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Department of Psychology: in Consortium With Ateneo de Davao University and Ateneo de Zamboanga University

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In Consortium with



Department of Psychology

PSY 15 Interview Simulation Rubric

Excellent Superior Adequate Needs Improvement
Criteria (4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Quality of Interview All questions in the interview Most questions in the interview Many questions in the interview Some questions in the interview
Schedule schedule are relevant to the goal of schedule are relevant to the goal of schedule are relevant to the goal schedule are relevant to the goal
the interview; they clearly explore the interview; they clearly explore the of the interview; they clearly of the interview; they do not
the issue or topic that has to be issue or topic that has to be explored; explore the issue or topic that clearly explore the issue or topic
explored; all questions also have a most questions also have a specific has to be explored; many that has to be explored; only
specific function (e.g. to start off a function (e.g. to start off a topic, for questions also have a specific some questions have a specific
topic, for follow up etc.) follow up etc.) function (e.g. to start off a topic, function (e.g. to start off a topic,
for follow up etc.) for follow up etc.)
Ability to Summarize Students can excellently capture all Students can capture well most ideas Students can adequately capture Students cannot adequately
ideas communicated by interviewee communicated by interviewee in their adequately many ideas capture ideas communicated by
in their summary; Students summary; Students summarize as communicated by interviewee in interviewee in their summary;
summarize ideas as much as much as necessary their summary; Students Students do not summarize most
necessary summarize many times but not of the time
as much as they should
Ability to paraphrase Students are able to paraphrase Students are able to paraphrase Students are able to paraphrase Many times, students are unable
statements excellently all the time statements well most of the time statements many times without able to paraphrase statements
without losing essence of the without losing essence of the losing essence of the statements without losing essence of the
statements statements statements
Ability to Clarify Students always know when to Most of the time, students know About half the time, students Students do not seem to know
clarify interviewee statements and when to clarify interviewee know when to clarify when to clarify interviewee
are able to ask the right questions statements and are able to ask the interviewee statements and statements and are not always
that could lead to clearer responses right questions that could lead to about half the time, they are able able to ask the right questions
clearer responses to ask the right questions that that could lead to clearer
could lead to clearer responses responses
Fluency in Delivery Students always speak clearly and Most of the time, students speak Many times, students speak Sometimes, students speak
have no difficulty pronouncing clearly and have no difficulty clearly and have no difficulty clearly and have no difficulty
words and expressing themselves; pronouncing words and expressing pronouncing words and pronouncing words and
there is absence irrelevant verbal themselves; irrelevant verbal expressing themselves; only a expressing themselves but
utterances utterances are rare few irrelevant verbal utterances speech and expression are
problematic many times; several
irrelevant verbal utterances
Approach to sensitive Students always ensure that the way Most of the time, students ensure that More than half the time, Students do not or only
topics they ask about sensitive topics is the way they ask about sensitive students ensure that the way sometimes ensure that the way
they ask about sensitive topics is they ask about sensitive topics is
respectful and mindful of their topics is respectful and mindful of respectful and mindful of their respectful and mindful of their
interviewee’s situations their interviewee’s situations interviewee’s situations interviewee’s situations
Positive attitude Students always display a positive Most of the time during the interview More than half of the time Students do not or seldom
attitude to the interviewee session, students display a positive during the interview session, display a positive attitude to the
throughout the interview session attitude to the interviewee students display a positive interviewee throughout the
attitude to the interviewee interview session
Display of respect Students are polite and they display Students are polite and they display Students are polite and they Students are impolite and they
respect to interviewee all the time respect to interviewee most of the display respect to interviewee disrespect interviewee specially
even when interviewee may be time even when interviewee may be many times even when when interviewee is challenging
challenging to work with challenging to work with interviewee may be challenging to work with
to work with
Working Relationship Students in the team have an Students in the team have a good Students in the team have a Students in the team do not have
with team members excellent working relationship; they working relationship; most members basic working relationship; a good working relationship;
all have initiative; they pitch in have initiative and most members members have initiative at times members lack initiative and are
when someone seems to be pitch in when someone seems to be but other times they do not; often quiet when someone
confused and they offer one another confused and they offer one another when a member seems seems to be confused; requires
positive feedback positive feedback confused, members pitch in at coaxing from instructor to offer
times but other times they do help or positive feedback
not; they sometimes give
positive feedback to one another
but sometimes they do not
Overall impact of Simulation is smooth; Students Simulation is smooth but students do Simulation is smooth half of the Simulation is not smooth; Most
Interview Simulation appear as professional as they could not appear as professional as they are time; Sometimes students seem of the time students seem unsure
be and the interview excellently in an excellent simulation; the unsure about what to do next about what to do next and there
approximates a real interview interview approximates a real and there are many pauses in the are too many pauses indicating
session interview session well interview session but overall, that students have not prepared
students are still able to finish well for the simulation
the simulation adequately

NOTE: Grade will be inputted as percentage in SLMIS

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