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Grade 10 Module - Caregiving

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Technology and Livelihood
Implement and Monitor Infection
Control Policies and Procedure in

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and LivelihoodEducation – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 1: Recognize PECs needed in Caregiving
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Lanaodel Norte
Schools Division Superintendent: Edilberto L. Oplenaria, CESO V
Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Florida B. Paglinawan, Master Teacher I

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Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
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Technology and Livelihood
Quarter 1-Module 1:
Implement and Monitor Infection
Control Policies and Procedure in

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines



Lesson 1 – Implement and Monitor Infection Control and Procedure 1


What I Need to Know 1

What I Know 1
What’s In 3
What’s New 4
What is It 5
What’s More 6
What I Have Learned 10
What I Can Do 10
Assessment 13
Additional Activities 15

Lesson 2 – Respond Effectively to Difficult Situations or Challenging 16


What I Need to Know 16

What I Know 16
What’s In 18
What’s New 19
What is It 19
What’s More 20
What I Have Learned 23
What I Can Do 24
Assessment 25
Additional Activities 27

Lesson 3 – Apply Basic First Aid (BA) 27

What I Need to Know 27

What I Know 28
What’s In 29
What’s New 30
What is It 31
What’s More 31
What I Have Learned 33
What I Can Do 34
Assessment 35
Additional Activities 36
Lesson 4 – Maintain High Standard of Patient Services Communicate
Appropriately with Patients

What I Need to Know

What I Know
What’s In
What’s New
What is It
What’s More
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Additional Activities
Lesson Implement Infection Control and Procedures

Welcome to Grade 11 Caregiving! Are you ready to learn and get a National Certificate
(NCII) in Caregiving? If you are then that’s good to hear from you. Don’t you know that one
of the requirements to work as caregiver or nanny abroad is to have an NCII Certificate.
Well, you must be equipped with the different skills in caregiving.
This module is about the common and core competencies or skills in Caregiving National
Certificate Level II ( NC II ). It consists of the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Implement and Monitor Infection Control and Procedures (IC)
Lesson 2: Respond Effectively to Difficult or Challenging Behavior (DB)
Lesson3: Apply Basic First Aid (BA)
Lesson 4: Maintain High Standard of Patient Services and Communicate
Appropriately with patients

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:


Lesson 1:
a. Define infection and infection control
b. Identify the organization’s infection control policies and procedures into work
c. Monitor infection control performance and implement improvement into

What I Know

Pre Test
Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read the following statements/ questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer from the options given below. Write Capital Letter for your answer. Write it in
your activity notebook.
1. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Face mask B. Hand glove C. Helmet D. Umbrella

2. Which of the following is included in basic infection control procedures and keeping
the workplace clean?
A. Handwashing C. Daily bathing
B. Environmental cleaning D. Social distancing

3. Which of the following is the first method of infection control?

A. Facility cleaning
B. Respiratory hygiene
C. Physical distancing
D. Hand hygiene

4. What kind of tool is used when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions,
mucous membranes and non-intact skin?
A. Food tongs C. Plastic cellophane
B. Gloves D. Aprons

5. Which of the following is not a method of infection control?

A. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization.
B. Practice respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, physical and social distancing.
C. Eat a balanced diet everyday and take food supplement regularly.
D. Document and report activities and tasks that put clients and/or other workers at

6. Which of the following is the performance criteria to maintain personal hygiene?

A. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorized

B. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated

contaminated zone.
C. Cover cuts and abrasions with waterproof dressings and change as necessary.
D. Identify infection risk and implement an appropriate response within own role and

7. Which of the following is not included for facial protection?

A. Eye goggles C. Sun glasses
B. Face masks D. Helmet

8. It is the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents such
as bacteria or virus.
A. Infection B. Sterilization C. Injection D. Prevention

9. Which of the following does not belong to the group as sanitizers?

A. Alcohol B. Soap C. Hand sanitizers D. Hand and body lotion

10. What is the foundation of good infection control policies and procedures of the
A. Is to remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the
B. Is to identify risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and
C. To assume that everyone is potentially infectious.

D. To follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as

11. The incubation period of a common cold is usually

A. 1-2 days B. 2-3 months C. one week D. one month

12. This is oftentimes the result of generalized infection and inflammation

A. Cold B. Fever C. Cough D. Swelling

13. Which of the following is not a communicable disease carrier?

A. Cat B. Dog C. Plant D. Human

14. What does infection control mean?

A. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-design contaminated
B. Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose
C. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health
care works.
D. Discipline concerned with preventing nosocomial or health care associated
infection, a practical sub-discipline of epidemiology.

15. It is a scientific approach and practical solution designed to prevent harm caused by
infection to patients and health workers.
A. COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control
B. Infection prevention and control FOR VALIDATION

C. Disease control and prevention

D. Blood pressure prevention and control

What’s In

Directions: Match the pictures in column A with the descriptions in column B. Write the letter
of your choice on your activity notebook.
1. Nowadays our community, our government is troubled with the ____________.
A. Locally stranded individuals
B. Person under monitoring
C. Corona virus pandemic
D. Illegal drug and child trafficking

2. What is required to be worn every time we go out from home to market and public
places under the new normal f the COVID-19 pandemic?
A. Face mask
B. Eye goggles
C. Home quarantine pass
D. Personal Identification card

3. Why is COVID-19/Corona Virus Disease 2019 considered a pandemic?
A. It is throughout Mindanao
B. It is a worldwide spread
C. It is province wide disease
D. It is a nationwide epidemic

4. How will you protect yourself from contamination of COVID-19?

A. Eat a balanced diet everyday
B. Take a bath twice a daily
C. Clean and sanitize surroundings
D. Wear face mask and practice physical or social distancing when staying in public

5. Which of the following is the best standard practice to prevent contamination of

bacteria and viruses?
A. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorized
B. Place appropriate signs when and where necessary
C. Integrate the organization’s infection control policies and procedures into work
D. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment


Definition of Infection:

Infection – is the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents
(such as bacteria, protozoans or viruses).

