Biochemical Reac-NEW Colour Test For Glyoxylic Acid
Biochemical Reac-NEW Colour Test For Glyoxylic Acid
Biochemical Reac-NEW Colour Test For Glyoxylic Acid
Leuco-compound Pigment
Derivative of tetrahydroxyxanthene
On applying the pyrogallol-reagent to solutions of formaldehyde in sul-
phuric acid in the presence of oxidising agents, under the conditions of the
Rosenheim test, no evidence whatever could be obtained of the formation of
glyoxylic acid, though on addition to the mixture it could be detected. This
supports Rosenheim's view that the test depends on formaldehyde alone.
From a purely chemical aspect, it is not improbable that both formaldehyde
and glyoxylic acid should react with tryptophan to give distinct derivatives,
though subsequent investigation showed that the glyoxylic derivative readily
lost carbon dioxide and changed into the corresponding formaldehyde de-
rivative as might be expected. The fact that the Hopkins-Cole test is con-
sidered by many investigators to be more reliable than the Rosenheim test
would be explained by the greater tendency, as subsequently observed, of
the formaldehyde to react still further with the condensation products. A
disadvantage of both tests is the local heating at the junction of the liquids;
Bioch. xiv 36
5562 W. R. FEARON
this can be greatly reduced by employing glacial acetic acid as a solvent for
the glyoxylate or the formaldehyde as the case may be. As will be shown
later, an oxidising agent is necessary in both tests, this is usually supplied by
the sulphuric acid [Mottram, 1913].
Having concluded from the previous experiments that both glyoxylic
acid and formaldehyde gave coloured derivatives with tryptophan, which is
confirmed by subsequent research, the nature of the reaction was next in-
vestigated. Whilst it is well known that indole and its methyl derivatives
yield with different aldehydes a large number of coloured derivatives some of
which have been investigated, the aldehyde reactions of tryptophan are known
chiefly as qualitative colour tests and the exact nature of the compounds
formed never seems to have been fully investigated. This is due partly to the
difficulty of obtaining tryptophan in quantities sufficient for extended chemical
research and partly to the difficulties of isolating the coloured compounds or
their precursors in a stable form.
A number of colour reactions between tryptophan and various aldehydes
have been described [Rohde, 1905; Sasaki, 1910], but for the purposes of the
present paper it will be sufficient to consider three only: formaldehyde,
glyoxylic acid and benzaldehyde. It will also be necessary to consider the
reactions of these aldehydes with some substances related to tryptophan,
namely: indole, scatole, and carbazole.
The Scatole Derivatives1.
(1) Scatole formaldehyde red. NH.C8H4 (CH3).CH: CrH4 (CR): NX
M.W. of base, 272.
(2) Scatole glyoxylic red. NH.O8H4 (CH3).C (COOH): Cr.H4 (CH.): NX
M.W. of base, 316.
(3) Scatole benzaldehyde piurple. NH.C8H4 (CH3).C (C6H5): C8H4 (CH) NX
M.W. of base, 348.
Two molecular parts of scatole and one of the aldehyde are dissolved in
excess of "pure" acetic acid and condensed by means of dry hydrochloric
acid gas as described. The condensation and subsequent oxidation should be
done at a temperature not above 200, otherwise the scatole itself may be oxi-
dised with the formation of a red-brown pigment. The condensation compounds
are precipitated by ether and purified as already described. They are amor-
phous intensely-coloured powders, fairly soluble in dilute HCI and H2SO4.
l The formulae are written so as to show the union of the nitrogen atom with two different
carbon atoms. X represents the acid which combines with the pigment base to form the coloured
salt. In the present paper X represents HCO.
The benzaldehyde derivative is the one least hydrolysed by dilution with
water. They are all decolorised and precipitated by alkalies, boiling with
which reconverts them in part to the original scatole. As prepared by the
above method the yield is nearly quantitative.
General formula suggested for these compounds:
NH.C8H4 (CH2).CHR.C8H4 n +0
(CH,). NH - NH.08H4 (CH.). CR: C8H4 (CH2): NX
C H \c H s CRi c H3
Ho'R R
Leuco compound Pigment base
The Tryptophan Derivative8 r (
(4) Tryptophan formaldehyde red. CHH 2COOH:N.HCI
M.W. of base (average), 418.
(5) Tryptophan glyoxylic red. . CO
M.W. of base, above 420. HCHCH (NH2) COOH.IH.HC1
Tryptophan Derivative of 4-carboline
This ring should resemble carbazole in many of its properties. Perkin and
Robinson [1919] have found a similar ring in the harmine series. They have
shown that the base C12H10N2 prepared by Hopkins and Cole [1903] by the
oxidation of tryptophan with ferric chloride is harman [Fischer, 1901].
Consequently there is convincing evidence that closure of the tryptophan
side-chain can occur. Perkin and Robinson advance the theory that harmine
originates in nature by an acetaldehyde condensation with hydroxytryptophan,
a substance already identified by Abderhalden and Baumann [1908]. Addi-
tional evidence for the closure of the tryptophan side-chain has been obtained
in connection with other reactions which I hope to describe in a future com-
On this hypothesis, the formula for tryptophan blue is:
HNK3fJ N~ilQ
iO H*
H2 I H2
The quinonoid salt of the colourless base
* Or H, if decarboxylated.
There appears to be very little difference between tryptophan blue pre-
pared from formaldehyde or from glyoxylic acid. Loss of CO2 occurs during
the preparation and the final pigment obtained is probably the same in each
case, Unless the condensation be carried out thoroughly, the pigment pre-
cipitated by the -ether is very impure, containing, as well as the blue derivative,
a varying amount of purple material which probably represents an earlier
stage in the condensation when the side chain of only one of the tryptoplan
molecules has closed up. The pigment should not be precipitated until it has
stood for some days, by which time most of the substances will have con-
densed and oxidised spontaneously to the blue.
