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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research

and Science (IJAERS)

ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-8, Issue-2; Feb, 2021
Journal Home Page Available: https://ijaers.com/
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijaers
Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.82.7

Slavery and slave Trade Activities: The case of

Blackbirding in the Pacific Ocean and Interiors from the
19th to the 21st centuries period
Suh Hillary Sama, Kenfack Tonnang Florence

Department of History and Archeology, Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, University of Dschang, Cameroon

Received: 03 Nov 2020; Abstract— Poor conditions at sugar and other plantations in the Pacific
Received in revised form: Oceans as study territory or area tells, led to the outbreaks of disease and
17 Jan 2021;
deaths in massive rate or amount. This was a form of human labour
enslavements hence slavery and slave trade in the 19th and 21st centuries. Here,
Accepted: 01 Feb 2021;
we are interested to find out, to know what Blackbirding is all about and what
Available online: 11 Feb 2021 surrounds the word. From considerable operations, of investigations,
©2021 The Author(s). Published by AI documents and internet research, we unveiled all the slaving activities as
Publication. This is an open access article characteristics of this phenomenon from 1800 to 2019.Furthermore, this paper
under the CC BY license rotates on the axis of Blackbirding, some samples that deed on tables, statistics
and others and the applications of laws that helped change the course of events
Keywords— Poor, conditions. Plantations. as this history is concern. Our analytical presentation of materials gotten from
Pacific. Oceans, enslavements, Blackbirding, documents and investigation sources serve as methods. To add more, we drew
trade, slaves. Brutalize, millions, lost, lives,
our result from the substance that, the trade on slaves hence Blackbirding
combating, sea, ills.
actually existed in this part of the continent, possible means were used to bundle
and erase the action that brutalize humanity and simplify their vitalities. Many
millions of people lost their lives and properties. What should be noted is the
fact that efforts were made, is currently going on combating these sea water ills.

I. INTRODUCTION Australian slaves were used to establish cotton plantations

The Pacific Region Slavery, (Blackbirding) started in southern Queensland. A strong male Blackbirded would
because or due to the fact that other countries abolished it. cost the modern equivalent of between $5 and $19, while
Aboriginal people were blackbirded and used in the women, particularly Tahitians, who were regarded as the
pearling, sugar cane sheep and cattle industries. They most attractive, often fetched $32.Between 1842 and 1904
suffered terrible abuse and were denied their small or no more than 60,000 men and boys from the South Pacific
wages. slavery is “the condition in which one person is islands, and an unknown number of women and girls that
owned as property by another” and the owner has make the economy vibrant, were kidnapped and brought to
"absolute power” over their "life, liberty, and fortune”. Australia to work as slaves on the sugar plantations that
Such people are usually forced into work "in harsh still dot the country's north-east coast. Between the 1860s
conditions for low pay”. During the period of and the 1970s, aboriginal people of all ages were taken
Blackbirding, Australia’s slaves Blackbirded worked in all from their homes and sent to work on cattle and sheep
essential industries, from the 1840s through to the 1970s: properties or farming all across Australia. Several such
The first slaves to reach Australia from the South Sea were schemes were run by colonial and State Governments
used as shepherds on properties in southern New South mostly from Europe, theoretically to protect aboriginal
Wales, but died like the red Indians but due to cold.When Australians from mistreatment. Mistreatment was
the American Civil War cut off the world's cotton supply, abundant and rife. The Government of Queensland

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filesproves and shows that, from the early 1900s, for 20 Polynesia, Mexico and Guatemalia,New Caledonia, Peru,
years there were no limits on how many hours aboriginal America and others.2
people worked, how hard was the labour, how bad was the
treatment or the provision of food and living quarters.
Minimum situation or conditions, introduced in 1919, were
greatly and wildly ignored in the absence of any
inspections in the Pacific region.In the Pacific, more than
1.000.000 people are thought to have been blackbirded,
meaning manipulated, dribble and tricked, coerced or
forced into indentured labour or slavery at this time called
the blackbirded, a practice that is thought to have ended
over a century ago but still mingle in the Pacific region
and others. There are calls for a formal system to help the
descendants of blackbirded Pacific Islanders find their
relatives.1Here, the question pose is how was slavery and
slave trade activities carried out like the case of
Blackbirding in the Pacific Ocean Region and the interior
in the nineteenth and twentieth first centuries? To answer
this question, it will be interesting to rotates on the
following points: Conceptual issues in the Pacific Ocean
slavery and slave trade affairs, ‘Blackbirding’, The
Population, Horrific sampling of Blackbirding, Research
tables and additional Severe Rift Attacks on Blackbirding
Activities (Tables), statistic and Data Collection.
Representations in tables. And Protecting the Ability to
Trade in the Indian Ocean as preventive Responses to
A. Conceptual issues in the Pacific Ocean
slavery and slave trade affairs,
Blackbirding is an etymological oretymology which is
a term, may have been formed directly as a contraction of
“Blackbird catching” thus “Blackbird.” This was a slang
word or term used by the local indigenous people referring
to the capturing of persons and forced them into slavery
passing them into or via slave trade.The first major
Blackbirding activity was conducted out of Twofold Bay
in New South Wales, found in Australia. In later periods it
extended to other areas within and out of the Pacific
Ocean. It is well noted that areas like Samoa, Hawaiian
islands and the United State of America suffered severely
with extreme death rate, followed by Australia, New South
Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, Fiji, French

Jens Korff,Australia has a history of Aboriginal slavery.
Last updated: 29 June 2020.
(P a c i f i c V a n u a t u ) . Jacob Miley, Was John Mackay a
black birder? Dailey Mercury News, 3rd March 2017, 2
Etymology is the study of the origin and history
(7:00AM). of words and their meaning or the origin and history of a
particular area.

