center also investi-
way of controlling icing, but gates speufic problem areas
it can be costly when fuel and experimental systems,
prices go up and a less ex- looking for ways to prevent
pensive approach is an at- ice from forming, ways of re-
tractive research goal. Heli- moving it, or both. Among
copters are finding greater types of ice protection sys-
use in both military and civil tems being investigated are
aviation and they exhibit electrothermal (heat applica-
unique icing problems. Simi-
larly, advanced military air-
craft require new ice protec-
tion concepts compatible
with their unique designs.
And there is special need for component's freezing point.
reasonably priced ice protec- For this work, Lewis has
tion systems for general available a historic facility
aviation air&.
Thus, NASA conducts a
continuing program of anti-
icing research with its focal
point at Lewis Research Cen-
ter. One aim is development
of technology for ice protec-
tion systems that are more
effective yet require less

28 Flight Plan fw Tomormu,

that played a major role in
anti-icing advances of the
past four decades-the Icing
Research Tunnel (IRT),
which has been formally des-
ignated an International His-
torical Mechanical Engineer-
ing Landmark by the
American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers. First op-
erated in 1944, the IRT un-
derwent a major renovation
in 1986 to expand its ca-
pabilities and enable it to
cope with a substantially in-
creased workload. It is ex-
periencing heavy demand
from government and indus-
try organizations seeking
solutions to modern icing
At upper left is the IRT's
4,160 horsepower fan drive
system capable of generating
simulated airspeeds up to
300 miles per hour while a
2,000-ton cooler lowers the
temperature as far as 30 de-
grees below zero Fahrenheit.
At left is the tunnel's icing
spray system. At right above,
a Lewis engineer is examin-
ing the mil of a general avia-
tion airplane after an IRT
test of glaze ice accumula-
tion. Right, a researcher is
inspecting ice buildup on the
foreign object deflator screen
of the engine of a Boeing
CH-47 military helicopter. A

Flight Plan for Tmonmu 29

Exploring the Cosmos
A new NASA strategic plan
for space science promises
? y the dawn of the 2 1st century, ad-
vances in U.S. space science will bring
* about far deeper understanding of the
enhance man's capability to predict the
behavior of the star that is central to the
destiny of the solar system and humanity.
Earth we inhabit, the solar system and the These are a few of many exciting views of
dramatic expansion of universe, an expansion of knowledge as revo- tomorrow offered in "a dear vision of a de-
lutionary as that which occurred when the sired future" advanced by NASA's Office of
man's knowledge about 16th century astronomer Copernicus showed Space Science and Applications (OSSA) in its
that Earth was not the center of the universe. Strategic Plan 1988. OSSA proposes a broad
Earth and its place in Our way of thinking about Earth's and scientific research and applications program
man's uniqueness in the universe will designed to maintain U.S. leadership in
the universe. change; we will have good estimates of how space, reaffirmed as a fundamental objective
many stars have planets and we will have in the revised 1988 National Space Policy
images of at least one planet beyond the solar directive.
system. The question of whether the universe The science program is based on assump-
is expanding indefinitely or whether it will at tions that NASA's overall space plan will
some future time begin to contract may have proceed generally as envisioned, that the
been answered. Robotic spacecraft will have NASA budget will continue to grow to ac-
examined all the planets and moons of our commodate expanded aims, and that space
solar system except Pluto and its satellite science will be allocated a proportion of the
Charon. Our own Moon will have been stud- overall budget consistent with historical lev-
ied in greater detail and its surface mineral els. However, the strategy calls for a flexible
and element composition determined. Mars process that allows adjustment to varying
will similarly undergo dose scrutiny as a budget levels.
preliminary to developing plans for a human Strategic Plan 1988 retains the traditional
expedition to the Red Planet. focus of space science activity-advancing
We will have peered into the early history scientific knowledge of Earth, the solar sys-
of the solar system through space-based tem and the universe-and additionally sup-
supertelescopes and through study at dose ports NASA's new goal of expanding human
range of the most primitive, unaltered bod- presence beyond Earth by providing the sci-
ies-comets and asteroids. We will have a entific research foundation essential to plan
spacecraft orbiting Saturn and it will have major humans-in-space initiatives.
dispatched a probe into the thick, murky As in the past, space science goals will be
atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, whose pursued through an integrated program of
evolution may hold dues to the appearance ground-based laboratory research; suborbital
of life on Earth. From an intense, multiyear flight of instruments carried by aircraft, bal-
study of Earth by a great variety of space- loons and sounding rockets; orbital flight of
based instruments, we will have enormously instruments aboard the Space Station, the
advanced our understanding of the Earth sys- Space Shuttle and its Spacelab component,
tem on a global scale. And, at century's end, and on commercially developed facilities;
a probe from Earth will be speeding toward and by flight operations of automated Earth
the unexplored region dose to the Sun, to orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft.
Pursuit of space leadership is best served
by "major" missions that provide quantum
leaps in scientific/technological advancement.
When available resources do not permit a
major program, NASA will pursue a scaled

30 Exploring the Cosmos

down "moderate" mission that will still offer
significant advancement and visibility. The
plan proposes initiation of at least one major
or moderate mission a year.
But "small'* missions are also viml to the
program, because they can be accomplished
relatively inexpensively, allow quicker consid-
eration of more innovative ideas, and they
can be conducted on a short time scale, offer-
ing fast nunaround and continuing opportu-
nity. The plan contemplates start of a small
mission every year, in conjunction with a
major or moderate mission.
The strategic plan is subdivided into seven
divisions, including astrophysics, the study of I
distant stars and galaxles toward an under-
standing of the origin and fkte of the uni-
verse; solar system exploration, investigation
of the planets, moons, comets and other bod-
ies of the solar system; and space physics,
which involves investigations of the origin,
evolution and interactions of plasma
(ionized gases) originating in the solar system

and beyond.
A subdivision that will get considerable
research emphasis is Earth science and appli-
cations, which seeks understanding of the
factors that influence Earth's environment
Encased in thermal insulation to
and use of the knowledge gained to benefit
keep temperatures of the space-
humanity. A related applications area is craft structure even, the Hubble
development of communications and Space Telescope is shown being
information systems technology to meet the moved to a thermal vacuum
futureneeds of government and the satellite chamber for an April 1988 envi-
communications industry, ronmental test. One of the key-
The other two subdivisions are stone elements of NASA's space
microgravity science and applications (see
page 46) and life sciences. The latter is
- science strategic plan for the re-
mainder of the century, the tele-
aimed at understanding the origin and scope is shown at left as it will
distribution of life in the universe and at look in orbit after its 1989 launch.
uthing the space environment to improve
knowledge in medicine and biology, with
special emphasis on assuring that humans
can perform safely and &ectively in space.

Exploring the Cosmos 31

Exploring the C O S ~ O(Contiwed)

Scheduled for October Shuttle launch is

Galileo, intended to probe Jupiter in the
most comprehensive investigation yet con-
ducted of a planet other than Earth. And in
November the Shuttle will carry aloft a new
astronomical system called the Asuo Obser-
vatory, designed for ultraviolet and x-ray im-
aging of the universe.
During 1989, development will continue
on a number of missions planned for launch
from 1990 through 1993. Among them are
the Gamma Ray Observatory, second--after
the Hubble Space Telescope-of the Great
Observatories; the Ulysses solar polar mis-
sion; the Wind, Polar and Geotail satellites
of the international cooperative Global Geo-
science Program; and the Mars Observer,
which will conduct a long term investigation
of the Red Planet. NASA also plans to start
work in 1989 on the third of the Great Ob-

servatories, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics
The Cosmic Background Explorer The year 1989 promises to be a year of Facility.
will study the radiation emitted by unparalleled space science activity, with Additionally, 1989 activity will include
celestial objects seeking clues as scheduled launches of five major new pro- development-for operation in 1990-
to the earliest beginning and struc- p~, the A~~~~~arrival of the Vower 1993--a series of experiment packages to be
tures of the universe. 2 spacecraft at distant Neptune, one of two flown in the Shuttle-based Spacelab system;
as yet unexplored planets. they include several life science missions, two
Targeted for February launch by an ex- rniaogravity research laboratories, several
pendable launch vehicle is the Cosmic Back- atmospheric science laboratories, two
ground Explorer, a two-and-a-half ton obser- astronomy laboratories and two space radar
vatory designed expressly to investigate laboratories.
the Big Bang theory of the origin of the ALL of the major projects in the 1989 on-
universe. going program will have been launched by
In April, the Space Shuttle will dispatch 1993. Since it takes about six years to de-
the Magellan s p a c d toward Venus to velop a new major flight project, it will be
map the neighbor planet with unprecedented necessary, during 1990-1994, to select and
precision. In June, the Shuttle is expected to initiate the successors to the ongoing pro-
deliver to orbit the Hubble Space Telescope, gram. The suategic plan contemplates these
widely considered to be the most important major missions:
scientific instrument ever designed for use in The Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby, a
space. closeup look at an asteroid followed by a
multiyear rendezvous with a comet.
Cassini, a comprehensive investigation of
Saturn, its major moon Titan, its rings and
other moons.

32 Exploring the Cannos

One of two planetary missions
planned for launch in 1989,
Galileo is a two-element space-
craft that includes a Jupiter-orbit-
ing observatory and a probe that
will descend into the Jovian

The Earth Observing System, centerpiece The High Resolution Solar Observatory, a The Shuttle-based Astro Observa-
of a long term integrated study of Planet platform for studying in visible light the tory, scheduled for first service
Earth and global change. fundamental processes of the Sun's surface late in 1989, will view the sky in
The Space Infmed Telescope Facility, atmosphere. ultraviolet light not visible on Earth
fourth and last of the Great Observatories. The Lunar Observer, a long duration and provide high-resolution x-ray
The Solar Probe, man's 6rst direct explor- mapping mission to measure the Moon's views of a recently-discovered
atory venture to the vicinity of the Sun. supernova.
surface composition and to assess its
Gravity Probe-B, which will test Einstein's
theory of general relativity.
These programs are amplified on the
following pages. A
Solar System Exploration

I n August 1989, the Managed by Jet Propul- human endeavors in space; Venus, two neighbor planets
Voyager 2 s p a d will sion Laboratory UPL), the this aspect of the program similar in many respects that
make a close encounter Voyager project exemplifies involves s w e y of near-Earth have evolved in strikingly
with the planet Neptune, NASA's solar system ex- resources, characterization of different fashion. Using an
reaching its closest point on ploration program, aimed at planetary sutfaces and a advanced system called a
August 25 (below), when understandmg how the solar search for life on other synthetic apermre radar, Ma-
Earth and Neptune will be system and its objects planets. gellan will map more than
separated by 2.8 billion formed, evolved and-in at NASA's planetary 90 percent of Venus' surface
miles. Already a veteran of least one instance-produced exploration d o r t is built with resolutions 10 times
hlghly successful imaging en- an environment capable of around the recommendations better than the best obtained
counters with Jupiter, Saturn sustaining life. The program of the govemment/indus~ry/ by prior s p a c e d . Magellan
and Uranus, Voyager 2 will also seeks greater knowledge universities Solar System Ex- is managed by JPL; Martin
be more than 12 years out of of Earth through "compara- ploration Committee (SSEC), Marietta is developing the
home port Earth. The im- tive planetology,," the science formed in 1980 to develop a spacecraft and Hughes Air-
ages it returns will provide of relating phenomena on long range program. Stress- aaft the advanced imaging
man's first real look at Nep- one planet to conditions on ing cost effectiveness and use radar.
tune, because the planet is another and learning why of existing technology to the On the currently planned
not visible to the unaided the planets are so different extent possible, SSEC's Core schedule, October 1989 will
eye and even to large from each other. An ancillary Program recommended a see the second planetary mis-
telescopes it shows up as a goal of the program is to es- continuing series of modest sion of the year-Galileo, a
small, greenish disc in which tablish a scientific/technid Planetary Observer missions long term Jupiter-orbiting
no sutfxe detail is visible. base for undertaking major to explore the inner planets observatory that will also
and near-Earth asteroids, carry a probe to investigate
using reconfigured "off-the- Jupiter's aunosphere. Deliv-
shelf" Earth orbital space- ered to Earth orbit by the
d.Additionally, SSEC Space Shuttle, Galileo will
recommended a comple- be boosted into a trajectory
mentary series to explore the that will take it six years to
outer planets, comets and as- reach Jupiter. As it ap-
teroids, these missions would proaches the giant planet in
employ a common, basic mid- 1995, Galileo will re-
Mariner Mark I1 spacecraft lease the probe to descend by
with evolving technological parachute into the Jovian at-
capabilities for a variety of mosphere. The main space-
exploratory assignments. craft will swing into orbit
In April 1989, NASA around Jupiter, in dect be-
will launch the h t planetary coming a man-made moon,
mission since Voyagers 1 transmitting-for at least
and 2 departed Earth in two years-high quality im-
1977. Called Magellan, it ages and instrument data
will orbit Venus and image
in never-before-seen high
resolution views of the sur-
face of the cloud-shrouded
planet for continuing com-
parative studies of Earth and

34 Exploring the C0rm0~

topography and magnetic/ (above) followed by a
gravitational fields. In addi- multiyear rendezvous and
tion to acquiring a wealth of doseup study of a comet's
scientific information, the nudeus, dust and auno-
Lunar Observer will contrib- sphere.
ute to NASA's goal of pre- The second mission
paring the way for a possible planned for the Mariner
human outpost on the Moon. Mark I1 series is Cassini, a
from many different vantage and climatology. JPL man- NASA hopes to inaugu- comprehensive scientific
points. Galileo is a cooper- ages the program; General rate the Mariner Mark I1 se- examination of Saturn, in-
ative program with the Fed- Electric's Astro-Space Divi- ries in the 1990s with the duding probe study of the
eral Republic of Germany. sion is developing the Comet Rendezvous Asteroid surface and atmosphere of
JPL is project manager and spacecraft. Flyby (CRAF). Comets and Titan, Saturn's principal
builder of the main space- The second planned (but asteroids have never been moon.
d; Ames Research Center not yet authorized) Planetary observed at dose range. Be- In addition to these flight
has responsibility for the en- Observer is the Lunar Ob- cause they are small and programs, the solar system
uy probe, which was built server, one of the highest "cold" bodies, comets and exploration plan indudes
by Hughes Air& and priorities in the space science asteroids did not evolve as development of new Earth-
General Electric Company. strategic plan. The Lunar did the major bodies of the orbiting satellites for inter-
A third authorized plane- Observer is intended to con- solar system, thus they planetary research, use of the
tary mission is the Mars Ob- duct a one-year, polar orbit remain largely unchanged Hubble Space Telescope, and
server (above), first of the mapping mission, measure from their formation four interplanetary research pay-
Planetary Observer series. the Moon's mineral and ele- and a half billion years ago loads attached to the s a c -
Slated for 1992 launch, the mental composition, assess and investigation of their m e of the Space Station. A
spacecraft will operate as a its resources, measure surface chemical and elemental com-
Martian moon, providing re- position offers an opportu-
motely sensed data of the nity to observe material as it
planet's surface with the existed when the solar sys-
highest resolution yet at- tem was born. The CRAF
tained and reporting data in plan envisions a dose flyby
two general areas: geoscience of a main belt asteroid

Exploring the Co~mos 35

Astronomy and Astrophysics

I n 1989, the Space Shuttle

will deliver to low
Earth orbit the largest
and perhaps most scientiii-
cally important payload ever
of the origin and fate of the
universe, the underlying fun-
damental laws of nature and
physics that govern the cos-
mos, and the birth and evo-
built, the 12?4-ton, 43-foot lutionary cycles of galaxles,
Hubble Space Telescope smrs and planets.
(HST), first of four planned Observation of celestial
Great Observatories. Man- phenomena from orbit,
aged by Marshall Space above the distorting layer of
Fhght Center, the HST will aunosphere that surrounds
be able to look back in time Earth, offers an opportunity
some 14 billion years, to observe the universe not
observing the universe as it only in visible light but in
existed early in its lifetime, other forms of radiation that
when galaxies were being
Designed to operate well
are largely invisible to
ground observatories because
they are absorbed or filtered
I The other two Great Ob- for the astrophysics program
into the 2 1st century, the by the atmosphere. Thus, servatories, not yet in full is to get all four Great Ob-
HST will enormously expand one of the primary objectives scale development, are the servatories operating to-
the viewable volume of the of the astrophysics program Advanced X-ray Astrophys- gether, viewing throughout
universe, will return images is to observe in all four ma- ics Facility (AXAF) and the the electromagnetic spectrum
with extraorchary clarity jor wavelength regions of the Space Infrared Telescope Fa- to observe the full range of
and will detect very dim electromagnetic spectrum- cility (SIRTF). A 10-ton ob- phenomena in the universe,
objects that have never been the infrared, optical/ultra- servatory capable of being from the most tranquil to
observed. The spacecraft was violet, x-ray and gamma ray serviced in orbit for an ex- the most violent.
developed by Lockheed Mis- bands. tended lifetime, AXAF Initial observations by the
siles & Space Company and The HST will view in (above right) will have in- fmt two Great Observa-
the optical assembly by the visible and ultraviolet smunents 100 times more tories-HST and GRO-
Perkin-Elmer Corporation. wavelengths. Its findings will sensitive than those of any will be complemented by in-
The European Space Agency be augmented, beginning in previous x-ray mission. Sim- formation from three major
fbnished the power generat- 1990, by the Goddard-man- ilarly, SIRTF will have radia- s p a c d to be launched in
ing array and one of the sys- aged Gamma Ray Observa- tion detectors 1,000 times 1989-91.
tem's five major instruments. tory (GRO), a joint develop- more sensitive than those of The Cosmic Background
Goddard Space Flight Cen- ment of the U.S., West a predecessor system to study Explorer (COBE) will kick
ter will control the telescope Germany, The Netherlands irhred emissions from a off the post-Challenger space
and process its data when and the United Kingdom. great variety of objects from science flight program next
the HST is on orbit. The second of the Great Ob- solar system bodies to galax- February. COBE will study
The HST is the center- servatories, the GRO ies at the edge of the uni- background radiations be-
piece of NASA's astrophysics (above) will investigate verse. The highest priority lieved to be remnants of the
program, which seeks un- gamma radiation, the most primeval explosion known as
precedented understanding energetic of all forms of radi- the Big Bang. This monu-
ation, and its violent mental explosion, according
sources-pulsars, quasars, to the Big Bang theory of
black holes and other objects the origin of the universe,
that have not been identified happened some 15 billion
in any other wavelengths. years ago and triggered a
telescope mounted in a
Boeing 747 transport for air-
borne observations in infra-
red wavelengths inaccessible
from the ground. Since the
SIRTF Great Observatory
will not fly until the late
1990s, SOFIA will allow in-
frared research continuity in
the interim and will comple-
ment SIRTF when the latter
becomes operational.
In addition, the astrophys-
ics program will be sup-
ported by a series of inter-
mediate and small free flying
satellites of the Explorer Pro-
gram, which has for many
years offered flight oppom-
nities for modest scale instru-
ment packages in astrophys-
ics, space physics and
atmospheric research. A
uniform expansion of the sources, allowing astronomers
universe that has continued to study in greater detail
ever since. COBE, being de- many of the phenomena dis-
veloped by Goddard Space covered, but not thoroughly
Flight Center, will seek evi- investigated, by earlier x-ray
dence to support the theory. satellites. Goddard is
Under joint development NASA's ROSAT manager.
by NASA and West Ger- For launch in 1991,
many for 1990 launch is NASA is developing another
ROSAT (for Roentgensa- of the continuing Explorer
tellit), an x-ray telescope and series called EUVE, for Ex-
imaging system that will treme Ultraviolet Explorer
conduct a sweeping survey of (right), referring to a %ave-
x-ray sources and make ded- length band between the ul-
icated observations of specific traviolet and x-ray ranges
that has never been sur-
veyed. The E W E project is
managed by Jet Propulsion
Planned for development
is the Stratospheric Observa-
tory for Infrared Astronomy
(SOFIA). The SOFIA sys-
tem includes a three-meter
Space Physics

IChe space physics por- study of how energetic parti-

tion of NASA's space cles, originating within or
science program is beyond the solar system, are
concerned with investigation accelerated, transported and
of space plasmas in a quest distributed in space.
for expanded knowledge of Information on such
their origin, evolution and phenomena is obtained by
interactions. Plasmas are ion- instrumented probes operat-
ized gases that exist in a ing within a plasma system,
wide variety of forms; they such as the heliosphere or a
represent a form of matter planetary magnetosphere; by
distinct from solids, liquids investigating galactic cosmic
or normal gases and they are rays from Earth orbiting
believed to make up 99 per- spacecraft, and by remote approximates an extension of for 1991 service is the Teth-
cent of the material in the sensing of regions not di- the Sun's equator; since all ered Satellite System (TSS),
universe. An example of a rectly accessible to probes, spacecraft have operated a cooperative program with
plasma system is the solar such as the Sun's surface. dose to that plane, the space Italy, managed for NASA by
wind, the electrified gas In 1988, there were five above or below the ecliptic is Marshall Space Flight Cen-
emitted by the Sun that U.S. spacecraft collecting still unexplored and of great ter. The TSS (right) will be
courses through the solar sys- valuable information about scientific interest. Flying a suspended from the payload
tem at a million miles an the Sun, the interplanetary path that will take it eventu- bay of the Space Shuttle Or-
hour and interacts with the medium and cosmic rays ally around the poles of the biter by a 20-kilometer-long
atmospheres and magnetic penetrating that medium, Sun, Ulysses will report- conducting cable, through
fields of the planets. Study and plasma interactions in from the fresh perspective of which electrical jolts will be
and analysis of space plasma the Sun-Earth relationship. a never before penetrated re- transmitted to enable investi-
offers greater understanding Years of such research have gion of the heliosphere-on gation of upper atmosphere
of the complex processes led to identification and such subjects as the solar electrodynamic plasma effects
that govern Earth and the classification of a wide range wind, solar and galactic radi- at induced voltages.
universe. of plasma phenomena and to ation, cosmic dust and solar/ A multiple flight effort to
The space physics effort some understanding of cause interplanetary magnetic begin in the early 1990s is
seeks knowledge of plasma and effect relationships. fields. the international cooperative
phenomena in the NASA's space science plan Also scheduled for launch Global Geospace Science
ionospheres and magneto- builds upon that base and is in 1990 is the Combined (GGS) program, which has
spheres of Earth and the moving into an advanced Release and Radiation Ef- two components: the Inter-
other planets and in the phase. fects Satellite, which will national Solar Terrestrial
heliosphere, the area of space A mission of great impor- map Earth's radiation belts Physics (ISTP) program and
over which the Sun's gases tance is Ulysses, a cooper- during a period of maxi- the Solar Terrestrial Research
and magnetic field extend. ative endeavor of the Euro- mum solar activity and will Program (STRP). ISTP in-
One aspect of this research is pean Space Agency and also analyze the chemistry of volves two NASA spacecraft
study of the Sun as a source NASA, with Jet Propulsion Earth's ionosphere and designated Polar and Wind,
of plasma, energy and ener- Laboratory as NASA's magnetosphere by releasing plus a Japanese mission
getic particles; another is project manager. Ulysses chemicals and observing the called Geotail, which will
(above) will embark in 1990 resultant reactions. Planned study from different orbits
on a multiyear mission that the physical processes that
will take the spacecraft "out link Earth and the Sun.
of the ecliptic." The ecliptic The companion STRP will
is an imaginary plane that include a Solar and

38 Exploring the Cosmos

Heliospheric Observatory
that will study the solar
wind from an orbit between
Earth and the Moon, plus a
four-unit team of small
spacecraft, co~ectivelyknown
as Cluster, operating in orbit
around Earth's poles. In the
latter project, the European
Space Agency will provide
the spacecraft and NASA
the instrumentation. God-
dard Space Flight Center will
control and coordinate all of
the GGS spacecraft.
The highest priority space
physics mission planned is
the Solar Probe, which will
investigate the unexplored
region between four and 60
radii from the Sun, where
the solar wind begins to flow
at supersonic speeds. The So-
lar Probe will measure elec-
tromagnetic fields and parti-
cle frequencies, and it will
study the Sun as a star, ob-
serving the structure of the
solar atmosphere and mak-
ing measurements relating to
the stellar inner structure,
gravitation and relativity. A
related mission planned is
the High Resolution Solar
Observatory, a platform for
studying the processes of the
Sun's surface atmosphere.
Other space physics
projects indude payloads to
be attached to the Space Sta-
tion structure, Shuttle-based
systems, small satellites of
the Explorer program and
instrumented sounding
rodcet and balloon pay-
loads. A

Exploring the Cosmos 39

Earth Science and Applications

T raditionally, scientific
knowledge of Earth
and its environment
has advanced piecemeal
through separate investiga-
(top) will report global data
about the composition and
dynamics of the upper atmo-
sphere over a span of several
years. Among major objec-
tions of the individual com- tives are understanding of
ponents: the planet's interior, the mechanisms that control
its crust, biosphere, oceans the structure and variability
and ice cover, the atmo- of the upper aunosphere and
sphere and the ionosphere. the role of the upper atmo-
Recent research has dernon- sphere in dimate and di-
strated, however, that all matic changes.
these components are inter- The other program is
linked, or coupled. NASA's TOPEX (Ocean Topography
new aim, therefore, is to Experiment), an ocean ob-
study the Earth as a single servation satellite designed to
d e d system, to learn how make highly accurate mea-
the components and their in- surements of sea s h e
teractions have evolved and elevations over entire ocean
will evolve in the future. The basins for several years. Inte-
ultimatc goals are a complete grated with subsdace mea-
understanding of the Earth surements, this information
system on a global scale and will be used in models to de-
a capability for predicting termine ocean circulation and
the environmental changes its variability. TOPEX
that will occur decades or (right) will sigdicantly ex-
~ e n ~ ihence,
e s whether pand knowledge of ocean
those changes derive from dynamics and it will also es-
natural causes or from tablish an informational base
human activities. for practical applications,
ir: Major steps toward those such as weather and dimate
goals are promised by two prediction, coastal storm
major missions already in warning, maritime safety,
/ development and intended ship design and routing, and
for service in the early food production from ocean the 1990s. EOS will dow, hensive study of the global-
1990s. One is the Upper sources. for the first time, long term scale processes that shape
Aunosphere Research Satel- The Earth science center- (15 years or more) consistent and influence Earth as a
lite (UARS), being devel- piece planned for the 1990s measurements of global system.
oped by General Electric's is the Earth Observing Sys- changes, enabling compre- EOS fin* will be
RCA Astro-Space Division tem (EOS), not a speafic complemented by new Earth
under Goddard Space Flight satellite but a "suite" of in- science satellites, such as a
Center management. UARS struments to operate from a proposed Mesosphere and
number of satellites and Lower Thermosphere Ex-
from a new generation of plorer, by a series of small
polar-orbiting platforms ex- missions called Earth probes.
pected to be operational in

