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GE Fanuc Automation

Programmable Control Products

VersaMax™ System
Profibus Network Modules

User's Manual

GFK-1534B November 2000

Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
as Used in this Publication

Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous
voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause
personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or
damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.

Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not

Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to
understanding and operating the equipment.

This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have
been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or
variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection
with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not
present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of
notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.

GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with

respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of
the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.

The following are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

Alarm Master Genius PowerTRAC Series Six
CIMPLICITY Helpmate ProLoop Series Three
CIMSTAR Modelmaster Series Five VersaPro
Field Control Motion Mate Series 90 VuMaster
GEnet PowerMotion Series One Workmaster

©Copyright 2000 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................... 1-1

Other VersaMax Manuals............................................................. 1-2
The VersaMax Family of Products ........................................... 1-3
Profibus-DP ................................................................................... 1-4
VersaMax Modules for Profibus-DP Networks ........................... 1-5
Power Supplies .............................................................................. 1-6
I/O Modules ................................................................................... 1-7
Carriers........................................................................................ 1-10
Expansion Modules ..................................................................... 1-12
VersaMax General Product Specifications................................. 1-14

Chapter 2 Installation..................................................................................... 2-1

Mounting Instructions................................................................... 2-2
Installing a Profibus Network Interface Unit............................... 2-3
Installing Additional Modules....................................................... 2-7
Installing a Profibus Network Slave Module................................ 2-8
Installing the Profibus Cable ...................................................... 2-10
Observing the Module LEDs....................................................... 2-12
Installing an Expansion Transmitter Module ............................ 2-13
Installing an Expansion Receiver Module.................................. 2-14
CE Mark Installation Requirements .......................................... 2-17

Chapter 3 The Profibus Network Interface Unit........................................... 3-1

NIU Specifications ......................................................................... 3-2
Network Interface Unit Operation ............................................... 3-3
Network Interface Unit Status/Control Data Formats ................ 3-4
Profibus Slave Diagnostic Data Format ....................................... 3-8
Sync/Freeze Operation .................................................................. 3-9

Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station ............................... 4-1

Using Autoconfiguration or Programmer Configuration............ 4-2
GFK-1534B iii

Configuration Limits..................................................................... 4-3

Configuring “Racks” and “Slots”................................................. 4-5
Software Configuration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station..... 4-7
Autoconfiguration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station ........... 4-12
Profibus Configuration for the Profibus NIU and I/O Station.. 4-15

Chapter 5 The Profibus Network Slave Module............................................ 5-1

NSM Specifications ....................................................................... 5-2
The Communications Carrier....................................................... 5-3
Network Slave Module Configuration.......................................... 5-4
Network Slave Module Operation ................................................ 5-6
Network Slave Module Status Data.............................................. 5-7
Sync/Freeze Operation .................................................................. 5-8

Chapter 6 Profibus Communications............................................................. 6-1

Profibus Operation........................................................................ 6-2
Communications States................................................................. 6-4
Reading NIU/NSM Diagnostics:
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information ....................................... 6-5
Setting the NIU/NSM Communications Parameters:
Send_Parameter_Data .................................................................. 6-7
Checking the NIU/NSM Configuration:
Check_Configuration_Data .......................................................... 6-9
I/O Data Exchange: Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data .......... 6-11
Synchronizing I/O Data: Global_Control .................................. 6-12
Additional Messages for Programming Devices (Class 2 Masters)6-14

Appendix A The NIU GSD File ........................................................................ A-1

Appendix B The NSM GSD File....................................................................... B-1

iv VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual– November 2000 GFK-1534B
Chapter Introduction

This manual describes installation and operation of the VersaMax™ Profibus-DP
Chapter 1 is an overview VersaMax products.
Installation procedures are described in Chapter 2.
The Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit is described in chapter 3.
Chapter 4 describes the configuration procedures for a Profibus NIU and I/O
The Profibus-DP Network Slave Module is described in chapter 5. This chapter
explains how the NSM is configured and how it operates.
Profibus Communications are detailed in chapter 6.
The NIU GSD File is in appendix A. Appendix B is the NSM GSD File.

GFK-1534B 1-1

Other VersaMax Manuals

VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, Describes the many VersaMax I/O and option
and Carriers User’s Manual (catalog modules, power supplies, and carriers. This
number GFK-1504). manual also provides detailed system
installation instructions.

VersaMax PLC User’s Manual Describes the installation and operation of the
(catalog number GFK-1503). VersaMax CPU.

VersaMax Ethernet Network Interface Describes the installation and operation of the
Unit User’s Manual (catalog number Ethernet Network Interface Unit module.

Remote I/O Manager User’s Guide Gives step-by-step instructions for using the
(catalog number GFK-1847). Remote I/O Manager configuration software.

VersaMax DeviceNet Communications Describes the installation and operation of the

Modules User’s Manual (catalog DeviceNet NIU.
number GFK-1533).

VersaMax Genius NIU User’s Manual Describes the installation and operation of the
(catalog number GFK-1535). Genius NIU.

Additional Information about Profibus-DP

For detailed information about Profibus, please contact the Profibus Trade
Organization at the address below.
PROFIBUS Trade Organization USA
PTO - USA Branch Office
16101 N. 82nd Street, Suite 3B
Scottsdale, AZ. 85260
phone: (602) 483-2456

1-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

The VersaMax Family of Products

The VersaMax family of products provides universally-distributed I/O that spans
PLC and PC-based architectures. Designed for industrial and commercial
automation, VersaMax I/O provides a common, flexible I/O structure for local and
remote control applications. The VersaMax PLC provides big-PLC power with a
full range of I/O and option modules. VersaMax I/O Stations with Network
Interface Modules make it possible to add the flexibility of VersaMax I/O to other
types of networks. VersaMax meets UL, CUL, CE, Class1 Zone 2 and Class I
Division 2 requirements.
As a scaleable automation solution, VersaMax I/O combines compactness and
modularity for greater ease of use. The 70-mm depth and small footprint of
VersaMax I/O enables easy, convenient mounting as well as space-saving benefits.
Modules can accommodate up to 32 points of I/O each.
The compact, modular VersaMax products feature DIN-rail mounting with up to
eight I/O and option modules per “rack” and up to 8 racks per VersaMax PLC or
VersaMax I/O Station system. Expansion racks can be located up to 750 meters
from the main VersaMax PLC or VersaMax I/O Station rack. Expansion racks can
include any VersaMax I/O, option, or communications module.
VersaMax provides automatic addressing that can eliminate traditional
configuration and the need for hand-held devices. Multiple field wiring termination
options provide support for two, three, and four-wire devices.
For faster equipment repair and shorter Mean-Time-To-Repair, the hot insertion
feature enables addition and replacement of I/O modules while a machine or process
is running and without affecting field wiring.

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3


Profibus is a serial fieldbus that is used to exchange both control and I/O
information. The GE Fanuc VersaMax Profibus Network Interface Unit supports
Profibus-DP protocol. Profibus-DP is used for high-speed data transfer at the I/O
level, including sensors and actuators.
Profibus serves both master and slave devices.
„ Master devices are able to control the bus. When it has the right to access the
bus, a master may transfer messages as it desires.
„ Slave devices are simple peripheral devices such as sensors, actuators,
transmitters, or a modular I/O unit such as the GE Fanuc VersaMax Profibus
Network Interface Unit. Slaves have no bus access rights—they may only
acknowledge received messages, or at the request of a master, transmit
messages to that master.
The protocol architecture of Profibus is based on the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) reference model in accordance with the international standard ISO 7498.

Network Topology Linear bus, terminated at both ends. Stubs are possible.
Medium Shielded twisted pair cable. Shielding may be omitted, depending
on the environment.
Number of Stations 32 stations in every segment without repeaters. With repeaters,
extendible up to 127.
Transmission Speed 9.6, 19.2, 93.75, 187.5, 500, 1500 Kbits, 3 Mbits, 6 Mbits, 12
Connector 9-pin D-sub connector

Bus Length
The maximum bus length for shielded, twisted-pair cable is 7500 feet. Some cable
types are restricted to shorter bus lengths. The maximum bus length depends on the
data rate, as shown in the following table.
Kbits per Second Maximum Bus Length in Meters
9.6 1,200
19.2 1,200
93.75 1,200
187.5 600
500 400
1,500 200
3,000; 6,000; 12,000 100
In turn, the bus length determines which baud rate may be selected.

1-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

VersaMax Modules for Profibus-DP Networks

There are two different VersaMax modules for Profibus-DP networks. Both operate
as slaves on the network.

Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit

The Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit acts as controller for an I/O Station of
VersaMax modules. Many types of modules can be combined to suit the needs of
the application. I/O modules install on individual “carriers”. Power for module
operation is provided by a power supply that installs directly on the NIU. Additional
“booster” power supplies can be included in the system if needed for modules with
high current requirements.
Profibus NIU Optional booster
power supply power supply

For more information about modules and system installation instructions, please see
the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies and Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-1504).

Profibus-DP Network Slave Module

The Profibus-DP Network Slave Module is a communications module that
exchanges PLC reference table data on the Profibus network. The VersaMax PLC
CPU can read and write this data as though it were conventional bit- and word-type
I/O data. The Network Slave Module installs on a VersaMax Communications Carrier.
Power for the NSM comes from the power supply on the CPU or from a booster supply
as shown below.
VersaMax PLC CPU Profibus Network
Optional booster
power supply power supply Slave Module

Multiple Profibus-DP Network Slave Modules may be used in the same VersaMax

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-5


Power Supplies
An AC or DC Power Supply module installs directly on the NIU. The Power Supply
provides +5V and +3.3V power to the modules in the station. Additional power
supplies can be installed on special booster carriers if needed for systems where the
number of modules creates the need for a booster. No booster supply is needed to
power conventional I/O modules.

24 VDC, 11 W



Temp Code T4A
Ambient 60C


+ -


Available Power Supplies and Carrier

The following VersaMax power supplies and carrier are available:

24VDC Power Supply IC200PWR001

24VDC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply IC200PWR002
120/240VAC Power Supply IC200PWR101
120/240VAC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply IC200PWR102
12VDC Power Supply IC200PWR201
12VDC Expanded 3.3V Power Supply IC200PWR202
Power Supply Booster Carrier IC200PWB001
Power supplies are described in the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, and
Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-1504).
1-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

I/O Modules
VersaMax IO and option modules are approximately 110mm (4.3in) by 66.8mm
(2.63in) in size. Modules can be mounted either horizontally or vertically on several
types of available I/O Carriers. Modules are 50mm (1.956 in) in depth, not
including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors.

Color code:
Blue: DC
Gold: Mixed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IC200MDL750 Gray: Analog/other
Temp Code T4A Ambient 60C OUTPUT 12/24VDC
Ex nA IIC T4 OC≤To≤60C
Ex nV T4 Demko No. 98Y. 125014
1234567 831 Module
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 28 29 30 31 32


OK LED indicates
presence of power from
VersaMax power supply

Individual Point LEDS Latch Field Power LED

on Discrete Modules indicates presence of
power from external

VersaMax I/O modules are described in the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies,
and Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-1504).

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-7


Available I/O Modules

The following types of VersaMax I/O Modules are available:

Discrete Input Modules

Input 120VAC 8 Point Grouped Module IC200MDL140
Input 240VAC 8 Point Grouped Module IC200MDL141
Input 120VAC 8 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL143
Input 240VAC 4 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL144
Input 120VAC (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL240
Input 240VAC (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL241
Input 120VAC 16 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL243
Input 240VAC 8 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL244
Input 24VDC Positive/Negative Logic (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL640
Input 5/12VDC (TTL) Positive/Negative Logic 16 Point Module IC200MDL643
Input 5/12VDC (TTL) Positive/Negative Logic Grouped 32 Point Module IC200MDL644
Input 24VDC Positive/Negative Logic (4 Groups of 8) 32 Point Module IC200MDL650
Discrete Output Modules
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDL329
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 16 Point Module IC200MDL330
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDL331
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 2.0A per Point (1 Group of 8) w/ESCP 8 Point Module, IC200MDL730
Output 12/24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (1 Group of 16) 16 Point Module IC200MDL740
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 2.0A per Point (1 Group of 16) w/ESCP 16 Point Module IC200MDL741
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) w/ESCP 32 Point Module IC200MDL742
Output 5/12/24VDC Negative Logic 0.5A per Point (1 Group of 16) 16 Point Module IC200MDL743
Output 5/12/24VDC Negative Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) 32 Point Module IC200MDL744
Output 12/24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) 32 Point Module IC200MDL750
Output Relay 2.0A per Point Isolated Form A 8 Point Module IC200MDL930

1-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Discrete Mixed I/O Modules

Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input Grouped 20 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point IC200MDD840
Grouped 12 Point Module
Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input 20 Point / Output 12 Point / (4) High Speed Counter, IC200MDD841
PWM, or Pulse Train Configurable Points
Mixed 16 Point Grouped Input 24VDC Pos/Neg Logic / 16 Pt Grouped Output 24VDC IC200MDD842
Pos. Logic 0.5A w/ESCP
Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input Grouped 10 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 6 IC200MDD843
Point Module
Mixed 24 VDC Pos/Neg Logic Input Grouped 16 Point / Output 12/24VDC Pos. Logic IC200MDD844
0.5A 16 Point Module
Mixed 16 Point Grouped Input 24VDC Pos/Neg Logic / 8 Pt Relay Output 2.0A per Pt IC200MDD845
Isolated Form A
Mixed 120VAC Input 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 8 Point Module IC200MDD846
Mixed 240VAC Input 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 8 Point Module IC200MDD847
Mixed 120VAC Input 8 Point / Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD848
Mixed 120VAC In Isolated 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD849
Mixed 240VAC In Isolated 4 Point / Output Relay 2.0A Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD850
Output Relay 2.0A per Point Isolated Form A 16 Point Module IC200MDL940
Analog Input Modules
Analog Input Module, 12 Bit Voltage/Current 4 Channels IC200ALG230
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500VAC Isolation, 8 Channels IC200ALG240
Analog Input Module, 12 Bit Voltage/Current 8 Channels IC200ALG260
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit RTD, 4 Channels IC200ALG620
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit Thermocouple, 7 Channels IC200ALG630
Analog Output Modules
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Current, 4 Channels IC200ALG320
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Voltage 4 Channels. 0 to +10VDC Range IC200ALG321
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Voltage 4 Channels. -10 to +10VDC Range IC200ALG322
Analog Output Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500VAC Isolation, 4 Channels IC200ALG331
Analog Mixed I/O Modules
Analog Mixed Module, Input Current 4 Channels, Output Current 2 Channels IC200ALG430
Analog Mixed Module, 0 to +10VDC Input 4 Channels, Output 0 to +10VDC 2 Channels IC200ALG431
Analog Mixed Module, 12 Bit -10 to +10VDC, Input 4 Channels / Output -10 to IC200ALG432
+10VDC 2 Channels