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Picture: Slavesin America, ‘The Blackbirded’

Source: Henry P. Moore, American Slave of General-thom as f drayton-g

Blackbirders; This involves the owners captains and crew of the ships involved in the acquisition of these labourers as
slaves. Theword blackbirders demanded for cheap labour or nothing as reward that principally came from European
colonists in NewSouth Wales, Peru, Queensland, Samoa, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tahiti,Hawaii,Mexico, and
Guatemalia. Blackbirded; They were the caught or in other words slaves. They were used labouring in sugarcane, cotton and
coffeeplantations in this lands, hence they were also exploited in other industries.
Picture: The Blackbirded of South Sea Islanders in a Sugarcane Plantation

Source: The sugar labour trade:https://dl.nfsa.gov.au/module/364

Blackirding ships; These are large sea and Ocean vessels that began operations in these areas and the Pacific Oceans
from 1840s which continued into the 1930s.It should be noted that blackbirders from the Americas sought or searchfor

Emma Christopher,Cassandra, Pybus and Marcus Buford Rediker, Many Middle Passages: Forced Migration and
the making of the Modern Wolrd, University of California, press,pp. 188-190

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workers for their plantations and to mine the guano deposits on the Chincha Island, thus the organised blackbirding trade
took placein areas like some colonists; Queensland, Fiji and New Caledonia thatused those that has been blackbirded as
labourers at various plantations especially or particularly those producing sugar-cane. (seepictures).

Pictures: Blackbirding Ships in The Pacific Ocean (Daphne, Virginia)

Source: Authors Research Photos

The word blackbirding could also mean a reserve all aspects of blackbirding in the Pacific Seas and Oceans
underground Rail road, but this is not related to account of that link America, South and North Eastern Asia not

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leaving out Australia and her close Vicinities. Therefore, a connection to target by using their shared racial and
Blackbirding can be confined as an involvement of cultural identities.6 However it was and still prevailed in
coercionof people through deception and orkidnapping to the 21st century. New York,California, Philadelphia, and
as unpaid or poorly paid laborers’ in countries distant to others were particularly prominent places for these
their native land. The term has been commonly applied to kidnappers to work, causing fear of being kidnapped by
the large scale taking and carrying of people as such anyone to become prevalent. In case of being kidnapped
indigenous to the numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean some lost their lives for enslavement refusal,while those
during the 19th to the 21st centuries. Those that were captured, by those who captured become practical
blackbirded were people,they were taken from places such blackbirdingas slaves.7 The British Pacific highlights in the
as the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Niue, Easter Island, 19th century in particular experience or witness an
Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu and the Islands of the Bismarck imperial connections between the French and the British
Archipelago amongst others.4 on the perspective of, on Blackbirding for an Anglophone
Reserves underground rail road blackbirding; This as audience as experience and recounted by an author
noted took place in the UnitedState of America since Georges Baudoux’s. New Hebridean mining employees
before colonial and colonial period from1800 to 2019.The went on when Anglophone, Francophone and pacific
reverse underground rail. Road existed to capture free inhabitants or people interacted, exchanged and moved in
Africa-Americans and Fugitive slaves and sell them into and out of each other’s lives, perhaps more frequently than
slavery which was and has been prevalent inthe today but all entails the pacific history of blackbirding as
19thcentury, during and after when the Trans-Atlantic seen with the slave workers, for example the Queensland
slave trade was outlawed.5 This was outlaw same or kanaka workers. The frequentepisodic actions from
similar as that of the Pacific Ocean slave trade . In Africa Blackbirding gave rise to anti Blackbirders which imagine
those groups that were implicated in supplying and most couldno longerbare the aforementioned activities, freed
slaves, werethe Aro, Oyo and the Hausa which they also some passengers in 1869, HMS Rosario, seized the
experienced internal crisis and struggling and Yoruba city- blackbirding schooner Daphne with several slaves
states ended up engaged inintercedewars for control of the onboard. (see first picture of Daphne above). Areas such
slave trade. This paraded almost inline of prevalent as Australia, America, thePhilippines, Hawaiian, and
operation in the reverse underground railroad, blackbirding Tapan including the entire pacific oceanic took part in the
that tantamount to conflict. From Bell Richard slave trade in line with notion of blackbirding which has
CounterfeitKin: Kidnappers of colour, the Reverse become a historical jargons or parlance of historical tales
Underground Railroad, and the origins of practical presentation.8
Abolition, people of Africa and Mixed ancestry commonly B-The Population, Horrific sampling of
took part in these operations in order to make aliving. Blackbirding, Research tables and additional Severe
Some worked under white employers, playing instrumental Rift Attacks on Blackbirding Activities (Tables),
roles in deceiving fellow African-Americans and luring statistic and Data Collection. Representations in tables.
them into traps, while others pointed slaves.Owners to the According to census carried out in the 1900s, the
location of their escaped slaves to the got bounty on the Pacfic Region made up of more than 20 countries and
slaves head. The kidnappers were recorded to have acted above 250 Islands supplied Blackbirded to work in Pacfic
against their family members in addition to others Plantations as a replacement of slaves that were liberated
members of the community. Their careersalso tended to be after the abolition of the slave trade. Moreso, areas like
long due to African-Americans particularly children being New Guinea, The Philippines Islands, Singapore, New
more inclined to trust them than whitepeople. Successful Zealand, Fanning Island, Solomon Island and the
kidnappings mainly relied on the blackbirders developing American Islands down to The South Sea Islands and the
close interior of the Asian and American continent. Hence
.Materials from Willoughby , Emma, “Our all these Islands and countries supply labour via
Federation Journey 1901-2001”// Blackbirding method in the Pacific Ocean. The below
https://web.archive.Org/web /2006062
table shows exceptionally the population of South Sea
multiv. pdf) May 4, 2020 Islander where the majority of Blackbirded originated.
Bell Richard, Counterfeit, Kin : Kidnappers of color, the
Reverse Underground Railroad,and origins of particular Ibid
Abolition .” in http://web b.a. ebscohot.com.proxy- 7
um.researchport..umd.edu/e Shineberg, Dorothy, The people trade: pacific
host/pdfviewer/pdviewer?vid=28sid=da822a84-6674-44f6- island labourers and New caledonia,1865-1930 (pacific
a849-ea21124de0a%40 Sessionmgr4008.EBSCOHOST. islands monographs series)

