Terms of Reference For 2021

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Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, Represented by:
KNUST Civil Engineering Department & ABP Consult,

February, 2021




1.1 The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST), the
premier Institution in Ghana responsible for the training of engineers, medical personnel,
scientists and technologists required to support the industrial and socio-economic
development of Ghana is undertaking the construction of a new 800-bed teaching hospital.
The site for the new hospital is located near Boadi, and opposite the Ghana Telecom
Exchange Station, along the Boadi Junction–Emena Road. The new hospital is being
constructed in two phases. Phase one, which has comprehensive structural and building
services designs for a teaching hospital, is currently at the detail design stage and
construction is expected to start very soon. Phase two was originally planned to cater for
staff accommodation and it is expected that designs and contract preparation will start as
soon as construction of phase one commences. Complete infrastructural services including
drainage, water supply and waste management for the entire Phase One of the Teaching
Hospital is to be designed.

1.2 The Development office of KNUST, the Client, has commissioned an Architectural
Consulting Firm to undertake the general planning and the design of the architectural
aspects of the development scheme. Similarly, the Client has engaged the services of
Engineering Consultants for the design of the mechanical and the electrical engineering
aspects of the proposed development scheme. The architectural designs of the various office
and residential units have been completed and approved by the Client. However, the design
of the site layout has partly been completed as the Architect is awaiting advice of the
Engineers, especially with regard to the road layout. It is now required to undertake the
design of the Civil Engineering Infrastructure Works for the proposed Development

1.3 To this end, the Client has commissioned M/s EDCIV 2021 Civil Groups to undertake the
design of the Civil Engineering Infrastructure Works for the said Phase One of the new
Teaching Hospital project for the University in Kumasi.

1.4 The components of the Infrastructure Works to be designed for under PHASE TWO shall
i. Detailed structural design of the Administrative Block;
ii. Road Network, Vehicular Parking
iii. Drainage, Water Supply and Distribution
iv. Solid and Liquid Waste Management System (Sewerage networks)


The Project Architect has made the following information available.
• Topographic Site Survey Map;
• Proposed site layout drawing showing the proposed location of the buildings and
associated infrastructure;
• Architectural sketch drawings of the Administrative Block.

2.1 The Site
The Topographical survey map of the site is attached herewith. The site for the proposed
Phase Two new Teaching Hospital is located near Boadi, and opposite the Ghana Telecom
Exchange Station, along the Boadi Junction–Emena Road.

All utility services (i.e. water, electricity and telephone) can be easily sourced from along
the Kumasi-Accra Road but it is important to check the adequacy of the existing services to
meet the requirements of the new Teaching Hospital.

2.2 The Master Plan

The master plan for the proposed Teaching Hospital prepared by the Project Architect has
been attached herewith. The components of the planning scheme for Phase One are as

• Administration Block, Offices and Consulting Rooms;

• Wards for patients.
• Ancillary Support Service Units
• Infrastructure Facilities

2.2.1 Administration Block

The Administration Block is a Five-Storey structure. There are offices, Consulting Rooms,
and Conference room, which cannot tolerate any column. The building is to be designed in
reinforced concrete.

2.2.2 The Wards

• 8 No. Blocks of Two Floors each.
• Each Floor has capacity of 50 beds

2.2.3 Ancillary Support Service Units.

The Ancillary Support Service Units include the following single storey units:
• Central Sterile Service Department (CSSD) and Laundry building,
• Kitchen and Staff Dining Building;
• Sewage treatment facility;
• Mortuary Building.

2.2.4 Infrastructure Works (Civil)

The components of civil infrastructure works required for ensuring the efficient functioning
of the Teaching Hospital PHASE ONE project including the following:
- Road Network;
- Vehicular Parking
- Drainage
- Water supply/distribution
- Refuse Disposal
- Sewage Disposal

The following Infrastructure facilities are to be designed:
• Main Facilities
- Structural design of the works listed under item 2.2.1 and 2.2.4
- Road Network;
- Vehicular Parking
- Drainage
- Water supply/distribution
- Refuse Disposal
- Sewage Disposal

3.1 Geotechnical Information

Appropriate sub-soil investigations are to be carried out to obtain information for the design
of the relevant facilities.

3.2 Road Network

The preliminary site layout proposed by the Project Architect is incomplete due to the
absence of road layout and the location of other facilities such as water storage system. The
consultant is advised to visit the site and obtain additional information to propose a suitable
road layout for the approval of the Architect and the Employer to enable the site layout to be
completed. The proposed road layout should confirm a suitable entry to the site, suitable
traffic flow, adequate vehicular parking for Administration Block. Necessary provision
should be made for walkways and drains. The consultant is responsible for investigating the
needed traffic flow for the designs.

It is anticipated that parking for 100 cars for the Administration Block will be needed.
However, the consultant is responsible for investigating the maximum that the site can
accommodate and the needed traffic flow for the designs.

3.3 Drainage
Maximum rainfall intensity for Kumasi and the appropriate return period are to be obtained
from the Meteorological services. The designed drains should be self-cleansing. The
roadside drains shall consist of buried concrete pipes with adequately designed inlet
arrangements to prevent siltation. Storm water from entire area of Phase One only, has to be
estimated and facilities for draining the facilities provided.