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-9


Carriers provide mounting, backplane communications, and field wiring
connections for all types of VersaMax modules. I/O modules can be installed on
carriers or removed without disturbing field wiring.
There are three basic I/O Carrier types:
ƒ Terminal-style I/O carriers. Modules mount parallel to the DIN rail.
ƒ Compact Terminal-style I/O Carriers. Modules mount perpendicular to the DIN
ƒ Connector-style I/O Carriers. Modules mount perpendicular to the DIN rail.
These carriers are normally used with Interposing I/O Terminals as illustrated
See the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, and Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-
1504) for information about VersaMax I/O Carriers.
Terminal-style I/O carriers have 36 individual terminals for direct connection of
field wiring. Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strips are available for applications requiring
additional wiring terminals. Chapter 5 of this manual describes the VersaMax
Interposing Terminals and Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strips.
Terminal-style I/O Carrier Compact Terminal-style Connector-style I/O
I/O Carrier Carrier and
Interposing Terminals

Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strip


1-10 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Available I/O Carriers and Terminal Strips

The following types of I/O Carriers, terminals, and cables are available:

Terminal-Style I/O Carriers

Barrier-Style Terminal I/O Carrier IC200CHS001
Box-Style Terminal I/O Carrier IC200CHS002
Spring-Style Terminal I/O Carrier IC200CHS005
Compact Terminal-Style I/O Carriers
Compact Box-Style I/O Carrier IC200CHS022
Compact Spring-Style I/O Carrier IC200CHS025
Connector-Style I/O Carrier
Connector-Style I/O Carrier IC200CHS003
Interposing Terminals for use with Connector-Style Carrier
Barrier-Style Interposing I/O Terminals IC200CHS011
Box-Style Interposing I/O Terminals IC200CHS012
Thermocouple-Style Interposing I/O Terminals IC200CHS014
Spring-Style Interposing I/O Terminals IC200CHS015
Cables for use with Connector-Style I/O Carriers
2 connectors, 0.5m, no shield IC200CBL105
2 connectors, 1.0m, no shield IC200CBL110
2 connectors, 2.0m, no shield IC200CBL120
1 connector, 3.0m, no shield IC200CBL230
Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strips for use with Terminal-style I/O Carriers and Interposing
Barrier-Style Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strip IC200TBM001
Box-Style Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strip IC200TBM002
Spring-Style Auxiliary I/O Terminal Strip IC200TBM005

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-11


Expansion Modules
Expansion modules can be used to extend the I/O Station and add more modules.
There are two basic types of VersaMax I/O expansion systems, Multi-Rack and
ƒ Multi-Rack: A VersaMax PLC or NIU I/O Station with an Expansion
Transmitter Module (IC200ETM001) and one to seven expansion “racks”, each
with an Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM001 or IC200ERM002). If all
the Expansion Receivers are the Isolated type (IC200ERM001), the maximum
overall cable length is 750 meters. If the expansion bus includes any non-
isolated Expansion Receivers (IC200ERM002), the maximum overall cable
length is 15 meters.
VersaMax PLC or I/O Station Main Rack (0)



VersaMax ExpansionRack 1
15M with any
IC200ERM002 ERMs

750M with all

IC200ERM001 ERMs

IC200CBL601, VersaMax ExpansionRack 7

602, 615


ƒ Single-ended: A PLC or NIU I/O Station connected directly to one expansion

rack with non-isolated Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM002).
Maximum cable length is 1 meter.
VersaMax PLC or NIU I/O Station Main Rack



VersaMax Expansion Rack



1-12 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

VersaMax Modules for Expansion Racks

All types of VersaMax I/O and communications modules can be used in expansion
racks. Some VersaMax analog modules require specific module revisions as listed

Module Module Revision

IC200ALG320 B or later
IC200ALG321 B or later
IC200ALG322 B or later
IC200ALG430 C or later
IC200ALG431 C or later
IC200ALG432 B or later

Available Expansion Modules

The following Expansion Modules and related products are available:

Expansion Modules
Expansion Transmitter Module IC200ETM001
Expansion Receiver Module, Isolated IC200ERM001
Expansion Receiver Module, Non-isolated IC200ERM002
Expansion Cable, 1 meter IC200CBL601
Expansion Cable, 2 meters IC200CBL602
Expansion Cable, 15 meters IC200CBL615
Firmware Update Cable IC200CBL002
Terminator Plug (included with ETM) IC200ACC201
Connector Kit IC200ACC302

See the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, and Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-
1504) for information about VersaMax Expansion modules.

GFK-1534B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-13


VersaMax General Product Specifications

VersaMax products should be installed and used in conformance with product-
specific guidelines as well as the following specifications:

Vibration\ IEC68-2-6 1G @57-150Hz, 0.012in p--p @10-57Hz
Shock\ IEC68-2-27 15G, 11ms
Operating Temp. 0 deg C to +60 deg C ambient
-40 deg C to +60 deg C ambient for I/O carriers,
interposing I/O terminals, and auxiliary I/O terminals
Storage Temp. -40 deg C to +85 deg C
Humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensing
Enclosure Protection IEC529 Steel cabinet per IP54:
protection from dust & splashing water
EMC Emission
Radiated, Conducted CISPR 11/EN 55011 Industrial Scientific & Medical Equipment
(Group 1, Class A)
CISPR 22/EN 55022 Information Technology Equipment (Class A)
FCC 47 CFR 15 referred to as FCC part 15,
Radio Devices (Class A)
EMC Immunity
Electrostatic Discharge EN 61000-4-2 8KV Air, 4KV Contact
RF Susceptibility EN 61000-4-3 10Vrms /m, 80Mhz to 1000Mhz, 80% AM
ENV 50140/ENV 50204 10Vrms/m, 900MHz +/-5MHZ
100%AM with 200Hz square wave
Fast Transient Burst EN 61000-4-4 2KV: power supplies, 1KV: I/O, communication
Surge Withstand ANSI/IEEE C37.90a Damped Oscillatory Wave: 2.5KV:
power supplies, I/O [12V-240V]
IEC255-4 Damped Oscillatory Wave: Class II,
power supplies, I/O [12V-240V]
EN 61000-4-5 2 kV cm(P/S); 1 kV cm (I/O and communication
Conducted RF EN 61000-4-6 10Vrms, 0.15 to 80Mhz, 80%AM
Dielectric Withstand UL508, UL840, IEC664 1.5KV for modules rated from 51V to 250V
Power Supply
Input Dips, Variations EN 61000-4-11 During Operation: Dips to 30% and 100%, Variation
for AC +/-10%, Variation for
DC +/-20%

1-14 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Chapter Installation

This section gives basic installation instructions. For more information, please refer
to the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, and Carriers Manual, GFK-1504.
ƒ Mounting instructions
ƒ Installing a Profibus NIU
ƒ Installing additional modules
ƒ Installing a Profibus NSM
ƒ Installing the Profibus cable
ƒ Observing the module LEDs
ƒ Installing an Expansion Transmitter module
ƒ Installing an Expansion Receiver module
ƒ CE Mark installation requirements

GFK-1534B 2-1

Mounting Instructions
All VersaMax modules and carriers in the same PLC “rack” must be installed on
the same section of 7.5mm x 35mm DIN rail, which must be electrically grounded
to provide EMC protection. The rail must have a conductive (unpainted) corrosion-
resistant finish. DIN rails compliant with DIN EN50032 are preferred.
For vibration resistance, the DIN rail should be installed on a panel using screws
spaced approximately 5.24cm (6 inches) apart. DIN-rail clamps (available as part
number IC200ACC313) can also be installed at both ends of the station to lock the
modules in position.

For maximum resistance to mechanical vibration and shock, the DIN-rail-mounted
module must also be installed on a panel. Using the module as a template, mark the
location of the module’s panel-mount hole on the panel. Drill the hole in the panel.
Install the module using an M3.5 (#6) screw in the panel-mount hole.

Note 1. Tolerances on all dimensions are +/-0.13mm (0.005in) non-cumulative.

Note 2. 1.1-1.4Nm (10-12 in/lbs) of torque should be applied to M3.5 (#6-32) steel
screw threaded into material containing internal threads and having a
minimum thickness of 2.4mm (0.093in).

4.3mm M3.5 (#6) SCREW



0.170in 15.9mm
0.62in REF

2-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Installing a Profibus Network Interface Unit

If the I/O Station will have more than one expansion rack or one expansion rack that
uses an Isolated Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM001) as its interface to the
expansion bus, an Expansion Transmitter Module must be installed to the left of the
NIU. The Expansion Transmitter Module must be installed on the same section of
DIN rail as the rest of the modules in the main “rack” (rack 0). See the instructions
for installing expansion equipment at the end of this chapter.

Clearance Required for the NIU

Maintain a clearance of 2 inches (5.1cm) above and below the equipment and 1 inch
(2.54cm) to the left. Additional clearance requirements are shown below.



1. Allow sufficient finger clearance for opening NIU door.

2. Allow adequate clearance for communications cables.
3. Allow adequate space for power wiring.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-3


Installing a Profibus Network Interface Unit (continued)

Installing the NIU on the DIN Rail

Removing the NIU from the DIN Rail

1. Turn off power to the power supply.
2. (If the NIU is attached to the panel with a screw) remove the power supply
module. Remove the panel-mount screw.
3. Slide the NIU along the DIN rail away from the other modules until the
connector disengages.
4. With a small flathead screwdriver, pull the DIN rail latch tab outward while
tilting the other end of the module down to disengage it from the DIN rail.

2-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Installing a Profibus Network Interface Unit (continued)

Installing the Power Supply on the NIU
1. The power supply module installs directly
on top of the NIU. The latch on the power
supply must be in the unlocked position.

2. Align the connectors and the latch post and

press the power supply module down
firmly, until the two tabs on the bottom of
the power supply click into place. Be sure
the tabs are fully inserted in the holes in
bottom edge of the NIU.
3. Turn the latch to the locked position to
secure the power supply to the top of the
NIU module.

Removing the Power Supply from the NIU

Exercise care when working around operating equipment. Devices may become
very hot and could cause injury.

1. Remove power.
2. Turn the latch to the unlocked position as

3. Press the flexible panel on the lower edge of

the power supply to disengage the tabs on the
power supply from the holes in the carrier.
4. Pull the power supply straight off.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-5


Installing a Profibus Network Interface Unit (continued)

Setting the Network Address
Open the clear protective door by pulling upward at the indentation in the side of
the NIU. Use a 2.44mm (3/32in) flat screwdriver to adjust the rotary switches.
Always cycle power after changing the switch settings.
These switches, marked Node Address X100, X10 and X1 select the hundreds, tens
and units digits of the network address. Select any valid address in the range 1-125.

U: Power up in bootloader mode

U 0 1 NODE

9 0 1
8 2
7 3 X10
6 5 4
9 0 1
8 2
3 X1
6 5 4

Powering Up in Boot Mode

To have the NIU power up in boot mode, set the upper switch (Node Address X100)
to the U (Update) position and cycle power to the NIU. In this mode, the NIU
expects a download of new firmware.
When the NIU is in boot mode, its OK and FAULT LEDs blink simultaneously at ½
second intervals. Once the NIU is in boot mode, the upper switch can be returned to
its original position.

2-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Installing Additional Modules

Before joining carriers to the NIU, remove the connector cover on the righthand
side of the NIU. Do not discard this cover; you will need to install it on the last
carrier. It protects the connector pins from damage and ESD during handling and
Do not remove the connector cover on the lefthand side.

Connector Cover

Connector Cover

Install additional modules by mounting modules on their carriers and sliding them
along the DIN rail to fully engage the connectors in the sides of the carriers.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-7


Installing a Profibus Network Slave Module

A Profibus NSM installs in a VersaMax PLC. Additional installation information is
included in the VersaMax PLC User’s Manual (GFK-1503).

Clearance Required for the NSM

Maintain a clearance of 2 inches (5.1cm) above and below the equipment and 1 inch
(2.54cm) to the left.



The Profibus Network Slave Module mounts on a Communications Carrier

(IC200CHS006), which is installed on the DIN rail.

Installing the Communications Carrier on the DIN Rail

The Communications Carrier snaps easily onto the DIN rail. No tools are required
for mounting or grounding to the rail.

Removing the Communications Carrier from the DIN Rail

1. Turn off power to the power supply.
2. (If the Communications Carrier is attached to the panel with a screw) remove
the Network Slave Module module. Remove the panel-mount screw.
3. Slide the carrier along the DIN rail away from the other modules until the
connector disengages.
4. With a small flathead screwdriver, pull the DIN rail latch tab outward while
tilting the other end of the module down to disengage it from the DIN rail.

2-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Installing a Profibus Network Slave Module (continued)

The main power supply for an NIU station and any booster power supplies that are
used should be installed so that they can be power-cycled at the same time.

Installing the NSM on the Communications Carrier

1. The latch on the Network Slave module must
be in the unlocked position.

2. Align the connectors and the latch post and

press the Network Slave module down
firmly, until the two tabs on the bottom of
the NSM click into place. Be sure the tabs
are fully inserted in the holes in bottom edge
of the Communications Carrier.
3. Turn the latch to the locked position to
secure the Network Slave Module to the top
of the carrier.

Removing the Network Slave Module from the Carrier

Exercise care when working around operating equipment. Devices may become
very hot and could cause injury.

