NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
Published in final edited form as:
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2012 December ; 53(12): 1197–1211. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02594.x.
Background—An increasing number of children are placed in foster care g(i.e., a kin or nonkin
family home other than the biological parent) due to experiences of physical, sexual, emotional, or
psychological abuse, and/or neglect. Children in foster care are at increased risk for a host of
foster care; maltreatment; intervention; parenting; psychosocial adjustment; resilience
International statistics suggest that an increasing number of children experience life in foster
care (Fernandez & Barth, 2011). Children placed in foster care have typically experienced
maltreatment in the form of physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological abuse, and/or
Correspondence: Leslie D. Leve, Oregon Social Learning Center, 10 Shelton McMurphey Blvd., Eugene, OR 97401, USA. Yel.: +1
No other authors have a competing or potential conflict of interest.
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general neglect. Approximately one million cases of abuse and neglect are substantiated in
the USA annually (Horton & Cruise, 2001), with approximately one in two of these children
(50%) referred to live in out-of-home care (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
2008). In the UK, approximately 60,000 children are in the care of local authorities at any
time, excluding children in short-term respite placements, of whom 80% live with foster
carers (UK National Statistics, 2008). In this review, we describe some of the common
vulnerabilities seen among foster children, including emotional and behavioral deficits,
brain and neurobiological impairment, and poor social relationships with parents and peers.
Next, we review eight evidence-based interventions shown to promote resilience among
foster children, obtained via a systematic search of the PsycINFO database. Finally, we
provide a discussion of implementation advances and challenges.
Of note, the authors of the present review have been conducting research and intervention
work with children in foster care for the past 30 years, primarily in the USA but more
recently through international implementation efforts in Europe, Canada, and New Zealand.
Four of the evidence-based interventions reviewed here were developed by one of the
present authors; we have attempted to give equal coverage of all eight interventions in this
It is also important to acknowledge the different and evolving policy and legal definitions of
children in foster or other types of public care across the world. In some countries, including
the USA, foster care includes kinship caregivers (i.e., grandparents and other family
members who follow the same formal approval and monitoring requirements). In the UK,
kinship care can include different types of legal status (e.g., private arrangements or children
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disorder) were nearly three times higher in families where potential child abuse was
indicated: 49% of the children in such families were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder
(vs. 17% of the full sample). Such mental health problems can increase the likelihood of the
child experiencing additional adversities like placement disruptions (Chamberlain et al.,
2006). Similarly, a mental health survey of children in Great Britain indicated that foster
children had significantly higher rates of disorder than children living in deprived private
households (ratio of 3.7:1), but lower rates than children living in residential care (Ford,
Vostanis, Meltzer, & Goodman, 2007). Similar trends have been established in other
countries, including Norway (Holtan, Ronning, Handegard, & Sourander, 2005) and
Australia (Sawyer, Carbone, Searle, & Robinson, 2007).
Increased rates of mental health problems for foster children extend into adulthood. For
example, in a British study, adults with public care histories were nearly twice as likely to
have seen a specialist for a mental health, drug, or alcohol problem after age 16 as compared
to those who were never in the public care system (Viner & Taylor, 2005). Among USA
foster children who began participating in the NSCAW during adolescence, 17% had been
arrested during the previous 12-months at a follow-up in young adulthood, with arrest rates
more than 4 times the national rate for 18- to 24-year-olds (Administration for Children and
Families, 2008). Despite the widely-documented and sustained mental health need and the
associated high service costs, this population is generally underserved, particularly among
ethnic minority foster children (Anyon, 2010), and this has been linked to a lack of joint care
pathways and fragmentation of health and welfare services (Vostanis, Bassi, Meltzer, Ford,
& Goodman, 2008).
with poorer literacy skills once they begin school (Pears, Heywood, Kim, & Fisher, 2011).