40 eXpIoring the Cosmos

by Shuttle-based systems, an emergency signal, it notes
and by air&-based remote the direction of the signal
sensing systems. and relays that information
An Earth-related but sep- to a ground station, which
arate subdivision of the provides a position fix for
space science program is re- the emergency site and alerts
search on communications the appropriate search and
systems. The best known ex- rescue agency. As of July
ample of NASA's work in 1988, COSPAS/SARSAT
the area of communications was aedited with saving
applications is the SARSAT more than 1,100 lives.
(Search and Rescue Satellite- Also in July, the four
Aided Tracking) program. principal nations signed an
SARSAT is not a satellite intergovernmental agreement
but a package of electronic committing to long term
equipment carried aboard support of the international
weather satellites operated by search and rescue system,
the National Oceanic and available to all nations with-
Atmospheric Administration. out charge to users in dis-
It is a component of the in- tress. NASA's Goddard
ternational search and rescue Space Flight Center contin-
system known as COSPAS/ ues to develop technology to
SARSAT. improve the SARSAT sys-
The space portion of the tem, experimenting with
system, a cooperative pro- geostationary satellites as a
gram involving the U.S., possible means of shortening
the U.S.S.R., Canada and alert time and seeking better
France, consists of monitor- location accuracy. ACTS incorporates several satellite equipment will gen-
ing payloads aboard two The major planned effort revolutionary technologies erate multiple message carry-
U.S. and two Soviet satel- in NASA's communications designed to make more ing spot beams, each focused
lites. Seven other nations are research program is the effective use of available on a narrow Earth region,
participants in ground-based Advanced Communications frequencies, to inaease the rather than the wide beams
satellite signal reception and Technology Satellite (ACTS), message handling capacity of generated by existing com-
processing. The electronic being developed by General the individual satellite, and munications satellites. Use of
payloads "listen" continu- Electric's RCA Asuo-Space to provide a capability for this technique dords si@-
ously on emergency frequen- Division under the manage- high volume communica- cant capacity gain but it de-
cies used by ships and air- ment of Lewis Research Cen- tions relay to small Earth ter- mands extensive technology
&, which carry radio ter. Planned for launch in minals. A major innovation development, including new
beacons to signal emergen- the early 1990s, ACTS is the "spot beam" ap- types of antennas in space
cies. When a COSPAS/ (above) represents an effort proach, in which advanced and on the ground, and a
SARSAT monitor picks up to help maintain U.S. leader- complex, computer-directed
ship in the world's commer- switching system on board
cial communications satellite the satellite to shifi the
market and to develop com- beams rapidly among target
munications technology that spots on Earth. A
will enhance future space

EupIoring the Connos 41

Commercial Use of Space
NASA seeks to stimulate
interest and investment in R ecognizing that development of space
has broad economic potential, the
Congress-in 1984--amended the
National Aeronautics and Space Act to give
and services with commercial value.
In the latter area, this year marks the re-
sumption of flight activity after a hiatus of
more than two and a half years occasioned
space-related ventures to NASA a new mandate: "Seek and encourage by the Challenger accident of January 1986.
to the maximum extent the commercial use During that time, NASA has been laying
assure U.S. leadership in of space." the groundwork for a new beginning in com-
Respondmg to that mandate, NASA has mercial development of space by executing a
commercial space activity forged a working partnership with U.S. in- series of actions designed to expand the in-
dustrial firms interested in the space poten- frastructure and broaden the range of oppor-
tial. The agency has supported the privatiza- tunities for promising commercial ventures
tion of spaceprivate sector operation of in space.
activities earlier carried out by the govem- Many such actions were responses to Presi-
ment--and provided American companies a dent Reagan's 15-point commercial space
technological/institutional base for exploring initiative, part of a revised national space
and developing new technologies, products policy announced in February 1988. Reaf-

42 C o n r m i a l U I of
~ Space
fuming the belief that expanded private sec-
tor invesunent in space can generate signrfi-
cant economic benefits for the U.S., the
policy provides support and direction for a
vigorous space commercial program.
The policy stated these g d :
Promoting a strong U.S. commercial
presence in space
Assuring a highway to space, and
Building a solid technological and talent
Among other NASA actions to implement
the President's policy, NASA took initial
steps toward complying with the speafica-
tion that the agency, an an "anchor tenant,"
lease space in a commercially financed and
operated orbital facility for materials process- optimum industry use; research facilities and What looks like a batch of
ing research and other activities. NASA also hardware that would most &ectively multicolored ribbon (left) is
invited private sector firms to submit pro- stimulate commercial space endeavors; and actually a research image, a
posals on how the normally jettisoned Space NASA/indusay arrangements that enhance computer generated represen-
Shuttle External Tanks might be put to com- policy objectives. tation of the molecular structure
mercial use. Additionally, NASA i n a d NASA has also formed a Commercial Use of a protein. Marshall Space
its activity toward development of commer- Flight Center is helping U.S.
of Space Task Team, composed of more than pharmaceutical companies
cial applications of remote sensing. 100 NASA and industry experts who will conduct space-based protein
In the area of space privatization, NASA study and recommend new initiatives and crystal growth experiments.
continued activities to encourage and facili- changes in ongoing projects. Such crystals, superior to those
tate commercial operation of space launch One other major action involved initiation grown on Earth, could lead to
vehicles. of a comprehensive long range strategic plan development of powerful new
Among other initiatives, NASA continued for commercial space development over the drugs for treatment of disease.
to expand its network of Centers for the next quarter century; it will draw upon the Shown above is a view of protein
Commercial Development of Space (CCDS), combined expertise of NASA, industry, crystals being grown in a Shuttle-
not-for-profit joint research undertakings academic and other government agency based facility.
composed of industrial firms, academic insti- organizations.
tutions and government organizations. From Many of these initiatives are amplified on
the original five CCDS activated in 1985, the following pages. A
the network has grown to 16.
In February 1988, NASA established a
Commercial Programs Advisory Committee,
to operate as a subcommittee of the NASA
Advisory Council. The new group is charged
with reviewing the NASA space commercial
program and recommendmg changes that
would enhance the overall effort. The group
will also advise on speufic program elements,
including research priorities; the research
data base structure and accessibility for

Commetrial Use of Space 43

Commercial Services

I n line with the gavern-

ment's policy to support
&om by U.S. companies
to develop commercial space
launch capabilities competi-
erated orbital research and
manufacturing facilities. The
agency is negotiating a Space
Systems Development
Agreement with Spacehab,
tive with those of foreign na- Inc. that allows defmed
tions, NASA is helping the payment for Space Shuttle
fledghg U.S. launch indus- flights of the company's
try in two ways: by making Spacehab human-habitable
available NASA-contro1led laboratory. Intended for
production and launch facili- research and technology
ties, and by its role as a po- development that requires
tential customer of commer- human-directed experimen-
cial launch services. tation in orbit, Spacehab
In 1987, NASA signed (below) is a cylindrical mod-
the first agreement transfer- ule with 1,000 square feet of
ring operation of a govern- pressurized volume; it fits
ment-developed expendable into the Shuttle Orbiter's
launch vehicle (ELV) to the cargo bay and connects to
private sector. The agree- the aew compartment.
ment was with General Dy- NASA is making arrange-
namics Corporation for oper- ments to begin Spacehab
ation of the Atlas-Centaur flights aboard the Shuttle in
vehicle (right). NASA is ne- the early 1990s.
gotiating additional agree- Another type of orbital fa-
ments for use of payload cility contemplated is a free-
processing and launch facili- NASA has also signed an launches through 1984, to flying laboratory for use as a
ties with Martin Marietta agreement with Space Ser- be accomplished by c o m e r - materials processing and
Corporation, mandimurer of vices Inc. for use of the cia1 launch services. space manufacturing facility,
the commercial Titan launch agency's research rodcet NASA is also mking steps as a scientific laboratory, or
vehicle; McDonnell Douglas launching site, Wallops to support commercially op- as a technology development
Corporation, producer of the Flight Facility in Virginia,
workhorse Delta; and L W for launches of the com-
Corporation, which builds pany's Conestoga vehicle.
the Scout vehicle. The latter In addition, NASA has
agreement also covers LW's adopted a mixed-fleet plan
use of NASA-owned pro- in which ELV launches will
duction tooling and special complement Space Shuttle
equipment. operations. A study identi-
fied a need for 30 ELV

44 Comtner~iaIUse of Space
facility for testing new space
equipment. The President's
commercial space initiative
announced government in-
tent to spur commercial fi-
nancing, construction and
operation of such a facility
by leasing space for NASA
experiment packages. At
publication time, NASA was
awaiting Congressional au-
thorization to proceed with
the program.
In May 1988, NASA
began implementation of
another orbital research
stimulus suggested in the
Presidential commercial
space initiative when the
agency asked indusay for ex-
pressions of interest in mak-
ing commercial use of the
Space Shuttle's External
Tank.The huge expendable
tanks are normally jettisoned
just before the Shuttle attains
orbit, but they could be offering to make the tanks
boosted into orbit for a available without charge, but
number of possible uses. At users must pay costs associ- At right is the Geostar
right above is an artist's con- ated with orbital insertion DS- 1 communications satel-
cept of a Shuttle-delivered and eventual safe disposition lite. Under a Space Systems
tank in low Earth orbit. of the tanks. Costs will in- Development Agreement,
Through 1994, approxi- dude payments to NASA for NASA will Shuttle-launch
mately 40 tanks will be unique mission engineering, three such satellites for
flown. The exact number planning and safety reviews, Geostar Corporation, which
that could be made available special studies, pre-launch will provide as a commercial
for commercial use will de- modifications to the tank service a capability for com-
pend on a case-by-case anal- and, if necessary, on orbit panies to track and commu-
ysis of each Shuttle mission nicate their mobile fleets of
and the proposed use for trucks, ships, trains, or air-
that particular tank. Where craft. Geostar will pay
commercial use can be ac- NASA for launch services on
commodated, NASA is a deferred basis. The first of
the Geostar satellites is
scheduled for Shuttle deliv-
ery in early 1992. A

Cornmenial Use of Space 45

Space Industrial Research

T he Earth orbital envi-

ronment comprises a
nearly petfect vacuum,
a site of d t e r e d solar radi-
ation, a diverse "dimate"
advances in electronics;
extremely pure glass for such
applications as laser and
optical systems; vastly supe-
rior metallic alloys for a
with temperatures ranging multitude of applications;
from 200 degrees below to and a variety of industrial
200 degrees above zero process equipment and
Fahrenheit, and a place with instrumentation.
an almost total absence of Alternatively, +en-
gravity. tation in the airless, gravity-
Reachable in little more free environment may iden-
than eight minutes by Space ti@ and quanafy the effects
Shuttle, orbital space offers a of air and gravity in Earth-
unique laboratory environ- bound processing, and '

ment for materials processing thereby lead to revolutionary is the Joint Endeavor Agree- indude many types of fut-
research. such research can improvements in Earth pro- ment (JEA), in which naces for growing crystals or
lead to man- in space cessing techniques. NASA sponsors Space Shut- for melting/solidifyhg met-
of products that cannot be NASA's role is to conduct tle flights of industrydevel- als and alloys; apparatus for
produced effenively or in miaogravity research and oped, industry-6nanced separating biological materi-
quantity in the presence of technology development and experiments to reduce the als, levitators that enable
Earth's atmosphere and make available to industry technical and financial risks processing of materials with-
gravity. Among such prcd- new discoveries that may of early research, develop- out use of containers that
ucts are hlgh purity biologi- have commercial applicabil- ment and demonstration of might conraminate the sam-
cal materials for more ity. NASA also seeks to promising, commercially ple; systems for observing
effdve health care, semi- encourage broadest private applicable technologies. fluid processes in micro-
conductor materials with sector participation in co- Among the leading indus- gravity; computers for con-
enormously improved operative orbital research. trial participants is 3M, trolling experiments; and
electrical properties for great One of the agency's key tools which contemplates more cameras and other data ac-
than 60 flight experiments quisition systems for record-
over a 10-year span. 3M de- ing the results.
veloped one of the two ma-
terials processing experiments
for the "new beginn@"
STS-26 flight of the Orbiter
Discovery., at left, astronaut
James Van Hoften is operat-
ing a 3M experiment on a
Space Shuttle flight.
NASA has developed a
broad range of equipment
and f d t i e s , much of it
generated by Marshall Space
Flight Center, to support
miaogravity research. Exam-
ples of Shuttle-based systems

46 Commial U J ~of Space

Similar equipment has The laboratory demonstrates Commerd Dwelopment of
been developed for aitcraf- W o n a l duplicates of Space (CCDS), non-profit
based miaogravity research, - ~ ~ s y s - enterprises that combine the
which can be accomplished flown on the Space Shuttle, resources and reseatch talents
byflymgtheaimaftthtough allowing industrial, academic of industry and universities.
preciseparabalu:cwesto and government scientists to NASA established the
aaain zero gravity for brief explore the potential of fmt five centers in 1985 and
periods (20-60 Seconds). At miaogravity experhentation the network has since grown
left above, an engineer is before establishing their own to 16, each concentrating on
checklngan~ent formal research programs. aparticularateaofresearch
package aboard an Ames Above, a Lewis scientist is activity with c o m m d po-
Research Center F-104 re- conducting reseatch on a tential. From a few compa-
search plane; Johnson Space polymer sample at the nies initially involved,
Center and Lewis Research MMSL. industry participation has
Center also operate A relatively new and irn- expanded to 106 firms rang-
miaogravity research portant program intended to ing from small businesses to
airaaft. stimulate interest and invest- giant "Fortune 500"
Additionally, NASA oper- ment in commercial space companies.
ates-at several centers---a activities involves establish- Five of the CCDS focus
number of ground-based ment of a network of on materials processing re-
drop tubes and drop towers NASA-spimsored Centers for search. The other technical
in which miaogravity condi- disciplines, and the number
tions can be simulated for of centers so engaged, are life
short periods (up to 10 sec- sciences (3); automation and
onds). A special facilty-at robotics (2); remote sensing
Lewis Research (Xnter-is (2); space power (2); space
the Microgravity Materials propulsion (1); and space
Sdence Laboratory (MMSL), sauctures/materials (1). A
which is equipped with a
variety of furnaces and an
instrumented drop tube.

ConmKlrial Use of Space 47

Earth Observation

R emote sensing of
Earth's surface is a
process in which sat-
ellite or airbome sensors de-
tect various types of radia-
avoidance, guiding fishing
fleets to most productive
waters, monitoring oil spills,
and producing general in-
formation that can help im-
tion emitted by or reflected prove ship design and ship
from objects on Earth. Com- routing techniques.
puter processed at ground NASA developed the
facilities, this data can be Landsat series of Earth re-
interpreted to differentiate sources survey satellites, first
among a broad variety of launched in 1972, demon-
surface features and strated in government opera-
conditions. tion for more than a decade
This information can be and now operated as a com-
put to practical use in such mercial system; below is a
applications as agricultural late model Landsat getting a
crop forecasting, rangeland f d pre-launch check. Com-
and forest management, mercial remote sensing has
mineral and petroleum ex- great growth potential, but
ploration, mapping, dassi- as yet only a few applications
fying land use, delineating are being pursued on a con-
urban growth patterns, sistent basis. NASA seeks to
studying floods to lessen expand the list of applica-
their devastation, and plot- tions by developing new
ting changes in ecology re- technologies and demonstrat-
sulting from forest fires, ing new uses of space-based
earthquakes or strip mining and airborne remote sensing.
activities, to mention just a NASA projects for com-
few of the applications for mercial development of re-
remote sensing of land areas. mote sensing are managed
A representative computer by the Earth Resources Lab-
processed image is shown at oratory (ERL)at Stennis
right center. The scene is the Space Center, Mississippi.
Gulf of Mexico near Corpus ERL is conducting research
Christi, Texas;to skilled and technology development,
analysts, the color codes exploring ways to use exist-
reveal a wealth of informa-
tion about land cover, vege-
tation, swamp areas and
In addition, remote sens-
ing of oceans offers another
range of beneficial applica-
tions, for example, warning
of threatening coastal disas-
ters, storm and iceberg

48 Cmnnre~ialUse of Space
ing remote sensing technol- projects, to be managed by application of airborne ocean In addition to Stennis
ogy in new commercial ERL, aimed at broader use color imaging technology to Space Center activity, NASA
products and services, and of NASAdeveloped technol- commercial fishing; and use also sponsors two Centers for
helping users develop their ogy in land and ocean of satellite data for potato Commercial Development of
own technology; industrial observations for practical production estimates. Space (CCDS) that specialize
investigators have access to benefit. To be conducted by At the same time, NASA in remote sensing. The Insti-
airborne sensor data acquired teams of industry firms, uni- announced 11 other projects, tute of Technology Develop-
by the specially-fitted ERL versities and other research to be managed by the Office ment CCDS, Hancock, Mis-
Learjet shown. An example organizations, the projects in- of Space Science and Appli- sissippi conducts research in
is ERL's work with Union volve, for example, commer- cations, involving remote sensor technology, data inter-
Oil of W o r n i a (Unocal), cial development of an ice sensing technology develop- pretation techniques and
which has proposed a cor- data and forecasting system; ment for public sector appli- data handling capabilities.
porative arrangement to de- development of methods for cations. Some examples: The Ohio State University
velop and test-initially on using satellite data in forest remote sensing as a tool for CCDS, Columbus, Ohio is
the Space Shuttle and later resources management; landslide hazard assessment; developing satellite mapping
aboard the Space Station- analysis of sediment trans- technology. A
new technology for Earth- port and land loss processes;
orbiting sensors designed to and investigation of an
seek out energy resources. automated satellite-based fire
In April 1988, NASA an- detection and monitoring
nounced selection of nine system.
commercial applications

Conrmetria[ Use of Space 49

Technology Twice Used

A representative selection of new products

and processes adapted from technology
originally developed for NASA mainline
programs, underlining the broad diversity
of spinoff applications, and the social and
economic benefits they provide

Spinoff developments highlighted in this section are based on

information provided by secondary users of aerospace technol-
ogy, individuals and manufacturers who have acknowledged
that aerospace technology contributed wholly or in part to devel-
opment of the product or process described. Publication herein
does not constitute NASA endorsement of the product or pro-
cess, nor confirmation of manufacturers' performance claims
related to particular spinof developments
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Space Software for Automotive Design
The spinoff-spurred growth
of a chassis manufacturina" I n 1971, sharp reductions in the federal
defense and space budgets aeated what
was known as the "aerospace recession"
that put thousands of aerospace engineers out
his company into a bustling design and
manufacturing operation speciahhg in chas-
sis for buses, trams, trucks, recreational vehi-
cles and special purpose military vehicles.
And aerospace spinoff would be the trigger.
company exemplifies the of work. Traditionally the state with the
largest aerospace employment, California was Thousand put his aerospace group to
benefit potential of particularly hard hit. To ease the impact, the work on an unfamiliar job-designing a bet-
state government established a retraining ter brake drum-using computer design
aerospace technology program to prepare aerospace engineers for techniques with which they were entirely fa-
jobs in other industries. miliar. Used in the aerospace industry since
transfer That's how John Thousand wound up the earliest days of the computer era, com-
with six young aeronautical engineers who puter design involves creation of a math-
had previously worked for a California plant ematical model of a product and analyzing
of the aerospace giant, Md>omefl Douglas its effectiveness in simulated operation. The
Corporation. Thousand was president of technique enables study of the performance
Wolverine Western Corporation, Newport and structural behavior of a number of
Beach, California, a company providing engi- different designs before settling on a final
neering consulting services to the automotive configuration.
industry. He didn't know it at the time, but The new Wolverine employees attacked a
his acquisition of the aerospace group was to traditional brake drum problem-the sud-
start a chain of events that would transform den buildup of heat during fast and repeated
brakings. The part of the brake drum that is
John Thousand, a consulting
not confined tends to change its shape under
engineer serving the automotive
industry (right), took on six un- the combination of heat, physical pressure
employed aeronautical engineers and rotational forces--a condition known as
who expanded and transformed "bellmouthing." Since bellmouthing is a
his business by applying aero- major factor in braking effectiveness, a
space techniques and software to solution to the problem would be a major
automotive design. Thousand's advance in automotive engineering.
consulting firm is now a busy de- One of the group was Richard Hagen
sign and manufacturing operation who, at McDomefl Douglas, had worked on
producing automotive chassis and NASA projects. He knew of a series of
NASA computer programs that seemed
ideally suited to the task of confronting
bellmouthing. Originally developed as aids
to rocket engine nozzle design, they were ca-
pable of analyzing the problems generated-
in a rocket engine or an automotive brake
drum-by heat, expansion pressure and
rotational forces.
Use of these computer programs led to a
new brake drum concept featuring a more
durable axle and heat transfer ribs, or fins,
on the hub of the drum. The ribs reinforce
the shape of the drum and help prevent bell-
mouthing. Additionally, they act as cooling
Above, the principal product of
Thousand's Wolverine Western
Corporation: an advanced brake
drum featuring a ribbed hub, a
spinoff from rocket engine nozzle
design technology. The ribs rein-
force and cool the drum, helping
to prevent a shape distortion
known as "bellmouthing" that
adversely affects braking effi-
ciency. At left, a mechanic adjusts
the brake shoes.

fins, allowing the brake to remain cooler dur- In time, Wolverine's aerospace engineers
ing repeated braking on grades and thereby moved on to other pursuits, but the innova-
reducing brake fade or failure. tions they left behind dramatidy changed
Hagen and his coworkers went a step the company, In the years since, John Thou-
k h e r and applied computerized structural sand has done less and less consulting and
analysis to vehicle frames, using a computer more and more manufacturing of the brake
program NASA had originally developed for drum, axles and vehicle frames designed by
early studies of an orbiting space station. his reuained aerospace engineers. Wolverine
John Thousand approved the brake drum Western incorporates these parts in complete
design and ordered patterns, prototypes and high quality chassis for a variety of automo-
eventually castings. Sample drums were sent tive applications: for military command, con-
to Bendix Engineering Laboratories for test, trol and communications centers; for intelli-
and under intense dynamometer testing they gence vehicles; and for multipurpose vehicles
never failed. Thousand's Wolverine Western that can be airlifted on military transports. In
Corporation was in the brake drum business. the civil sector, Wolverine chassis are used
in buses, recreational vehicles and delivery
trucks; they are also sold as turnkey medical
dugnostic facilities, providing, for example,
mobile eye examination or mammography
(breast x-ray) services.
Space Software for Automotive Design (Continaed)

"When you think about it," says Wolver-

ine Western Corporation's John Thousand,
"a rocket nozzle has the same job to perform
as a brake drum.They must both resist in-
ternal pressure forces and be efficient distrib-
utors of heat."
Many other high technology systems simi-
larly share characteristics, in a general way,
with non-aerospace products or processes in
everyday civil use. That's why it is possible
to reuse computer programs developed by
NASA and other technology generating
agencies of the government. Sometimes, as
was the case with Wolverine western, they
can be applied to a secondary use with little
or no change; in other instances, the program
may have to be modified for a new use but
that can most likely be done at far less than
the cost of developing a new program.
Since thousands of companies each year
are joining the ranks of computer users,
NASA serves the interests of national pro-
ductivity by offering these newcomers to
computerization a way to &ect sign&cant
Above, a design conference at redukon of their automation costs through
Wolverine Western. The aero- purchase of already developed computer
space engineers who revolution- programs that have secondary utility
ized the company are no longer This service is provided by NASA's Com-
around, but the spinoff computer puter Software Management and Information
programs they introduced are still Center (COSMIC)@.Located at the Univer-
in use. They analyze the effects of
sity of Georgia, COSMIC gets a continual
various loads on each vehicle
frame produced, since virtually
flow of government developed software,
every Wolverine vehicle is cus- identifies those programs that can be
tomized. adapted to secondary usage, and stores some
1,400 of them. A COSMIC customer can
A Wolverine brake drum view from a different angle.
purchase a program at a fraction of its origi-
The company's chassis employ the spinoff drum nal cost and get a return many times the in-
brakes on rear axles, disc brakes on the front. vestment, even when the cost of adapting the
program to a new use is considered. This ser-
vice has become one of the principal areas of
technology transfer, as is evidenced by the
fact that COSMIC sells about 700 software
packages a year (see page 140).
Although it involves software rather than
hardware, the Wolverine Western story is an
A vehicle frame under construction at Wolverine
Western (left). The company's frame technology
also originated in NASA software, initially developed
to analyze space station configurations.
excellent example of the aerospace spinoff
process. It illustrates two separate spinoff
routes: one, the beneficial reuse of technology
developed for the space program, and two,
the personnel type of technology transfer,
wherein aerospace workers move to other in-
dustries, bringing with them aerospace tech-
nology and skills that can be reapplied in
their new occupations.
The Wolverine Western experience repre-
sents a high value spinoff due to aeation of
an entirely new product line. Spisoff?
whether hardware or sofmare-with values
in millions are not unusual, nor is the estab-
lishment of whole new companies based on
technology transfers. In other cases, spinoffs
generate only moderate economic gain but
provide significant public benefit in other
ways, ranging from simple conveniences to
important developments in medical and
industrial technology,
This year NASA marks the 25th anniver-
sary of its Technology Utilization Program,
which seeks to encourage the secondary
application of aerospace technology for bene-
fit to the national economy in the form of
new products, new processes, new jobs and
substantial contributions to the Gross Na-
tional Product. During the quarter century of
the program's existence, more than 30,000
aerospace-originated innovations have found
At top is a completed Wolverine Western vehicle
their way into everyday use. Collectively, with its distinctive lowered chassis. Above, a military
these spinoffs represent a significant return vehicle is being loaded aboard an Air Force C-130
on the national investment in aerospace re- transport; all Wolverine vehicles built for rnilitary use
search and development, in terms of eco- are designed for air transportability.
nomic gain, industrial efficiency and pro-
ductivity, lifestyle enhancement and solutions
to problems of public concern. A

@ COSMIC is a registered trademark of the National Aero-

nautics and Space Administration.
Moon Technology for Skin Care
igital image processing is the art of Further, the moon's shadow pattern, U e r -
using computers to convert sensor ent from Earth's due to the lack of light fil-
I' data into informative images-for ex- tering atmosphere, made it difKcult to deter-
ample, the exciting pictures of distant planets mine certain details essential to topographic
~ r ~ l 11 -IF
1 ii" I sent to Earth by imaging spacecraft. mapping, for example, the height of a large
NASA centers have led the way in devel- boulder or the depth of a crater.
t ~ s 2 d , ~ 1,8 I opingthistechnologyandtheirworkhasin- NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory UPL)
spired a number of spinoff applications, most came up with an innovative solution: con-
S~I,,P :dl_," , L- ,I ::1- notably in medicine and industrial quality verting the analog imaging signals from the
control. Digital image processing promises a spacecraft to digital signals. That would
field of health and medicine much broader impact on everyday life be- make it possible to computer-enhance the
cause it is showing utility in a wide variety images by programming the computer to
of new applications, some of them still ex- adjust the imagery as directed. JPL began
perimental, others demonstrably practicable developing the software necessary to allow
but not yet in widespread use. such adjustments as correction of sensor er-
An example in the latter category is the rors, changes in contrast, emphasis on certain
application of the technology to research, features, in general manipulation of the satel-
lite imagery to improve and a m p G the
information that could be extracted.
Included in the JPL software was a tech-
nique called "photodinomeuy" to resolve the
problems of depth perception occasioned by
the unusual shadows of the airless lunar
environment. This technique considered such
factors as the location of the Sun and the
reflective properties of the lunar surface in a
process of "decoding" the shadow pattern to
produce accurate elevation data for making
6 topographic maps from satellite photos. That
I Estee Lauder researcher Paul evaluation and demonsaation of skin care is the basis for the software used in skin care
Vallon uses a d~gltalImage products. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical firms research because, odd as it may sound, the
analyzer and software based on like Est& Lauder, Ortho Phamaautical and moon's topography and human skin have a
NASA lunar research ~nevaluation Hoffman-LaRoche, and independent re- lot in common.
of cosrnetlc products for skln mrch/testing laboratories working for such "Close inspection of the human skin sur-
care Olg~talImage processing fnms, are using image ptocessing sofbvare face at any region of the body will reveal that
brlngs out subtleties otherw~se
o r w y developed to provide accurate it is not featureless but rather is characterized
' undetectable and allows better
topographic maps of the lunar surface. by geometric patterns and other topographi-
I deterrn~natronof a product's
effectiveness In the early days of the Apollo program, cal features," said Dr. Gary Lee Grove and
NASA employed telescopic photography his wife Mary Jo Grove in a technical paper.
fiom unmanned lunar orbiting satellites to They pointed out that skin has folds and
get information on possible landing sites for
manned missions. The photos, however, were
subject to a variety of distortions caused by
camera problems or noise contamination
fiom the spacedi's electronic equipment.

