A Pointing Error Analysis Model For Large Reflector Antennas Under Wind Disturbance
A Pointing Error Analysis Model For Large Reflector Antennas Under Wind Disturbance
A Pointing Error Analysis Model For Large Reflector Antennas Under Wind Disturbance
Large reflector antennas have been widely used in extensive researches, including satellite communications, detection of
gravitational waves, origin of galaxies, and so on. With increasing in the diameter and the working frequency of these
antennas, the requirement for pointing accuracy becomes more demanding simultaneously. However, wind disturbance
has serious impacts on the pointing accuracy of antennas, which makes it be a severe challenge to the development of
large antennas. To reduce the influence of wind disturbances on pointing accuracy, it is important to construct an
accurate model for estimating the pointing error caused by wind. The traditional modeling method focuses on treating
the wind disturbance as a torque on the motor output, whilst ignoring the oscillations of flexible structures caused by the
wind pressure, so the pointing error caused by structural deformation cannot be estimated which lead to a limitation of
compensation effect. In this article, based on an entire working condition dynamic model (EWCDM), a pointing error
analytical model is proposed to estimate the pointing error caused by deformation of the antenna structure. A series of
simulations and tests are carried out on an antenna with a diameter of 7.3 m. The results prove the feasibility of the
proposed model.
Reflector antennas, pointing accuracy, wind disturbance, dynamic model, analytical model
speed loop. The first equivalent method was based on vibration of the reflector,12 and it cannot estimate the
the finite element model of antenna, which could not be pointing error caused by the deformation of the reflec-
directly used in the controller design; the latter two tor. The finite model was used to determine the deform-
methods are mainly used in antenna design stage, and ation of the structure under wind load, but it cannot be
they are useful in analyzing wind disturbance effects of used in designing the controller directly.13 To analyzing
the servo system. For reflector antennas with diameters the pointing error caused by wind accurately, the first
of 34 m and 70 m, the influence of pointing perform- step is to establish a dynamic model for assessing the
ance from the gain of the controller has been discussed, deformation of the antenna structure. After obtaining
and the results indicate that increasing the gain would few modal transition functions, the EWCDM was
reduce the rise time, shorten the settling time, increase derived based on the modal superposition, and the
the overshoot, improve the closed-loop bandwidth, deformation of the antenna structure could be
and reduce the pointing error caused by wind.5 A described under different operating conditions.
50 m antenna combined different control methods
comprising proportional–integral–derivative (PID) The dynamic model based on the modal
and linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) controllers in
superposition method
current, velocity, and position loops were compared.
The results show that LQG controller significantly out- As shown in Figure 1, the antenna structure was
performed PID controllers in reducing pointing errors deformed under wind load, and the nodes of the
caused by wind gusts.6,7 The flexible deformations in reflector would produce some displacements. After
the antenna structure were estimated by performing obtaining the distribution of wind load on the reflec-
finite element analysis, and the antenna performance tor, the dynamic model could be expressed as follow
was analyzed on the basis of electromechanical cou-
pling model.8,9 A uniform load of wind disturbance X
was applied on reflector surface. The antenna pointing Mq þ Dq_ þ Kq ¼ ðBodi fdi þ Boli fli þ Bosi fsi Þ ð1Þ
error was determined by analyzing the dynamic model,
and an active compensation mechanism was designed y ¼ Coq q ð2Þ
to effectively reduce pointing error.10,11
Without considering the deformation of the _ and q€ are the nodal displacement, velocity,
where q, q,
antenna structure, the servo error caused by wind and acceleration vectors, respectively; fdi , fli , and fsi
was effectively reduced by using optimal control are the inputs of the equivalent wind pressure in dif-
methods. Although a few methods consider the ferent directions of different parts of the reflector; s is
deformation of the antenna structure, these methods the number of reflector partitions; Bodi , Boli , and Bosi
cannot be used directly in controllers nor are they are the corresponding input matrixes that provide the
accurate enough to estimate the pointing error position of the force action; y is the output vector; M,
under different operating conditions. Meanwhile, the D, and K are the mass, damping, and stiffness matri-
requirement of pointing accuracy is more demanding ces, respectively; Coq is the output matrix that pro-
and the vibration of the antenna structure is more vides the position of the out point.
