White Papers in Lyx
White Papers in Lyx
White Papers in Lyx
Writing White Paper in Lyx 1. Prepare Basic IEEE Format
White Papers usually are written in IEEE format. This format can be found online provided
by IEEE website. It can be adopted easily also using Lyx. Below are quick steps to create a
white paper in IEEE format using Lyx.
2 Journal or Conference
Writing a paper is subjected to many adaptation phases, IEEE format is addressing these
phases as draft or inal. This option can be set in main settings window as shown in the
following igure. Also IEEE Papers can be published for a conference or a journal or technical
note. All these settings can be set as shown in the following igure.
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 3. Font and Text Layout
Make sure also of the default setting in other options as shown below
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 3. Font and Text Layout
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 4. Front Matter
4 Front Matter
You can de ine the title of the page by choosing that from toolbar window as below
To add Author name and af iliation, this can be done using top menu Insert> >Custom
Insets as shown below
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 5. Adding References
5 Adding References
In this tutorial I am using JabRef for creating my bibliography. Add your reference in JabRef.
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 5. Adding References
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 5. Adding References
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Writing White Paper in Lyx 5. Adding References
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