S6 Health and Medicine

furrows and hills and valleys that can be ap- the human eye or camera apparent to the This is a before-and-after wm-
proximately measured by such visual means scientist." posite illustrating the effects on
as photo magnification, but can be more The technique allows Estee Lauder to skin surface of an Est6e Lauder
accurately measured by computerized image quantrfj. the changes in skin surface form preparation for smoothing rough
processing. and structure caused by application of cos- skin, The upper images are mag-
Dr. Grove is director of the Skin Study metic preparations. The structure of the nified photos of the skin surface
Center, a unit of K.G.L.Inc., Broomall, epidermis, its roughness, dryness, wrinkles, before (left) and after (right)
treatment. The lower images are
Pennsylvania. Mary Jo Grove is an image cracks and other features can be translated
enhanced digital representations
processing specdst at the center, whose re- into numerical descriptions that allow exact of the same area. The digital im-
searchers perform contract work for cosmetic and unambiguous assessment. agery reveals skin "peaks" not
fums, pharmaceutical companies and govern- Formerly, skin examinations and compari- otherwise visible (lower left) and
ment regulatory agencies to evaluate the sons were done by panels of experts making shows the degree to which the
safety and efKcacy of cosmetics and topically judgments based on their own experience; peaks have been smoothed by
applied drugs. The Groves developed a com- that method has disadvantages in time, cost treatment (lower right).
puter program, based on the original JPL and subjective interpretation. "The use of the
software, for non-invasive assessment of skin digital analyzer technique," says the kt&
surface topography in evaluating the perfor- Lauder spokesperson, "allows us to perform
mance of such skin care products as moistur- these examinations at lower cost, with more
izers and antiwrinkle aeams. They use it in flexibility, much more frequently and with
conjunction with a Joyce-Loebel Magiscan greater assurance of reproductibility of re-
Image Processing System. sults. It aids us in developing, screening and
Est& Lauder Inc., Melville, New York marketing new products that might other-
uses similar software with a Zeiss 2001 Im- wise not be made available, because the
age Analyzer to determine the dects of cos- benefits of the product are not readily
metic products and ingredients on the skin. apparent to visual inspection or touch."
"The system," says a company spokesperson,
"stores, enhances and displays images to
make subtleties otherwise undetectable by

Healrb and Medicine 5 7

Moon Technology For Skin Care (Cmtinrccd)

Above, a client at the Skin Study A great many otherwise healthy adults ex- group has developed a number of pioneering
Center is having a silicon rubber hibit signs of "photoaging," changes in the non-intrusive testing procedures, some of
impression made of the skin-particularly the face-that result from them based on NASA technology, that have
"crowsfeet" wrinkles around her aging or excessive exposure to the Sun. These been useful in experimental studies employ-
eye for assessment by digital im- changes produce the stigmata of a yellowish, ing human volunteers.
age processing. At right above, mottled, wrinkled, leathery, rough skin often In the Retin-A studies, the Skin Study
the impression is being photo- Center used a spinoff technique, developed
studded with small growth.
graphed by a video camera.
Until recently, the only routes to a more by Gary and Mary Jo Grove from Jet Pro-
youthful appearance were cosmetic surgery to pulsion Laboratory's moon-imaging technol-
remove the flaws or makeup to conceal ogy, called "optical profilometry." This tech-
them. Now, however, pharmaceutical and nique employs a fiber optic illuminator to
cosmetic houses are offering retinoid prepara- sidelight silicon rubber replicas of skin sur-
tions for smoother skin. Such drugs naturally face specimens, generating an image of as-
have excited wide public attention and are sorted shadows and highlights. By computer-
getting intense scientific scrutiny to see if ized image manipulation, the picture of the
they really have antiaging properties. specimen can be enhanced and analyzed to
One such product is Ortho Pharmaceuti- extract quantitative information regarding
cals' Retin-A, which has undergone extensive the degree of roughness or wrinkling. By
assessment by Dr. Gary Lee Grove and the comparing processed numerical representa-
Skin Study Center, an independent testing tions over time, it is possible to determine
laboratory in the Philadelphia area. This the degree of effectiveness of drug treatment.

58 Health and Medicine

At far left, image processing spe-
cialist Mary Jo Grove is examin-
ing the crowsfeet impression with
the help of a Magiscan digital
image analyzer. She rotates the
specimen through four different
angles and takes measurements
at each angle. At near left, the
upper image is the camera's view
of the specimen; below it is a
computer-processed cross-
section representation of the
peaks and valleys of the skin

Replicas taken at various times during

Retin-A therapy were matched with replicas
from a placebo group of similar age. Al-
though the Skin Study Center does not en-
dorse specific products, it reported that it
was able to d&ument that Retin-A treat- Before and after comparisons
ments "do lead to a more youthful appear- during treatment with antiaging
ance with less wrinkled and smoother skin, drugs allow assessment of the
especially in the aowsfeet area." preparation's effectiveness.
Dr. Grove is developing new image analy- Above, a "before" view showing
sis techniques based on remote sensing pro- many peaks and valleys; above
cedures for acquiring data from the NASA- right, an "after" representation in
developed Landsat Earth resources s w e y which there are significantly fewer
satellites. These new techniques, along with peaks and depressions, attesting
to the preparation's skin-smooth-
the earlier developed optical profilomeay,
ing capability.
will be employed in research and testing
of advanced retinoids, in development by
pharmaceutical companies, that are expected
to be even more effective in countering
photoaging changes. A

Health and Medicine 59

Balance System

A new system available an earlier development by

to the medical profes- the Hebrew University in
sion is the TherEx Israel.
AT-1 Computerized Ataxi- The footplates can be
ameter for precise evaluation moved to adapt to various
of posture and balance dis- posture forms, such as stand-
turbances that commonly ac- ing with feet together, with
company neurological and feet in tandem, standing at
mdoskeletal disorders. ease or standing on a tilting
Manufactured by TherEx, platform. The footplates
Inc., Woodside, California, measure weight displace-
it is a commercial spinoff ments that reflect the
from a system developed for amount and direction the
Arnes Research (=enterstud- patient sways in forward-
ies of changes in posture and backward or left-right move-
balance that occur &er ex- ments. A typical test se-
posure to weightlessness, a quence involves standing on
potential problem of long a stable base, first with eyes
duration space flight. Ac- open, then dosed, followed
cording to TherEx president treatment monitor and a re- by standing on the tilting
Dr. John M. Medeiros, the habilitation training device. platform with eyes open,
AT-1 has wide applicability It allows the clinician to doc- then dosed.
in idendying and treating ument quantitatively the AT-1 results are displayed
balance disturbances associ- outcome of treatment and to on the monitor in a simple
ated with such conditions as analyze data over time to de- graphics format. Movement
sport, orthopaedic and neu- velop outcome standards for of the instantaneous center of
rological injury, or age- several classifications of pa- pressure over the 25-second
related declines in postural tients. The AT- l can be data collection period is plot-
stability. used to evaluate speufically ted with respect to each of
The AT-1 makes visible the effects of surgery, drug measuring transducers for the four footplate quadrants.
otherwise imperceptible ac- treatment, physical therapy measuring the pressure on The degree of postural insta-
tions of the body, enabling a or prosthetic devices. the ball and heel of each bility is displayed as a single
clinician to establish precisely The complete system, foot. The footplates were number that expresses the
the patient's level of stabil- shown above, indudes two separately developed by sway pattern, allowing easy
ity, then plan a treatment strain-gauged footplates, sig- Keith H. MacFarland, presi- comparison of different tests.
program. The system serves nal conditioning circuitry a dent of Straindyne Engineer- The monitor also shows the
as an assessment tool, a computer, monitor, printer, ing Company, Los Altos, center of pressure in terms of
and a stand-alone tiltable California, based on his own percent of body weight,
balance platform. The system technological expertise and which enables comparisons
is available in stationary and among different patients
portable versions. The foot- with different weights.
plates are shown in doseup TherEx has licensed the tech-
at right above. They are four nology to Chattea Corpora-
independent vertical force- tion, Chattanooga, Tennessee
for world-wide sales and
marketing. A

60 Health and Medicine

Temperature Pill

P rototypes of an ingest-
ible thermometer ca-
I pable of measuring
transmission of coded data
signals to Earth from
orbiting spacecdi.
and relaying internal body The ITMS was developed
temperatures are undergoing as a means of getting inter-
clinical testing at Maine nal temperature readings for
(Portland) Medical Center treatment of such emergency
and animal testing at the conditions as dangerously
Johns Hopkins Medical In- low (hypotherrnia) and dan-
stitutions, Baltimore, Mary- gerously high (hyperthermia)
land. Commercial units are body temperatures. Extreme
expected to be available this accuracy of temperature
Year. r&gs is important in
The thermometer was treating such cases. Where
developed by The Johns the average thermometer is
Hopkins Applied Physics accurate to one-tenth of a
Laboratory (APL), Laurel, degree Centigrade, ITMS is
Maryland, under the direc- off no more than one hun-
tion of Dr. Russ Eberhart, in dredth of a degree, and it
collaboration with NASA's provides the only means of
Goddard Space Flight Cen- obtaining deep body tem-
ter as a technology utilization perature.
project. Human Technol- The system has additional
ogies, Inc. (HTI), St. Peters- applicability in fertility mon-
burg, Florida will manufac- itoring, incubator monitor-
ture and market the ing, and some aspects of sur-
capsule-like system under a gery, aitical care, obstetrics,
licensing agreement with metabolic disease treatment,
APL. gerontology (aging) and food
Formally known as the In- processing research.
gestible Thermal Monitoring The three-quarter-inch sil- the one-to-three days it takes
System (ITMS), the ther- icone capsule, which contains the capsule to pass through
mometer incorporates several a telemetry system, rniao- the body.
aerospace technologies, such battery and a quartz crystal APL is working on an ad-
as integrated circuit min- temperature sensor, is in- vanced, four-channel capsule
iaturization, sensor and serted vaginally or rectally, or system that will simulta-
microbattery developments, swallowed by the patient to neously monitor tempera-
and telemetry, technologies make its way through the ture, heart rate, inner body
originally developed for digestive tract. The sensor pressure and acidity. A
"reads" the internal tem-
perature and telemeters its
information to a receiving
coil outside the body, then
on to the computer. ITMS
monitors continuously for

Health and Medicine 61

Self-injury Inhibitor i

T here are approximately

50,000 autistic and re-
tarded people in the
United States alone and a
good number of them en-
gage in self-injurious behav-
I ior, principally compulsive
I' headtmging. ~ e hope w for
these people is offered by an
automated unit called the
Self-Injurious Behavior In-
hibiting System (SIBIS). It
is based on the space tech-
nology of telemetry, the
wireless relay of coded sym- SIBIS. The stimulus module A predecessor device was Later, on NASA recom-
bols used for accurate at left is worn on the upper invented by Mooza V.I! mendation, Mrs.Grant
communication between arm or leg. The headgear in- Grant, president of The asked APL to develop a
Earth and orbit. dudes an impact detector American Foundation for more compact, state of the
SIBIS was developed in a (top) and a transmitter (at Autistic children and co- art device. Under the direc-
collaborative effort by The back of head). When there founder-with husband Les- tion of Robert E. Fischell,
American Foundation for is a blow to the head, it is lie-of that organization. APL employed the miniatur-
Autistic Children, The Johns sensed by the impact detec- The Grants have two autistic ization techniques for which
Hopkins University Applied tor, which generates a coded daughters, one of whom is it is widely known and de-
Physics Laboratory (APL) signal that is automatically self-injurious. In 1970, after signed the telemetry-based
and Human Technologies, transferred to the stimulus years of experimentation, SIBIS. Development of
Inc., St. Petersburg, Florida. module. The latter unit im- Mrs. Grant developed a SIBIS was funded by APL
The system performed ex- mediately delivers a mild hard-wired device that used and Human Technologies,
tremely well in clinical trials electrical stimulus to the skin an accelerometer to detect Inc., with assistance from the
conducted in 1987-88 and for less than one-tenth of a headbanging and trigger a Public Welfare Foundation,
it is now commercially second. The stimulus is suf- mild stimulus. The device C. R. Bard Company and
i available by presaiption. ficient to halt the immediately terminated her the Oxford Instrument
The accompanying photo headbanging. A miaocom- daughter's headbanging and Company. A
shows the components of puter keeps track of the has continued to do so ever
number of impacts and since.
stimulations, allowing mea-
surement of a user's progress.
Because self-injurious
behavior is potentially life
threatening, it is often neces-
sary to use physical restraints
or protective equipment
(such as a helmet) on these
individuals. SIBIS allows the
self-injurious to live without
such restraints.

1 62 Healtb and Medicine

Laboratory Tool

elow, Dr. Timothy

Morck and an assis-
mnt, researchers at the.
Veterans Administration
(VA) Medical Center,
Hampton, Virginia, are us-
ing a "cake box" apparatus
developed for the VA by
Langley Research Center.
VA medical researchers
are investigating the possibil-
ity that the peritoneal mem-
brane (the lining of the ab-
dominal cavity) can absorb
nutrients and ;bus provide Langley undertook the
an alternative route for nuui- task as a technology utiliza-
tion when intestinal function tion project and engineering
is impaired. To test the technician Bruce Little of the
permeability of membrane Fabrication Division was as-
samples, they had built a signed the job. After he met
smaU dialysis chamber, but with members of the VA
it proved complicated and staff and discussed the re-
difKcult to use. Since the quirement, Little conceived
Medical Center lacked the the cake box design shown
technical expertise to con- above. The apparatus con-
struct a larger, improved ver- sists of an octagonal chamber
sion of the chamber, hospital with eight smaller chambers
officials sought Langley's attached and secured by
help. O-ring seals. The design is
simple, interchangeable and
time controllable; it doubles
the research capability of the
earlier VA design. A

Health and Medicine 63

Thermal Video Systems

possible accume measure-

ment of nerve dysfimction;
H M Video System, manu- sensory nerve impairment in
facnwd by Hughes Air& thelowerbackcanbeevi-
Company, a subsidmy of den& by a temperature dif-
GM Hughes Electronics fezence, from one extremity
Company, CarlsCarlsbgd, WOT-to the other, of only one de-
nia. It consists of a mpod gree Centigrade. At right, a
mounted infrared scanner patient is undergoing a nerve
that detects the degree of function test, assuming a
heat emitted by an object stance so the thermal imag-
and a TV monitor on which ing scanner can sense heat
the results are displayed. The Merences.
latest addition to Hughes' Thermography is proving
line of infrared imaging sys- to be a valuable screening
tems intended for medical tool in dlagn&, thermal
applications, it can detect imaging can provide in-
temperature variations as formation to preclude the
frne as one-tenth of a degree necessity of performing more
Cen*. invasive tests that might be
hi thermographic image paulful or haadous. Ther-
(left) exemplifies its udlity as malimaghgisasousefulin
a medical system. This im- venfymg a patient's progress
age tells an analyst that the through therapy and re
first two fingers of the right habilitation, and it is finding
hand emit less heat at the s p e d utility in sports medi-
skin s k , thereby indicat- cine as a noninvasive means
ing subnormal blood circula- of determining the extent of
tion. injuries.
Medical thermography is Hughes Aitctaft pioneered
rapidly gaining acceptance in development of heat sensing
health care as a noninvasive devices for military applica-
means of observii physio- tions, such as missile guid-
logical problems. Where the ance, under Department of
x-ray, for example, provides Defense funding. NASA
indications of StnlCNa sponsored a demonstration
anomalies, thermography can project designed to explore
point out functional anoma- the civil potential of thermal
lies. For instance, a thermo- imagimg under the Technol-
graph showing an asymmet-
rical ternperamre pattern in
the body surface serves as a
visual indicator that pain ex-
ists. Mapping of dermatones
(ateas of skin supplied by a
speafic spinal nerve) makes

64 Health and Medicine

ogy uwon Program. of electronic components, fire Shown above is one of the
Hughes initially focused fighting, heat profiling for newer industrial systems, the
on industrial applications of nondestructive quality test- portable Probeye Model
its Probeye Thermal Video ing, preventive maintenance, 7100, which includes an in-
Systems. More recently, com- and routine monitoring of frared imager with an inte-
pany researchers were able to production processes and grated viewfinder and an
make the infrared detectors energy losses. associated image processing
sensitive enough for medical unit carried on a shoulder
thermography. Hughes now snap. A
manufactures a wide range
of Probeye systems and ac-
cessories, principally for such
industrial uses as inspeaion "Probeye is a registered trademark of
Hughes Aircraft Company.

Health and Medicine 65

Insulin Delivery System

t right, Robert E. since 1965 in a continuing Hannifin Corporation,

Fischell of The Johns effort to apply APL technol- Irvine, California, producer
, Hopkins University ogy acquired in defense and of the key microminiaturized
A . .~i:- J nL-.-:--T -L
nppuea r n y s s Lawriirory space programs to the solu- fluid control system and
(APL) is seen holding a Pro- tion of biomedical problems. infusion pump; and Tele-
grammable Implantable Corporate participants in dyne Microelectronics Divi-
Medication System (PIMS) addition to Minimed Tech- sion, Los Angeles, California,
which, when implanted in nologies indude Wilson makers of the electronics.
the human body, delivers Greatbatch Company, Buf- The size of a hockey puck
precise preprogrammed falo, New York, makers of and encased in a titanium
amounts of insulin over long the lithium battery; Hoecht- shell, PIMS holds about two
periods of time. Fischell, a Roussel Pharmaceuticals, and a half teaspoons of insu-
staff physicist and chief of Somerville, New Jersey, lin at a programmed basal
technology transfer of APL's which developed a special, rate. If a change in measured
Space Department, headed highly concentrated type of blood sugar level dictates a
the initial development of insulin for PIMS; the Bio- different dose, the patient
PIMS as a technology utili- medical Group of Parker- can vary the amount of insu-
zation project sponsored by Irvine. It is estimated that
Goddard Space Flight Cen- one million insulin-depen-
ter. MiniMed Technologies dent diabetics in the United
of Sylmar, California, li- States will benefit from
censee of the technology, has implantable infusion systems
been refining the design of because they will not have to
PIMS since the initial devel- inject themselves daily with
opment at APL. The photo the pancreatic hormone.
at right shows a doseup of Almost a decade in
the PIMS implantable pump development, PIMS is an
and catheter. outstanding example of how
PIMS is currently round- space technology offers spe-
ing out its second year of cial utility in medical sys-
clinical trials as a human- tems. PIMS employs several
implanted system, following technologies derived from
five years of predinical test- R&D work on NASA and
ing under the direction of military space systems, in-
Dr. Christopher D. Saudek, cluding a tiny, micromin-
director of The Johns Hop- iaturized fluid control system
kins Diabetes Center. PIMS initially used in life search
is also undergoing trials at a experiments aboard two
second implant center, the NASA Viking spacecraft
University of California, that landed on Mars.
The Johns Hopkins Med-
ical Institutions (JHMI) also
collaborated with NASA and
APL in the PIMS program.
JHMI has teamed with APL

66 Health and Medicine

abdomen of E Jackson led to development and
Piotrow, a professor at manufacture of the MiniMed
American University, on Implantable Pump system
November 10, 1986 at The (below), a second generation
Johns Hopkins Hospital, implantable, programmable
Baltimore, Maryland. At left, pump with physician and
Piotrow is shown prior to patient controllers which will
the implantation with nurse be implanted beginning in
Roslyn Polk (center) and Dr. late 1988. In addition,
Saudek. Since then there Parker Hannifin's Biomedi-
have been 17 additional cal Group is producing an
implants. external delivery device;
The PIMS development called the Parker Miao-
program continues to inspire pump, it is a pocket-sized
a d d i t i d spinoff products micropump for infusion of
for health care. MiniMed chemotherapeutic, antibiotic
Technologies' work on PIMS and anti-pain medication. A
lin delivered by holding a
small radio mnsceiver over
the implanted system and
dialing in a speufic program
held in the PIMS computer
memory. A miniature two-
way communications system,
based on the space technol-
ogy of telemetry, sends out
signals fiom the implant
with operating information
such as insulin usage and
pump performance. 'When
an insulin dill is needed,
about four times a year, it is
accomplished without sur-
gery by a special hypodermic
In laboratory tests, the
implant's lithium battery
and miaopwer circuits have
demonstrated a lifetime
capability of more than five
years; new batteries in devel-
opment have potential for a
10-year lifedme,
The first PIMS unit was
surgically implanted in the

Health and Medicine 67

Foam Cushioning

T wenty yeats ago, Ames

Research Center con-
ducted a research pro-
gram aimed at improving
ctash protection for airplane
passengers. One innovation
developed by a conuactor in
that ptogtam was an open
cell polymeric foam material
with unusual properties.
Intended as padding for
a i t d seats, the material
offered better impact protec-
tion in an accident and also
enhanced passenger comfort
on long flights because it
disuibuted body weight and shape once the pressure was
pressure evenly over the removed.
entire contact area. Called a Initially marketed under
"slow springback foam," it the name Temper Foama,
flowed to match the contour the matetial has become one
of the body pressing against of the most widely used
it and renuned to its original spinoffs from NASA tech-
nology. It is used for the
applications originally in-
tended, as a i t d and heli-
copter seat cushions for im-
pact protection and fatigue
attenuation. It is also em-
ployed as padding for fiuni-
m e and for autos, trucks
and offroad vehicles; in office
chairs, dental stools and
other types of seats that get
long daily usage; as pottable
cushioning for travelers and
attendees at the theater or
sporting events; in a variety
of athletic equipment, such
as football helmets, body
pads or chest protectors; and
in a very wide tange of med-
ical applications.
Temper Foam was origi-
nally manufactured by a

68 Hsalth and Medicine

chair caused her physical dis-
comfort in as little as 15-30
The photo sequence shows
the step by step FIPS process
at The Children's Hospital
at Stanford. At upper left,
opposite page, the Sun-Mate
ingredients &e mixed, then
(adjacent photo) the mixture
is poured into a plastic bag,
which is used as a mold. At
left center, seating specialists
work with the patient and
chair to be contoured to
assure the most therapeutic
company formed by the con- names Sun-Mate, Pudgee body position. In minutes, inserts for any type of chair,
tractor's employee who had and Laminar. Of particular the liquid forms and sets. cervical collars and operating
invented it, Dynamic Sys- interest is DSI's Foam-In- After trimming, the seat is table pads.
tems Inc. (DSI), Leicester, Place Seating (FIPS), devel- ready for upholstery. The AliMed's foam materials
North Carolina. DSI subse- oped primarily for severely final product is shown at left are also used in many spe-
quently sold the rights to the disabled people to slow pro- above. cialty items, for example, the
original formula but later re- gressive deformities and to In addition to The Chil- T-Foam Pressure Wrap for
m e d to the slow spring- ease soreness and fatigue due dren's Hospital at Stanford, reducing swelling in an in-
back foam field with differ- to long periods in wheel- other therapy/rehabilitation jured finger; the T-Stick for
ent formulations. The rights chairs. centers using the FIPS pro- padding splints and braces;
for the original Temper FIPS is a process wherein cess include the O'Berry T-Foam Hand Exercisers
Foam were acquired by liquid Sun-Mate ingredients Center, Goldsboro, North (top); and the Tennis Elbow
Temper Foam, Inc., jointly are mixed, poured and con- Carolina and the Heinzerling Strap (above) designed to
owned by Kees Goebel tour-molded to the individ- Developmental Center, Co- support forearm muscles and
Medical Specialties, Inc., ual's body and chair. At far lumbus, Ohio. FIPS is also relieve pain. A
Cincinnati, Ohio and left, a disabled child is leav- being widely applied in
W e d @ ,Inc., Dedham, ing The Children's Hospital Canada.
Massachusetts. DSI and at Stanford Rehabilitation AliMed, Inc. markets the
AliMed have introduced a Engineering Center with a original Temper Foam and a
number of evolutionary brand new FIPS chair, she is newer, h e retardant for-
innovations, spinoffs from now able to sit for periods of mulation d e d T-Foamm-
the original spinoff. 3-8 hours where her earlier which incidentally, is used in
DSI markets a line of or- Space Shuttle seats. Both
thopedlc support cushions products are offered in sev-
for reducing fatigue and im- eral classifications of firmness "T-Eoam is a trademark of AliMed,
proving circulation. They and thickness for a great
come in various sizes, variety of cushioning appli- @AliMed is a registered trademark of
thicknesses and pressure cations, such as wheelchair AliMed,Inc.
qualities under the trade cushions, bed pads, take- @Temper Foam is a registered a-ade-
along portable cushions, seat mark of Temper Foam, Inc.

Health and Medicine 69

Space-Spurred Metallized Materials
A wide range of reflective n the early days of the space program, NASA did not invent metallization; in
NASA experimented with very large fact, the concept dates to the 19th century.
insulating products heads a i balloon-& satellites intended as orbital But the NASA requirement proved to be the
relay stations for reflecting communications catalyst that transformed a small scale opera-
selection of spin off^ for signals from one point on Earth to another. tion into a flourishing industry. Before
NASA needed a special kind of material NASA came on the scene, metallized plastics
consumer, home and for the balloon's skin. In order to "bounce" were being produced on a very limited scale
the radio signals, it had to be highly reflec- for decorative purposes, but there was little
recreational use tive. It had to be inflatable in orbit to a di- that could be called a metallization industry.
ameter roughly equivalent to the height of a NASA's initial needs provided a relatively
10-story building, yet it had to be folded large market and inspired extensive research
into a beach-ball size canister for launch from and development toward improvement of
Earth-thus it had to be extraordinarily thin vacuum metallizing techniques. That led to
and lightweight. an ever-expanding role for metallized mate-
The problem was solved by development rial in space applications-virtually every
of a metallized material, a plastic film coated U.S. spacecraft, manned or unmanned, has
with a superfine mist of vacuum-vaporized used the material-and the impetus thus
aluminum to create a foil-like effect. The provided spurred development of a broad
metallic particles provided the required line of commercial metallized products, from
reflectivity and the balloon's skin was about insulated outdoors garments to packaging for
half as thick as the cellophane on a cigarette foods, from wall coverings to window shades,
package. The communications "bouncing" from life rafts to candy wrappings, reflective
technique worked, but the concept was ulti- blankets to photographic reflectors.
mately abandoned in favor of the active One of the companies that worked with
repeater type of communications relay NASA on development of the original space
employed in today's commercial satellite materials is Metallized Products (MP), Win-
networks. chester, Massachusetts. MP continues to sup-
Metallized plastics might have gone no- ply metallized materials for a variety of space
where had NASA not concurrently found an- applications, but over more than a quarter of
other application: as a reflecting insulator, or a century the company has developed an
thermal barrier, for protecting astronauts and even broader spinoff line of industrial and
sensitive spacecraft equipment from solar ra- consumer-oriented metallized film,fabric,
diation and extremes of temperature. That paper and foam in single layer sheets and
triggered an ever-increasing demand for met- multilayer laminates. MP markets its own
allized products. products and also supplies materials to
manufacturers of other products.
A widely used MP product is TXG larni-
nate, a material that originated in a NASA
requirement related to ocean survival rather
than orbital flight. In all manned space
flights prior to the advent of the Space Shut-
tle, returning spacecraft descended by para-
chute to an ocean landing. On the surface,
the astronauts left their spacecraft, boarded
inflatable rafts and waited for pickup by
ships or helicopters of the recovery fleet.
Often the wait was a long one, because the
spaceaaft on occasion splashed down as far
as 250 miles from the nearest ship. To effect
the quickest possible recovery, NASA asked
MP to develop a highly reflective raft canopy
whose mirrorlike sparkle could be seen at
great distances or more readily detected by
radar. MP's answer was the non-porous,
waterproof, rotproof, superreflectiveTXG.
Subsequently, Winslow Company Marine
Products, Osprey, Florida obtained a license
for commercial production of the survival
raft and, in cooperation with MP, improved
the strength and thermal characteristics of
the material so that the raft canopy would
provide maximum protection from heat,
cold, wind or rain. Winslow now offers
TXG canopies on its line of oblong and cir-
cular survival rafts ranging in size from four
to 12-person capacity.