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Table: Population of South Sea Islanders BLACKBIRDING
The Horrific sampling of blackbirding. (A global view
American Samoa 56,700
analysis is preferable at this juncture). Thefirst major
Cook Islands 15,200 blackbirding operation in the pacific was conducted out of
aBay in South Wales. This was also the first ofits kindwas
Fiji 888,400 horrific due to reports of violence, kidnap and murder.
French Polynesia 277,100 InAustralia, New South Wales, about 65 Melanesian
labourers loaded in a ship finally stopped at Boyd Town on
Guam 172,400 the 16 ofApril 1847 on board the ship velocity. Under the
command of Captain Kirsopp.Another personality of
Kiribati 120,100
Benjamin Boyd engage with two financed loads of 70
Marshall Islands 55,500 and 57 for Sydney arrival in September 1847 and
October 1847 but not long from workplaces as observed,
Micronesia (Federated States of) 105,300
starving and destitute on the streets of Sydney hence the
Nauru 11,000 experiment of labour exploitation was discontinued in
Australia, Robert Town and Queensland in the early
New Caledonia 285,500 1860s.9
Niue 1,520 As events continued to unfold another incident
took place in 1863 at Robert Town where the American
Northern Mariana Islands 56,200 civil war gave rise or raised blackbirding, to help as
Palau 17,900 labourers inplanting about 160 hectares of cotton in Robert
Towns. The ships Don Juan brought 73 South Sea
Papua New Guinea 8,558,800 Islandersin 1863 at the port of Bribane. In the vessels
Uncle Tom and Black Dog 400 Melanesians came to
Pitcairn 49
supply labour as slaves ofBlackbirding. In 1866 the Blue
Samoa 196,700 Bell brought fromthe southsea labour to the port. The
labourer were paidin trinketsnot cashin terms of money at
Solomon Islands 682,500 kanaka as such claimed, blackbirded labourers were
Tokelau 1,400 savages andknown as use of money.

Tonga 100,300

Tuvalu 10,200

Vanuatu 304,500

Wallis and Futuna 11,700

Source: Authors Research Table
From the above table showing the population of the
South Sea Islanders, Papua New Guinea
registered8.558.800 people as the highest population
which might have come because of Much slaves entering
the Island to work in Plantations and finally when stay
above twenty years could obtain citizenship. Also, Tokelau
Island register the least population of 1.400 people which
might be as a result of over drained of the population due
to Blackbirding activities.
Bennett A « immigration, blackbirding, labour
recruiting.2 The Hawaiian experience 1877-1887” Journal
of pacific History.11(1):3-27. Doi 10. 1080/0022334
7608572288(https://doi. Org/10.1080%

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Picture: Blackbirded Working in Newly Planted Sugarcane Field at Queensland.

Source: Authors Research Photo

They were exploited and sold for a minimal sum
of £2 each and that kidnapping was at least partially during
recruitment, hence raised fears of a burgeoning new slave
trade. Blackbirding aspointed ofriot, here, is that some
villages were ravaged like Lifou.In 1868 a ship Siren with
24 dead Islander recruits, the remaining 90 onboard were
taken by forced and deception, at Brisbane when the ship
Siren anchored. The Siren debacle made Queensland
Government invested in labour trade, kanakas actively
working on their land holdings. Here, the engagement on
kidnapping with violence was real. The London Royal
Navy with base in Australia station in Sydney gathered
momentum and shattered this event.10

10 «Like an African slave ship» was compared to

Daphne that was under the command of Captain Daggett and

licensed in Queensland to Henry Ross Lewin.This ships activities
were like those of the African type like Dradong, Rogulo and
others. what should be noted here is the fact that humanitarian
action of a senior officer of the Royal Navy, gave find their
legitimacy to the blackbirding trade out of Queensland

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Picture: Blackbirded working in a Sugarcane mill

Source: Jacob Miley, Was John Mackay a black birder? Dailey Mercury News, 3rd March 2017,(7:00AM).