1. Remove power.
2. Turn the latch to the unlocked position as

3. Press the flexible panel on the lower edge of

the power supply to disengage the tabs on the
power supply from the holes in the carrier.
4. Pull the power supply straight off.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-9


Installing the Profibus Cable

The proper cable for a Profibus network is a shielded twisted pair cable. Profibus
cable is available from Siemens parts distributors and sold as "Profibus Network
Cable". The twisted pair cable consists of a Green and a Red wire. Below are some
of the cable characteristics of Profibus cable.
Profibus Network Cable Siemens part # 6XV1-830
Profibus 9-pin Connector Siemens part # 6ES7972
Impedance 135 to 165 Ohms (3 to 20 MHz)
Capacity < 30 pF per meter
Resistance < 110 Ohms per Kilometer
Wire Gauge > 0.64 mm
Conductor Area > 0.34 mm2

For data rates up to 500 kbits/second, follow the stub recommendations of Profibus
Part 1. At 1500 kbits/second the overall drop capacity should be less than 0.2nF.
Maximum length of the stub at 1500 kbits/second is 6.6 meters. Cable shielding is
recommended at higher baud rates. Cable shields must be attached at each device
via the connector shells.
Red (B)
RxD/TxD-P (3) RxD/TxD-P (3)
DGND (5) DGND (5)
VP (6) Green (A) VP (6)
RxD/TxD-N (8) RxD/TxD-N (8)

Most Profibus devices, including the VersaMax Network Interface Unit and
Network Slave Module, provide the Profibus standard female 9-pin D subminiature
connectors. Cable connectors are available from Siemens parts distributors as
"Profibus 9-pin D connectors". These connectors provide termination resistors and
a switch on the connector to enable/disable termination. The connectors label the
connections for the twisted pair as cable A and cable B. The following table
illustrates the proper assignment of wire to connector to pin to signal.

Wire Color Connector Pin Signal

Red wire B 3 RxD/TxD-P
6 VP
Green wire A 8 RxD/TxD-N

2-10 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Bus Termination
Termination resistors are needed, as defined in DIN 19245 Part 1 section
M aster Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave

Term ination Required

(Segment 1)

One terminator must be applied at each end of a network segment.

M aster S lave S lave Re peater S lave S lave S lave

T erm in ation R equire d T erm in ation R equire d

(S egm e nt 1) (S egm e nt 2)

Generally, termination is provided in commercially-available Profibus standard

network connectors. Some connector vendors provide termination capability in the
connector and a switch on the connector to enable/disable termination. Some
connector vendors provide both terminated and unterminated connectors.
Important: For proper network termination, it is essential that the terminating
devices maintain power. Power is provided by the device on Pin 6 and Ground on
Pin 5. If power is lost to either terminating device, the network may not operate
correctly. Generally, the lone network master device is one of the terminating
devices. Therefore, a loss of power to the network master renders the network
inoperable anyway. The other terminating device may be a critical slave device
which must maintain power or a separately powered, stand-alone terminator. These
stand-alone devices are commercially available.
VP (6)
Ru = 390 Ohms
RxD/TxD-P (3)
Rt = 220 Ohms
RxD/TxD-N (8)
Rd = 390 Ohms
DGND (5)

In addition to the termination shown above, the following compensation should be

added for 12 Mbit bus technology:
110nH 4 110nH
To/from 8 To/from
another 3 another
node 2 node
110nH  110nH

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-11


Observing the Module LEDs

When power is applied to the module, you can verify proper module status and
communications status by checking the module LEDs.

Profibus Network Interface Unit LEDs

PWR Green when power is applied to the NIU.
OK OK Green when the NIU is operational.
FAULT Amber if the NIU has detected a fault with itself or an I/O module.
FORCE NETWORK Green when the NIU is successfully transferring I/O on the network.
Amber if the NIU fails to be parameterized or rejects the configuration
sent by the master device.
Blinks amber if the node address specified by the rotary switches is
OFF when the NIU senses no communication with the master device.
FORCE (future) indicates the presence of any forced I/O value. Always OFF.

Profibus Network Slave Module LEDs

OK Green when the NSM has completed powerup diagnostics and is
successfully communicating over the backplane.
Blinks green if the NSM is in boot mode or its firmware is being
Amber if the NSM has detected a fault, is not communicating over
the backplane, or has received an invalid configuration.
Blinks amber if the NSM has either detected a fault, is not
communicating over the backplane, or has received an invalid
OFF when the NSM is not receiving power.
COM Green when the NSM is online and in network data transfer state.
Blinks green if the NSM is in network data transfer state but not
exchanging communications with the CPU (CPU is stopped).
Amber if the NSM is communicating on the Profibus network but its
configuration does not match the Profibus master.
Blinks amber if the NSM has rejected the configuration from the
CPU or the configuration contains no network I/O specifications (eg.
the default configuration).
OFF when the NSM is offline and has not yet received its
configuration from the CPU.

2-12 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Installing an Expansion Transmitter Module

If the I/O Station will have more than one expansion rack or one expansion rack that
uses an Isolated Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM001) as its interface to the
expansion bus, an Expansion Transmitter Module must be installed to the left of the
NIU. The Expansion Transmitter Module must be installed on the same section of
DIN rail as the rest of the modules in the main “rack” (rack 0).
Expansion Transmitter Module
NIU and Power Supply



VersaMax I/O Station Main Rack (0)

1. Make sure rack power is off.

2. Attach the Expansion Transmitter to DIN rail to the left of the NIU position.
3. Install the NIU as instructed. Connect the modules and press them together
until the connectors are mated.
4. After completing any additional system installation steps, apply power and
observe the module LEDs.
On indicates presence of 5VDC power.

Off indicates no 5VDC power.


Blinking or On indicates active

communications on expansion bus.

Off indicates no communications.

Removing an Expansion Transmitter Module

1. Make sure rack power is off.
2. Slide module on DIN rail away from the NIU in the main rack.
3. Using a small screwdriver, pull down on the tab on the bottom of the module
and lift the module off the DIN rail.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-13


Installing an Expansion Receiver Module

An Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM001 or 002) must be installed in the
leftmost slot of each VersaMax expansion “rack”.
1. Insert the label inside the access door at the upper left corner of the module.
2. Attach the module to the DIN rail at the left end of the expansion rack.
3. Select the expansion rack ID (1 to 7) using the rotary switch under the access
door at upper left corner of the module.

6 5 4

4. Install the Power Supply module on top of the Expansion Receiver.

5. Attach the cables. If the system includes an Expansion Transmitter Module,
attach the terminator plug to the EXP2 port on the last Expansion Receiver
6. After completing any additional system installation steps, apply power and
observe the module LEDs.
On indicates presence of 5VDC power.
Off indicates no 5VDC power.

PWR Green indicates CPU/NIU is scanning

I/O in expansion racks.
Amber indicates not scanning.

Blinking or On indicates module is

communicating on expansion bus
Off indicates module not communicating

Removing an Expansion Receiver Module

1. Make sure rack power is off.
2. Un-install the Power Supply module from the Expansion Receiver Module.
3. Slide the Expansion Receiver Module on DIN rail away from the other
4. Using a small screwdriver, pull down on the tab on the bottom of the module
and lift the module off the DIN rail.
Expansion Rack Power Sources
Power for module operation comes from the Power Supply installed on the
Expansion Receiver Module. If the expansion rack includes any Power Supply
Booster Carrier and additional rack Power Supply, it must be tied to the same
source as the Power Supply on the Expansion Receiver Module.

2-14 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Connecting the Expansion Cable: RS-485 Differential

For a multiple-rack expansion system, connect the cable from the expansion port on
the Expansion Transmitter to the Expansion Receivers as shown below. If all the
Expansion Receivers are the Isolated type (IC200ERM001), the maximum overall
cable length is 750 meters. If the expansion bus includes any non-isolated
Expansion Receivers (IC200ERM002), the maximum overall cable length is 15
VersaMax PLC or I/O Station Main Rack (0)



VersaMax ExpansionRack 1

15M with any
IC200ERM002 ERMs

750M with all


VersaMax ExpansionRack 7



Install the Terminator Plug (supplied with the Expansion Transmitter module) into
the lower port on the last Expansion Receiver. Spare Terminator Plugs can be
purchased separately as part number IC200ACC201 (Qty 2).
RS-485 Differential Inter-Rack Connection (IC200CBL601, 602, 615)

5 RIRQ/+ 5 RIRQ/+
Expansion 6 RIRQ/- 6 RIRQ/- Expansion
Transmitter or 8 RUN+ 8 RUN+ Transmitter
Expansion 9 RUN- 9 RUN- or
12 RERR+ 12 RERR+
Receiver 13 RERR- 13 RERR- Expansion
Module 16 IODT+ 16 IODT+ Receiver
Transmitting 17 IODT- 17 IODT- Module
Port 20 RSEL+ 20 RSEL+
21 RSEL- 21 RSEL- Receiving
24 IOCLK+ 24 IOCLK+ Port
7 0V 7 0V
23 0V 23 0V
26-PIN 26-PIN 26-PIN 26-PIN

Building a Custom Expansion Cable

Custom expansion cables can be built using Connector Kit IC200ACC202, Crimper
AMP 90800-1, and Belden 8138, Manhattan/CDT M2483, Alpha 3498C, or
equivalent AWG #28 (0.089mm2) cable.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-15


Connecting the Expansion Cable: Single-ended

For a system with one non-isolated expansion rack (IC200ERM002) and NO
Expansion Transmitter, connect the expansion cable from the serial port on the
VersaMax NIU to the Expansion Receiver as shown below. The maximum cable
length is one meter. Cables cannot be fabricated for this type of installation; cable
IC200CBL600 must be ordered separately.
VersaMax PLC or NIU I/O Station Main Rack



VersaMax Expansion Rack



No Terminator Plug is needed in a single-ended installation; however, it will not

impede system operation if installed.
Single-Ended Inter-Rack Connection (IC200CBL600)

16 15 1 0V 7 0V Expansion
VersaMax 2 T_IOCLK 22 T_IOCLK
3 T_RUN 14 T_RUN
CPU or NIU 6 T_IODT_ 18 T_IODT_ IC200ERM002
Serial Port 9 T_RERR 15 T_RERR
10 T_RIRQ_ 11 T_RIRQ_
12 T_FRAME 10 T_FRAME Port
2 1 16 T_RSEL 19 T_RSEL
14 0V 23 0V



16-PIN 16-PIN 26-PIN 26-PIN


Power Sources for Single-Ended Expansion Rack Systems

When operating the system in single-ended mode, the power supplies for the main
rack and expansion rack must be fed from the same main power source. The main
rack and expansion racks cannot be switched ON and OFF separately; either both
must be ON or both must be OFF for proper operation.
Power for module operation comes from the Power Supply installed on the
Expansion Receiver Module. If the expansion rack includes any Power Supply
Booster Carrier and additional rack Power Supply, it must be tied to the same
source as the Power Supply on the Expansion Receiver Module.

2-16 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

CE Mark Installation Requirements

The following requirements for surge, electrostatic discharge (ESD), and fast
transient burst (FTB) protection must be met for applications that require CE Mark
„ The VersaMax I/O Station is considered to be open equipment and should
therefore be installed in an enclosure (IP54).
„ This equipment is intended for use in typical industrial environments that
utilize anti-static materials such as concrete or wood flooring. If the
equipment is used in an environment that contains static material, such as
carpets, personnel should discharge themselves by touching a safely
grounded surface before accessing the equipment.
„ If the AC mains are used to provide power for I/O, these lines should be
suppressed prior to distribution to the I/O so that immunity levels for the
I/O are not exceeded. Suppression for the AC I/O power can be made
using line-rated MOVs that are connected line-to-line, as well as
line-to-ground. A good high-frequency ground connection must be made
to the line-to-ground MOVs.
„ AC or DC power sources less than 50V are assumed to be derived locally
from the AC mains. The length of the wires between these power sources
and the PLC should be less than a maximum of approximately 10 meters.
„ Installation must be indoors with primary facility surge protection on the
incoming AC power lines.
„ In the presence of noise, serial communications could be interrupted.

GFK-1534B Chapter 2 Installation 2-17

Chapter The Profibus Network Interface Unit

The Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit (IC200PBI001) operates as a slave on a
Profibus-DP network, automatically exchanging I/O, status, control, and diagnostic
data with a master device.
The NIU interfaces VersaMax I/O modules to a Profibus network. Together, the
NIU and its modules form an I/O station capable of handling up to 375 bytes of I/O
data, consisting of up to 244 bytes of discrete and analog input data and up to 244
bytes of discrete and analog output data. The system host can be any device capable
of operating as a bus master.


Profibus-DP NIU
6 5 4
Ambient 60C
Ex nA II 0C<To<60C
Ex nV II
Demko No. 98Y 125014

The Network Interface Unit installs on a 35mm x 7.5mm conductive DIN rail. A
VersaMax power supply module mounts directly on the righthand side of the NIU.
LEDs on the lefthand side indicate the presence of power and show the operating
mode and status of the NIU. Three rotary dials beneath a clear protective door are
used to configure the NIU’s address on the Profibus network. The 9-pin D-shell
connector is used to connect the bus cable.
GFK-1534B 3-1

NIU Specifications

Number of modules 8 per station.

I/O data 375 bytes maximum. Up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of

Configuration data 64 bytes maximum

Slave diagnostic data 5 bytes maximum.

Profibus network address 1 to 125.

Profibus network data rate 9.6Kbaud to 12Mbaud

Indicators (5) Power LED to indicate power

OK LED to indicate health of the NIU
Fault LED to indicate presence of faults
Network LED to indicate health of the PROFIBUS network
Force LED (not used)

Power Consumption +5V at 250mA, +3.3V at 10mA

3-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Network Interface Unit Operation

Before input and output data can be exchanged with the network master, the master
sends the NIU a message containing the configuration the master has for the NIU.
The NIU verifies this configuration with its own configuration. If the two
configurations match exactly, the master may begin to exchange input and output
Input Data Sent by the NIU to the Master
The NIU sends one input message containing the data from all discrete input (I) and
analog input (AI) areas configured in the NIU’s network I/O map. The data is sent
in the same sequence the modules occupy in the I/O Station. If a module provides
both discrete and analog input data, its discrete data is placed before its analog data.
The maximum overall length of input data is 242 bytes. An additional 2 bytes at the
start of the message are used by the NIU for status data to the master application. So
the total maximum length of the input message from the NIU is 244 bytes.