obvious, especially for those antennas with low nat- A variable qm was introduced to express the struc-
ural frequency and constructed without a radome. ture in modal coordinates; this variable is referred as
Hence, it is an urgent need to propose a method the modal displacement, and it satisfies the following
for analyzing the pointing error caused by wind equation
A new model was proposed to estimate the point- q ¼ qm ð3Þ
ing error, and a detailed study of this method is pre-
sented in this paper. An entire working condition where is the matrix of modal shape defined as
dynamic model (EWCDM) of the antenna structure follows
is derived in the Entire working condition dynamic 2 3
u11 u21 . . . un1
model section 2. An approximate model based on
6u 7
the geometric algorithm was used to analyze the 6 12 u22 . . . un2 7
6 7
pointing error caused by reflector deformation in 6 ... ... ... ... 7
U ¼ ½ u1 u2 . . . un ¼ 6 7
the Pointing error analytical model section. Based 7
6 u1k u2k . . . unk 7
on the simulation of an analytical example explained 6 7
4 ... ... ... ... 5
in the Model application section, conclusions are pre-
u1nd u2nd . . . unnd
sented in the last section.
where un is the nth order of modal shape, and unnd
Entire working condition dynamic model represents the component with the node number nd .
The rigid model was usually used in antenna pointing Here, n is the order of modes and nd represents the
control system. This model cannot describe flexible number of nodes.
Zhang et al. 3
By substituting equation (3) into equations (1) and Ignoring the damping, Mm and Km are satisfied
(2) and left multiplying by T , the dynamic model with the following equations under free vibration
could be expressed as follow
X2 ¼ M1
m Km ð11Þ
Mm q€ m þ Dm q_ m þ Km qm
2 3
X s
ð5Þ !1 0 . . . 0
¼ ðUT Bodi fdi þ UT Boli fli þ UT Bosi fsi Þ 6 0 ! ... 0 7
6 2 7
i¼1 X¼6 7 ð12Þ
4... ... ... ...5
y ¼ Coq Uqm ð6Þ 0 0 ... !n
In this expression, mass, damping, and stiffness where X is the natural frequencies matrix, and !i is
matrices are transformed into modal mass matrix the natural frequency of the ith order.
(Mm ), modal damping matrix (Dm ), and modal stiff-
ness matrix (Km ), respectively.
Modal transition function
Mm ¼ T M ð7Þ From the aforementioned modeling process, a
dynamic model was developed by the modal mass,
damping, and stiffness matrices. In these matrices,
Km ¼ T K ð8Þ the corresponding parameters always changed accord-
ing to the elevation angle under different working con-
ditions, so it was necessary to find a way to express
Dm ¼ T D ð9Þ these changes. The modal transition function was
The damping matrix could be obtained by the fol- Despite changes in the elevation angle, the top-
lowing equation ology structure shape and the connection do not
change; therefore, it is only a movement of the natural
D ¼ 1 K þ 2 M ð10Þ frequency values and the vibration amplitude; the
low-level modes still vibrate in the same modal
where 1 and 2 are the Rayleigh damping scale shape in different elevation angles. Moreover, the
coefficients. characteristics of wind spectrum are mainly associated
4 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)
Here eeli and keli are the kinetic energy and modal ð20Þ
stiffness with the same modal shape in different eleva-
tion angles, respectively; e0m , k0m , and ’0a are the ds1
ds2 ¼ ð21Þ
corresponding values of the benchmark angle. Ma
After obtaining the modal mass, damping, and
stiffness matrices in different elevation angles, Ma ¼ ð22Þ
EWCDM could be expressed as L3
Melm q€ m þ Delm q_m þ Kelm qm where L1 is the distance between points B and N; Ma
X s
ð17Þ is the multiplying factor; and L3 is the distance
¼ ðUTel Bodi fdi þ UTel Boli fli þ UTel Bosi fsi Þ between points N0 and F. By omitting the vertex dis-
i¼1 placement of the paraboloid along the W axis, the
Zhang et al. 5
By numerical calculation, the CFD model is used compliant with a real antenna, and some analytical
to analyze wind pressure distribution on the reflector; results indicate that the proposed model is effective.