Researchers examining brain development in foster children have identified at least two
brain systems affected by early maltreatment experiences. First, the neuroendocrine stress
response system, specifically the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis, has been shown to differ between foster and non-foster children (Dozier et al., 2006;
Fisher & Stoolmiller, 2008). Experiences of neglect and multiple caregiver transitions are
particularly salient factors related to disruptions in the HPA system (Fisher, Gunnar, Dozier,
Bruce, & Pears, 2006). Second, regions in the prefrontal cortex associated with executive
functioning have been shown to be affected by maltreatment and placement in foster care.
Executive functioning deficits include impulsive behavior and poor decision making. The
results from a study examining electrophysiological activity in the brain found that children
in regular foster care (i.e., without any extra support services) showed a lack of
responsiveness to feedback during an inhibitory control task relative to low-income control
children or foster children who had received additional intervention services (Bruce,
McDermott, Fisher, & Fox, 2009). Together, this body of evidence suggests that children
with experiences of maltreatment and placement in foster care might have enduring brain
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and neurobiological vulnerabilities that could affect their ability to succeed in home, school,
and other social contexts.
their foster caregivers (Oosterman, de Schipper, Fisher, Dozier, & Schuengel, 2010),
indicating that the quality of relationships with current caregivers might be compromised by
experiences of prior neglect that impede the children’s abilities to regulate emotions in the
context of environmental stress.
Emotional dysregulation might extend to other social contexts, including peers and
difficulties establishing and maintaining positive peer relationships. For example, girls in
foster care have significantly poorer peer relations at school entry than non–foster care girls
(Leve, Fisher, & DeGarmo, 2007). Further, the results from several studies have shown that
children with institutional or foster care histories tend to be indiscriminately friendly toward
others (i.e., they readily approach individuals with whom they do not know to engage in
conversations or contact, showing little social reserve; Bruce, Tarullo, & Gunnar, 2009). The
results from a study of preschoolers in foster care indicate that the number of foster
caregiver transitions is a factor in predicting children’s indiscriminate friendliness, with a
greater number of caregivers leading to poorer inhibitory control and increased rates of
indiscriminate friendliness (Pears, Bruce, Fisher, & Kim, 2010). Similarly, children adopted
from institutional settings have been shown to have poorer peer and social relationships after
a longer time in institutional care prior to adoption (Bruce, Tarullo, & Gunnar, 2009; Rutter
et al., 2010).
the context of adversity is captured by the scientific field of resiliency research (Rutter,
2000). Resilience is recognized as a developmental feature that captures individual
differences in adaptation to specific risk contexts or developmental hazards, including
maltreatment and foster care placement. The topic of individual resilience is one of
considerable social, scientific, clinical, and policy importance, particularly in relation to
policies that focus on the early identification, prevention, and treatment of mental health
disorders and developmental impairment. Resiliency research differs from traditional
concepts of risk and protection in its focus on individual variation in response to comparable
experiences. Accordingly, the research focus and translation to policy application is on
highlighting factors that explain individual differences in adaptation to adversity and the
causal processes that they reflect, rather than on resilience as a general quality (Rutter,
2000). By highlighting the root cause of why some individuals prove resilient in the face of
maltreatment, intervention studies might be directly informed by way of targeting
mechanisms that facilitate adaptive responses.
Similarly, identifying the factors that explain why foster children are at elevated risk for
poor psychosocial outcomes can help researchers and practitioners identify intervention
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opportunities. Two influences are reviewed here: placement disruptions and prenatal
exposure to drugs and alcohol.
Placement disruptions
Placement and reunification failures are common, with between one third and two thirds of
traditional (i.e., nonkin) foster care placements disrupting within the first 1–2 years
(Wulczyn, Hislop, & Chen, 2007). Data from the NSCAW indicate that, over an 18-month
period, nearly 30% of foster children experience placement instability (Rubin, O’Reilly,
Luan, & Localio, 2007). Placement instability often arises from a breakdown of the child–
foster caregiver relationship, but it can also result from administrative needs and policies
(e.g., siblings being removed from the biological home and placed into care), although
research in this area often fails to distinguish the cause of placement changes. Regardless of
the underlying reason for placement changes, multiple studies have shown that placement
disruptions have negative consequences for children’s emotional and behavioral
development, with each change in foster home involving repeated discontinuity in
caregiving experiences as well as social instability (e.g., school and peer changes); these
factors are recognized as promoting negative psychological outcomes (Rubin et al., 2007).