Among a score of applications for

a space spinoff reflective material
called TXG is the Emergency
Blanket, manufactured by
Metallized Products, here being
used by a ski patrol to protect a
skier shaken by a fall; the blanket
retains up to 80 percent of the
user's body heat, preventing post-
accident shock or chills. Carried by
many types of emergency teams,
the blanket is large when unfolded
but folds into a package no bigger
than a deck of playing cards.
Space-Spurred Metallized Materials (continned)

Shown above is an example of The TXG laminate has found broad and Among the many other types of materials
Thermoguard heat shields, diverse employment. For example, it is used MP supplies to manufactuters is SP 27 Ther-
windshield and window curtains by Connecticut Advanced Products (CAP), mal Interlining, a dlong used in space
that reflect the Sun's rays and Glastonbury, Connecticut for Thermoguard suits; it features a reflective barrier that
protect long-parked aircraft from heat shields, custom-tailored reflective cur- prevents the pasage of radiant energy, thus
"greenhouse" heat buildup and tains that cover the windshield and windows keeps heat from escaping from clothes or
ultraviolet radiation that could
damage the plane's sensitive and
of dosed, parked aircraft to protect avionics sleeping bags. It is used by many manufac-
expensive avionic equipment. equipment and upholstery from "green- turers of outdoor wear, such as pckers, pants,
Thermoguard shields are custom- house" heat buildup and ultraviolet radia- gaiters or gloves for climbers, campers and
tailored-by Connecticut tion. W similarly uses TXG for protection skiers.
Advanced Products-from TXG of boats and road vehicles, and it manufac- Among MP's own products are a quartet
metallized fabric. The company tures a reflective survival blanket made of of protective fabrics with different names but
also provides curtains for use on TXG. similar purposes: the Emergency Blanket, the
autos (above right). Late model Star Technology Corporation, Carbondale, Space@Brand Emergency Bag, the All-
cars have electronic equipment Colorado employs TXG as a thermal barrier Weather Blanket and the Marathon Blanket;
that needs protection, but the in its Starshade", a multilayered automatic they reflect and retain up to 80 percent of
Thermoguard shield also protects shade system for large windows in comrner- the user's body heat, thus help prevent post-
against upholstery fade and
dashboard splitting caused by a
cial or residential buildings. The standard accident shock or post-exercise chills, or keep
breakdown of chemicals in plastic system features an electric drive motor to a person warm for hours in cold weather
dashboards from long exposure to raise or lower the shade, a b e p r o o f fiber- &is situations. All are remarkably compact.
the Sun. At top is a closeup of a glass outer fabric and three layers of TXG, The Space Bag, for example, opens into a
TXG sample, shaded gold for extra which combine with the fiberglass to provide three by seven foot personal tent/blanket but
reflectivity. exceptional insulation value. folds into a three-ounce package the size of a
deck of playing cards. MP also produces the
Even-Up@ Tanning Blanket, which reflects
the Sun's rays and disperses them to the
hard-to-tan parts of the body.
Manufactured by Winslow The windows of this home are
Company Marine Products, the fitted with Star Technology
Winslow Radar Reflector Life Raft Corporation's Starshade automatic
features a canopy made of TXG insulation system that includes an
metallized nylon. The canopy electric motor to raise or lower the
serves dual purpose: it reflects the shade. Intended for large windows
Sun's rays like a mirror, enabling in commercial or residential
radar or satellite sensors to spot buildings, Starshade is a thermal
survivors of a mariime accident barrier that bars or retains heat.
at great distances, and it also The shade is made of three interior
provides thermal insulation to keep layers of TXG encased in an outer
the occupants warm until rescued. shield of flameproof fiberglass.

An example of an industrial-type product

is MP's NRC-2 Super Insulation for han-
dling of uyogenics, fluids--such as liquid
hydrogen-that must be maintained at
supercold temperatures. NRC-2 is an alumi-
num-coated polyester film with exceptional
insulating qualities, used on the walls of
cryogenic storage tanks, on pipes and valves,
and on road tankers used to transport uyo-
genic fluids. A

"Starshade is a trademark of Star

Technology Corporation.

%pace Brand and Even-Up ace regis-

tered trademarks of Metallized Prod-
Sports Training

ractitioners of the tive judgments are inexact.

martial arts have long Barry French, a martial
seen a need for a pre- arts veteran of 17 years with
cise method of measuring black belts in karate and Tae
the power of a karate kick or Kwon Do, wanted a precise
a boxer's punch in training method of assessing his own tention and favorable com- technologies that might be
and competition. In the cus- power and that of the stu- ment among the martial arts applicable to martial arts
tomary approach, an instruc- dents he instructs. There was community. The equipment force measurement. During
tor estimates the force em- no system on the market- is marketed by ImpulseTM development, Lewis pro-
ployed in splintering boards so he decided to develop Sports Training Systems, Bay vided what French terms
or smashing bricks by sight one. The result of several V i e , Ohio, a company "invaluable technical assis-
and sound, or a sparring years of research, including formed by Barry French. tance," advising on such
partner considers the sound input from Lewis Research At the start of his devel- matters as sensors, materials
and feel of a blow to his Center, is the Impax line of opment d o n , French sought and optimum structures, di-
body shield and gauges the force measurement products, assistance from Lewis recting French to firms with
blow's power. Such subjec- which has excited wide at- Research Center on available expertise in such technol-
ogies, and offering guidance
toward problem solutions.
The Impax sensor is a
piezoelectric film less than
one thousandth of an inch
thick, yet extremely durable.
Similar to sensors that mea-
sure microscopic partide
impacts in space, it gives out
a voltage impulse when
struck-the greater the force
of impact, the higher the
voltage. The impulse is
transmitted to a compact
electronics package, where
the voltage is translated into
a force-pounds reading and
shown on a digital display.
Mounted on a sheet of
plastic for protection, the
sensor is affixed to several
martial arts training products
-for example, a body
shield, a hand mitt, a heavy
punching bag or a wall pad.
The accompanying photos
illustrate the use of Irnpax
At left, Barry French
(white jacket) holds an
Sports Medicine and Science (below). A
Group at the U.S. Olympic
Committee Training Center
is using Impax products for
evaluation and training of
boxers and Tae Kwon Do
teams. The technology has
been licensed to the largest
manufacturers of football
blocking sleds. Additionally,
French reports that Impax
Sports Training Systems
have well received ""Impulseis a trademark of Impulse
training t d for police de- sports Training Systems, Inc.

Impax Body Shield while

former European middle-
weight kickboxing champion
Daryl Tyler delivers an ex-
plosive jump side kidc, the
force of the impact is regis-
tered precisely and shown on
the display panel of the elec-
tronic box French is wearing
on his belt. A doseup look
at the Body Shield is shown
at lefi above, where French's
wife Mary Ellen (also a black
belt) and son Barry are the
demonstrators. Above, Tyler
high kicks an Impax mitt
worn by French.
Among Impax users are
martial arts instructors who
are generally enthusiastic
about the equipment's utility
for generating competitive
excitement among students,
for testing and for charting
students' power performance
over time. Impax equipment
is also used by serious mar-
tial arts practitioners as a
Heat Pipe Systems

B elow, inventor James

M. Stewart stands be-
side the externally vis-
ible portion-the solar pan-
els--of a solar hot water
The heat pipe is a heat
transfer mechanism devel-
oped for NASA by Los
Alamos Scientific Laboratory
(LASL) to solve a problem in
system that employs space- the early days of the space
:. derived heat pipe technol- program: the Sun-facing sur-
ogy; it is used by a meat faces of a non-rotating satel-
packing plant to heat water lite became excessively hot
for cleaning processing ma- while surfaces not exposed to
chinery. The novel system, the Sun became very cold,
which won 1986 awards for producing a situation that
energy innovation, was de- could cause failure of elec-
veloped by Solar Funda- tronic systems. LASL's an-
mentals, Inc. (SFI), and is swer was a simple device
marketed by SF1 and by The with no moving parts that
Solar Works, Dewey, Okla- extracted heat from the hot
homa. At right, Stewart, parts of the spacecraft and
who founded and is presi- used it to warm cool parts.
dent of SFI, is checking the Stewart learned about heat
final assembly of another pipes more than a decade
heat pipe system for recover- ago through contact with
ing excess heat from a cookie NASA's T h o l o g y Appli- SFI's unit is a complete
company's baking ovens and cations Center (TAC) at the system with water heater,
using it to heat water for University of New Mexico. hot water storage, electrical
equipment cleaning. Stewart incorporated the heat controls and a u x i h y com-
pipe technology into his own ponents. Other than fans
development of patented and a circulating pump,
"heat tubes," which found there are no moving parts.
application in the manufac- SFI's citation from the Na-
9 ture of plastic products. tional Awards Program for
Stewart has since maintained Energy Innovation stated
contact with TAC and ob- that the use of heat pipes
tained updated NASA re- "sigdcantly increases sys-
r ports on advances in heat tem effiuenues" and added
I pipe technology, The NASA that the system's unique de-
input assisted him in devel- sign eliminates problems of
opment of his HPCoil, the balancing, leaking, corroding
focal element of SF1 solar hot and freezing. A
water systems. The HPCoil
is a bundle of heat pipes
that extract thermal energy
from an air-based solar col-
lector; heated air passes over
fins to evaporate a fluid,
which condenses and heats
Thermoelectric Products

hown below is an of-

fice use high purity
water delivery system
with a two cubic fobt ;her-
moelectric refrigerator. Man-
ufactured by United States
Thermoelectric (UST),
Chico, California, it is one of
a line of UST products based
in part on NASA thermo-

electric technology. Among ized metallic aysmls, heat is R&D focused on creation of craft. The company also
the company's products are produced, and when the proprietary thermoelectric benefits from NASA solar
portable heating and refrig- current direclion is reversed, systems for consumer, com- power technology.
eration units called precision cooling is produced. At mercial, industrial and aero- Other UST products in-
temperature chambers right above an engineer is space use. Products indude dude therm-c solar
(PTG), a m m d versions inspecting a thermoelectric heating and cooling systems, driven refiigerators; a Third
of systems developed for use assembly. power generators and ther- World refrigerator that can
in spgcecnrft under contract PTCs have been used in moelectric systems operated operate on very low power or
to Arne Research Center. medical and scientific appli- by solar power sources. UST on solar power; a Refrigera-
Instead of the bulky coils c a b . Powered by the bat- chief executive ofKcer and tion Conversion Module that
and compressors used in con- tery of an auto or airplane, general manager James M. can convert any insulated
ventional refiigeration sys- they offer a typical tempera- Kerner states that his com- container into a +erator,
tems, UST design engineers ture range of 35 to 150 pany has bendted from and several types of PTCs.
drew on thermoelectric tech- degrees Fahrenheit; a *tal NASA technology in several Scheduled for release this
nology. UST's precision tem- keypad or a thumbwheel areas. NASA crystal growth year or early in 1989 is an
perature chambers (PTCs) switch offers temperature se- technology has proved valu- Undercounter Water Deliv-
f e a k small thermoelectric leaion in one degree incre- able. In designing advanced ery System for the home that
modules that measure not ments. UST's chambers can thermoelectric power genera- delivers p d e d hot and
much more than one square drigerate for up to 48 hours tion systems, UST employs cold water to the household
inch and operate on a on a single charge powered NASA technology developed sink at the touch of an
unique phenomenon of heat by a 16-ounce battery pack. for the radioisotope thermo- electronic faucet. A
exchange: wheq electric cur- As the company's name electric generators aboard
rent flows through special- indicates, UST specialttes in several long duration space-
Glass Artworks

hown below is a mag-

nificent Rocking
Combination Arc, a
glass artwork by Harvey K.
Littleton, father of what is
known in art circles as the
studio glass movement. Be-
fore Littleton, the technologi-
cal demands of working hot
glass dictated that such
artworks be produced by
skilled technicians in fac-
tories with an array of special
equipment. In the 1960s,
Littleton popularized the
techniques that enabled an
artist working alone in a stu-
dio to create high quality among them a foam-type in-
glass artworks. Littleton sulation developed to meet a
passed on his technology to need for a lightweight mate-
groups he taught at the Uni- rial that would reduce flame
versity of Wisconsin; many spread in an airad? fire. The
of his students formed their foam comes in several forms
own university glass art pro- and is widely used by glass
grams and helped advance artists, chiefly as an insulator
the technology. T h y there for the various types of ovens
are estimated to be more used in glass working. The
than 1,000 glass studios in principal advantage is econ-
the U.S. omy; other insulating ma-
S e v d NASA technol- terials absorb much of the
ogies have played a part in heat energy and require three
the growth and cost contain- to four times the amount of
ment of studio glass art, fuel.
Another spinoff is the use in an electric annealing oven
of alumina crucibles to con- such as the one (top left) in
tain molten glass. A fabrica- which Kate Littleton is plac-
tion process for alumina ing a completed work. The
crucibles was developed by electricity cost for the long
Marshall Space Flight Center period of cooling would be
for use in experiments on in- enormous except for the
organic crystals. Prior to that superinsulating qualities of
time, glass tanks were made the insulator lining the oven.
of firebrick, which tended to The top right photo illus-
erode under high tempera- trates another use of the
ture and cause impurities. foam insulator--as a base for
The use of alumina crucibles a fused glass design. The
not only improved quality foam is the white material
but made the process more set on a ceramic plate; on
cost effective. top of it artist Gary Bee-
One more NASA technol- cham has arranged colored
ogy that has found its way glass rods to form a desired
into glass artworking is a design. The whole package is
material known as graphite then placed inside an electric
board, a special form of oven and heated to about
graplute o+y developed 1800 degrees Fahrenheit;
for rodret motor applications

then the glass rods melt to-
by Great Lakes Carbon Cor- gether into Beecham's prede-
poration, Briardiff Manor, termined design. At left,
New York. .4nexample of Beecham peels away the
the utility of this kind of foam support sheet, which is
graphite is found in the easily removed and leaves no
work of artist Mark Peiser, residue or impurities. A
who machines it in his stu
dio to exact compound an-
gles and aeates molds for
poured-glass artworks of dra-
matic design. At upper left into an alumina crucible in-
on the opposite page is a side a gas-fired oven; a new
graphite mold in the fore- crucible is shown in front of
ground and the resulting art- the oven. The glass formula
work (cost $11,000) in the is melted and kept liquid for
background. days and even weeks,
At top left center, the throughout the production
husband-wife team of John of the artwork. Once the
and Kate Littleton is aeating piece is completed, it must
a blown glass artwork. In the be cooled to room tempera-
left center photo, John Lit- ture very slowly, only a de-
tleton is dipping a blowpipe gree per hour. This is done
Telescope Equipment

A t right is the award-

winning Renaissance
Telescope for high
resolution photography and
visual astronomy. Below it
are five 82' Field TeleVue
Nagler Eyepieces, some of
the accessories that contrib-
ute to high image quality.
The telescope and eyepieces
are representative of a family
of optical equipment manu-
factured by TeleVue Optics,
Inc., Pearl River, New York.
TeleVue's devices incorporate
space technology developed
for NASA's Gemini and
Apollo projects.
TeleVue products repre-
sent examples of the person-
nel type technology transfer,
wherein people who work for
NASA or its contractors
move to another industry,
bringing with them aero-
space-acquired skills and
know-how applicable to
non-aerospace use. Valhalla, New York. Under nical basis for the Renais-
The instrument of tech- contract to NASA, Farrand sance Telescope, his patented
nology transfer in this in- developed visual simulators wide angle eyepieces and
stance was A1 Nagler, presi- for w e d NASA programs. I other optical systems. In
dent and founder of TeleVue NagIer's particular respon- 1977, Nagler founded
Optics. From 1957 to 1973, sibility was displays for the TeleVue, which designs and
Nagler worked as senior op- Gemini and Apollo Lunar manufactures projection TV
tical systems designer for Module spacecraft. The lenses as well as telescopes
Farrand Optical Company, visual simulators used large and eyepieces, and addition-
mirrors to project images of ally performs consulting and
Earth orbit, docking and lu- optical design for the rnili-
nar landing. The latter was tary services, aerospace firms
simulated by a complex "op- and commercial businesses. A
tical probe," a TV camera
and lens that "flew" down
onto a scale model of the
lunar surface.
Nagler's experience in
these and other space tech-
nologies provided the tech-
Plant Minders

A rchitects and interior

designers are inaeas-
ingly using indoor ar-
rangements of live plants to
enhance the attractiveness of
office suites, hotel lobbies,
restaurants, lounges, banks
and homes. Plants are gener-
ally installed by contractors
called "plantscapers," who
also perform contract main-

tenance functions-watering,
inspection, cleaning, rotation
and replacement. By one es-
timate, watering accounts for
25-60 percent of the time
spent on-site by maintenance
technicians. Therefore, main-
tenance costs can be substan-
tially reduced by an auto-
mated system for watering
indoor plants, says ~ t u a r t -
Snyder, president of Aqua/
Trends, Boca Raton, Florida,
who invented a family of
computer-controlled Micro-
Irrigation Systems.
At upper right is a Palm various plants in an installa- structure to water all the ongoing research effort in
Beach (Florida) condomin- tion. At far right is a doseup greenery in a large office or plant use for water purifica-
ium lobby whose plants have of an adjustable nozzle that apartment building. tion and pollution control
been automatically tended meters out exactly the right NASA provided Snyder (see page 94) and it made
for five years by an Aqua/ amount of water at the assistance during develop- available to Snyder reports
Trends system. In the center proper time to the plant it ment of the Aqua/Trends of this work. A
photo, Snyder is pictured is serving. More than 100 line through the Southeast
with some of the elements of Aqua/Trends systems are Area Office of the Southern
his system in a home instal- in service in the U.S.; they Technology Applications
lation. The Aqua/Trends come in various sizes, from Center (STAC), located at
system draws water from a simple residential system Florida Atlantic University,
building outlets or from a that takes care of up to 12 Fort Lauderdale. STAC
pump/reservoir module and houseplants to a Mirage I11 furnished pertinent NASA
distributes it to the plants system integrated into a technical repom, advised
via a network of tubes and Snyder of seminars useful in
adjustable nozzles. A key product development, and
element of the system is an put him in contact with
electronic controller pro- NASA's National Space
grammed to dispense water Technology Laboratories
according to the needs of the (NSTL). NSTL conducts an
Pool Purification

hewn above is a Flor- In the 1960s and early $"

ida pond cluttered by 1970s, Johnson Space Center A

algae. At right above conducted a research pro-

is the same pond 48 hours gram aimed at development
after treatment by a new wa- of a small, lightweight water
ter purification system-no purifier that would require
algae and very dear water, minimal power and no astro-
evidenced by the clouds re- naut monitoring. This pro-
flected on the mirror-like gram produced an electro-

surface of the pond. These lytic silver ion generator only
before and after photos were slightly larger than a ciga-
made to demonstrate the ef- rette pack and weighing only
ficacy of the Caribbean Clear nine ounces. One or more
Automatic Pool Purifier, units, mounted at various lo-
which utilizes NASA tech- cations in the potable water
nology developed to sterilize supply and wastewater sys-
the water supply of long tem of Apollo or future
duration spacecraft. spacecraft, would dispense
silver ion concentrations of
100 to 300 parts a billion,
sufficient to eliminate bacte-
ria in the water within hours.
Caribbean Clear, Inc., a
Leesville, South Carolina
Automatic Pool Purifier, a
system that offers an alterna-
tive approach to the use of I
conventional purification At lower lefi is a residen-
chemicals. Caribbean Clear's tial swimming pool with a
principal markets are swim- built-in hot tub, both
ming pool owners who want serviced by the Automatic
to eliminate chlorine and Pool Purifier; the system is
bromine. The purifiers in the effective in both units de-
Caribbean Clear system are spite the difference in tem-
the same silver ions used in perature. Shown above is the
the Apollo system to kill key element of the system,
bacteria, plus copper ions to two silver-copper alloy elec-
kill algae. They produce pool trodes which generate the sil-
and spa water that ver and copper ions when an
exceeds the Environmental electric current is passed
Protection Agency's stan- through them. The rest of
dards for drinking water. the system includes a miao-
computer that monitors wa-
ter condition, water tempera-
ture and electrode wear, and
A* 3 d a controller that automati-
cally introduces the correct
amount of ions into the wa-
ter; the upper right photo
shows the controller with the
electrodes and their

1 Caribbean Clear maintains

that purifying a pool with its The system is now avail- tial hot tub to a six million
system costs less than treat- able in the U.S. through gallon commercial pool. In
ing the same pool with some 200 fmchises, and in addition to private pool
chlorine and algaecides. The 42 foreign countries; there owners, Caribbean Clear
Automatic Pool Purifier re- are more than 10,000 units numbers among its custom-
quires only a once-weekly in operation. The company ers the U.S. Navy, Holiday
test to measure the level of makes units in different Inns, Marriott and Sheraton
copper ions in the pool; a models for purifying every- hotels, YMCA facilities and
twist of a knob in the con- thing from a small residen- many health clubs. Other
trol unit increases or de- applications include killing
creases output as required. algae and bacteria in fish
Caribbean Clear works ponds, fountains and cooling
with Departments of Health towers. A
throughout the world and
with independent testing
laboratories to assure safe,
non-toxic water (right).
Racing with the Sun
An experimental solar
electric car with remarkable
nd n the morning of November 1,
1987, 25 odd-looking vehicles de-
parted Darwin on Australia's North
Coast in the inaugural World Solar Chal-
Sixteen General Motors operations and
several suppliers joined forces to design,
build and drive the sleek Sunraycer. One
of the prime movers was Hughes Aircraft
performance highlights a lenge Race, a competition for solar-powered Company, a subsidiary of GM Hughes Elec-
autos with entries from Austraha, Denmark, tronics Company and a longtime NASA con-
Germany, Japan, Palustan, Switzerland and tractor. Hughes designed and built the solar
1 sampling of technology the United States. arrays, composed of 1,400 Hughes silicon
I transfers in the field of Five and a half days later, General Motors' solar cells and 3,800 gallium arsenide cells
i Sunraycer, one of four American entries, each from Applied Solar Energy Corporation
I crossed the finish line near Adelaide, South and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. These
I energy Australia-more than 600 miles and two photovoltaic cells convert the Sun's rays di-
and a half days ahead of its nearest competi- rectly into electricity. Development of photo-
tor after a grueling, 1,950-mile run through voltaic power was pioneered by NASA and
tropic heat and humidity in northern Austra- its contractors-including Hughes-and it
lia, through a thousand miles of desert heat has been used to power most of the space-
in the Central Australia outback, and finally craft sent into orbit.
into a temperate dimate in the last stages of The Sanraycer project embraced a number
the race. of other advanced technologies, including a
The little one-seater covered the north- revolutionary electric motor, developed by
south transcontinental route at an average G M Research Laboratories and Delco Remy,
speed of 41.6 miles per hour. Its average and several aerospace-related technologies,
speed was considerably better than the prior such as microelectronics, optics, lightweight
world speed record for land vehicles powered materials and communications. In addition,
by direct energy from the Sun-35.22 miles the vehicle was designed with the help of a
per hour, a record also held by Sunraycer. NASA-developed computer program called
VSAERO, used to calculate the aerodynamic
characteristics of the Sunraycer.
The Sunraycer features a welded alumi-
num tube "spaceframe" chassis, designed by
AeroVironment Inc., Monrovia, California,
and a body of lightweight honeycomb sand-
wich material. The low-slung teardrop shape
is designed to achieve extremely low aerody-
namic drag, with low side forces during
crosswinds, while providing a suitable surface
for the solar cells and adequate space for the
driver (six drivers alternated, four to five
hours at a time, in the Solar Challenge race).
Less than 20 feet long, the Sunraycer
weighs only 547 pounds with driver. The
canopy is goldplated to reflect 90 percent of
the visible light and 98 percent of infrared
radiation, which holds down temperatures in
very hot climates.
The solar array spreads over 90 square feet
of the vehicle's aft curved surface. It was de-

84 Energy
veloped by Hughes' Space and Communica- Near the midway mark of the 1,950-mile trans-
tions Group, which has special expertise in Australia race, the General Motors Sunraycer passes
fabricating curved solar arrays; a hallmark of a camel train in Central Australia's outback. Powered
Hughes satellites is the technique of install- by space-derived solar cell technology and incorpo-
ing solar cells on the exterior surface of a cy- rating a number of other aerospace technologies, the
lindrical spacecraft body, rather than on Aat- 547-pound one-seater averaged better than 41
panel solar wings. Although the intensity of miles an hour and finished 600 miles ahead
of its nearest competitor.
the Sun's rays and the temperature of the
environment affect output, the solar array
typically operates at 150 volts, providing up
to 1,500 watts of power at noon. The elec-
tricity generated flows to the motor or to
the storage battery system, composed of 68
rechargeable silver zinc cells producing a total
of 102 volts. The batteries weigh 60 pounds,
one-fifth the weight of a lead acid battery of
the same capacity. In the race, battery power
was used early and late in the day to supple-
ment the reduced solar power available at
those times. A
Motor Controller

S everal years ago, Mar- help, he also lined up suppli- box) installed on a home
shall Space Flight ers for the various compo- heating blower unit; below is
Center engineer
- Frank nents of the Electra-Miser kit. the normal sine wave of the
Nola came up with a way to When the Popular Elec- electrical current and the
curb power wastage in AC tronics article appeared, power savings (blue) the
induction motors caused by Marks was stunned by the Electra-Miser makes possible
the fact that such motors op- response. Within two weeks by interrupting the cycle.
erate at a fixed voltage, the he had orders for 500 kits In time the PFC technol-
voltage necessary to handle and the orders kept coming ogy spread widely and, as
the heaviest loads the motor the experience of Myles H. over a three-year span. He many new suppliers entered
is designed to carry. The Marks, then a Pittsburgh used his garage as a kit as- the field, demand for the
wastage occurs when the (Pennsylvania) television sembly plant and the rest of Electra-Miser fell off, but
motor is operating at less broadcast engineer who the house as a warehouse, Marks still maintains a
than full load but is still get- started out with the notion and nuned out some 2,500 supply of parts and builds
ting full load power. Nola's of doing a magazine article kits. Marks is shown above Electra-Misers on special
answer was a device called about the PFC and wound with an Elecua-Miser (black demand.
the Power Factor Controller up with a thriving garage
(PFC) that matches voltage industry selling controller
with the motor's actual need. kits in volume.
Plugged into a motor, the Marks learned of the PFC
PFC continuously determines from a TV broadcast and hit
motor load by sensing shifts upon the idea of writing an
between voltage and current article for Popular Efectronic~
flow; when it senses a light magazine and at the same
load it cuts the voltage to time offering to furnish kits
the minimum needed. It of- to readers interested in as-
fers potential energy savings sembling their own PFCs.
ranging from eight percent The editor of Popular Elec-
all the way up to 65 percent, tronics was enthusiastic about
depending on the type of the project, so Marks began
application. gathering information.
Considering the millions He contacted the NASA
of electric motors in service Industrial Applications Cen-
I and the rising cost of energy, ter at Pittsburgh, which sup-
it was not surprising that plied him a detailed tech-
Nola's invention excited nical information package
broad interest and became and advised him how to ob-
one of the most widely used tain a NASA license. Marks
NASA spinoffs. A user ex- got the license, developed his
ample of particular interest is own prototype and patented
it as the Electra-MiserTM, a
unit designed to cut power
up to 40 percent in type-
writers, washing machines,
refrigerators and similar is a trademark of M.
equipment. With NASA H. Marks Enterprises.