Infection Prevention and Control – WHO

Infection prevention and control (IPC) – is a scientific approach and practical solution
designed to prevent harm caused by infection to patients and health workers. It is
grounded in infectious diseases, epidemiology, social science and health system

What are the five basic principles of infection control?

These include standard precautions (hand hygiene, PPE, injection safety, environmental
cleaning, and respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette) and the transmission – bases precautions
(contact, droplet, and airborne).

What is It

What does infection control mean?

Infection control is the discipline concerned with preventing nosocomial or health care
associated infection, a practical (rather than academic) sub-discipline of epidemiology.

… Anti-infective agents include antibiotics, antibacterial, antifungals, antiviral,

and antiprotozoal.

What are the three methods of infection control?

 Hand Hygiene
 Gloves – wear when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions,
mucous membranes, non-intact skin.
 Facial Protection (eyes, nose, and mouth)
 Gown

 Prevention of needle stick injuries
 Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
 Physical and social distancing FOR VALIDATION

 Environmental cleaning
 Linens
 Utensils
 Facilities/sewer
Basic infection control procedure include hand washing and keeping the workplace clean.

What are infection control policies and procedures?

Infection control in the workplace aims to prevent pathogens being passed from one person
to another. The foundation of good infection control is to assume that everyone is potentially

What’s More

Integrate the organization’s infection control policies and procedures into work practices.

Elements and Performance Criteria

1. Follow infection control 1.1 Demonstrate the application of standard precautions
guidelines to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with
organisation requirements.

1.2 Demonstrate the application of additional

precautions when standard precautions alone may not
be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection.

1.3 Minimise contamination of materials, equipment and

instruments by aerosols and splatter.

2. Identify and respond to 2.1 Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate

infection risks response within own role and responsibility.

2.2 Document and report activities and tasks that put

clients and/or other workers at risk.

2.3 Respond appropriately to situations that pose an

infection risk in accordance with the policies and
procedures of the organisation.

2.4 Follow procedures for risk control and risk

containment for specific risks.

2.5 Follow protocols for care following exposure to blood

or other body fluids as required.

2.6 Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate

2.7 Remove spills in accordance with the policies and

procedures of the organization.

3. Maintain personal hygiene 3.1 Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and
after client contact and/or after any activity likely to
cause contamination

3.2 Follow hand washing procedures

3.3 Implement hand care procedures

3.4 Cover cuts and abrasions with water-proof dressings

and change as necessary

4. Use personal protective 4.1 Wear persona; protective clothing and equipment
equipment that complies with Australian/New Zealand Standards,
and is appropriate for the intended use

4.2 Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily,

more frequently if soiled and where appropriate, after
each client contact.

5. Limit contamination 5.1 Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated

zones in all aspects of health care work.

5.2 Confine records, materials and medicaments to a

well-designated clean zone

5.3 Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to

a well-designed contaminated zone

6. Handle, package, label, 6.1 Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and

store, transport and equipment in accordance with occupational health and

dispose of clinical and safety policies and procedures when handling waste
other waste
6.2 Separate waste at the point where it has been
generated and dispose of into waste containers that are
colour coded and identified

6.3 Store clinical or related waste in an area that is

accessible only to authorized persons

6.4 Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose

of waste appropriately to minimize potential for contact
with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environment
from accidental release

6.5 Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies

and procedures of the organization and legislative

7. Clean environmental 7.1 Wear personal protective clothing and equipment

surfaces during cleaning procedures

7.2 Remove all dust, dirt and physical debris from work

7.3 Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and

warm water solution before and after each session or
when visibly soiled

7.4 Decontaminated equipment requiring special

processing in accordance with quality management
systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning,
disinfect and sterilization protocols

7.5 Dry all work surfaces before and after use

7.6 Replace surface covers where applicable

7.7 Maintain and store cleaning equipment

Personal Protective Equipment

Facemask Shoes Helmet


Gown Eye Goggles Hand Gloves


How will you monitor infection control performance and implement improvement into


To demonstrate competence for this unit the worker must acquire knowledge and skills

Essential knowledge:

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do

the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and
manage the contingencies in the context of the identified work role

This includes the knowledge of:

 Additional precautions
 Aspects of infectious diseases including:
o opportunistic organisms
o pathogens
 Basic microbiology including:
o bacterial and bacterial spores
o fungi
o viruses
 Clean and sterile techniques
 Disease transmission:
o paths of transmission including direct contact, aerosol and penetrating injuries
o risk of acquisition FOR VALIDATION

o sources of infecting microorganisms including persons who carries, in the

incubation phase of the disease or those who are acutely ill
 Effective hand hygiene:
o procedures for routine handwash
o procedures for surgical handwash
o when hands must be washed
 Good personal hygiene practice including hand care
 Identification requirements relating to immunization, where applicable
 Organization requirements relating to infectious risks in the workplace
 Personal protective equipment:
o guidelines for glove use
o guidelines for wearing gowns and waterproof aprons
o guidelines for wearing masks as required
o guidelines for wearing protective glasses
 Standard precautions
 Susceptible hosts including persons who are immune suppressed, have chronic
disease such as diabetes and the very young or very old
 Surface cleaning:
o cleaning procedures at the start and end of the day
o managing a blood or body fluid spill
o routine surface cleaning
 Sharps handling and disposal techniques
 The organization’s infection control policies and procedures

What I Have Learned

Activity 1.4


1. What will you do to respond infection risk after identifying the risk?
A. Document and report activities and tasks that put clients and/or other workmates
at risk.
B. Respond appropriately to situations that pose an infection risk in accordance with
policies and procedures on health protocols.
C. Follow protocol for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as
D. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization.

2. What is the objective of workplace infection control?

A. To minimize contamination
B. To promote physical and social distancing
C. To use personal protective equipment at all times
D. To prevent pathogens being passed from one person to another

3. What is the foundation of goof infection control?

A. To wash and sanitize hands
B. To use face mask and eye goggles
C. To practice physical and social distancing
D. To assume that everyone is potentially infectious

4. Which of the following is not part of the cleaning process of environmental surfaces?
A. Change protective gown and aprons daily, more frequently is soiled and where
appropriate, after each client contact.
B. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures.
C. Clean all work surfaces with neutral detergent and warm water solution before
and after each session or when visibly soiled.
D. Decontaminate equipment requiring special processing in accordance with quality
management systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfect and
sanitation protocols.