control difficulties noted above (Pears et al., 2010). There is also evidence from UK studies
that difficult children tend to induce negative reactions in their caregivers, which can lead to
a placement breakdown (Sinclair, Wilson, & Gibbs, 2005). The associations between
placement disruptions and behavior problems are likely bidirectional; interventions that
decrease child behavior problems and increase foster family attachment and feelings of
belonging might reduce the effect of behavioral problems, and increased caregiver support
might reduce the number of placement disruptions (e.g., Chamberlain et al., 2008; Leathers,
alcohol abuse and 16% exhibiting heroin abuse. More than 80% of children enter the USA
foster care system due to parental substance abuse (Bailey et al., 2005). It has been widely
documented that prenatal substance use exposure is linked to a host of poor outcomes from
early childhood through adulthood. In a longitudinal study of children identified at birth
with prenatal exposure, strong associations were noted between the timing, severity, and
type of prenatal exposure and specific poor outcomes later in life (Fisher, Lester, et al.,
2011). Specifically, binge drinking during the first trimester was associated with severe
long-term deficits in attention, memory, and cognitive processing. Similarly, maternal
smoking during pregnancy had been linked to low birth weight, neurobehavioral deficits,
cognitive deficits in learning and memory, and conduct problems (e.g., Cornelius, Taylor,
Geva, & Day, 1995; Olds, 1997). A few researchers have found higher rates of attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder among children exposed to nicotine prenatally (e.g., Thapar et
al., 2003) independent of prenatal stress. The results from studies of foster children who
were prenatally exposed to substances show similar deleterious effects, including alterations
in salivary cortisol response following a social stressor (e.g., giving a speech and performing
mental arithmetic aloud in front of unfamiliar judges; Fisher, Kim, Bruce, & Pears, 2012).
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because the children in care have been exposed to neglectful and/or abusive parenting from
a former caregiver but not from the current foster caregiver who would be involved in the
intervention and is currently parenting the child. In addition, because of their histories of
maltreatment, foster children are more likely to exhibit constellations of behavioral,
neurobiological, and relationship vulnerabilities that pose unique challenges to caregivers:
Thus, standard parenting intervention programs might not be sufficient or appropriate for
foster families.
We conducted a PsycINFO literature search to identify intervention programs that have been
tested with foster care families and have been shown to be effective in improving children’s
outcomes.1 We conducted the search in March 2012 using the terms foster care and
intervention as the two required keywords in any field for all years available. All abstracts
from journal articles on human populations (n = 559) were reviewed, and all articles that
involved an evaluation of the efficacy of an intervention for foster children were acquired.
The following inclusion criteria were applied to the results: (a) the study was a randomized
controlled trial with foster children; (b) randomization occurred at the individual child level;
(c) the study had a sample size of at least 15/group, making it sufficiently powered to detect
replicable effects; and (d) the intervention produced at least one positive outcome for the
intervention children relative to the control children. If an intervention was identified as
meeting criteria (d), then all published studies of that intervention (whether showing positive
or negative results) have been considered in the review. Eight interventions (most of which
had multiple outcome publications) met all four inclusion criteria.
Although each identified intervention applies a different model, they share a common set of
characteristics: (a) a focus on reducing known risk factors and enhancing individual
strengths, (b) sensitivity to child age and developmental level, and (c) built on evidence for
the mediating role of parenting in linking early adversity with child outcomes. The eight
identified interventions are reviewed below, with additional information provided in Table
1. Table 1 also includes summary information about the range of effect sizes for each study
and outcome, using Cohen’s effect size recommendations (r effects: small ≥ .10, medium ≥ .