it consists of the main reflector, feed and sub-reflector; Next, it is explained in detail.
the finite element model is used to derive mode infor-
mation of different vibration shape, which lays a
Numerical calculation
foundation for the modal transition function. What
is more, some tests are used to prove that the finite The wind pressure on the pillar-mount and the central
element model of the antenna (7.3 m diameter) was hub is not considered because they have large stiffness
Figure 7. Main vibration shape of the structure. (a) First order; (b) second order; (c) third order; (d) fourth order; (e) fifth order.
8 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)
Order of modal
Modal shape Elevation angle ( ) Natural frequency (Hz) Kinetic energy (J) shape
and small windward area. As shown in Figure 4, the As shown in Figure 5, fluid dynamics was analyzed
reflector model was divided into 38 parts; it comprised using CFD software (ANSYS Fluent); wind pressure
of four parts from the feed, four parts from the sub- coefficient in a different direction of different share
reflector, and 30 parts from the main reflector. was obtained. Then, by giving a wind speed, the
wind force in different direction of each part,
fdi , fli , fsi , could be estimated. Figure 6 illustrates the
definition of wind direction wd and the elevation
angle el .
The antenna structural model contains the pillar-
mount, the central hub, and the reflector, most of
whose materials are steel; however, the reflector is
made from aluminum for the light weight. The finite
model of the antenna is built by using ANSYS 17.2.
It consists of 18,414 elements and 19,483 nodes, and
applying fixed constraints at the bottom of the struc-
ture, the simulating is the nearest the actual condition.
Because the frequency of the dynamic vibration
caused by wind is usually within 20 Hz, the frequency
range of the analysis is also set to 20 Hz. After per-
forming mode analysis, it determines the natural fre-
Figure 8. The Modal Assurance Criterion value between two quency, modal mass, kinetic energy, and the modal
model orders. shape of different order in different elevation angles
Figure 9. Test vibration shapes of the structure. (a) First order; (b) second order; (c) third order; (d) fourth order; (e) fifth order.
10 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)
from 0 to 90 at a periodic interval angle (every 10 ). same. However, the value of which order is smaller
Figure 7 illustrates that there are five main vibration than 0.4 could be considered that the two model
shapes of this structure: they are the main reflector orders are with different model shape.
vibrating in azimuth direction as shown in
Figure 7(a), the main reflector vibrating in elevation
Experimental testing
direction as shown in Figure 7(b), the main reflector
vibrating around its focal axis as shown in Figure 7(c), These tests were conducted by loading impulse loads
the sub-reflector vibrating around its focal axis as onto the actual antenna, and 58 accelerometer sensors
shown in Figure 7(d), and the sub-reflector vibrating were placed on the structure. Using modal analyzer,
in azimuth direction as shown in Figure 7(e). The par- natural frequencies of different vibration shapes were
ameters are listed in Table 1. calculated, and the results were compared with those
Using Modal Assurance Criterion which relates of the finite element model with the same vibration
two sets of eigenvectors, the results could be seen as shape. As shown in Figure 9, test vibration shapes of
in Figure 8. The values represent the relevance the structure were depicted using modal test system;
between two model orders; the higher the value, the the shapes are same as those obtained by analyzing
stronger the relevance. The specific values are listed in finite element model. Table 2 presents the comparison
the following table. When the diagonal value is equal of natural frequencies between the test and analysis;
to 1, the order shape of the two models would be the the maximum relative error is about 27.3%.