5. If you are the caregiver, what will be your best advice to patient having cough to
prevent contamination?
A. Encourage him or her to drink more glasses of drinking water and juices.
B. Serve him/her with more fruits and vegetables during meal time.
C. Bring him/her to the nearest hospital or clinic for immediate health check-up.
D. Provide him/her with disposable tissue and instruct them to cover their mouth and
nose when close contact with other persons when necessary.

6. Which of the following is the best method of COVID-19 transmission?
A. Food B. Soil C. Water D. Droplets

7. It occur when harmful organism enters the body and grows, causing illness or
A. Fever B. Infection C. Virus D. Bacteria

8. It is a kind of infection that develops slowly, with mild but longer lasting symptoms.
A. Chronic infection
B. Acute infection
C. Systemic infection
D. Focal infection

9. It is a type of disease caused by pathogens that are easily spread, a contagious

A. Communicable disease
B. Non-communicable disease
C. Hepatitis
D. Hypertension

10. Which of the following could not be transferred by means of saliva or droplets?
A. Mumps B. COVID-19 C. Tuberculosis D. Cholera

What I Can Do

Activity 1.5

Activity to be performed: Integrate the organization’s infection control policies and

procedures into work practices.

A. Directions: Rearrange the following procedures or performance criteria on infection

control policies and procedures in a workplace. Write it in your activity notebook.

1. How will you handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of clinical and other

Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies and procedures of the

organization and legislative requirements.

Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to

minimize potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the
environment from accidental release.

Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorized
Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste
containers that are colour coded and identified.

Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment in accordance with

occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste.

2. How and when will you use personal protective equipment?

Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently if soiled and
where appropriate, after each client contact.

Wear persona; protective clothing and equipment that complies with Australian/New
Zealand Standards, and is appropriate for the intended use

3. How will you clean environmental surfaces?

Decontaminated equipment requiring special processing in accordance with quality

management systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfect and
sterilization protocols

Dry all work surfaces before and after use

Replace surface covers where applicable

Maintain and store cleaning equipment

Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures


Remove all dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces

Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and warm water solution before and
after each session or when visibly soiled

Directions: Draw a star (☆) on the blank before the number if the statement is
correct and put a question mark sign (?) if the statement is wrong.

_________ 1. Remove all the dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces.
_________ 2. Wear hand gloves if you are in doubt that patient is contaminated with
skin disease.
_________ 3. Always wear personal protective clothing or equipment during cleaning
_________ 4. In this new normal, never mind wearing facemask as long as your
patient or client takes a bathe twice daily.
_________ 5. Follow health protocols for care following exposure to blood and other
body fluids as required.
_________ 6. Follow infection control guidelines to prevent the spread of infection
and serious illness.
_________ 7. Discard leftover foods and other waste in any desired area.
_________ 8. The foundation of good infection control is to assume that everyone is
potentially infectious with the deadly virus.
_________ 9. Headache, sore throat, fever, feeling of exhaustion, and cough are
symptoms of disease.
_________ 10. Sterilization of anything used and touched by an infected person is an

effective preventive measure to fight infection.


Post Test
Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read the following statements/ questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer from the options given below. Write Capital Letter for your answer. Write it in
your activity notebook.
1. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Face mask B. Hand glove C. Helmet D. Umbrella

2. Which of the following is included in basic infection control procedures and keeping
the workplace clean?
A. Handwashing C. Daily bathing
B. Environmental cleaning D. Social distancing

3. Which of the following is the first method of infection control?

A. Facility cleaning
B. Respiratory hygiene FOR VALIDATION

C. Physical distancing
D. Hand hygiene

4. What kind of tool is used when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions,
mucous membranes and non-intact skin?
A. Food tongs C. Plastic cellophane
B. Gloves D. Aprons

5. Which of the following is not a method of infection control?

A. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization.
B. Practice respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, physical and social distancing.
C. Eat a balanced diet everyday and take food supplement regularly.
D. Document and report activities and tasks that put clients and/or other workers at

6. Which of the following is the performance criteria to maintain personal hygiene?

A. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorized
B. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated
contaminated zone.
C. Cover cuts and abrasions with waterproof dressings and change as necessary.
D. Identify infection risk and implement an appropriate response within own role and

7. Which of the following is not included for facial protection?

A. Eye goggles C. Sun glasses
B. Face masks D. Helmet

8. It is the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents such
as bacteria or virus.
A. Infection B. Sterilization C. Injection D. Prevention

9. Which of the following does not belong to the group as sanitizers?

A. Alcohol B. Soap C. Hand sanitizers D. Hand and body lotion

10. What is the foundation of good infection control policies and procedures of the
A. Is to remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the
B. Is to identify risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and
C. To assume that everyone is potentially infectious.
D. To follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as

11. The incubation period of a common cold is usually

A. 1-2 days B. 2-3 months C. one week D. one month

12. This is oftentimes the result of generalized infection and inflammation

A. Cold B. Fever C. Cough
D. Swelling

13. Which of the following is not a communicable disease carrier?

A. Cat B. Dog C. Plant D. Human

14. What does infection control mean?

A. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-design contaminated
B. Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose
C. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health
care works.
D. Discipline concerned with preventing nosocomial or health care associated
infection, a practical sub-discipline of epidemiology.

15. It is a scientific approach and practical solution designed to prevent harm caused by
infection to patients and health workers.
A. COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control
B. Infection prevention and control
C. Disease control and prevention
D. Blood pressure prevention and control

Additional Activities

Directions: Regroup or re-arrange the following health protocols to prevent contamination

of infection disease. Write your answers in your activity notebook.