30, large ≥ .50; d effects: small ≥ .20, medium ≥ .50, large ≥ .80; Cohen, 1988). We provide
these general small, medium, and large effect size indicators for each outcome but caution
readers that the interpretation of effect sizes is always context specific, depending on the
specific outcome and other study design issues such as the reliability of the measures
(Ferguson, 2009); therefore, we encourage readers to refer to the original studies for more
information. We did not initiate a meta-analysis given the heterogeneity of the study
1Other evidence-based interventions, including Triple P, SafeCare, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, and the Nurse-Family
Partnership, have been shown to prevent incidents of maltreatment but are not included in this review because we could not find
evidence of a randomized controlled trial comprised specifically of foster children with these interventions. Nonetheless, such
programs compliment foster care interventions and serve as effective primary prevention programs aimed at preventing maltreatment.
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specifics included across our review. Rather, we summarize outcomes for each intervention
separately and present general effect size information as included in the original publication
or (in the absence of such information) using the data provided in the publication with an
online effect size calculator (Wilson, 2001). The lack of a pre-specified analysis plan in
most of the studies reviewed and our method of selective reporting of positive effects from
reported analyses means that there is likely to be a reporting bias towards positive effects in
this review (i.e., less attention is given to what interventions did not achieve).
Early childhood
A primary developmental task during early childhood is the formation of a positive and
secure attachment relationship with a supportive caregiver. This process can be disrupted
when children experience maltreatment from their caregiver and multiple foster placements.
Three independent interventions for young foster children demonstrate that, when foster
caregivers are given appropriate support and training, children can develop healthy emotion
and behavior regulation and positive, secure social relationships. One 10-session
intervention, Attachment and Biobehavioral Catchup (ABC), was designed to help
caregivers facilitate healthy regulation of their child’s behavior and stress-responses by
teaching caregivers to be highly responsive to the child’s emotions and increasing
caregivers’ provision of nurturing care and promotion of attachment security (Dozier,
Peloso, Lewis, Laurenceau, & Levine, 2008). This intervention has been successful in
normalizing stress responses (i.e., cortisol reactivity) among foster children whose
caregivers were randomly assigned to the ABC intervention relative to children in a foster
care control intervention condition. The ABC children were also more often secure and less
often disorganized in their attachments to caregivers than were the control children, with
32% of the ABC children (vs. 57% of the control children) having a disorganized attachment
to their caregiver and 52% of the ABC children (vs. 33% of the control children) having a
secure attachment approximately 1 month after the intervention (Bernard et al., 2012).
Publications demonstrating positive effects of the ABC intervention on mental health
outcomes are not yet available in the literature.
behavior and decreased avoidant behavior relative to the children in a regular foster care
control condition with small effect sizes; the MTFC-P children had a 10% increase (vs. 6%
in the control children) in rates of secure behavior over a 12-month period (Fisher & Kim,
2007). In addition, MTFC-P outcomes include significant influences on stress response
systems: the intervention effectively prevented the MTFC-P children from having blunted
diurnal HPA axis function, with medium effect sizes (Fisher, Stoolmiller, Gunnar, &
Burraston, 2007) and reduced caregiver stress (Fisher & Stoolmiller, 2008). Further, the
intervention improved placement stability outcomes across a 2-year period and mitigated the
risk of multiple prior foster care placements on children’s subsequent placement failures
(Fisher, Burraston, & Pears, 2005). Compared to the MTFC-P children, the control children
were 3.6 times more likely to have a permanent placement failure. Further, children with
three of more prior placement failures were at even heightened risk of a permanent
placement failure: the probability of an additional failed permanent placement was
approximately three times larger for the control children. Similar to the ABC intervention,
mental health outcomes resulting from the MTFC-P intervention are not yet available in the
published literature.