86 Energy
Flow Measurement

laser velocimeter (LV) instrument with the impres-

is a system used in sive name of Laser Velocime-
wind tunnel testing of ter Autocovariance Buffer
airaaft, missiles and space- Interface (LVABI). The
craft. It employs electro- LVABI is an interconnecting
optical techniques to probe instrument between the LV
the flow field as the tunnel and the computer. It
blows air over a model of acquires the data from as
the flight vehicle, and to de- many as six LV channels at
termine the velocity of the high real time data rates,
air and its direction at many stores it in its memory, and
points around the model. sends it to the computer on
The LV makes measure- command.
ments at rates up to one mil- The LVABI can also ac-
lion per second and reports quire data from other instru-
them to a computer. mentation used in conjunc-
Current state-of-the-art tion with the LV. In wind
minicomputers, however, tunnel testing, the LVABI Langley began developing
cannot handle the massive can therefore provide a com- the LVABI in 1976 and, in
flow of real time data from plete analytical picture of the 1980, initiated work on a
several sources simulta- flow about a model each more advanced second gen-
neously. To compensate for time a measurement is eration instrument in cooper-
this limitation, Langley Re- made. ation with Macrodyne, Inc.,
search Center developed an Schenectady, New York.
Langley and Macrodyne also
teamed in a technology utili-
zation project to commercial-
ize the technology. At left is
the LVABI instrument;
above, a Macrodyne engineer
is testing its circuitry.
The LVABI has applica-
tion in a variety of research,
industrial and defense func-
tions that require precise
flow measurement. It is, for
example, used in parametric
measurements of fluid flow
in chemical processing and
electricity flow in utility op-
erations. Customers include a
number of government and
private research laboratories,
university research centers,
industrial companies and
electric power utilities. A

Energy 87
Solar Electricity

hen sunlight
strikes certain ma-
ports DOE by conducting
demonstrations of the advan- I
terials-such as sil- tages of this type of power
icon--electrons are set in generation. NASA's Jet Pro-
motion. These moving elec- pulsion Laboratory (JPL) is
trons can be drawn off as the organization primarily
electricity. That is the basic responsible for developing
principle of photovoltaic con- advanced PV technology and
version, or PV, the method finding ways to cut costs.
of providing power to nearly Research has gradually re-
all the satellites launched duced the cost to the point
into space. In recent years, where PV is in practical use I
PV has been getting more of in a number of Third World
a foothold in practical Earth areas where no established
applications. energy network exists. In de-
The first step in produc- veloped countries, it is still
ing a PV system is to make too expensive for widespread
the solar cells, very thin, commercial, industrial and
treated wafers of extremely residential applications but it
pure silicon sliced from cy- is making an appearance as a
lindrical uystals "grown" working component of the
from molten silicon. Then U.S. utility grid.
the cells are electrically con- "People have traditionally
nected and encased in weath- thought of photovoltaics as a etry systems that monitor power generation for utilities.
erproof packages called mod- technology with promise of environmental conditions. A JPL contractor since the
ules. Several modules join becoming a source of utility They are also used to 'power early development of Earth-
together to form a panel and scale energy in the more or agricultural water pumping use solar arrays, ARCO Solar
any number of panels can be less distant future," says systems, to provide electricity designed and built some of
assembled to form a PV James H. Caldwell, presi- for isolated villages and the world's largest PV
array. dent of ARC0 Solar, Inc., medical clinics, for corrosion systems.
NASA pioneered PV Carnardlo, California, a sub- protection for pipelines and Shown above is an ARCO
power for spacecraft and has sidiary of Atlantic Richfield bridges, to power railroads Solar PV power plant located
been very active in support Company. "The fact is, signals and air/sea naviga- on 20 acres at Hesperia,
of Department of Energy photovoltaics is already a tional aids, and for many California. It is capable of
(DOE)programs designed to business, using today's types of military systems. generating one megawatt of
expand Earth applications. technology to supply Since 1982, ARC0 has been electrical power and supply-
Lewis Research Center sup- power today." moving into large scale PV ing 3 million kilowatt hours
ARCO Solar manufac- of electricity annually; at the
tures PV systems tailored to time of the plant's dedica-
a broad variety of applica- tion in 1983, its rated capac-
tions. PV arrays are routinely ity was three times greater
used at remote communica- than any PV system in the
tions installations to operate world. The system makes
large microwave repeaters, maximum use of available
T V and radio repeaters, rural sunlight by means of auto-
telephones and small telem- matic, computer-controlled

88 Energy
Sacramento (California) batteries. An in between ex-
Municipal Utility District. ample is pictured at left; it is
But the granddaddy of all a three-acre, 300 kilowatt
I PV systems is ARCO Solar's
6.5 megawatt plant at
municipal utility financed by
the city of Austin, Texas.
Carrisa Plains, just west of ARCO Solar won the bid for
Bakersfield in California's the plant, provided the de-
Kern County. The 160-acre sign and the PV modules. A
trackers that continually plant, part of which is
point the PV panels directly I shown above, has 756 solar
at the Sun for efficient ac- trackers, each with 16 PV
quisition of solar radiation. panels. It produces almost
The Hesperia station has 14 million kilowatt hours a
256 PV modules on each of year, enough to serve 2,300
108 tracker pedestals. Its average homes, and feeds it
electricity, enough to serve to the grid of Pacific Electric
300-400 homes, is pur- Company. It is planned to
chased by Southern Califor- boost the Carrisa Plains
nia Edison Company (SCE) capacity eventually to 16
and fed to SCE's utility grid. megawatts.
Between the plant and the ARCO Solar has PV in-
utility grid is an inverter sta- stallations on five continents
tion that converts the elec- and the company's broad
tricity from direct current product line ranges from
(DC), the type of current mammoth systems like
generated by PV systems, to Carrizo Plain to simple units
alternating current (AC), the that provide power for re-
current to which the U.S. charging recreational vehicles
utility grid is geared.
ARCO Solar also built a
one megawatt facility for the
Research Help

T he experience of The
Electrosynthesis Com-
pany, Inc., East Am-
herst, New York illustrates
the benefits available to in-
technology-and helps par-
ticipants investigate patents,
gain competitive intelligence
and identlfy qualified tech-
nical experts.
lithium batteries. The bot-
tom photo shows a test of a
lithiurn/carbon battery
bathed in thiomyl chloride
solution. The composition is
with an electrochemical cell
to provide an apparatus ca-
pable of destroying virtually
all toxic chemicals and air-
borne bacteria. The project is
dustry through a network of NERAC also provides in- readily decomposed when funded by the Department
NASA assistance centers that formation about commercial oxygen or water vapor is of Defense as a prospective
provide information retrieval possibilities and market con- present, so the test is con- means of decontaminating
services and technical help. ditions. Electrosynthesis ducted inside a "glove box" airborne chemicals and bio-
NASA operates 10 such plans internal manufacturing with an inert argon gas envi- logical watfare agents. It also
centers serving different geo- and marketing of certain of ronment free of moisture has broad civil use applica-
graphical areas; the one in its products and expanded and oxygen. bility, for example, hospital
this instance is NERAC, marketing through licensing Below, a scientist is test- use for destruction of air-
Inc., Tolland, Connecticut. agreements with larger ing the efficiency of the borne viruses and bacteria
Electrosynthesis is a small manufacturers. company's ElecmcheratorTM and industrial use for elimi-
entrepreneurial firm that re- Among several projects in System, which integrates a nating toxic solvent vapors
ceives research and develop- R&D or limited production highly effective air scrubber and malodorous emissions. r
ment funding through the status is a family of carbon/
Small Business Innovation graphite materials known as
Research (SBIR) program. Specifically Fluorinated Car-
Company president Dr. bons or SFCTM. Shown in
Norman Weinberg states various forms above, SFC
that he uses NERAC's ser- materials offer efficiency im-
vices to advantage in prepar- provement and extended
ing each SBIR proposal.
NERAC prepares custom-
ized literature searches, pro-
lifetime for batteries, fuel
cells and electrodes due to
superior stability and
vides helpful technological electrocatalytic properties.
background and current Electrosynthesis is also in-
awareness information- vestigating other chemically
including pertinent NASA modified carbons for use in

90 Energy
L "SFC and Electrocinerator are d e -
marks of The Elemosynthesis Com-
pany, Inc.
Light Reflector

A t right, a fluorescent
lighdng fixture is get-
ting a boost in reflec-
tivity through installation of
Lightdrive@, a thin, tough
thermoplastic film plated
with aluminum capable of
reflecting 95 percent of the
visible light striking it.
Lightdriver is marketed by
Ultra Sales, Inc., Colonia,
New Jersey.
Lightdriver increases
brightness without adding
bulbs and allows energy
savings by removing some
bulbs, because the mirrorlike
surface cuts the light loss
generally occasioned by the
conventional low reflectivity
white painted surface above
the bulbs in many fluores-
cent 6xtures. With
Lightdriver, says Ultra Sales,
a 45 percent reduction in
electricity usage is arminable
by removing two of the
bulbs in a four bulb fixture; Sold in sheets and cut to highly refiective skin for a
the remaining two will stdl fit fixtures, Lightdriver is balloon type satellite. The
provide excellent lighting. made in three layers: the need was met by Metallized
Additional savings accrue thermoplastic film, which Produces (MP), Winchester,
from lower air conditioning proterrs the reflective surface Massachusetts (see page
bills due to fewer heat- from corrosion and insulates 70), which developed a
producing bulbs in use and it elearically; the aluminum metallized plastic film coated
from bulb replacement costs, reflector, which provides with a mist of aluminum
Bonus advantages indude greater reflectivity than a particles. That development
even lighting throughout a standard mirror; and a per- trigged extensive R&D by
work area, less glare and manent adhesive with re- MP and other companies on
eyestrain, and the f m that movable backing (top) for metalbed materials, which
Lightdriver does not r e b simple installation. found b r d application as
most ultraviolet light. Lightdriver is one more reflecting insulators and radi-
adaptation of a spinoff met- ation barriers in space sys-
allization technology that tems and in a b r o ~ drange of
originated in a 1960 NASA commercial products. A
project involving develop- "Lightdriver is a registered trademark
ment of a lightwe'ght, of Ultra Sales, Inc.

Energy 91
Wastewater Treatment: The Natural Wdy
A system employing aquatic
plants as water purification
I n the spring of 1985, the town of
Haughton, Louisiana, faced a problem:
the state Department of Environmental
Quality had notified Mayor Harold R. Lee
aquatic plants to remove pollutants from
wastewater at relatively low cost. Wolverton
and his SSC group had developed a new and
advanced technique known as the artificial
I agents higblights spinofis in that Haughton's wastewater treatment marsh filtering system, which seemed a possi-
facility was in violation of environmental ble answer to Haughton's dilemma. Haugh-
environmentalcontroland protectionstandards. ton officials contracted Wolverton, visited an
It looked at first as though Haughton artificial marsh test site and learned details of
resources management would have to lay out $1.2 million for add- the operation. When they looked into relative
on modifications to its activated sludge facil- costs of the two options, "The choice was
ity-and also pay considerably more to oper- dear," said the mayor; the NASA technology
ate the expanded facility. That would have would permit development of a wastewater
been a heavy financial strain for the commu- treatment facility that would allow for growth
nity of 2,000. to almost double the town's population at a
But Mayor Lee had an idea. He had read cost less than one-third the estimate for
of the research of Dr. Billy C. Wolverton, improving the old system.
head of the Environmental Research Labora- The facility Haughton built is an 1 1-acre
tory at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center sewage lagoon with a 70 by 900 foot artifi-
(SSC) in Mississippi. Wolverton is widely cial marsh called a vascular aquatic plant/
acclaimed for his innovative work in natural microbial filter cell. In the cell, microor-
water purification, which involves use of ganisms and rooted aquatic plants combine
to absorb and digest wastewater pollutants,
thereby converting sewage effluents to rela-
tively dean water. Raw wastewater, after a
period in the sewage lagoon, flows over a
rock bed populated by microbes that digest
nutrients and minerals from the sewage, thus
partially deaning it. Additional treatment is
provided by the aquatic plants growing in
the rock bed, which absorb more of the
pollutants and help deodorize the sewage.
The Haughton facility went on line early
in 1987. A year later, Haughton was able to
reduce its sewer user fees by 25 percent. The
facility was easily meeting the more stringent
wastewater deansing standards and there was
a bonus: the system won an award in the
American City and County magazine Awards
of Merit.

Not a floral display, but a practical wastewater treat-

ment facility-a field of floating water hyacinths that
absorb and digest pollutants in wastewater, a tech-
nology that stemmed from NASA studies of water
reclamation systems for long-duration spacecraft.
"To say that we are extremely pleased and and in short order the once noxious lagoon At Haughton, Louisiana, town of-
proud of this facility would be an under- became a dean aquatic garden. ficials installed a second-genera-
statement," says Mayor Lee. "The artificial SSC continues to work toward the pri- tion version of NASA's natural
marsh rock-reed filter cost less to build, costs mary goal of natural purification for space wastewater treatment system.
less to maintain and operate, and is much applications, but it is also engaged in assist- This one employs a combination
more efficient than any other system we ing communities interested in aquaculture as of sewage-digesting microbes liv-
could have built. " ing in a gravel bed and pollutant-
part of NASA's Technology Utilization Pro-
absorbing plants-bulrushes in
Haughton was among the first communi- gram, which seeks to expand spinoff applica-
foreground and canna lilies in
ties to employ the new artificial marsh tech- tions of NASA-developed technology. After background.
nology but many other U.S. municipalities the Bay St. Louis demonstration, SSC pub-
have benefited from SSC aquaculture tech- lished a report of its work that attracted
niques, which Wolverton and his group have broad attention and inspired other commum-
been researching since 1974. ties to investigate aquaculture. Today, a
The program was initiated as a possible number of southern U.S. towns, with popu-
means of deansing, detoxifying and reusing lations ranging from 2,000 to 15,000, em-
wastewater in space stations or long-duration ploy aquaculture as their year-round primary
spacecraft. Although a number of mechanical method of treating wastewater. Other towns
purification systems were-and are being- --and one major city, San Diego-use aqua-
studied, SSC focused its effort on the ability culture as a supplementary process in sewage
of aquatic plants-notably the water hya- treatment applications.
cinth, which literally thrives on sewage-to Because municipalities all over the nation
absorb and metabolize astonishing amounts are of necessity tightening their budgets,
of nutrients and pollutants from wastewater. interest in the potential cost reductions af-
Use of water hyacinths offered potential bo- forded by aquaculture wastewater treatment
nus value because they could be harvested is growing. And SSC's new aquatic plant/
and used as fuel, fertilizer or as a protein/ microbial filter process will allow a broader
mineral additive to cattle feed. range of communities to take advantage of
Afier successful tests at SSC, the facility's the technology. In fact, that is one reason
neighboring community of Bay St. Louis, why it was developed.
Mississippi, became-in 1975-the first (Continued)
municipality to employ aquaculture filtra-
tion. At the request of city officials, SSC
fenced off part of the town's 40-acre waste-
water lagoon and planted water hyacinths.
The plants flourished on a feast of sewage
Wastewater Treatment: The Natural Way (Continued)

For Earth applications, the water hyacinth

is similarly limited. It is a warm climate
plant, not suitable for practical use in north-
em latitudes except with greenhouse protec-
tion, which reduces cost-effectiveness and is
not always effective. ALL operating aquacul-
ture systems are in the southern U.S.
However, the types of plants used in the
artificial marsh system-bulrush, reed, soft
rush, cattail, canna lilies and others-are cold
and salt-tolerant, thus usable in wastewater
systems in colder climates. The first commu-
nity demonstration of that potential is under-
way in Monterey, Virginia.
In this windowless, highly insu- Water hyacinths are almost the ideal nat- Monterey, population 249, is technically a
lated facility, Stennis Space Cen- ural wastewater purification system. This southern town but it is perched in a high
ter (SSC) is investigating the free-floating freshwater plant grows prolifi- valley of the Allegheny Mountains at 3,000
potential of natural air/water puri- cally, digests enormous amounts of pollutants feet, thus has colder than average winter
fication systems-plants-for fa- and, in Earth applications, offers cost-effec- temperatures. Monterey creates no significant
cilities with reduced ventilation, tive sewage treatment with potential byprod- pollution, but like all U.S. municipalities was
such as space stations and required by the federal Clean Air Act to pro-
uct bonuses.
energy-efficient homes/offices.
But for water reclamation and recycling in vide secondary sewage treatment by July 1,
future spacecraft or space stations, the hya- 1988. The estimated cost for a conventional
cinth's utility is limited. In dosed environ- facility was $500,000, far beyond the means
ment facilities such as manned spacecraft, of the town's 149 sewer users.
there must be a better means of removing Looking for an alternative, Monterey
potentially toxic chemicals from redaimed contacted SSC's Dr. Bill Wolverton and
water. SSC's extensive research pointed to learned of aquaculture. Initially, it was
the plant/microbial filter as a more effective thought that a water hyacinth lagoon, pro-
technique for in-space wastewater treatment, tected by a greenhouse cover, would serve
toxic chemical removal and water reuse. Monterey's purposes. But after a summer's
test of a hyacinth pond met with limited
success, Wolverton recommended the still-
new plant/microbial filter.
After much study and discussion with
NASA participation, the Virginia Health
Department and State Water Control Board
approved experimental operation of the arti-
ficial marsh and Monterey won an extension
of the deadline for compliance. Conversion of
the hyacinth pond to a plant/microbial filter
system got under way in 1988 and the town
expects its system to be fully operational by
1993. Monterey Mayor George E.
McWhorter Jr. thanked NASA for the work
done by Wolverton and SSC, adding that

94 Environment
the technology "will enable the Town of The spider plant is one of several
Monterey and many other municipalities decorative houseplants that show
with the same problems to meet mandated promise for absorbing gaseous
standards at a cost far less than convention- pollutants to clean indoor air.
ally accepted methods."
Meanwhile, Wolvenon's work has pro-
duced another spinoff technique, this one for
purifying air as well as water in indoor envi-
ronments. A substantial air pollution prob-
lem exists when ventilation is significantly
reduced, as in pressurized long-duration
spacecraft or highly insulated Earth build-
ings. In an effort to develop a practical
means of preventing buildup of gaseous toxic
substances in space stations or in airtight
homes and office buildings, SSC is again
evaluating the natural approach-in this case
the use of common houseplants as air
The potential health hazard in energy effi-
cient homes stems from reduced ventilation
and increasing use of resins and solvents in
modem construction; they cause an increase
in such indoor air pollutants as formalde-
hyde. Additionally, combustion of fossil fuels A penthouse green garden serves
-as in cooking-and tobacco elevates home as a natural purification system
and officelevels of carbon monoxide and for "atmospheric revitalization" of
nitrogen dioxide. an office building in this SSC
Branching off from its research on aquatic concept. Efficient insulation de-
plants for wastewater treatment, SSC studied signed to save energy may cause
the use of foliage plants for air filtration and a health hazard in buildup of po-
purification. The common spider plant was tentially toxic gases; a recycling
found to be particularly efficient in absorbing system channels all indoor air
through the garden, which
formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide and carbon
absorbs the gaseous pollutants
monoxide; other plants showed potential. and returns clean air to the
At a special facility at SSC, Wolverton's offices.
environmental research group is testing a
number of plant types and developing con-
cepts for Earth-use natural air purification
systems. Commercial businesses are watching
the effort and independently looking into
ways of combining natural and mechanical
filter systems to remove both particulate and
gaseous indoor pollutants; two companies are
now selling filter systems. r

Environment 95
Surveying System

A t right, Chuck Muncy adapt it as a surveying tool less accurate Standard Po-
and Werner Bmtsch using reference signals from sitioning Service (SPS). For
of Sunrise Geodetic the U.S. Air Force Navstar reasons of military security,
Surveys, Mesa, Arizona, are Global Positioning System PPS signals will be encrypted
setting up their equipment (GPS). and the code will not be
for a town survey. Their The Navstar GPS is a available to civilian users ex-
equipment, however, differs network of navigation satel- cept by special approval of
from conventional surveying lites intended to provide the Department of Defense.
systems that employ transit,
rod and chain to measure ----- superaccurate position fixes
for military aircraft, ships or
The SPS channel will be
available to civil users, but
angles and distances. They ing data is stored on site in a land vehicles anywhere on its accuracy will be intention-
are using the ISTAC Model portable data recorder and Earth. It is currently operat- ally degraded.
2002 positioning system, later downloaded into the of- ing as an interim, part-time The special utility of the
which offers fast, accurate fice computer for analysis Block I system for testing ISTAC Model 2002 is that
surveying with exceptional (far right). and user familiarization; it can provide positioning of
orders of accuracy, obtained The ISTAC Model 2002 civilians are authorized to the highest accuracy from
by processing signals from is manufactured by ISTAC, use the Block I system. Navstar PPS signals because
orbiting satellites. Inc., Pasadena, California, Beginning next year, the it requires no knowledge of
Below, and at right, Sun- and sold or leased to survey- USAF will begin to replace the secret codes. It operates
rise employees are surveying ing companies. It is based on the Block I satellites with by comparing the frequency
a remote area for placement technology developed by more advanced Block I1 and time phase of a Navstar
of microwave towers. This il- California Institute of Tech- Navstars in what will ulti- signal arriving at one ISTAC
lustrates a particular advan- nology's Jet Propulsion Lab- mately be an 2 1-satellite receiver with the reception of
tage of the ISTAC Model oratory under NASA spon- constellation. However, the the same set of signals by
2002. In mountainous ter- sorship. Inventor of the advent of Block I1 will pose another receiver. The data is
rain or in areas of dense technology was Peter a problem for civilian users. computer processed and
vegetation, the surveying MacDoran, now president of The Block I1 Navstars will translated into three dimen-
team would normally have a ISTAC. send signals on two channels, sional position data-lati-
long and difficult job clear- Working on a way to pro- the superaccurate Precise Po- tude, longitude and eleva-
ing the line of sight path- vide highly precise measure- sitioning Service (PPS) and a tion. This technique d i not
ways between two siting ments of Earth's crust for
points that are essential for tectonic studies and earth-
operating conventional sys- quake prediction, MacDoran
tems. The 70-pound ISTAC conceived SERIES, a package
system can easily be back- consisting of satellite receiv-
packed or helicopter-trans- ing hardware and signal
ported into remote locations processing software that pro-
and its only requirement is duces positioning data with
a line of sight to the sky. accuracies as fine as five
Satellite-referenced position- centimeters (two inches).
MacDoran was subsequently
granted a NASA waiver
assigning him commercial
rights to the technology. He
formed ISTAC to develop
the technology further and

96 Environment
compromise military security A funue application
and is, in fact, welcomed as (when 24-hour global satel-
a viable means of civil use of lite coverage is available),
the GPS. is seismic surveying for
The ability of ISTAC exploration of hydrocarbon
Model 2002 and other code- resources. ISTAC receivers-
less receivers to use the mili- one on the seismic ship, one
tary network opens up a on a trailing buoy and one
broad range of civil applica- on land--can acquire posi-
tions. ISTAC Model 2002 is tion data from four different
used by a number of survey- Navstar satellites; positioning
ing firms in the U.S. and the computations are handled by
United Kingdom for city a computer aboard the seis-
surveys, construction surveys, mic vessel. A
and geodetic surveying.
Forest Damage Assessment

A t right, scientist
Nancy Defeo of the
University of New
Hampshire's Institute for the
Study of Earth, Oceans and
Space (EOS) is processing
Landsat Thematic Mapper
data as part of an investiga-
tion to determine the efficacy
of satellite information in de-
r -
features of importance to re-
sources managers.
Since the early 1960s, the
high-elevation spruce/fir
forests of the northeastern
United States have under-
gone a marked decline in
growth rate and state of
health. During the same pe-
riod, there has been similar
lites are capable of detecting,
identifying and quantifying
forest decline to make possi-
ble forest monitoring and
assessment on a global scale.
Advanced satellite instru-
mentation planned for the
1990s may even be able to
identify spectral "finger-
prints" that would enable
tecting forest dedine damage decline in central European investigators to identify spe-
which may be due to acid forests of spruce, fir and cific causes of forest damage
rain or other atmospheric beech. Remote sensing satel- and dedine. Scientists at
pollutants. EOS are trying to demon-
Defeo is part of a vegeta- strate how accurate satellite
tion remote sensing group observations may be in de-
that has been investigating tecting specific levels of
the matter for several years forest damage.
under the sponsorship of Toward this goal, Dr.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab- Rock's NASA group has
oratory (JPL). The research conducted multiyear forest
is headed by Dr. Barrett dedine investigations using
Rock (center), former leader satellite and aircraft-acquired
of JPL's Geobotanical Re- imagery. This work was
mote Sensing Group, now coordinated with "ground
with EOS. truth" field investigations to
The Thematic Mapper check the accuracy of scanner
(TM), developed by Hughes data.
Airaaft under NASA con- The NASA group, which
tract, is an advanced scan- included Dr. James E.
ning instrument aboard Vogelmann (EOS), Dr. Ann
Landsats 4 and 5, which F. Vogelrnann (EOS),
I were initially developed by Takashi Hoshizaki (JPL),
I NASA and are now operated and Darrell L. Williams of
as a commercial remote sens- Goddard Space Flight Cen-
ing system. The TM detects ter, has conducted research
radiations reflected and emit- on New York's Adirondack
ted from Earth objects- Mountains, the Green
such as trees-in seven Mountains of Vermont and
bands of the spectrum. Since the White Mountains of
each object has its own New Hampshire. In addi-
unique spectral "signature," tion, Dr. Rock's group and
the TM can distinguish scientists from North Caro-
among surface features and
generate computer-processed
imagery identifying specific
can be used accurately and

I efficiently to detect, quantify,

map and monitor areas of
forest damage on a regional
Satellite imagery has been
incorporated into the U.S.
Forest Service's routine dam-
age assessment fieldwork in
the southeastern United
States to further check the
accuracy of satellite damage
assessment imagery and to
lina State University have
conducted a joint study,
sponsored by the U.S. Forest
Service, to assess forest de-
cline damage on Mt. Mitch-
ell in North Carolina.
Shown above is a TM
damage assessment image of
Mt. Mitchell; the green areas
are healthy conifer (ever-
green) and hardwood
(broadleaf) trees, yellow
shows moderate damage, or-
ange severe damage. At up-
per right, the same image
has been computer manipu-
lated to help identify specific
problems; here blue repre-
sents healthy trees and the
other colors show increasing
levels of damage in yellow,
orange and white. At right,
a group is conducting a been "very encouraging." acquaint foresters with the
ground truth check of a The levels and distribution use and potential of such
white-colored (highly dam- of forest damage detected imagery. A
aged) area identified in the using satellite and aircraft
image. At far right, some of imagery comesponded very
the researchers compare well with conventional
notes, left to right, Nancy ground-based measurements
Defeo, Barrett Rock and of forest health. "We are
James Vogelmann. now confident," said Dr.
The group's research has Rock, "that satellite imagery
Environment Monitor

I n 1976, two NASA
Viking Landers touched
down on the surface of
Mars, equipped with a vari-
ety of systems to conduct
extensive experience in R&D
management, founded Vi-
king Instruments Corpora-
tion, Sterling, Virginia to
commercialize the GC/MS
I automated research. Among technology under an exclu-
this equipment, each Lander sive license from NASA.
They targeted as their pri-
sophisticated instrument for mary market environmental
analyzing the Martian soil monitoring, espeually toxic
and atmosphere. and hazardous waste site
NASA requirements dic- monitoring. Waste sites of-
tated that the instrument- ten contain chemicals in
called a Gas Chromato- complex mixtures and the
graph/Mass Spectrometer conventional method of site
(GC/MS) and developed by characterization-taking
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- samples on-site and sending
be small, lightweight, shock them to a laboratory for
resistant, highly automated analysis-is time-consuming
and extremely sensitive, yet and expensive. Viking In-
require minimal electrical struments sees wide accep-
power. These same charac- tance of its Micro GC/MS
teristics offer wide utility in products (left below) because
Earth applications. they combine the power and
In 1983, Dr. Thomas J. sensitivity of a laboratory
Kuehn and Dr. Russell C. GCMS in a portable, valise-
Drew, both of whom have sized package. The first
prototype instruments were
completed in 1987 and Vi-
king expects to have com-
mercial production proto-
types in 1988.
Among other terrestrial
applications are explosives monitoring crew compart- that would continuously
detection at airports, drug ment atmospheres for sample air at multiple
detection, industrial air mon- contaminants. points, analyze it and warn
itoring, medical metabolic In the top photo, Dr. of contaminants.A
monitoring and, for the mili- Kuehn, Viking executive
tary services, detection of vice president, is using a lab-
chemical warfare agents. oratory high vacuum system
Viking is also planning to to check out the ion source,
develop the technology fut- a key component of the
ther for new space applica- GCMS. In the lower photo,
tions aboard the Space Sta- Dr. Drew, president, stands
tion, for example, chemical beside a larger Viking indus-
analysis of experiments or trial plant monitoring system
Marine Life Study