Furthermore, other slave ships such as IV. RESEARCH TABLES AND ADDITIONAL
spunkie,Jason Lyttona carried kanaka boys aged 12and 15 SEVERE RIFT ATTACKS ON
years for the plantations. It was also noted that some and BLACKBIRDING ACTIVITIES (TABLES),
others rape like a pubescent Islanders girl which later the STATISTICS.
girl was sold for £20 in Brisbane. Most of those under the This aspect could be classifyingor drown from
Blackbirding worked or were used in Canfields,sheep several levels within the 1880s;the early conflicts in 1880s
stations, pearl dowers being subjected to violent and the conflicts involving the Age of the slave trade 1800 to
neglectful treatment, hence kanakas would fight back and 1882 and the later years. The Blackbirding spin-up till
kill their overseas, they were hunted down and shot bythe witness Greatviolent act at Queensland with it
Nativepolice. It should be noted that there existed some intensification in 1880s. Vessels that were involved, that
River plantation in the 1870s.Moreso, more samples, runs through the beginning and the end could or were as
sampling the fact that Blackbirding actually existed are follows including their owners. It should be noted that
ships evidence engage in this business; Woodbine, their fire arm shave increases and robust or vigorous.
Christina was owned by James Merrman who held the
position of major ofSydney. Isabella, Flora, May Queen,
Dancing Wave, Margaret Chessel, Mystery were checked
for their attacked and shooting carried out,notleaving out
the Royal Navy who delivered severe summary
punishment upon killing blackbirding crews as examine.
Others instance in the 1870s at this juncture involve HMS
Beagle, HMS Wolverine, Sybil went killings of
blackbirding crews through indiscriminate bombardment
of villages, raids by marines, burning houses, destruction
of crops and the hangings of Islanders from the

The above mention ships were under the
auspices of the following personalities; Captain de
Houghton, Commodore John Crawford Wilson, Captain
Satim and Davidson (plantation owners)

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Table: Blackbirding Vessels and Owners or security and companies in the Pacific Ocean
Ships or Vessels involve The Owners or Concern (Areas or Country)
Esperanza Sambo(Area)
Pearl Rendova Island
May Queen Ambae Island
Stormbird Tanna
Janet Stewart Malaita
Isabella Espiritu Santo
Officers of Royal Navy Warship attempting punitive action
HMS Sandfly Lieutenant Bower (five others)
HMS Cormorant Luckcraft
HMS Emerald Captain W.H. Maxwell
HMS Miranda Captain Dawson
HMS Diamond
HMS Dart Commander Moore
Ship Borogh Belle Captain Belbin (killed)
HMS Undine Patrolled Blackbirding ship
Vessels Ceara Labour recruits (matiries)
Slaves ship Lavinia George E.Morrison(crew, physician)
(Blackbirding operation 1882)

Alfred Vittery Blackbirding crew (Griffith)

Stanley Captain Joseph Davies
Jessie Kelly Captain Millman
Ethel Captain Loutit
Forest King (owners)
Hopeful Crew
Young Dick The crew members
Eliza Mary Crew
Helena Captain A.R Reynolds
Para, Lochiel, Nautilus /, /, /,
Rio loge, Roderick Dhu, /, Robert Cran (Sugar Magnel)
William Manson, Vos and Crew.

Sea witch William Hilton Hovell

etc. etc.

Source: Authors Diverse Research Materials Collection

Statistically, the Transportation of Slaves in the Western Samoa 12.500, Hawaii 2.500, Peru 3.600, Guetamala
Pacific: Towns of Islands and Labourers-slaves 1.100. Making a total of 126.700 slaves.At Somoa, much
transported, British Queensland 62.500, Fiji 27.000, engagement was centered at selling and exacerbating
French New Caledonia 15.000, Tahiti 2.500, German factional conflict. In 172 agricultural plantations,

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expansion was done on over 100.000 acres due to

blackbirding operations works in the farm plantation. Men,
women and children of alleges were taken, separated and
sent to work in harsh conditions with many succumbing to
illness and poor diet. Here, the known German company
“Deutsche Handels und plantagen Gesellschaft (DHPG)
expanded Samoan plantations. Later all German asset after
the First World War went to New Zealand. It should be
noted that large British and American plantations which
owned blackbirding vessels and exploiting blackbirder
labour exist much and widely in the colonial Samoa.12
In the Haawailia Islands about 50% male able-
birded indigenous Hawaiians were used as workers on the
plantations. Approximately, about 200 people came from
Tahiti, Caroline Islands and line islands were recruited, to
work in Hawaiian plantations owned by Europeans
colonists. Ships or blackdirding vessels like Stormbird
recruited 85 people from Rotuma, Norounti, Mariana and
Tabiteuea. The death rate was 20% and the mortality
related at over 10% for each year were protection was less
and the death rate was much higher when compared to the
United States of America.
In the United States, since the colonial era,
underground railroad blackbirding was reversed and the
African-Americans worked under white employers,
playing instrumental roles in deceiving fellow African-
Americans. Successive kidnapping mainly relied on the
blackbirding blackbirders, hence coursing fear of being
kidnapped by anyone to become prevalent, thus ships were
several and in varied sizes for slaves transportation
involving their captains, who also participated in capturing
the slaves, or blackbirders.13