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A third early childhood intervention is the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP). In
the BEIP, children who were institutionalized since birth were randomly assigned to
continue living in an institutional setting or to be placed in foster care. The foster caregivers
received ongoing support from social workers in managing challenging behavior,
encouraging child-centered parenting, and organizing a support group. The intervention was
focused on developing attachment relationships, facilitating language development, and
providing foster parents with techniques for managing difficult child behavior (Nelson et al.,
2007). This is an unusual intervention because intervention supports were provided until
children were 54 months of age (a lengthy intervention), and the sample was
institutionalized. Both of these design features may limit the generalizability of the findings
from the BEIP to the general population. Nonetheless, a wide range of outcomes has been
examined in the BEIP, up to 8-years later, with significant effects in multiple domains (Bos
et al., 2011; Fox, Almas, Degnan, Nelson, & Zeanah, 2011; Nelson et al., 2007). First, the
intervention children were more likely to have secure caregiver attachments: at the 42-
month follow-up, 49% of the intervention children versus 18% of the control children were
securely attached. Second, the intervention children exhibited improved cognitive outcomes
(mean IQ score 5.3 points higher than the control children at age 8), higher levels of
attention (small effect size), and greater positive affect (large effect size) at 30–42 months.
The IQ effects were only marginal for full-scale IQ scores, and the age 8 IQ outcomes were
not as strong as age 42- and 54-month outcomes (Fox et al., 2011). Third, the intervention
children exhibited fewer internalizing disorders at 54 months: 22% of intervention children
versus 44% of control children met diagnostic criteria. However, the intervention did not
result in a reduction of total psychiatric symptoms for boys (Zeanah et al, 2009).
Middle childhood
Four interventions for foster families have been shown to be effective during middle
childhood. First, the Incredible Years (IY) intervention, which has been shown to be
effective in populations of young at-risk children and children with conduct problems in the
USA and UK (e.g., Hutchings et al., 2007), was modified and implemented in a middle
childhood foster care sample. The modified IY intervention incorporated a coparenting
component between foster and biological caregivers to expand their knowledge of each
other and their child, practice open communication, and negotiate interparental conflict
regarding topics such as family visitation, family routines, and discipline (Linares, Montalto,
Li, & Oza, 2006). Families assigned to the intervention condition exhibited improvements in
positive discipline (small effects at the end of the intervention that became large effects at a
3-month follow-up) and coparenting skills (small effects at the end of the intervention only)
relative to the control families, indicating the potential of IY programs that include
coparenting components to ultimately reduce child mental health problems for foster
children. However, the intervention did not yield significant effects on children’s
externalizing problems, which was the targeted distal outcome of this intervention.
A second intervention for middle childhood is Keeping Foster Parents Trained and
Supported (KEEP). In an RCT evaluation of KEEP, foster caregivers who were receiving a
new placement were randomly assigned to foster care services as usual or to the KEEP
group intervention for 16 weeks. This included training, supervision, and support to foster
parents in applying behavior management strategies. The results suggested that KEEP was
effective in reducing child behavior problems compared to the services-as-usual control
condition. In addition, improvements in child behavior problems were associated with
intervention-driven improvements in parenting (Chamberlain et al., 2008). The intervention
improved placement stability in two ways: by increasing the likelihood of reunification with
biological, relative, or adoptive families (9% of the control children vs. 17% of the KEEP
children experienced a positive placement change); and by mitigating the risk-enhancing
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effects of previous multiple placements (Price et al., 2008). Specifically, each additional
placement that the control children experienced corresponded with a 15% increase in
subsequent placement disruptions, whereas there was no association between the number of
prior placements and new placement disruptions for the KEEP children. Intervention effects
were not found for the likelihood of negative exits (e.g., child runaways, placement in a
different foster home).
A third intervention for middle childhood, Middle School Success (MSS), is a derivative of
KEEP that specifically targeted youth exiting primary school. MSS included foster caregiver
and youth components, with 6 sessions over the summer prior to middle school entry and
ongoing weekly sessions over the 1st year of middle school. The foster caregiver sessions
were group based and behavior management oriented; the youth sessions were group based
(summer) and individually based (school year) and were oriented toward skill building.