A s a result of wide-
spread ocean dump-
ing and other pollu-
tion problems, marine
scientists are studying the
populations of various ma-
rine organisms in an attempt
! to determine the &ec*s of
pollution. Marine biologists,
ecologists and fishing indus-
try investigators are compil-
ing data on aging of marine
organisms, including such
factors as the relationship be-
tween the size and age of the
organism, its longevity, its
rate of growth and growth
diffkrencesamong species.
These factors hold dues
to many questions of
Of parti& interest be-
cause of its great economic
value is the surf dam that Professor Ernest G. monitor. The Morgan State/ between each annual ring,
inhabits the U.S. A h t i c Hammond and a group of Goddard technique involved making it easier to get an
Coast. There exists a method students at Morgan State development of a computer accurate count, dearer delin-
of determining the age of University, Baltimore, Mary- program to create digitized eation of the initial ring and
the surf clam: examining land, in cooperation with images of dam sections with the ability to aeate adequate
photographic blowups of a Goddard Space Flight Cen- annual rings. The computer- separation of the aowded
section of the dam that con- ter, have been conducting ized image can then be ring areas of older clams by
tains annual rings or growth research for several years enhanced-manipulated to enhancing and enlarging the
bands, like a tree. Though on a way to apply space emphasize certain features- image. The technique also
useful, this technique has developed digital image pro- in order to improve and showed promise for being
shortcomings, among them cessing techniques to age amplify the information that able to reveal information re-
difficulty in finding the of- determination in dams. can be extracted from the garding the rate of the or-
ten faint initial ring and dif- Digital image processing image. ganism's growth during sea-
ficulty in getting an accurate is the use of computers to A lengthy series of tests sonal and environmental
count in older clams, whose convert sensor data into in- established that the tech- changes that the organism
rings become aowded and formative images. The idea nique offers a number of ad- undergoes. A
run together. of applying it to dam-aging vantages in aging studies not
investigations came from only of dams but of other
Kevin Peters, a Morgan State shellfish and marine organ-
graduate student who is isms that have growth
shown in the accompanying bands. Among these advan-
photograph viewing a high tages, with respect to dam
resolution dam image on a studies, are greater contrast
Space Age Archeology

I n 1954, archeologists dis- In 1985, the Egyptian

covered two subterranean Antiquities Organization
chambers carved in the (EAO) asked Dr. Farouk
bedrock near the Great El-Baz whether it would be
Pyramid of Khufu in Giza, possible to examine and
Egypt. Excavation of one of sample the second chamber
them uncovered an exciting without admitting people,
$ find: the disassembled pieces air or contaminants. El-Baz,
of a wooden funerary boat an Egyptian-born geologist,
apparently intended for Pha- felt it could by applying
raoh Khufu's use in the af- space technology to the task;
terlife. Incredibly, the boat's he was thoroughly familiar
timbers were in a near-per- with a number of space tech-
fect state of preservation after nologies as a one-time lunar
4,600 years. The boat was science planner on the Apollo
painstakingly assembled and program and, more recently,
put on display (right) in a as director of the Boston
museum built on the site. University Center for
Egyptologists wondered Remote Sensing, Boston,
for years whether the second Massachusetts.
chamber, roofed by a five- The initial contact led to a
foot thickness of limestone, two-year project in which El-
contained another royal Baz organized and headed a the chamber. In October 1987, work
boat-and whether the air team, co-sponsored by EAO That left two big require- began at the site, shown at
sealed in the chamber for 46 and the National Geographic ments: a drill to cut through upper right. In the fore-
centuries had some property Society, to apply space tech- the limestone cap without ground, from left are Farouk
that helped preserve the nology in an effort to exarn- using lubricants or cooling El-Baz, EAO's Dr. Karnal
wood of the boat, because ine and photograph the Giza fluids that might contami- Barakat, and work aew fore-
the original boat was show- chamber. National Geo- nate the chamber, and an man Touhamy Mahmoud
ing signs of deterioration and graphic had for a number of airlock that would admit the Ali. The drill pit, evidenced
information on the cham- years been investigating drill shaft and photo equip- by the scaffolding, is in cen-
ber's environment might means of photographing un- ment but not air. For this ter background; the tent at
lead to a way of preserving opened tombs without enter- job, El-Baz brought to the right housed the electronic
it longer. ing or contaminating them. team Bob Moores, a drilling equipment for operating the
In Washington, D.C., the technology engineer with cameras and viewing their
Geographic's photographic Black & Decker Corporation, findings.
division modified and tested Towson, Maryland, which
a remotely controlled video had developed for NASA in
system and a 35-millimeter the 1960s a drill capable of
camera, and developed a boring 10 feet into the
lighting system that would moon's surface and extract-
not elevate the chamber ing soil samples without
temperature; the team estab- contamination. Moores used
lished that all this equip- much of this knowledge to
ment would work if it could select a new drill tailored to
successfully be inserted into the Giza exploration.
For 48 hours off and on, o d i d y monitor chamber
Moores drilled through the temperature and humidity
limestone until, at a depth of indefinitely.
63 inches, the drill bit broke The space technology that
through into the chamber. made possible unviolated
At lower left, El-Baz, hold- inspection of the Giza charn-
ing the drill shaft, grins tri- ber has wide applicability in
umphantly after the break- other archeological investiga-
through; in red is engineer tions and Dr.Farouk El-Baz
Bob Moores. At right, the is looking into additional
science and support teams space technologies that
assemble in the drill pit for a might be used in archeologi--
victory photo. cal applications.
A stainless steel tube was "In the past," he says,
lowered through the airlock "some archeological work
to take samples of the cham- was blind. Where to dig and
At ber air at several levels. But
there was disappointment-
how to approach a site was
pretty much left to chance.
even before the samples were From now on, any archeo-
scientifically analyzed at lab- logical excavation can be
oratories, there were indica- based on a tremendous
tions that the chamber was amount of information by
no longer airtight if ever it using our technology and
had been. methodology." A
But on the morning of
October 20 there came a
compensating discovery
when the video camera
started sending images from
the chamber: there was in-
deed a second royal boat,
disassembled like the first in
stacks of wooden panels,
planks and oars.
The watching team mem-
bers were the first to view
the boat since the 26th cen-
tury B.C. And the last, for a
while. It had been decided
to leave the chamber intact.
So, after six days of record-
ing the chamber's contents
on filmand tape, the team
removed the airlock and re-
placed it with a seal fitted
with sensors that would peri-
Water Filters

T he black cylinder at
right is an Aquaspace@
industrial filter used
by a pharmaceutical com-
pany to ensure the purity of
the water it uses. It is one of
a line of fdtration products
manufactured by Western
Water International (WWI),
Forestville, Maryland. Below,
company founder and presi-
dent Paul M. "Mike"
Pedersen is shown in
WWI's laboratory sampling
water filtered by a W W I
Aquaspace filters combine
company technology with
NASA technology developed
to sterilize the drinking wa-
ter of the Apollo spacecraft.
The filters provide dear,
good tasting water by re-
moving toxic contaminants,
organic chemical com- atomic adsorption, other of ions as filtering agents and
pounds, chlorine and other types of organic chemicals by methods dealing with the
water processing agents, mechanical filtration, and absorption and adsorption of
unpleasant taste, color and still other substances by organic compounds.
odor. catalytic reaction. Aquaspace filters are h d -
The key is Aquaspace Seeking to find a more ing wide acceptance in in-
Compound, a proprietary effective method of fdtering dustrial, commercial, resi-
W W I formula that scientifi- potable water that was dential and reaeational
cally blends various types of highly contaminated, applications in the U.S. and
glandular activated charcoal Pedersen learned that NASA abroad. W W I produces a
with other active and inert had conducted extensive re- wide range of systems to
ingredients. The filtration search in methods of purify- meet these various needs,
material is shown at top ing water on board manned from a simple Apollo Pocket
center around the base of a spacecraft. He obtained a Filter that works like a
typical filter system. number of NASA technical
Aquaspace systems re- reports concerning that re-
move some substances- search. NASA information
chlorine, for example-by that contributed importantly
to the development of
Aquaspace Compound,
Pedersen states, included
technology related to the use
drinking straw to high (right). At right below is a
capacity units for communi- whole-house unit installed in
ties in developing nations a laundry room. A special
where the water is highly advantage of whole-house
contaminated. f~ltrationin contaminated
Examples include the water areas is protection
Voyagd 6lter for camping from diseases that occur
and traveling use (left); the through t o p i d absorption of
Aquaspace Counter Top Fi- contaminants through the
ter (below);and the Aquar- skin and through inhala-
ius Udet-the-Sink Filter tion. A

@Aquaspaceand Voyager are registered

d-ks of Western water Illtenla-
tional Inc
Document Monitor

riginally developed to as possible any change in the

create pictures of characteristics of the ink or I
solar system planets parchment. That will allow
and moons, NASA imaging National Archives conserva-
technology has found em- tors to plan action to halt
ployment in such diverse ar- the deterioration.
eas as medical diagnosis and The project began in
monitoring, Estrth resources 1982 when the National Ar-
survey by remote sensing chives retained NASA's Jet
and quality control in indus- Propulsion Laboratory UPL)
trial operations. Its &her to develop a systematic
utility is being investigated method of determining the
in a variety of other applica- condition of national ar-
tions and image processing chives. JPL conducted stud-
technology shows promise of ies of concepts based on
becoming one of the most space imaging technology, in
prolific sources of spinoff. particular a charge-coupled
A unique application is a device (CCD) that had been
combined hardware/sohare employed in a number of
system called the Charters of imaging spacecraft, including
Freedom Monitoring System, the new Galileo Jupiter I
which will periodically assess explorer and t h e - ~ i b b l e
the physical condition of the Space Telescope. JPL asked
U.S. Constitution, the Dec- The Perkin-Elmer Corpora-
laration of Independence and tion, Norwalk, Connecticut,
the Bill of Rights. Although optical systems prime con-
protected in helium-filled
glass casings, the documents
are subject to damage from
light, vibration and humid-
uactor for the Hubble Space
Telescope, to apply its opti-
cal expertise to development
of a precise photometer and
ity, their parchment pages
may stretch or split, and ink
may fade, flake or wear off.
to integrate it into a com-
plete document monitoring
system. Perkin-Elmer began
work in 1984 and delivered
The job of the monitoring
system is to image the docu- the system to the National
ments precisely at selected Archives in 1987.
times, then compare each The photometer is a
new image to detect as early CCD detector used as the
electronic "film" for the
system's scanning camera,
which mechanically scans the
document line by line and
acquires a series of images,
each representing a one
square inch portion of the
document. The photometer
is capable of detecting sources, shutter and CCD,
changes in conuast, shape or the other is an Anorad Auto-
other indicators of degrada- matic I11 system for
tion with five to 10 times positioning the photometer
the sensitivity of the human over the document.
eye. A Vicom image process- The latter, along with the
ing computer receives the Vicom computer, is among
data from the photometer, several commercially avail-
stores and manipulates it, able components integrated
allowing comparison of elec- into the system to minimize
tronic images over time to cost and maintainability.
detect changes. Perkin-Elmer also devel-
The complete monitoring oped user friendly software
system is shown at upper in accordance with JPL's re-
left. Next to it is a doseup quirement that people with-
of the camera and a out image processing uain-
radiometeric reflectance ing be able to operate the
target, used to calibrate the system. The Charters of
photometer's illumination, a Freedom Monitoring System
green light that provides the was designed to be main-
essential contrast and does tainable for at least 50 years.
not damage the parchment. Precise control of illurnina-
The exact intensity of the tion, positioning, vibration
light is carefully established and temperature ensure the
so that it can be precisely repeatability of each image,
duplicated in every future so that conservators can as-
scanning. sume with confidence that
In the center is the system changes detected are actually
in operation in a darkroom changes in the document
environment. Above is a and not in the system. A
false color image, a segment
of the Constitution that
shows (in the red areas) signs
of ink flaking that possibly
occurred before the docu-
ment was encased in its pro-
tective shield. Below are two
supporting units: the taller
one is the electronics rack
that converts analog data to
digital and controls the light
Farmland Suwey

B elow is a Florida scene

representative of a na-
tional situation: visible
in the background is a fair-
sized community on what
volved inventory of Florida's
36 million aaes and county-
by-county tabulation of the
aaeage in each land cover
classification, such as aop-
was recently highly produc- land, pastureland, citrus,
tive farmland. A 1981 U.S. woodland, wetland, water
Department of Agriculture and populated areas. Direc-
(USDA) study estimated tion of the project was as-
that the nation is converting signed to the Florida Depart-
farmland to non-agricultural ment of Community Affairs
uses at the rate of 3 million (DCA), with assistance from
aaes a year. the Department of Transpor-
Seeking reliable informa- tation' (DOT), which had
tion on farmland loss in expertise in satellite remote
Florida, the state legisla- sensing operations. As
ture-in 1 9 8 4 4 e c t e d MMALP project director, processing of Landsat data at Florida. Maps like these,
establishment of a program DCA assigned Robert Groce, ground facilities enables a e - covering all of the state's 67
for development of accurate a resource conservationist on ation of electronic imagery or counties, were prepared with
data to enable intelligent loan from the USDA Soil tapes from which informa- 1984 data, and those maps
legislation of state growth Conservation Service. At tive resource maps can be were compared with another
management. Thus was born right above, Groce (stand- prepared. An example of an set of maps for the same
Florida's massive Mapping ing) is comparing notes with MMALP image is shown be- areas developed with 1973
and Monitoring of Agricul- Florida DOT remote sensing low; here pastureland is Landsat data, thus providing
tural Lands Project specialist Jesse Day. highlighted in red and the a graphic comparison of the
(MMALP), which was to The utility of the Landsat other colors represent crop- ' land cover changes that had
employ data from the system for land cover survey land, woodland and devel- occurred over the 11-year
NASA-developed Landsat stems from the fact that each oped areas. At right center, span.
Earth resources survey satel- type of land cover emits or DOT remote sensing special- Early in the project, Groce
, lite system as a quicker, less reflects a unique type of ra- ist Khaleda Hatim is using decided that combining soil
expensive alternative to diation that can be detected such Landsat imagery to pre- data with the Landsat land
ground surveying. and differentiated by pare a land cover dassifica- cover data would make
The three year project in- Landsat's sensors. Computer tion map of a segment of available to land use planners
a more comprehensive view (below). This involved tak- land over that span. The to- mented by all-state soil data,
of a county's land potential. ing actual soil samples at a tal farmland lost to non-agri- built a comprehensive com-
He obtained the cooperation particular site or visually cultural developments was puterized data base that pro-
of the USDA Soil Consema- checking the vegetation to 1,683,986 acres, or 5.6 per- vides Florida officials an im-
tion Service, which agreed to make sure the computer cent. This was substantially portant planning tool. This
digitize-and pay f o r 4 processed information was less than had been estimated was the first effort to use
Surveys for two counties, accurate. The information in other assessments made Landsat data for mapping an
wirh data for the other coun- proved accurate. prior to MMALl? However, entire state and, says project
ties to come later. At upper , . In July 1987, Florida's some counties showed sig- director Robert Groce, "Ev-
right, MMALP soil scientist DCA completed the nificant losses and they will eryone seems to be satisfied
Susoin Ploetz is preparing an MMALP project and later in have to be monitored. with the process and with
overlay that incorporates the year submitted a report The report also detailed the results."~
USDA soil data. Addition of to the state legislature. It the acreage in each of 2 1
dam on soil types and showed the agricultural land land cover classifications as
characteristics allows farmers acreage for each county as of of 1984. The agricultural
and state officials to deter- 1973 and 1984 and the per- land and total cover informa-
mine whether a particular centage of loss of agricultural tion, eventually to be supple-
block of land has prime agri-
cultural soil and what types
of uops might be grown
there; it also gives developers
an overview of areas with
land characteristics best
suited to the needs of a
planned development.
To verify the data going
into the land cover maps,
both USDA soil data and
Landsat sensor data, the
MMALP group made fre-
quent "ground truth'" tests
Fishing Forecasts

t right, Captain Jerry forecasts.

Coleman of the Flor- ROFFS provides what are
ida Keys based char- essentially customized fisher-
ter fishing boat Paradhe is ies oceanographic maps over-
looking over a ROFFS chart laid on nautical charts. The
that offers advice as to steer- service, says Roffer, offers
ing dents to where the fish marine operators greater pro-
are-and hopefuly sooner ductivity, decreased operat-
than the competition. ing expenses and larger prof-
ROFFS stands for Roffer's its. A lot of people seem to
Ocean Fishing Forecasting agree; ROFFS customers,
Service, Inc., Miami, Florida. serviced by facsimile systems,
It is operated by oceanogra- telephone coded messages,
pher Dr. Mitchell Roffer, computer-based electronic
who describes it as a high
technology small business
providing fish-location assis-
tance to commercial, reue-
ational and professional tour-
nament fishermen. Roffer
combines satellite and com-
puter technology with ocean-
ographic information from
several sources to produce
frequently updated charts-
sometimes as often as 30
times a day-showing dues
to the location of marlin,
sailfish, tuna, swordfish and
a variety of other types. He
also provides customized
ROFFS forecasts for racing -
I boats and the shipping in-
I dustrv. alonn with seasonal
forecasts that allow the ma- Science, he concluded that mail or marine radio, stretch
rine industry to formulate specific ocean conditions- from Canada to the Gulf
fishing strategies based on such as temperature gradi- Coast, from the Caribbean
foreknowledge of the arrival ents, the color and biological down to South America.
and deparnue times of dif- quality of the water, or Above, Roffer (in red)
ferent migratory fish. movements of ocean cur- and an assistant are incorpo-
Fish are somewhat pre- rents-influence the where- rating satellite imagery into a
dictable, says Roffer. From abouts of fish concentrations. ROFFS chart. A portion of
research conducted over his But as ocean conditions the completed chart is shown
10 years with the University change, the fishes' "preferred at right; it shows oceano-
of Miami's Rosenstiel School habitats" change, thus the graphic information along
for Marine and Atmospheric need for frequently updated with predictions of where
baitfish, tuna and marlin improved ship design and the U.S. Navy and Coast
will be during the following ship routing techniques, and, Guard, Scripps Institution of
24-36 hours. of course, an information ser- Oceanography, and the
The ROFFS service exem- vice for directing fishermen Western Fishing Boat Own-
plifies the potential for bene- to most productive waters. ers Association, San Diego,
fit to marine industries from As a preliminary, NASA California.
satellite observations of the conducted a mid-1980s The program employed
oceans. NASA is developing Fisheries Demonstration Pro- ocean surface data from
technology toward a possible gram, a research/technology ships and buoys, plus data
ocean monitoring system of transfer effort by Jet Propul- from satellites-including
the 1990s that would offer sion Laboratory in coopera- NASA's specially
such broad benefits as ma- tion with the National Oce- instrumented Nimbus 7-
rine weather and dimate anic and Atmospheric and meteorological satellites
prediction, maritime safety, Administration (NOAA), operated by N O M and the
Department of Defense-to
create "fisheries aid" charts.
The charts incorporated a
broad set of ocean observa-
tions, including data pro-
vided by Nimbus 7 on
"color breaks," areas of
sharp changes in ocean color
usually associated with fish
concentrations. The charts
were broadcast daily to 35
participating fishermen
whose boats were equipped
with radio-facsimile recorders
such as the one shown
The program successfully
demonstrated that satellite
data, in particular ocean
color delineation, combined
with surface acquired data,
can help commercial fisher-
men select strategies for
more efficient and more eco-
nomical operations. Among
participating fishermen, the
most notable results reported
were reduced search time
and substantial fuel sav-
ings. A
Spinoff From Mooncraft Technology
Among a selection of
spinoffs that enhance D escending from orbit after a mission
to the moon, the Apollo Command
Module carrying three astronauts
plunged into Earth's atmosphere at some- -
public safety is a fire thing dose to 25,000 miles per hour. At that
tremendous velocity, air friction built up
protection material derived temperatures on the spacecraft's exterior sur-
faces as high as 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit-
from Apollo's heat shield vet the interior remained comfortable.
The reason was Apollo's heat shield,
which was coated with an "ablative" mate-
rial. The material was literally allowed to
bum off, dissipating heat energy and thereby
delaying temperawe buildup on the space-
aaft's structure. In addition, the burned
material charred to form a second protective
coating that blocked heat penetration beyond
the outer surface.
The Apollo heat shield was designed and
built by Avco Corporation. Subsequently,
Avco entered into a contract with Ames Re-
search Center to develop spinoff applications
of the heat shield technology in the field of
fire protection. The successful NASA effort,
followed by further company research and
development toward new applications, led to
a line of fire protection materials produced In Saudi Arabia, a worker sprays
by Avco Specialty Materials, a subsidiary of Chartek Fireproofing on structural
Textron Inc., Lowell, Massachusetts. One of parts of a crude oil processing
the most widely accepted of the family is plant. The long life fireproofing
Charteka Fireproofing. material is a spinoff from the heat
Developed a decade ago, the original for- shield that brought returning
mulation was known as Chartek 59. Its pro- Apollo astronauts safely through
temperatures as high as 5,000
tective properties were dramatically demon-
strated in 1985, in a spectacular fire test
when NASA and the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration deliberately crashed a jetliner in
a safety evaluation of a new type of aircraft
fuel. The airplane's fuselage was almost en-
tirely destroyed by a fire that raged for more
than two hours. But interior cameras and
tape recorders, encased in boxes coated with
Chartek 59 and sealed with a special silicone
foam, emerged intact, the film still usable.
Since then the formulation has been made %hamekis a registered aademark of
even more effective, through a mesh re- Avco Speualty Materials T-n.
inforcement improvement, introduced in One of them is ablation, the technique used Freshly coated with Chartek Fire-
1986, that offers longer-term fire endurance. on Apollo involving dissipation of heat by proofing, a segment of an off-
The improved product is known as Chartek burnoff. The other is called "intumescence," shore oil platform awaits delivery
I11 Fireproofing. or swelling. Heat causes the Chartek coating to its working site. The fireproof-
Chartek I11 Fireproofing provides long- to swell to a thickness six times greater than ing material is in wide use in the
term fire protection for structural steel in when it was applied, forming a protective oil industry and in other industries
high risk industrial applications, such as the where there is high fire risk.
blanket of char that retards transfer of heat
structure, conduits, pipes and valves of off- to the steel structure. The mesh reinforce-
shore platforms and storage tanks used in the ment keeps the char intact and reduces metal
hydrocarbon processing industry. As was the fatigue.
case in the Apollo heat shield, the spray-on Chartek Fireproofing provides fire protec-
epoxy coating delays temperature buildup on tion for as much as two or three hours, de-
the surfaces to which it is applied; it is, in pending on the type of fire and the thickness
other words, a means of buying time in a of the coating applied. And because the ma-
fire environment, allowing time to extinguish terial is non-porous, it offers bonus value as a
the fire, to redirect threatened fuel supplies, superior coating for long-term protection
or to evacuate people. against corrosion when there is no fire. A
In the presence of fire, Chartek I11 Fire-
proofing provides two kinds of protection.
Robot Manipulators

T he Space Shuttle's Re-

mote Manipulator Sys-
tem-known to its
builders as Canadarm-is a
50-foot robot arm used to
deploy, retrieve or repair sat-
ellites in orbit. It made its
.it debut in 1981 and operated
successfully on 18 missions
prior to the Shuttle stand-
down that began in 1986.
Canadarm was designed
and built by Spar Aerospace
Limited, Toronto, Ontario
under contract to the Na-
tional Research Council of center remote from the reac-
Canada as Canada's con- tor. Cameras on the robot
tribution to the Space Shut- arm provide the operators
tle program. The project was views of each stage of the
funded by the Canadian operation, while the job is
government in the conviction monitored over a communi-
that the technology would cations network. The
generate important Earth-use CANDU robot is the first of
spinoffs. It has. In fact, Spar Spar's Remote Manipulator
Aerospace has formed a Re- Systems intended for remote
mote Manipulator Systems material handling operations
Division specifically dedi- in nuclear servicing, chemical
cated to development and processing, smelting and
construction of robotic manufacturing.

systems. A second spinoff program
- The initial spinoff version, began in 1985 with the
shown above, is designed signing of an agreement with
to remove, inspect and re- Inco Limited for develop-
place large components of ment of remote controlled chine from a position under only improves safety in a
Ontario Hydro's CANDU mining equipment to en- an already-screened area, hazardous operation that
nudear reactors, which sup- hance the safety and pro- where he is protected from costs more than a score of
ply some 50 percent of On- ductivity of Inco's hardrock rockfall., he positions the lives annually, it
tario Hydro's total power mining operations. The first mesh, drills in a predeter- also increases productivity
reduction. All work is con- such system, now in service, mined pattern, then inserts fourfold.
trolled from an operations is a machine for installing and tightens the rock bolts, The Remote Manipulator
wire mesh screening and handling 35 feet of screening System Division is also man-
rock bolts to shore up the and 18 bolts in a three-hour ufacturing a line of industrial
roofs of mine corridors, as sequence. The system not robots and developing addi-
pictured at right above. An tional systems for nudear
operator controls the ma- servicing, mining, defense
and space operations. A

114 Public Safety

Lightning Detection

L ightning causes an esti-

mated $50 million a
year in damage to
power lines, transformers and
other electric utility equip-
ment. Much of the damage
could be prevented or more
quickly repaired if utility
companies had a better un-
derstanding of lightning's
characteristics and where it
may strike.
Lightning strikes are not
yet predictable, but a U.S.
East Coast Lightning Detec-
tion Network (LDN) oper- the Electric Power Research strikes recorded during a six- ages. By utilizing real-time
ated by the State University Institute. There are two sim- hour period in the southeast- lighting strike information,
of New York (SUNY) at ilar networks in the west and em United States. managers are now more able
Albany is providing utilities midwest, but NASA has no The National Weather to effectively manage their
and other clients data on involvement with them. Service uses SUNY-LDN resources. This reduces out-
lightning characteristics, flash The monitoring stations data to determine the inten- age time for customers."
frequency and location, and are equipped with direction sity of thunderstorms. But The information is also
the general direction in finding antennas that detect the major users are 25 utili- valuable to a special Duke
which lightning-associated lightning strikes reaching the ties, including the big North Power working group that is
storms are heading. The sys- ground by measuring fluc- Carolina Duke Power Com- looking for methods and
tem, which began as a tuations in the magnetic pany, which uses the in- technology to improve trans-
purely scientific endeavor field. The stations relay formation as a management mission system reliability. It
and evolved into a practical strike information to the tool. Duke scientist Nick allows matching customer
application, has grown into a SUNY-Albany LDN opera- Keener explains how the problems with specific
network that covers virtually tions center (above), which is data is employed: strikes to determine cause
the whole East Coast and ex- manned round the dock. "Since lightning is one of and effect; it enables study
tends beyond the Mississippi The center's computers pro- the major causes of electricity of the operating records of
Rivet It indudes 30 light- cess the data, count the interruption to both residen- each transmission facility
ning monitoring stations, strikes and spots their tial and industrial customers with detailed knowledge of
each with a strike coverage locations, and note other during the summer months, lightning activity; line main-
of about 250 miles. characteristics of the light- advance knowledge of ap- tenance can be directed at
The network is jointly ning, such as flash density. proaching thunderstorm ac- actual problem areas; and
funded by NASA, the Na- LDN's processed data is tivity is extremely useful in the design of new transmis-
tional Science Foundation, then beamed to a satellite for scheduling - field crews in sion lines can be better tai-
the State of New York and broadcast to clients' receiving anticipation of power out- lored to the actual lightning
stations. At top right is a activity of a geographical
representative computer area. A
graphics display showing the
location and flash density
contours of 1,107 ground

Public Safety 115

Research Facilities

A rgonne (Illinois) Na-

tional Laboratory is a
multidisciplinary re-
search center with primary
focus on engineering re-
search, particularly in nuclear
power; basic science; and
biological and environmental
science and technology. It is
among the world's most ad-
vanced scientific/technologi-
cal facilities, but even so
sophisticated a center can
benefit on occasion from
spinoff technology.
Donald E. Bohringer, Ar-
gonne engineering specdst,
employed NASA informa-
tion in two projects associ-
ated with the laboratory's In-
tense Pulsed Neutron Source
(IPNS) facility. The IPNS is
a powerful source of pulsed
neutron beams for studies of is highly important; the subject to vibration effects. system housing; in front of
the atomic and molecular NASA information supple- He requested and received a him is the gamma ray detec-
structure of solids and liq- mented Argonne's own leak Technical Support Package tor, exposed to view during
uids. It produces neutrons by detection technology, that provided detailed in- a maintenance period when
firing accelerated protons at a Bohringer learned of both formation, including a com- the huge concrete/lead
uranium target. The NASA items in Tech Briefs, a plete construction design, shielding blocks that cover
technology Bohringer em- NASA publication that in- about the JPL development. the cooling box during oper-
ployed involved improved forms potential users of tech- It helped him develop a ation were removed. The de-
vibration protection for a nology available for transfer. modified mounting system tector (tan box) is shown in
gamma ray detector in one Bohringer read in Tech for the detector that com- doseup above.
project and, in the other, %efJ that NASA's Jet Pro- bined the JPL design with Bohringer used another
new leak detection technol- pulsion Laboratory UPL) had Argonne innovation. Tech Bridlead relative to
ogy. The IPNS and other developed a package for At left above, Bohringer soap-solution leak testing, a
Argonne facilities have many gamma ray detectors that perches on the thick wall of technique widely employed
vacuum and pressure vessels protects the detector's semi- the uranium target cooling in aerospace and other in-
and early detection of leaks conductor crystal and isolates dustrial operations. It in-
it from shock and vibration. volves brushing a soap solu-
He was interested in this tion on the joint to be tested
development because the while the vessel contains he-
IPNS has two gamma ray lium under pressure; if no
detectors, located in the ura- bubbles appear, it is as-
nium target cooling system, sumed that the leakage, if

116 Public Safety


any, is acceptably low. But

exactly how low had never
been quantified until Mar-
shall Space Flight Center
conducted an extensive re-
search study and produced a
document describing the
minimum leak rate to which
soap solution detection is
sensitive. The minimum
turned out to be less than
one-tenth the previously
assumed minimum rate.
At left, Atgome chief
technician David Leach is
demonstrating a soap solu-
tion leak detection test in a
system pressurized with he-
lium; in the doseup above
the bubbles idenufy leak
areas that need attention. A
A Universal Antidote
Among technology transfer
examples in the field of F or years, auto manufacturers have had
a problem: customers, especially those
in hot, humid dimat=, complained
about the mold that forms in car air condi-
tioners or, more speufically, about the ob-
transportation is an excep-
noxious musty odor the mold causes. It was
tionally versatile disinfecting a problem because potential mold-killing
substances could also leave lingering toxicity,
compound for automotive and the alternative-removing the air condi-
tioner from the vehicle for cleaning and dis-
and many other uses infecting-was costly.
Last fall, two of the Big Three U.S. auto-
makers concluded arrangements with Alcide
Corporation, Norwalk, Connecticut for dis-
tribution of Akide's patented Ren New Air
Conditioning Disinfectant. The special prop-
erties of the Alcidem formulation, which has
been approved by U.S. regulatory authorities,
enable it to destroy mold and fungus,as well
as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm
to humans, animals or plants. This allows
use of the product to disinfect and deodorize
auto air conditioners without removing them
and without any lingering toxicity.
The disinfectant/deodorizer is one of a
wide range of Alcide formulations engineered
for a variety of purposes, spanning automo-
tive, medical, agricultural, pharmaceutical
and consumer markets. Alcide is not, strictly
speakmg, a spinoff from aerospace technol-
ogy. But the products themselves and the
company that makes them are beneficiaries
of assistance provided by NERAC, Inc.,
Tolland, Connecticut, one of NASA's nine
An Alcide Corporation chemist
performs a quality control check
on a sample of Alcide, a multipur-
pose compound that destroys
mold, fungus, bacteria and vi-
ruses without harming human
animals or plants.