Group A Write your answer here

Limit contamination

Group B Write your answer here

Maintain personal hygiene

Given: Rambled health protocols on how to limit contamination and maintain personal
Follow hand washing procedures FOR VALIDATION

Implement hand care procedures

Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designed contaminated


Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health care

Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after client contact and/or after
any activity likely to cause contamination

Confine records, materials and medicaments to a well-designated clean zone

Cover cuts and abrasions with water-proof dressings and change as necessary

Lesson Respond Effectively to
2 Difficult/Challenging Behavior (DB)

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

a. Define challenging and difficult behaviour,
b. Identify cases of challenging behaviour,
c. Select appropriate strategy or strategies in dealing with difficult or challenging


Pre Test
Multiple Choice: Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer
from the options given below. Write capital letter for your answer. Write it in your activity
1. What is defined as culturally abnormal behaviors of such intensity, frequency of
duration that the physical safety of the person or others is placed in a serious
A. Good manners
B. Right conduct
C. Challenging behavior
D. Withdrawn behavior

2. This behavior is likely to seriously limit or deny access to the use of ordinary.
A. Challenging behavior
B. Withdrawn behavior
C. Right conduct
D. Good manners

3. This is essentially inhibits the performance of others.

A. Difficult situation
B. Difficult behavior
C. Challenging behavior

D. Ordinary behavior

4. It is the accidental, but can also be the result of intentional thought

A. Most difficult behavior
B. Most troubled situation
C. Most miserable condition
D. Most negative approach

5. How do you manage patients with challenging behavior?

A. Call 911
B. Call your neighbour
C. Call their family
D. Call for help

6. Which of the following is the first thing to do when challenging behavior happens?
A. Keep calm
B. Call for help
C. Respond with empathy
D. Back off where possible

7. Which of the following is not used to manage patients with challenging behavior?
A. Back off where possible
B. Leave the person to calm down, if possible
C. Remove others from the environment, if possible
D. Provide him/her a cold drinks/juice to calm

8. Which of the following is not used to address challenging behavior?

A. Bring him/her to the nearest psychologist in the locality
B. Practice positive language
C. Explain why a behavior is not okay
D. Allow them to make some good choices

9. The most effective way to address challenging behavior positively.

A. Respond with empathy
B. Allow to make some choices
C. Practice positive language
D. Use a warm loving voice

10. How will you protect yourself from being affected with the patient challenging
A. Simply follow his command.
B. Shout him to stop doing bad.
C. Give him a bottle of wine to make him fall asleep.
D. Use words, hugs and speak with loving voice to calm down.

11. Why will challenging behavior happen?

A. No friend left
B. Feeling unwell or in pain
C. Far away from family members
D. It is his/her normal attitude

12. There is no class on how to build this with patients, this skill is only learned through
A. Relation
B. Respect
C. Rapport
D. Respond

13. Which of the following connects you to your patients an can improve patient care?
A. Eye contact
B. Rapport
C. Empathy
D. Body language

14. When speaking to person with challenging behavior, you must ______________.
A. Be aware of body language and tone of voice used to the person.
B. Be alert and talk only when given the chance to talk.
C. Allow their family to help them calm down.
D. Listen to their story but make sure not to give comments,

15. Which of the following will cause a challenging behavior?

A. Success in life
B. Interests from business
C. Love of friends and family
D. Feeling upset or distressed about something, perhaps a change in routine.

What’s In

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write True if it is correct and False if it is wrong.
Write it in your activity notebook.
___________ 1. Effective communication skills are essential when dealing with situations
that are complex, sensitive, abusive, or challenging.
___________ 2. Challenging behavior must be ignored to avoid incoming problems.
___________ 3. COVID-19/Corona Virus disease is not infectious.
___________ 4. Difficult situations due to harmful effects of COVID-19 pandemic is not
challenging to some countries.
___________ 5. Challenging behavior includes shyness, anxiety, school phobia and social
___________ 6. Remove from your child’s reach things that are not for children of are

___________ 7. Always find time to leave the person with difficult and challenging behavior
even if he/she is your client or patient.
___________ 8. If a patient can get up and move around, he/she should be moved in a
wheel chair and left alone to walk.
___________ 9. Part of caregiver’s challenge is to make patient’s room always be clean.
___________ 10. This is one of the caregiver’s challenge to be sensitive to noise, because
noise can cause headache and make the patient irritable and will show
challenging behavior.

What’s New

Directions: Look at the picture below and observe what are the things they do. Write
three (3) to five (5) sentences of the things observed. Write it in your activity


What is It

Directions: Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answer in your activity
1. Based on the picture, if you are the caregiver, what will you do with them as your
A. Talk to them positively
B. Leave them to calm down
C. Call help from police
D. Remove others from the environment, if possible

2. If they calm down from that challenging situation, what will you do?
A. Back off where possible
B. Stay away from troubles
C. Simply keep calm
D. Explain why behavior is not okay

3. How to prevent challenging behaviors to children?

A. Bring him/her to a public place for enjoyment.
B. Let them engage in horse play with nearest neighbours.
C. Teach them some moral values in life.
D. Think of your children’s needs when you plan things to do with them.

4. How will you recognize positive behavior in children?

A. Give them toys to play with
B. Allow them to swim in the pool with their friends
C. Let them do things they want to do alone in their room
D. Use words, hugs and kisses FOR VALIDATION

5. To address challenging behavior to children, it is okay to

A. Give them freedom
B. Allow them to make some choices
C. Ignore their feelings
D. Stay with their friends and families.

What’s More

Directions: Read the following information carefully.

Challenging behaviour also known as behaviours which challenge, is defined as “culturally
abnormal behaviours of such intensity frequency of duration that the physical safety of the
person or others is placed in serious jeopardy, or behaviour which is likely to seriously limit
or deny access to the use of ordinary.

Difficult behaviour – is essentially that which inhibits the performance of others. Left alone it
will get worse, affect more people and continue to incur hidden costs for the organization in
which it occurs. Most difficult behaviour is accidental, but can also be the result of intentional

Examples of challenging behaviour include:
 Withdrawn behaviours such as shyness, rocking, staring, anxiety, school phobia,
truancy, social isolation or hand flapping.
 Disruptive behaviours such as being out-of-seat, catcalling, tantrums, swearing,
screaming or refusing to follow instructions.

