Floating Rate Saving Bond
Floating Rate Saving Bond
Floating Rate Saving Bond
Date of receipt of Date of realization of Date of transfer to Full Address of the Branch Any other information
Application funds Link Cell
Telephones (Mobile/Residence):
Email Address:
Telephones (Mobile/Residence):
Email Address:
Other Details
Investment Details* CREDIT TO EXISTING BLA No. _______________________ / OPEN A NEW BLA @
Mode of Investment* CASH (up to Rs.20,000/- only) CHEQUE DEMAND DRAFT ELECTRONIC CREDIT
Investment Amount (In figures) Rs. _____________________________________ (In words) Rupees ________________________________________
Holder Name:
Bank Name:
Branch Name /
MICR Code of
the Bank &
Branch Account No.:
IFSC Code: Account Type* SB Current
(Please attach a photocopy of the Cheque leaf or a cancelled cheque issued to you by the bank for verification of the Code number)
Nominee details- Nomination Form (as applicable) may be filled and submitted along with the application form.
Declaration: I/We hereby declare and undertake that (i) the information furnished in this application form is correct and complete. If the transaction is
delayed at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold the user institution responsible. (ii) I have read and understood the
details of information for the investors as well as rights and duties of investors (copy attached).The agent/bank has explained the features of the
scheme.(iii) I hereby agree to discharge the responsibility expected of me as a participant under the scheme.
Declaration regarding Income Tax exemption, if any – (Please strike out if not applicable)
I have obtained Income Tax exemption from Income Tax Authorities under the provision _______of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and am submitting a true
copy of the certificate along with the application form.
Date: ________________________________________________
Name Name
Address Address
Signature Signature
I,______________________________________,residing at the address given against First Applicant, do solemnly affirm that I am the Karta of the Hindu
Undivided Family and as such have full powers to deal in the Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable),
Specimen signature for and on behalf of the HUF (name of the HUF) _____________________________
Date: ____________________________________ Place: _________________________________________________ (Signature of the Karta with seal of HUF)
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Annexure 4. Form - ‘C’
Instructions – The Nomination and its Cancellation shall be governed by the provisions of the Government Securities Act, 2006 (38 of 2006) and the
Government Securities Regulation, 2007, published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India dated December 1, 2007.
To be filled in case if nominee is minor: As________________________________________________________ the sole nominee above is a minor on
this date, I/We appoint Shri/Smt./Kum _______________________________________to receive the amount for the time being due to the above
BLA/specified investment in the event of my/our death during the minority of the said nominee_____________________________________________
If the nomination is in substitution of the one already made: This nomination is in substitution of the nomination dated_____________________
made by me/us and registered on your books at………………………..which shall stand cancelled on registration of this nomination.
1_____________________________________________________________ 2______________________________________________________________
We acknowledge having registered the nomination made by _____________________________________ in respect of FRSB 2020 (T) in favour
of________________________ (Name of nominees) for the BLA No____________________for the all the investments under the BLA / specified
investment ________________________ and the nomination registration no. is_________________________. Please quote the above nomination
registration no. in all communication pertaining to change or cancellation of nomination.
Date : ____________________________________
Branch :___________________________________
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INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS IN Floating Rate Savings Bonds, 2020 (Taxable)
Government of India had introduced Floating Rate Savings Bonds, 2020 (Taxable)vide their notification No. F.No.4(10)-B(W&M)/2020 dated June 26,
2020. The main features of the Scheme are as under:
1. Category of Resident Individual, HUF. Non-Resident Indians (NRI)s are not eligible to invest in
Investor these bonds.
3. Date of Issue Date of receipt of subscription in cash (up to `20,000/- only), or date of ---
of bonds realization of cheque /draft/ funds.
4. Forms of Electronic form held in the Bond Ledger Account. Bond Ledger Account will be opened by the Receiving
Bonds Office in the name of investor/s.
5. Interest (i) Interest is payable semi-annually from the date of issue of bonds, up Half-yearly interest is payable on 1st January / 1st July.
to 30th June / 31st December as the case may be, and thereafter The coupon on 1st January 2021 shall be paid at 7.15%.
half-yearly for period ending 30th June and 31st December on 1st July
and 1st January respectively.
(ii) The coupon rate payable for next half-year would be reset on
1st January 2021 and thereafter, every 1st July and 1st January.
7. Bank It is mandatory for the investor/s to provide bank account details to ---
account facilitate payment of interest /maturity value directly to his/her/their
bank account.
8. Tax benefits Income from the bonds is taxable. Tax will be deducted at source while interest is paid.
If an exemption under the relevant provisions of the
Income Tax Act,1961 is obtained, it may be declared in
the Application Form.
9. Nomination The sole Holder or all the joint holders may nominate one or more ---
Facility persons as nominee in accordance with the provisions of the
Government Securities Act, 2006 (38 of 2006) and the Government
Securities Regulation, 2007, published in Part III, Section 4 of the
Gazette of India dated December 1, 2007.
11. Premature Facility is available to the eligible investors after Lock in period of 4, 5, Penalty charges @ 50% of last coupon payment.
redemption and 6 years in the age bracket of 80 years and above, between 70 to
80 years and 60 to 70 years respectively
12. Transferability The bonds are not transferable. Transferability is limited to nominee(s)/legal heir in case
of death of holder.
13. Tradability / The bonds are not tradable in the secondary market and also not ---
Advances eligible as collateral for availing loans.
14. Application Available at designated branches of SBI, 11 Nationalised Banks and 4 ---
forms Private Sector Banks.
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I) POST MATURITY INTEREST IS NOT PAYABLE ON THESE BONDS. The interest and redemption proceeds will be credited on the due date as per
bank details registered with us.
J) Indicate your date of birth / age.
K) Provide your correct bank account details for receiving payment through electronic mode. In case of closure/transfer of the bank account, the fresh
details may be immediately intimated to the Receiving Office to avoid any inconvenience.
L) Any information regarding tax applicability may be provided to the bank/branch.
a) The Certificate of Holding will be issued in electronic form within 7 working days from the date of tender of application.
b) The interest on the bond accrues from the date of receipt of funds/realization of cheque/draft and will be credited to the bank account of the holder
directly, as per the details provided by him/her in the application form.
c) The interest will be paid semi-annually and credited to the investors account every 01 January and 01 July with last installment on date of redemption.
d) Maturity intimation advice will be issued one month before the due date of the bond.
e) Application forms for investments, redemption, nomination etc., in respect of Savings Bonds shall be available on the websites of Receiving Offices.
f) A sole holder or all the joint holders may nominate one or more nominees to the rights of the bonds.Nonresident Indians can also be nominated.
g) The investor(s) can make separate nomination for each investment held under the BLA.
h) The nomination will be registered at the Office of Issue and an acknowledgement of Registration will be issued to the holder.
i) The nomination can be varied by registering a fresh nomination.
j) The existing nomination can be cancelled by a request to the Office of Issue.
k) The redemption is due on expiry of seven years from the date of investment, unless applied for premature redemption as applicable.
l) Premature redemption facility is allowed with certain conditions.
m) Investors are entitled for compensation for delayed payments at the applicable coupon rate.
In case the issuing bank does not comply with the above, you may lodge a complaint in writing in the form provided at the counter of the bank and address the same to
the nearest office of Reserve Bank of India, as under:
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Acknowledgement of Application Form
Application Number:
Savings Bonds, 2020 (Taxable) for a period of 7 years, of the nominal value of `……………...............................................................………..………….
Note : (i) This receipt is valid subject to realisation of the payment instrument.
(ii) The "Certificate of Holding" will be issued in electronic form by __________________________ (date).
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