1 18 Transportation
A technician is spraying Alcide
disinfectant into the evaporator
case of an auto air conditioning
system; the product eliminates
musty odor by killing the odor
causing molds and bacteria that
grow in the warm humid
environment of many car air

C o m y Crest Lincoln Mercury,New Haven, Connecticut

A Universal
Antidote (Continued)

Atter several years of develop-

ment and test, Alcide Corporation
has brought to the commercial
marketplace a product of impor-
tant potential for dairy farmers-
a germicidal barrier teat dip that
contributes to reduced mastitis in
dairy herds by destroying the or-
ganisms that cause the infection,
thus aiding increased production
of higher quality milk.
Industrial Applications Centers, which pm- carpets,chemical toilets, public conveyances
I vide information retrieval services and tech- and meeting places.
nical help to industry and government Alcide Corporation developed and tested
clients. The story of Alcide Corporation's s p e d c compounds for some of these appli-
genesis and product development offers an cations and some of them are now commer-
example of the type of assistance centers like cially available, but regulatory approvals
NERAC provide. slowed the commercialization process for sev-
.I The exceptional properties of the Alcide eral years. However, Alcide is now beginning
compound were discovered by Howard to make major advances in the U.S. and
AUiger in 1977 and further developed by abroad. The year 1987 was a big one for the
,I Robert D. Kross, Alade Corporation's vice company. In addition to the auto company
I president of research and development. arrangements, Alcide also made agreements
While he was developing a compound for with Bausch & Lomb for disinfecting contact
sterilizing uluasonic cleaning tanks,Alliger lenses; with Procter & Gamble for mouth-
found that the compound killed bacteria, vi- wash, toothpaste and other oral care applica-
i ruses and fungi on or shortly after contact,
yet was nontoxic to humans, animals and
tions; with W.R. Grace's American Breeders
Service Division and the French iirm O.H.F.
At left center, researchers are
phnts, whose tissues lack the chemical Santi Anirnale for distribution of a barrier conducting one of a series of
environment to which Alcide reacts. teat dip designed to help prevent mastitis in tests to determine whether Alcide
, AUiger recognized that he had found cows. formulations can alter the course
something with potential for many uses Among major research in progress, Alcide of lung disease. This is one of a
other than tank sterilization. He teamed with Corporation is teaming with Koor Foods in number of research projects, in
fellow inventor Elliott J. SifFand, in 1980, Israel to develop an antimicrobial food wash; the U.S. and abroad, investigating
! formed a company to develop, market and with Cobe Laboratories, Denver, Colorado, the potential of Alcide technology
license the compound. Today, SifF is presi- in testing a new formulation for cleansing in such diverse medical applica-
dent and chief executive officer of Alcide kidney dialysis machines; and with the Uni- tions as wound healing, treatment
Corporation; Alliger is no longer active in of acne, herpes and cystic fibro-
versity of Connecticut Medical School to
sis. In the top photo, researchers
the company. study the effm of the Alcide compound on are checking the results of tests
Afier an additional series of tests estab- human wound healing and scar tissue sup- relative to the anti-inflammatory
lished the broad potential of Alcide com- pression. At Israel's Hebrew University Den- and anti-scar properties of Alcide.
pound, the company requested NERAC's tal School, trials are in progress on a plaque The photo above is a representa-
aid in idenufying possible applications and reducing mouthwash and in England re- tion of what the Alcide compound
i the t y p s of businesses that might have a searchers are meeting success in human dini- looks like in microscopic view.
need for such a product. NERAC conducted cal trials of treating herpes and other sexually
a computer search of more than a dozen transmitted diseases with appropriate Alcide
databases and uncovered scores of applica- formulations. A
tions, among them treatment of viral, fungal
r and bacterial infections in animals; treatment
of human skin diseases; disinfection and ster-
ilization of medical facilities; as a sterilant for
food production machinery and food pres-
ervation; as a preservative for cutting oils and
paints; and as a deodorant/disinfectant for

@Alcideis a registered trademark of

Alcide Corporation.
Business Jets

S hown at top is the is the lowest priced Learjet, tially reduce drag. Addition- initially on the Models 28/
new Learjet 3 1 busi- an "entry level'' airplane in- ally, the w et generates its 29 introduced to service in
ness jet and below it tended for the business air- own lift, producing f m a r d 1979. Several other plane
its iarger and heavier com- craft operator who wants to thrust in the manner of a builders are taking advan-
panion, the h q e t 55C. move up from propeller- boat's sail. The combination tage of the NASA technol-
Both are built by Learjet driven air& to jet perfor- of reduced drag and addi- ogy, notably McDonnell
Corporation, Tucson, Ari- mance. Both feature Delta tional thrust adds up to sig- Douglas in its new MD- 11
zona and both feature Fins, innovative company- nificant improvement in fuel jetliner, A
NMAdeveloped "wing- designed tail surfaces that efficiency.
lets," nearly vertical exten- provide high directional sta- w i i e t s are particularly
* d d v e on the two new
sions of the wing (doseup at bility at all speeds and im-
! lower right) designed to re- proved handling in the d- Learjets, which can routinely
duce fuel consumption and fic pattern and at lower operate above 45,000 feet
generally improve airplane takeoff, approach and land- and are capable of flying at
performance. ing speeds. Both airplanes altitudes up to 5 1,000 feet.
Powered by twin turbo- are expecd to receive Fed- At such altitudes, where the
fans, the aircraft cany up to eral Aviation Adminimation air is thinner, the drag re-
b 10 passengers. The Model certification in mid- 1988. duction afforded by the
55C, which takes off at w i i e t s are lifting sur- winglets is more pronounced.
2 1,000 pounds, is the largest faces designed to operate in Learjet was the first man-
of the Learjet family. The the "vortex," or air whirl- ufacturer to use the winglet
Model 31 (15,500 pounds) pool, that occurs at an air- design in production air&,
plane's wingtip. This com-
plex flow of air aeates air
drag; the winglet's job is to
reduce the strength of the
vortex and thereby substan-
Transportation 123
I Auto Design

T he accompanying
photos show exterior
and interior views of
the 1987 Honda Acura
Legend Coupe, which was
designed with the aid of
the NASA-developed
NASTRANB computer pro-
gram. The Legend is among
the latest cars designed by
Honda R&D Company,
Ltd., Japan, a longtime user
of the NASTRAN program.
The program is an off- The NASTRAN program
shoot of the computer design takes an electronic look at a
technique that originated in computerized design and
aircraft/spaced develop- predicts how the structure
ment. Engineers create a will react under a great many
mathematical model of the different conditions. Quick
vehicle and "fly" it on the and inexpensive, it mini-
ground by computer simula- mizes trial-and-error in the
tion. This allows study of the design process and makes
performance and structural possible better, lighter, safer
behavior of a number of dif- structures while affording
ferent designs before settling sigdicant savings in devel-
on a final configuration. opment time. One of the
From that base of experi- most widely used of all aero-
ence, Goddard Space Flight space spinoff technologies,
Center developed the NASA the NASTRAN program is
Structural Analysis Program available through NASA's decade for structural analysis
(NASTRAN), a general pur- Computer Software Manage- of auto bodies, motorcycles
pose predictive tool appli- ment and Information (kn- and such components as
cable to structural analysis of ter (COSMIC)@at The Uni- tires, wheels, engine blocks,
1 automotive vehicles, railroad versity of Georgia (see page pistons, connecting rods and
cars, ships, nuclear power 140). crankshafts. All of the
reactors, steam turbines, Virtually all U.S. auto- Honda auto products
bridges, office buildings- makers now employ the designed in the 1980s have
and that's just the beginning aerospace-derived computer been analyzed by the
of a lengthy list. design technique and most NASTRAN program. A
/. employ the NASTRAN pro-
gram or other NASA-devel-
oped programs in the design
process. Honda R&D Com-
BNASTRAN and COSMIC are regis-
puter Ltd. has been using tered trademarks of the National
NASTRAN for more than a Aeronautics and Space Administration.

I' 124 Transportation

Windshear Prediction

W indshear, miao-
bursts and extreme
air turbulence-
caused by sudden, intense
changes in wind direction or
streaming from the wingtips
is the result of high humid-
ity, a factor in windshear.
Many groups are investi-
gating ways to detect and
speed-are difKcult to detect predict windshear. Since
and thus dangerous to air windshear episodes are uan-
&c. They have been posi- sient, lasting only five to 10
tively identified as the cause minutes, the goal is an alert
of 28 aviation accidents that system that would enable
claimed 491 lives. holding the plane for the
The downburst, one of brief period it takes for these
several forms of windshear, intense wind abnormalities
is illustrated below. A pilot to pass. Most researchers are as a backup, not a replace- based on FACS software and
first encounters unexpected looking to electronic sensors ment for the human dis- a hardware package that in-
lift and he reacts by drop- as the answer. But Federal patcher. It would incorporate dudes a powerful worksta-
ping the nose of the plane. Aviation Consulting Services, the same data that a human tion connected to an optical
When, a moment later, the Ltd. (FACS), Fresh Meadow, would request to make a de- disc information storage de-
full force of the downburst New York is going a ditfer- cision, and then draw a con- vice. The computer program
strikes, the downward push ent route--applying artificial clusion using the same rules puts emphasis on the factors
is amplified by the fact that intelligence techniques to of logic as the human expert. found in every case where
the airplane is already de- windshear prediction. FACS In directing the FAG windshear was positively
scending. The pilot must has been working since 1985 development, company se- identified as the cause of an
then react quickly to restore to develop a computer pro- nior vice president Jerry accident. The data is overlaid
the plane to its proper ghde gram that will automate the Eichelbaum initially used an on a cartographic mapping
path. At right, a DC-9 air- airline dispatch process and artificial intelligence program program.
liner is landing shortly afier a indude windshear informa- called AESOP, originally de- Using all information
thunderstorm at Hartsfield tion. FACS' artificial intelli- veloped by Langley Research available, the artificial intelli-
International Aqort, At- gence based Airline Dis- Center. As the design gence module sets up a 20-
lanta, Georgia. The vapor patcher program is intended evolved, FACS was able to mile sphere of influence
compact its database and re- around forecasted areas of
place the AESOP shell with windshear. As flight plans
a new artificial intelligence are filed, the routes are
program called CLIPS. Both checked against "no fly"
AESOP and CLIPS were areas indicated. The total
supplied by NASA's Com- FAG/Genesis system pre-
puter Software Management sents the user with pictorial
and Mormation Center. (See displays of navigational maps
page 140). overlaid with flight planning
FAG has signed an options. Two major airlines
agreement with Genesis are considering test and/or
Imaging Technologies, Inc., purchase of the system. A
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
They have put together a
prototype flight dispatcher

Transportation 125
STOL Aircraft

I n utility operations that

involve flight over difK-
cult terrain, such as forest
or jungle, a twin-engine air-
plane capable of flying on
speed stability." It offers
high lift at low speed and
relatively low drag at cruis-
ing speed. Its thidcness per-
mits use of a big wing spar
one engine is much preferred for greater structural strength
for safety reasons. But a twin and provides greater internal
;d not only costs more to buy, volume for fuel shortage.
it is generally more expensive The wing "skin" is air-
to operate and maintain. craft plywood, as is the ,
Michael E. Fisher, presi- whole airframe. "Wood is
dent of Aero Visions Inter- nature's composite," says
national (AVI), South Web- Fisher. "We prefer wood for
ster, Ohio has introduced a airframe structures because it
compromise-the Culex Culex was originally in- nically as NASA LS(1)-04 17 absorbs the bending mo-
light twin-engine aircraft tended to be a factory built Mod, one of a family of ments associated with flight
which, he says, offers the aircraft for special utility GAW (General Aviation loads without developing
economy of operation of a markets where aircraft are re- Wing) airfoils for light air- fatigue and it doesn't
smgle-engine plane, the abil- quired to fly low over "hos- craft featuring high lift corrode." At upper right is a
ity to fly well on one engine, tile" terrain-terrain where
plus the capability of flying loss of power would be dan-
from short, unimproved gerous-for example, pipe-
fields in takeoff and landing line patrol, bush operations
distances of less than 350 or aerial surveillance. How-
feet. At right above, one of ever, it is now offered as a
two Culex prototypes is fly- build-it-yourself kit plane.
t ing a simulated transmission AVI will provide a basic
line inspection. At right is a construction kit or a more
ground view of Fisher and detailed kit package with
I the Culex. many prefabricated sub-
1 assemblies to maximize the
I: factory-built components.
Culex was designed by characteristics and improved nearly completed airframe
AVI president Fisher with safety. The designers also awaiting installation of its
Wayne Ison and Walter J. used information from two plywood upper skin.
Collie of Manchester, Ten- technical reports: NASA Low Culex cruises at 140 miles
nessee. A key element of the and Medium Speed Ai$oiI per hour but the high lift
design is an airfoil developed Development and a second wing gives the aircraft a
by Langley Research Center, describing wind tunnel test stalling speed below 50 miles
which has long been engaged results of the airfoil chosen.
in designing a series of high Shown in side view at
efficiency wings for civil air- right center, the Culex wing
craft. Chief Engineer Collie is a thick airfoil selected, says
states that the designers se- Fisher, primarily for "the
lected an airfoil known tech- safety that comes with low

126 Tramportation
per hour. The company has
flight tested two prototypes,
one a 1,200 pound version
with two 80 horsepower en-
gines, the other a 650 pound
version with two 48 horse-
power engines. During the
test program, Culex demon-
strated its ability to climb at
350 feet per minute with
one engine shut down.
At lefi, AVI employees
are installing flaps on a third
prototype, which has one en-
gine in place and the other

awaiting installation.
Below, a worker is pro-
ducing wing ribs with the
aid of a construction jig;
the wooden parts are bonded
1I together by polyester resins
for superior strength charac-

teristics. A

Transportation 12 7
A New Tool for Quality Control
Highlighting spinoffs in
industrial productivity and
manufacturing technology is
n ndustry has long employed machine vi-
sion systems for quality control inspec-
tions and generally they work fine. If
there is a problem it is that such systems
cannot deiect all of the imperfections their
age of the surface is projected onto a video
display and compared with a stored master
image to identify imperfections. Localized
defects measuring less than one thousandth
of an inch are readily detected.
users would like to observe and correct. Surfaces to be inspected must be reflec-
a new product inspection Diffract0 Ltd., Windsor, Ontario is now tive. Since some-such as unpainted sheet
offering an inspection system that allows de- metal-are not sufficiently reflective,
system capable of finding tection of minute flaws previously difficult or Diffracto has developed a reflectivity enhanc-
impossible to observe. Called D-Sight, it rep- ing technique that involves wiping or spray-
tiny flaws P ~ ~ V ~ O U S ~ Y resents a revolutionary technique for inspec- ing a wetting compound on the surface.
tion of flat or curved surfaces to find such D-Sight is offered in two versions with
undetectable imperfections as dings, dents and waviness. different levels of capability to allow the
The system amplifies these defects, making most cost-effective selection for a given type
them highly visible to simplify decision of job. The CVA 3000 is the top of the line
making as to corrective measures or to and there is a lower priced W A 2000.
identify areas that need further study. Major users so far are auto manufacturers 1

According to Diffracto, D-Sight can iden- -including Ford, General Motors and
tify 94 percent of the defects when inspect- Chrysler-who employ D-Sight to inspect
ing stamped sheet metal; that compares with external body panels, both metal and plastic,
50 percent for conventional flaw-detection for dings, dents, low spots and waviness. D-
methods. D-Sight is also used to detect im- Sight's sensitivity allows corrective action be-
perfections in glass or plastics, such as surface fore the defects become severe. The system is
sinks, waviness or paint finish irregularities. also useful for die tryout and "first article"
The system is a spinoff from Space Shuttle inspection.
research. Diffracto Ltd., a major company in Aircraft manufacturers are evaluating D-
the field of machine vision systems for in- Sight for inspection of external aircraft sur-
spection, measurement and robot guidance, faces, especially those made of composite
was licensed to develop commercial applica- materials. A variant of D-Sight has been de-
tions for the vision guidance system of the veloped for inspection of transmissive objects,
Shuttle Orbiter's remote manipulator arm, such as windshields or canopies. The com-
known to its Canadian developers-Spar pany is also exploring the system's potential
Aerospace Ltd., Weston, Ontario-as application to wind tunnel and thermal
Canadarm (see page 132). In the course of imaging research.
experimenting with the vision system,
Diffracto engineers noted the phenomenon of
reflected light from the target material. This
led to a company R&D program that pro-
duced an initial CVA 3000 Development
The CVA 3000 employs a camera, high
intensity lamps and a special reflective screen
to produce a D-Sight image of light reflected
from a surface. The image is captured and
stored in a computerized vision system, then
analyzed by a computer program. A live im-

I28 Manufacturing Technology

The Diffracto D-Sight pictured ,- D-Sight imagery points out vari-
is a quality control inspection ous imperfections, for example,
workstation capable of detecting I the scratch in this auto door that

surface imperfections measuring would not be visible in the show-

less than one thousandth of an
inch. In this test, the target sur-
face is an auto fender (center).
I room.

The fender is photographed by

the camera (right) while the re-
flective screen (white back- I
ground) bounces light off the
fender to highlight defects. The
resulting image is computer ana-
lyzed and the discovered defects
projected onto the video displays. L
Manufacturing Technology 129
Robot Design

C omputer Aided De-

sign (CAD) of prod-
ucts, such as build-
ings, aircraft, ships and
autos, has long been estab-
lished practice in industry.
An advanced step in the
CAD process is use of com-
puters not only to create
mathematical models of the
design but also to predict
how the design will perform
in actual service. This is
much more difficult than it
sounds,because all the situa-
tions and problems that the
product will face in service
life must be reduced to
mathematics so the com-
puter can "visualize" what dangerous material such as use a NASA computer pro- packages and reformat that
would happen under a ammunition, was a triumph gram known as LAC, for In- data for viewing in different
variety of circumstances. of CAD engineering. Sepa- tegrated Analysis Capability ways to make the program
Martin Marietta Aero & rate computer problems Engineering Database. Origi- "transparent" to the user.
Naval Systems, Baltimore, modeled the robot's kine- nally developed by Goddard This flexibility greatly facili-
Maryland has advanced the matics and dynamics, yield- Space Flight Center, IAC is tated construction of the
CAD art to a very high level ing such parameters as the a modular software package FMR prototype and contrib-
at its Robotics Laboratory, strength of materials re- containing a series of tech- uted substantially to reduc-
which designs, analyzes and quired for each component, nical modules that can stand ing the cost of the project.
simulates robot manipula- the length of the arms and alone or be integrated with IAC was supplied to Mar-
tors. One of the company's their degree of freedom, and data from sensors or other tin Marietta Aero & Naval
major projects is construction the power of the hydraulic software tools. The user can Systems by NASA's Com-
of a huge Field Material system needed. The Robotics define groups of data and puter Software Management
Handling Robot, or FMR Laboratory went a step the relationships among and Information Center
(model shown), for the further and added data en- them. (COSMIC)@.Located at the
Army's Human Engineering abling computer simulation In the case of the FMR University of Georgia, COS-
Laboratory. and animation of the robot's project, the Robotics Labora- MIC makes available to in-
Design of the FMR, in- total operational capability tory was able to take data dustrial and other organiza-
tended to move heavy and under various unloading and from 15 major software tions government-developed
loading conditions. computer programs that
All these different pro- have secondary applicability
grams had to be patched to- (see page 140 ). A
gether into one integrated
program. Rather than de-
velop new integrating soft- @COSMIC is a registered trademark of
ware from scratch, the Ro- the National Aeronautics and Space
botics Laboratory opted to Adminiitration.

130 Manufacturing Technology

Machine Tool Software

F or almost 20 years, a
NASA-developed soft-
ware package has
played a in the technical
education of students who
major in Mechanical Engi-
neering Technology at Wil-
liam Rainey Harper College,
Palatine, Illinois. Associate
Professor William F. Hack
has been using the APT
(Automatically Programmed
Tool) software since 1969 in
his CAD/CAM (Computer
Aided Design and Manufac-
turing) curriculum.
At right, Professor Hack
(suited) is explaining to stu-
dents how the APT software
works in guiding machine
tools. At lower right students
are learning how to program
computer guided machine
tools that use APT software.
APT was designed specifi- cessed by the machine tool.
cally for computer aided CAD/CAM students go
manufacturing. The term from writing a program to
APT denotes both the pro- cutting steel in the course of
gramming language and the a semester. Harper College
computer software that pro- leases its APT package
cesses the language. ( 150,000 source statements)
Professor Hack teaches the from COSMIC, NASA's
use of APT programming Computer Software Manage-
languages for control of ment and Information Cen-
metal cutting machines. Ma- ter located at the University
chine tool instructions are of Georgia (see page 140). A
geometry definitions written
in the APT language to con-
stitute a "part program."
The part program is pro-
Composite Materials

C omposite materials, shown below next to the

such as those used in processing facility for prepar-
a widening range of ing production batches of
aerospace and other indus- thermoplastic polyimides.
trial applications, are made HTS is engaged in devel-
opment and manufacture of

up of two key components:
fibers to reinforce the high performance plastics,
strength of the material, and resins and composite materi-
matrix resins (polymers) to als. Techimer Materials Divi-
hold the fibers together and sion sells composite matrix
provide protection. At right resins that offer heat resis-
is a photo study of a repre- tance and protection from
sentative group of fibers radiation, electrical and
used in composites and a chemical degradation. The
beaker of a binding material. division's core product line
At Langley Research Cen- utilizes thermoplastic
ter, researchers invented an polyimides based on the
advanced type of polymer, a technology developed at
chemical compound formed Langley Research Center;
by uniting many small mole- HTS has licenses for five
cules to aeate a complex NASA patents and has in-
molecule with different troduced several products
chemical properties. The based on that technology.
material is a thermoplastic major classes of polymers, The company is actively
polyimide that resists sol- thus broadening its indus- marketing matrix resins for
vents; other polymers of this trial applications, which in- composites used in aircraft
generic type are soluble in dude molding resins, adhe- and laminating resins for
solvents, thus cannot be used sives and matrix resins for composites used in printed
in applications where sol- fiber-reinforced composites. board circuitry. Techimer is
vents are present because the The technology is being also offering resins as adhe-
solvents could damage com- commercialized through sives for flexible circuitry and
ponents fabricated from such NASA licenses to several aerospace structural uses. A
materials. Generally, the companies, one of which is
Langley development of the High Technology Services,
solvent-resistant material cre- Inc. (HTS), Techimer Ma-
ated a new polymer with the terials Division, Troy, New
desirable pt0pelTies of two York. HTS was founded in
1983 by Milton L. Evans,
who had spent 20 years with
General Electric Company in
scientific, marketing and
general management posts;
Evans, president of HTS, is
Bar Code Labels

ar codes on supermar- lent print contrast ratio,

- ket products and
other consumer goods I
I which dows &st time accu-
rate reading over a 10-year
have reiatively short shelf inventory lifetime of the
lives in a benign environ- product. ABC is now pro-
ment, hence require little ducing these bar code labels
special design. But code la- commercially, for industrial
bels &ed to systems that customers who also need la-
operate in orbit must main- bels able to resist harsh envi-
tain high readability for long ronments.
periods despite exposure to ABC labels are made in a
the heat and vibration of company-developed anod-
launch and the harsh envi- ized aluminum process and
ronment of space. consecutively marked with
American Bar Codes, Inc. bar code symbology and hu-
(ABC),Brooklyn, New man-readable numbers. They
York, developed special bar offer extreme abrasion resis-
code labels, under NASA I
tance and indefinite resis-
contract, for inventory con- tance to ultraviolet radiation;
trol of Space Shuttle parts are capable of withstanding
and other space system com- 700 degree Fahrenheit tem-
ponents. They combine ex- peratures without deteriora-
treme durability with excel- tion and up to 1400 degrees
in special designs; and they
offer high resistance to salt
spray, cleaning fluids and
mild acids. At top, labels ex-
posed to high temperature
are still readable although
the aluminum base has
melted. At lower left, ABC
president Nate Moss is using
an infrared scanner to check
label readability. In the cen-
ter photo, labels remain
readable after an acid im-
mersion test. A
A description of the mechanisms employed
to encourage and facilitate practical appli-
cation of new technologies developed in
the course of NASA activities
Recycling Technblogy
A nationwide technology
utilization network seeks to T he wealth of aerospace technology gen-
erated by NASA programs is a valu-
able resource, a foundation for devel-
opment of new products and processes with
resultant benefit to the nation's economy in
the economy. The program is managed by
the Technology Utilization Division, a com-
ponent of NASA's Office of Commercial
Programs. Headquartered in Washington,
D.C., the division coordinates the activities
broaden and accelerate
expanded productivity of technology transfer specialists located
secondary application of In a dormant state, however, the technol- throughout the United States.
ogy represents only a potential benefit, like A key element of the program is a net-
NASA technology in the oil in the ground. One of NASA's jobs is to work of 10 Industrial Applications Centers
translate the potential into reality through an (IACs) &ted with universities aaoss the
public interest organized effort to put the technology to country. The IACs offer clients access to a
work in secondary applications and thereby great national data bank that includes some
reap a dividend on the national investment 100 million documents of accumulated tech-
in aerospace research. nical knowledge, along with their expertise
NASA's instrument of that objective is in retrieving information and applying it in
the Technology Utilization Program, which support of clients' needs. The IACs are
employs several types of mechanisms in- backed by a score of Industrial Applications
tended to broaden and accelerate the transfer Center Affiliates, state-sponsored business or
of aerospace technology to other sectors of technical centers that provide access to the
technology transfer network.
A representative IAC is NERAC, Inc.,
Tolland, Connecticut. NERAC was founded
in 1966 under the co-sponsorship of the
University of Connecticut and NASA. By
1985, NERAC had attained such size and
success that the company elected to sever its
university ties and become a nonprofit, inde-
pendent firm operating under continued
NASA sponsorship.
NERAC's purpose is to provide
dustry and individual entrepreneurs access to
existing and evolving technologies, with the
aim of enhancing their innovation and pro-
ductivity and helping them secure a compet-
The Tolland, Connecticut home of itive edge in the global market place. The
NERAC, Inc., one of 10 NASA- center has helped literally thousands of com-
sponsored industry assistance panies to find new applications; stay abreast
centers that offer access to a vast of scientific, technical and business develop
databank, information retrieval ments; gain competitive intelligence; idenufy
services and help in applying the qualified technical experts; and monitor pat-
information. ent activity.
Among NERAC's technology assistance
programs are document retrieval; a problem-
solving service; and a current awareness/
update service that alerts a participant,
throughout the year, to new developments
I This electronic system chassis is
representative of a range of ITT
Gilfillan parts and products now
~dby structural adhesives
than more expensive dip

'I brazing. Gilfillan credits NERAC'S

two year supporting research
effort with a major assist in the
company's realization of large
scale savings.

in a particular topic or research area.