How do you manage patients with challenging behaviours?

When challenging behaviour happens:
1. Back off where possible.
2. Keep calm.
3. Call for help
4. Leave the person to calm down, if possible.
5. Remove others from the environment, if possible.
6. Be aware of body language and tone of voice used to the person.

How do you address challenging behaviours?

Addressing challenging behaviours positively:

1. Use a warm, loving voice. Children won’t only respond to the words you say, they will
also respond to the way you say them,
2. Explain why a behaviour is not okay, FOR VALIDATION

3. Allow children to make some choices,

4. Respond with empathy
5. Practice positive language.

How can we stop challenging behaviours?

How to prevent challenging behaviours:

1. Use words, hugs and kisses to recognize positive behaviours.

2. Remove from your child’s reach things that are not for children or are dangerous.
3. Always have toys and fun things at home, in care, in your bag and when you travel.
4. Think of your children’s needs when you plan things to do with them.

Causes of challenging behaviours:

 Feeling unwell or in pain,
 Hormonal changes may cause aggression during puberty,
 Frustration at being told off, not being listened to or not being understood,
 Feeling upset or distressed about something, perhaps a change in routine,
 Depression, anxiety or even excitement.

How do you use communication skills to manage complex sensitive abusive or challenging

Effective communication skills are essential when dealing with situations that are
complex, sensitive, abusive, or challenging. Maintaining a calm outward composure, a
nonthreatening posture and using a soft but assertive tone of voice can help diffuse difficult

How to Build Rapport with Patients: 7 Effective Tips for RNs


Have you ever considered ways to build rapport with your patients?

Good rapport creates a close and harmonious relationship with patients. It allows you to
understand your patient's feelings and communicate well with them. 
The importance of rapport can’t be stressed enough in nursing. It connects you to your
patients and can improve patient care.  Because of that, nurses must seek ways to build
rapport with each patient. However, rapport is not a “one-size fits all” tool. You can build
rapport using the patient's communication preferences and current health situation.
Unfortunately, there is no class on how to build rapport with patients. Rapport is a skill only
learned through practice. It may also come easier with some patients than with others. That
said, you should attempt to build rapport even if the nurse-patient relationship is short.

7 Ways To Build Rapport With Patients

1. Maintain Eye Contact. Maintaining eye contact communicates care and

compassion. It can also show empathy and interest in your patient’s situation. Eye
contact and social touch connects you to your patients and communicates

2. Show Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand the patient’s situation,

perspective and feelings. It allows you to deliver more personalized patient care. The
empathetic nurse communicates and acts on their understanding of the patient.

3. Open Communication. One study found good communication to be a key factor in

improving patient outcomes. Understanding your patient’s communication
preferences and state of mind will help build rapport. Informing your patient of new
orders or changes in their condition is one way to do this. Encouraging your patient to

share their feelings with you is another. Open communication is one of the
most essential nurse communication skills needed for success.

4. Make it Personal. Being a patient can be scary. To help ease their stay, take the
time to get to know your patients. Ask about their friends and family, hobbies, and
other important aspects of their life. This communicates your desire to understand
them as a person, not only as a patient. This is an easy way to learn how to build
rapport with your patients.

5. Active Listening. Active listening is an essential holistic healthcare tool. It is a non-

intrusive way of sharing a patient’s thoughts and feelings. To practice active listening,
follow these steps:
 Listen to what the patient is saying.
 Repeat what you heard to the patient.
 Check with the patient to ensure your reflection is correct.

The goal of active listening is to reflect the feeling or intent behind their words. You
should listen to understand, not to respond. Practice active listening as one of several
ways to build rapport.

6. Practice Mirroring. Matching the patient’s demeanor, disposition, and rhythm

quickly establishes rapport. This may even mean raising your voice to match a loud
patient to create a synchronized bond.

Then, with a low voice and measured movements, lead the patient to a better place.
Use mirroring to become attuned to the patient during difficult conversations.

7. Keep Your Word. Keeping your word is one of the most effective ways to build
rapport with patients. If you tell them you will do something, do it. If your ability to

complete a task changes, communicate this with the patient. Don’t over-promise and
under deliver. Keeping your word with patients not only builds rapport, it also builds

There isn’t a manual on how to build rapport with patients. Some techniques will
come easier to you than others. Practice each of these 7 ways to build rapport and
choose the ones that come most naturally to you in your daily practice.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the statement carefully. Supply the missing word/words in the blank to
make the statement complete and correct. Choose your answer from the words inside the
box. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

 Trust  Intentional thought  Challenging

 Rapport  Nonthreatening posture  Eye contact
 Respond  Patient outcomes
 Puberty  Empathetic nurse

___________ 1. Most difficult behavior is accidental but can also be a result of
___________ 2. Use of warm loving voice because children won’t only ___________ to the
words you say, they also respond to the way you say them.
___________ 3. Hormonal changes may cause aggression during ___________.
___________ 4. Effective communication skills are essential when dealing with situations
that are complex, sensitive, abusive or ___________.
___________ 5. Maintaining a calm, outward composure, a ___________ and using a soft
but assertive tone of voice can help diffuse difficult situation.
___________ 6. One study found good communication to be key factor in improving
___________ 7. The ___________ communicates care and compassion.
___________ 8. Maintaining ___________ communicates care and compassion.
___________ 9. You can build ___________ using the patient’s communication preferences
and current health situation.
___________ 10. Keeping your word with patients not only build rapport, it also builds


What I Can Do

Directions: Answer the following question. Choose your answer from the option given. Write
your answer in your activity notebook.

1. What will be your best suggestion to the family with an old man having a sexually
inappropriate behavior due to Alzheimer’s disease?
A. Provide a patient’s counselling.
B. Bring the patient to a psychiatrist.
C. Avoid negative discussion with the patient.
D. Provide a male caregiver for a male patient.

2. How will you address challenging behaviors of a patient with dementia?

A. Let them tell a story about his life experiences.
B. Share your personal problem to the client.
C. Always remind the patient about the past.
D. Explain why a behavior is not okay.