3.4 Water Resources, Water Supply and Distribution

Assessment for the water requirements should made for the entire hospital including Phase
one currently under construction. The following must be taken into consideration:

In addition to the 800-bed hospital forming part of Phase One, water supply provision is to
be made for hospital staff and other employees as well as the general public who will attend
to the hospital. It may be assumed that there will be one staff for every four patients.
Provision must also be made for fire fighting and other general water requirements.

Due to the fact that the Kumasi water supply system at the moment is not adequate to meet
the domestic and industrial demand, it is proposed that both ground and elevated storage
reservoirs be provided to ensure 24-hour service for the hospital. Provision is to be made
for water storage for 5 days peak water consumption. The water quality is to be ascertained

to determine its suitability for the hospital or otherwise and whether further clarification
may be required.

Water Resources
The consultant shall provide detail calculations showing evidence of the adequacy or
inadequacy of all the water sources available and justification of choice of option(s) for
water supply (use data from metrological, river flows and hydrogeological studies)

Water Supply and Distribution

The design of the distribution network and storage system would be done such as to ensure
the minimum required residual pressures at all fittings for their optimum functioning.

3.5 Sewerage System

The wastewater from phase I only, as well as from the general public who will attend to the
hospital has to be estimated, collected and treated. The wastewater to be generated at the
proposed hospital has to be considered in two categories: domestic and medical.

Domestic sewage would be collected from the inspection chambers at each facility and
transported through adequately sized sewers to a central sewage treatment plant. An
appropriate sewage treatment system should be designed to handle and treat all domestic
waste and the effluent discharged into the nearest natural water body in accordance with the
EPA guidelines for effluent discharge into natural water bodies.

The medical waste, to be generated from the operations of the various units of the proposed
hospital shall be disposed off in accordance with approved methods for handling such
wastes. However, where feasible and appropriate, the medical waste shall be connected to
the domestic sewers and treated at the treatment plant for domestic waste.

3.6 Solid Waste Management

The solid waste to be generated at the proposed hospital has to be considered in two
categories: domestic and medical. The collection, handling and disposal of domestic solid
waste shall be done in accordance with the KMA method for solid waste disposal. Refuse
collection points to be located in such a way as to avoid odour invasion into the Nursing and
Treatment facilities. Appropriate facilities should be designed for the medical solid waste.
The solid waste from phases I and II as well as general public who will attend to the hospital
has to be estimated and facilities for managing the waste provided.


The summary of the scope of works to be designed or performed by the Consultant are
given below:

4.1 Site Layout

Consultants should review the preliminary site layout proposed by the Project Architect to
confirm and include the following:
• The road layout;
• Drainage network
• Location of the proposed water reservoir;
• Water distribution network;
• Location of sewage treatment works;
• Sewerage Network

4.2 Geotechnical Investigation for the Administration Block
The Consultant shall:
• Carry out the appropriate geotechnical investigation to support the safe and
economic design of the foundation of the Administration Block.
• Carry out foundation design of the Administration Block.
• Provide the necessary information about the sources and quality of construction
materials of geologic origin.

4.3 Geotechnical Investigation for Road Pavement Design:

The Consultant shall
• Carry out the appropriate investigation to support the safe and economic design of
the pavement of the road network and parking areas.
• Provide the necessary information about the sources and quality of construction
materials of geologic origin required

4.4 Structural Design requirements

The Consultant shall carry out structural design of the section of Administration Block
shown in reinforced concrete with emphasis on the following:
• Structural design calculations for the worst combination of gravity self and
superimposed loadings, wind loading and seismic loading. For seismic design a
horizontal ground of 0.25g will be adequate.
• Prepare the general arrangement drawings ONLY for the structural members for that
section of Administration block with sufficient details to allow the Bill of Quantities
to be prepared. This should include the Elevations, Sections and Foundation
• Prepare reinforcement details for a sample floor slab, beam and column.
• Prepare an approximate Bill of Quantities and cost estimates for all structural works
from the substructure up to the first floor slab ONLY.

4.5 Pavement Design of Roads and Parking Facilities

The Consultant shall carry out the pavement structure design as follows:
• He shall obtain the necessary traffic information and
• the subsurface condition and
• Compare alternative pavement structures and
• Provide a detailed structural design of the various pavements.
• Provide appropriate specification, bill of quantities and cost estimates

4.6 Geometric Design of Road Network

The geometric design shall include:
• The main access entry junction details;
• Show all vertical and horizontal alignment details required for the proper setting out
of the works.
• Pedestrian walkways, lay-bys and appropriate intersection details shall be
incorporated into the designs where appropriate.
• All traffic management features that are required for the safe and efficient operation
of the road network shall be designed and drawn to appropriate scale; Liaise with
relevant road agencies such as Department of Urban Roads and Ghana Highway
Authority for specifications and standards.
• Provide appropriate specification, bill of quantities and cost estimates
4.7 Storm Drainage
The Consultant shall undertake the necessary hydrological and hydraulic studies, using
flood protection standards and appropriate flood return periods that will ensure adequate
sizing of drains and related drainage structures for flood protection.
• Storm drainage shall ensure that adjacent properties are not unreasonably hampered
and that all drains shall have a desirable outfall.
• Maximum rainfall intensity of Kumasi shall be obtained;
• All drains should be self-cleansing.
• Provide drainage drawings;
• Provide bill of quantities and cost estimates