First byte Input Data Message Last byte

Status Discrete and Analog Module Input Data

To 2 bytes Maximum Input Data Length = 242 bytes

Maximum Total Length = 244 bytes

Output Data Sent by the Master to the NIU

The master sends the NIU one output message containing all of the output data for
the configured discrete output (Q) and analog output (AQ) areas configured in the
NIU’s network I/O map. The data is received in the same sequence the modules
occupy in the I/O Station. If a single module receives both discrete and analog
output data, its discrete data is located before its analog data. The maximum overall
length of this output data is 242 bytes. An additional 2 bytes at the start of the
message are used by the master for control operations. So the total maximum length
of the output message from the master is 244 bytes.

First byte Output Data Message Last byte

Control Discrete and Analog Module Output Data

To 2 bytes Maximum Output Data Length = 242 bytes

Maximum Total Length = 244 bytes

Output Defaults
On powerup, when the bus is broken, or when communications errors occur, all
outputs go to their configured default state when the Profibus watchdog timer
expires. This timer is set by the Send_Parameter_Data message from the Profibus
master device (see appendix A). Outputs remain at the Output Default State until the
module receives output data from the master. Discrete output data defaults to 0
while analog output data holds its last state.
GFK-1534B Chapter 3 The Profibus Network Interface Unit 3-3

Network Interface Unit Status/Control Data Formats

The master application is able to access fault information from the NIU’s internal
fault table, which can store up to 32 faults. The internal fault table operates as a
First-In-First-Out stack. When fault 33 occurs, fault 1 is dropped from the table.
These faults can include both faults provided by the I/O modules and diagnostic
information provided by the NIU itself. Faults are reported to the master application
automatically in the NIU’s normal input data sent to the master, as previously
explained. In addition, the master application may request each fault or clear all
faults using the NIU's normal output data sent to the NIU.
The master (or a class 2 master such as a programmer) can also request diagnostic
information about the NIU using Profibus standard diagnostic commands as
explained later in this chapter. When this feature is supported by the master, it is
usually unnecessary to also access fault information through the NIU Status data.
Fault information is instead retrieved using the
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information service.

3-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Network Interface Unit Status Data

The first two bytes of the input data to the master are reserved for the NIU status
data. The NIU status data indicates the local status of the NIU and its associated
I/O modules. The status is reported in the form of a fault message. Each fault
message requires 4 bytes to fully describe the fault. Since there are only 2 bytes of
NIU status in the input data to the master, the NIU status defines two data formats.
Format 1 indicates the presence of a fault and a fault code that identifies the type of
fault. When the Format 1 fault is acknowledged by the master, the NIU transmits
Format 2 which indicates the specific location of that fault. When the Format 2
fault is acknowledged by the master, the NIU transmits Format 1 of the next fault in
the NIU internal fault table. By continuing to acknowledge each fault, the master
can read the entire fault table from the NIU.
Status Data Format 1
Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Fault code (0-63) Format (0-3)

Bit(s) Value Meaning

0-1 0 Format identifier
0 = Format 1 of NIU Status Data
1 = Format 2 of NIU Status Data
2,3 = Reserved
2-7 0 to 63 The fault code that identifies the fault.
0 Unknown Fault 12 Low Alarm 24 A To D Converter Fault
1 Corrupted Configuration 13 Overrange 25 Mail Queue Full
2 Unsupported Feature 14 Underrange 26 Mail Loss
3 -- 15 Short Circuit 27 Module in Boot Mode
4 Config Mismatch 16 Nonvolatile Store 28 Loss of Rack
5 Fuse Blown 17 Loss of Non I/O Module 29 Addition of Rack
6 Loss of I/O Module 18 Addition of Non I/O Module 30 Rack Not Configured
7 Addition of I /O Module 19 Insufficient Config Memory 31 Loss of Exp. Transmitter
8 Extra I/O Module 20 Module Not Configured 32 Addition of Exp.Transmitter
9 Loss of User Power 21 Input Point Fault 33 Extra Exp. Transmitter
10 Open Wire 22 Wiring Fault 34 Expansion Speed Change
11 High Alarm 23 Thermistor Fault 35 Loss Module unsupp. feature

Byte 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Fault Reserved (always 0)

Bit(s) Value Meaning

0-6 always Reserved (always 0)
7 0 or 1 0 = no fault data present. The remaining fields in byte 1 and 2 may be ignored.
1= a fault is present. The remaining fields in byte 1 provide the fault code and
format identifier. Use the Fault fragment acknowledge command (FRG) bit in the
NIU Control bytes to obtain the rack, slot, and point location of the fault.

GFK-1534B Chapter 3 The Profibus Network Interface Unit 3-5


Status Data Format 2

Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Point (0-63) Format (0-3)

Bit(s) Value Meaning

0-1 1 Format identifier
0 = Format 1 of NIU Status Data
1 = Format 2 of NIU Status Data
2,3 = Reserved
2-7 0 to 63 The physical “point” location of the fault. 0-63 correspond to points 1-64.

Byte 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Fault Rack (0-7) Slot (0-8)

Bit(s) Value Meaning

0-3 0-8 The “slot” location of the faulted module. The value 0 indicates the NIU itself.
4-6 0-7 The physical “rack” location of the faulted I/O module. The value 0 refers to the
NIU main rack.
7 0 or 1 0 = no fault data present. The remaining fields in byte 1 and 2 may be ignored.
1 = a fault is present. The remaining fields in byte 1 and 2 provide the format
identifier and rack, slot, and point location of the fault.

3-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

NIU Control
The first two bytes of the output data from the master are reserved for the NIU
control data. The NIU control data defines several bits that can be used by the
master application to send commands to the NIU. The following table defines the
bits and their meanings.
Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CLR Reserved (always 0) FLT FRG

Bit(s) Value Meaning

0 0 or 1 Fault fragment acknowledge command. When this bit changes to 1, the NIU
updates the NIU status data to contain either the Format 2 bytes of a fault or
the Format 1 bytes of the next fault. When the Format 2 bytes of the last fault
in the NIU has been acknowledged, the NIU clears the NIU status data. This bit
is used when retrieving faults with the NIU Status service.
1 0 or 1 Fault acknowledge command. When this bit changes to 1, the NIU updates the
NIU status data to contain the Format 1 bytes of the next fault. The Format 2
bytes of the fault are skipped. This bit is used when retrieving faults with the
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostics_Information service (see appendix A for more
information.) If there is no next fault, the NIU clears the NIU status data.
2-6 always Reserved (always 0)
7 0 or 1 Clear all faults command. Setting this bit to 1 clears the NIU’s internal fault
table. The NIU’s FAULT LED goes OFF unless a new fault is immediately
logged or an existing fault condition continues to exist. This command can be
sent at any time.

Byte 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (always 0)

GFK-1534B Chapter 3 The Profibus Network Interface Unit 3-7


Profibus Slave Diagnostic Data Format

Some master devices are able to read and display diagnostic information from the
slave device. The master retrieves this data using the Profibus-standard
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information command. When the NIU first detects
and logs an internal fault condition, the NIU informs the master device of the
availability of new diagnostic data. This indication is performed using a special bit
attached to the normal Input Data message to the master device.

Reading the Diagnostic Data (fault) from the NIU

Once the NIU has indicated the presence of new diagnostic information, the master
device sends the Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information. The NIU responds to
the request with information describing the oldest fault in the NIU's fault table. The
response contains 4 bytes that contain a full description of the fault. The 4 bytes are
composed of the Format 1 and Format 2 words of the NIU Status Data, described
earlier. The decoding rules for the NIU Status Data are included in the GSD file,
also described earlier.

Reading the Next Diagnostic Data (fault) from the NIU

When a user application needs to advance to the next oldest fault in the NIU fault
table, it is necessary to set the Fault Acknowledge (FLT) bit in the NIU Control
Data. When the slave detects this bit changing from a 0 to a 1, the slave informs the
master device to send again the Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information
command. The NIU responds with either the next fault in the NIU fault table or an
indication that no further faults exist. Continuing to reset and set the Fault
Acknowledge bit will allow the user application to view each fault in the NIU fault

Clearing the Diagnostic Data from the NIU

When desired, the user application may clear all the faults in the table by setting the
Clear All Faults (CLR) bit in the NIU Control Data. When the slave detects this bit
changing from a 0 to a 1, the slave normally clears the NIU Status Data, unless a
new fault is detected or an existing fault condition persists and the fault is relogged.

3-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Sync/Freeze Operation
The NIU supports the Profibus-standard Sync and Freeze operations. A master
device capable of the Sync and Freeze operations may periodically issue Sync
and/or Freeze commands to the NIU.

Sync Command
The Sync command is used by the master device to simultaneously drive the output
values of a group of slave devices. The Sync command is a multicast command and
is received by all of the slave devices belonging to the same group. The group that
a slave belongs to is identified in the Send Parameter step of the Profibus
configuration process. (See chapter 6 for information about Profibus operation.)
When a slave device receives the Sync command, it immediately applies the last
output values received from the master and ignores any subsequent output values.
Each time the master sends a Sync command, the slave will repeat this procedure.
In this way, a master device can drive a group of slave devices in a synchronized
manner. When the master sends the Unsync command, the slave devices no longer
ignore subsequent output values. Output values from the network are applied as

Freeze command
The Freeze command is used by the master device to take a snapshot of the input
data from a group of slave devices at the same moment in time. The Freeze
command is a multicast command and is received simultaneously by all of the slave
devices belonging to the same group. The group that a slave belongs to is
identified in the Send Parameter step of the Profibus configuration process. (See
chapter 6 for information about Profibus operation.) When a slave device receives
the Freeze command, it immediately updates its input data values to the network
and freezes them, i.e. the input values are no longer updated to the network. Each
time the master sends a Freeze command, the slave will repeat this procedure. In
this way, a master device can read inputs, that all occurred at the same moment,
from a group of slave devices, i.e. not in the usual polling (sequential) manner.
When the master sends the Unfreeze command, the slave devices no longer freeze
the input values. Input values are updated to the network as usual.

GFK-1534B Chapter 3 The Profibus Network Interface Unit 3-9

Chapter Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station

This chapter explains how a Profibus NIU and the modules in an I/O Station can be
configured. Configuration determines certain characteristics of module operation
and also establishes the program references that will used by each module in the
This chapter describes:
ƒ Using autoconfiguration or programmer configuration
The Profibus NIU and I/O Station can be either autoconfigured or configured
from a programmer using the Remote I/O Manager configuration software.
ƒ Configuration limits
ƒ Configuring racks and slots
Even though a VersaMax I/O Station does not have a module rack, both
autoconfiguration and software configuration use the traditional convention of
“racks” and “slots” to identify module locations.
ƒ Software configuration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station
Software configuration provides greater flexibility than autoconfiguration in
setting up an I/O Station. Software configuration is done using the Remote I/O
Manager configuration software.
ƒ Autoconfiguration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station
Autoconfiguration provides a default configuration for the NIU and I/O
Station and does not require the use of a programmer. I/O modules that have
software-configurable features always use their default settings when
ƒ Profibus network configuration
The Profibus NIU must also be configured as a slave on the Profibus Network.
Before a controller can communicate with the NIU, it must send the NIU a
configuration message.
NOTE: Profibus network configuration of a Profibus Network Slave module is
discussed in chapter 5.

GFK-1534B 4-1

Using Autoconfiguration or Programmer Configuration

The Profibus NIU and I/O Station can be either autoconfigured, or configured from
a programmer using the Remote I/O Manager configuration software. The choice of
which configuration method to use depends on the nature of the system.

Autoconfiguration is done by the NIU itself. It provides a default configuration for
the NIU and I/O Station and does not require the use of a programmer. If there is
not a stored configuration already present at powerup, the NIU sees which modules
are installed and automatically creates a configuration for the I/O Station. I/O
modules that have software-configurable features can only use their default settings
when the I/O Station is autoconfigured. Autoconfiguration is described later in this

Software Configuration
Using the configuration software makes it possible to reassign I/O table addresses,
and to configure many I/O module features. The configuration software runs on a
computer that connects to the NIU via the NIU expansion port.
The configuration software can be used to:
ƒ Create a customized configuration
ƒ Store (write) a configuration to the NIU
ƒ Load (read) an existing configuration from an NIU
ƒ Compare the configuration in an NIU with a configuration file stored in the
ƒ Clear an auto-configuration that was previously stored to the NIU.
The NIU retains a software configuration across power cycles. Storing a
configuration disables autoconfiguration, so the PLC will not overwrite the
configuration during subsequent startups.
However, actually clearing a configuration from the programmer does cause a new
autoconfiguration to be generated. In that case, autoconfiguration is enabled until a
configuration is stored from the programmer again.
Software configuration is summarized later in this chapter. Instructions for
installing and using the configuration software are in the Remote I/O Manager
Software User’s Guide (GFK-1847).

4-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Configuration Limits
The Profibus NIU has a maximum of 64 bytes of configuration data. This may limit
the total number of modules that can be configured for the I/O Station. If the
configuration data for the NIU exceeds 64 bytes, the NIU’s Network LED lights
amber and the NIU will not be able to come on the Profibus.
The following table shows the amount of configuration data needed for each type of
VersaMax I/O module. For information about modules not listed in the table, refer
to the NIU’s GSD file.