3. In dealing patient with problematic and aggressive language, what will be your best
A. Protect yourself from incoming injury
B. Remove all sharp objects and glasses inside the patient’s room
C. Be aware of body language and tone of his voice when giving answer

4. As a care worker/caregiver you spend a great deal of time with your patients. Be
genuinely interested in him/her, engage the sick person in conversation whenever
you see the need for it. This is the way of building rapport through ___________.
A. Gentleness
B. Tactfulness
C. Good conversationalist
D. Sympathetic and understanding

5. An ill person usually becomes touchy or irritable. This is because the sick person is
easily affected by things, if this will happen, what will you do as her caregiver?
A. Keep calm
B. Call for help
C. Leave the person to calm down
D. Respond with empathy


Post Test
Multiple Choice: Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer
from the options given below. Write capital letter for your answer. Write it in your activity
1. What is defined as culturally abnormal behaviors of such intensity, frequency of

duration that the physical safety of the person or others is placed in a serious
A. Good manners
B. Right conduct
C. Challenging behavior
D. Withdrawn behavior

2. This behavior is likely to seriously limit or deny access to the use of ordinary.
A. Challenging behavior
B. Withdrawn behavior
C. Right conduct
D. Good manners

3. This is essentially inhibits the performance of others.

A. Difficult situation
B. Difficult behavior
C. Challenging behavior
D. Ordinary behavior

4. It is the accidental, but can also be the result of intentional thought

A. Most difficult behavior
B. Most troubled situation
C. Most miserable condition
D. Most negative approach

5. How do you manage patients with challenging behavior?
A. Call 911
B. Call your neighbour
C. Call their family
D. Call for help

6. Which of the following is the first thing to do when challenging behavior happens?
A. Keep calm
B. Call for help
C. Respond with empathy
D. Back off where possible

7. Which of the following is not used to manage patients with challenging behavior?
A. Back off where possible
B. Leave the person to calm down, if possible
C. Remove others from the environment, if possible
D. Provide him/her a cold drinks/juice to calm

8. Which of the following is not used to address challenging behavior?

A. Bring him/her to the nearest psychologist in the locality
B. Practice positive language
C. Explain why a behavior is not okay
D. Allow them to make some good choices

9. The most effective way to address challenging behavior positively.

A. Respond with empathy FOR VALIDATION

B. Allow to make some choices

C. Practice positive language
D. Use a warm loving voice

10. How will you protect yourself from being affected with the patient challenging
A. Simply follow his command.
B. Shout him to stop doing bad.
C. Give him a bottle of wine to make him fall asleep.
D. Use words, hugs and speak with loving voice to calm down.

11. Why will challenging behavior happen?

A. No friend left
B. Feeling unwell or in pain
C. Far away from family members
D. It is his/her normal attitude

12. There is no class on how to build this with patients, this skill is only learned through
A. Relation
B. Respect
C. Rapport
D. Respond

13. Which of the following connects you to your patients an can improve patient care?
A. Eye contact
B. Rapport
C. Empathy
D. Body language

14. When speaking to person with challenging behavior, you must ______________.
A. Be aware of body language and tone of voice used to the person.
B. Be alert and talk only when given the chance to talk.
C. Allow their family to help them calm down.
D. Listen to their story but make sure not to give comments,

15. Which of the following will cause a challenging behavior?

A. Success in life
B. Interests from business
C. Love of friends and family
D. Feeling upset or distressed about something, perhaps a change in routine.

Additional Activities

Directions: Give at least three challenging behaviors you had noticed in some of your family
members and friends. Write your answer in your activity notebook and submit it next


Lesson Apply Basic First Aid (BA) Assess the

3 Situation

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

a. Define hazard, risks and vital signs
b. Discuss first aid principles
c. Demonstrate vital signs taking.

What I Know

Pre Test
Multiple Choice: Read the statement/questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the options given. Write capital letter for your answer. Write it in your activity
1. It is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury with care
provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening and promote
A. First aid C. Social amelioration
B. Phil health D. Financial assistance

2. According to Dong Hubbard (2009) it is a state of uncertainty where some outcome

have undesired effect or significant loss.
A. Hazard B. Risk C. Accident D. Incident

3. It is anything that may cause harm. It is source of potential damage, harm or adverse
health effects on something or someone.
A. Accident B. Hazard C. Harassment D. Incident


4. It is an unpleasant event which happens suddenly and harms someone health.

A. Risk B. Accident C. Hazard D. Incident

5. It is an outward clue to what is going on inside the human body.

A. Vital sign C. Heart rate
B. Blood pressure D. Body temperature

6. Temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure are called ____________.

A. Circulatory system
B. Systole
C. Vital signs
D. Diastole

7. These are taken and recorded according to the client’s plan of care.
A. Vital signs
B. Medicine to be given
C. Patient’s history
D. Patient’s problem

8. The electronic thermometer remains in place until __________ sound is heard, about
two to three minutes.
A. Sweet B. Roaring C. Loud D. Beeping

9. This thermometer is never to be used in taking temperature in mouth.
A. Glass thermometer
B. Axilliary thermometer
C. Electronic thermometer
D. Rectal thermometer

10. Which of the following is an important way to observe the clients response to illness
and treatment?
A. Measuring body fluids
B. Measuring circulatory system
C. Measuring respiratory system
D. Measuring body temperature

11. What do you call the act of inhaling oxygen and inhaling carbon dioxide?
A. Circulation B. Breathing C. Pumping D. Respiration

12. Which of the following will be caused by the beating of the heart, with each beat the
heart forces blood to flow out through the arteries of the body?
A. Pulse B. Breath C. Inhalation D. Pain

13. It is the force of the blood that pushes against the wall of the blood vessels.
A. Blood pressure C. Diastolic pressure
B. Systolic pressure D. Temperature pressure

14. What is the normal blood pressure? FOR VALIDATION

A. 130/80 – 50/80 mmHg

B. 120/80 -130/80 mmHg
C. 100/80 -140/80 mmHg
D. 140/80 – 150/90 mmHg

15. Is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.
A. Heart B. Brain C. Lungs D. Liver

What’s In

Activity 1.1
Directions: Match the items in column A with their description in column B. Write capital
letter for your choice in your activity notebook.
Column A Column B
1. Continue CPR A. Average normal body temperature
2. Fingers B. Use when finding pulse
3. Head-tilt, chin lift C. Immediate care of an injured/sick
4. Before starting CPR D. This could include the use of

5. Calm and controlled first aider E. Ask loudly, “are you okay?”
6. Poison is in the eye F. Give everyone confidence, the event
is being handled efficiently and
7. ABC’s G. Flush skin with water for 15 minutes
8. Provide pain relief H. Use to open airways
9. First aid I. Check the victim’s airway, breathing
and circulation
10. 98.6 F / 37 C J. Until there are signs of movement or
emergency medical take over

What’s New

What is first aid?