This study has got clear evidences from statistics
as has been mention above and as well as, here we find
some datas in a table form how the existed some forces
againstslavery or Blackbirding and against Blackbirding

Statistic on Blackbirding in the pacific ocean
PA458*/pq= statisticston
.What is blackbirding
australias-history- of -kidnapping-p

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Table: Blackbirdingships and their Vessels Captains in the Pacific Region

Blackbirding ships Vessels or ships captains
Lavinla Blackbirding operation (Queensland)
Lizzie ( burns Philip company) William T. Wawn
Hopeful Ereuo Cessel (burns Philip) Captain Lewis Shaw
Sea witch William Hilton hovel
Loung Australian Commander hovel
Bring Carl Dr. James Patrick Murray being ship recruiter and Joseph
Armstrong and mate Charles Powden.
Peri (low in supplies and was blown Westwand) Seen or spotted near to Hinchinbrook Island Queensland Coast by
captain John Moresby
HMS Basilisk Spotted the Ship Peri.
Donald Maclean Captain Mcleod
Flirt Captain McKenzie
Wild Duck Captain Martin ( stole people from espiritu Santo)
Lapwing, Kate. Grat Harriet Arnytage, Frolic, Kidnapper Blackbirders ships e.g. Bully Hayes
Margavet Chessel, MariaDouglass and Marion Renny The crew (not named)

Nukalau Captain Finlay Mclever

Stanley(chartered by colonial Government) Captain Lynch
Heather Belle Captain John Daly
Lord of Isles CSR Sugar mill at Nausori
Winifred, meg Merrilies, dauntless and the Ovalau Fijian registered ships.
Moavoa vessel ( French Potnesia) Captain Blackelt
Lucene Government ships
Helen W. Almy Captain Luttrell
Tahili ( bargue) always anchored al Drakes bay north
of san Francisco
Montserrat Contract more Gilbert Islanders as slavery
Aoba Annelte, Venus, Aursralica, Vuka, Idaho, (new Captains and recruiters on the bladelonding for the New Caledonia
Caledonia) Ambround and the Effie Meikle market included James Toutant proctor “black tow” Jean-louis
Villedieu, Martial Briault, Charles Peterson Stuart, Walter
Champion, Gabriel Madezo and Captain H. Mckenzie. The
company Joubert and Carter run by Didier Numa Joubert and
Douglas Carter owned many of the blackcbirding vessels in the
early years of trade, new calederia well into the 20th century.
Atlower rate and most violent manure but ended in 1980s towards
world war II.
Adelante ( Peru) Peruvian and Chilean ship

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Rosa y Carmen Captain Marutani

Tasmanian Whaler Greacian new slave trade Captain Thomas James Mc Grath.
profitable than Whaling
Tumbes ( Peruvian) ship Warship
Upolu The German blackbirding vessel
Ubea, Florida and Maria W&A Mc Arthur company of the Anglo-Australia recruiting
Mary Anderson, Aele Crew of the British blackbirding ship in charge of recruiting
starving Gilbert Islanders.
Stormbird Vessel ( Hawaiian Islands) Captain H.W Mirt of the royal Navy was employed to arrange a
large recruitment of Islanders to be recruited for Hawaii- mist
bought the vessel stormbird at Sydney and appointed another ex-
navy officer in captain George Jackson to conduct the expedition.
Sea Waif The government agent aboard the vessel, Henry Freeman, bought a
boatload of Gilbert Islanders form another blackbirding vessel
Pomare Captain Cadigan
Hazard Captain Tierney ( labour supplying company Haiwai)
Kaluna, Elsinore, Hawaii, Nickolaus, Mana and Other ships involved ( recruiting voyage to the Pacific Islands for
Allieroue the Hawaii and plantation 1887 under commended captain Philips
Source:Authors Diverse Research Materials Collection.
Data collection indicates that, from the above table around 4.000 to 75.000blackbirded or slaves. While
that clearly shows the blackbirding, blackbirders, and statistics shows that about 1600 remained in Australia
blackbirded, we could deduce the following historical because of the fact that in 20 years. blackbirded, some
analyses, it reveals and gave an insight to most aspects of were already married, own lands and have stay for 20
the blackbirding activities in Australia and the Pacific years and above. Around 350 of South Sea Islanders were
Ocean. They, the South Sea Island were starving and banished from Queensland, were transferred to plantations
became destitute on the streets of Sydney. About 55.000 to in Fiji and on their journey at least statistics shows or
62.500 in 45 years arrived Australia while 15.000 Kanakas proved that 27 of them died while being transported. The
died while working in Queensland and at gunpoint was 1992 census in Australia indicated that around 10.000
acceptable for negotiation hence mortality rate was 30% descendants are in Queensland, and in 2016 census or
which in the transatlantic slave trade indicated similar or count, 630 people declared in Queensland that, they were
close statistical percentage view.14 In 1863 as time went on South Sea Islander labourers while in 2012 before this a
some recruiters amounting to 73 South Sea Islanders seasonal workers ship was introduced that brought in 416
which about 24 died out of 90 on board the ship Siren. and 403 visas for Pacific Islander labour workers in the
Recruitment was engaged in kidnapping with violence. It agricultural industry on fruits picking. By 2018 around
actually overrode the obvious humanitarian actions. Some 17.320 Islanders, mostly from variety Fijiand Tonga to
captains like, Captain Coach, John Coach of the Jason and work in farm in Queensland. It was marked with
spunkier ship lost a total amount of 45 kanakas due to widespread exploitation, Intimidation and underpayment
incurred bearings. Missionaries were also attacked killing of workers with at least 55%of employers being non-
an Anglican missionary Jogn Coleridge Patterson in 1871. complaints in regard to payments and
Some ships were attacked causing the dead of about 47 conditions.15Blackbirding by Blackbirders, Blackbirded
kanakas, thus another large or huge mortality rate in 1892 until it reached a climate of them opening a city called
and 1893 made up 50% of all deaths hence 20% of the sailors city Queensland. They were the rich merchants who
total population in Bundaberg. From 1908, the Pacific constructed houses from their rich or supernormal profits.
Island Labourers Act led to the compulsion repatriation of (see picture below)