Relative to a foster care services-as-usual control group, MSS youths exhibited decreased
externalizing and internalizing problems at a 6-month follow-up (Smith, Leve, &
Chamberlain, 2011) and at 12- to 24-month follow-ups (Kim & Leve, 2011). For example,
MSS girls displayed an average of 1.1 internalizing problems and 2.4 externalizing problems
per day (vs. 1.5 and 2.9, respectively, in the control group) at the 6-month follow-up.
Examination of intervention effects on prosocial behavior at 6 months were also examined,
but were nonsignificant. However, the MSS resulted in increased prosocial behavior and
fewer placement changes at a 12-month follow-up (.76 placement changes for the control
girls vs. .33 for the MSS girls) and reduced substance use at a 36-month follow-up,
specifically reduced tobacco and marijuana use (Kim & Leve, 2011).
were specific to a subpopulation (e.g., boys or older children) or were not found when
subscales or youth reports were examined.
One intervention has been shown to produce positive outcomes for foster adolescents:
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Adolescents (MTFC-A), a multicomponent
program that involves individual placement with a specialized foster family (Chamberlain,
2003). In MTFC-A, youths are placed in community homes where foster caregivers are
intensively trained, supervised, and supported to provide positive adult support and
mentoring, close supervision, and consistent limit setting. MTFC-A placements typically last
6–9 months and involve coordinated interventions in the home, with peers, in educational
settings, and with the adolescent’s long-term placement resource. The results from MTFC-A
trials in the USA have indicated its effectiveness in reducing arrest rates and deviant peer
affiliations for boys and girls, placement disruption and parenting for boys, and pregnancy
rates and school engagement for girls (Chamberlain & Reid, 1998; Leve, Fisher, &
Chamberlain, 2009; Kerr, Leve, & Chamberlain, 2009). For example, between baseline and
a 12-month follow-up, the MTFC-A youths had spent 53 (boys) and 22 (girls) days in
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lockup (e.g., a detention facility) versus 129 and 56 days, respectively, for the control
youths. However, intervention effects were not found for girls’ self-reported delinquency. In
the 24-months following baseline, 26.9% of MTFC girls had a new pregnancy versus 46.9%
of the control girls. International replication trials of MTFC-A have also shown positive
results. The results from a trial in Sweden indicated significant reductions in youth-reported
externalizing and internalizing behavior relative to a services-as-usual control group
(Westermark, Hansson, & Olsson, 2010). Further, depression scores were twice as high for
the control youths compared to the MTFC-A youths at the 2-year follow-up.
(but not all) of our inclusionary criteria; therefore, we note them here as promising programs
that merit additional research. First, Bywater et al. (2011) implemented a randomized
waitlist-control version of the IY program. Although their intervention-versus-control
effects were not significant, their results indicated significant pre-post reductions in problem
behaviors for the intervention foster children (but not for the control children). Second,
Farmer, Burns, Wagner, Murray, and Southerland (2010) adapted elements of the MTFC-A
model to supplement a statewide study of treatment foster care in the USA. They
randomized at the agency level and augmented existing services with supervision/support of
caregivers by the supervisory staff; proactive, teaching-oriented approaches to problem
behaviors; preparation of the adolescent for adulthood; and treatment of previous trauma.
Their results indicated that, compared to the control youths, the intervention youths showed
significant improvements in symptoms, behaviors, and strengths at a 6 month follow-up
(improvements sustained at 12-months for one of the outcomes scales but not the other two).
Finally, an independent quasi-experimental replication of MTFC-A in England found that
young offenders assigned to MTFC-A rather than to custody had significantly lower
recidivism rates and were more likely to live with their families 1 year after entering the
program, but long-term effects were not sustained (Biehal, Ellison, & Sinclair, 2011).
Several other foster care interventions show promise internationally but have not yet been
evaluated using randomized designs (e.g., McDaniel, Braiden, Onyekwelu, Murphy, &
Hassan, 2011; Nilsen, 2007).