First aid is the immediate care of an injured of suddenly sick person. It is the care a person
applies as soon as possible after an incident of sudden illness.

This prompt care and attention prior to the arrival of the ambulance can sometimes mean the
difference between life and death of between a full or partial recovery.

The main aims and principles of first aid are to:


1. Preserve life – this includes the life of the casualty, bystander and rescuer.
2. Protect the casualty from further harm – ensure the scene is safe.
3. Provide pain relief – this could include the use of ice packs or simply applying a sling.
4. Prevent the injury or illness from becoming worse – ensure the treatment you provide
does not make the condition worse.
5. Provide reassurance.

Immediate action
Taking immediate action is the essential principle in the first aid. Bystander of relatives may
not recognise the basic symptoms of an injury or illness and may wait hours before calling
for help. Often people are worried about “doing the wrong thing”, so don’t attempt any first
aid at all. If a person is sick or injured, then they need help and they need help and they
need it immediately.

A casualty who is not breathing effectively or is bleeding heavily, requires immediate

assistance. Prompt effective first aid gives the casualty a much better chance of a good

It is important that prompt action does not lead to panic and the first aider should form a plan
of action. Careful and deliberate action undertaken without too much delay is most beneficial
to the casualty. Try to remain calm and thing your actions through. A calm and controlled
first aider will give everyone confidence the event is being handled efficiently and effectively.

What is It

What are 7 vital signs?

Vital Signs

 Introduction. Vital sign assessment includes heart rate, respiratory rate, blood
pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory effort, capillary refill time and temperature,
 Heart rate,
 Respiratory rate and Respiratory Effort
 Blood pressure
 Temperature
 Oral
 Rectal
 Rectal
 Axillary

What is the most important vital sign?

Early Sense’s continuous monitoring system tracks both heart rate and respiratory

rate, the two most important vital signs predictions, April 5, 2018.

What’s More

Ten Principles of First Aid You Need to Know

1. Don’t panic. Panic clouds thinking and causes mistakes. When I was an intern and
learning what to do when confronted with an unresponsive patient, a wise resident
advised me when entering a “code blue” situation to always “take my own pulse first.”
In other words, I needed to calm myself before attempting to intervene. It’s far easier
to do this when you know what you’re doing, but even if you encountered a situation
for which you are unprepared, there’s usually some good you can do. Focus on that
rather than on allowing yourself an unhelpful emotional response. You can let
yourself feel whatever you need to feel later when you’re no longer needed.

2. First, do no harm. This doesn’t mean do nothing. It means make sure that if you’re
going to do something you’re confident it won’t make matters worse. If you’re not
sure about the risk of harm of a particular intervention, don’t do it. So don’t move a
trauma victim, especially an unconscious one, unless not moving them puts them at
great risk (and by the way, cars rarely explode). Don’t move embedded object (like
knife or nail) as you may precipitate more harm (e.g. increased bleeding). And if
there’s nothing you can think to do yourself, you can always call for help. In fact, if

you’re alone and your only means to do that is to leave the victim, then leave the

3. CPR can be life-sustaining. But most people do it wrong. First, studies suggest no
survival advantage when bystander deliver breaths to victim compared to when they
only do chest compressions. Second, most people don’t compress deeply enough or
perform compressions quickly enough. You really need to indent the chest and
should aim for 100 compressions per minute. That’s more than one compression per
second. If you’re doing it right, CPR should wear you out. Also, know that CPR
doesn’t reverse ventricular fibrillation, the most common cause of unconsciousness is
a patient suffering from a heart attack. Either electricity (meaning defibrillation) or
medication is required for that. But CPR is a bridge that keeps vital organs
oxygenated until paramedics arrive. Which is why …

4. Time counts. The technology we now have to treat two of the most common and
devastating medical problems in America, heart attacks and strokes, has evolved to
an amazing degree, but patients often do poorly because they don’t gain access to
that technology in time. The risk of dying from a heart attack, for example, is greatest
at the first 30 minutes after symptoms begin. By the time most people even admit
themselves the chest pain they’re feeling could be related to their heart, they’ve
usually passed that critical juncture. If you or someone you know has risk factors for
heart disease and starts experiencing chest pain, resist the urge to write it off. Get to
the nearest emergency room as quickly as you can. If someone develops focal
weakness of their face, legs, or arms, or difficulty with speech or smiling, they may be
having a stroke, which represents a true emergency. Current protocols for treatment
depend on the length of time symptoms have been present. The shorter that time,
the more likely the best therapies can be applied.
5. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide on cuts or open wounds. It’s more irritation to the
tissue than it is helpful. Soap and water and some kind of bandage are best.

6. When someone passes out but continues breathing and has a good pulse, the two
most useful piece of information to help doctors figure out what happened are 1) the
pulse rate, and 2) the length of time it takes for consciousness to return.

7. High blood pressure is rarely acutely dangerous. First, high blood pressure is a
normal and appropriate response to exercise, stress, fear, and pain. Many patients
for high blood pressure begin panicking when their readings start to come higher. But
the damage high blood pressure does to human body takes place over years to
decades. There is such a thing as hypertensive emergency, when the pressure is
higher than around 200/120, but it’s not quite rare to see readings that high, and
even then, in the absence of symptoms (headache, visual disturbances, nausea,
confusion) it’s considered a hypertensive emergency, meaning you have 24 hours to
get the pressure down before you get into trouble.

