This document provides a template for mapping out the key elements of a research article, including the literature reviewed, research questions/hypotheses, methodology, theoretical framework, findings, and contributions. The template is intended to help researchers systematically extract and analyze the essential components of articles in a structured manner. It can also assist in identifying gaps, limitations, or areas for further inquiry to extend existing work.
This document provides a template for mapping out the key elements of a research article, including the literature reviewed, research questions/hypotheses, methodology, theoretical framework, findings, and contributions. The template is intended to help researchers systematically extract and analyze the essential components of articles in a structured manner. It can also assist in identifying gaps, limitations, or areas for further inquiry to extend existing work.
This document provides a template for mapping out the key elements of a research article, including the literature reviewed, research questions/hypotheses, methodology, theoretical framework, findings, and contributions. The template is intended to help researchers systematically extract and analyze the essential components of articles in a structured manner. It can also assist in identifying gaps, limitations, or areas for further inquiry to extend existing work.
This document provides a template for mapping out the key elements of a research article, including the literature reviewed, research questions/hypotheses, methodology, theoretical framework, findings, and contributions. The template is intended to help researchers systematically extract and analyze the essential components of articles in a structured manner. It can also assist in identifying gaps, limitations, or areas for further inquiry to extend existing work.
What distinct bodies of literature / areas of research are What issues are identified in past research? What contribution(s) does the article claim to make? What sampling method is used? What are the research questions / hypotheses? identified and analysed? Are any themes (patterns / trends) identified? In the absence of research questions or hypotheses, what Is the contribution empirical, theoretical, practical, or What are the characteristics of the sample / data? What are the key papers / studies / sources cited? Is a gap or problem with past research articulated? line of investigation or investigative focus is pursued in methodological, or are multiple contributions stated? Is the context important? Is so, what characteristics of How is the importance or significance of the gap / the article? Are benefits of the research to real world stakeholders the context are relevant to the research? problem justified? Is the value of investigating or testing the questions / described? What explanation or justification is provided for why the hypotheses discussed? gap or problem in past research should be addressed?
Methodology / Design / Methods
What methodology / design / methods are used? What principles / objectives / quality criteria / strengths / features (or other details about the methodology / design / methods) are mentioned and explained?
Theory & Concepts
What concepts and / or theories are incorporated into the research? Theory testing or theory building? What constitutes theory in the research? - Is theory represented in terms of a model, a framework, a lens, specific concepts, or a combination of these?
Problem / Phenomenon Philosophical Assumptions / Research Paradigm
What are the main phenomenon and sub-phenomena involved in the research Are philosophical assumptions or a research paradigm explicitly stated and discussed? Is the research linked to a real world problem? If so, what is it? If not, can you identify assumptions or a paradigm that are implicit within the article? Are real world stakeholders of the problem identified?
Designed by Ben Ellway @ Academic-Toolkit. CC-BY-NC-SA.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.