1 Byte per Module

Input 120VAC 8 Point Grouped Module IC200MDL140
Input 240VAC 8 Point Grouped Module IC200MDL141
Input 120VAC 8 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL143
Input 240VAC 4 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL144
Input 120VAC (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL240
Input 240VAC (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL241
Input 120VAC 16 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL243
Input 240VAC 8 Point Isolated Module IC200MDL244
Input 24VDC Positive/Negative Logic (2 Groups of 8) 16 Point Module IC200MDL640
Input 5/12VDC (TTL) Positive/Negative Logic 16 Point Module IC200MDL643
Input 5/12VDC (TTL) Positive/Negative Logic Grouped 32 Point Module IC200MDL644
Input 24VDC Positive/Negative Logic (4 Groups of 8) 32 Point Module IC200MDL650
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDL329
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 16 Point Module IC200MDL330
Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDL331
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 2.0A per Point (1 Group of 8) w/ESCP 8 Point Module, IC200MDL730
Output 12/24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (1 Group of 16) 16 Point Module IC200MDL740
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 2.0A per Point (1 Group of 16) w/ESCP 16 Point Module IC200MDL741
Output 24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) w/ESCP 32 Point Module IC200MDL742
Output 5/12/24VDC Negative Logic 0.5A per Point (1 Group of 16) 16 Point Module IC200MDL743
Output 5/12/24VDC Negative Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) 32 Point Module IC200MDL744
Output 12/24VDC Positive Logic 0.5A per Point (2 Groups of 16) 32 Point Module IC200MDL750
Output Relay 2.0A per Point Isolated Form A 8 Point Module IC200MDL930

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-3


1 Byte per Module, continued

Mixed 16 Point Grouped Input 24VDC Pos/Neg Logic / 16 Pt Grouped Output 24VDC IC200MDD842
Pos. Logic 0.5A w/ESCP
Mixed 24 VDC Pos/Neg Logic Input Grouped 16 Point / Output 12/24VDC Pos. Logic IC200MDD844
0.5A 16 Point Module
Mixed 120VAC Input 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 8 Point Module IC200MDD846
Mixed 240VAC Input 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 8 Point Module IC200MDD847
Mixed 120VAC Input 8 Point / Output 120VAC 0.5A per Point Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD848
Mixed 120VAC In Isolated 8 Point / Output Relay 2.0A Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD849
Output Relay 2.0A per Point Isolated Form A 16 Point Module IC200MDL940
Analog Input Module, 12 Bit Voltage/Current 4 Channels IC200ALG230
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500VAC Isolation, 8 Channels IC200ALG240
Analog Input Module, 12 Bit Voltage/Current 8 Channels IC200ALG260
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit RTD, 4 Channels IC200ALG620
Analog Input Module, 16 Bit Thermocouple, 7 Channels IC200ALG630
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Current, 4 Channels IC200ALG320
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Voltage 4 Channels. 0 to +10VDC Range IC200ALG321
Analog Output Module, 12 Bit Voltage 4 Channels. -10 to +10VDC Range IC200ALG322
Analog Output Module, 16 Bit Voltage/Current, 1500VAC Isolation, 4 Channels IC200ALG331
3 Bytes per Module
Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input Grouped 20 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point IC200MDD840
Grouped 12 Point Module
Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input Grouped 10 Point / Output Relay 2.0A per Point 6 IC200MDD843
Point Module
Mixed 16 Point Grouped Input 24VDC Pos/Neg Logic / 8 Pt Relay Output 2.0A per Pt IC200MDD845
Isolated Form A
Mixed 240VAC In Isolated 4 Point / Output Relay 2.0A Isolated 8 Point Module IC200MDD850
Analog Mixed Module, Input Current 4 Channels, Output Current 2 Channels IC200ALG430
Analog Mixed Module, 0 to +10VDC Input 4 Channels, Output 0 to +10VDC 2 Channels IC200ALG431
Analog Mixed Module, 12 Bit -10 to +10VDC, Input 4 Channels / Output -10 to IC200ALG432
+10VDC 2 Channels
6 Bytes per Module
Mixed 24VDC Positive Logic Input 20 Point / Output 12 Point / (4) High Speed Counter, IC200MDD841
PWM, or Pulse Train Configurable Points

4-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Configuring “Racks” and “Slots”

Even though a VersaMax I/O Station does not have a module rack, both
autoconfiguration and software configuration use the traditional convention of
“racks” and “slots” to identify module locations. Each logical rack consists of the
NIU or an Expansion Receiver module plus up to 8 additional I/O and option
modules mounted on the same DIN rail. Each I/O or option module occupies a
“slot”. The module next to the NIU or Expansion Receiver module is in slot 1.
Booster power supplies do not count as occupying slots.

Main Rack (rack 0) Booster Power


NIU 1 2 3 4 5

The main rack is rack 0. Additional racks are numbered 1 to 7.

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-5


In an I/O Station that has one expansion rack attached to the expansion bus by a
non-isolated Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM002), the expansion rack
must be configured as rack 1.
VersaMax I/O Station Main Rack



VersaMax Expansion Rack



In an I/O Station with an Expansion Transmitter Module (IC200BTM001) and up to

seven expansion “racks”, each with an Expansion Receiver Module (IC200ERM001
or IC200ERM002), the additional racks are configured as rack 1 through rack 7.

VersaMax I/O Station Main Rack (0)



VersaMax ExpansionRack 1
15M with any
IC200ERM002 ERMs

750M with all


VersaMax ExpansionRack 7



4-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Software Configuration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station

Software configuration provides greater flexibility than autoconfiguration in setting
up an I/O Station. Software configuration is done using the Remote I/O Manager
configuration software. The software is available with a programmer cable as
catalog number IC641CFG110, or without a programmer cable as catalog number
The Remote I/O Manager software can be used to configure I/O Stations with
different types of NIU (for example: an Ethernet, Genius, or Profibus NIU). It can
also be use for CPU configuration. Details of installing and working with the
configuration software are given in the Remote I/O Manager Software User’s Guide
The Remote I/O Manager software runs on a computer equipped with Windows
95/98, NT 4.0, or Windows 2000. Note that VersaPro 1.1 and the NIU
Configuration software cannot be installed on the same machine. If VersaPro 1.1 is
present, you will be prompted to un-install it.

Notes on Using the Configuration Software

1. The same Remote I/O Manager software can configure different types of
VersaMax NIUs and all supported IO modules.
2. Empty slots are allowed in an NIU configuration (unlike an autoconfiguration).
3. The I/O Station cannot include the following communication modules:
IC200BEM002 and IC200BEM103.
4. The reference addresses assigned to modules in the I/O Station can be edited.
Addresses do not need to be consecutive.

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-7


Basic Steps of Software Configuration

The Remote I/O Manager software provides a simple default configuration that you
edit to match the actual system modules. The default configuration consists of a
power supply (PWR001) and an NIU (either a Genius NIU or the NIU that was
saved last time the software was used). Carriers and modules are then added in the
same sequence as the hardware installation.
The basic configuration steps are listed below.
ƒ Configure the rack type (non-expanded, single-ended expanded, or multi-rack
expanded). This automatically adds the appropriate types of expansion modules
to the racks.
ƒ Configure the power supply type and any booster power supplies and carriers.
ƒ Configure the NIU. This includes changing the NIU type if necessary, and
assigning its parameters as described on the next page.
ƒ Configure the expansion modules if the system has expansion racks.
ƒ Add module carriers and define wiring assignments.
ƒ Place modules on carriers and select their parameters. Configurable parameters
of I/O modules are described in the VersaMax Modules, Power Supplies, and
Carriers User’s Manual (GFK-1504).
ƒ Save the configuration file so that it can be stored to the NIU.
For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the Remote I/O Manager Software
User’s Guide (GFK-1847).

4-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Configuring NIU Parameters

NIU configuration establishes the basic operating characteristics of the Network
Interface Unit.

When a programmer is first connected, the NIU communicates using the default
communications parameters: 19,200 baud, odd parity, one start bit, one stop bit, and
eight data bits. If these parameters are re-configured, the new configuration for the
serial port is not actually installed until the programmer is removed. Once these new
settings take effect, they will be used at powerup instead.

Feature Description Default Choices

Data Rate (bps) Data transmission rate (in bits per second). 19200 4800, 9600, 19200

Parity Determines whether parity is added to words Odd Odd, Even, None
Stop Bits Number of stop bits used in transmission. (Most 1 1, 2
serial devices use one stop bit; slower devices
use two.)
Expansion Bus In an expansion system with one or more Extended Extended, Normal
Speed Isolated Expansion Receiver Modules Distance
(IC200ERM001), the default bus speed is
250kHz (“Extended Distance”). If the bus is less
than 250 meters, this parameter can be
changed to “Normal” (1MHz). If no Isolated
Receiver Module is present, the bus speed
defaults to Normal (3Mhz).

Configuring I/O References

As I/O modules are added to the configuration, the configuration software keeps a
running total of input/output memory. If the modules added consume more than the
maximum memory available, the configuration software displays the reference
address of the module that caused the error, and an error message.

The I/O Station, including all expansion racks, can include up to 375 total bytes of
data. There can be up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs.
You can change the I/O references assigned to a module when configuring that

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-9


Software Configuration: Load, Store, Verify, Clear

To transfer and check the contents of a configuration, use the Load/Store/Verify
functions from the Tools menu. A configuration file must be saved in the
programmer before using the load/store/verify functions.
The computer connects to the expansion port. on the side of the Profibus NIU or the
pass-through serial port on an Expansion Transmitter Module.

6 ft

VersaMax I/O Station, No Expansion


Firmware Update
Serial Cable

VersaMax I/O Station with

Expansion Transmitter



Cable PS

Terminator Plug

The programmer must be communicating with the NIU. The configuration software
has a set of communications parameters that need to be correctly set for
communicating with the Profibus NIU. To check these parameters, in the Tools
menu, select Communications Setup.
If the communications parameters shown are not correct, you can change them.
Choose DEFAULT on the Devices tab to select COM1 as the serial port and
<NULL> as the SNP ID. You can make additional changes by selecting Edit or by
going to the Ports tab.

4-10 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Storing a Configuration to the Profibus NIU

After completing a configuration in the programmer, the configuration must be
stored to the Profibus NIU. In the Tools menu, select Load/Store/Verify and click
on Store. When a configuration is stored, the NIU automatically drops off the bus
until the store is complete. The NIU then comes back on the bus.
Storing a configuration disables autoconfiguration, so the NIU will not overwrite a
software configuration with an autoconfiguration during subsequent startups. If a
store operation is aborted, autoconfiguration may occur. The NIU also
autoconfigures if the programmer cable is disconnected or power is cycled on the
NIU before the store completes.
If there are any mismatched, missing, or extra modules, the store operation
continues. Modules that are mismatched, extra, or missing in the stored
configuration will operate with their default configuration. Their I/O will be
scanned normally.

Loading a Configuration from the NIU to the Programmer

The programming software can load a previously-stored configuration from the
Profibus NIU back to the programmer. In the Tools menu, select Load/Store/Verify
and click on Load.
Note that the following modules share hardware module IDs:
IC200MDL650 loads as IC200MDL636
IC200MDL750 loads as IC200MDL742
IC200MDL331 loads as IC200MDL329
IC200MDD844 loads as IC200MDD842
IC200MDL141 loads as IC200MDL140
If an autoconfiguration containing these modules is loaded, an incorrect catalog
number and description may be displayed by the software. Edit any incorrect
modules using the programmer before storing the configuration back to the NIU.
Once this has been done, you will be able to load the configuration properly.

Comparing Configurations in the Programmer and NIU

Use the verify function to compare a configuration file in the programmer with a
configuration that was previously-stored to the Profibus NIU In the Tools menu,
select Load/Store/Verify and click on Verify.

Deleting a Software Configuration from the NIU

Use the clear function to remove a previously-stored configuration from the NIU.
Clearing a configuration causes a new autoconfiguration to be generated.
Autoconfiguration remains enabled until a configuration is stored from the
programmer again.

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-11


Autoconfiguration of the Profibus NIU and I/O Station

Autoconfiguration is done by the NIU itself. It provides a default configuration for
the NIU and I/O Station and does not require the use of a programmer. I/O modules
that have software-configurable features always use their default settings when
When autoconfiguration is enabled and no previous autoconfiguration exists, at
powerup the NIU automatically reads the default configuration of the modules
installed in the system.
Once this autoconfiguration is complete as described below, the NIU retains this
configuration until it is either cleared or powered up with I/O modules added to the
existing configuration.
If the NIU is autoconfigured and the modules in the I/O Station create more than 64
bytes of configuration data (as explained earlier in this chapter), the Network LED
will flash error code 41. It will be necessary to remove the “extra” modules and
power-cycle the NIU to autoconfigure the I/O Station.

Autoconfiguration Sequence
Each module is considered to occupy a “slot”. The position adjacent to the NIU is
slot #1. Booster power supplies do not count as occupying slots.

Booster Power
NIU Supply

1 2 3 4 5

Autoconfiguration starts at slot 1 of rack 0 (the main rack) and continues in the
same order the modules occupy in the I/O Station.
Autoconfiguration stops at the first empty slot or faulted module. For example, if
there are modules in slots 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 but slot 4 is empty, the modules in slots 5
and 6 are not autoconfigured. The NIU reports Extra I/O Module faults.
For the autoconfiguration process to work as expected, any additional power
supplies in the I/O Station must be powered up at exactly the same time or before
the main power supply.

4-12 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Autoconfiguration Assigns Reference Addresses

The NIU stores data internally as discrete input bits, discrete output bits, analog
input words, and analog output words.

The NIU Data Memories

I discrete input bits
AI analog input words
Q discrete output bits
AQ analog output words

During autoconfiguration, the NIU automatically looks at the modules installed in

the I/O Station and assigns them to addresses in this internal I/O map. Reference
addresses are assigned in ascending order. For modules that have multiple data
types (for example, mixed I/O modules), each data type is assigned reference
addresses individually.
Modules that have software-configurable features use their default settings when
autoconfigured. These features are described in the VersaMax Modules, Power
Supplies, and Carriers Manual (GFK-1504).

Adding I/O modules to an Autoconfigured I/O Station

If additional I/O modules are added to an existing I/O Station, they do not become
part of the autoconfiguration until the NIU is power-cycled.

Clearing an Autoconfiguration
To clear an existing autoconfiguration, power down the NIU, disconnect the NIU
from the first I/O module, and power up the NIU. The configuration in the NIU is
then cleared. (An existing software configuration is cleared from the programmer,
as described previously in this chapter.)

Hot Inserting I/O Modules

It is possible to hot insert I/O modules in an I/O Station. If the module being
replaced already exists in the configuration, no other action is necessary to make the
module operable.