The blue is precipitated more readily by ether than the red or the purple
colouring matters, but, even so, it is almost impossible to separate them com-
Tryptophan formaldehyde blue resembles the benzaldehyde blue in some
respects and the carbazole blues in others.
When purified it is moderately stable and has been obtained in solution
in dilute HCl. Like the other tryptophan derivatives, it melts in the region of
3000, the exact temperature depending somewhat on the rate of heating.
As usually carried out, the Hopkins-Cole test results in a mixture of
tryptophan red and blue, the proportions depending on the conditions. For
this reason it is unsatisfactory as the basis of colorimetric work, as two solu-
tions of the same strength may give different shades if the temperature be at
all different. Fasal [1912] noticed this difference in tint during his work on
the estimation of tryptophan, but considered it entirely due to the amount
of colouring matter formed.
For colorimetric work an aldehyde which only reacts in one way with the
amino-acid is advisable, if not essential.
The above formula is in agreement with the experimental facts. It
accounts for the existence of the leuco-form; for the three molecules of
formaldehyde required; and for the colour and general properties of the
Only aldehydes that react readily with the amino-group, and are also
capable of condensing with the indole nucleus, can give the carbolinine blue
compound. Tryptophan benzaldehyde and salicyl aldehyde blues are simple
condensation products and do not show any evidence of a closure of the
tryptophan side-chain.
A study of the freezing-points of the bases obtained by removal of the
HCI from the pigments indicated that the molecular weights of the formalde-
hyde and glyoxylic blues were probably the same, 352. Some preparations
had higher molecular weights of the order of 400, which would be explained.
bv the preparations not being fully decarboxylated. The pigment ultimately
obtained in each case is one in which CO2 has been lost by all the COOH
groups. It will be seen that the condensation product formed by the closure
of the tryptophan side-chain is derived from the ring nucleus:
Perkin and Robinson, who -have described a similar ring, suggest the
name " carboline " for this structure, indicating an analogy both to carbazole
and quinoline. According to this nomenclature, tryptophan blue would be a
carboline blue in which the C atoms of the pyridine nucleus are fully satu-
rated, such a ring might be termed "carbolinine" by analogy to the
relation between pyrrole and pyrroline. Tryptophan blue then would be "di-
4-isocarbolininemethane," and the leuco-precursor would be, "di-4-carbo-
Several of these bodies were prepared: the following are of most interest
in connection with the present paper.
(9) Carbazole formaiekyde blue.
(10) Carbazole glyoaylic blue.
(11) Carbazole benzaldehyde blue.
Only a brief reference will be made to these bodies.
Their preparation and principal properties resemble those of the pigments
previously described. They are of different shades depending on the aldehyde
and the solvent. They are more stable than the other pigments and will keep
for a long time in aqueous solution. They are precipitated by alkalies. The
melting points are high, the benzaldehyde blue beginning to decompose at
The general formula is probably:
Carbazole ClHN Pigment base
This reaction is a good general test for the presence of carbazole; benz-
aldehyde is perhaps the most convenient aldehyde to work with, but the
colours are good with all three.
The reagent is 10 % salicyl aldehyde in alcohol, which must be free from
acetone. A small quantity of the liquid under examination is mixed with
excess of strong hydrochloric acid. Four or five drops of the reagent are added
and the mixture gently warmed for a few minutes, a drop of 10 % hydrogen
peroxide is then added and the warming continued. An intense blue denotes
tryptophan, a deep purple denotes scatole, while indole gives a bright carmine.
If too much peroxiide be added the colours are destroyed, otherwise, they are
very stable and are not discharged on dilution with water. The reagent will
give a deep blue with less than 0.1'% tryptophan; with weak'solutions care
must be taken in the oxidation. By modifying'the strength of the reagents
the test can be made very delicate. In properties the pigments resemble
very closely the benzaldehyde derivatives, their greater stability towards
water is comparable with that of the ,malachite greens derived from sub-
stituted benzaldehyde. The fastness of these lattercdyestuffs-depends on the
presence of a sulpho-group in the ortho-position to the methane carbon, and
one is justified in assuming the hydroxyl of the salicyl aldehyde to operate
in a similar manner.
Compare the behaviour of salicyl aldehyde and benzaldehyde when con-
densed with acetone in presence of hydrochloric acid.
(1) A new colour test for glyoxylic acid is described, depending on its
interaction with pyrogallol in presence of sulphuric acid.
(2) The Hopkins-Cole test is -due to glyoxylic acid, the Rosenheim test
is due to formaldehyde. In each test at least two distinct colour derivatives
of tryptophan are formed, a red and a blue.
(3) A method is described for the preparation of the aldehyde derivatives
of indole, scatole, tryptophan and carbazole, and a number of these have
been isolated.
(4) The possible formulae of these substances is discussed, and a general
type of structure is suggested.
(5) The closure of the tryptophan side-chain is put forward as an explana-
tion of the formation of tryptophan formaldehyde blue.
(6) Salicyl aldehyde is recommended as a useful qualitative reagent for
the indole derivatives.
I should like to express my obligation to Professor F. G. Hopkins for his
kind advice and interest in the research, also to Professor E. A. Werner for
having read the proofs of this paper.
I received much help in the earlier stages of the work from Mr Robin Hill,
of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
The expenses of the research were defrayed by the Mackinnon Research
Studentship of the Royal Society.
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