A Statistical Path Loss Model For Inhome Uwb Channels

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Saeed S. Ghassenizadeh,Rittwik J a m Vahid Tarokh

Christopher W Rice, William Turin

AT&T Labs-Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA 02139
{ saeedg, rjana, cwrice, wt}@att.com Vahid@mit.edu

channels because of their transmission bandwidth or they

ABSTRACT are not at a center frequency of interest. Therefore,
Thus paper describes a simple statistical model for performing in-home measurements for understanding the
evaluating the path loss in residential environments. It behavior of the UWB signals in residential environment
consists of detailed characterization of path loss model was inevitable. We performed an extensive amount of
parameters of Ultra-Wideband Band (UWB) signals having measurements in various home structures. The experiments
a nominal center frequency of 5 GHz. The proposed shed a lot of interesting results on UWB signal propagation
statistical path loss model is for in-home channel and it is in different homes that is discussed in t h ~ s paper.
based on over 300.000 frequency response measurements. Particularly. we report some key findings of our research
Probability distributions of the model parameters for and propose a statistical model for evaluation of the UWB
different location are presented. Also. time domain results propagation path loss in residential environment.
such as RMS delay spread and percent of captured power
The organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2
are presented. presents the measurement equipment and procedures:
Section 3 presents the results of time domain analysis;
1. INTRODUCTION Section 4 describes the large scale fading: and Section 5
A new development in wireless communications known as concludes the paper.
Ultra-Wideband Band (UWB) radio is currently receiving a
great deal of global attention. The FCC currently defines a
UWB s i g d as any signal where its -20 dB bandwidth is at 2.1. Equipment
least 25% of the center frequency [l]. The teclmiques for
generating UWB signals for radar applications have been Fig. 1 illustrates the transceiver configurations for the
around for several decades. Like other wireless air channel sounder. A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is
interface technologies, UWB may also be used for wireless used for measuring the frequency response of the channel.
LANs. For example, if approved by FCC, it could be used The VNA generates a signal as the input to a variable
as an extension of IEEE 802.11 (i.e.. transmissions rates in attenuator and a 34 dB gain broadband transmitter RF
excess of a few 100 Mbps). The motivation for research in amplifier chain. The output of the RF power amplifier is
this paper stemmed from possible usage of UWB propagated by a vertically polarized, conical monopole,
technology for distribution of broadband services inside omni-directional (in the H-plane) over the 4.375 - 5.625
homes. To design an air interface accommodating such a GHz frequency range. The signal, from the received
high data rate using UWB. such as the one proposed in [2]: identical conical monopole antenna, is first passed through
required understanding of the UWB channel inside homes. a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and a gain of 34 dB. It is
then returned to VNA via 150 feet long coaxial cable with
Indoor signal propagation llas been studied extensively 17 dB loss followed by another LNA with gain of 36 dE3.
in the past by rimy- researchers, but these works inainly High quality doubly shielded cable was used to insure no
apply to bandwidths much narrower than those for UWB leakage from the air into the receiver by the cable. The
(see [3]-[7]). The UWB propagation measurements sited in VNA records the variation of 401 complex tones across the
[8]-[IO] [9]have been performed mainly in industrial above-mentioned frequency range. The VNA sweeps the
buildings and not for residential environment. The frequency range for 401 received tones and compares them
residential results. if it has been performed. are not in the to pre-calibrated coefficients. The sweep rate for all tones
public domain or the cliannels do not qualify as UWB is slightly over 400 ms corresponding to maximum

0-7803-7496-7/02/$17.0002002 IEEE. 2002 IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies

measurable Doppler shtft of about 2.5 Hz. The complex Here r, is the mean excess delay (the first moment of the
Data from the VNA was stored on a laptop computer via PDP). rRMs is an important parameter for characterizing
GP-IB interface. time dispersion or frequency selectivity.
2.2. Procedures Over 300,000 PDPs were collected and analyzed. We
found that:
Using the above-mentioned hardware. experiments were
performed inside 23 homes in the northem and central New - Windowing improves the dynamic range of the time
Jersey area. The homes had differing structure. age, size domain measurement by filtering the frequency
and clutter. The tmnsmit antenna from the VNA was response, prior to taking its IDFT, producing an impulse
always located in a fixed position, and the dual receiving stimulus that has lower side-lobes but wider pulse width.
antenna mast was moved throughout the houses on a pre- However. it may increase RMS delay spread and number
measured grid. Knowledge of the physical distance of multipaths within a profile as reported in [ l l ] . Two
between the transmitter and the receiver allowed the sets of frequency response measurements were made;
measured data to be correlated with the distance. For all first with 401 samples over 1.25 GHz in 15 homes and
measurements. the height of tlie transmidreceive antennas second experiment with 801 samples over 2.5 GHz in 8
was fixed at 1.8 m (6-feet). homes. Kaiser window of ,8 = 5.1: was used to lower the
received pulse side lobes by better than 40-dB in the data
Measurements were made with the transmidreceive
antennas mithm Line-of-Sight (LOS) and within non-LOS samples of the latter experiment. Using this value of p,
(NLOS) of each other (see Fig. 2). Two different increased the system resolution to 0.8 ns corresponding
experiments were performed in each home. In 15 homes, to the same pulse width of non-windowed data of the
we selected over 20 LOS locations and over 20 NLOS first experiment. The mean excess delay tm and the RMS
locations. We then measured the channel frequency delay spread r , W s for both eqeriments were estimated.
response observed from two antennas separated by 3 feet The results showed no significant increase in r, or TmRnS.
simultaneously>Over a 1.8-minute period (273 snapshots). - The values of 7, and rmfS are n o m l l y distributed over
In the each of the other 8 homes, we used only one receive all homesi with mean values of 4.7 ns and 8.2 ns and
antenna, 10 LOS, and 10 NLOS locations. Hence. our standard deviation values of 2.3 ns and 3.3 ns, in LOS
database contains about 1240x273 measurements of the and NLOS, respectively. See Fig. 3.
channel frequency response. The transmit antenna location
was placed for best signal coverage inside each home and - r-4s increases as 8 26 and 8 36 in LOS and NLOS,
optimized for minimum possible T-R separation for NLOS respectively. See Fig. 4.
experiments. The transmitter’s power level was adjusted so
- The mean rmS and mean path loss were obtained by
that the VNA always operated within the linear range of its
averaging over 273 profiles loss for each location at each
detectors and well above noise floor.
home. A comparison of their values over 23 homes
indicates an increase in rRMswith increasing path loss.
3. TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS Tlus anticipated increase in rmfs is largely due to the
3.1. Data Reduction paths with longer delays having larger path loss values
associated with them. See Fig. 5 .
An estimate of the channel impulse response is made by:
first removing the VNA calibration data from the measured - No significant excess delay above 70 ns was observed
frequency data, and then performing IDFT of that for a 30 dE3 threshold.
response. Finally, the impulse response is appropriately
- r, and rRzfswere compared as a function of a threshold
normalized such that the area under the squared-magnitude
level in dl3 (i.e., -5, -10, -15. -20 and -30) below the
of the impulse response is equal to one.
maximum return, for the 50% and 90% population of the
Part of the PDP characterization is based on FWS delay data.A summaq of these values is given in Table 2. The
spread rRMS, w7hich is a measure of multipath spread within results showed that the mean excess delay and R M S
the channel. It is the square root of the second central delay spread increases as expected. Furthermore. These
moment of the PDP and is given by: observations we= consistent with some fIcquency
domain measurements reported in [ 111.
The power in each multipath could be collected and
combined coherently to improve received signal power.
The percent power contained above a threshold level
along with the number of patlis. L , canying this power,
the mean excess delay, r,, and RMS delay spread. z-hifs.
was computed. Fig. 6 illustrates the percent of tlie energy

