Ch28 Infection
Ch28 Infection
Ch28 Infection
This lesson explores the importance of why nurses need to know and understand factors that
contribute to the spread of infection and their role in preventing the spread of potentially harmful
microorganisms. Learning about and understanding the chain of infection and its various
components assist the nurse in identifying and preventing infections, especially health care–
associated infections (HAIs).
The infectious process begins with the chain of infection, which has six components:
Infectious agent
Source of infection
Portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Susceptible host
It is important to understand how each of these contributes to the millions of infections that occur
in the United States and worldwide every year.
Infectious Agent
Infectious agents are the first link in the chain of infection. Any infectious agent that causes
disease is referred to as a pathogen. Pathogens have varying degrees of ability to cause disease.
This property is called pathogenicity or virulence. For example, when influenza causes severe
illness in adults and children, it is often considered a virulent strain of influenza. Pathogens
include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Animate (insects, family) and inanimate (water, kitchen platform) sources of infection.
The second link of the chain of infection is the source of infection, also known as the reservoir.
This is where the infectious agent lives, receives nourishment, and multiplies. Reservoirs can be
human, animal, or inanimate objects such as surfaces, equipment, medications, air, food, or water
on which microorganisms can survive.
Reservoi Description
Human People transmit pathogens when:
o They have active infectious diseases
o They are infected, but are asymptomatic carriers
Patients, health care personnel, family, or friends can serve as
reservoirs for infectious agents
Animal Insects
Animals such as mice, rats, pigs, cows
Portal of Exit
Infectious agents require a means by which to leave the reservoir so they can travel to the next
host. These pathways out of the host are called portals of exit.
Contact Transmission
Vehicle Transmission
Vectors carry pathogens from one host to the next susceptible host. Standard
precautions are used for patients infected with pathogens transmitted by
Portal of Entry
The infectious agent must gain entry into the new host for successful transmission. A portal of
entry is the means by which the infectious agent achieves entry to a susceptible host. Portals of
entry are similar to portals of exit, including the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract,
genitourinary tract, blood, and breaks in the skin or mucous membranes. Portals of entry are
usually the first colonized by infectious agents.
Susceptible Host
Once an infectious agent gains entry into a host, it does not mean the
pathogen will cause infection. Several factors must be present, including:
a susceptible host, an adequate dose of infectious agent to ensure it will
multiply, and adequate virulence of the infectious agent. When the host’s
biological defenses are inadequate, or the host has more than one risk
factor for infection, the potential for developing infection is increased.
Any time the chain of infection can be broken, it enhances the potential for
preventing the host from developing infections.
Health care–associated infections (HAIs) are infections acquired by patients while receiving
treatment for other conditions within the health care setting. These settings include inpatient
acute care hospitals, outpatient settings such as ambulatory surgical centers and end-stage renal
disease facilities, and long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and rehabilitation
centers. Many HAIs are preventable, yet they contribute to morbidity (infection and disease) and
mortality (death) every year (Magil, 2014).
Risk Factors
Many factors can contribute to the development of HAIs including:
Infective Cleaning
Patient Vulnerability
Blood-Borne Pathogens
Blood-borne pathogens are infectious agents that are transmitted by blood
and body fluids. These pathogens place patients and health care providers at
risk for infection. Examples of blood-borne pathogens include:
These pathogens are important because the most common way health care
workers are exposed to them is through needlesticks and other sharps-related
injuries. There’s a difference between exposure to a blood-borne pathogen
and infection from a blood-borne pathogen. Exposure occurs through contact
with contaminated blood or body fluids but does not necessarily mean that
infection from the pathogen will follow. Infection can be significantly
decreased by following the correct precautions and barriers.
Wash exposed skin, cuts, and needlestick injuries thoroughly with soap
and water.
Flush splashes to the nose or mouth with water.
Irrigate splashes to the eyes with clean water, saline, or sterile wash.
Report all exposures promptly to ensure appropriate follow-up care
(NIOSH, 2007).
Drug resistance occurs when microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi grow
in the presence of drugs that would normally kill them or limit their growth.
Concerns: Until recently, new drugs were provided in time to treat bacteria
that had become resistant to older antibiotics.
Drug-Resistant Microorganisms
Resistant microorganisms are found in both community settings and health
care settings.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA)
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)
Clostridium difficile (C-Diff) (CDC, 2014)
The chain of infection includes an infectious host, source of infection,
portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible
Pathogens are the disease-producing microorganisms that cause
infection and can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. When
these microorganisms develop resistance to medications that had been
previously successful at treating the infection, this is called drug
resistance. This can be seen in both community- and hospital-acquired
HAIs are infections acquired in a health care facility. Exposure and
disease development can be decreased with the appropriate precautions
and barriers.