1st vibration shape (Hz) 2nd vibration shape (Hz) 3rd vibration shape (Hz) 4th vibration shape (Hz) 5th vibration shape (Hz)
0 7.04 7.20 2.3% 7.21 8.20 13.7% 7.33 8.44 15.1% 15.61 15.74 0.8% 18.00 20.66 14.8%
10 7.45 7.14 4.2% 7.21 7.68 6.5% 7.34 8.26 12.5% 15.63 16.04 2.6% 18.77 22.54 20.1%
20 7.71 7.09 8.0% 7.13 7.70 8.0% 7.37 8.27 12.2% 15.67 16.32 4.1% 18.81 21.44 14.0%
30 7.70 7.05 8.4% 6.76 7.09 4.9% 7.38 8.14 10.3% 15.55 16.34 5.1% 18.43 20.94 13.6%
40 7.66 7.09 7.4% 6.71 6.53 2.7% 7.39 8.30 12.3% 15.47 16.35 5.7% 17.74 20.57 16.0%
50 7.55 6.95 7.9% 6.58 6.27 4.7% 7.41 8.60 16.1% 15.27 16.25 6.4% 17.03 20.22 18.7%
60 7.43 6.87 7.5% 6.50 5.67 12.8% 7.42 8.83 19.0% 14.81 16.11 8.8% 16.47 19.91 20.9%
70 7.18 6.79 5.4% 6.37 5.54 13.0% 7.42 8.97 20.9% 14.02 16.20 15.5% 16.21 19.73 21.7%
80 6.84 6.90 0.9% 6.32 4.91 22.3% 8.13 10.19 25.3% 15.64 16.12 3.1% 16.04 19.92 24.2%
90 6.64 7.01 5.6% 6.35 4.59 27.7% 9.38 11.97 27.6% 15.62 16.16 3.5% 16.00 19.51 21.9%
MRE 8.4% 27.7% 27.6% 13.5% 24.2%
Symbol Quantity Value Figure 17. The pointing performance with PID controller.
Ra () Motor resistance 0.55
La (H) Motor inductance 0.011 Under a wind with the speed of 12 m/s, when the
kb (Vs/rad) Armature constant 0.35 elevation angle is 45 and wind direction is 70 , the
km (Nm/A) Motor torque constant 1.15 pointing errors in azimuth direction are compared.
kc (V/A) Current feedback coefficient 0.55
Figure 17 shows the different pointing performances
of the antenna servo system with PID controller.
kt (Vs/rad) Velocity feedback coefficient 0.12
Without considering the structure deformation (the
Jm (Nm/s2) The inertia of the motor 0.03
feedback signal of the position loop is ), the max-
and the brake
imum pointing error (DPE) would be up to 0.012 and
kg (Nm/rad) The stiffness of the reducer 2.5 108
the RMS error was 0.0057 . But the maximum point-
N() The reducer gear ratio 354 ing error (FPE) was about 0.008 by introducing n
dt () Differentiator – into controller of the position loop, and the RMS
Ja (Nm/s2) The inertia of the 12,000 error was only 0.0034 . The RMS pointing error is
antenna structure reduced by 40.3%. Therefore, it was necessary to
build an accurate model to estimate the pointing
error caused by wind under different operating
shown in Figure 15 (PID controller is the most conditions.
common technique in engineering projects). After
obtaining the wind velocity and direction, the wind
pressure could be obtained and be used to estimate
the pointing error d , and the operation condition Structural deformation caused by wind load has been
(antenna rotation angle ) should be introduced into the main source of pointing errors, especially for those
EWCDM in real time. The architecture and param- antennas with low natural frequency. Thereby, it will
eters of the antenna drivers and rigid model are shown result in significantly decrease of electrical perform-
in Figure 16 and Table 4. ance of antenna. The traditional method analyzed
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