An example of how NERAC helps
industry is found in an experience of I n
Gil6llan, Van Nuys, California, manufac-
turer of advanced radar and cornrnand/con-
trol systems. In one of several areas where
NERAC has assisted Gilfillan, NERAC
helped the company investigate structural
adhesives over a two-year period. Gilfillan
engineers reported that "NERAC was instru-
mental in supporting ITT Gilfillan's technol-
This ocean blue mussel attaches
ogy program to replace more costly dip
itself to rocks, piers and other brazing of manufactured parts with a process
surfaces by secreting a threadlike which employs structural adhesives technol-
superglue with extraordinary ad- ogy. This new process can provide cost sav-
hesive properties. Bio-Polymers, ings of up to $1 million per year for produc-
Inc., Farmington, Connecticut de- tion volumes currently being experienced."
veloped a synthetic mussel glue In addition to the IACs, other mecha-
for the commercial market. nisms include Technology Utilization Offi-
NERAC helped the company se- cers, located at NASA field centers, who
cure research grants and identify serve as regional managers for the Technol-
commercial applications.
ogy Utilization Program; a software center
that provides, to industry and government
dents, computer programs applicable to sec-
ondary use; applications engineering projects,
efforts to solve public sector problems
through the application of pertinent aero-
space technology; and publications that in-
form potential users of technologies available
for transfer. These mechanisms are amplified
in the following pages. A

Recycling T e c h n o 13 7
Technology Utilization Officers

A n important element
among the NASA
mechanisms for accel-
erating and broadening aero-
space technology transfer is
Center,dominated by the
massive Vehicle Assembly
The TUO's basic respon-
sibility is to maintain con-
other cenrer personnel, he
monitors the center's R&D
contracts to see that contrac-
tors similarly document and
report new technology, as is
the Technology Utilization tinuing awareness of research required by law. This tech-
M c e r or TUO. TUOs are and development activities nology, whether developed
technology transfer experts at conducted by his center that in house or by contractors,
each of NASA's nine field have sigdcant potential for becomes part of the NASA
centers and one specahzed generating transferable tech- bank of technical knowledge
, facility who serve as regional nology. He assures that the that is available for secon-
managers for the Technology center's professional people da.ry application.
Utilization Program, identlfv, document and re- To advise potential users
t Representative of the port new technology devel- of the technology's availabil-
I group is Tom Harnrnond, oped in the center's labora- ity, the TUO evaluates and
TUO at Kennedy Space tories and, together with processes selected new tech-
Center, shown at right con-
ferring with technology utili-
zation information assistant
Helen LaCroix. The top
photo shows a portion of
sprawling Kennedy Space

138 Recycling Technology

nology reports for announce- technologies available for
ment in NASA publications transfer; maintenance and
and other dissemination me- mailout of Technical Support
dia. Prospective users are in- Packages (below), which re-
formed that more detailed quires a reproduction effort
information is available in of more than 1.5 million
the form of a Technical pages annually; and respond-
Support Package. ing to requests for informa- l .

The TUO also serves as a tion, an activity that entails

point of liaison among in- processing of some 80,000
dustry representatives and mail and other inquiries and
penomel of his center, and mailout of more than
between center personnel and 200,000 documents yearly.
others involved in applica- The TUO/STIF is also
tions engineering projects, responsible for distribution
which are efforts to solve of technology utilization
public sector problems publications, for research and
through the application of other work associated with
pertinent aerospace technol- this annual Spinoff volume,
ogy. On such projects, the for retrieval of technical
TUO prepares and coordi- information and referral of
nates applications engineer- highly technical requests to
ing proposals for joint fund- appropriate offices, for devel-
ing and participation by visits to the center, he serves oping reference and biblio-
federal agencies and indus-
as the contact point. graphic data, and for public
trial firms.

Support for the TUOs- relations activities connected
NASA conducts, indepen- and for all other elements of with media interest in tech-
dently or in cooperation with the NASA technology utili- nology utilization matters. A
other organizations, a series zation network-is provided
of conferences, seminars and by the Technology Utiliza-
workshops designed to en- uon Office at &;-NASA
courage broader private sec- Scientific and Technical In-
tor participation in the tech- formation Facility (STIF).
nology transfer process and This office executes a wide
to make private companies variety of tasks, among them
aware of the NASA technol- maintenance of the subscrip-
ogies that hold promise for tion list for Tech &.ieji (top),
commercialization. The NASA's principal tool for
TUO plays a prominent part advising potential users of
in this aspect of the pro-
gram. He arranges and co-
ordinates his center's activi-
ties relative to the meetings
and when-as frequently
happens-industry partici-
pants seek to follow up with

Recycling Tcthnology 139

Software Center

I n the course of its varied

activities, NASA makes
extensive use of computer
programs in such operations
as launch control, analyzing
Cogeneration is the use of
one energy source-usually
coal, oil or gas-to produce
both process energy and elec-
tricity. Cogeneration turns
data from spacecraft, con- waste heat into power, con-
ducting aeronautical design serving n a n d resources and
analyses, operating numeri- reducing operating expenses.
cally controlled machinery The Energy Systems
and performing routine busi- Division of Thermo Electron
ness or project management Corporation, Waltham,
functions. Massachusetts speualizes
To meet such software in custom design of
requirements, NASA and cogeneration systems. Many
other technology generating companies manufacture the
agencies of the government components-boilers, tur-
have of necessity developed bines, valves, generators,
many types of computer piping, pressure regulators,
programs. They constitute a etc. Two such components
valuable resource available Software and Morrnation An example of how this are pictured: at top left a
for reuse. Much of this soft- Center (COSMIC)@.Located service aids indusay is the 22,300 kilowatt diesel prime
ware is directly applicable to at the University of Georgia, use of a NASA developed mover and below it a steam
secondary applications with COSMIC gets a continual program in design of turbine rotor. Thermo Elec-
little or no modification; flow of government devel- cogeneration systems. tron engineers analyze the
most of it can be adapted to oped software and identilies
special purposes at far less those programs that can be
than the cost of developing a adapted to secondary usage.
new program. The Center's library contains
Therefme, American busi- more than 1,400 programs
nesses can save a lot of time for such tasks as structural
and money by taking advan- analysis, design of fluid sys-
tage of a special NASA tech- tems, electronic circuit de-

nology utilization service that
offers s o h a r e capable of
being adapted to new uses.
sign, chemical analyses,
determination of building
energy requirements, and a
NASA's mechanism for variety of other functions.
making such programs avail- COSMIC customers can pur-
able to the private sector is chase a program for
the Computer Management a fraction of its original cost
and get a return many times
the investment, even when
the cost of adapting the
program to a new use is

140 Rerycling Technology

Technology Applications

0 ne facet of NASA's
Technology Utiliza-
tion Program is an
applications engineering ef-
fort involving use of NASA
expertise to redesign and
3 reengineer existing aerospace
ip technology for the solution of
problems encountered by
federal agencies, other public
sector institutions or private
organizations. MAGIN NO LENS
Applications engineering
projects originate in various
ways. Some stem from re- OPTICAL FIBER
quests from assistance from
other government agencies, Still in an early stage, this
others are generated by project contemplates employ-
NASA technologists who ment of space-derived com-
perceive possible solutions to puterized image enhance-
problems by adapting ment technology to alter and ,
NASA technology to the enhance images to compen-
need. NASA employs an sate for the low vision TV CAMERA LENSES
application team composed patient's impawed eyesight. SOUD STATE
of several scientists and engi- The program, expected to VIDEO CAMERAS
neers representing diEerent take seven to nine years, is a IMAOE PROCESSOR
areas of expertise. The team collaborative effort of NASA
members contact public and the Wilrner Eye Insti-
sector agenaes, medical tute of Johns Hopkins Med-
institutions, industry ical Institutions, Baltimore,
representatives, trade and Maryland. It will be coordi-
professional groups to un- nated for NASA by the
cover problems that might Earth Resources Laboratory glasses, above, will custom those used to carry telephone
be susceptible to solution of John C. St& Space tailor images of the outside signals, will carry pictures
I through application of Center, Mississippi, with world. The patient will see from miniature solid state
aerospace technology. technical contributions from the world on miniature TV TV cameras fitted to a belt
An example of an ongoing the Jet Propulsion Labora- saeens where the lenses of or shoulder pack as shown
applications engineering tory, Johnson Space Center, eyeglasses are normally lo- above. The images will be
project is an efliort to im- and AMES Research Center. cated. Lenses and imaging processed by a small, bat-
prove the sight of some 2.5 The planned Low Vision glass fibers will be embed- tery-powered system in the
million people in the U.S. Enhancement System, to re- ded on each side of the pack and displayed on the
who suffer from "low vi- semble "wraparound" eye- wraparound section, where TV saeens (top photo).
sion," visual impairment the front and ear pieces join.
that cannot be corrected The lenses will form images
medically, surgically or by of the scene before the pa-
conventional prescription tient on the surfaces of the
eyeglasses. fibers. The fibers, similar to

142 Recycling Technolog

I '. The system is expected to
benefit patients who have
stabilized platform would
negate the effects of vibra-
lost their peripheral or side tion and make it possible to
field of vision, such as those observe ground targets with
suffering from glaucoma or lenses that can focus on two-
from retinitis pigmentosa, a inch letters (license plate
progressive degeneration of size) from a distance of one
the retina. It will also benefit to two miles.
patients with central vision This project involves joint
loss, the part of vision nor- effort by RECON Research,
mally used for reading; such Bend, Oregon; Jet Propul-
patients may have macular sion Laboratory (JPL); and
degeneration associated with the NASA Application
aging, or diabetic retinopa- Team, Research Triangle In-
thy, in which diabetes causes stitute, North Carolina; and
swelling and leakage of fluid NASA's Technology Utiliza-
in the center of the retina. tion Division. RECON, with
Another example is a JPL assistance, designed a
project to develop a stabi- platform (left) and conducted
lized observation instrument documented flight tests,
platform for public service using two helicopters and
helicopters, which would en- equipment provided by 14
able, for example, police or diff'erent vendors. The next
antidrug agencies to observe step is further development
ground activity from a re- to rehe the design and pro-
mote, undetectable vantage duce a moderately priced
point (lefi). The observing stabilized pladorm that
instruments would be could have a broad comrner-
cameras, infrared imagers cia1 market-beyond the
and low light television public service need-in ae-
cameras. rial photography and other
The problem with existing aviation applications. A
equipment is that vibration
from the helicopter's rotor
system makes it difficult to
use lenses with long focal
lengths because the vibration
distorts the imagery from
the observing instruments.
Fully developed, the cabin-
mounted or belly-mounted

Recycling Technology 143


A n essential measure in
promoting greater use
of NASA technology
is letting potential users
know what NASA-devel-
Wdos of
New York
E a c h ~ e ~ i n -
fbrmation on newly &el-
oped &u- tlnd,-IP ~ ~ ~ S o t v e r
oped technology is available dvoureesinbaskandap- energy savrrc(3s of more than ~ ~I M B 1~ 1 1 d.m s a
for transfer. This is accom- piid remiah, impmvemem .S250F090a mom ajld pEcvrrides it with
plished primarily through ill $hap and lzxboraatory tech- Another example: Eagi- deceiarl~computed
the publication NASA Teth niqua, new so- of &- neers of H a i s Go@on's bydle~tobethe~
Briefi. Rd i data and eamputer pro- ~ ~ c p !%?x%
o& Md-
t codrivet the
The National Aeronautics pms, m d other inn& h e , Fkida llptrd in TK~ moaotrrt@m&-

and Space Act requires that orighthqg at NASA field &.fJ about M d spa€@ c h q . Mim, a Hanig
NASA contractors furnish centers of at the u t i e s of FJight Cmter's d h g m e n t SemiOOnd~englnser
written reports containing NASA can-m. Finns in- of h e Power Faam ckmoi- &mpoava-w
technical information about din a pard& inno- ter (PW,a detrlce fm c u b ment equipment dunlng op-
inventiom, improvements or ~on~ygecmore iagpowermmgeinalta- ~ofa,dtilleqIriPpod
innovations developed in the d d e d idkmation by re-
mthg cumnt naotiors. The with r HV-1000 camroller.
course of work for NASA. a T a d Support P X W m a * TheIMEkqllippeddrill
Those reports provide the rn0re thm 10Q*000 voltage with the
*; need u~es?9~,thesamedrill
input for Tecb Issued
10 times a year in 1988 and
m d y
fixed full-laad vdqJe it
without * controller would
b w 160 watts.
once a month beginning in Here are gome examples W0uk.i -y m,actine; Ashirdexamgle; Attop
1989, the publication is a of how Dch wfi spfeds ~ t a t h s ~ u miigh;r, a bl~delL dhphyiag
current awareness medium the word and iaapim q a a n d b w TRX Anti-Peg Qm@&
and problem solving tool for seam* usage of NASA lw&ml!eq&w. a n i t x q x d w m
more than 100,000 govem- cfxh* HmkStmid-en- that p e n s clrmbadon of
ment and indusay readers. Thedirectorof- *in~&thePFC moimreonplassicandglaae
First published in 1962 hgOfBallMdW* tedwbgyMinTsth without hm&g the&s
as sde-sheet briefs, Tech & Service Division of Ball &igfiin a zelated iEmovation: of such d. Itbdiw
Bri& was converted to a Q+m, Chicago, Illi- an int-ted dtniit that re- NedbyTraeetWd
NASA-published magazine no$ wed NASA heat trans- duces onto me chip most of -PY, T-pa, =da,
format in 1976 and since fer iniixmatim c y r n M in the -cimritryofthe mY: for it has a vadety of apph-
1985 it has been a joint Tacst&.ie$iasadeparmre s&le phase iudunim mo- tiam-for example, fbg pre-
publishing venture of NASA pointfixthedesignofaa tors,Thechipistheheartof vention far eyqhses, ski
and American Business energy=~bh=reurvery the Hamis HV-IOIM, fnduc- goggles, skin di* masks,
The slystem employs
sysitem. car windows, h h m m mir-
a&ofheatex&qers rors, camera lenses d hd-
(cm=)meightpre9sd met shields.
amthgbUspdtodecome The armpou~dwas origi-
metal sheets* alodng with an d y developed by Johnson
e ~ ~ n o m k higbly
d, &Gent S~centertobrstf~for-
d y s t that &omposes matiaa cm astromut hehut
h y k e 3owhg out of vi9orS 4 8- WiR-
the ovens used in the metal d m . T w Chemical's
decorating proas, The eam-
p y estimates that the heat

144 Recycling Technology

president learned of the
compound from Terh &j&,
subsequently obtained a
NASA license for manufac-
ture and marketing of the
compound and started pro-
duction. The coppany found
a strong customer base in the
U.S. and additional markets
in the United Kingdom,
Norway, Japan and Taiwan.
Available to scientists, en-
gineers, business executives
and other qualified technol-
ogy transfer agents in indus-
try or government, Teth
Briefs is the primary publica-
tion of the Technology Utili-
zation Program. Among oth-
ers are this annual Spinoff
volume and the NASA Pat-
ent Ab~tramBibliography, a
semiannually updated com-
pendium of NASA patented
inventions available for li-
censing, which now number
almost 4,000 (the latter
publication can be published
from the National Technical
Information Service, Spring-
field, Virginia 22 101). A
NASA's Technology Transfer System
The NASA system of technology transfer
personnel and facilities extends from coast to
For information of a general nature about
the Technology Utilization program, address
A Field Centers
coast and provides geographical coverage of inquiries to the Director, Technology Utiliza-
Ames Research Center
the nation's primary industrial concentta- tion Division, NASA Scientific and Techni-
National Aeronautics and Space
tions, together with regional coverage of state cal Information Facility, Post Office Box 8757,
and local governments engaged in transfer Baltimore, Maryland 2 1240.
Moffett Field, California 94035
activities. For specific information concerning Technology Utilization Officer:
the activities described below, contact the ap- Laurence A. Milov
propriate technology utilization personnel at Phone: (4 15) 694-647 1
the addresses listed.
Goddard Space Flight Center
National Aeronautics and Space
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Technology Utilization Officer:
Donald S. Friedman
Phone: (301) 286-6242

Lyndon B. John~onSpace Center

National Aeronautics and Space
Houston, Texas 77058
Technology Utilization Officer:
Dean C. Glenn
Phone: (713) 483-3809

John E Kennedy Space Center

National Aeronautics and Space
Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899
Technology Utilization Officer:
Thomas Hammond
Phone: (305) 867-3017

Langlqr Research Center

National Aeronautics and Space
Hampton, Virginia 23665
Technology Utilization Officer:
John Samos
Phone: (804) 865-3281
A Field Center Technolw Utilization
Offj~ers:manage center participation in L m i s Research Center
regional technology utilization activities. National Aeronautics and Space
lndu~trzalApplications Centers: 2 1000 Brookpark Road
information retrieval services and assis- Cleveland, Ohio 44 135
tance in applying technical information Technology Utilization Officer:
relevant to user needs. Daniel G. Soltis
Phone: (216) 433-5567
0 industrial Applications Center Afiliates:
state-sponsored business or technical George C. Marshall Space Flight
assistance centers that provide access to Center
NASA's technology transfer network. National Aeronautics and Space
The Computer Soju~areManagement and Marshall Space Flight Center,
Infnrmatzon Center (COSMIC):offers gov- Alabama 35812
ernment-developed computer programs Director, Technology Utilization Officer:
adaptable to secondary use. lsmail Akbay
Phone: (205) 544-2223
A Application Team:
agencies and private institutions in apply- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ing aerospace technology to solution of 4800 Oak Grove Drive
public problems. Pasadena, California 9 1109
Technology Utilization Manager:
N m n L. CbaGn
Phone: (818) 354-2240
NASA Resident Ofie+PL Southern Technology Applications Florida
4800 Oak Grove Drive center See Southern Technology Applications
Pasadena, California 9 1109 Progress Center, PO. Box 24 Center, University of Florida
Technology Utilization Officer: 1 Progress Boulevard
Gwdon S. Chapman Alachua, Florida 32615 Georgia
Phone: (818) 354-4849 J. Ronald Thornton, director Georgia Institute of Technology
Phone: (904) 462-3913 O'Keefe Building, Room 222
John C. Stennis Space Center (800) 354-4832 (FL only) Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Missippi 39529 (800) 225-0308 (toll free, US) Phone: (404) 894-4299
Technology Utilization Officer:
Robert M. Barlow NASAIUK Technology Applications Hawaii
Phone: (601) 688-1929 Program Director, Pacific Business Center
109 Kinkead Hall University of Hawaii
University of Kentucky 2404 Maile Way, D202A
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
William R. Strong, director Phone: (808) 948-6286
Phone: (606) 257-6322
Industrial Application Centers Idaho
NASAISU Industrial Applications Director, Idaho Business Development
Aerospace Research Applications Center Center
center Southern University Boise State University
6 11 N. Capitol Avenue Department of Computer Science 1910 University Drive
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813-2065 Boise, Idaho 83725
E T.Janis, Ph.D., director John Hubbell, Ph.D., director Phone: (208) 385-1640
Phone: (3 17) 262-5036 Phone: (504) 771-2060
I Central Industrial Applications Center Indiana
See Aerospace Research Applications
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Center, Indianapolis Center for
Durant, Oklahoma 74701
Advanced Research
DicRie Deel, Ph.D., director
Phone: (405) 924-6822 0Industrial Application Center Iowa
NASA Industrial Applications Center
Affiliates Director, CIRAS-Iowa State University
205 Engineering Annex
823 W i a m Pitt Union
Alabama Ames, Iowa 500 11
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
Johnson Research Center Phone: (5 15) 294-3420
Paul A. McWiiliams, Ph.D.,
University of Alabama-Huntsville
executive director Kentucky
Huntsville, Alabama 35899
Phone: (4 12) 648-7000
Phone: (205) 895-6257 See NASA/UK Technology Applications
Program, University of Kentucky
NASA Industrial Applications Center
Research Annex, Room 200
Director, Alaska Economic Development Louisiana
University of Southern California
Center See NASA/SU Industrial Applications
37 16 South Hope Street Center, Southern University
University of Alaska-Juneau
Los Angeles, California 90007
1 108 F Street, Juneau, Alaska 9980 1
Radford G. King, director Mississippi
Phone: (907) 789-4402
Phone: (213) 743-8988
Institute of Technology Development
(800) 642-2872 (CA only)
Arizona 700 North State Street, Suite 500
(800) 872-7477 (toll free, US)
Technology Transfer Network Jackson, Mississippi 39202
3883 East Thomas Road Phone: (601) 960-3634
One Technology Drive Phoenix, Arizona 850 18
Phone: (602) 220-0177 Montana
Tolland, Connecticut 06084
Director, University Technical Assistance
DanieL Wilde, Ph.D., presiden~ Program
Phone: (203) 872-7000
SBDC/Technology Center College of Engineering
100 South Main Street, Suite 401 402 Roberts Hall
No& Carolina Science and Montana State University
Little Rock, Arkansas 7220 1
Technology Research Center Bozeman, Montana 59717-0007
Phone: (501) 371-5382
PO. Box 12235
Research Triangle Park, Nebaska
North Carolina 27709 Director, Nebraska Technical Assistance
See Industrial Applications Center,
H. Lynn Reese, director Center
University of Southern California
Phone: (9 19) 549-067 1 University of Nebraska
Colorado W191 Nebraska Hall
Technology Applications Center Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
Director, Business Advancement Centers
University of New Mexico
University of Colorado
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87 131
1690 38th Street, Suite 101 Nevada
Stanley A. Morain, Ph.D., director
Boulder, Colorado 8030 1 Desert Research Institute
Phone: (505) 277-3622
Phone: (303) 444-5723 PO. Box 60220
Reno, Nevada 89506
Phone: (702) 673-7388
New England
See Industrial Applications Center,
Director, Tennessee Technology
Computer Software Management
NERAC. Inc. Foundation and lnformation Center
PO.Box 23184
New Mexico Knoxville, Tennessee 37933-1 184 COSMIC
See Industrial Application Center, Phone: (615) 694-6772 382 E . Broad Street
TAC, University of New Mexico University of Georgia
Director, Business Assistance and Center for Industrial Services Athens, Georgia 30602
Resource Center University of Tennessee John A. Gibson, director
University of New Mexico Capitol Boulevard Building, Suite 40 Phone: (404) 542-3265
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87 13 1 Nashville, Tennessee 372 19
Phone: (505) 277-3541 Phone: (615) 242-2456

North Carolina Texas A Application Team

See Industrial Applications Center Technology Business Development
North Carolina Science and Technology Division Research Triangle Institute
Research Center Texas Engineering Experiment Station Post Office Box 12 194
Texas A&M University Research Triangle Park,
Director of Small Business 3 10 Engineering Research Center North Carolina 27709
North Carolina Department of College Station, Texas 77843-3369 Doris Rouse, Pb.D., director
Community Colleges Phone: (409) 845-8717 Phone: (919) 54 1-6980
200 West Jones Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1337 Vermont Rural Enterprises, Inc.
Phone: (919) 733-7051 Agency of Development and 10 Waldron Drive
Community Affairs Durant, Oklahoma 74701
North Carolina Small Business and State of Vermont Steve Hardy, director
Technology Development Center 109 State Street (405) 924-5094
820 Clay Street Montpelier, Vermont 05607
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Phone: (802) 828-322 1
Phone: (919) 733-4643 NASA Scientific and Technical
North Dakota Director of Technology Transfer lnformation Facility
Director, Center for Innovation and Center for Innovative Technology
Business Development Hallmark Building, Suite 20 1 Technology Utilization Ofice
University of North Dakota 13873 Park Center Road PO. Box 8757
Box 8 103, University Station Herndon, Virginia 2207 1 Baltimore, Maryland 2 1240
Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202 Phone: (703) 689-3037 Walter Heiland, manager
Phone: (701) 777-3796 Phone (301) 859-3000 extension 241
Oklahoma State Director, Small Business Spinoff Team:
See Central Industrial Development Center Project Manager:
Applications Center Washington State University Walter Heiland
Southeastern Oklahoma State University 44 1 Todd Hall
Pullman, Washington 99164-4740 Technology Associate:
Oregon Phone: (509) 335-7876 Linda Watts
Director, Regional Services Institute
Eastem Oregon State College West Virginia Technology Associate:
8th and K Science and Technology Center Jane Lynn-Jones
La Grande, Oregon 97850 West Virginia Board of Regents
Phone: (503) 963-2 17 1 950 Kanawha Boulevard East Graphic Services:
Charleston, West Virginia 25301 The Watermark Design Office
Pennsylvania Phone: (304) 348-3607
See Industrial Applications Center Photography:
University of Pittsburgh The Software Valley Cowration Kevin Wifson
PO. Box 700
South Carolina Morgantown, West Virginia 26507
State Board for Technical and Phone: (304) 296-01 10
Comprehensive Education
State of South Carolina Department of Statistics and Computer
Room 103, 1 1 1 Executive Center Drive Science
Columbia, South Carolina 292 10 University of West Virginia
Phone: (803) 737-9367 3 11 Knapp Hall
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
Phone: (304) 293-3607

--- -
Director, Technology Utilization Divisioh
Ofice of Commercial Programs
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

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