The trade over the Atlantic water mass gave an
estimation of about 33% slaves who died in the first three Poor access to clean water, adequate food and
years of being imported to America. medical assistance has resulted in several deaths.

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Picture: Sailors City Queenslands

Source: Authors Research photo

From the above picture we find out that the sailors At Mexico and Guatemala, New Caledonia, Peru
go a roving the streets especially in the evening and night Easter Island, Ata, Tuvalu, Samoa, Hawaiian Islands,
after their return on shore or land. Some walk struggling to United states of America and more others experience or
organized methods to gain more slaves ready for their next witnessed and register some statisticson activities in
take-off to the Islands for their plantation. Furthermore, figures of Blackbirding. As far as statistics in event
Melanesia people were killed and buried and the early 21th surfaced and was retained, out to the Pacific, where
century recruitment of labour under the unconnected 457 captain Lautrec recruited 300 Blackbirded,At Gilbert
visa scheme blackbirder’s treated no mourning and were Islanders they were offloaded in Mexico and sent to work
buried in their farm, some were thrown in the seas after at a coffee plantation close to Tapachula owned by an
dead for the fishes to feed on them, while other were American named John Magee. On three years’ contract
buried in the farm.to make the farm soil rich. History established, in 1894 none of the recruited return home but
proved this harsh treatment above human reasoning for it it was found that only 58 were still alive. Other ships or
is very difficult or hard to explain the treatment given to vessels carried 370 Islanders involving 100 childrens. On
the stolen people or inhabitants of the Pacific Islands. At reaching San Francisco at Drakes, but this slavery or
the time, this city was actually in the hands of sailors blackbirding witnessed a change of captain yet the vessel
bringing the Blackbirded or taking them away to work in capsized as discovered in 1892 which a few that has
other Islands and close interiors in the Pacific. At Fiji, managed to survive drowned to death. At Guatemala 470
before annexation that took place from 1865 to 1874 Islanders were brought with each worth £100 which they
slaves vessel or blackbirding ships, 03 Islanders were shot work in the plantation in an area of 70 miles which about
dead aboard the vessel slaves and the rest sold in Levuka 200 of them were infected and killed by disease.18
for £3 to £6 per head for males and £10 to £20 for females
and at the end the survivors were recommended by the
government to go back.Here it should also be noted that
some two Islanders crew were shot. What should not be
forgotten was the fact that young girls were openly
bartered for and sold into sexual slavery. A worker who
returns or survived were able to return to their home
Islands regarded as lucky,16still at Fiji every 1000 Islanders
had at least about 20% death labourers. The mortality rate
for blackbirder labour group at or was around 80%.17

« South sea Islands » in
http:/nla.gov.au/nla.news- Approximately 1200 Gilbert Islanders were
article60849109.empire5027.newsouthwales, Australia, recruited in three shipboards for the Mexican and
december31,1867 p.8. Guatemalia coffee plantation, survivors 250 only, with a
ibid mortality rate of 80% in two voyages in 196 to 1908

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Table: Blackbirding with very low wages in shillings and pence