In addition, the results from at least two randomized controlled trials with foster children
have indicated nonsignificant differences between treatment and control conditions across
all of the key child outcomes examined (e.g., Minnis et al., 2001; Macdonald & Turner,
2005), and other failures-to-replicate may exist in the unpublished literature. An analysis of
the common intervention components that result in positive intervention outcomes across
multiple studies could help further refine knowledge about the core intervention components
that help to improve outcomes for foster children. In addition, all but two of the studies
noted in Table 1 included children and families from the USA. Evaluations in new locales
with teams independent of the intervention developers are needed to examine whether these
interventions remain effective when implemented outside of the original setting and across
countries with varied foster care practices. This has begun for MTFC-A and MTFC-P, but
more wide-spread efforts are needed on the international level.
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published follow-up data at 12 months or beyond (ABC, modified IY, and KEEP), making it
difficult to discern whether the observed effects would sustain beyond the intervention
period. In one of these interventions (modified IY), the effects dissipated quite quickly: 3
months after the intervention ended, only the positive discipline effect remained; co-
parenting effects were nonsignificant, and child behavior problems did not show a
significant group difference at either assessment. Further undermining confidence in the
sustainability of effects, the length of time between intervention termination and the follow-
up assessment was often unclear from the published work. For example, the ABC samples
had a wide child age range; therefore, the outcome assessment was delayed if the child was
younger at the start of the study. In addition, some children in all of the studies experienced
one or more placement changes prior to the outcome assessment. Together, these limitations
make it difficult to ascertain whether the identified intervention effects sustain for most
children well after the intervention has ended and the child is in a permanent placement
setting with new caregivers. Long-term follow-up studies of the interventions included in
this review are needed to better evaluate whether initial effects are maintained over time;
only two of the interventions described above have published effects beyond 24-months
(BEIP and MSS).
Another issue confounding the results from some of the studies noted above is that the data
collection process was not fully blinded to study condition. For example, in the BEIP study,
which relied in part on observational data, it would be readily apparent whether the child
was assigned to remain in the orphanage or to be placed in foster care. Another limitation
common to the results from several of these studies is the lack of baseline (pre-intervention)
data on one or more of the outcome measures. For example, the two primary ABC
intervention outcomes were attachment and cortisol reactivity, neither of which was
assessed pre-intervention. Although random assignment should remove pre-intervention
differences, chance differences can be present and might confound conclusions about
postintervention outcomes. Also, the effects found across studies did not consistently
generalize to other measures. For example, the FIAP intervention effects on child mental
health were present for caregiver reports but not for youth reports, and delinquency
outcomes in MTFC-A were present for girls using days in locked settings data but not using
self-reported delinquency data. The effects were also sometimes specific to subpopulations
(e.g., one gender or older children; FIAP; MTFC-A) or to one set of hypothesized outcome
constructs but not to another set (e.g., MSS, BEIP, and FIAP). These inconsistent findings,
combined with the generally small effect sizes (and the failure to report effect sizes in many
published reports), suggest that findings might not be as robust as hoped and/or might be
A final limitation worth noting regarding the interventions and results noted above is that
there is significant variation in the number of published outcome studies derived from each
intervention. Some interventions resulted in only a single outcome paper in which multiple
outcomes were presented (modified IY), whereas other interventions resulted in three or
more published outcome papers (BEIP; MTFC-P; MTFC-A). A related point is that
evaluations of children’s behavioral and mental health outcomes have not been published in
several of the early childhood interventions (ABC and MTFC-P), and brain and
neurobiological outcomes have not been published in any of the middle-childhood or
adolescent interventions. It is unclear whether such effects are not present (null findings) or
whether they have not been examined.