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-13


Autoconfiguring an I/O Station with Expansion Racks

ƒ The Expansion Receiver modules must have their rack ID selection dials set
correctly. Any available rack number can be used for a new expansion rack but
they must all be unique (no duplicate rack numbers). It is best to assign
expansion racks numbers from lowest (1) to highest (7) as they are installed.
ƒ If a new expansion rack is added in the future, it should be assigned a rack
number that is higher than the racks that are already installed. If a new
expansion rack with a lower rack number is added and the system is then auto-
configured, the racks numbered higher than the new rack number have their I/O
reference addresses shifted in the reference tables. Any existing program logic
using those references would need to be adjusted to use the new references.
ƒ When autoconfiguring an I/O Station with expansion racks, either all racks
must be powered from the same source or the expansion racks must be powered
up before the main rack.
ƒ To add another expansion rack to the I/O Station, the I/O Station must be
powered down. After adding the expansion rack, power up the I/O Station. It
will then autoconfigure.
ƒ To force autoconfiguration for expansion racks, first power down the NIU.
Remove the transmitter module from the NIU or remove the expansion cable at
the transmitter. Power up the NIU and let it autoconfigure. Power the NIU
down again, reattach the transmitter or cable and power up the NIU again.

4-14 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Profibus Configuration for the Profibus NIU and I/O Station

The NIU operates as a slave on the Profibus network. All network transmissions
must be initiated by a controller or programmer. Before a controller can
communicate with the NIU, it must send the NIU a configuration message, as
explained in chapter 6.

The GSD File

Every Profibus slave device certified by the Profibus Trade Organization is required
to define a GSD file (data sheet). The GSD file is needed by most Profibus network
configuration tools to correctly configure a slave device.
The GSD file is a text file of keywords and values that define specific
characteristics, features, and limitations of the slave device. For the NIU, the GSD
file also lists the Profibus configuration identifiers for all currently-supported I/O
modules. The GSD file also includes the text strings to properly decode the
diagnostic information provided by the NIU.
As new I/O modules are released or new features are added, the GSD file may be
updated. Appendix A is an example GSD file for the Profibus NIU. It is included
only for reference; an electronic version is provided with the NIU. In addition, the
latest GSD file is always available for download from the GSD Library located on
the website of the Profibus Trade Organization at

Configuring the Profibus Master Device

When using configuration tools to configure the Profibus Master device to
communicate to the NIU, always be careful to do the following:
1. Provide the correct GSD file (GEF_086A.GSD) for the NIU.
2. Match the network address set in the switches of the NIU with the network
address assigned by the Profibus configuration tool.
3. First, configure the VersaMax Profibus NIU module itself. This module
consists of the NIU Status and Control data. It must be configured before
configuring any of the I/O modules in the NIU rack. Either the NIU is
configured as 2 bytes of I/O or the "VersaMax Profibus NIU" option must be
selected if using a properly equipped network configuration tool.
4. Configure each of the I/O modules attached to the NIU in the physical order
that they appear in the NIU rack. For example, if a 16 point discrete input
module is present, the master must either be configured for 2 bytes of input data
or the "16 pt in" option must be selected if using a properly equipped network
configuration tool.

GFK-1534B Chapter 4 Configuring a Profibus NIU and I/O Station 4-15

Chapter The Profibus Network Slave Module
The Profibus-DP NSM (IC200BEM002) provides a basic interface to a Profibus-DP
network. It operates as a slave on the network, automatically exchanging data with a
master device. The NSM has no bus access rights—it may only acknowledge
received messages or transmit messages to a master upon request.
The Network Slave Module can read up to 244 bytes of input data from the
network, and send up to 244 bytes of output data. The total combined amount of
inputs plus outputs for the NSM is 384 bytes.



Ambient 60C
Ex nA II 0C<To<60C
Ex nV II
Demko No. 98Y 125014

LEDs indicate the presence of power and show the network communications status
of the Network Slave Module. The 9-pin D-shell connector is used to connect the
bus cable.

GFK-1534B 5-1

NSM Specifications

I/O data 384 bytes maximum. Up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of

Profibus network address 1 to 125. Software-configurable.

Number of NSMs Up to 125 on a network.

Profibus network data rate 9.6Kbaud to 12Mbaud. Autodetected.

Indicators (2) OK LED to indicate health of the NSM

Com LED to indicate communications status.

Power Consumption +5V@350mA.

5-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

The Communications Carrier

The Network Slave Module installs on a mounting base called a Communications
Carrier (catalog number IC200CHS006).




For applications requiring maximum resistance to mechanical vibration and shock,

the carrier must also be panel-mounted. See the VersaMax Modules, Power
Supplies, and Carriers Manual (GFK-1504) for installation instructions.

GFK-1534B Chapter 5 The Profibus Network Slave Module 5-3


Network Slave Module Configuration

The Profibus Network Slave Module must receive matching configurations from
both the VersaMax CPU and the Profibus Network Master.

VersaMax PLC Configuration for the Profibus NSM

The NSM is configured as part of the overall VersaMax PLC system configuration.
The configuration software is used to specify the following module characteristics:
• A location. The module can be placed in any module location (slot 1-8).
• Settings:
• Network Address (1 to 125).
• Location for the 16-bit NSM Input Status Area in PLC memory. Be aware
that this Status Area does not appear on the Profibus network. It is only
data passed from the NSM to the headend controller.
• Input Data Area: The memory locations for the NSM’s input data in the
PLC’s bit (discrete-type) and/or word (analog-type) memories. This is the data
that is consumed from the Profibus network. The total input area may be 0 to
244 bytes. The maximum total for input plus output data is 384 bytes.
• Output Data Area: The memory locations for the NSM’s output data in the
PLC’s bit (discrete-type) and/or word (analog-type) memories. This is the data
that is produced to the Profibus network. The total output area may be 0 to 244
bytes. The maximum total for input plus output data is 384 bytes.
The VersaMax PLC file stores all of the system setup information in a module
initialization file. The PLC sends the information to the Profibus NSM when it is
stored, and each time the PLC is power-cycled.

The NSM can be autoconfigured. However, because the NSM cannot assume the
I/O needs of the application or select a unique network address, the resulting
configuration is impractical. Only the 16-bit status area is autoconfigured. No
network operation is possible. Network operation is only possible after a valid
network I/O configuration is stored to the PLC.

5-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

GSD File
Every Profibus-DP Slave device is required to provide a GSD file that completely
describes the device's capabilities and limitations and serves to aid the configuration
of the Profibus Master device. The NSM is shipped with a diskette that contains the
GSD file "GEF_0869.GSD".
The GSD file for the Network Slave Module includes module specifications such as
available data rates, Profibus feature support, and a unique identification code.
When configuring the Master device on a Profibus Network, most configuration
tools require the GSD file to clearly specify each of the slave devices. The GSD file
provided with the NSM should be used for this purpose.
Unlike many typical Profibus-DP Slave devices, the NSM is a Modular device. That
means its network configuration is not fixed and instead may take one of several
forms. The particular form is dependent on the configuration of the NSM input and
output data areas. After configuring the input and output data areas for the NSM,
the Profibus network master can be configured.

Configuring the Profibus Network and the NSM

When using configuration tools to configure the Profibus Master device to
communicate to the NSM, always be careful to do the following:
1. Provide the correct GSD file (GEF_0869.GSD) for the NSM.
2. Match the network address to that assigned on the Settings screen of the
VersaMax PLC Configuration.
3. First, enter each of the NSM input data areas. To correctly configure the
master to communicate to the NSM, it is necessary to first enter each and every
input data area as they appeared on the NSM Input Data Area configuration
screen. Note that an NSM Input Data Area represents an output from the
network master. For example, if an Input Data Area specified 2 bytes of input
data, the master must be configured for 2 bytes of output data or the "2 Byte
OUTPUTS" option must be selected if using a properly equipped network
configuration tool. Empty input data areas can be ignored.
4. Second, enter each of the NSM output data areas. Enter each and every output
data area as they appear on the NSM Output Data Area configuration screen.
Note that an NSM Output Data Area represents an input to the network master.
For example, if an Output Data Area specified 2 bytes of output data, the
master must be configured for 2 bytes of input data or the "2 Byte INPUTS"
option must be selected if using a properly equipped network configuration
tool. Empty output data areas can be ignored.

GFK-1534B Chapter 5 The Profibus Network Slave Module 5-5


Network Slave Module Operation

The Network Slave Module acts as an interface between the Profibus-DP network
and the VersaMax CPU. It receives data from a Profibus-DP master on the network
then sends the data as inputs to the CPU over the VersaMax backplane. The CPU
sends the NSM output data over the backplane. The NSM then provides the data to
a Profibus master via the network.
The overall data total input plus output data for the NSM is 384 bytes.

“Input” Data Sent by the Master to the NSM

The master sends the Network Slave Module a message containing up to 244 bytes
of data. The NSM stores this data into the PLC reference tables as configured.

First byte Last byte

Data from Master to Network Slave Module

Maximum Data Length = 244 bytes

“Output” Data Sent by the NSM to the Master

The Network Slave Module receives up to 244 bytes of output data from the
Versamax CPU. This data is taken out of the PLC reference tables as configured.

First byte Last byte

Data from Network Slave Module to Master

Master Maximum Data Length = 244 bytes

5-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Network Slave Module Status Data

The Profibus Network Slave Module does not log faults in the PLC fault tables.
Any status information is available in the NSM Status Area. An indication of valid
input data is provided by the Data Exchange Active bit.
If the NSM loses communication with the Profibus master, the NSM sets this bit to
0, and holds the input data in its last state. The application program can monitor this
bit, and take appropriate action if the NSM loses communication with the Profibus
master (for example, override the last input states or drive outputs to 0).

Status Data Format

Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data Rate identifier Data Rate Network Status Data
present Exchange

Bit(s) Meaning
0 Indicates whether the NSM is actively exchanging data with the Profibus master on the network.
0 = NSM is not actively exchanging data with the master. If input data has never been received, the data
is set to 0. If input data has already been received, it is held in its last state.
1 = The NSM is actively exchanging I/O Data with the Profibus master device.
1-2 The current Profibus network status of the NSM.
0 = The NSM is in the Wait for Parameter state. The master device has not attempted to communicate
with the NSM.
1 = The NSM is in the Wait for Check Configuration state. The master device has correctly identified the
2 = The NSM is in the Wait for Data Transfer state. The master device has correctly verified the
configuration of the NSM.
3 = The NSM is in a Profibus error state. An unknown error has been detected on the network.
3 The NSM has detected a master device communicating on the Profibus
0 = The NSM has not detected a data rate on the Profibus network. The network is disconnected or the
Profibus master device is not operational.
1 = The NSM has detected a data rate on the Profibus network. The actual data rate is provided in Bits
4-7 Data rate (valid only if bit 3 = 1).
0 = 12Mbaud 5 = 187.5 Kbaud
1 = 6Mbaud 6 = 93.75 Kbaud
2 = 3 Mbaud 7 = 45.5 Kbaud
3 = 1.5 Mbaud 8 = 19.2 Kbaud
4 = 500 Kbaud 9 = 9.6 Kbaud

Byte 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (always 0)

GFK-1534B Chapter 5 The Profibus Network Slave Module 5-7


Sync/Freeze Operation
The NSM supports the Profibus-standard Sync and Freeze operations. A master
device capable of the Sync and Freeze operations may periodically issue Sync
and/or Freeze commands to the NSM.

Sync Command
The Sync command is used by the master device to simultaneously drive the output
values of a group of slave devices. The Sync command is a multicast command and
is received by all of the slave devices belonging to the same group. The group that
a slave belongs to is identified in the Send Parameter step of the Profibus
configuration process. (See chapter 6 for information about Profibus operation.)
When a slave device receives the Sync command, it immediately applies the last
output values received from the master and ignores any subsequent output values.
Each time the master sends a Sync command, the slave will repeat this procedure.
In this way, a master device can drive a group of slave devices in a synchronized
manner. When the master sends the Unsync command, the slave devices no longer
ignore subsequent output values. Output values from the network are applied as

Freeze command
The Freeze command is used by the master device to take a snapshot of the input
data from a group of slave devices at the same moment in time. The Freeze
command is a multicast command and is received simultaneously by all of the slave
devices belonging to the same group. The group that a slave belongs to is
identified in the Send Parameter step of the Profibus configuration process. (See
chapter 6 for information about Profibus operation.) When a slave device receives
the Freeze command, it immediately updates its input data values to the network
and freezes them, i.e. the input values are no longer updated to the network. Each
time the master sends a Freeze command, the slave will repeat this procedure. In
this way, a master device can read inputs, that all occurred at the same moment,
from a group of slave devices, i.e. not in the usual polling (sequential) manner.
When the master sends the Unfreeze command, the slave devices no longer freeze
the input values. Input values are updated to the network as usual.

5-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Chapter Profibus Communications

This section describes communications that are controlled by the master through the
application program.
„ Profibus operation
„ NIU/NSM Communications States
„ Reading NIU/NSM Diagnostics: Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information
„ Setting the NIU/NSM Communications Parameters: Send_Parameter_Data
„ Checking the NIU/NSM Configuration: Check_Configuration_Data
„ I/O Data Exchange: Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data
„ Synchronizing I/O Data: Global_Control
„ Additional Messages for Programming Devices (Class 2 Masters)
† Reading the NIU/NSM configuration: Read_Configuration_Data
† Reading the NIU/NSM I/O buffers: Read_Input_Data and

GFK-1534B 6-1

Profibus Operation

The Profibus protocol utilizes both token-passing and master-slave communications

for optimal efficiency.

Logical Token Ring Among Master Devices

PLC Masters PLC


„ Token-passing regulates which master device is currently controlling the bus.

When a master controls the bus it may communicate with other master devices
or with slave devices such as a Profibus NIU or NSM.
The token circulates from one master to another in the order of ascending addresses.
„ Slave devices can never receive a token. Their communications are completely
controlled by the master that currently holds the token. The slave device
receives data or responds to a specific request for data from that master.
For a certain time, after a master receives a token, it is allowed to exercise the
master function on the bus. It can communicate with all slave stations in a master-
slave relationship, and with all master stations in a master-master relationship. The
protocol recognizes the addition or removal of masters. It also detects transmission
errors, addressing errors, and errors in token-passing.

