Burda Download 106 B Trousers/pants - Instruction
Burda Download 106 B Trousers/pants - Instruction
Burda Download 106 B Trousers/pants - Instruction
Burda sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 Place the other zip band face
Outside leg length 88 cm (343/4 ins) down on the other opening edge
Edge of waistband 1 cm (3/8 inch) and pin in place at the top. Open
below waist zip again. Place the presser foot on
Hem about 36 cm (15 ins) the top end of the zip so that the
coil is in the notch to left of the
Materials: needle (figure 2). Stitch the zip in
140 – 145 cm (57 ins) linen print: place from the top to the end of
140 m (11/8 yards) for all sizes. Vile- the opening. Close zip.
ne/Pellon H 410. One invisible zip Now stitch centre front seam from
22 cm (9 ins) and a special presser bottom to top (up to zip). Turn
foot. 2 buttons and one flat inside Pattern pieces 1 – 5 back the loose lower end of the
button. Size 34 3333 zip onto the seam allowances.
Size 36 4444 Stitch as close as possible to the
Recommended fabrics: Size 38 55 last stitch of the zip seams. Trim
linen, blends, cotton fabrics. Size 40 6666 off the surplus zip and bind the
Size 42 7777 end with a scrap of fabric.
Preparation: ■ Stitch the side seams on waist-
Print out the pattern pieces onto band pieces. Stitch outer waist-
20 sheets of paper with the nar- band pieces onto upper edge of
row frame around. Wait until all trousers, leaving ends of waist-
the sheets have been printed. Posi- band overhanging from centre
tion the sheets so that they match front. Press seam allowances of joi-
together (see diagram = reduced ning seams onto waistband pieces.
layout drawing). Beginning at the Place inside waistband pieces right
lower left sheet, cut out the indivi- sides together with the stitched
dual sheets on the upper and outer waistband pieces and pin
right-hand side and cutting along edges together. Place seam allo-
the thin frame line. Glue the pie- ■ Insert invisible zip at front slit wances at lower edges of waist-
ces together exactly on the thin edges, as described hereafter. band down again in front. Stitch
frame lines, then cut out all the Open the zip and push the coil across front ends of waistband and
pattern pieces. back with your thumbnail to reve- upper edges of waistband. Trim
Important: note that the pattern al the seam between the tape/ seam allowances. Turn waistband
pieces do not include the seam band and the coil. Place the open pieces.
and hem allowances. Please also zip face down on the right side of ■ Stitch two pocket pieces, with
note different lines for the right right sides together, leaving nar-
and left front edge of waistband 1 2 row edges open at the top. Trim
piece. seam allowances. Turn pockets and
press. Topstitch integrated belt-
Cutting out: carriers and pocket opening edge
Seam and hem allowances: at 5 mm (3/16 inch). Pin pockets on
Remember to add seam, edge and trouser pieces at placement line
hem allowances of 4 cm (= 15/8 ins). and stitch 5 mm (3/16 inch) wide.
1 trouser front x2 Now pull belt carriers down again
2 front waistband x4 and pin in place.
3 trouser back x2 ■ Place inside back waistband pie-
4 back waistband x4 ces up again and press seam allo-
5 pocket x4 wances at upper edge of waist-
interfacing: see cutting layout. band open about 5 cm (2 ins) long,
Interface only the outer waistband then smooth flat over the joining
pieces. one opening edge. So that the zip seam. Topstitch along waistband
can be stitched in place exactly close to edges. Work buttonholes
Construction: along the marked seam-line, calcu- in the front ends of waistband as
■ Stitch back darts and press to late the distance between the marked and on the left for inside
centre. band and the fabric as follows: button.
■ Stitch side seams and inside leg seam allowance width minus 1 cm ■ Place belt carriers on pockets up
seams. (3/8 inch) = distance from the edge again, stitch crosswise as marked.
of the fabric. The bottom end of Turn ends in and stitch at upper
Pattern piece cutting layout the zip will overhand the marked edge of waistband.
end of the opening. Place the spe- ■ Press hem allowances to inside,
Linen, 140 – 145 cm wide turn in to a width of 2.5 cm (1
cial presser foot on the zip so that
Fold fabric in the coil is in the notch to the right inch) and stitch in place.
half longwise, of the needle (figure 1). Stitch zip
with right in place from the top to the mar-
side inwards ked end of the opening. Close the
Copyright 2006 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg.
All rights reserved. All designs and contributions are copyrighted. Reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited.
The publishers do not accept responsibility for damages occuring from improper use of materials,
improper carrying out of tips or instructions or improper use of completed models.