In summary, we have presented the results from eight intervention programs that have been
tested using randomized trial designs at the individual level and have been shown to be
effective in improving one or more outcomes for foster children. The results from most of
these studies have small to moderate effect sizes that typically decrease over time (MTFC-A
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and BEIP are two exceptions to this pattern, with more sustained effects and some evidence
of large effect sizes). Overall, effective programs are attachment focused or have evolved
from parenting interventions based on social-learning frameworks. The impact of these
interventions might be mediated by the foster caregiver’s skill base, past experience,
training, and supports (Sinclair et al., 2005; Dorsey, Farmer, Barth, Greene, Reid, &
Landsverk, 2008). These interventions offer great opportunity for more widespread
implementation of effective services for foster children, ultimately improving their well-
being and outcomes and reducing the intergenerational transmission of foster-care
involvement; however, additional research with pre-specified outcome analyses could
provide stronger evidence of generalizability to other populations and countries.
foster family. Government Ministers have stressed that, if an adoptive family cannot be
identified that closely matches the child’s ethnicity and cultural heritage, then every effort
should be made to find an alternative family. Similarly, in the USA, the Multiethnic
Placement Act of 1994 and the Interethnic Adoption Provisions of 1996 aim to decrease the
time that minority youths wait to be adopted, prevent discrimination in adoptive and foster
placement decisions, and increase the number of foster and adoptive parents of ethnic
minorities. Such policy-guided changes, along with ongoing cultural and diversity training,
could ultimately help remedy the disparities in service access and well-being for minority
foster children.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
Leve et al. Page 13
treatment options are available in their community that map onto the needs of a specific
child or family. Project Focus is one example of a program aimed at improving outcomes for
foster families by facilitating a link, through child welfare workers, to appropriate and
effective mental health services (Kerns, Dorsey, Trupin, & Berliner, 2010). This involves
investigating available evidence-based and promising practices in the community and
teaching child welfare workers to provide support and training around the identification of
mental health problems and available services. The implementation of such programs might
ultimately help produce sustained positive effects for foster children and prevent the need
for additional, more intensive and costly, service utilization.
and well-being, with a primary focus on the first two and much less on the third; a child’s
well-being is often assumed to be addressed by mental health, developmental, and education
services. A growing recognition of the importance of child well-being is driving policy
development in the USA, which could lead to positive impacts on safety and program
permanence. The significant impact of research findings on maltreated children is best
exemplified by recent testimony by Bryan Samuels (2011), Commissioner of the
Administration on Children, Youth and Families, who stated the following:
The research is clear that the experience of abuse and neglect leaves a particular
traumatic fingerprint on the development of children that cannot be ignored if the
child welfare system is to meaningfully improve the life trajectories of maltreated
children, not merely keep them safe from harm.
Shifting to a more robust focus on a child’s well-being and linking it to safety and
permanence could set the stage for stronger emphasis on implementing evidence-based
interventions in the child welfare system.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
Leve et al. Page 14
Support for the writing of this report was provided by P30 DA023920 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
The content of this report is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
P.C and P.A.F. are partners in TFCC, Inc., which disseminates Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care and is
reviewed in this Practitioner Review.
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$watermark-text $watermark-text $watermark-text
Table 1
Intervention Programs Tested in Foster Care Settings with Efficacious Child Outcomes: Program Effects
Effect Size1
Leve et al.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
Nelson et al., 2007 controls 5–31 months old. Control
Zeanah et al., 2009 children remained in the
institution at start of study
(some were later placed).
Also included a non-
institutionalized control
Middle childhood
Modified Incredible Years 40 intervention; USA sample of primarily 3 months post-intervention S
(IY) Linares et al., 2006 24 control neglected children aged 3–10 M
years. Primarily Latino and
Page 22
$watermark-text $watermark-text $watermark-text
Effect Size1
Multidimensional 37 intervention; USA sample of boys aged 2 years post-baseline M M S
Treatment Foster Care for 42 control 12–17 years in juvenile L M
Adolescents (MTFC-A) justice who had been referred
Chamberlain & Reid, for out-of-home care. Control
1998 condition consisted of out-of-
Kerr et al., 2009 home care services as usual
Leve et al., 2009 (typically, group care).
Westermark et al., 2010
81 intervention; 2 USA samples of girls aged 2 years post-baseline S M
85 control 13–17 years in juvenile M
justice who had been referred
for out-of-home care. Control
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
condition consisted of out-of-
home care services as usual
(typically, group care).
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 December 01.
Page 24