Source: Authors Research Tables

The above tables show that, China, Caroline Island and impressed if not work as blackbirding or slaves and sold to
New Guinea took active part and participated in the the colonial government to further exploit them as unpaid
Blackbirding activities system in the Pacific Region. labourers. They were sold on, and again to other colonists;
Wages ranges from 5 to 50 shillings, while Bonus from 4 if their original employer was bankrupt or death. This
to 5 and Overtime worked ranges to 1.5 to 5pence and blackbirding altitude or manifestation only come to an end
varies in the different countries. The second table explains in the 1930s with the approach of world war II in 1939.19
incidence operational in Fanning Island, Solomon Islands, In Peru, some racial backing, import blackbirded
Papua and New Guinea which labour cost per day 36.5, due to labour shortages, in which about 253 recruits of
20.5, 12.8 to 9.2 respectively while daily task ranges on which more than half were women and children. Some of
payment from 300, 450, 450 to 550 respectively. them worked as plantation labourers while others as
Furthermore, recruits from the New Guinea received some domestic servants. Some other set out to make money on
goods such as clothing and tobacco monthly in value of Polynesian labour. Easter Island, mass kidnapping was
5shillings as noted in an extract and Encl. of 16 January realized. About 1407 people were taken for the Peruvian
1922 and 7 August 1936 respectively in the tables above.In labour trade which made-up third of the Island population,
New Caledonia, about 15,000 people were transported several vessels were involve in recruiting for Peru,
between 1865 to 1930s as some came initially in 1870, kidnapped or deceptively obtained people throughout
about 720 Islanders went to Caledonia to work in mines. Polynesian. At Ata, mass-kidnapping was witnessed which
Blackbirding wantonly increased which 06 years old were about 350 people were living on Ata and about 144 people
legally noted, were recruited, which the majority were never return out of those who went or left for the
children. Approximately 33% of the workers died while plantation. By October 1863 the imprisoned Ata people
working in plantations, mining, pastoral, domestic servant
and sailing, pearling and mailing industries(see picture
above on Cane mailing). They were all in horrible .Statistic on Blackbirding in the pacific ocean
conditions; subjected to inadequate food, poor shelter and https://books.google.cm/bookspid>kdzbAAAAQBA/8PG=
harsh punishments while in New Caledonia, they were PA458*/pq= statisticston

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died from neglect and disease while about 38 survivors whether “blackbirding” was considered slavery, as the
were taken hence, where they might have died since “labourers” were paid. Yet, it is worth noting that their
nothing is known more about them. At Tuvalu about 180 wages were well below the wages of European workers
went to Funafuti, while 200 were taken to Nukulaclae that just to shy abit away from the original slavery and slave
some fewer left in number 100, of the 300 recorded in trade situations.21
1863 about 3,634 Polynesians were recruited and over According to various studies, they work more
2.000 died from disease starvation or reflect either aboard than the normal rated time or period as first-year workers
the blackbirding ships. Due to outbreak of disease in Peru received a standard pay rate of six pounds per year. The
further death rate was registered to about 1.030 Polynesian pay rate was also fixed for 40 years without taking
labourers. To their home land epidemics and additional inflation into account. As slavery had already been
mortality was registered.20 outlawed by the British Empire, the minimal pay was used
C-Protecting the Ability to Trade in the Indian to justify the practice. “Blackbirding” can be seen as a
Ocean as preventive Responses to Blackbirding euphemism, because the captured workers still worked in
The notion here lay firm to the issue that, whether slave-like conditions. A person recounting their
it be for this or for major international responses to natural grandfather’s story explains how, he was told that once
disasters as this we saw in the Philippines and the Island in they were here, they were unable to speak their mother
the past years. At the core of these types of international language, they were punished in terms of corporal
responses are relationships, relationships at the political punishment. They were also segregated from wider society
level and for us relationships between our military forces. just like African American slaves were in the US. In 1872
Events such as that of blackbirthing are crucial for the the British Parliament introduced the Pacific Islanders’
development of these relationships. From Some hopes we Protection Act which outlawed “blackbirding”. Yet, the
can further develop relationships between navies and each practice still continued until the early 20 thcentury. The Act
other over the next few days, so we can continue the did provide for agents on British recruiting vessels, leading
important work we do. At the heart of the important work to stricter licensing procedure, and patrol of British-
we do at sea is to protect our collective ability to.Everyone controlled Islands. The Pacific Islands were not the only
has heard shocking stories before sometimes and presently area where “blackbirding” took place. The practice was
about the transatlantic slave trade, but this was hardly the also common in the United States after slavery was
only type of slavery in which Europeans weredirectly banned. Many US citizens used the Reverse Underground
engaged. The Pacific slave trade involved the forceful Railroads to capture free African-Americans and fugitive
enslavement of Pacific Islanders from the mid-19thcentury slaves and tricked or sold them into slavery. This practice
to the 21thcentury. This particular type of slavery is often in the United States was also known as “blackbirding” and
referred to as “blackbirding”. The primary focus of relied on the same type of coercion and trickery. People of
“blackbirding” was to supply cheap labour to sugar-cane India and Africa or mixed ancestry frequently took part in
plantations on Pacific plantations, particularly in these actions. While some worked for white employers,
Queensland, Fiji, New Caledonia, and the Samoan Islands. others helped slave owners with finding escaped slaves.
This was mainly achieved through methods such as For many tricking their fellow African-Americans was not
trickery and kidnapping. They were frequently deceived a choice, but a necessity to survive. For their help they
about the length of time for which they were “contracted” would receive a bounty. Their actions also resulted in more
and the nature of their “contract.” If all this failed, the successful kidnappings, as “blackbirding” largely relied on
Islanders were simply loaded onto slave ships at developing a connection between the hunter and their
gunpoint.The captured Islanders were collectively known target and for ex-slaves it was easier to trust a fellow
as Kanakas, which means Person or Man in Hawaiian. African-American person.22
These workers were essentially treated as slaves, using the In 1807 Britain passed the Abolition of the Slave
word Blackbirding, but officially they were referred to as Trade Act and in 1862 Lincoln signed the Emancipation
“indentured labourers”. There have been debates as to Proclamation, but this was hardly the end of slavery.