4.8 Water Resources:

The Consultant shall undertake the necessary studies and calculations to:
• Identify appropriate sources of water for the site;
• Conduct the appropriate investigation as to its adequacy and quality of water

4.9 Water Supply:

The Consultant shall:
• Undertake engineering designs for the recommended distribution scheme, taking into
account appropriate design standards and criteria - supply area, population
projections (if necessary), levels of services and per capita consumption, demand
estimation and variations in water demand;
• Ensure that designs conform to existing standards for water supply as approved by
the appropriate agency such as CWSA, GWCL, EPA, etc.
• Prepare water distribution drawings consisting of plans and profiles of pipelines
detailing the location of all fittings and appurtenances.
• Provide bill of quantities and cost estimates

4.10 Waste management:

(1)Liquid waste management
The consultant should
• Propose and design appropriate domestic wastewater collection and treatment system
for the Phase One project;
• Prepare appropriate drawings consisting of plans and profiles of sewers;
• Provide bill of quantities and cost estimates

(2)Solid Waste Management

The consultant should:
• Propose and design appropriate domestic Solid Waste Management system
(collection, treatment and disposal)
• Provide bill of quantities and cost estimates

4.11 Environmental Impact Assessment Report:
The report of each specialisation should cover the following:
• Identify the positive environmental impacts of the project
• Identify the negative environmental impact of the project
• Identify appropriate mitigation measures to lessen the objectionable impacts
• Draft appropriate management clauses and actions to be included in the Contract
document during implementation and operation of the facilities
• Develop a monitoring programme for each of the facilities to ensure that mitigation
being implemented is effective
• Assess Traffic impacts, especially at the main entrance from the network of roads
around the development
• Assess the cost of Environmental Management Plan


• Submit Inception Reports on 18th February, 2021
• Submit Preliminary report on 7th March, 2021 (as progress report)
• Engineering Designs Draft Final Report on 7th Nov;
• Submit Detailed Engineering Designs Final Report Friday, 9th April, 2021, Final Report
consisting of: detailed engineering designs report; drawings; specifications; bill of
quantities and cost estimates for a typical Buildings, Roads, Pavement, Drainage, Water
Supply and Solid Waste, and Sewerage system;
• The following Final report for the Phase One of Works should be submitted:
o Geotechnical investigation for the Three-storey Administration Block; and
Geotechnical Investigation for Roads and Parking Areas and associated EIA
o Pavement Design of Roads and Parking Areas and Geometric Design of
Road network, and associated EIA Report.
o Structural Design of the 3-storey Administration Block, and associated EIA
o Water Demand and Supply Sources Investigation and Drainage System, and
associated EIA Report.
o Water Supply Distribution System, and associated EIA Report. Wastewater
and Sewerage system and Solid Waste Management Report, and associated
EIA Report.

• All the reports should provide report on EIA, Bill of Quantities and Cost estimates

5.1 Format for Report

All reports shall be submitted on bound A4 sheets except for drawings that will be submitted
on appropriate sheets (A3 or A2) or specifically required. The drawings should be bounded
together with the report.
All reports shall have:
o Executive summary,
o Table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, glossary of abbreviations and
appendices, if required,
o well-structured chapters of the engineering studies and designs,
o Sketches of designs should be incorporated in the design report to illustrate the
design approach and calculations.
o All drawings to be submitted on appropriate sheets (A3 and A2) or specifically
required and drawn to appropriate scale using AutoCAD.



Start of CED and meeting with
2 External Examiner 5th February, 2021 CED Coordinators
Virtual interaction with guest
4 experts in specializations 12th February, 2021 Sectional Heads, HoD
5 Submit Inception Report 19th February, 2021 Sectional Heads, All Lecturers
18th - 27th February,
Conduct Geotech Field work
6 2021 Sectional head Geotech
7 Meeting with Client 26th February, 2021 CED Coordinators, All Lecturers
9 Submit Preliminary report 7th March, 2021 Sectional Heads, All Lecturers
8 Meeting with Clients /Seminar 12th March, 2021 CED Coordinators, All Lecturers
11 Submit Draft Report 26th March, 2021 Sectional Heads, All Lecturers
10 Meeting with Clients /Seminar 19th April, 2021 CED Coordinators, All Lecturers
12 Meeting with Clients/ Seminar 2nd April, 2021 CED Coordinators, All Lecturers
13 Submit Final Report Friday, 9th April, 2021 Sectional Heads, All Lecturers
Monday, 12th April,
15 2021
16 Exams week -
Friday, 23rd April,
17 2021
Monday, 10th May,
2021 – Sunday 16th
18 Oral defence May, 2021 All Lecturers & External Examiners


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