8. If a person can talk or cough, their airway is open. Meaning they’re not choking.
Don’t Heimlich someone who says to you “I’m choking”.

9. Most seizures are not emergencies. The greatest danger posed to someone
having a seizure in injury from unrestrained forceful muscular contractions. Don’t
attempt to move a seizing person’s tongue. Don’t worry- they won’t swallow it. Move
any objects on which they may hurt themselves away from the area (including
glasses from their head) and time the seizure. A true seizure is often followed by a
period of confusion called “post ictal confusion.” Your reassurance during this period
that they’re okay is the appropriate therapy.

10. Drowning doesn’t look like what you think it does. For one thing, drowning
people are physiologically incapable of crying for help. In fact, someone actually
drowning is usually barely moving at all.


What I Have Learned

Fill in the blank:

Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or group of words to make the statement complete.
. Choose your answer from the box. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Cuts Pain
Choking True emergency
Oxygenated Mistake
Heart attack Minute
First aid Crying

___________1. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide on ___________ or open wounds.

___________2. High blood pressure is a normal and appropriate response to exercise,
stress, fear and ___________.
___________3. Drowning people are physiologically incapable of ___________ for help.

___________4. If a person can talk or cough, their airway is open, meaning they’re not
___________5. If someone develops focal weaknesses of their face, legs, or arms or
difficulty with speech or smiling, they may be having a stroke, which represents a
___________6. CPR is a bridge that keeps vital organs ___________.
___________7. Panic clouds thinking and causes ___________.
___________8. The most common cause of unconsciousness is a patient suffering from a
___________9. In performing CPR we really need to indent the chest and should aim for
100 compressions per ___________.
___________10. ___________is the immediate care given to an cutely injured or ill person.

What I Can Do

Why remember to spell C – A – B?

 This will help to remember the order to perform the steps in CPR.

C – Compression
A – Airway
B – Breathing

Direction: Rearrange the rambled steps to perform compression or to restore blood
circulation. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Compression: Restore blood circulation

Place the heel of one hand over the

center of the person’s chest, between
the nipples. Place your other hand on
the top of the first hand. Keep your
elbows straight and position your
shoulders directly above your hands.

Use your upper body weight (not just

your arms) as you push straight down
Chest compressions on (compress) the chest at least 2
inches (approximately 5 centimeters) but not
greater than 2.4 inches (approximately 6 centimeters).
Push hard at a rate of 100 to 120
compressions a minute.

Kneel next to the person’s neck and shoulders.

If you haven’t been trained in CPR, continue chest compressions until there are signs
of movement or until emergency medical personnel take over. If you have been
trained in CPR, go on to opening the airway and rescue breathing.

Put the person on his or her back on a firm surface.


Post Test
Multiple Choice: Read the statement/questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the options given. Write capital letter for your answer. Write it in your activity
1. It is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury with care
provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening and promote
A. First aid C. Social amelioration
B. Phil health D. Financial assistance

2. According to Dong Hubbard (2009) it is a state of uncertainty where some outcome

have undesired effect or significant loss.
A. Hazard B. Risk C. Accident D. Incident

3. It is anything that may cause harm. It is source of potential damage, harm or adverse
health effects on something or someone.
A. Accident B. Hazard C. Harassment D. Incident

4. It is an unpleasant event which happens suddenly and harms someone health.

A. Risk B. Accident C. Hazard D. Incident

5. It is an outward clue to what is going on inside the human body.

A. Vital sign C. Heart rate
B. Blood pressure D. Body temperature

6. Temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure are called ____________.

A. Circulatory system
B. Systole
C. Vital signs
D. Diastole

7. These are taken and recorded according to the client’s plan of care.

A. Vital signs
B. Medicine to be given
C. Patient’s history
D. Patient’s problem

8. The electronic thermometer remains in place until __________ sound is heard, about
two to three minutes.
A. Sweet B. Roaring C. Loud D. Beeping

9. This thermometer is never to be used in taking temperature in mouth.

A. Glass thermometer
B. Axilliary thermometer
C. Electronic thermometer
D. Rectal thermometer

10. Which of the following is an important way to observe the clients response to illness
and treatment?
A. Measuring body fluids
B. Measuring circulatory system
C. Measuring respiratory system
D. Measuring body temperature

11. What do you call the act of inhaling oxygen and inhaling carbon dioxide?
A. Circulation B. Breathing C. Pumping D. Respiration


12. Which of the following will be caused by the beating of the heart, with each beat the
heart forces blood to flow out through the arteries of the body?
A. Pulse B. Breath C. Inhalation D. Pain

13. It is the force of the blood that pushes against the wall of the blood vessels.
A. Blood pressure C. Diastolic pressure
B. Systolic pressure D. Temperature pressure

14. What is the normal blood pressure?

A. 130/80 – 50/80 mmHg
B. 120/80 -130/80 mmHg
C. 100/80 -140/80 mmHg
D. 140/80 – 150/90 mmHg

15. Is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the arteries to all parts of the body.
A. Heart B. Brain C. Lungs D. Liver

Additional Activities

How will you open the airway? Write the procedure from narrative format to standard format.
Write it in your activity notebook.

 If you’re trained in CPR and you’ve performed 30 chest compressions, open the
person’s airway using head-tilt, chin lift maneuver. Put your palm on the person’s
forehead and gently tilt the head back. Then with the other hand, gently lift the chin
forward to open airway.

Answer Key

Lesson 1



Lesson 2

Lesson 3























HLTIN30IC comply with infection control policies and procedures Australian Government

Employment and Workplace Relations Department of Education Approved Commonwealth

of Australia, 2012 Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council


Institutional policies procedures and strategies in dealing with difficult and challenging
behaviour – Google Search



why is it important to identify and address challenging behaviours – Google Search












For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Lanaodel Norte

Office Address:Gov. A. QuibranzaProv’l. Gov’t. Compound,
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