What is “blackbirding”? Posted by: Elles Hon:
.Statistic on Blackbirding in the pacific ocean January 21, 2019 In: Breaking News, Australia
PA458*/pq= statisticston. By 1866, only around 250 of Differential mortality of Asians and Pacific
those recruited had survived with about 100 of these Island in Pacific labour Trade
remaining in Peru. The death rate was therefore 93%. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/Bf 030
Maude, H E, slavers in paradise in https://openresearch- 29360Protecting the ability to trade in the Indian ocean,
repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/114682.ANUpresu. Figure 1: Indo-Pacific strategic overview

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Suh Hillary Sama et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(2)-2021

“Blackbirding” was simply one of the many ways in which [2] Jens Korff,Australia has a history of Aboriginal slavery.
people circumvented official laws to continue profiting Last updated: 29 June 2020. (P a c i f i c V a n u a t u )
from slavery.23 [3] Benjamin Robinson-Drawbridge,Blackbirding: descendants
want help finding family,RNZ Pacific Journalist, 12 June
VI. CONCLUSION [4] Jacob Miley, Was John Mackay a black birder? Dailey
To conclude, the Population, Horrific sampling of Mercury News, 3rd March 2017, (7:00AM). www.
Blackbirding, Research tables and additional Severe Rift
[5] www.abc.net.au> news>blaekbwdl.
Attacks on Blackbirding Activities (Tables), statistic and
[6] what is blackbirding https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-
Data Collection. Representations in tables. And Protecting 17/blackbirding-australias-history- of -kidnapping-p
the Ability to Trade in the Indian Ocean as preventive [7] The sugar labour trade:https://dl.nfsa.gov.au/module/364
Responses to Blackbirding has been the pivot of this [8] Statistic on Blackbirding in the pacific ocean
studies. When the British assaulted slavery and slave trade, https://books.google.cm/bookspid>kdzbAAAAQBA/8PG=
the scene was then transformed to another level where the PA458*/pq= statisticston
traders,(blackbirders) deem it necessary to start using an [9] The coastal History Blog 34:A Pacific Blackbirding
advance method to give little compensation to the narrative/porttowns.port.ac.uk/blog 34/
[10] https://espace.library.ua.edu.au/data/ua-
blackbirded as a means to avoid check on them. It is worth
noticing that the little that was given was collected in the
[11] Blackbirding shame yet to be acknowledged in Australia,
form of labour because the slaves or blackbirders still have inHttps://www.smh.com.au/national/blackbing-shame-yet-
no right of opinion to bargain on their salaries. They were to-be-acknowledge-in-australia
taken out of their regions forcefully without their will or [12] Differential mortality of Asians and Pacific Island in
decision. Many of them toil in the plantations that was in Pacific labour Trade
Islands thus all was in vain. Some hard working https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/Bf 030 29360
Blackbirded were sold to other plantation merchants if the [13] Backbirding:descentants want help finding family in
existed no job or transfer of ownership or business failures https://www.mz.co.nz/international/pacific-
in the pacific to some plantations merchants. Some
[14] Statistics on Mortality and of Death in the Pacific In
blackbirded end up dying not knowing where they
Https://espace.library.ua-edu.au/data/ua-309197/s 4154
originated due to the fact that they were, and are offspring s625-phd-finalthesis.pdfs2 Express=1
of those who went to various direction during the capture [15] https://espace.library.ua.ua.edu.au/data/uQ678886/kanaka.p
of their parents. But it was only when Modern Slavery df?Express=158074858key-pai
Act., criminal justice at the expense of victim protection, [16] -Full truth:decendants of Australias “blackbirded” Islanders
reversing the low risk and high pay out dynamic, the want pioneer statues amended In
imposing of balancing the immigration policy and anti- https://www.theguardian.com/australia-
slavery, victims identification and support to gain status news/2017/aug/24/full-truth-needs-to-be-told-deny Ben
Doherty@bendohertycorro, thur 24 Aug 2017, 09.25 BST
and implication for promoters victims, increase protection
[17] -Australia comes to Grips with slave History:
for vulnerable groups, transparency in supply chains and
Discrimination: Novelist’s book recalls the traders who
bring out the hidden victims of modern, of the modern pundered South Pacific Islands. In
slavery Act hence looking forward in the application of https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-10-13mn-
more law canons in Human Right procedures. The debate 745-story. By Michael Perry, Oct 13, 1991,12Am
here is for us to know; What are the internally and
International implications of blackbirding and what
methods and application worldwide can be use to put a
total end to this calamities?

[1] Doug Munro, “The Origins of labourers in the South
Pacific Commentary and Statistics” In Labour in the South
Pacific, (ed. Clive Moore, Jacqueline, Leckie, and Doug
Munro), Townville, Australia: James Cook University,
1990, p39-51(xxxxix-Li)


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