Justin Atlan Blueprint
Justin Atlan Blueprint
Justin Atlan Blueprint
3. Monetize
Free Traffic Once you've created an affiliate partnership, figured out what
Paid Traffic you're going to promote and how, and activated your affiliate
Existing List offer, it's time to monetize it.
Test Designs
In fact, it's not traffic people are often concerned about, but
Bonus Offers
profitable traffic. And that's one of the main reasons I focus on
high-ticket webinars for affiliate marketing...
Because when you can make $500 in commission per sale, you have a lot of options.
Free Traffic
Not ready for paid traffic, that's fine. There are actually a ton of great sources for free traffic:
• Facebook Groups
• YouTube videos
• Blogging
• Guest Posting
• Forums like Reddit and Quora
• And many more
Paid Traffic
The top two paid traffic sources online right now are Facebook and YouTube. When you're ready
to start running paid traffic to your affiliate offers, these should be where you start.
With advanced demographics targeting on these platforms, it's incredibly easy to find your ideal
audience and direct people to offers they'll be interested in.