6-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Transmission time depends on the number of stations and the transmission speed.
For example, the time to transmit 512 bit I/O data over 32 stations at 1.5 Mbits/sec
is approximately 6 mS (see below). As the diagram illustrates, at 500 Kbits/sec (1/3
the transmission speed), the same amount of data would reach only 1/3 as many
stations. Actual time should be calculated by the system administrator.
Bus Cycle Time (mS)

18 -
- 500 Kbits/second
14 -
10 - 1.5 Mbits/second


5 10 20 30

Number of Slaves

Communications between the Master and a VersaMax NIU or NSM

An NIU or NSM operates as a slave device on the Profibus network. All
transmissions of I/O data and diagnostics must be initiated by a class 1 (controller)
or class 2 (programmer) master. To communicate with an NIU, NSM, or other
slave, a class 1 master must:
1. Set the parameters of the slave using the Send_Parameter_Data message.
2. Send the configuration to the slave using the Check_Configuration_Data message.
3. Transfer data using Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data messages.
During operation, a class 1 master can also:
„ Read diagnostics from an NIU or NSM using the
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information message.
„ Send data synchronization commands to groups of slaves using the
Global_Control function.
The formats of these messages are described on the following pages. A class 2
master can use the following commands to obtain information about the NIU or
„ Read_Input_Data and Read_Output_Data messages provide information about
input and output data.
„ Read_Configuration_Data can be used to read configuration information.
Note that the Change_Station_Address function is not supported by the Profibus
GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-3

Communications States
A VersaMax NIU or NSM cannot communicate on the Profibus network until the
master provides it with appropriate communications parameters. After successful
powerup, the NIU/NSM waits for a Send_Parameter_Data message from the master.
After receiving the parameter data, the NIU/NSM checks its validity and sends an
acknowledgment to the master.
If the data was valid, the NIU or NSM next waits for a Check_Configuration_Data
message from the master. When the NIU/NSM receives this message, it checks its
own configuration to be sure it matches what is expected by the master. The NIU or
NSM sends a positive or negative acknowledgment to the master, depending on the
validity of the configuration message. If the configuration sent by the master does not
match that of the NIU or NSM, the NIU/NSM goes back to the Wait_Parameter state.
If the NIU or NSM has accepted both the parameter setting and configuration check,
it enters Data Exchange mode. It can then accept outputs from the master and
provide inputs from the input modules in the I/O Station.
In Data Exchange mode, an NIU or NSM can also:
„ Provide status and diagnostics to the master. (NIU only)
„ Accept control commands from the master.
„ Handle all the data management functions associated with the I/O station.
If the Profibus watchdog time is disabled by the master, the NIU or NSM remains in
Data Exchange mode even if the master stops sending I/O data. The NIU keeps
scanning I/O modules while the NSM continues to exchange I/O data with its
VersaMax headend. The NIU or NSM does not default outputs in this situation.

Profibus NIU States

Power On
Master Not Valid

Send_ Parameter_Data Wait--Parameters Check Parameters

Read_DP_Slave BDiagnostic

Check_Configuration_Data Check Configuration

Read_DP_Slave BDiagnostic
Configuration Valid

Read_DP_Slave_ Diagnostics Data Exchange Signal diagnostic
Global_Control ready to master
Read_Output_Data Check validity of
Send_Parameter_Data messages

6-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Reading NIU/NSM Diagnostics:

The NIU or NSM can provide the master with diagnostic information about its
current status. To obtain the information, the master periodically sends the
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information message to the NIU or NSM. The NSM
always responds with the required 6 bytes of information. The NIU, on the other
hand, responds with 6 bytes if there are no faults and 11 bytes if there are faults.
At startup, the master uses this message to check the NIU/NSM status prior to
sending the communications parameters or checking the NIU/NSM configuration. If
a class 2 master (such as a programmer) takes control of the NIU/NSM, the NIU/NSM
temporarily stops exchanging data with its usual master (the master that supplied its
communications parameters). By cyclically issuing a
Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information message to the NIU/NSM, that master can
determine when the class 2 master has released its control. It can then resume normal
I/O data transfer.
Message Contents: Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information
Byte Description Bit Description
0 Station Status 0 Station not Master cannot reach the NIU/NSM. If this bit is set to 1, the diagnostic bits
Byte #1 present contain the state of the previous diagnostic message. The NIU/NSM sets this bit
to 0.
1 Station not ready The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if it is not ready for data transfer.
2 Configuration fault The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if the configuration sent by the master does not
match its own.
3 Extended The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if new diagnostic information is available. A new
diagnostic fault or the clearing of faults may cause this bit to be set to 1.
4 Not sup-ported The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if it receives a request for a function that it does
not support.
5 Invalid response The master sets this bit to 1 if it receives an inconsistent response from the
NIU/NSM. The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 0.
6 Parameter fault The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if the last parameter frame was faulty (wrong
length, ID, or parameters).
7 Master lock The master sets this bit to 1 if the address in byte 4 is not its own address,
indicating the NIU/NSM has been parameterized by another master. The
NIU/NSM sets this bit to 0.
1 Station Status 0 Parameters The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if it needs to be reparameterized and
Byte #2 required reconfigured. The bit stays set until parameterization is finished.
1 Static diagnostics The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 if it wants the master to request diagnostics. For
example, the NIU/NSM would set this bit if it is not able to provide valid user
data. The master should continue to request diagnostic data until the NIU/NSM
resets this bit to 0.
2 (Set to 1 by the NIU/NSM)
3 Watchdog on If the NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1, it indicates that the Watchdog Control in the
NIU/NSM has been activated.
4 Freeze mode The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 when it receives the Freeze command.
5 Sync mode The NIU/NSM sets this bit to 1 when it receives a Sync command.
6 reserved
7 Deactivated The master sets this bit to 1 if the NIU/NSM has been marked inactive by the Send
Parameter command.

GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-5


Message Contents: Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information (continued)

Byte Description Bit Description
2 Station 0–6 Reserved
Status Byte #3 7 Diagnostic The NIU/NSM sets this bit if it receives more module diagnostics data
Overflow than it can accommodate.
3 Master Address The address of the master that parameterized the NIU/NSM. If no master has parameterized the
device, the NIU/NSM sets this byte to FF hex.
4–5 ID number For the Profibus NIU, this is 086A hex. For the Profibus NSM, this is 0869 hex.
The following bytes apply to NIU only
Start of Extended Diagnostic Data Area (bytes 6-10). Bytes 6-10 contain the fault message.
6 Fault length 0-5 Block length Length of device-related fault in bytes. Always 5 bytes.
7 Fault 0-1 Fault format Always 0.
Message 2-7 Fault code Identifies the type of fault. See chapter 3.
8 (4 bytes) 0-6 Reserved Always 0.
7 Fault Present Always 1.
9 0-1 Fault format Always 1.
2-7 Fault location Specific point/channel location of the fault. The values 0-63 correspond to
(point) point/channel 1-64.
10 0-3 Fault location Specific slot location of the fault. The values 0-8 correspond to slot 0 (the
(slot) NIU itself) to slot 8 (the last of 8 slots of the NIU).
4-6 Fault location Specific rack location of the fault. The values 0-7 correspond to rack 0 (
(rack) the main rack of the NIU) to rack 7 (the last of 7 expansion racks of the
7 Fault Present Always 1.

6-6 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Setting the NIU/NSM Communications Parameters:

After successfully checking the diagnostics status of the NIU/NSM, the master
begins communications. It first uses a Send_Parameter_Data message to send
communications parameters.
These parameters establish:
„ The ID number of the NIU (086Ah). The ID number for the NSM is (0869h).
„ The watchdog time to be used by the NIU/NSM, and whether enabled or
„ The minimum time that can elapse between frames.
„ A Group Identifier, if the NIU/NSM will be part of a group controlled using the
Global_Control message.
„ Whether Freeze mode is enabled or disabled.
„ Whether Synchronization mode is enabled or disabled.
„ Whether access by other masters is unlocked or locked. Access must be
unlocked for an NIU/NSM that is also part of a global control group. See the
next page.
The Send_Parameter_Data message may contain up to 32 bytes; however, for the
Profibus NIU/NSM, the message should only contain the 7 first bytes specified in
the standard.
After receiving the Send_Parameter_Data message, the NIU/NSM sends back a
positive acknowledgment if parameters are valid or a negative acknowledgment if
they are not.

GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-7


Message Contents: Send_Parameter_Data

Byte Description
0 Station Status (see below)
1 Watchdog Factor
Range = 1 to 255.
The time can be between 10mS and 650 seconds:
10ms x (Factor 1) x (Factor 2) TWD [seconds]
2 Watchdog Factor 2. Range = 1 to 255.
3 Minimum Station Delay Responder. The minimum time that can elapse between receiving the last bit in a frame
and the first bit of the next frame.
Can be set if both bits 6 and 7 of byte 0 (see below) are set to 0 and the ID number is identical.
4, 5 ID Number. This must match the NIU/NSM's own ID number, or the NIU/NSM will not accept the
Send_Parameter_Data message.
6 Group Identifier. This byte can be used to build groups for the function Global_Control. Each bit represents a
group. If a bit in this byte is set to 1 it indicates the control group (1–8) to which the NIU/NSM belongs).

bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Group 8 Group 1

The Group Identifier is accepted only if the Lock Access Bit (bit 7 of byte 0) is set to 1.
7 – 31 Not used by this version of the Profibus Network Interface Unit.

Station Status Bits in Byte 0

The bits in byte 0 of the Send_Parameter_Data message indicate the status of
watchdog control, freeze mode, synchronization mode, and access by other masters.
If the NIU/NSM is included in a global control group (as indicated in byte 6) the
Lock Access bit (bit 7) of this byte must be set to 1.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R e s e rv e d
W a tc h d o g c o n tro l (e n a b le d = 1 )
F re e z e m o d e e n a b le d (e n a b le d = 1 )
S y n c m o d e e n a b le d (e n a b le d = 1 )
U n lo c k a c c e s s fo r o th e r
m a s te rs (s e e b e lo w )
L o c k a c c e s s fo r o th e r m a s te rs

Bit 7 Bit 6 Meaning

0 0 Overwriting minimum Station Delay Time Responder and NIU/NSM-specific
parameter is permitted. All other parameters are unchanged.
0 1 The NIU/NSM will be unlocked for other masters.
1 0 The NIU/NSM is locked for other masters. All parameters are accepted, except a
minimum Station Delay Time Responder of 0.
1 1 The NIU/NSM is unlocked for other masters.

6-8 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Checking the NIU/NSM Configuration: Check_Configuration_Data

After the master receives a positive acknowledgment to its Send_Parameter_Data
message, it sends the NIU or NSM a Check_Configuration_Data message. This
message confirms that the data types and lengths expected by the master match
exactly the data types and lengths already established by configuration of the
The configuration check provided by the Check_Configuration_Data message
assures that the master will correctly interpret inputs and provide outputs for the I/O
If the NIU/NSM determines that the I/O types and lengths expected by the master
match the NIU/NSM's I/O configuration, it sends back a positive acknowledgment.
Otherwise, it returns a negative acknowledgement and goes back to the
Wait_Parameter state, in which case the Set_Parm message has to be sent again.

Message Contents: Check_Configuration_Data

The Check_Configuration_Data message sent by the master contains one or more
bytes of configuration data for each I/O module and the NIU. The configuration
data contains an identifier for each I/O module. An identifier may be either Normal
or Special.
Most I/O modules can be described with a single identifier byte using the format
described as the Normal Identifier Byte.

Normal Identifier Byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0-3 Length of data

00 = 1 byte or word (see bit 6)
15 = 16 bytes or words

Bit 4-5 Input or output

00 = Special Identifier format
(Use Special Identifier byte)
01 = input
10 = output
11 = input-output

Bit 6 Byte or word

0 = byte format
1 = word format

Bit 7 Consistency Over

0 = byte or word
1 = whole length

GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-9


Special Identifier Byte

Some I/O modules cannot be fully described with the Normal Identifier Byte and
must use the following Special Identifier Format which may contain 2 or 3 bytes.
I/O modules required to use the Special Identifier Format are those that are larger
than 16 bytes or 16 words or have unequal input and output lengths. For example, a
mixed analog module that has 4 channels of input and 2 channels of output would
require a 3 byte Special Identifier equal to 0xC0, 0x41, 0x43. A 20 byte input
module would require a 2 byte Special Identifier equal to 0x40, 0x13.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0-3 Length of Manufacturer Specific Data

(not used in Profibus NIU - always 0)

Bit 4-5 Always 0 - Indicates

Special Identifier Format

Bits 6-7 Input or Output or Both

00 - reserved
01 - One Length Byte follows with length of input only
10 - One Length Byte follows with length of output only
11 - Two Length Bytes follow, first byte is length of output,
second byte is length of input

Length Byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0-5 Length of inputs or outputs or both (equal length)

0 = 1 unit (units defined by Bit 6)
1 = 2 units
63 = 64 units

Bit 6 Byte or Word

0 - byte
1 - word

Bit 7 Consistency Over

0 - byte or word
1 - whole length (not used in Profibus NIU)

6-10 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

I/O Data Exchange: Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data

After the master receives a positive acknowledgment to its

Check_Configuration_Data message, it enters the Data Exchange state and
continually sends output data and retrieves input data from each slave device in a
round-robin manner. The master uses the Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data
message for this purpose. The master first sends the output data for the slave
device, and for the VersaMax NIU or NSM this data message is the Output Data
message described in Chapters 3 and 4. The slave device then immediately
responds with its input data. For the VersaMax NIU/NSM this data message is the
Input Data message also described in Chapter 3 and 4. The master then continues
the network polling operation with the next slave device. This process continues
indefinitely as long as the network and the devices remain operational.
When a fault condition is detected by the VersaMax NIU, it indicates the existence
of new fault information to the master device, by setting a Profibus-standard bit
reserved for this purpose in the Input Data message. In addition, the NIU notifies
the master application program by setting the Fault Present indication in the NIU
Status area described in Chapter 3. This Profibus-standard bit and its operation is
defined in the Profibus Protocol Specification DIN 19245, Part 3. A properly
featured master device uses this indication to retrieve the diagnostic information
with the Read_DP_Slave_Diagnostic_Information message.

GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-11


Synchronizing I/O Data: Global_Control

The master can synchronize the I/O data of multiple NIU, NSMs and other slave
devices using the Global_Control message. Each NIU/NSM can be included in a
Global Control group with the other devices with which it should be synchronized.


A Global Control Group

The master can command all of the devices in a group to:

„ Clear the states of all their I/O data to 0.
„ Freeze the content of their input data in the NIU/NSM memory and ignore the
actual input data being supplied by the I/O modules or headend. Data remains
frozen until commanded to freeze again or to unfreeze.
„ Synchronize outputs across several devices by postponing the actual I/O state
change until a Synch command is issued to the devices simultaneously.
The Global_Control message controls only the synchronization of these commands
to the group.
The actual transfer of I/O data is handled in the usual way with the
Transfer_Input_and_Output_Data message.