contained within L strongest independent return paths. home among the 23 homes we have measured, which has
Clearly. the strongest return does not carry significant been accepted by many researchers such as in [3]-[4],[7]-
power with respect to the other retums in NLOS [9],[113, and [121.
locations. T h s indicates that in general the same
scatterers generate most returns. and that the paths pass We can model the path loss in two different ways. First
through the same clutters. As a result, they amve at the approach is to find the values of PLO,y, and S for the global
receiver with powers that are comparable with each population (i.e.>the data from all homes pooled together.)
other. in equation (3). The second approach is to find a separate
pairs of (PLO,y, and oj for each home and then find how
those pairs are distributed over all homes (i.e., treat each
4. LARGE-SCALE FADING parameter as a random variable). Since the standard
deviation of shadow fading and the path loss exponent
4.1. The Path Loss Model changes from one home to another, we chose the second
The VNA removes all front-end gains and losses up to the approach. In the following section, we characterize the
antennas and measures the received power relative to input variables PLO.y: and o for equation (2) for the in-home
pow7er. This is the total received power collected from all UWB path loss model.
the paths. Clearly. if a UWB receiver is unable to collect
all of this received power. it will suffer on additional path
4.2. Characterization of the Model
loss. This allows using the measured frequency response Parameters
data. H Cr,f,; di, for estimating the average path loss at any In order to characterize the model parameters over the all
distance. d. by using: homes, the probability distributions of the parameters have
to be found. The distribution of the parameters of equation
(2) is as follows:
The Intercept Poiiit, PL,: The intercept point depends
on the materials blocking the signal within l m of T-R
where Ai is the number of observed frequencies and A4 is separation and the home structure. The measured values of
the number of frequency response snap shots over time at d PLO for NLOS were v e q close to that of LOS path loss
meters. It is well known that the median of thls path loss plus a few dE3 more loss due to the obstacle(s) blocking the
can be modeled as directly proportional to d raised to some LOS path. For ease of modeling, we excluded the
exponent y. The path loss in dB at some distance c? is then: frequency dependency of this parameter. Therefore, for
LOS and NLOS, we chose the intercept value to be the
P L ( 4 = PLO + 10 ' y log,, (")1m + S(d) (3) mean path loss at l m measured in 23 homes.
The oParaineter: Over the population of our data. we
where PLO, the intercept point, is the path loss (i.e.: PIo in note that the values of c v a q from one home to another.
dE3) at d=l m, 10y.loglo (d/d,) is the mean path loss The values of o have n o d distribution N b s ,os],whose
referenced to 1 m; yis referred to as the path loss exponent mean psand standard deviation os are determined
which depends on the structure of the home; and 5' is the statistically from the measured data. Fig. 9 illustrates the
lognomnl shadow fading in dl3. dstribution of standard deviation of shadow fading o i n all
Fig. 7 shows the scatter plot of the path loss as a function
of T-R separation for all homes. Equation (3) states that, on The yParaineter: The values of y also change from
a logarithmic scale the path loss corresponds to a straight one home to another and have a normal distribution
line with a slope y Ths straight line provides the mean N[pyu,;o,].Fig. 10 depicts the distribution of the path loss
value of the random path loss. T h s amounts to fitting a exponent, y. The statistical values for PLO,y and 0 are
least squares linear regression line through the scatter of presented in Table 1. These values were comparable with
measured path loss points in dE3 such that the root mean results found for wideband indoor channels in the literature
square deviation of path loss points about the regression with the exception of shadowing. By inserting these values
line is minimized. Random shadowing effects of the one can use equation (3) as a path loss model for in-home
channel occur at locations where the T-R separation is the UWB channel.
same but have different levels of clutter in their
propagation paths. This random variable usually has a 5. CONCLUSION
nonnal distribution. Fig. 8 shows the distribution of
shadow fading random variable S in a typical home. The We have reported on a program of extensive
normal distribution regression line fit to the dJ3 values measurement. data reduction and modeling of the path loss
confinns the log-normality of shadow fading in one typical
for in-home UWB channel. The results are based on over Measurements for the Home Environment", UWB
300,000 frequency response profiles measured in 23 Intel Forum. 200 1 Oregon.
homes. We have presented findings on RMS delay spread
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A L(:)S Data
(19 ~.'*
............................... i... ..... Nunn.il diatnbiblori
U3 ....;--
...--: ................................ Ncmiial dish.dinton

f " 7
: :
..... i.:.... ............ ~ . . ..................
j ..:...........: ........
1 I!............
....I:....... ----L................................................ ...........

''2 fI
5 ..... j ..... ........... ...........)...
....... ..........
4 ....
-? 1)

Fig. 3: CDF of RMS delay spread. Fig. 6: Percent of power contained in strongest paths.

3 10 ..................................


T-K Sqwi alloil iin!

T-RSrlinrntioil inii
Fig. 4: RMS delay spread versus T-R separation. Fig. 7: Scatter plot of path loss versus T-R separation.

9 80 .......................................... i.......................................... -I

U(,! ........ .....

........................... ..........
U (,1 ..........
U.(Ii)l .............................
-4 -3 -1 -1 I t 1 1 3 4
S i&)
'RMS '11%)

Fig. 5: Mean path loss versus RMS delay spread. Fig. 8: CDF of shadow fading in a typical home.

__ 63
0 99"')
(pJ!,9 - .......... ....;................................ ;................ ;............. ,] 999 .........................................................

0.99 - ............................. :................. :~

...............,....... ........

111 - ............. :............................. ;. ....

j o LOS Data
".**, _ ................................................... :......
! - NLos nata
(1 01101
1 4 J 5

Fig. 10: CDF of path loss exponents.

Table 2. Percent of power contained in profile, Number of Paths, Mean Excess delay and RMS


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