6-12 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

Parameter Contents: Global_Control

The Global_Control message sent by the master includes the control command
(shown below). It must also specify for which global control group the message is
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved (must be set to 0)

Clear I/O data buffer to all zeros (1 = clear)
Unfreeze input data in NIU (1 = unfreeze)
Freeze input data from modules in NIU. NIU will not update its input
buffer until the next Freeze or Unfreeze command is received.
(1 = freeze)
Unsynchronize (1 = unsynchronize)
Synchronize: output data from master is frozen at NIU and not
updated until the next Sync or Unsync command is received.
(1 = sync)
Reserved (must be set to 0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Group 1

Group 8

The assignment of the slave to a specific global control group is made by setting a
bit in the Send_Parameter_Data message.
Failing to set the reserved bits to 0 or setting conflicting bits to 1 in this message
causes the NIU or NSM to return to Wait_Parameter state and to send a “Not
Supported” error message to the master.

GFK-1534B Chapter 6 Profibus Communications 6-13


Additional Messages for Programming Devices (Class 2

Class 2 masters, such as programming devices, can additionally use the following
two messages to read information from the NIU/NSM:
„ Read_Configuration_Data can be used to read the NIU/NSM configuration.
„ Read_Input_Data and Read_Output_Data can be used to read and write the
NIU/NSM I/O buffers. Message formats are shown in chapters 3 and 4.

A class 2 master reads the configuration of the Profibus Network Interface Unit by
sending the NIU/NSM a Read_Configuration_Data message.
The message content is the same as for Check_Configuration_Data. See the
previous section on Check_Configuration_Data for details.

6-14 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Appendix The NIU GSD File

This appendix shows the contents of the GSD file for the VersaMax Profibus Network
Interface Unit. It is included only for reference; an electronic version of the GSD file is
included on a diskette with each NIU. In addition, the latest GSD file is always available
for download from the GSD Library located on the website of the Profibus Trade
Organization at
; PROFIBUS Device Database File
; DIN 19245 Part 3 (PROFIBUS-DP)
; PRODUCT : GE Fanuc VersaMax Profibus Network Interface Unit(IC200PBI001)
; PROTOCOL Profibus DP (Slave)
; MANUFACTURER : GE Fanuc Automation NA, Inc
; VENDOR : GE Fanuc Automation NA, Inc
; Rt 29N and Rt 606
; Charlottesville, Virginia USA 22911
; Phone: 1-800-GE-FANUC or 1-800-433-2682
; Website:
; REVISION : 1.05
; DATE : 19 Oct 1999
; REVISION : 1.00 - Initial Product Release
; : 1.01 - Decreased Max_Diag_Data_Len from 46 to 11 bytes
; - Added Fault ID codes 21-25
; - Increased Max_Data_Len from 350 to 375
; - Corrected bit assignments for Fault ID
; - Shortened Vendor_Name and Model_Name strings
; : 1.02 - Added module for 8 pt in
; - Added module for 8 pt in/8 pt out
; - Added module for High Speed Counter
; - Added modules for AS-interfaces
; - Changed Min_Slave_Intervall from 10 to 1
; : 1.03 - Added module for 16 pt in/8 pt out
; : 1.04 - Redefined High Speed Counter module in two parts
; : 1.05 - Corrected the Revision field to reflect revision 1.05
;---------------- General Info ---------------------------
GSD_Revision =1

GFK-1534B A-1
Vendor_Name = "GE Fanuc"
Model_Name = "VersaMax NIU"
Revision = "1.05"
Ident_Number = 0x086A
Protocol_Ident =0
Station_Type =0
FMS_supp =0
Hardware_Release = "B"
Software_Release = "V1.10"
;------------ Network Baud Rates Supported ---------------
9.6_supp =1
19.2_supp =1
93.75_supp =1
187.5_supp =1
500_supp =1
1.5M_supp =1
3M_supp =1
6M_supp =1
12M_supp =1
MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60
MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60
MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60
MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60
MaxTsdr_500 = 100
MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150
MaxTsdr_3M = 250
MaxTsdr_6M = 450
MaxTsdr_12M = 800
;--------------- PROFIBUS Features Supported -----------
Freeze_Mode_supp =1
Sync_Mode_supp =1
Auto_Baud_supp =1
Set_Slave_Add_supp =0
Min_Slave_Intervall =1
;------------- Network Communication Info --------------
Modular_Station =1
Max_Module = 65 ; Max Number of I/O modules connected to the slave
Max_Input_Len = 244 ; Max length = max length of Input Buffers transmitted to modules
Max_Output_Len = 244 ; Max length = max length of Output Buffers transmitted to modules
Max_Data_Len = 375 ; The sum of Input and Output buffer
Max_Diag_Data_Len = 11 ; Maximum length of diagnostic data
Slave_Family = 3 ; Slave Family - I/O
;--------- Slave Diagnostic Response Fault Info --------
; Define Fault ID
Unit_Diag_Area = 2-7
Value(0) = "Unknown Fault "
Value(1) = "Corrupted Configuration "
Value(2) = "Unsupported Feature "
Value(4) = "Configuration Mismatch "
Value(5) = "Fuse Blown "
Value(6) = "Loss of I/O Module "
Value(7) = "Addition of I/O Module "
Value(8) = "Extra I/O Module "
Value(9) = "Loss of User Power "
Value(10) = "Open Wire "
Value(11) = "High Alarm "
Value(12) = "Low Alarm "
Value(13) = "Overrange "
Value(14) = "Underrange "
Value(15) = "Short Circuit "
Value(16) = "Nonvolatile Store Fault "
Value(17) = "Loss of Non-I/O Module "
Value(18) = "Addition of Non-I/O Module "
Value(19) = "Insufficient Config Memory "
Value(20) = "Module Not Configured "

A-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Value(21) = "Input Point Fault "
Value(22) = "Wiring Fault "
Value(23) = "Thermistor Fault "
Value(24) = "A/D Converter Fault "
Value(25) = "Mail Queue Full "
; Define Fault Rack Location
Unit_Diag_Area = 28-30
Value(0) = "Rack 0 "
Value(1) = "Rack 1 "
Value(2) = "Rack 2 "
Value(3) = "Rack 3 "
Value(4) = "Rack 4 "
Value(5) = "Rack 5 "
Value(6) = "Rack 6 "
Value(7) = "Rack 7 "
; Define Fault Slot Location
Unit_Diag_Area = 24-27
Value(0) = "Slot 0 "
Value(1) = "Slot 1 "
Value(2) = "Slot 2 "
Value(3) = "Slot 3 "
Value(4) = "Slot 4 "
Value(5) = "Slot 5 "
Value(6) = "Slot 6 "
Value(7) = "Slot 7 "
Value(8) = "Slot 8 "
; Define Fault Point
Unit_Diag_Area = 18-23
Value(0) = "Point 1 "
Value(1) = "Point 2 "
Value(2) = "Point 3 "
Value(3) = "Point 4 "
Value(4) = "Point 5 "
Value(5) = "Point 6 "
Value(6) = "Point 7 "
Value(7) = "Point 8 "
Value(8) = "Point 9 "
Value(9) = "Point 10 "
Value(10) = "Point 11 "
Value(11) = "Point 12 "
Value(12) = "Point 13 "
Value(13) = "Point 14 "
Value(14) = "Point 15 "
Value(15) = "Point 16 "
;--------------- I/O Module Definitions ----------------
Module = "VersaMax Profibus NIU" 0x31
Module = "8pt In" 0x10
Module = "16pt In" 0x11
Module = "32pt In" 0x13
Module = "8pt In/8pt Out" 0x30
Module = "16pt In/8pt Out" 0xC0,0x00,0x01
Module = "16pt In/16pt Out" 0x31

GFK-1534B Appendix A The NIU GSD File A-3

Module = "10pt In/6pt Out" 0xC0,0x00,0x01
Module = "20pt In/12pt Out" 0xC0,0x01,0x02
Module = "8pt Out" 0x20
Module = "16pt Out" 0x21
Module = "32pt Out" 0x23
Module = "4ch Analog Out" 0x63
Module = "8ch Analog Out" 0x67
Module = "4ch Analog In/2ch Analog Out" 0xC0,0x41,0x43
Module = "4ch Analog In" 0x53
Module = "7ch Analog In" 0x56
Module = "8ch Analog In" 0x57
Module = "High Speed Counter Part 1 of 2" 0xC0,0x03,0x04
Module = "High Speed Counter Part 2 of 2" 0xC0,0x53,0x4c
Module = "AS-interface (31 slaves)" 0xC0,0x13,0x13
Module = "AS-interface (62 slaves)" 0xC0,0x27,0x27

A-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Appendix The NSM GSD File

This appendix shows the contents of the GSD file for the VersaMax Profibus Network
Slave Module. It is included only for reference; an electronic version of the GSD file is
included on a diskette with each NSM. In addition, the latest GSD file is always available
for download from the GSD Library located on the website of the Profibus Trade
Organization at
; PROFIBUS Device Database File
; DIN 19245 Part 3 (PROFIBUS-DP)
; PRODUCT : GE Fanuc VersaMax Profibus Network Slave Module (IC200BEM002)
; PROTOCOL : Profibus DP (Slave)
; MANUFACTURER : GE Fanuc Automation NA, Inc
; VENDOR : GE Fanuc Automation NA, Inc
; Rt 29N and Rt 606
; Charlottesville, Virginia USA 22911
; Phone: 1-800-GE-FANUC or 1-800-433-2682
; Website:
; REVISION : 1.00
; DATE : 29 March 1999
; REVISION : 1.00 - Initial Product Release
;---------------- General Info ---------------------------
GSD_Revision =1
Vendor_Name = "GE Fanuc"
Model_Name = "VersaMax NSM"
Revision = "1.00"
Ident_Number = 0x0869
Protocol_Ident =0
Station_Type =0
FMS_supp =0
Hardware_Release = "B"
Software_Release = "V1.00"

GFK-1534B B-1
;------------ Network Baud Rates Supported ---------------
9.6_supp =1
19.2_supp =1
93.75_supp =1
187.5_supp =1
500_supp =1
1.5M_supp =1
3M_supp =1
6M_supp =1
12M_supp =1
MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60
MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60
MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60
MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60
MaxTsdr_500 = 100
MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150
MaxTsdr_3M = 250
MaxTsdr_6M = 450
MaxTsdr_12M = 800
;--------------- PROFIBUS Features Supported -----------
Freeze_Mode_supp =1
Sync_Mode_supp =1
Auto_Baud_supp =1
Set_Slave_Add_supp =0
Min_Slave_Intervall =1
;------------- Network Communication Info --------------
Modular_Station =1
Max_Module = 32 ; Max Number of I/O modules connected to the slave
Max_Input_Len = 244 ; Max length = max length of Input Buffers transmitted to modules
Max_Output_Len = 244 ; Max length = max length of Output Buffers transmitted to modules
Max_Data_Len = 384 ; The sum of Input and Output buffer
Max_Diag_Data_Len = 6 ; Maximum length of diagnostic data
Slave_Family = 10 ; Slave Family - PLC
;Configuration consists of Output configuration bytes followed by
;Input Bytes. There may be a total of 16 configuration bytes. Only
;byte/word consistancy is supported.
; Module-Definitions:
Module = " 1 Byte INPUT " 0x10
Module = " 2 Byte INPUTS " 0x11
Module = " 3 Byte INPUTS " 0x12
Module = " 4 Byte INPUTS " 0x13
Module = " 5 Byte INPUTS " 0x14
Module = " 6 Byte INPUTS " 0x15
Module = " 7 Byte INPUTS " 0x16
Module = " 8 Byte INPUTS " 0x17
Module = " 9 Byte INPUTS " 0x18

B-2 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B
Module = "10 Byte INPUTS " 0x19
Module = "11 Byte INPUTS " 0x1A
Module = "12 Byte INPUTS " 0x1B
Module = "13 Byte INPUTS " 0x1C
Module = "14 Byte INPUTS " 0x1D
Module = "15 Byte INPUTS " 0x1E
Module = "16 Byte INPUTS " 0x1F
Module = " 1 WORD INPUT " 0x50
Module = " 2 WORD INPUTS " 0x51
Module = " 3 WORD INPUTS " 0x52
Module = " 4 WORD INPUTS " 0x53
Module = " 5 WORD INPUTS " 0x54
Module = " 6 WORD INPUTS " 0x55
Module = " 7 WORD INPUTS " 0x56
Module = " 8 WORD INPUTS " 0x57
Module = " 9 WORD INPUTS " 0x58
Module = "10 WORD INPUTS " 0x59
Module = "11 WORD INPUTS " 0x5A
Module = "12 WORD INPUTS " 0x5B
Module = "13 WORD INPUTS " 0x5C
Module = "14 WORD INPUTS " 0x5D
Module = "15 WORD INPUTS " 0x5E
Module = "16 WORD INPUTS " 0x5F
Module = " 1 Byte OUTPUT " 0x20
Module = " 2 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x21
Module = " 3 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x22
Module = " 4 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x23
Module = " 5 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x24
Module = " 6 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x25

GFK-1534B Appendix B The NSM GSD File B-3

Module = " 7 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x26
Module = " 8 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x27
Module = " 9 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x28
Module = "10 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x29
Module = "11 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2A
Module = "12 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2B
Module = "13 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2C
Module = "14 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2D
Module = "15 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2E
Module = "16 Byte OUTPUTS " 0x2F
Module = " 1 WORD OUTPUT " 0x60
Module = " 2 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x61
Module = " 3 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x62
Module = " 4 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x63
Module = " 5 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x64
Module = " 6 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x65
Module = " 7 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x66
Module = " 8 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x67
Module = " 9 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x68
Module = "10 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x69
Module = "11 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6A
Module = "12 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6B
Module = "13 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6C
Module = "14 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6D
Module = "15 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6E
Module = "16 WORD OUTPUTS " 0x6F

B-4 VersaMax™ System Profibus Network Modules User's Manual – November 2000 GFK-1534B

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